

2017-10-16 2页 doc 13KB 79阅读




英语角色扮演英语角色扮演 第一幕早晨 A 现在九点了 It’s nine o’clock B 又该起床了, It’s time to get up . C可以给我在多一分钟么。Oh my gold could you give me more a minute A先起床刷牙洗脸后梳头发,学习BC一起刷牙洗脸 B你向左边一点,我看不见我右边的眼睛了,我怎么画眼线。你往右边一点我还看不见我的 左边的眼睛呢,两人对视一笑,做鬼脸,B说你先画我是你姐姐,我让着你。 A; You turn left and go straight ok...
英语角色扮演 第一幕早晨 A 现在九点了 It’s nine o’clock B 又该起床了, It’s time to get up . C可以给我在多一分钟么。Oh my gold could you give me more a minute A先起床刷牙洗脸后梳头发,学习BC一起刷牙洗脸 B你向左边一点,我看不见我右边的眼睛了,我怎么画眼线。你往右边一点我还看不见我的 左边的眼睛呢,两人对视一笑,做鬼脸,B说你先画我是你姐姐,我让着你。 A; You turn left and go straight ok B No I can’t see my eyes. How could make eyeliners A You turn right and go straight my left eye isn’t in the mirror B You are a beautiful girl A really, you are a beautiful girl,too B I agree with you . 第二幕路上及教室 D 多帅的一个男孩子,你看他的鞋子多白呀。What a handsome boy wears white shoes E别犯花痴了,好好走路。And don't be a anthomaniac, hurry up (到了教室 老师进来点名) E某某没来你答个到 D没问,(老师念名字学生一个一达到,她用两中声音答到)老师上课 DE在教室窃窃私语,Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. 老师说,你们两个再说给我出去,我都看了你们几眼了。You two go out please This is the classroom, not a vegetable market DE两人做害怕状。I am sorry, dear teacher 第三幕食堂打饭 F我非常的饿,非常非常额,早上都没吃饭I am very very hungry I didn’t eat breakfast in the morning G 赶快跑吧,要不就没好菜了。I think we should walk very fast or delicious will eaten by others F文雅一点,好歹咱们也是淑女ok let’s go no we are also a lady in many weys 到了食堂,有一个厨师上场 厨师;吃什么What would you like to eat F米饭,土豆鸡,茄子,麻婆豆腐rice chicken with potatoes eggplant and ma po tofo G可以多给我一些肉么。Could you give me some more meat 厨师:没问题no problem FG:我们非常开心I am very happy ,thank you 结局the end
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