

2018-05-01 23页 doc 276KB 125阅读




新商盟网上订烟教程新商盟网上订烟教程 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟) 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 零售户使用手册 烟草省烟草专卖局(公司) 山东浪潮齐鲁软件产业股份有限公司 2015年04月 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innov...
新商盟网上订烟教程 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟) 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 零售户使用手册 烟草省烟草专卖局(公司) 山东浪潮齐鲁软件产业股份有限公司 2015年04月 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟) 零售户使用手册 目 录 1 综述 ............................................................................................................................... 2 2 硬件配置说明 ............................................................................................................... 2 3 功能介绍 ....................................................................................................................... 2 3.1系统主页 .......................................................................................................................... 2 3.1.1 登录系统............................................................................................................. 2 3.1.2 系统主页............................................................................................................. 3 3.2卷烟订货 .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.1简述 ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.2.2流程图 ........................................................................................................................ 5 3.2.3下单订货操作 ............................................................................................................ 5卷烟订货第一步 ............................................................................................. 6卷烟订货第二步 ............................................................................................. 9卷烟订货第三步 ........................................................................................... 10 3.2.4辅助订货功能说明 .................................................................................................. 11我的收藏功能项说明 ................................................................................ 11当前订单功能项说明 ................................................................................ 11订单查询功能项说明 ................................................................................ 12 3.3 我的社区 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.4 留言板 ............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.5 系统公告 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.6 消息、帐号、退出系统 ................................................................................................ 14 1 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟) 零售户使用手册 1 综述 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统,是以零售户网上订购卷烟为主的电子商务平台,其中包括卷烟订货、我的社区、留言板、品牌展示、系统公告等功能,二期拓展品牌培育、智能推荐、事件营销、网上结算相应功能。 面对零售户有订单修改、订单查询、卷烟收藏、货源信息等功能;面对客户经理 有订单跟进、重置零售户密码、留言沟通等功能,根据不同的登录账号,系统为零 售户和客户经理提供不同的功能与权限。 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统是推进河南烟草信息化建设一个重要部分,为做好河南烟草网上订货系统的推广实施,本文详细描述了网上订货版块的功能及业务流程,以供推广单位使用。 2 硬件配置说明 电脑配置要求: Cpu: 主频2.0 GHz以上 内存:1GB RAM及以上 网络环境:ADSL 1M或以上 操作系统:Windows? 98及以上 6.0 以上 浏览器:支持Windows? IE 3 功能介绍 3.1系统主页 3.1.1 登录系统 登录第一步:打开浏览器(IE\360浏览器\遨游\火狐等),在地址栏(图中红色框处)输入新商盟网址(测试机地址正式运行机地址:),页面展示如下图: 2 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 登录第二步:输入用户名、密码、验证码,之后点击【登录】,按钮,如下图示: 输入正确的用户名、密 码、验证码,跳转进入系统主页。 3.1.2 系统主页 正常登陆系统,首先展现的是系统主页,如下图示: 3 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 上图框体区域说明: , 区域1:首页,用户点击【中烟新商盟】回到主页面。 , 区域2:快速通道,用户订购卷烟及网上支付的快捷操作 , 区域3:卷烟订货,直接跳转到卷烟选择页面,进行订烟操作 , 区域4:平拍展厅,卷烟品牌展示。 , 区域5:我的应用,商户所能进行的所有操作选项 , 区域6:活动中心,商户参与的新商盟活动列以及获奖详情 , 区域7:工业园区,工业公司介绍 , 区域8:公告,系统公告展示区 , 区域9:宣传位,各销售公司进行的网络宣传以及广告刊登 , 区域10:用户设置区,用户可以在这里进行个人信息登记,密码修改等 4 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 3.2卷烟订货 3.2.1简述 卷烟订货是河南烟草网上订货系统的主要功能部分,零售户可进行生成订单、查 询订单、修改订单、收藏卷烟、提交订单等操作。 3.2.2流程图 卷烟订货流程如下: 3.2.3下单订货操作 零售户在主页,可通过2种方式开始【卷烟订货】 i. 在主页左侧,开始【目录订单】操作,如下图: 5 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 ii. 在主页顶端,开始【卷烟订货】操作,如下图:卷烟订货第一步 点击主页【卷烟订货】或者【目录订单】,跳转至选购卷烟页面,如下图所示: 6 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 上图框体区域说明: , 区域1:查询区域。零售户通过查询条件筛选需要的卷烟条目。 零售户可点击【更多】,进行高级筛选卷烟条目,如下图示: 进入高级查询条件,如下图示: 7 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 可以按以下方式设置查询条件: 品牌企业、商品名称(编码)、经营类型、商品类型、批发价格、 只显示促销卷烟、只显示有货卷烟、只显示收藏卷烟。 注:零售户首次使用该系统订购卷烟时,需对自己要订购的卷烟进行完全选 择。 后期下单时,可以在订单查询功能中使用【按此单购买】功能进行快捷下单。 , 区域2:查看卷烟商品详情,卷烟收藏、购买、商品评分、评论等。 点击某卷烟商品,如下图示: 8 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 在此页面,零售户也可购买商品,点击 卷烟放入购物车中。 , 区域3:零售户录入需要选购卷烟数量。卷烟订货第二步 在选购卷烟页面,输入要订购的卷烟需求量,点击 , 跳转至购物车页面,如下图示: 9 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 上图框体区域说明: , , 区域1:查看卷烟商品详情,卷烟收藏、购买、商品评分、评论等 , 区域2:零售户修改选购卷烟数量。 , 区域3:零售户删除,收藏所选购的卷烟。 , 区域4:零售户可在此清空购物车中所选卷烟。 , 区域5:零售户查询余额 , 区域6:零售户可继续购物,跳转至目录订单页面,继续增加选购卷烟。 , 区域7:零售户确定所需卷烟,提交订单。卷烟订货第三步 零售户确定好所需卷烟后,点击,跳转至订单成功页面,如下图示: 订单提交成功页面,提示零售户订单编号、订烟数量、金额信息、下次订货时间等信息, 注意:订单在订货结束时间之前,仍可点击对提交的订单进行修改; 至此,零售户卷烟订单提交成功,订烟结束~ 10 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 3.2.4辅助订货功能说明我的收藏功能项说明 【我的收藏】功能是零售户可根据自己喜好等收藏的卷烟信息, 点击【卷烟订货】—>【我的收藏】,即可进入曾收藏过的卷烟商品列表, 如下图示: 上图框体区域说明: , 区域1:进行卷烟商品置顶、删除、加入购物车预购操作。 , 区域2:进行卷烟商品全部选择、批量购入、批量删除、清空收藏操作。 其中:是给购物车增加该商品数量加1; 是直接取消收藏;当前订单功能项说明 【当前订单】功能是零售户对当日已提交订单详情的查询确认, 点击【卷烟订货】—>【当前订单】如下图示: 11 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 此页面可对当前订单进行打印,导出保存,订单修改,支付等操作。 ,跳转至打印项,可打印出订单详情表; 点击 点击,导出EXCEL的订单表; 点击,跳转至订单修改页面; 点击,跳转到网上支付通道选择页面订单查询功能项说明 【当前订单】功能是零售户对一段时间提交订单详情的查询, 点击【快速通道】—>【订单查询】,如下图示: 注:零售户首次使用该系统订购卷烟时,需对自己要订购的卷烟进行完全选择。 12 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 后期下单时,可以在订单查询功能中使用【按此单购买】功能进行快捷下单。 3.3 我的消息 【我的消息】功能是,零售户间用于信息交流的区域(类似于微博)。 点击主页顶端【我的消息】,如下图示: 该功能提供接收烟草公司公告、其他客户和客户经理消息的功能。 3.5 系统公告 【系统公告】功能是零售户、客户经理、系统管理员查看公告、通知。 (由系统管理员发布系统公告)。 主页右侧【系统公告】,如下图示: 13 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 点击 (系统公告内某条公告), 系统公告就展开页面,如下图示: 3.6 消息、帐号、退出系统 系统主页右上方的消息、我的新商盟、退出系统,是零售户对帐号,消息的管理,并提供帮助和一键首页功能 如下图示: , 点击右上角【消息】,如下图示: 14 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 河南烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户使用手册 零售户可以查看系统公告、评论等信息。 , 点击右上角【我的新商盟】,如下图示: 零售户可以设置自己的头像美化形象,查看用户信息,并修改密码。 , 点击【个人信息】,如下图示: , 点击【密码修改】,如下图示: 用户在这里就可以修改密码。 , 点击右上角【退出】, 15 陕西烟草网上订货(新商盟)系统 用户操作手册 即可退出网上订货系统。 16 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of
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