
win8运行命令(Win8 running command)

2018-04-28 6页 doc 22KB 14阅读




win8运行命令(Win8 running command)win8运行命令(Win8 running command) win8运行命令(Win8 running command) Applicable scope: Windows 8 Knowledge point analysis: This paper summarizes and explains the common operating commands in Windows 8. Operation steps: 1. appwiz.cpl: program and function 2. Calc: s...
win8运行命令(Win8 running command)
win8运行命令(Win8 running command) win8运行命令(Win8 running command) Applicable scope: Windows 8 Knowledge point analysis: This paper summarizes and explains the common operating commands in Windows 8. Operation steps: 1. appwiz.cpl: program and function 2. Calc: start calculator 3. certmgr.msc: Certificate Management Utility 4. charmap: start character mapping table 5. chkdsk.exe:Chkdsk disk check (administrator ID running command prompt) 6. cleanmgr: open Disk Cleanup Tool 7. cliconfg:SQL SERVER client network utility 8. cmstp: connection manager configuration file installer 9. cmd.exe:CMD command prompt 10. auto shutdown command Shutdown -s -t 600: automatic shutdown after 600 seconds Shutdown -a: cancel the timing shutdown Shutdown -r -t 600: automatically reboot after 600 seconds Rundll32 user32.dll, LockWorkStation: represents locking computer 11. colorcpl: color management, configuration display and printer color 12. CompMgmtLauncher: Computer Management 13. compmgmt.msc: Computer Management 14. credwiz: backup or restore stored username and password 15. comexp.msc: open system component service 16. control: control panel 17. dcomcnfg: open system component service 18. Dccw: display color calibration 19. devmgmt.msc: Device Manager 20. desk.cpl: screen resolution 21. dfrgui: optimize drive Windows 7 to dfrg. MSc: disk defragmentation program 22. dialer: telephone dialer 23. diskmgmt.msc: Disk Management 24. dvdplay:DVD player 25. dxdiag: check DirectX information 26. eudcedit: defined procedures 27. eventvwr: Event Viewer 28. Explorer: open Explorer 29. Firewall.cpl:Windows firewall 30. FXSCOVER: fax cover editor 31. fsmgmt.msc: shared folder manager 32. gpedit.msc: Group Policy 33. hdwwiz.cpl: Device Manager 34. inetcpl.cpl:Internet attribute 35. intl.cpl: Region 36. Iexpress: Trojan bundled tools, the system comes with 37. joy.cpl: game controller 38. logoff: cancellation command 39. lusrmgr.msc: local users and groups 40. lpksetup: language package installation / removal wizard, the installation wizard will prompt the download of language package 41. lusrmgr.msc: native users and groups 42. main.cpl: mouse properties 43. mmsys.cpl: sound 44. magnify: magnifying glass utility 45. mem.exe: display memory usage (if the direct operation is invalid, can run as administrator command prompt, type mem.exe>d:a.txt at the command prompt to open D view a.txt, which is the memory usage. Of course, what's the name of the file can be decided by yourself 46. MdSched:Windows memory diagnostic program 47. MMC: open the console 48. mobsync: synchronous command Forty-nine Mplayer2: 简易widnows Media Player 50. : 系统配置实用程序 Msconfig.exe. 51. 微软支持诊断工具 MSDT: 52. Msinfo32: 系统信息 53. MSPaint: 画图 54. Business: windows远程协助 55. 远程桌面连接 mstsc: 56. Napclcfg.msc: 客户端配置 57. 网络连接 ncpa.cpl: 58. NARRATOR: 屏幕 "讲述人" 59. 高级用户帐户控制面板, 设置登陆安全相关的选项 netplwiz: 60. Netstat - an (TC) 命令检查接口 61. Notepad: 打开记事本 62. Nslookup: ip地址侦测器 63. Odbc数据源管理器 odbcad32: 64. Optionalfeatures: 打开 "打开或关闭windows功能" 对话框 65. OSK: 打开屏幕键盘 66. Perfmon.msc: 计算机性能监测器 67. Perfmon 计算机性能监测器 68. 提供强大远程处理能力 PowerShell: 69. Printmanagement.msc: 打印管理 70. Powercfg.cpl: 电源选项 71. PSR: 问题步骤记录器 72. 网络连接 rasphone: 73. Recdisc: 创建系统修复光盘 74. RESMON: 资源监视器 75. 系统还原: rstrui 76. 注册 regedit.exe. 77. Regedt32: 注册表编辑器 78. Rsop.msc: 组策略结果集 79. Sdclt: 备份状态与配置, 就是查看系统是否已备份 80. 本地安全策略 secpol.msc. 81. 本地服务设置 services.msc. 82. cfs / scannow 扫描错误并复原 / windows文件保护. 83. 系统文件检查器 sfc.exe. 84. 创建共享文件夹 shrpubw. 85. 文件签名验证程序 sigverif. 86. slui windows激活, 查看系统激活信息. 87. 显示详细的许可证信息 slmgr.vbs - sld. - and 显示许可证信息 slmgr.vbs. slmgr.vbs - 当前许可证截止日期 xpr. the 显示安装id 以进行脱机激 slmgr.vbs -. slmgr.vbs ipk (product key) 安装产品密钥 激活windows slmgr.vbs - ato. slmgr.vbs - cpky 从注册表中清除产品密钥 (防止泄露引起的攻击). - it slmgr.vbs 安装许可证 (license file). 卸载产品密钥 slmgr.vbs - puk. slmgr.vbs - skms: name [,]) 批量授权 88. snippingtool 截图工具, 支持无规则截图. 89. soundrecorder 录音机, 没有录音时间的限制. 90. 便笺 stikynot. 91. 系统属性 sysdm.cpl. 92. 系统配置编辑器 sysedit. 93. syskey 系统加密, 一旦加密就不能解开, 保护系统的双重密码. 94. taskmgr 任务管理器 (旧版). 95. tm任务管理器 (新版) 96. taskschd. MSc: Task Scheduler 97. timedate.cpl: date and time 98. UserAccountControlSettings user account control settings 99. utilman: auxiliary tool Manager 100. wf.msc: advanced security Windows firewall 101. WFS:Windows fax and scan 102. wiaacmgr: scanner and Camera Wizard 103. winver: about Windows 104. wmimgmt.msc: open the windows management architecture (WMI) 105. write: writing board 106. wscui.cpl: Operation Center 107. wscript:windows script host settings 108. wuapp:Windows update
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