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刘邦刘邦 高祖刘邦 10级5班 关赛琴 [1]刘邦(前256年,前195年6月1日),中国历史上第一位平民出身的皇帝,字季, [2][3]汉朝(西汉)开国皇帝,庙号为太祖,谥号为高皇帝,所以史称汉太祖高皇帝、汉太祖、汉高祖或汉高帝。出身平民阶级。起兵反秦时,称沛公,秦亡后,被项羽封为汉王。 早年生涯 [4]刘邦本名刘季,出生于秦朝泗水郡沛县丰邑中阳里,今江苏省丰县的一个农户家里。刘 [5]邦父母名字没有记载,只记载名为阿父,亦有称之刘太公,母刘媪。刘邦未出生之前,刘媪曾经在大泽的岸边休息,梦中与神交合。当时雷鸣电闪,天昏地暗...
刘邦 高祖刘邦 10级5班 关赛琴 [1]刘邦(前256年,前195年6月1日),中国历史上第一位平民出身的皇帝,字季, [2][3]汉朝(西汉)开国皇帝,庙号为太祖,谥号为高皇帝,所以史称汉太祖高皇帝、汉太祖、汉高祖或汉高帝。出身平民阶级。起兵反秦时,称沛公,秦亡后,被项羽封为汉王。 早年生涯 [4]刘邦本名刘季,出生于秦朝泗水郡沛县丰邑中阳里,今江苏省丰县的一个农户家里。刘 [5]邦父母名字没有记载,只记载名为阿父,亦有称之刘太公,母刘媪。刘邦未出生之前,刘媪曾经在大泽的岸边休息,梦中与神交合。当时雷鸣电闪,天昏地暗,太公正好前去看她,见到有蛟龙在她身上。不久,刘媪有了身孕,生下了刘邦。 刘邦外貌高鼻子,美须髯,面呈龙相,左腿上还有七十二颗黑痣。年少时的刘邦性格豪爽,却不喜欢读书,但对人很宽容,也不喜欢从事农事,因而被父亲训斥为“无赖”(指经济上无所倚靠,赖,倚靠,仗恃,依赖,仰赖),并说他不如哥哥,但刘邦还是我行我素。 青年时期的刘邦特别崇拜魏公子信陵君无忌。欲往大梁投入信陵君门下。会信陵君死,还。故信陵君门客张耳时为外黄令,招徕门客,刘邦听闻,往投张耳门下,与张耳游,两人成知交好友。后张耳为常山王,为陈馀所败,张耳为此故投奔刘邦。刘邦将女儿鲁元公主嫁与张耳之子张骜。 [6]成年后到沛县做了泗水亭长,和县里的官吏们混得很熟,在当地也小有名气。萧何、樊哙、任敖、卢绾、周勃、灌婴、夏侯婴、周苛、周昌等知交好友后来全部成为汉朝的开国功臣。还常去武姓、王姓女人的酒铺饮酒。醉倒之后,两酒家见到刘邦身上有龙出现,深以为奇,认为此人以后可能会成大气候。因为刘邦去饮酒店中生意比平常好好几倍,因此到年底时两家常常折断帐本,不向刘邦索取其所欠的酒债。王陵与太祖同乡,太祖一向兄事王陵,而雍齿素轻视刘邦,不过此二人后亦成为汉朝开国功臣。 刘邦在秦都咸阳服徭役时见到秦始皇出游,发出了:“嗟乎,大丈夫当如此也”的感叹。 有一年,吕公为了躲避仇人而移居沛县。沛县的士绅豪杰都前往祝贺。负责掌管收礼事宜的萧何宣布:“进不满千钱,坐之堂下。”刘邦当时为亭长,又不带分文,却声称自己“贺钱万”。吕公见了刘邦大为吃惊,赶快起身,到门口去迎接他,把他领到堂上坐下。萧何说:“刘季固多大言,少成事。”刘邦直接就坐到上座去,和吕公谈笑风声。吕公说:“臣少好相人,相人多矣,无如季相,原季自爱。臣有息女,原为季箕帚妾。”酒宴散后,吕媪大为恼火,说:“公始常欲奇此女,与贵人。沛令善公,求之不与,何自妄许与刘季,”吕公说: [7]“此非儿女子所知也。”于是把女儿嫁给刘邦。吕公的女儿就是吕后,生了汉惠帝和鲁元公主。 1 刘邦做亭长的时候,经常请假回家到田里去。有一次吕后和孩子正在田中除草,有一老汉经过讨水喝,吕后让他喝了水,给他饭吃。老汉给吕后相面说:“夫人天下贵人。”吕后又让他给两个孩子相面,见了刘盈,说:“夫人所以贵者,乃此男也。”又给鲁元公主相面,同样也是富贵面相。老汉走后,刘邦正巧从旁边的房舍走来,吕后就把刚才那老人给她们面相的情况告诉了刘邦。刘邦问这个人在哪,吕后说:“未远。”于是追上了老汉,问他刚才的事,老汉说:“乡者夫人婴儿皆似君,君相贵不可言。”刘邦道谢说:“诚如父言,不敢 [7]忘德。”等到刘邦显贵的时侯,却再也找不到当初那位老汉。 刘邦做亭长时,喜欢戴用竹皮编成的帽子,他让掌管捕盗的差役到薛地去制作。到后来显贵了,仍经常戴着。人们所说的“刘氏冠”,指的就是这种帽子。 反秦战争 刘邦有一次奉命押解犯人到骊山,途中有不少人逃脱,因为当时让犯人逃脱是重如死罪,所以刘邦索性放走所有人,这些人也成为未来起义的部份势力。刘邦因此必需逃亡,当时逃犯中就有十余人愿意跟随他一同逃亡。传说刘邦“斩白蛇起义”。陈胜起兵反秦后,刘邦于公元前209年(秦二世元年)9月,率约百人于沛县城外射信说服城内人诛杀县令,被立为沛 [8]县令,发县中约3千子弟响应起义,攻占沛县等地。 秦二世二年(前208年),燕、赵、齐、魏皆自立为王。项梁拥立楚怀王之孙熊心为王,亦称怀王。刘邦投靠项梁。项梁死后,熊心封项羽为长安侯,随宋义北上与秦军主力对抗,救援赵国;另外又封刘邦为武安侯,令其向西略地入关。并约定,“先入定关中者王之”。由于秦军主力受到项羽牵制,秦二世三年八月(前207年八月),刘邦轻松地进入关中,逼近咸阳,赵高杀秦二世,子婴被立为秦王。公元前207年九月,秦王子婴向刘邦投降,秦朝灭 [8]亡。刘邦与关中父老“约法三章”:“杀人者死,伤人及盗抵罪”。使咸阳很快恢复社会秩序。 从公元前207年十月起,史家以汉王纪年,称汉元年十月(秦代以十月为岁首,汉初沿习未改) 楚汉相争 在入咸阳前,项羽屯驻在鸿门时,曾邀请刘邦赴宴,也就是有名的鸿门宴,然而项羽未听从亚父范增之计,使得刘邦逃过一劫。(有名的俗谚“项庄舞剑,意在沛公”即出于此。)项羽进入咸阳,杀子婴,劫掠财宝,火烧阿房宫(根据考查,应为咸阳宫),自称西楚霸王,俨然天下共主,分封群臣。项羽为了困住刘邦,将刘邦分封到巴蜀汉中一带为汉王,而却将怀王先前许诺的关中之地封给三个秦朝降将(史称三秦)。项羽立楚王为天子,但不久命人将其杀死,以报楚王不遣他入关的仇怨。项羽刺杀楚王,加上分封无法服众,各国起兵叛变,刘邦趁项羽出外平乱暗渡陈仓出兵关中,甚至一度攻占项羽的根据地彭城。 经过楚汉之间长期的拉锯战,在萧何、张良、韩信等的协助下,刘邦所率领的汉军逐渐坐大。楚汉两国以鸿沟为界,鸿沟以西为汉,以东为楚,互不侵犯。但是,当项羽遵守诺言退兵,并放回曾被扣为人质的刘邦的父母妻子之后,刘邦却背信偷袭。项羽退到垓下,刘邦用四面楚歌之计瓦解楚军军心,最后项羽走投无路,自觉无颜见江东父老,只好自刎于乌江边。这场历时近五年(高帝元年(前206年)四月至五年(前203年)十二月)的楚汉战争,终以刘邦一统天下,项羽彻底败亡而自杀而告结束。 2 建立汉朝 前202年初(汉五年十二月),项羽败亡。 高帝五年(前202年)正月,追尊长兄刘伯为武哀侯,以楚义帝无后,徙齐王韩信为楚王,王楚地。魏相国彭越定梁地,拜为梁王。 诸侯及将相们共同尊请汉王刘邦为帝。刘邦说:“吾闻帝贤者有也,空言虚语,非所守也,吾不敢当帝位。”群臣们都说:“大王起微细,诛暴逆,平定四海,有功者辄裂地而封为王侯。大王不尊号,皆疑不信。臣等以死守之。”刘邦辞让再三,实在推辞不过了,说:“诸君必以为便,便国家。” 汉五年二月甲午,刘邦于泛水之阳即皇帝位,定都洛阳(不久迁至长安),定国号为汉,史称西汉。并立王后吕雉为皇后,立太子刘盈为皇太子,追尊母为昭灵夫人。 去世 刘邦在讨伐英布叛乱时,为流矢所中,病得很厉害,不想见人,躺在皇宫之中,诏令守门武士不得让群臣进入。群臣中如周勃、灌婴等人都不敢进宫。这样过了十多天,樊哙推开宫门,闯了进去,后面群臣紧紧跟随。看到刘邦枕着一个宦官躺在床上。樊哙等人见到刘邦之后,痛哭流涕地说:“始陛下与臣等起丰沛,定天下,何其壮也~今天下已定,又何惫也~且陛下病甚,大臣震恐,不见臣等计事,顾独与一宦者绝乎,且陛下独不见赵高之事乎,”于是刘邦笑着从床上起来。 之后病情恶化。吕后请了良医为他医治,刘邦询问病情,医生进言:“病可治。”刘邦听了不但不高兴,还骂医生说:“吾以布衣提三尺剑取天下,此非天命乎,命乃在天,虽扁鹊何益~”不愿意继续治疗,赐给医师五十斤黄金,令医师离去。 之后吕后问刘邦:“陛下百岁后,萧相国即死,令谁代之,”刘邦说:“曹参可。”吕后问还有谁,刘邦说:“王陵可。然陵少戆,陈平可以助之。陈平智有余,然难以独任。周勃重厚少文,然安刘氏者必勃也,可令为太尉。”吕后再问,刘邦说:“这以后,也不是你会知道的。”意指吕后也无法活那么久。 四月甲辰,刘邦驾崩于长乐宫中,吕后和审食其商量说:“诸将与帝为编户民,今北面为臣,此常怏怏,今乃事少主,非尽族是,天下不安。”吕后过了四天还不发丧,打算发兵杀尽功臣将领。有人转告这些话给将军郦商。郦商去会见审食其,说:“吾闻帝已崩,四日不发丧,欲诛诸将。诚如此,天下危矣。陈平、灌婴将十万守荥阳,樊哙、周勃将二十万定燕、代,此闻帝崩,诸将皆诛,必连兵还乡以攻关中。大臣内叛,诸侯外反,亡可翘足而待也。”审食其把这些话转告了吕后,于是在丁未日发丧,大赦天下。 丙寅,葬刘邦于长陵。己巳,太子刘盈继位,是为汉惠帝。 汉惠帝来到太上皇庙。群臣们都说:“帝起微细,拨乱世反之正,平定天下,为汉太祖,功最高。”上谥号为高皇帝,庙号为高祖。又下令全国各郡国诸侯建高祖庙,每年按时祭祀。 3 汉景帝时改高祖庙为太祖庙。至今在江西客家地区还有汉高帝信仰,尤其是江西宁都县汉帝 信仰最普遍,几乎每个村都建有汉帝庙。 Emperor Gao (256 BC or 247 BC – 1 June 195 BC), commonly known by his temple name Gaozu (Chinese: 高祖; pinyin: Gāozǔ; Wade–Giles: Kao Tsu), personal name Liu Bang, was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty, ruling over China from 202 BC to 195 BC. Liu Bang was one of the few dynasty founders in Chinese history that emerged from the peasant class (another prominent example being Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of the Ming Dynasty). In the early stage of his rise to prominence, Liu Bang was addressed as "Duke of Pei", with the "Pei" referring to his hometown of Pei County. He was also granted the title of "King of Han" by Xiang Yu, when the latter split the former Qin Empire into the Eighteen Kingdoms. Liu Bang was known by this title before becoming Emperor of China. Birth and early life Liu Bang was born in a peasant family in Zhongyang Village, Feng Town, Pei (in present-day Feng County, Jiangsu). His parents' County, Sishui Commandery names were not recorded in history and they were referred to as "Liu Taigong" (劉太 [10]公; Old Sir Liu) and "Liu Ao" (劉媼; Old Madam Liu). It is said that before Liu Bang's birth, his mother was caught in a rainstorm and took shelter under a bridge. Just then, there was lightning and thunder and the sky darkened. Liu Bang's father went to fetch his wife home and saw a dragon above her. Liu Bang's mother became [11]pregnant and gave birth to Liu Bang. Emperor Yao was claimed to be the ancestor of Liu Bang. Emperor Yao himself [12]was descended from Huangdi. Most Chinese noble families claimed descent from [13]Huangdi. Liu Bang had a high nose, whiskers and a beard, bearing some resemblance to a [11]dragon in appearance. He had 72 dark spots on his left leg as well. The young Liu Bang was outspoken, charismatic and of great forbearance and tolerance. However, Liu Bang enjoyed loafing, disliked reading and showed no interest in farming, hence his father often chided him as a "little rascal". Liu Bang persisted in his idling ways and depended on his brother's family for food and lodging. When he grew older, he was appointed as a patrol officer and forged close relationships with the officials in the county office, earning himself a little reputation in his hometown. While having drinks with his friends in the local taverns, they would notice a silhouette of a dragon [14]over him whenever he was drunk. The tavern owners felt that Liu Bang was an extraordinary person and provided him with drinks each time free of charge. One day back in his hometown, a respectable man known as Lü Wen (also called Lü Gong), who had recently moved to Pei County, was visited by the most influential men in town. Xiao He, who was in charge of helping Lü Wen collect the gifts from the visitors, announced, "Those who do not offer more than 1,000 coins in gifts shall be seated outside the hall." Liu Bang went there without bringing a single cent and 4 said, "I offer 10,000 coins." Lü Wen saw Liu Bang and was impressed with him on first sight, that he immediately stood up and welcomed Liu into the hall to sit beside him. Xiao He told Lü Wen that Liu Bang was not serious, but Liu ignored him and chatted with Lü. Lü Wen said, "I used to predict fortunes for many people but I've never seen someone so exceptional like you before." Lü Wen then offered his daughter Lü Zhi's hand in marriage to Liu Bang and they were wed. Lü Zhi bore Liu Bang a son (later Emperor Hui of Han) and a daughter (later Princess Yuan of Lu). Insurrection against the Qin Dynasty Once, Liu Bang was put in charge of escorting some convicts to Mount Li to build the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. During the journey, many prisoners fled and Liu Bang feared for his life, because allowing convicts to escape was a capital crime. Liu Bang then released the remaining prisoners and became a fugitive, with some of the men he released voluntarily agreeing to follow him. In legend, they encountered a gigantic white serpent that killed some people with its poisonous breath. Liu Bang slew the serpent that night and encountered an old woman weeping by the road the next morning. When Liu Bang's men asked her why she was crying, she replied, "My child, the White Emperor's son, has been slain by the son of the Red Emperor.", and disappeared mysteriously. After hearing the old woman's strange words, Liu Bang's men believed that he was destined to become a ruler in future and became more impressed with him. The event was called "Uprising of the Slaying of the White Serpent" (Chinese: 斬白蛇起義; pinyin: zh?n bái shé q?yì). Liu Bang and his followers sought refuge on Mount Mangdang near Pei County and lived in an outlaw stronghold there. Liu Bang still maintained secret contact with his old friends in his hometown, such as Xiao He and Cao Shen. In 209 BC, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled against the Qin Dynasty, known as the Daze Village Uprising. The magistrate of Pei County considered rebelling as well, so at the advice of Xiao He and Cao Shen, he sent Fan Kuai (Liu Bang's relative) to invite Liu Bang and his followers back to Pei to support him. However, the magistrate changed his mind later and denied Liu Bang's party entry into the city. He was worried that Xiao He and Cao Shen might open the city gates for Liu Bang so he intended to have them executed, but Xiao and Cao escaped and joined Liu. Liu Bang followed Xiao He's suggestion and ordered his men to send letters on arrows fired into the city, urging his townsfolk to surrender and help him. They responded to Liu Bang's call and killed the magistrate, welcoming Liu back into the city. Liu Bang was then addressed as "Duke of Pei" (沛 公) or "Lord Pei" by his followers. In 208 BC, during the reign of Qin Er Shi, the descendants of the royal families of the former Yan, Zhao, Qi and Wei states rose in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty in the name of restoring their states. In Wu (in present-day Jiangsu), Xiang Liang started an uprising as well and installed Mi Xin as King Huai II of Chu. Liu Bang went to join Xiang Liang and served under Chu for some time. After Xiang Liang was killed in action at the Battle of Dingtao, King Huai II sent Xiang Liang's nephew Xiang Yu 5 and Song Yi to lead an army to attack the Qin forces and help Zhao. Liu Bang was granted the title of "Marquis of Wu'an" (武安侯) by the king and put in charge of an army to attack Qin. The king promised that whoever managed to enter Guanzhong (heartland of Qin) first will be granted the title of "King of Guanzhong". In 206 BC, Liu Bang beat Xiang Yu in the race to Guanzhong and arrived at Xianyang, the capital of Qin. The last Qin ruler Ziying surrendered to Liu Bang and the Qin Dynasty ended. Liu Bang issued strict orders for his troops, forbidding them from killing innocent civilians and pillaging the cities they conquered. The peace and stability in Xianyang was restored temporarily while Liu Bang's army was stationed there. Chu–Han contention Xiang Yu was dissatisfied that Liu Bang had beat him in the race so he set a trap to kill Liu, after being instigated by his advisor Fan Zeng and a defector from Liu's side, Cao Wushang. Xiang Yu invited Liu Bang to attend a banquet, known as the Feast at Hong Gate, while secretly preparing to kill Liu during the feast. However, Xiang Yu's uncle Xiang Bo, who was a close friend of Liu Bang's strategist Zhang Liang, managed to persuade Xiang Yu to spare Liu's life. Fan Zeng then ordered Xiang Yu's cousin Xiang Zhuang to perform a sword dance during the feast and use the opportunity to kill Liu Bang, but Xiang Bo prevented him from doing so. Liu Bang lied that he needed to go to the latrine and escaped back to his camp. Liu Bang and his troops evacuated from Xianyang and retreated westwards later. Xiang Yu led his men into Xianyang and they plundered and pillaged the city, committing atrocities against civilians and destroying the Epang Palace by fire. Xiang Yu proclaimed himself "Hegemon-King of Western Chu" and split the former Qin Empire into Eighteen Kingdoms. The land of Guanzhong, rightfully Liu Bang's according to King Huai II's earlier promise, was granted by Xiang to three surrendered Qin generals instead. Liu Bang was relocated to Hanzhong in the remote Bashu region (in present-day Sichuan) and granted the title of "King of Han" (汉王/ 漢王). While Xiang Yu was away suppressing the rebellion in Qi, Liu Bang led his troops to seize Guanzhong and several lands, including Xiang's capital of Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou) at one point. The forces of Chu and Han then engaged in a power struggle for supremacy over China for about five years, known as the Chu–Han contention, with victories and defeats for both sides in various battles. Initially, Chu had an advantage over Han, but the tide turned in favour of the latter in 203 BC, after Xiang Yu and Liu Bang came to an armistice, known as the Treaty of Honggou, that divided China into east and west under their domains respectively. Liu Bang renounced the treaty and attacked Xiang Yu shortly afterwards, taking the latter by surprise and scoring a series of victories in the following battles. Liu Bang's forces defeated Xiang Yu at the Battle of Gaixia in 202 BC and Xiang committed suicide. Chu surrendered and China was unified under Liu's rule. Establishment of the Han Dynasty 6 In 202 BC, Liu Bang became Emperor of China with support from his subjects, even though he had expressed some reluctance in taking the throne. Liu Bang named his dynasty "Han", historically known as "Western Han Dynasty", and he became known as Emperor Gao (or Gaozu). He built his capital in Luoyang (later moved to Chang'an) and appointed Lü Zhi as his empress and his son Liu Ying as crown prince. The following year, Gaozu rewarded his subjects who had contributed to the dynasty's founding, but the process prolonged for a year as the subjects started fighting among themselves for the rewards. Gaozu felt that Xiao He's contributions were the greatest, so he granted Xiao the title of "Marquis of Zan" and the greatest amount of food storages. Zhang Liang was granted the title of "Marquis of Liu". Some of Gaozu's subjects expressed their objections because they felt that Xiao He did not participate personally in battles so his contributions were not great. Gaozu replied that Xiao He was involved in strategic planning so credit should be given to Xiao because he was the one who set the direction for them to go. Cao Shen was named by Gaozu as the person who made the most contributions in battle. As for the others, Gaozu rewarded them in accordance to their contributions. Death Gaozu was wounded by a stray arrow during a campaign to suppress Ying Bu's rebellion. He fell seriously ill and remained in his inner chambers for a long period of time, ordering his guards to deny anyone entry. After several days, Fan Kuai barged into the chambers to see Gaozu and the other subjects followed behind him. They saw Gaozu lying on his bed with only a eunuch to accompany him. Fan Zeng said, "How glorious it was when Your Majesty first led us to conquer the empire and how weary we are now. Your subjects are worried when they learn that Your Majesty is ill, but Your Majesty refuses to see us and prefers the company of a eunuch instead? Has Your Majesty forgotten the incident about Zhao Gao?" Gaozu laughed after hearing that and got out of bed to meet his subjects. heal him. When Gaozu enquired about his condition, the physician told him that his Gaozu's health deteriorated later and Empress Lü hired one of the best physicians to illness can be cured. However, Gaozu was displeased and he scolded the physician, saying, "Isn't it Heaven's will that I managed to conquer this empire in simple clothing and with nothing but a sword? My life is determined by Heaven, and it will still be useless even if Bian Que was here!" Gaozu refused to continue with his treatment and sent the physician away with some gold. Before his death, Gaozu said Cao Shen can be chancellor after Xiao He dies, and Wang Ling may succeed Cao Shen. Gaozu also said that Wang Ling may be too young to take on his duties so Chen Ping may assist Wang Ling, but Chen Ping is also qualified to take on the responsibilities alone. Gaozu also named Zhou Bo as a possible candidate for the role of Grand Commandant. Gaozu died in Changle Palace on 1 June 195 BC and was succeeded by the crown prince Liu Ying, who became Emperor Hui of Han. 7
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