

2017-10-15 5页 doc 19KB 20阅读




亲子运动会项目亲子运动会项目 鳌江镇中心幼儿园中班段“庆元旦亲子运动会” 比赛时间:12月25日(周四)下午 比赛场地:幼儿园大操场 一、亲子单项游戏(每位幼儿报一项) 1.游戏名称:运皮球比赛 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:15个皮球、若干张报纸、5个篮子 游戏规则:准备15个皮球,起点处的篮筐内有3个皮球。设定一段距离为路程,终点处放一个篮筐,家长和孩子在起点双手拿住报纸四个角落,中间放一个皮球做好准备。听到开始指令后向前出发,过程中不能让皮球落地,落地的话则将皮球捡起方可继续运球,直到把所有的皮球都运到对...
亲子运动会项目 鳌江镇中心幼儿园中班段“庆元旦亲子运动会” 比赛时间:12月25日(周四)下午 比赛场地:幼儿园大操场 一、亲子单项游戏(每位幼儿报一项) 1.游戏名称:运皮球比赛 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:15个皮球、若干张报纸、5个篮子 游戏规则:准备15个皮球,起点处的篮筐内有3个皮球。设定一段距离为路程,终点处放一个篮筐,家长和孩子在起点双手拿住报纸四个角落,中间放一个皮球做好准备。听到开始指令后向前出发,过程中不能让皮球落地,落地的话则将皮球捡起方可继续运球,直到把所有的皮球都运到对面的篮筐里,游戏结束,最早完成者获胜。 2.游戏名称:小脚踩大脚 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:设置起点和终点 游戏规则:5个家长为一组,每个家庭由一名家长和一名幼儿参加,幼儿双脚踩在家长的脚上,家长和幼儿手拉手,听到口令后,家长带着幼儿从起点出发,幼儿双脚不能离开家长的脚,离开了则在原地踩脚继续出发,先到终点者获胜。 3.游戏名称:蒙眼投沙包 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:蒙眼纱布5条、沙包60个、篮子5个 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 游戏规则:5个家长为一组,活动时间1分钟。家长抱着孩子,并将家长的眼睛蒙住,在场地一端划一条直线作为起点。听到开始指令后,家长从起点向前出发并听孩子的指挥将沙包投掷在篮子里,在规定的时间内,篮子里的沙包最多者胜出。 4.游戏名称:两人三足 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:绑脚绳10条 游戏规则:家长和孩子在起点将相邻的脚绑在一起,听到开始指令后开始向前齐步走向设定好的标志处。在游戏过程中若绳子脱落,哪里脱落哪里绑好再出发,到达对面标志处折回,返回至起点处。先到者获胜。 5.游戏名称:套圈比赛 参加人数:每班7名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:5个PVC管子、圆圈50个 游戏玩法:分成若干组,每组5人,家长和孩子组成一对,前面放置5个PVC管子,每队分10个圆圈,听到开始指令后,家长和孩子共同套圈,命中率高的那一组为胜利。 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 二、亲子集体(每位幼儿报一项) 1.游戏名称:袋鼠接力 参加人数:每班12名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:接力棒5根、5条红线、 游戏规则:幼儿面对家长,手拿接力棒,双腿勾住家长的腰,家长双手护住孩子在起点准备,最后一名家长手棒红绳做记号。听到指令,第一名家长快速跑到对面,幼儿把接力棒传给下一位幼儿,下一位幼儿接棒出发,如此接力进行。哪组最先传递完的团队获胜。 2.游戏名称:你送我接 参加人数:每班12名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:咪咪车5辆、羊角球5个、 游戏玩法:家长和孩子各为一队迎面站好,家长队骑咪咪车,将羊角球运送给对面的幼儿队,孩子骑着羊角球避开障碍物,跳到家长那一队,将球交给下一位家长继续游戏。 3. 游戏名称:小推车 参加人数:每班12名幼儿(一大一小) 活动准备:白手套60副、花环5朵 游戏玩法:幼儿头戴花环、手戴手套扮演小推车,四肢趴在地上,家长扮演推车人,抬起幼儿的双脚,使幼儿呈两手撑地的姿势。比赛开始,幼儿由家长推着爬到对面黄线的位置,然后起身和家长一起手牵手跑回来,将花环交给下一个幼儿,下一个幼儿出发。用时最短的团队获胜。 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest
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