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唱歌技巧练习_如何唱高音唱歌技巧练习_如何唱高音 音乐当中唱歌技巧练习:( 如何唱高音) 声乐艺术是一门技术性和实践性非常强的学科,仅凭理论知识和文学资料去进行学习是非常困难的,它主要是通过正确的发声训练和不断的歌曲演唱来逐步完成的。每位歌唱者必须通过发声练习的途径,掌握科学的歌唱发声的基本方法,使歌声美妙动人。 一、 歌唱发声练习的目的和要求 歌唱发声练习的目的,简要地说,就是将歌曲演唱中对声音所需求的各种技术环节,通过有规律、有步骤的发声练习,逐步提高歌唱发声的生理机能,调节各歌唱器官的协作运动,养成良好的歌唱状态,使歌唱发声的技术成为歌...
唱歌技巧练习_如何唱高音 音乐当中唱歌技巧练习:( 如何唱高音) 声乐艺术是一门技术性和实践性非常强的学科,仅凭理论知识和文学资料去进行学习是非常困难的,它主要是通过正确的发声训练和不断的歌曲演唱来逐步完成的。每位歌唱者必须通过发声练习的途径,掌握科学的歌唱发声的基本方法,使歌声美妙动人。 一、 歌唱发声练习的目的和要求 歌唱发声练习的目的,简要地说,就是将歌曲演唱中对声音所需求的各种技术环节,通过有规律、有步骤的发声练习,逐步提高歌唱发声的生理机能,调节各歌唱器官的协作运动,养成良好的歌唱状态,使歌唱发声的技术成为歌唱现的有力手段,为达到声情并茂的演唱服务。我们练声的目的是要调整巩固科学的发声状态,把良好的歌唱状态保持到歌唱中去,改变平时生活中自然的发声习惯,使之成为符合歌唱发声的习惯和状态,所以必须明确我们练声的目的,而不是简单的“开开声”而已。 歌唱发声练习要求每个歌唱者首先要了解和熟记歌唱发声器官的生理部位及其功能,掌握歌唱发声的基本原理,全面理解其精神实质,通过反复的练声及歌唱实践来消化和验证其歌唱规律。因此在发声训练过程中应注意以下几点要求: 1)每位歌唱者一定要充分理解和运用气息发声和气息控制的方法(即横隔膜的呼吸方法),因为在整个声乐功能系列中,歌唱呼吸是最重要的一环,是整个歌唱建筑的基础,因此必须明确呼吸的重要性,重视练好歌唱呼吸的基本功。 2)打开喉咙,稳定喉头,是歌唱基本功训练的核心,这是歌唱者声乐技巧能否顺利发展的关键之一,很多歌唱者声音上的毛病,多是由于歌唱时喉头不找开、不稳定造成的,而正确的喉头位置是协调呼吸器官的运动,获得稳定、流畅声音效果的关键。 3)要恰当地运用好歌唱的共鸣,要使声音传得远,充满剧场,且圆润,优美动听,这是要经过专门训练的,对于初学者来说,是比较难掌握的课。由于共鸣训练常常与其它发声基础要求分不开,因此要求歌唱者通过母音的转换,稳定喉头打开口腔,调节气息等手段,把声音振响在鼻咽腔以上的高位置头腔共鸣点上,来增大音量,扩展音域,美化音色,统一声区,使高、中、低三个声区的声音协调一致,天衣无缝,走动自如灵活。 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube 4)正确的发声要与正确的咬字、吐字相结合。通过字、声结合的练习来提高唇、齿、舌的灵活运动能力,使之更完美而生动地表现歌曲和情感和。 5)在歌唱发声时,还要注意对音准、节奏的训练,通过发声练习,逐步掌握连、顿、强、弱等全面的歌唱发声技巧,丰富歌曲的表现手段,增强歌曲演唱能力。 6)在每次练习时,都要保持正确的歌唱姿势,正确的歌唱姿势是进入良好歌唱状态的前提。 7)在练声、唱歌前,一定要摒除一切杂念,稳定情绪,要有非常好的心理状态,要有良好的歌唱欲望,要充满信心、放松自如地进入歌唱状态,否则是唱不好歌的。 8)从开始练声起,就要同音乐结合起来,即练声也要有良好的乐感。音程、音阶一方面是肌肉、音准、气息、共鸣等方面的技术练习,同时它们又都是乐曲的组成部分,要给它们以音乐的活力和生命。因此练声一开始,要求每个歌唱者把音程、音阶、练声乐句也唱得悦耳、动听。以上我们可以领悟到,在歌唱发声的过程中,呼吸、共鸣、吐字、表现缺一不行,它们是相互联系、相互促进、相辅相成的,这就是我们所要求的“整体歌唱”的涵义。 二、 歌唱发声练习的步骤 歌唱发声基本功的练习,一般按音域进展的规律,可分为三个阶段进行。 第一阶段 以中声区训练为基础,掌握基本的发声方法,调节和锻炼肌肉以适应歌唱技术的需要。无论哪一个声部,都应该从中声区开始训练。练中声区的音相对巩固后再逐步扩大音域,要知道声乐学习要从基础入手,中声区是歌唱嗓音发展的基础,基础必须打得扎实,要记住“欲速则不达”的道理。 第二阶段 在中声区的基础上,适当扩展音域,加强气息与共鸣的配合训练,练好过渡声区(即换声区的训练),为进入头声区的训练打好基础。第二阶段的练习是关键的一环,需要花费的时间相对也比较长,但千万要有耐心和信心,不要急于唱高音,要沉得住气,等这段音域巩固后,再进入高声区的练习。 he tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along t-ced in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4L, plaalysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, anget upper cl-utions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightlution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol sol4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL so-aratus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2shed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appel, wacard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, disbsortwo liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength a water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c 2 第三阶段 即高声区的练习可以在比较巩固上两个阶段的基础上加强音量音高的训练,进一步扩大音域,做较复杂的发声练习,使各声种达到理想的音高范围。这了阶级的练习要特别注意高、中、低三个声区的统一,音的过渡不要发生裂痕和疙瘩,重点是加强头声区的训练,获取高位置的头腔共鸣,从而达到统一声区的目标。这样我们歌唱发声的乐器基本制造完毕,可以唱一般难度较大的歌曲了。 三、 歌唱发声练习的起音 nbsp; 发声练习开始的时候,必然会遇到如何起第一个音的问题,我们称它为歌唱时的“起音”或“起声”。歌唱的起声可分为激起声、软起声、舒起声。 1、 激起声 是当吸气完毕后,胸腔保持不动,声带先自然闭合,然后,再以恰当的气息冲击声带使之振动发声,这样发出来的声音结实有力,我们在发声训练如顿音、跳音的练习中常常使用,也用这种方法纠正声带漏气的毛病。此时与之相应的呼吸方法往往采用急吸急呼。 2、 软起声 软起声是声带在开始闭合的动作时,气息也同时往外送,开声门与气息振动声带同时进行。这种方法气息的冲击力比较“激起声”要柔和,发出的声音比较平稳、舒展。我们发声训练中也常常在练连音和长音中采用,同时也用“软起声”的发音方法来纠正喉音的毛病,与之相应的呼吸方法往往采用缓吸缓呼法。 3、 舒起声 舒起声是声门先开,然后气息再振动声带,它的特点是先出气而后发声,像叹气一样。在劳动号子中,常常用到这种起声法。在发声训练中,这种方法可用来纠正声音过于僵硬的毛病,在通俗唱法中使用较多,较口语化。总之,歌唱的起音首先要精神饱满,全身协调,根据不同类型的练声曲例来确定起音的方法,注意起音的音量不要过分强,以舒适的mf或mp音量为合适。 he tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along t-lution and 5 mL2,4CA sog sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL T ed again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepar-f potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightlution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g o4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid so-initrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2he dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dn by tacid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and theonsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric culatiently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of caly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violmix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowl 3 四、 歌唱发声练习曲 练习曲的练习,是发声歌唱的重要的基础训练。练声曲可以用各个母音或混合母音或子母音混合音,也可以用音阶的音名,,,,,,,等等来练唱,也可以在练声曲上安排歌词来练习叫带词练习。发声练习过程中,是以声音效果和发声器官肌肉适度的去调整发声器官的机能和状态的,每个人的发声器官的构造、嗓音条件、声音类型、发声习惯各不相同,因此,并不是每一种类型的练习都必须唱,而是有计划、有针对性地进行选择练习,而且不同的学习阶段,选择的发声练习也是不同的,但一般情况下,开始的练习总是选择元音和比较平稳的音阶开始练声。一般来说选择“o”或者“u”之类的比较圆润的元音开始着手练习,因为这些元音容易形成需要的空间,比较容易保持喉咙打开的基本状态,也比较容易形成喉咙空间的状态。但这也不是绝对的,唱歌者应根据自己的感觉找到最适合自己的母音来练习。我们在练习中要多动脑子,善于思考,千万不能一个劲地傻唱。 1、“哼鸣”的基本练习 一般在开始练声时,先练练“M”是有益的,因为发这个音容易达到高位置和靠前、明亮、集中的效果。练习哼鸣时首先上下唇自然地闭上、口腔内部要打开,好象闭口打哈欠的感觉,感到声音向高位、额窦、鼻窦处扩展,但切勿把声音堵塞在鼻腔里,否则会发出鼻音。 2、母音的练习 除进行哼鸣练习外,更多地是进行母音的练习,如a,i,o,u,e等单母音练习,也可用混合母音练习如ma,me,mi,mo,mu等等。 3、连音练习 人们常说:“不会连贯就不会歌唱。”歌唱声音的主要表现力就在于声音的连贯优美,只有连贯的声音才能唱出动人的旋律线来。为了使声音有更多的连贯性,可以将练习的音域相对拉宽些,练习也可以随之难度更大些。 4、顿音练习 he tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along t-ced in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4L, plaalysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, anget upper cl-utions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightlution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol sol4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL so-aratus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2shed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appel, wacard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, disbsortwo liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength a water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c 4 顿音唱法又称为断音唱法。要求唱得清晰,短促,灵活,富有弹性,集中感强。练习时要注意一字一音的灵活性和一字一音的连贯性。 5、连音和顿音结合的练习 在基本掌握了连音和顿音唱法的基础上,可以加连音、顿音结合在一起的练习,这样有利于歌唱状态的统一,顿音好象是一个“点”,连音像是一条“线”,这样以点带线,便声音的位置统一,并保持气息均匀流畅。 6、保持共鸣位置不变的练习 在“哼鸣”练习中我们已经讲了找共鸣位置最好的办法就是体会“哼鸣”感觉,如果这个共鸣焦点找准了,那么其它所有的音都应该向这个哼鸣位置靠拢,这样才能达到歌唱的高位置,使声音上下统一。 7、声音灵活性的练习 这种练习主要是为了适应歌曲演唱中快速、流动的要求,以达到更积极的身体、喉咙、气息的配合。 8、结合字声练习(带词练习) 要求根据词意富有想象,有意境,有画面,语气有表现,声音有乐感,有感情地去唱。力求做到字准腔圆,以情带声,声情并茂,慢慢地向歌唱歌曲作品过渡。 9、练声注意事项 1)要注意保护好自己的嗓子,适当地练唱,发声练习的时间,初学时20分钟一次为宜,以后逐渐地加至半小时或一小时,坚持每天练习最重要,绝对避免用全音量来练习。大声地 乱唱,容易使歌唱器官受损。 he tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along t-lution and 5 mL2,4CA sog sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL T ed again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepar-f potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightlution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g o4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid so-initrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2he dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dn by tacid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and theonsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric culatiently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of caly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violmix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowl 5 2)在没有能力唱高音之前,切勿作高音练习,经常唱一组你最满意的音,选择曲目更要谨慎,不要唱不适合自己的曲目。 3)每次练习应有新鲜感,精神集中,感兴趣地练习。 4)练习时要多用慢的、短的乐句作为最初的练习。
声乐训练特别需要时间,奇迹是没有的。“百分之十的智慧,百分之九十的努力。” he tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along t-ced in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4L, plaalysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g~0 4, anget upper cl-utions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightlution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol sol4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL so-aratus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2shed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appel, wacard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, disbsortwo liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength a water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c 6
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