

2017-10-13 28页 doc 81KB 12阅读




CAD常用快捷键-保存CAD常用快捷键-保存 常见的CAD快捷命令 (一)字母类 1、对象特性 ADC, *ADCENTER(设计中心“Ctrl,2”) CH, MO *PROPERTIES(修改特性“Ctrl,1”) MA, *MATCHPROP(属性匹配) ST, *STYLE(文字样式) COL, *COLOR(设置颜色) LA, *LAYER(图层操作) LT, *LINETYPE(线形) ATE, *ATTEDIT(编辑属性) BO, *BOUNDARY(边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域) AL, *ALIGN(对齐) SN,...
CAD常用快捷键-保存 常见的CAD快捷命令 (一)字母类 1、对象特性 ADC, *ADCENTER(中心“Ctrl,2”) CH, MO *PROPERTIES(修改特性“Ctrl,1”) MA, *MATCHPROP(属性匹配) ST, *STYLE(文字样式) COL, *COLOR(设置颜色) LA, *LAYER(图层操作) LT, *LINETYPE(线形) ATE, *ATTEDIT(编辑属性) BO, *BOUNDARY(边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域) AL, *ALIGN(对齐) SN, *SNAP(捕捉栅格) PU, *PURGE(清除垃圾) R, *REDRAW(重新生成) DS, *DSETTINGS(设置极轴追踪) OS, *OSNAP(设置捕捉模式) PRE, *PREVIEW(打印预览) LI, *LIST(显示图形数据信息) AA, *AREA(面积) DI, *DIST(距离) 2、绘图命令: L, *LINE(直线) PL, *PLINE(多段线) ML, *MLINE(多线) C, *CIRCLE(圆) A, *ARC(圆弧) EL, *ELLIPSE(椭圆) REG, *REGION(面域) MT, *MTEXT(多行文本) T, *MTEXT(多行文本) B, *BLOCK(块定义) I, *INSERT(插入块) H, *BHATCH(填充) 3、修改命令: CO, *COPY(复制) MI, *MIRROR(镜像) O, *OFFSET(偏移) M, *MOVE(移动) RO, *ROTATE(旋转) BR, *BREAK(打断) E, DEL键 *ERASE(删除) TR, *TRIM(修剪) EX, *EXTEND(延伸) S, *STRETCH(拉伸) SC, *SCALE(比例缩放) F, *FILLET(倒圆角) PE, *PEDIT(多段线编辑) ED, *DDEDIT(修改文本) 4、视窗缩放: Z+P, *返回上一视图 Z,E, *显示全图 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang 5、尺寸标注: DLI, *DIMLINEAR(直线标注) DAL, *DIMALIGNED(对齐标注) DRA, *DIMRADIUS(半径标注) DDI, *DIMDIAMETER(直径标注) LE, *QLEADER(快速引出标注) DBA, *DIMBASELINE(基线标注) DCO, *DIMCONTINUE(连续标注) D, *DIMSTYLE(标注样式) DED, *DIMEDIT(编辑标注) (二)常用CTRL快捷键 【CTRL】,1 *PROPERTIES(修改特性) 【CTRL】,2 *ADCENTER(设计中心) 【CTRL】,O *OPEN(打开文件) 【CTRL】,N、M *NEW(新建文件) 【CTRL】,P *PRINT(打印文件) 【CTRL】,S *SAVE(保存文件) 【CTRL】,Z *UNDO(放弃) 【CTRL】,X *CUTCLIP(剪切) 【CTRL】,C *COPYCLIP(复制) 【CTRL】,V *PASTECLIP(粘贴) 【CTRL】,B *SNAP(栅格捕捉) 【CTRL】,F *OSNAP(对象捕捉) CTRL】,G *GRID(栅格) 【CTRL】,L *ORTHO(正交) 【 【CTRL】,W *(对象追踪) 【CTRL】,U *(极轴) (三)常用功能键 【F1】 *HELP(帮助) 【F2】 *(文本窗口) 【F3】 *OSNAP(对象捕捉) 【F7】 *GRIP(栅格) 【F8】 *ORTHO(正交) (四)图层控制命令(下面有三个命令,打* 号的,是大家平常可能忽视掉,但非常管用的命令。) 图层命令中,第一个是layer,图层属性管理器。而和图层控制有关的其他命令,都是让我们在绘图过程中如何方便的来控制图层的“开关(显示)”、“锁定”、“当前层”,方便的转换所绘制图元的层属性。 和“当前层”有关的命令。 ai_molc 改变当前层为所选择图元所属层。 laycur (change to current layer) 改变所选择图元所属层为当前层。 和“开关”有关的命令。 layoff (layer off) 关掉选择层 Layiso* (layer isolate) 图面显示仅保留所选层(孤立层) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang Layon* (turn all layers on) 打开所有层 和“锁定”有关的命令。 laylck (layer lock) 锁定选择层 layulk (layer unlock) 解开选择的锁定层 layerlckiso* 除选择层外,其它层均锁定(插件“免费迷你建筑工具”中的命令) 其它图层控制命令 layerp 恢复至上一个图层状态 laymch(layer match)改变选择图元所属层为最后选择的图元的层(类似于matchprop,但选择图元的顺序正好相反) 如何将1:20的图插入到1:100的图中 步骤:1、将1:20的图拷贝到1:100的图框中; 、将其scale(规模)5倍; 2 3、修改两样东西:一是线性比例,二是标注中的两个参数; 4、即将标注全局比例改为1:100(也就是主打比例),第二是标注线性比例改为0.2。 个别技巧: 1、作图法则,先画定位中心尺寸,后画定形尺寸。 2、0图层时用来定义块的,不是用来画图的。 3、purge命令,可以清除图中所有的没有用到的设置、图块等信息。 4、insert插入块,其与—insert相比,一个会调出对话框,一个不会。 5、可用shift键来移除多选的图元。 6、撤销、放弃的快捷键有U+回车和ctrl+z两种。 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang 1. 创建直线的快捷方式是L+空格 2. 创建圆的快捷方式是C+空格 3. 创建圆弧的快捷方式是A+空格 4. 创建矩形的快捷方式是REC+空格 5. 创建点的快捷方式是PO+空格 6. 创建单行文本的命令是DT 7. 创建多行文本的命令是MT 8. 创建填充的命令是H 9.将已经画出的线段延伸到某一线段 EX+空格 10.将已经画出的矩形倒圆角 F+空格 11.修剪绘图过程中多余的线 TR+空格 12. 修改文本 ED+空格 13. 移动命令是M+空格; 14. 旋转命令的快捷方式是RO+空格 15. 偏移命令的快捷方式是O+空格 16. 镜像命令的快捷方式是MI+空格 17. 复制命令的快捷方式是CO+空格 18. 局部观察平面图细节时,通常使用Z+空格 19. 可以在工作区看到实时缩放的放大镜 Z+空格+空格 20. 平移视图的快捷方式是P+空格 21. 通过平移视图平移视图P+空格 22.返回上一视图Z+空格+P+空格 23. 全局显示自己绘的平面图Z+空格+A+空格 24. 快捷方式CTRL,P代表打印文件 25. 快捷方式CTRL,C代表复制 26. 快捷方式CTRL,V代表粘贴 27. 快捷方式CTRL,X代表剪切 28. 新建文件的快捷方式是CTRL,N 29. 在CAD里寻求帮助时,可直接点击F1 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang 30. 正交的快捷方式是F8 31. 打开和关闭对象捕捉工具的快捷方式是F3 32. 直线标注的快捷方式是DLI+空格 33. 调整文字样式可以通过ST+空格快捷方式实现 34. 重新生成的快捷方式是R+ E+空格 35. 设置捕捉模式可以通过快捷方式实现 OS+空格 36.ENTER键可以重复上一次的操作 37. 刷新的快捷键是RE+空格 38. AutoCAD系统中,想取消正在执行的命令可用ESC 39. 设置捕捉模式的快捷键是OS 40. 旋转命令的快捷方式是RO 41. 计算面积的快捷键是AA 42. 平移的快捷键是P+空格 43. 最常用的标注快捷键是DLI 44. 直线的快捷方式是LINE 45. 创建圆的快捷键 C 46. 偏移命令的快捷方式是O 47.可以修改文本ed 一级快捷键 A: 绘圆弧 B: 定义块 C: 画圆 D: 尺寸资源管理器 已经设置成距离,DIMALIGNED E: 删除 F: 倒圆角 G: 对相组合 H: 填充 I: 插入 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang S: 拉伸 T: 文本输入 M: 移动 X: 炸开 V: 设置当前坐标 U: 恢复上一次操做 O: 偏移 P: 移动 Z: 缩放 二级快捷键: AA: 测量区域和周长(area) AL: 对齐(align) AR: 阵列(array) AP: 加载*lsp程系 AV: 打开视图对话框 SE: 打开对相自动捕捉对话框 ST: 打开字体设置对话框 SO: 绘制二围面( 2d solid) SP: 拼音的校核(spell) SC: 缩放比例 (scale) SN: 栅格捕捉模式设置(snap) DT: 文本的设置(dtext) DI: 测量两点间的距离 OI:插入外部对相 3a : 三维阵列 3f : 画石头线 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang 3p : 整体线段 aa : 面积 al : 对齐 ar : 阵列 bh : 边界填充 bo : 创建边界 br : 打断 ch : 特性面板 co(cp) : 复制 dc : 设计中心 di : 量距离 do : 实圆环 dr : 显示顺序 ds : 草图设计 dt : 文字输入器 dv : 相机 DLI:DIMLINEAR(直线标注) DAL:DIMALIGNED(对齐标注) DRA:DIMRADIUS(半径标注) DDI:DIMDIAMETER(直径标注) DAN:DIMANGULAR(角度标注) DCE:DIMCENTER(中心标注) DOR:DIMORDINATE(点标注) ed : 文字修改 el : 椭圆 ex : 延伸 he : 填充修改 hi(ctrl+z): 重新生成 me : 定距等分 结合pdmode 调整模型,参数66或67 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang ma : 属性匹配/格式刷 mi : 镜像 ml : 双线 mo : 特性 mt : 文字格式 pl : 多段线 re : 重新生成 ro : 旋转 rr : 渲染 sc : 比例缩放 st : 文字样式 tb : 插入表格 tr : 剪切 xl : 构造线 三级快捷键: cha : 倒直角 dal : 斜线标注 dan : 角度标注 dba : 层级标注 dce : 标注圆心 dco : 连续标注 ddi : 直径标注 ded : 编辑标注 div : 定数等分 dli : 直线标注 dra : 半径标注 le : 快速引线 len : 延长 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang pol : 多边形 reg : 创面域 spl : 样条曲线 F1: 获取帮助 F2: 实现作图窗和文本窗口的切换 F3: 控制是否实现对象自动捕捉 F4: 数字化仪控制 F5: 等轴测平面切换 F6: 控制状态行上坐标的显示方式 F7: 栅格显示模式控制 F8: 正交模式控制 F9: 栅格捕捉模式控制 F10: 极轴模式控制 F11: 对象追踪式控制 Alt+F8:宏 Alt+F11:打开Visual Basic编辑器 Ctrl+A:全部选择 Ctrl+B: 栅格捕捉模式控制(F9) Ctrl+C: 将选择的对象复制到剪切板上 Ctrl+F: 控制是否实现对象自动捕捉(f3) Ctrl+G: 栅格显示模式控制(F7) Ctrl+J: 重复执行上一步命令 Ctrl+K: 超级链接 Ctrl+N: 新建图形文件 Ctrl+M: 打开选项对话框 Ctrl+0: 清除屏幕 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang Ctrl+1: 打开特性对话框 Ctrl+2: 打开图象资源管理器 Ctrl+3: 打开工具选项板 Ctrl+6: 打开数据库连接 Ctrl+O: 打开图象文件 Ctrl+P: 打开打印对说框 Ctrl+S: 保存文件 Ctrl+U: 极轴模式控制(F10) Ctrl+v: 粘贴剪贴板上的内容 Ctrl+W: 对象追 踪式控制(F11) Ctrl+X: 剪切所选择的内容 Ctrl+Y: 重做 Ctrl+z:取消上一个操作 L=直线; PL=多段线; U回车=Ctrl+z=后退; D=修改,调整; REC=矩形; C=圆; TR=修剪; O=偏移; XL=放射线; X=分解; CO=复制; M=移动; MI=镜像; EL=椭圆; this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang BR=打断; POL=多边形; LEN=拉长; S=拉伸; 从右向左 ME=等分; E=删除; E回车ALL回车=全部删除; AR=阵列; RO=旋转; SC=比例缩放; END=端点; MID=中点; PER=垂足; INT=交足; CEN=圆心; QUA=象限点; TAN=切点; SPL=曲线; DIV=块等分; PE=编辑多边线; NOD=节点; F=圆角; CHA=倒角; ST=文字样式; DT=单行文字; T=多行文字; ED=编辑文字; A=弧; H =填充; this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang HE=编辑填充; B=创建临时图块; W=创建永久图块; I=插入图块; LA=图层; MA=吸管加喷枪; () PAR=平行线; FRO=正交偏移捕捉; PO=创建点; SKETCH=徒手画线; DO=圆环; RAY=射线; AL=对齐; REG=面域; AA=求面积周长; SU=减集; UNI=加集; IN=交集; BO=提取轮廓; REV=二维旋转成三维; EXT=拉伸; UCS=三维坐标; ROTATE3D=三维旋转; MIRROR3D=三维镜像; 3A=三维阵列; SURFTAB=曲面网格; TXTEXP=分解文字; CTRL+P=打印; (一)字母类 1、对象特性 ADC, *ADCENTER(设计中心“Ctrl,2”) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang CH, MO *PROPERTIES(修改特性“Ctrl,1”) MA, *MATCHPROP(属性匹配) ST, *STYLE(文字样式) COL, *COLOR(设置颜色) LA, *LAYER(图层操作) LT, *LINETYPE(线形) LTS, *LTSCALE(线形比例) LW, *LWEIGHT (线宽) UN, *UNITS(图形单位) ATT, *ATTDEF(属性定义) ATE, *ATTEDIT(编辑属性) BO, *BOUNDARY(边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域) AL, *ALIGN(对齐) EXIT, *QUIT(退出) EXP, *EXPORT(输出其它格式文件) IMP, *IMPORT(输入文件) OP,PR *OPTIONS(自定义CAD设置) PRINT, *PLOT(打印) PU, *PURGE(清除垃圾) R, *REDRAW(重新生成) REN, *RENAME(重命名) SN, *SNAP(捕捉栅格) DS, *DSETTINGS(设置极轴追踪) OS, *OSNAP(设置捕捉模式) PRE, *PREVIEW(打印预览) TO, *TOOLBAR(工具栏) V, *VIEW(命名视图) AA, *AREA(面积) DI, *DIST(距离) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang LI, *LIST(显示图形数据信息) 2、绘图命令: PO, *POINT(点) L, *LINE(直线) XL, *XLINE(射线) PL, *PLINE(多段线) ML, *MLINE(多线) SPL, *SPLINE(样条曲线) POL, *POLYGON(正多边形) REC, *RECTANGLE(矩形) C, *CIRCLE(圆) A, *ARC(圆弧) DO, *DONUT(圆环) EL, *ELLIPSE(椭圆) REG, *REGION(面域) MT, *MTEXT(多行文本) T, *MTEXT(多行文本) B, *BLOCK(块定义) I, *INSERT(插入块) W, *WBLOCK(定义块文件) DIV, *DIVIDE(等分几段) me : 定距等分 结合pdmode 调整模型,参数66或67 H, *BHATCH(填充) 3、修改命令: CO, *COPY(复制) MI, *MIRROR(镜像) AR, *ARRAY(阵列) AL对齐 PL多段线,XL射线,ML双线,EL椭圆,REC矩形,POL正多边形, O, *OFFSET(偏移) RO, *ROTATE(旋转) M, *MOVE(移动) E, DEL键 *ERASE(删除) X, *EXPLODE(分解) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang TR, *TRIM(修剪) TB插入表格 EX, *EXTEND(延伸) S, *STRETCH(拉伸) LEN, *LENGTHEN(直线拉长) SC, *SCALE(比例缩放) BR, *BREAK(打断) CHA, *CHAMFER(倒角) F, *FILLET(倒圆角) PE, *PEDIT(多段线编辑) ED, *DDEDIT(修改文本) 5、尺寸标注: DLI, *DIMLINEAR(直线标注) DAL, *DIMALIGNED(对齐标注) DRA, *DIMRADIUS(半径标注) DDI, *DIMDIAMETER(直径标注)DAN, *DIMANGULAR(角度标注) DCE, *DIMCENTER(中心标注) DOR, *DIMORDINATE(点标注) TOL, *TOLERANCE(标注形位公差) LE, *QLEADER(快速引出标注) DBA, *DIMBASELINE(基线标注) DCO, *DIMCONTINUE(连续标注) D, *DIMSTYLE(标注样式) DED, *DIMEDIT(编辑标注) DOV, *DIMOVERRIDE(替换标注系统变量) 二)常用CTRL快捷键 【CTRL】,1 *PROPERTIES(修改特性) 【CTRL】,2 *ADCENTER(设计中心) 【CTRL】,O *OPEN(打开文件) 【CTRL】,N、M *NEW(新建文件) 【CTRL】,P *PRINT(打印文件) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang 【CTRL】,S *SAVE(保存文件) 【CTRL】,Z *UNDO(放弃) 【CTRL】,X *CUTCLIP(剪切) 【CTRL】,C *COPYCLIP(复制) 【CTRL】,V *PASTECLIP(粘贴) 【CTRL】,B *SNAP(栅格捕捉) 【CTRL】,F *OSNAP(对象捕捉) 【CTRL】,G *GRID(栅格) 【CTRL】,L *ORTHO(正交) 【CTRL】,W *(对象追踪) 【CTRL】,U *(极轴) this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang
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