

2017-11-26 5页 doc 18KB 49阅读




两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配任务书两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配任务书 课 程 设 计 任 务 书 题 目 船舶电站系统的操作维护 - 两台发电机的手动并车 系 (部) 信息科学与电气工程学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 电气081 学生姓名 彭飞 学 号 080819316 12 月 12 日至 12 月 23 日 共 2 周 指导教师(签字) 系 主 任(签字) 年 月 日 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to...
两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配任务 课 程 设 计 任 务 书 题 目 船舶电站系统的操作维护 - 两台发电机的手动并车 系 (部) 信息科学与电气工程学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 电气081 学生姓名 彭飞 学 号 080819316 12 月 12 日至 12 月 23 日 共 2 周 指导教师(签字) 系 主 任(签字) 年 月 日 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 一、内容及要求 通过在软件模拟器和硬件模拟器上的操作和故障排查,掌握船舶电站系统的操作的全过程,重点掌握两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配,能对一些简单的故障进行排除。 设计内容包括:船舶电气连接图设计,船舶电站系统的操作全过程,重点掌握两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配,船舶电站系统的故障排查。 二、设计原始资料 《船舶电气设备及系统 》,史际昌,大连海事大学出版社 《船舶电站及自动化》 张平慧编,大连海事大学出版社 三、设计完成后提交的文件和图 1(综述部分 (1)船舶电站配电屏的组成 (2)船舶电站配电屏各部分的主要功能 2(图纸部分 画出船舶电站的电气连接图,需用文字描述其对应配电屏各个部分按键、断路器等。 3(电站的操作 分步骤详细写出 d Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilitybers, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees anff mem, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staractices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sunp1 (1)船应急发电机自动启动 (2)单台发电机手动启动 (3)动力负载的加载 (4)第二台机手动并车 (5)侧推启动和停止 (6)加软负载轴带发电机手/自启动 (7)负载减小时的两台车的解列停机 (8)岸电上船联络开关闭合 等的操作详细过程及各部主要仪表指示灯的状态,最好也能够经过自己的组织整理绘制出相关的图。 特别对自己在硬件模拟器上考核所进行的操作两台发电机的手动并车及功率的分配要详细叙述。 4. 电站故障的排除 设计中应该包括自己在硬件电站模拟器上操作时遇到故障的排除过程。 5(感想体会 设计中应该包括对电站操作和故障排除的感想体会 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 四、进程安排 学生分组到船电实验室进行考核(每个人的操作时间最多为30分钟,若操作超时将扣除一定分数),其余学生在机房(软件模拟器实验室)进行软件模拟器的训练以准备硬件模拟器考核,并查找有关课程设计资料及设计电气主接线连接图。 五、主要参考资料 《船舶辅机电气控制系统 》,赵殿礼,大连海事大学出版社 《船舶电气设备及系统 》,史际昌,大连海事大学出版社 《船舶电站及自动化》 张平慧编,大连海事大学出版社 《船舶电站及其自动装置》(第二版),黄伦坤等 编,人民交通 出版社 《山东交通学院船舶电站系统仿真说明书》 d Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilitybers, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees anff mem, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staractices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sunp3 指导老师成绩 答辩小组成绩 总成绩 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability
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