

2017-08-30 5页 doc 20KB 41阅读




中学生参观动物园英语作文(中文)中学生参观动物园英语作文(中文) 你们应该知道如果去动物园肯定要去看动物的。你喜欢那些可爱 的小动物吗?下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考! 参观动物园作文(1) Today is a sunny Sunday, my uncle took my family to visit Shanghai wildlife park. Inside the zoo and saw a sea of people, have children, the elderly. Small uncle bought tickets, ...
中学生参观动物园英语作文(中文) 你们应该知道如果去动物园肯定要去看动物的。你喜欢那些可爱 的小动物吗?下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考! 参观动物园作文(1) Today is a sunny Sunday, my uncle took my family to visit Shanghai wildlife park. Inside the zoo and saw a sea of people, have children, the elderly. Small uncle bought tickets, we began to visit. We start with the reptiles. There are all kinds of snake, there are different colors and shapes of lizard... But I like mang snake, you see the body of it, the size of a bucket. It climb on a tree, color like a tree, don’t look at just couldn’t find it. Such disguised can better capture the animal, and can avoid the enemy’s eyes. Then visited the monkey animals. There are all kinds of monkey. My favorite is charming and lovely golden monkey. It is golden head, body color is light yellow, silvery white face with a pair of round eyes, feet are black, looks very attractive. It’s jumping on the branch, the naughty personality, how like a naughty child. Visitors can’t help to throw their own food to eat, every time to catch the golden monkey. After eating continued to tourists make a face. And then there’s the cervid family. There are all kinds of deer, which I like giraffes. The head of the two horns like two matches. I asked, “daddy why the giraffe’s neck so long?” Dad said: “the giraffe’s ancestors neck and legs is not so long. Now the giraffe because earth’s ecological environment and climate change, the lack of food, neck shorter giraffe die off because of the high can’t reach the leaves on the tree, long neck point is stubbornly survive.” We also visited many other animals. I’m so happy today, but listen to commentator said, due to the destruction of the environment, many animals can only see in the zoo. Suddenly my heart heavy. 今天是个阳光明媚的星期日,小舅舅带我一家去参观上海野生 动物园。到了动物园,看见里面人山人海,有小孩、老人。小舅舅买 了门票,我们就开始参观了。 我们先参观的是爬行动物。有各种各样的蛇、还有颜色不一、 形态各异的蜥蜴……其中我喜欢大莽蛇,你看它的身子,有一个水桶 那么大。它爬在树上,身上的颜色像树枝一样,不仔细看就找不到。 这样伪装起来可以更好捕获动物,又可以躲过敌人的眼睛。 接着参观了猴科动物。有各种各样的猴子。我最喜欢的是那迷 人可爱的金丝猴。它的头部是金黄色,身体的颜色是淡黄色,银白色 的脸上镶嵌一双圆溜溜的眼睛,脚板是黑色,样子非常迷人。它在树 枝上蹦来跳去,那顽皮的个性,多么像一个淘气的小孩。游客们情不 自禁的把自己的食物扔给它吃,每次都被金丝猴给接住了。吃完后还 在不停的向游客们做鬼脸。 然后就是鹿科动物。有各种各样的鹿,其中我喜欢长颈鹿。那 头上的两个角像两根粗大的火柴。我问:“爸爸长颈鹿的脖子为什么 那么长?”爸爸说:“长颈鹿的祖先的颈和腿没有现在长颈鹿那么长。 是因为地球生态环境和气候的变化,食物缺乏,脖子短点的长颈鹿因 为够不着高树上的树叶而相继死去,脖子长点的则顽强地生存下来。” 我们还参观了许多其它的动物。 今天我真快乐,但是听解说员说的话,由于环境的破坏,许多 动物都只能在动物园里看到。忽然我的心又沉重了下来。 参观动物园作文(2) Today, our collective to visited the zoo in panyu xiangjiang wild animal world. Came to the zoo, the first thing we saw was very strange scenery, tens of thousands of birds fall rows of big trees, on the other side of the river seems to be playing, and seems to be acting, anyway, is very beautiful! Then, we sit, “Mercedes” the train on the tour bus zone. We first see is a deer, sika deer, deer horns and so on. “Hi, how there have two small peaks?” It turns out that this is the camel’s hump, have a plenty of double hump, still have a plenty of single hump. Next, we see is a sheep, antelope, goats, sheep, has everything. “Look, the elephants!” Original, there is a classmate saw the ivory in the bushes, I hurriedly filed a camera, elephants, press the shutter. Suddenly, I felt a bit scared, originally I saw vertical engraved on the side of the road sign three eye-catching Chinese characters “wild” area. After entering a wild area, the first thing we see is a tiger that terrible, “look! I found the king tiger.” Look down I am referring to the direction, I saw a strong king tiger standing on rocks, it is especially striking in the populations. “What’s that?” See a brown, fluffy stuff into eye, originally is a brown bear! After a while, we are looking forward to already a long time of cheetah finally appeared, the agility of the body, make we couldn’t help the gasp in admiration. Rhino, is we see animals, it that chubby body, it’s very fun. In the wild area, we also saw the other animals, such as: the lion, hippopotamus, zebras and so on. To the pedestrian area, we take the backpack with gusto, pedestrian area is really an interesting place, here, we eat snacks, see the show, also saw the golden monkeys and other rare animals, alas, bad weather, the weather was too hot, the tour guide had told us to hurry home trip. Meaningful and move feeling, joy, friendship... Are all included in the trip, how I want to back to this period of time! 今天,我们集体去参观了番禺的动物园——香江野生动物世 界。 来到动物园,我们首先看到的是非常奇异的景色,成千上万只 鸟儿落在河对岸的一排排大树上,似乎在嬉戏,又似乎在表演,不管 怎么说,就是非常美丽啦! 接着,我们坐着,“奔驰”火车在坐车区里游览。我们首先看到的是鹿群,有梅花鹿、尖角鹿等等。“嗨,那儿怎么有两座小山峰?”原来,这是骆驼的驼峰,有的是双驼峰的,还有的是单驼峰的。接下来,我们看到的是羊,羚羊、山羊、绵羊,真是应有尽有。“快看,大象啊!”原来,有一位同学看见了藏在树丛中的象牙,我连忙提起相机,对准大象,按下了快门。忽然,我感觉自己有点胆战心惊,原来是我看见了竖在路边的牌子上刻着三个醒目的大字“狂野区”。 进入狂野区后,我们首先看到的是老虎那威武的身影,“看!我找到虎王了。”顺着我指的方向望去,只见一只身体健壮的虎王挺立在岩石上,它在虎群中显得特别引入注目。“那是什么?”只见一团棕色的,毛茸茸的东西印入眼帘,原来是一只棕熊啊!过了一会儿,我们盼望已久的猎豹终于出现了,那敏捷的身体,使得我们不由得发出了赞叹。犀牛,是接下来我们看到的动物,它那胖胖的身体,真是太好玩了。在狂野区,我们还看到了其他动物,比如:狮王、河马、斑马等等。 到步行区了,我们兴致勃勃地拿起背包,步行区真是一个有意思的地方,在这里,我们吃零食、看表演,还看到了金丝猴等珍贵动物,可惜,天公不作美,天气太热了,导游只好叫我们赶快踏上回家的路程。 有意义、动感、快乐、友谊……全都包含在了这次旅行里,我多想重过这段愉快的时光啊!
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