首页 > 37个品牌一定要买的明星产品,今后我就用这些化妆品了!


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37个品牌一定要买的明星产品,今后我就用这些化妆品了!37个品牌一定要买的明星产品,今后我就用这些化妆品了! 按字母排序 A Aesop樱草面膜 Aesop家的东西我用的还是蛮多的,主要她家送东西比较狠,什么都不买也能送好多,效果最好的就数这个樱草面膜了,已经用了3,4个了.我是一个星期做一次,用完以后脸很干净,比较软,毛孔也比较干净,不紧绷,其实清洁面膜能做到这些就行了.最大的缺点就是它的味道,我每次闻着都想吐,另外她家也是不停的涨价,但价位总比很多所谓的大牌好多了. Anna Sui唇彩柠檬子800号 不是图中这个颜色,是几乎透明带亮片的. Anna Sui的东西我用...
37个品牌一定要买的明星产品,今后我就用这些化妆品了! 按字母排序 A Aesop樱草面膜 Aesop家的东西我用的还是蛮多的,主要她家送东西比较狠,什么都不买也能送好多,效果最好的就数这个樱草面膜了,已经用了3,4个了.我是一个星期做一次,用完以后脸很干净,比较软,毛孔也比较干净,不紧绷,其实清洁面膜能做到这些就行了.最大的缺点就是它的味道,我每次闻着都想吐,另外她家也是不停的涨价,但价位总比很多所谓的大牌好多了. Anna Sui唇彩柠檬子800号 不是图中这个颜色,是几乎透明带亮片的. Anna Sui的东西我用的虽然不是很多,但是这款800号的柠檬子也算人用人爱,类似颜色的唇彩他确实是最好用的,而且一点都不粘,亮片也不突兀. Avene 喷雾 这东西不用说了,我是永远都要备一瓶,不一定什么时候就能用上,我还当水喝过。类似的东西很多,觉得他的性价比算最高的,依云虽然便宜但喷头不细,而且雅漾在国外也很便宜,还成天搞活动。 B Biothem排毒保湿面膜 碧欧泉本来就是一个很年轻的牌子,不要指望它有什么大功效,但是她家的东西用着都比较舒服,补水做的还是可以的.很多人都喜欢5000公升面霜,但我更喜欢她家的这款排毒保湿面膜,我用过的第一款保湿面膜,多年过去了我还记得当时很喜欢,保湿效果很好,味道颜色都好,价格也便宜,人人都能买到,也没有起豆.如果现在还让我买一款碧家的东西的话就还是这款了. Becca的遮瑕霜banana色号 很冷门低调的一个牌子,但其实是非常优秀的一个牌子.用过很多她家的彩妆,包括刷子,没有不喜欢的.但要说他家最值得买的肯定是这款遮瑕膏,这个banana色就是给亚洲女生设计的,颜色非常正,适合皮肤偏白的肤色,一边是中等遮瑕,一边是重度,满足你遮瑕的所有需要。如果大家可以买到,强烈推荐。 Bobbi Brown眼线膏 BB是一个从来不会犯错的牌子,东西都是中规中矩,他家的眼影,腮红我也是买过很多,最好用的还是他家的眼线膏,我用过四个颜色效果都是很好的,是我一直用下来的产品。跟他类似的像kate的眼线膏不显色,mac的偏湿,显色度也稍差一点,持久度也不够,所以bb的眼线膏是最推荐的。 Bourjois的腮红 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative Bourjois其实是个比较便宜的牌子,但它的腮红是很好用的,性价比非常高,很多色号都是网络上强烈推荐的.不过如果大家买的价格超过120就没必要了,它的优点就是性价比高,细腻度肯定是赶不上大牌的. Benefit的猪油糕 benefit的专柜就是给人一种很热闹的感觉,他家的东西其实是一般般的,比较推荐的就是这个猪油糕了,但是好像有的人就说很不好用,这个确实要看用的方法了,我是用在隔离霜之后,粉底之前,遮毛孔控油的效果还是不错的,已经用过三个了。另外要说的是,大家都很喜欢蒲公英粉,但个人觉得亚洲肤色更适合这款蜜桃粉。 C clinique city block 个人认为倩碧是一个不适合24岁以上姐妹的品牌,特别适合18,9岁的小姑娘,不然还要雅诗兰黛干吗。city block现在出的种类是越来越多,我没有怎么去试过,但还是记得25倍city block的好用,我曾经也说过他应该是人手一只的东西。 clarins的吸盘 又是一个中规中矩的牌子,这款卸妆乳我一年能用至少8个,我是一个卸妆很奢侈的人,一瓶卸妆乳绝对不会超过一个半月,所以性价比就是我要考虑的问题.这款吸盘是我用下来觉得性价比最高的,不过我没有用什么手法,就是当一般的卸妆乳用.不起豆,卸的干净,不刺激,价格适中,觉得她已经很好了. CD的五色眼影 我个人是不太理解喜欢用dior和chanel护肤品的人啦,价格死贵不说,关键他们就不是专业做护肤品的,好像用着效果多好的人我也还没碰到过,何必浪费钱呢。CD的眼影做得是相当专业的,可以说是知名大牌里做得最好的,粉质很细,色彩度很饱和,显色度很高,价格也还ok,说实话做得比chanel要好很多,chanel的眼影看上去非常好看,但确实显色度非常一般,不值那个钱。 Cle de peau beaute的粉霜 很奢华的一个牌子,我还没有用过他家的顶级系列,但就我用过的产品来说还没有不满意的,确实是一分价钱一分货。非常推荐他家的粉霜,我以前有说过,非常适合混合性肤质,持久,养肤,遮盖利好,妆效越来越自然,一点都不暗沉。 Cover Mark 他家的各种粉底做得都不错,看自己的需要购买吧。 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative D Decleor去印霜 思妍丽是护肤品做得很专业的一个牌子,我比较推崇的一个品牌。最推荐他家的这款去印霜,我现在都代替la mer在用,很适合我这种豆印比较多的皮肤,虽然很油腻,但是晚上用早上起来吸收的很好,皮肤很软,肤色很均匀,虽然价格不便宜但个人觉得很值。 DHC卸妆油 DHC是一个挺受争议的牌子,我一开始也不敢用他家的卸妆油,怕长豆,但是后来受不了价格的诱惑还是买了,幸好没有长豆,而且卸妆还是很干净的,就是味道有点难闻。价格确实有优势,还是很推荐的。 E Elizabeth Arden sheer white的洗面奶 我大爱的一款洗面奶,我每到机场必买的东西,第一次用很惊艳,洗完以后皮肤那叫一个软,一个白净,关键是价格还不贵。 F FANCL卸妆油 fancl家最值得买的就是这款卸妆油了,确实是感觉上最清爽的卸妆油,还没听人说过用它长痘,卸妆也非常干净,推荐。 G Giorgio Armani 唇彩 大家可能会觉得奇怪,Armani这个牌子我怎么会推荐唇彩呢,粉底的名气更大。armani的粉底确实很好,但有个致命缺点就是黯陈,但是我认为他家的唇彩做得很完美,色彩的饱和度,质地,还有外包装都无可挑剔,我是非常忠爱的。 Givenchy的眼影 总是觉得大家对纪梵希的关注远远少于一些主流牌子,其实纪梵希是一个不错的牌子,但它每样东西都比较平均,我想不出一样最好的。总的来说他家的粉质是很好的,无论是粉饼,四色蜜粉,腮红还是眼影,粉质都是很细腻的,做得也很精致,个人觉得他的彩妆远远好于他的护肤品,特别是他家每年限量的眼影,色彩搭配得都不错。 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative Guerlain 我一直都觉得娇兰的BA心理定位很不清楚,总是认为自己是贵妇级牌子,其实娇兰离殿堂级差的还远呢。娇兰的护肤品总的来说还是不错的,但却没有特别出色的,就是它每样东西我都能找到替代品,就他家那个服务态度我凭什么要买它的。有两样东西还是可以推荐的,熬夜霜和粉水,熬夜霜听好用的,但又依赖嫌疑,关于熬夜霜我更推荐另一款,下面会说。至于粉水,他家的确实是最好的,吸收最快,一点不粘腻。 H Helena Rubinstein 其实我是没什么资格说HR这个牌子的,因为用的东西真的很有限,我只能说这是一个很优秀的牌子,很值得大家去买的牌子。 J Julique玫瑰护手霜 Julique的东西我几乎不用买正品,她家送起来那叫一个不要命。用到最后我有点混乱,很多东西都忘了感受了。这款玫瑰手霜喜欢的人很多,我也很喜欢,用完手很软还不粘腻,就是他家包装一换价格涨得也叫一个快~另外玫瑰花水也还是很好用的,价格也还能接受。 K Kiehl's牛油果眼霜 kiehl's有几样东西确实蛮好用的,像护唇膏,爽肤水等,个人很推荐这款眼霜,适合年轻的姐妹,仅仅是补水的功效。眼霜感觉很浓稠,但是上了眼睛就很水,也没有长脂肪粒,价格也便宜。 L L'Occitane橄榄水和蜡菊面膜霜 实在难以取舍的两样产品,都是我的最爱之一.橄榄水我推荐过无数次了,就是好用舒服,爽肤水做到它这样我挑不出什么毛病了。腊菊面膜霜,其实建议是比较大年龄的人用,我是每两个星期才会用一次,涂厚厚的一层过夜,第二天起床皮肤那叫一个饱满,气色那叫一个好,而且一罐用一年没问题,性价比也超级高,味道我也喜欢,强烈推荐。欧舒丹这个牌子是我非常钟爱的一个牌子,如果你对护肤还比较迷茫,那我肯定推荐你这个牌子,有效果,而且价格实在。 La mer面霜 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative 钟爱La Mer不是一年两年了,其实la mer这个牌子不需要多少口舌来描述,几乎是样东西就很好用,但是如果只能买一样那钱一定要用在刀刃上,肯定要买它的面霜,是我会用一辈子的东西。 La Prairie鱼子面霜 其实我现在的年龄还没有用到过这个面霜,但我身边的人都是对他赞不绝口,而且用 la prairie本身就说明了你一种生活态度和品味,我个人还没到这个境界。但是还是那句话,钱要花在刀刃上,只能买一样当然非鱼子面霜莫属了。 laura mercier妆前乳 laura mecier最近好像蛮火的,他家的化妆品我几乎都用过,都非常好用,包括刷子,他家的眼影刷我用了4年都不舍得换。这款妆前乳对不化妆的人没有任何效果,但如果你化妆我认为它是非买不可的,效果嘛如果自己不用时感觉不出它有多好的,用完以后妆明显伏贴和持久了。我有一朋友从来不舍得买打牌的东西,但这个妆前乳他从来没断过。非常推荐给化妆的姐妹。 M MAC眼影 要说谁家眼影最专业,绝对是MAC的,颜色够全,质地细腻,显色度一流,持久不脱妆。而且mac这两年推的限量也很有水准,让人很有购买欲。 Max Factor睫毛膏 如果你问我用过的最完美的睫毛膏是什么,绝对是MF这款master piece澳洲款睫毛膏。mf的东西在每个国家的包装和系列都是不一样的,这款是澳洲款,还有一款完全一样但是是金色的,这两款都很完美。现面详细介绍一下。浓密,卷翘,拉长效果样样不缺,油皮待妆10小时也不会晕,好卸,一般眼部卸妆液就能卸干净,价格便宜,经常有3for2的活动,就算没活动和人民币也就130一只,金色管得不如黑色管的浓密,但胜在更清爽,其余效果跟黑管得一样。凡是我介绍用的人都离不开它了,都让我从澳洲寄。所以如果你有朋友在澳洲,或者网上能买到,一定要买支试试。 N NUXE鲜奶霜 我也是当年推崇nuxe的一员,还记得鲜奶霜留给我的舒服的感觉,喜欢它的味道还有质地,很怀念。不知道这个牌子现在是什么价位了,记得以前是性价比很高的牌子。 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative O Orlane的高效活能修护霜 这款面霜也是顶级面霜之一,主要效果就是抗氧化和修复,我把它当作熬夜霜用,效果非常好,要好于娇兰的,我以前写连续三晚不睡觉,全靠它,脸色才没有很难看,最近有想再买的冲动。 P Paul&Joe的粉饼 paul&joe的这款粉饼绝对能制造出瓷娃娃肌肤的感觉,连粉底液都不用用。有一点大家要注意的是,日本粉饼都是看上去颜色深但用到脸上就浅了,所以不要把色号买白了。 Prescriptives粉 又是一个在国内很冷门的牌子,但是我要说的是这个牌子的粉好用得一塌糊涂,不管是粉底,粉饼还是这款散粉都是.这款散粉是我唯一一款用完过的散粉,我手上有五个闲置散粉,包括lp的。这款散粉神奇在扫到脸上时是冰凉的,特别伏贴,适合任何肤色,真的很有瓷娃娃肌的感觉。 R Re Vive 又一贵妇,我用过的东西还不是很多,但就我用的来说日霜最好用,虽然是霜,但不腻,触感真是很丝滑,还有我真是想念他的香味阿. S Shu Uemura睫毛夹 植村秀是我接触的很早的一个牌子,一开始我的彩妆全是植村秀的,到现在我唯一没换过的就是他的睫毛夹,确实好用.另外它的刷子也绝对是数一数二的,就是不便宜. Sisley全能 要说sisley第一养该买什么,那只能是全能了,全能已经是一种标志了,不管你其实需不需要它,适不适合,大家还都想要试一次。 implementation of corrective tasks for the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of the activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on the implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awareness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capital spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of "three major" matters "collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global consultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and local interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of "do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative
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