

2017-12-27 20页 doc 78KB 8阅读




上海印花税的违章处罚如何规定上海印花税的违章处罚如何规定 怎样在上海注册一家物资回收公司~所需材料是什么 答: 一、注册物资回收公司的注册资本要求: 现在注册公司根据新公司法规定:2人或2人以上有限公司注册资金最低要为3万,参看新公司法第2章第1节第26条,,1人有限公司注册资金最低为10万,参看新公司法第2章第3节第59条,,此规定基本适用绝大多数公司~包括内资物资回收公司。 二、注册物资回收公司的所需材料: 1、投资人的身份证复印件。 2、公司注册资金的额度及全体投资人的投资额度。 3、至少5个供预先核准的公司名称。 4、您需选择就...
上海印花税的违章处罚如何规定 怎样在上海注册一家物资回收公司~所需材料是什么 答: 一、注册物资回收公司的注册资本要求: 现在注册公司根据新公司法规定:2人或2人以上有限公司注册资金最低要为3万,参看新公司法第2章第1节第26条,,1人有限公司注册资金最低为10万,参看新公司法第2章第3节第59条,,此规定基本适用绝大多数公司~包括内资物资回收公司。 二、注册物资回收公司的所需材料: 1、投资人的身份证复印件。 2、公司注册资金的额度及全体投资人的投资额度。 3、至少5个供预先核准的公司名称。 4、您需选择就近银行进行注资手续。 三、注册物资回收公司的流程为: 工商查名,确定公司名字,?验资,完成公司注册资金验资手续,?签字,客户前往工商所核实签字,?申请营业执照?申请组织机构代码证?申请税务登记证?办理基本帐户和纳税账户?办理税种登记?办理税种核定?办理印花税业务?办理纳税人认定?办理办税员认定?办理发票认购手续。 四、注册物资回收公司的流程分步详解: >>工商所流程: ,一,、工商查名,需1周时间,,所需资料由您提供,: 1、全体投资人的身份证复印件,投资人是公司的需要营业执照复印件, 2、注册资金的额度及全体投资人的投资额度 3、公司名称,最好提供5个以上,、公司大概经营范围。 查名资料备齐后由相关部门受理~查名所需手续由相关部门完成~查名通过后会预先通知您并核发查名核准单一份、一套章,公司公章财务章法人章股东章,及银行询证函一份。 ,二,、验资,即办即完, 您凭核发的查名核准单、银行询证函、一套章去您就近银行办理注册资金进账手续~办理完后从银行领取投资人缴款单和对账单~银行询证函则由银行直接快递会计事务所~随后由会计事务所办理验资报告。 验资通过后核发验资报告2份。 验资必须由您本人完成~委托其他机构办理将会承担相关责任~具体参见新公司法第十二章法律责任。 ,三,、签字,即办即完, 您带好身份证前往工商所进行签字~工商所核实后通过。 签字需要本人到场~经工商所人员确认为本人无误后签字生效~签字通过后即可以开始办理营业执照。 ,四,、办理营业执照,需2周时间,:所需材料仅供您参考~所有资料由相关部门提供: 1、公司董事长或执行董事签署的《公司设立登记》。 2、公司申请登记的委托书。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 3、股东会决议。 4、董事会决议。 5、监事会决议。 6、公司章程。 7、股东或者发起人的法人资格证明或自然人身份证明。 8、董事、监事、经理、董事长或者董事的任职证明。 9、董事、监事、经理的身份证复印件。 10、验资报告。 11、住所使用证明,租房、产权证,。 12、公司的经营范围中~属于法律法规规定必须报经审批的项目~需提交部门的批准文件。 资料齐全后所有手续由相关部门完成~报工商局审批后核发营业执照正副本和电子营业执照~随后工商所流程完毕。 >>质监局流程:办理组织机构代码证,需1周时间, 本步骤手续和所需资料由相关部门提供并完成~前往质监局办理组织机构代码证~核发代码证正副本和代码卡后质监局流程结束。 >>税务局流程:办理税务登记证,需2周时间, 一、注册上海置业企业集团公司需具备条件: 企业集团母公司注册资本必须1000万~且至少拥有2家子公司 集团公司,母公司与2个子公司,注册资本的总额达2000万人民币以上 集团成员具有法人资格 集团母公司后缀应登记为“有限责任公司”或“股份公司” 集团公司名称构成“行政区划+字号+行业+集团” 名称不得冠以行政区划~应按规定程序经国家工商总局核准为主 母公司可以企业名称中核实“集团”字样。 二、注册上海置业公司的经营范围参考: 1、房地产开发经营。 2、从事自有物业出租、出售、物业管理及停车场的经营管理,房地产业务咨询。 3、房地产开发与销售~房屋出租~物业管理~装饰装潢~建筑工程施工~建筑材料销售。 三、注册置业企业集团公司申办流程: 1、受理 申请成立集团公司的企业提交,如下一节,资料及证件到登记机关。然后机关方可受理~否则~不受理。 2、审查 登记主管机关受理企业集团核心企业的申请登记后~申查提交的文件、证件及所以资料真实性、合法性、有效性~并核实有关登记事项和开办条件。 3、核准 经登记主管机关审查核实后~根据相关登记管理条例做出核准登记或不予登记的决定~并及时通知申请登记企业集团的核心企业。 4、发照 对于核准通过的企业~登记机关应颁发有关证照~并及时通知其法定代表人领取证件照~办理法定代表人签字备案手续。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 5、公告 对核准登记注册的企业法人~由登记主管机关发布公告~企业集团自核心企 业的开业登记或变更登记核准之日起成立。 四、注册置业企业集团公司需提供以下材料: 1、母公司法定代表人签署的《企业集团设立登记申请书》。 2、《企业集团申请登记委托书》。 3、经办人身份证明,由企业登记代理机构代理的~同时提交企业登记代理 机构营业执照。 4、集团章程。 5、集团成员申请加入集团、承认集团章程的文件。 6、集团成员的营业执照。 7、母公司对子公司的持股证明,子公司登记主管机关出具的证明或国有资 产产权登记复印件或验资报告,。 8、国务院批准的试点企业集团需提交有关批准文件。 怎样注册一家汽车维修有限公司, 答: 一、注册汽车维修公司条件: 1、股东的身份证原件和复印件。 、注册资本金额和各股东的出资比例。 2 3、公司名称字号若干。 二、注册汽车维修公司的经营范围: 1、一类机动车维修,小型车辆维修、大中型货车维修,~机动车安全检验~ 汽车配件的销售~代理机动车两保险 2、汽车维修~汽车配件、摩托车配件批发、零售, 3、二类机动车维修,小型车辆维修~大、中型货车维修,~汽摩配件的销 售~保险兼业代理业务:机动车辆保险。 三、申请汽车维修公司所需材料: 1、申请人身份证。 2、申请表格。 3、工商核名通知书。 4、维修场地面积400平方米以上,非居住,。 5、维修人员具备从业资格证。 6、设备材料。 7、环境保护措施。 8、#管理制度#。 四、注册汽车维修公司流程: 1、工商查名,7个工作日,。 2、验资,3个工作日,。 3、办理工商营业执照,7个工作日,。 4、刻一套章。 5、办理组织机构代码证,2个工作日,。 6、办理税务登记证,10个工作日,。 五、注册汽车维修公司完成后所得证照清单: tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 1、营业执照正、副本。 2、组织机构代码证正、副本、IC卡。 3、税务登记证正、副本。 4、公章、财务章、法人章、合伙人章。 5、道路经营许可证。 上海注册保健品公司、按摩店、SPA会所的相关条件流程有哪些, 答: 一、注册上海保健品公司、按摩店、SPA会所所需材料: 1、股东的居民的身份证原件,最少一人,。 2、拟设立公司法定代表人的身份证原件,可以是股东之一,。 3、拟设立公司监事的身份证原件,不可是法定代表人同一人,。 4、拟设立公司的房租租赁协议原件及房产证复印件~需要准备多份。 二、注册上海保健品公司、按摩店、SPA会所的相关条件: 1、公司股东需是中国籍公民。 2、股东年满18周岁~无不公司注册~不可为公务员~律师。 3、法定代表人和监事60周岁以下~股东无年龄限制。 4、公司相关组成人员可以随时到上海的公司注册登记部门做见证签署相关 文件或在制定地点出面与相关政府人员见面约谈。 5、不低于100万注册资金。 6、租赁场所符合该地区卫生局及工商局对该类型企业总量与布局的规划要 求~有些行政区域设立此类公司~工商局需要周边居民听证表决~比如徐汇区。 三、注册上海保健品公司、按摩店、SPA会所主要程序: 1、工商名称预先核准。 2、办理公共场所卫生许可证。 3、签署工商登记注册材料。 4、开立验资专户办理验资手续~出具验资报告。 5、办理工商登记。 6、刻制公章及其他所需印章。 7、组织机构代码登记。 8、办理税务登记。 9、去税务部门进行税种核定及购买发票。 四、办理许可证审批及注册公司所需时间: 1、名称核准:5个工作日。 2、办理公共场合卫生许可证:需要装修好后30个工作日发证。 3、工商营业执照及以后:15个工作日左右。 在上海注册一家拍卖公司需准备的材料有哪些, 答: 一、申请注册拍卖公司的法律依据: tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 《拍卖监督管理暂行办法》,二??一年一月十五日国家工商行政管理总局第一?一号令发布,。 二、申办上海拍卖公司的申办资格:依法取得法人资格的拍卖企业。 三、上海注册拍卖公司需准备并提交的材料如下: 1、申请报告,原件,, 2、上海市拍卖行业协会的批准文件, 3、上级行政主管部门的批准文件或董事会决议, 4、公安消防部门出具的符合消防要求的验收意见书, 5、法定代表人、经营负责人的有效身份证件, 6、法定代表人、经营负责人由上海市公证处出具的资质证明公证文书, 7、经营负责人的《上海市特种行业、公共场所治安业务培训证》, 8、房屋产,使用,权或经营场地的合法使用证明, 9、经营场地内部设施平面图和文字说明, 10、工商部门出具的企业名称核准通知书, 11、中外合资、合作和外商独资开设的单位还须提供外资委的批准文书~并填写《外方人员情况登记表》, 12、经营拍卖单位还须提供上海市拍卖行业协会颁发的实习拍卖师执业聘用证书或拍卖执业证书,二名以上,, 办理时限: 13、法定时限:拍卖活动前七天和拍卖活动后七天, 四、上海注册拍卖公司的相关流程: 拍卖企业将有关拍卖材料,拍卖会名称、时间、地点,拍卖师资格复印件,拍卖公告发布日期和媒体、拍卖标的 展示日期,拍卖标的的清单及有关的审批文件复印件等,送交工商部门备案。 申请注册国有独资有限公司需准备提交的材料有哪些, 答: >>申办成立国有独资有限责任公司需要准备一下材料和证件: 1、公司法定代表人签署的《公司设立登记申请书》。 2、出资人签署的《指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明》,加盖出资人或授权部门公章,及指定代表或委托代理人的身份证复印件,本人签字,。,备注:应标明具体委托事项、被委托人的权限、委托期限。, 3、出资人签署的公司章程,加盖出资人或授权部门公章,。 4、验资机构出具的企业验资证明。 5、股东首次出资是非货币财产的~提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 6、董事、监事、经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件,根据公司章程的规定和程序~提交出资人或授权部门的书面决定,加盖公章,、董事会决议,由董事签字,或其他相关材料。 7、法定代表人的任职文件及身份证明复印件。,备注:根据公司章程的规定和程序~提交出资人或授权部门的书面决定,加盖公章,、董事会决议,由董事签字,或其他相关材料。, 8、住所使用证明。,备注:自有房产提交产权证复印件,租赁房屋提交租赁协议原件或复印件以及出租方的房产证复印件,未取得房产证的~提交房地产管理部门的证明或者购房及房屋销售许可证复印件,出租方为宾馆、饭店的~提交宾馆、饭店营业执照复印件。, 9、《企业名称预先核准通知书》。 10、法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定设立国有独资公司必须报经批准的~提交有关的批准文件或者许可证书复印件。 11、公司申请登记的经营范围中有法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定必须在登记前报经批准的项目~提交有关的批准文件或者许可证书复印件或许可证明。 12、出资人为企业法人提交《企业法人营业执照》副本复印件。 备注: 1、依照《公司法》、《公司登记管理条例》设立的国有独资公司申请设立登记适用本。 2、《公司设立登记申请书》、《指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明》可以通过国家工商行政管理总局下载或者到各地工商行政管理机关领取。 3、以上各项未注明提交复印件的~应当提交原件。 怎样注册一家工程设备租赁公司, 答: 一、注册工程设备租赁公司的最低注册资本金要求: 二人以上股东的公司注册资金要达到法定最低限额三万~超过三万部分可分期到位~首期到位20%~但同时不低于三万~一人公司~注册资金最低十万~且不能分期到位,公司注册资金可以实物或现金出资~但是实物出资不能超过70%~现金不低于30%, 二、注册上海设备租赁公司的条件: 1、为公司起1--10个备用名称。 2、法人和股东身份证复印件。 3、经营范围确定。 三、注册工程设备租赁公司所需材料: 1、股东、法人身份证及联系方式。 2、公司名字、经营范围。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 3、注册资本及出资比例。 4、注册地之租赁协议和房产证复印件。 5、财务人员上岗证与身份证复印件~照片2张。 6、其它注册材料。 四、注册上海设备租赁公司的基本流程: 1、工商查名并核名。 2、银行开户并验资。 3、工商出营业执照并刻公章。 4、质检局出代码证。 5、税务局出税务登记证。 6、开基本帐户。 五、注册上海设备租赁公司的时间:22个工作日左右。 怎样注册上海环境科技有限公司, 答: 一、注册上海环境科技有限公司所需的注册资料: 1、个人资料,投资人身份证原件、居住地址、电话号码,。 2、注册资金。 3、拟订注册公司名称若干,3-10个,。 、公司经营范围。 4 5、租房房产证、租赁合同。 6、公司住所。 7、股东名册及股东联系电话、联系地址。 8、公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规。 9、公司章程。 二、注册上海环境科技有限公司的步骤: 1、工商核名:到工商局去领取一张“企业(字号)名称预先核准申请表”~填写你准备取的公司名称~由工商局上工商局内部网检索是否有重名。 2、确定办公地址:去专门的写字楼租一间办公室~如果你自己有厂房或者办公室也可以~有的地方不允许在居民楼里办公。 3、刻章: 由我们公司代刻。 4、到会计师事务所领取“银行询征函”:联系一家会计师事务所~领取一张“银行询征函”~必须是原件~会计师事务所盖红章。 5、去银行开立公司验资户。 6、办理验资报告:拿着银行出具的股东缴款单、银行盖章后的询征函~以及公司章程、核名通知、房租合同、房产证复印件~到会计师事务所办理验资报告。 7、办理企业组织机构代码证。 8、去银行开基本户:凭营业执照、组织机构代码证~去银行开立基本帐号。 9、办理税务登记:领取执照后~30日内到当地税务局申请领取税务登记证。 10、申请领购发票。 怎样在上海注册一家物资回收公司, tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 答: 一、注册物资回收公司的注册资本要求: 现在注册公司根据新公司法规定:2人或2人以上有限公司注册资金最低要为3万,参看新公司法第2章第1节第26条,,1人有限公司注册资金最低为10万,参看新公司法第2章第3节第59条,,此规定基本适用绝大多数公司~包括内资物资回收公司。 二、注册物资回收公司的所需材料: 1、投资人的身份证复印件。 2、公司注册资金的额度及全体投资人的投资额度。 3、至少5个供预先核准的公司名称。 4、您需选择就近银行进行注资手续。 三、注册物资回收公司的流程为: 工商查名,确定公司名字,?验资,完成公司注册资金验资手续,?签字,客户前往工商所核实签字,?申请营业执照?申请组织机构代码证?申请税务登记证?办理基本帐户和纳税账户?办理税种登记?办理税种核定?办理印花税业务?办理纳税人认定?办理办税员认定?办理发票认购手续。 四、注册物资回收公司的流程分步详解: >>工商所流程: ,一,、工商查名,需1周时间,,所需资料由您提供,: 1、全体投资人的身份证复印件,投资人是公司的需要营业执照复印件, 2、注册资金的额度及全体投资人的投资额度 3、公司名称,最好提供5个以上,、公司大概经营范围。 查名资料备齐后由相关部门受理~查名所需手续由相关部门完成~查名通过后会预先通知您并核发查名核准单一份、一套章,公司公章财务章法人章股东章,及银行询证函一份。 ,二,、验资,即办即完, 您凭核发的查名核准单、银行询证函、一套章去您就近银行办理注册资金进账手续~办理完后从银行领取投资人缴款单和对账单~银行询证函则由银行直接快递会计事务所~随后由会计事务所办理验资报告。 验资通过后核发验资报告2份。 验资必须由您本人完成~委托其他机构办理将会承担相关责任~具体参见新公司法第十二章法律责任。 ,三,、签字,即办即完, 您带好身份证前往工商所进行签字~工商所核实后通过。 签字需要本人到场~经工商所人员确认为本人无误后签字生效~签字通过后即可以开始办理营业执照。 ,四,、办理营业执照,需2周时间,:所需材料仅供您参考~所有资料由相关部门提供: 1、公司董事长或执行董事签署的《公司设立登记申请书》。 2、公司申请登记的委托书。 3、股东会决议。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 4、董事会决议。 5、监事会决议。 6、公司章程。 7、股东或者发起人的法人资格证明或自然人身份证明。 8、董事、监事、经理、董事长或者董事的任职证明。 9、董事、监事、经理的身份证复印件。 10、验资报告。 11、住所使用证明,租房协议、产权证,。 12、公司的经营范围中~属于法律法规规定必须报经审批的项目~需提交部门的批准文件。 资料齐全后所有手续由相关部门完成~报工商局审批后核发营业执照正副本和电子营业执照~随后工商所流程完毕。 >>质监局流程:办理组织机构代码证,需1周时间, 本步骤手续和所需资料由相关部门提供并完成~前往质监局办理组织机构代码证~核发代码证正副本和代码卡后质监局流程结束。 >>税务局流程:办理税务登记证,需2周时间, ,一,、提供资料:所需资料仅供您参考~所有资料由相关部门提供。 、《企业法人营业执照》原件、复印件各一份。 1 2、《组织机构统一代码证》原件、复印件各一份。 3、《验资报告》原件、复印件各一份。 4、企业章程或协议书或可行性研究报告或合同书原件、复印件各一份。 5、法定代表人、财务负责人和办税人员的《居民身份证》原件、复印件各一份。 6、经营地的房产权或使用权或租赁证明,加贴印花税,原件、复印件各一份。 ,二,、填写表格报送市局:填妥税务登记表及其他附表~呈税务所所长签字通过后连同所需材料报送市税务局,均由相关部门办理,~核审并审批后打印税务登记证并领取税务登记证~至此税务局流程结束。您交纳办理费用后领取所有相关证件~然后前往您就近银行办理基本帐户和纳税账户,相关部门提供办理此业务的详细资料和步骤,。 后续手续流程:,后续流程共6项~均在税务所完成~所有手续所需材料由相关部门提供和完成, 1、办理税种登记:按您公司的情况~确定公司的性质,贸易型税率4%、生产型6,、服务型5,等,~提供相关材料填妥相关表格后呈税务专员。 2、办理所得税核定:通常所得税为核定征收方式~提供相关资料后填妥相关表格后呈税务专员。 3、办理印花税业务:按您公司的规模~提供相关资料后填妥表格购买相关印花税票。 4、办理纳税人认定:按您公司的注册情况~提供相关资料后填妥表格后呈税务专员。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 5、办理办税员认定:提供相关资料后填妥表格后呈税务专员~为您的公司人员办理办税员证件。 6、办理发票认购手续:根据您公司所需的发票种类~提供相关资料后填妥表格后呈税务专员申请发票。 怎样注册一家上海饮料有限公司, 答: 一、注册饮料有限公司的条件: 1、股东符合法定人数,2人以上,。 2、股东出资达到法定资本最低限额,根据行业的不同有所不同~一般三档:10万~30万~50万,。 3、股东共同制定的公司章程。 4、有公司名称~建立符合有限责任公司要求的组织机构。 5、有固定的生产经营场所和必要的生产经营条件。 二、注册饮料有限公司的详细流程: >>首先~你需要向公司登记机关申请名称预先核准,申请名称预先核准~应当提交下列文件: 1、有限责任公司的全体股东或者股份有限公司的全体发起人签署的公司名称预先核准申请书。 、股东或者发起人的法人资格证明或者自然人的身份证明。 2 3、公司登记机关要求提交的其他文件。 >>公司登记机关自收到文件后~一般在10天内作出核准或者驳回的决定。公司登记机关决定核准的~会发给《企业名称预先核准通知书》。如果获得核准~接下来~你要准备好有关申办材料~到公司所在地工商登记部门去办理登记~这些材料一般包括: 1、申请报告。 2、全体股东指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明,委托书,以及被委托人的工作证或身份证复印件。 3、企业名称预先核准通知书。 4、股东的法人资格证明,企业法人需加盖发证机关印章,或者自然人身份证明。 5、公司董事长签署的企业法人设立登记申请书。 6、股东会决议,全体股东盖章、签名,。 7、董事会决议,全体董事签名,。 8、监事会决议,全体监事签名,。 9、公司章程,全体股东盖章,~集团有限公司还需提交集团章程,集团成员企业盖章,。 10、载明公司董事、监事、经理的姓名、住所的文件以及有关委派、选举或者聘用的证明~其中包括: ,1,任命书,国有独资,。 ,2,委派书,委派单位盖章,。 ,3,公司法定代表人、董事、监事、经理任职证明。 ,4,法定代表人的暂住证复印件,指外省市身份证,。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 11、具有法定资格的验资机构出具的验资证明或国有资产管理部门出具的《国有资产产权登记表》。 12、公司住所证明~租赁房屋需提交租赁协议书~协议期限必须一年以上,附产权证复印件,。 13、集团有限公司需提交成员企业加入集团决议书。 14、法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批的项目~国家有关部门的批准文件。 15、国务院授权部门或者盛自治区、直辖市人民政府的批准文件。 16、相关的其他材料。 >>当然根据你的实际情况~有些材料是不需要你提供的~如任命书、委派书等等~这是国企需要的。但是还有些材料还得要根据工商部门的要求另行提供~比如你的公司属于饮食行业~需要卫生局的批准~那么你可能要到卫生局去办理一些手续。下面是可能你要跑到的政府管理部门以及需要办理的手续:文化局:文化经营项目许可证审批。 1、卫生局:食品及公共场所卫生许可证审批。 2、商委:烟、酒类专卖零售许可证、粮油资格、食品交易和农贸市尝展销会的审批。 3、科委:科技经营证书的核准审批。 4、技监局:企业、事业、机关和民办非企业代码登记。 5、财政局:财政政策登记、受理小企业贷款信用担保登记。 >>提交了这些材料以后~需要等待管理部门的审核和批准~一般不会超 过15天。等到你拿到了工商局的《企业法人营业执照》~那么你的公司就算正式成立了。然而~事情并没有结束~根据法律的规定~你还要在规定的期限内办理其他一些相关的手续~如到税务部门办理税务登记。 电话 ,??,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall
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