

2018-08-07 5页 doc 71KB 2阅读




卷曲的炸薯条卷曲的炸薯条 Weekly Focus - Useful Words Word / Phrase Meaning Translation Example sentence ** Level: Easy 鳥嘴 1 beak The bird picked up the bread in its beak. 鳥巢 2 bird's nest We climbed a tree and saw a bird's nest with eggs in it. 捲曲的炸薯條 3 curly fries My fa...
卷曲的炸薯条 Weekly Focus - Useful Words Word / Phrase Meaning Translation Example sentence ** Level: Easy 鳥嘴 1 beak The bird picked up the bread in its beak. 鳥巢 2 bird's nest We climbed a tree and saw a bird's nest with eggs in it. 捲曲的炸薯條 3 curly fries My favourite fast food is curly fries. 小矮人 4 dwarf My little sister is reading a book called 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'. plural = dwarves A dream 白日夢、幻想 He lives in a fantasy 5 fantasy world; he thinks the computer games he plays are real. ** Level: Medium 沈溺於某種嗜1 addicted Unable to control I played computer 好 how much you do games every day for something hours. I was addicted to them. 黑眼圈 2 dark circles Dark areas under I couldn't sleep last night, so I have dark the eyes circles under my eyes. 裝扮作某人或I have to dress up as 3 dress up as Wear clothes to be 某種東西 like something or a monkey for my someone school play! 得到 F 的級4 get an F to get an F grade in We were surprised 數 when Gordo got an a test F because he's a very clever student. 奇跡 It was a miracle that 5 miracle An unbelievable thing I passed the exam because I revised the wrong book. 迷住、纏繞不He is obsessed with 6 obsessed with Can't stop thinking 放 about his exam results; it's all he ever talks about. 於校園內 7 on campus Within the school Mobile phones are not allowed on grounds and campus. buildings 角色扮演遊戲 My friend loves role 8 role play game A game where you play games. He have to take on the role of a person or often dresses up as creature a wizard to play. 購物中心 9 shopping mall I love going to the shopping mall with my friends at the weekend. 學習和研究大We have to study 10 study nature Look at natural 自然 nature for a biology things, such as birds, animals and project at school. flowers ** Level: Hard 回復正常 1 back to normal Behaving as you My friend was very usually do quiet and nervous during the exams period, but now she's back to normal. 我的頭腦不大I wasn't thinking 2 I wasn't A bit confused 清晰 clearly in class thinking clearly today. I was too tired. 失去興趣 3 lose interest in Upset people and I used to collect make them feel stamps, but now I have lost interest in unhappy it. 嘲笑、取笑 4 making fun of Laughing at Everyone was someone in an making fun of the unkind wayboy who got zero in his Maths test. ** Materials developed and written by English Schools Foundation
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