

2017-12-04 7页 doc 25KB 29阅读




血球蛋白粉概述血球蛋白粉概述 本周我主要针对血球蛋白粉的相关知识进行学习、掌握。 血球蛋白粉也称血红蛋白~它是指动物血液在低温条件下~经一定工艺分离出血球后~经喷雾干燥获得的一种高品质动物蛋白原料。它营养丰富、适口性好、消化率高~被广泛应用于早期断奶仔猪和哺乳母猪日粮中。但是~血液制品的生物安全性问题一直是多方关注的焦点。目前~欧盟已规定只有非反刍动物的血液产品才能用于饲料,我国也先后出台了一系列法规和通知~禁止违法进口、经营和使用反刍动物及其产品、胚胎和反刍动物源性饲料。但随着蛋白质饲料原料的紧缺和涨价~难免存在为了降低成本~追求暴利...
血球蛋白粉概述 本周我主要针对血球蛋白粉的相关知识进行学习、掌握。 血球蛋白粉也称血红蛋白~它是指动物血液在低温条件下~经一定工艺分离出血球后~经喷雾干燥获得的一种高品质动物蛋白原料。它营养丰富、适口性好、消化率高~被广泛应用于早期断奶仔猪和哺乳母猪日粮中。但是~血液制品的生物安全性问一直是多方关注的焦点。目前~欧盟已规定只有非反刍动物的血液产品才能用于饲料,我国也先后出台了一系列法规和通知~禁止违法进口、经营和使用反刍动物及其产品、胚胎和反刍动物源性饲料。但随着蛋白质饲料原料的紧缺和涨价~难免存在为了降低成本~追求暴利~而是用牛、羊等反刍动物血粉的可能。因此~建立一种快捷、灵敏、可靠的动物血球reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 蛋白粉来源检测技术~对于提高饲料原料安全性和制定相关饲料标准法规等具有重要意义。 尽管血球蛋白粉是一种高品质的动物蛋白质饲料原料~在一些欧美国家也早有应用~但是在我国被许多饲料企业和养殖场所接受却较迟。其原因:一方面是因为部分营养配方师受血粉的影响~对血球蛋白粉的认识存在一些误区,另一方面~缺少一种简单有效的掺假检验、检测手段也是一个重要原因。现在已有方法可对血球蛋白粉进行检测~它是用单一动物线粒体特异性引物~进行血球蛋白粉物种来源的检测~这种方法~目前来看~是相对有效的~这种方法快速、简便、特异性强~灵敏度可达到0.05%。另外~这种方法还涵盖了鸡血球蛋白粉的检测。虽然我国现在还没有明文禁止猪血球蛋白粉里添加禽类reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 血液产品~但为了防止传染性疾病,如禽流感,的跨物种传播~有必要在血球蛋白粉产品标注中明确物种来源~并加强这一方面的监测工作。 血球蛋白粉是具有血制品特殊气味的暗红或类红色的均匀粉末~无腐败变质异味~不得含有植物性物质。 血球蛋白粉的特点是: 1. 高蛋白质~高赖氨酸~高缬氨酸。 它经国家权威机构抽样检测显示~血球蛋白粉粗蛋白质含 量高达88%以上~其中赖氨酸和缬氨酸分别高达7.4%和7.5%,丰富的 必需氨基酸对母猪泌乳性能有很大的促进作用。 2. 丰富的优质有机铁。 富含2500ppm的有机卟啉铁~极易被幼畜与妊娠母猪肠道reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 吸收~添加血球蛋白粉是幼龄动物补铁和预防母猪贫血极为有效的方法。 3. 高效化率。 中国国家饲料工程技术中心通过大量实验表明:喷雾干燥血球蛋白粉体外胃蛋白酶消化率可达99%以上~在各种动物体内消化率也极佳~其中乳猪93%~家禽92%~鳟鱼和鲑鱼99%。 4. 细胞膜破碎率高。 血球蛋白粉经过独特的工艺加工~在新鲜动物血液经高速离心机分离~血球细胞膜在分离过程中被离心力破碎~释放出血红蛋白与内溶物~极大地提高了产品水溶性、消化率和吸收率。 5. 生物学安全性高。先进的加工工艺,250度以上瞬间高温 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 灭菌,保证了有害菌和病毒的灭活~产品经农业部兽医诊断中心检测表明~猪瘟病毒、细小病毒、口蹄疫病毒、蓝耳病毒和伪狂犬病毒均为阴。 饲料用血球蛋白粉质量标准 项目 指标 细度,通过孔径为0.20mm试验筛,/% ? 95.0 水分,质量分数,/% ? 10.0 粗蛋白质,质量分数,/% ? 90.0 粗灰分,质量分数,/% ? 4.5 赖氨酸,质量分数,/% ? 7.5 挥发性盐基氮mg/100g ? 45.0 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 铅,pb,(质量分数)/mg/kg ? 2.0 精氨酸 3.77 组氨酸 6.99 异亮氨酸 0.49 亮氨酸 12.70 蛋氨酸 0.81 铬氨酸 2.14 苏氨酸 3.38 缬氨酸 8.50 胱氨酸 0.61 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 苯丙氨酸 6.69 粗脂肪 1.50 干物质 92 注:微生物卫生指标:本品不得含有致病性微生物。 大肠杆菌:n=5,c=2,m=10,M=300/g, 由于养殖业的迅速发展~饲料资源~尤其是蛋白资源是亟待解决的问题。据统计~我国畜禽鲜血年产量2300多万吨~可供制成血球蛋白粉~50万吨以上~是一项稳定的饲用蛋白源。常规血球蛋白粉~采用传统加工法——蒸煮法~加工的血球蛋白粉由于适口性差,腥味重,氨基酸组成不平衡,消化利用性低等缺点~在水产饲料中应用受到限制。各国竞相试图改进血液加工工艺~以减少不良影响~提高血reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 球蛋白粉的利用效果。 血球蛋白粉的蛋白消化率与优质鱼粉相似。必需氨基酸的平均消化率与蛋白消化率相似~但是个别氨基酸的消化率与蛋白消化率存在相当的变异。例如:血球蛋白粉所含的异亮氨基不仅含量低而且消化率也偏低,19%,。在选用原料时~应选用多种原料,互补性,及晶体氨基酸来弥补原料可消化氨基酸含量的不足。 目前~检测动物组织成分的主要方法有~显微镜观察法、ELISA法和物种特异基因PCR方法。但是这些方法对血球蛋白粉的动物来源鉴定存在诸多不便~例如~显微镜观察法无法区分物种来源,ELISA法很容易因交叉反应而出现错检,因为猪、牛、羊等动物的血红细胞无细胞核~导致提取基因组DNA的质量和稳定性不高~所以利用物种reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 特异基因PCR方法的检测也不理想。 血球蛋白粉是经过特殊工艺加工~使血细胞膜完全破碎~并除去难以消化的血纤维蛋白~血液中的卟啉铁吸收率是无机铁的3倍~血液蛋白中最主要的组分是血红蛋白~约占蛋白质总量的2/3~其分子量为6000u,由四条多肽链构成球状结构~称α-链和b-链~每条多肽链在其非极性氨基酸残基富集的疏水区内含有一个血红素~由于其疏水性导致血球蛋白粉水溶性差~消化率低。如果采用单一提取血红素的方法~可以解决这一问题~同时大大提高了其消化利用率~而且其颜色变浅解决了在配方中添加过量而影响饲料颜色的问题。血球蛋白粉特别适合添加于饲料中~因为血球蛋白粉能有效促进畜禽的生长~增强畜禽对疾病和环境应激的抵抗能力。促进采食~特有的粘弹性有reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 效改善了饲料的品质。 以上是我上周针对血球蛋白粉了解的相关知识~不足或不对的地 方希望郑总给予指导。谢谢。 Ps:这次上交的有些晚~对不起。 王舒 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 2010年12月27日 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give
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