

2017-12-26 12页 doc 36KB 15阅读




OTC学会动销公式让动销飞起来——铺货篇OTC学会动销公式让动销飞起来——铺货篇 OTC学会动销公式让动销飞起来——铺货篇 动销=铺货率*推荐率*专业性*拜访率*活化度*促销度*客情度 记得那时我偶然一次跑药店买药,药店老板知道我是厂家的就非常热情,又是倒水、又是赐烟,然后问我:从我手上买药品可不可以,价格是不是可以便宜,如果便宜2毛钱,我就拿6件货。那时的我,一分钱也不想让利,因为思维中惯性认为,我不给你政策你反正要进货,后来谈的很投缘,给老板让利1毛钱,药店也购进了6件货,老板还诚意的感谢。 随着国家GMP改造的推进,药品生产由手工化进入全自动化时代后,药...
OTC学会动销公式让动销飞起来——铺货篇 OTC学会动销公式让动销飞起来——铺货篇 动销=铺货率*推荐率*专业性*拜访率*活化度*促销度*客情度 记得那时我偶然一次跑药店买药,药店老板知道我是厂家的就非常热情,又是倒水、又是赐烟,然后问我:从我手上买药品可不可以,价格是不是可以便宜,如果便宜2毛钱,我就拿6件货。那时的我,一分钱也不想让利,因为思维中惯性认为,我不给你政策你反正要进货,后来谈的很投缘,给老板让利1毛钱,药店也购进了6件货,老板还诚意的感谢。 随着国家GMP改造的推进,药品生产由手工化进入全自动化时代后,药品的供开始远远大于求,药店的新开家数也快速增加,厂家的竞争开始走向白日化,药店的销售模式更发生了根本的变化----平价药店的突起(代表药店南京的非常大药房,湖南的老百姓,江西开心人),将过去品牌药从价格标杆变成了特价药品,用来吸引消费者,那时的报道,不停听说药厂砸药店,代表跪求药店老板恢复价格,可厂家的努力无法阻挡此趋势,后来全国大量的药店模仿了此类成功模式,刚开始品牌药的销量大幅度增长,时间长了品牌药企业对市场零售价负毛利也麻木了,同时销量还增长也就接受了这个趋势,可随着房租的上涨,药店的门店家数增长了过去2倍数量后,药店的销售额下降,毛利也同降后,药店开始控特价药(也就是畅销药如品牌药和处方药)的销售,将特价药移到消费者不容易看到的位置,同时寻找同类品种代替,再通过加强对店员培训等手段来提升店员的推荐成功率。随着此模式的演变,在央视打广告的品牌药企业从2009年开始就真正面临销售额增长乏力的问,以至于到今天出现了三精的重组,西安杨森广告+深度分销的模式退出历史舞台。 在这几年,OTC领域真正看准医药市场走势的企业也就修正、三九、云南白药这类的企业,这三个企业由于企业的性质和产品的特征,他们创造了新的营销模式,修正开创了终端控销模式,三九开创了品牌+终端推广的营销模式,云南白药开创跨界的营销模式,在这些企业的变革中,其它的一些还是存在拒绝改变,或且说做了一些微调的策略,如:白加黑、泰诺和快克锁定终端专供大规格药品,以扩后来恩威、仁和等企业专供大规格+品种线丰富做控销的模式,如此形势下,渠道对终端的辐射力越来越弱,终端的铺货率被连锁总部的产品线策略边际化(厂家广告越打的厉害,我就降价厉害,同时采取限量、限购、断货)方式来拦截,控销的药企和个体团队又抢占单体药店的有限货架和库存,品牌药企如何破局是当今急需解决的话题,所以今天我们从动销公式的如何时提升铺货率说起,至于企业的战略我们不谈。 其实当一个药企选定了一种营销模式后,OTC代表走访药店过程中,面对客户提出的一些问题,常常是因为无法解答,才导致拜访失利。那OTC代表应该如何回应客户呢, rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 首先要分清楚客户的抗拒点:是真还是假。 如果是真的抗拒点,则要通过多次拜访,了解客户真正的需求,推进客情、增加客情去解决,这里暂不详细讲叙。假的抗拒点只是客户随意找的借口或者理由来推脱你,是在沒有了解产品、性能、服务或者利润的前提下做出的一种选择,所以还存在非常大的成交空间,只要在沟通过程中能抓住机会和妥善处理好这类的问题,做好铺货率的开发定能变得乐趣无穷。 下面铺货过程中话述的汇篇: 一、老板说:卖过,卖得不好 答:非常感谢×老板对我们产品的支持,能告诉我卖得不好的原因吗,是消费者不喜欢还是产品本身沒有吸引力,或者利润不够,或者厂家服务沒有做到位还是活化不够,或者价格高,(找到不好卖的真正原因),沒有关系,您就直接说,这样可以督促我们做得更好。但是,一个产品好不好卖,我根据多年的经验感觉到主要还是在于老板,您愿意支持我的话,我相信他一定会是好卖的,比如在××街有个便利店,面积还沒有您的大,老板很愿意帮我卖,结果卖得比一些成熟品牌还要好。昨天不好卖也并不代表今天不好卖,就像昨天我们不认识,今天却成了好朋友、好兄弟,您认为是不是这样, 二、老板说:新产品不想卖 答:您是不是担心产品不好卖,今天我们公司促销铺货,无需进多少货,也不是来这一次就不再来的,跟您合作是个长期的行为。我们的产品也是个知名品牌,售后服务有保证,像您这么大的店,一箱半箱难道还卖不了,根本就沒有什么风险的,来一箱试试。(分析:不想卖新产品的客户多数是怕麻烦和担心卖不出去,只要解除这种心理障碍和进货风险,成交就有望。) 三、老板说:价格高,沒有利润 答:您觉得多少利润比较合理呢,(问清楚客户想要的利润空间。)您先别把我公司的产品和低劣产品进行比较,我公司的产品质量有保证,生产工艺好,售后服务到位,在现有价格的基础上,还可以享受额外VIP式的服务,您可以货比三家,一分钱一分货,我们不讲高利润,只求合理的利润。我想您也不只单单追求利润而忽略了对产品本身和您药店品牌的要求吧,如果沒有什么其他意见,来两件吧。 四、老板说:售后服务沒有保障 答:一个品牌的建立不是一两天的事,也沒有人愿意搬块石头去砸自己的脚,那样会很痛的。至于售后服务,公司比您更紧张,再者,我们在这里说来说去,都只是一种猜测,不给我个机会,您永远不知道服务质量的高低。给我机会同时也是给自己一个机会。觉得我们的服务好了,继续可以合作,觉得不好,我们还可以做朋友。怎么样,来两件吧~ rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 五、老板说:现在业务员太不讲信用 答:确实是这样。(先认同客户的观点。)现在市场上存在小部分不负责任的业务员,有承诺沒结果,给客户造成一些损失和伤害。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳啊,我能理解您的心情,做生不如做熟,您看我都来了3次了,我们之间的感情相信已经超越了合作的关系,您可以先少拿点,如果我做得好,就给我个表扬和鼓励,让信任从合作开始。来一件吧~ 六、心情不好,情绪转移到业务员这边 答:老板,今天感觉您心情不是很好~(要有洞察力,先下手为强。)发生什么事了,赚钱是为了自己更开心……(要学会用幽默的语言来化解客户心中的情绪。) 七、客户见到业务员不理不睬 答:(用自我解嘲法。)×老板,是不是看到我来了不开心啊~虽然长得有点对不起观众,我还是可以出得了厅堂入得了厨房的。您可以不理我,但不可以拒绝人民币嘛,我今天来是给您送钱的,开心赚钱开心生活嘛。(先把客户的兴趣提升起来,消除排斥心理后,再聊产品。) 八、等别人卖开才卖 答:我真的不明白,您完全可以做个领头羊的。不知道您有沒有发现一个现象,凡是走在前头的都是吃香喝辣的,走自己的路干嘛要去看别人呢,在您这里好卖,不一定在其他地方就好卖,在其他地方好卖,也不代表在您这里好卖的。我的成功离不开大家共同支持,每个人像您的话,我就下课了,上天有好生之德,您也是愿意支持的我的,是吧,来两件吧~ 九、老板说:业务员承诺的事沒有做到 答:不可否认有些业务员随意应承客户一些条件,最后自己又做不到。(要先顺着客户的思路。)这样的做法无非是想获得您的支持,手法上有点不厚道。因为您有过这样的经历,现在对我有了这样的成见,可以理解。我的做事风格可能和其他人不一样,有就是有,沒有就是沒有,沒有的东西说成了有,摆明是坑您。做生意讲究的诚信和长久,我可不愿意因为乱承诺客户而失去客户对我的信任,那样是得不偿失的。您不妨试试和我合作,给我一个机会,还您一个世界,来两件吧~ 十、老板说:有沒有什么费用 答:现在沒有费用,我们的产品是新产品,和成熟产品操作市场是不一样的,我们求的是点数。费用的投放和销量分不开的,您要求费用,我可能就会要求您的销量。目前来说,我不想给您太多的压力,可能您也不会接受我的条件,所以还不如不谈费用,您支持我进店就可以了。给您摆上一箱~ rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 十一、老板说:要的话再给你打电话 答:呵呵,×老板,非常感谢您对我的支持。您的话让我想起一个客户,说的话和您的一模一样,也是告诉我要的话给我打电话,几年过去了,到现在都还沒有给我电话。摆明您是忽悠我的,您能不能告诉我您不拿货的真正原因,(了解客户真正的抗拒点和需求。)我现在有货,直接给您下两件~ 十二、老板说:现在感冒淡季,天气冷了再卖 答:很多客户刚开始的时候也和您的想法一样,说是等天气冷了再卖,后面经过沟通,现在都已经在卖小快克,并且卖得还不错。(此时要举例说明。)其实小孩感冒的销售和天气沒有多大的关系,只是销量快慢跟天气有一定的联系,择日不如撞日,心动不如行动,您真的想支持我,就现在进一件~(适当激将。) 十三、老板说:清掉不好卖的库存,再进 答:非常感谢您对我公司产品和我个人的支持~(要有感恩的心态。)我不知道您是怎么来界定好卖和不好卖的。根据我多年的经验,我发现只要老板去卖,不畅销可以变得畅销,不想卖的时候,畅销可以变成滞销。店内的销售98%取决于老板的,像品牌药就是这样,有些店好卖,有些店销得就有些慢了。就是因为老板的支持度不一样,在您这里,有您的支持,我相信一定会销售得很好。相请不如偶遇,早卖早赚钱,来一件还是两件,(二选一。) 十四、老板说:老板不在,下次再来 答:老板不在沒有关系,我相信老板既然把店交给您管理,老板对您的信任是非常高的,如果您的管理给店的经营带来更高的利润,是不是老板对您的能力又是一个新的评价呢,(学会去欣赏。)进一件或者两件货,我想您还是可以的。 十五、老板说:沒有钱 答:(用直接挑明法。)×老板,您的话严重了。一件货的钱沒有的话,说给谁也不会信的,就算沒有钱正好有个机会赚钱,您都不要,我看您还是在推脱我而已。不是沒有钱,是不是还有其他的原因,(找到真正的抗拒点。) 十六、老板说:现在忙,沒有时间 答:占用您的时间真不好意思,您能抽出一分钟时间吗,(多数人都会愿意拿出一分钟的时间,用小单位来消除客户的抗拒。) 十七、老板说:POP给我,我帮你贴 答:(千万不要相信客户会帮你贴POP。)很感谢您的支持,公司对,,,张贴要求比较严格,还有专门的人检查的,这种活我来干就行了,也不用麻烦您亲自动手,帮我多卖点就行。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 十八、老板说:这个产品沒有人问 答:当然会沒有人问,您这里都沒有卖,怎么会有人问呢,公司产品是个新产品,所以才需要您的支持呢~产品都有个第一次,那些成熟产品刚开始的时候也是沒有人问的。消费者中有一部分人喜欢新的产品,他们的接受能力比较强,不能全划为一种人。 十九、老板说:可不可以代销 答:不可以~(口气一定要坚定。)几百块钱的货,我想您都不好意思代销,不要您进多,抱着对您负责任的态度,先拿一件或两件,多了就会压了您的资金,觉得好卖了,再多进货。先给您拿一件。 二十、老板说:大家都卖,零售价会乱 答:价格我们严格控制的,我们在一个镇只会选共同维护的药店合作,同时我们也不向靠在一起的药店供货,从区域上避免价格竞争。怎么样,来两件。 二十一、老板说:渠道销售的话,他们会乱卖 答:不会的~因为渠道不可以主动销售,需要凭我们的订单开票发货,否则我们就停供他的货,同时把市场低价货收回。同时也希望您监督并及时反馈,因为市场是我们大家的,只人我们共同维护才能够做好。怎么样,来两件。 销售过程是一场博弈的过程,也是一个感召的过程。在这样的过程中,想要取得的成就取决于你对学习的态度,学习得越多,收获越多的可能性就越大,成功的机会就越大。销售沒有对错,销售方法要和水一样,沒有固定的形式,遇方则方,遇圆则圆,一切从客户的需求出发,而不是去推销,我们一定是讲解产品动销的。这就要求销售人员的心理素质、知识、阅历、应变能力相应的提高,而解决这些问题的关键是两个字:学习。一个人不学习是一个沒有前途的,一个业务人员不学习,销售业绩好不到哪里去。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes
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