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【打印】鸡蛋哥口语笔记【打印】Details and Examples Communicate In English 翟少成 blog:rockandrolljack1.blog.sohu.com 考试简介 Independent ①personal preference:important people or places, or events or activities ;favorite movies , food, book, etc 多想想,告诉一些细节 ②choice:personal choice between two...
Details and Examples Communicate In English 翟少成 blog:rockandrolljack1.blog.sohu.com 考试简介 Independent ①personal preference:important people or places, or events or activities ;favorite movies , food, book, etc 多想想,告诉一些细节 ②choice:personal choice between two contrasting behaviors or courses of action. (watch movies at home; watch movies in theatres) 用原因来解释 Integrated Tasks: Read/Listen/Speak ③campus situation Topic: Fit and Explain:读75-100词,听60-80秒,总结说话者的观点 ④academic course Topic: General/Specific:读75-100词,听讲座60-90秒, Listen/Speak ⑤campus situation Topic: Problem/Solution:听60-90秒,一个问题加2个;描述问题+解决+为什么 ⑥academic course Topic: Summary:听60-90秒,总结+阐明例子与话题的逻辑关系 中国学生在达上存在的问题:发音、语法、逻辑 发音: ①双元音发得不到位:注意双元音必须充足地从一个音滑向另一个音 ②几个容易发不好的单元音:ten,egg;at,add; ③几个容易出错的辅音:have、voice;week、window、water;very well、MTV、VOA think、thin、both;these、the、their、bother、mother; red、ripe、arrive;like、bottle、bowl、leave; pleasure、usually、measure要震动声带,舌尖不要卷得太厉害 ④单词重音:词性变化,重音一般发生变化 ⑤语调:多模仿,获得对英语的感觉 语法: ①主谓不一致,不能说one people,只能说one person ②词性乱用;③时态问题;④动词人称;⑤冠词的念法,原因开头的单词前定冠词:the English; ⑥he/she分不清楚,经常说he is my wife 托福的评分 ①说话清晰,良好的发音,自然的节奏,自然的语音语调 ②有效使用语法和词汇表达自己的思想,如果说出I believe I can success. 应该分数会受影响 ③完整回答,思想表达是否连贯。中国学生不太会发展话题,论点一堆可是没有例子。我喜欢这个电影,但是说不出什么原因。 从而得出答题策略 ①独立问题回答时要切中要害,不要绕圈子; ②加强语法,句型练习,常用习语; ③改善发音、语调、重音; ④记时间 考前策略 ①口头总结听到的和看到的东西 ②提高自己的会话技能 ③计时并录音,1分钟表达观点;问自己一个问题:别人能不能听懂自己 ④使用口语词汇,比如you know,uh,um等;但是不要太频繁 ⑤所使用连接词 ⑥话题积淀,尤其是第一题第二题,有时感觉题目用中文都说不了几句,要积淀生活上的方方面面,不断丰富自己的大脑 ⑦学会描述偏好并阐述原因,details and examples,训练自己的思维 ⑧描述一个社会现象或难题,提出一个解决方案并阐明为什么 题型讲解 ①Free-choice response Format for the NO.1 question: TST: T— topic sentence. One sentence;直奔主题 S—supporting ideas (personal experiences, figures, examples, reasons ) easy to understand T—transition (First, because, second, finally)流利且更符合逻辑 Details and examples:as specific as possible 可以说个人经历:share the department ; like last time ; my friend has invited me several times ; I’ve got a friend named Jack who is very stupid Numbers and figures : it takes me 30 minutes to go from my house to my school ; when I was 12 years old ; every month, my mom only gives me 500 RMB 很有说服力 Reasons:because 学会使用TST表格去积累话题,考试中可以应用。 what new skill would you like to learn ? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have? Topic: Guitar(写提纲的时候写出Gu就行了) Supporting ideas: parties, band, money, know some friends(用单词的前两个字母代替就行了) Transitions: also, because, finally I would like to learn how to play the guitar. Now I can’t play a musical instrument, so this would be a new skill for me. It would be a good skill to have because I could take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. Also, I could join a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way. Finally, I might be able to meet some other friends of the same interest. That’s cool. 别说good,说些稍微高端点的词汇。 How do you like to spend your leisure time? Choose a leisure activity and explain why you like to do it. Include details and examples in your explanation. T: surf the internet S: feel relax; don’t need too much thinking; music; information; current events; online chatting When I have time to kill, I usually like to surf the internet. First, because it doesn’t need to much thinking, all you have to do is to click the mouse, and it is pretty much relaxing. Also, I like anything related to music, I can get anything about music on the internet. Another reason is that I can obtain much information from the internet, too. For example, I can get to know something about current events from the internet. Finally, I can crazy about online chatting. If I surf the internet, I have a chance to chat with anyone anywhere, no matter whether they’re in China, the States, or Australia. What famous person would you like to visit for one hour? Explain why you choose to meet this person and what you would talk about. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation. 要有中文积淀 T: Bill Gates S: Billionaire; earn so much money; Computer genius; Good name; Bill gates If I have a chance to meet someone famous, I’ll choose Bill Gates. First, because he is one of the billionaires in the world, I like to ask him how he can earn so much money. Another reason is that I’d like to tell him he’s got an excellent name. You know, bill means “dollar” and Gates means a lot of entrances. The combination simply means a lot of dollars going to him by going though a lot of entrances. Finally, he set up Microsoft successfully. I really want to know how he could do this. Because I also wanted to set up my own business. I am sure he can help me one way or another. Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation. Movie theater (interest, atmosphere dark place)黑,看不见我的脸,这是很好的细节 Gym (healthy, relaxing running like a little mouse), net café (relaxing, online chatting, online games), live concerts, library, disco bars ,sports field (basketball, football etc) T: disco bar S: big gathering. loud music; big party; feel relaxed; shake my body; release of energy I’d like to go to the disco bar for relaxation. First, because I like big party with a jam of people and I love the loud music, too. Hearing the loud and crazy music, I am dancing with so many people . It makes me get away from my stress temporarily. Also, shaking my body serves as great release of energy, which is also very good stress reducer. Finally, as far as I know, foreigners like to go there, too. I really want to practice my oral English. So probably I can meet one of them and practice English with them. It will be helpful. I am sure. 摇晃身体,喜欢人多,锻炼口语,这些都是细节 T: home S: so cozy; books to read; feel relaxed; family members; stress, talk with I’d like to go home for relaxation. First, because I think home is the most comfortable place in the world. It is so cozy there. I like blue and I paint my home blue. Staying in my home feels like swimming in the blue ocean. Also, there are lots of books to read there. To be able to read my favorite books while swimming in the blue ocean is so relaxing. Finally, I can talk with my dad ,mom and my wife in my home. I feel good no matter how much pressure I have. Just as the saying goes : “ West, East, Home is the best” 很多细节,有谚语,效果不错的,也是不错的。 Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation. mobile phone : (communication, games, cool, reminder, take pictures; manager time), electrical dictionary computer: (learn English: attend online course, online chatting, online games, songs) T: an acoustic guitar; 一弹就是七八个小时,这也是细节 S: lonely times; playing songs; kill time; with me; not cheap; 14 times; One thing special in my life is an acoustic guitar I bought in 2000.It is very special for me. First, because I always played guitar when I was unhappy . Like last year I was dumped by my 5th girlfriend. I felt so bad that I played the guitar all day long. I don’t think I could survive that without my guitar. Also, this guitar has been with me since I came to Beijing. After I have moved 14 times , it is still with me. Finally, It is not cheap. It costs me one third of my monthly salary. So it is very special to me. Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to have a look? T: Nanjing University S: best univer; ranks third; beautiful univer; trees, lucky beautiful girls; school canteen; no flies If I have a chance to show someone to my hometown, I would like to take them to Nanjing University to have a look. First because it is one of the best universities in China. You know, Nanjing University always ranks the third (细节) in China’s universities. Second, it is one of the most beautiful universities in China as well. If you go there, you will see lines of trees and if you are lucky enough, you will find another important factor that makes Nanjing University beautiful: beautiful college girls. Finally, the school canteen in Nanjing University is one of the best. You will have very excellent food service. So those are some of the reasons why I show people there. ②Paired-choice response Format for Paired-Choice Response ①repeat the question (optional) ②choose a position (opening sentence) I prefer to…I agree (disagree)… ③defend your choice by stating 1 advantage of A + 1 advantage of A 1 advantage of A + 1 disadvantage of B 2 disadvantages of B 两大类问题:偏好类;同意不同意类 preference & agree or disagree 准备第二题时要两个角度都要回答 Preference: University students can choose to live in a community by renting an apartment, or they maybe opt to live in university dormitories. Which do you prefer? Include details and examples in your explanation. Agree or Disagree Success can only be measured by the money you earn. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Include details and examples in your explanation. ( money talk) 有钱我可以把这台电脑买下,这是细节 Some students like to live off campus, like renting an apartment; while others prefer living on campus, like living in dormitories. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples T: off campus rent an apartment S: won’t bother others; music loud; snore; privacy; books, movies etc Personally speaking, I prefer living off campus like rent an apartment. First, because I am really crazy about listening to music loud, so I don’t want to bother others. And also, I snore very heavily at night when I am sleeping. You see, a person like me has no choice but to live off campus. Second, I want to have my own privacy. I can’t imagine that 5 or 6 people stick together. I don’t want my roommates to know whom I am calling , dating; what books I am reading or what movies I am watching. I would rather die if I have to live on campus” T: on campus S: share experience; campus life , classmates, teachers; Convenient ;near to teaching building&dinning hall 5 'minutes; safer Some people prefer having meals at Chinese restaurants, but some others prefer American-style fast food like KFC and McDonald’s. Which do you prefer and explain why. T: American S: fast service; Am 30 chi 1hr; tastes good; French fries hamberg; Sign of fashion; KFC ,mac I think American style fast food would be better. First, because of its fast service, I can save a lot of time. For example, If I have fast food, it only takes about 30 minutes, while if I have Chinese food, it will be an hour ” Another reason is that it tastes good. French fries and Hamburg are my favorite. Finally, eating fast food is a sign of fashion. You see, How can you be fashionable without having fast food in KFC or McDonald’s Chinese food T: Chinese S: nutritious; nutrition; a variety of choices; Sichuan ants climbing trees;Chinese food culture; Interesting food’s names I think Chinese food would be better. Firstly, they are nutritious which have a lot of body-building nutrition and vitamin (vitamin重音在最前面) we really need. Also, there is a large variety of choices , like, if you like spicy food, you can choose “sichuan” style restaurant. By the way, my favorite Sichuan dish is “ants climbing tree.” Finally, you can know somethin’ about Chinese food culture by going to Chinese restaurants. Some dishes’ names are truly interesting, like “Dragon flitting across sea” Do you agree or disagree with the following statements “having a lot money is very important”. Use reasons and examples to support your response. Some people like going to concerts to hear music played live. Other prefers listening to recorded music. Which musical experience do you think is better, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. Live concerts: atmosphere; interaction; very excellent visual and audial effect Recorded music: cheaper; free T: concert S: spectacle ; hundreds of thousands; feels real; hear music see music I would prefer going to concerts to hear music instead of listening to recorded music. First, because I like the spectacle of concerts. Perhaps, hundreds of thousands of people are listening to their favorite music. All that cheering, energy and enthusiasm. That’s why I have always been longing to go to Woodstock Rock Festival in America. Also, I think it feels so real . You can not only hear the music but you can also “see” the music. Watching them playing music live is the real musical experience. Some people like going after fashion. Other don’t. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. T: won’t go after fashion S: cost money; clothes latest fashion; energy consuming; newspaper, radio magazines I wouldn’t go after fashion. First, because it costs so much money. You have to keep buying the clothes of the latest fashion and style. That’s a whole lot of money to be spent. Also, It’s energy-consuming. Since you have to be kept checking the newspaper and tune in to the radio or TV for the latest fashion which changes frequently. So it is hard to follow. Then I don’t follow. 考中策略 对section direction非常熟悉,考试的时候直接点击继续 恰当使用准备时间;仔细读题;注意一切题目中问的问题;知道要回答写什么问题;写下答题简单提纲,否则答题是有可能失误 说的清晰且缓慢,用正常的语速,80-90词分钟 组织自己的回答,TST 注意时间,一定要做计时练习 表达中的coherence问题(口语、写作中都很重要) 定义:各个部分连贯,行云流水 只要做到coherence,很容易就能被理解。 中国学生的问题: ①The fresh water, it is the most important things of the earth. 双重主语,things应用单数。 ②When I (oh, no) when something bothers me. 说出when I的时候发现说不下去了,这个不好。之后又说了oh, no,这就更不好了。显得不流畅 解决方法: ①一定要使用信号词(signal words or transitions) Give examples: for example; one example; also; such as; another example; in addition Give reasons: because; one reason; first, second, third; so (that); another reason; finally ②每句话必须完整 ③句子结构简单点 ④使用一些已知词汇 ⑤说话清晰 ⑥语速适当 如何说的快且清晰:连读(linking words together)很重要 注意练习连读,练些绕口令(练习迅速地发音到位);有每天练习一些,每天15min 中国人word by word,老外是sound by sound,是靠音来连接 一般规则:前辅后元 第一二题的一些练习 What’s your favorite holiday? Use reasons and details to support your response. Spring Festival: don't have to work, food, gift money, visiting friends National Day: holiday, travel Thanksgiving: give thanks to, turkey Christmas: gift exchanged, new beginning, greeting friends T: spring festival S: family gathering; mom dad; delicious food; ants climbing trees; vacation; 7 days off My favorite holiday is one of the traditional festivals in China : Spring Festival. First, because it is really an occasion of family gathering. Only at Spring Festival do I have a chance to be back to home in Nanjing. Then I can meet my mom, dad, sister and so on. Second, I can have some delicious food made by my mom who is a good cook. My favorite dish is “ants climbing tree” made by my mom. Finally, at Spring Festival, I can take a few days off. Because I am a real workaholic . I work about 7 days a week. I really wanna take a vacation somehow. So those are some of the reasons that I make Spring Festival my favorite holiday. 注意层次感,每句话的功能不能都是一样的。注意平时的积累 If you suddenly got $10 million , what would you spend it on? Use details to support your response. Stuty abroad; own business; give money to parents; hope project; investment; buy cars, houses, villas T: several things S: huge house; 2 million mom and dad Nanjing; stocks bonds; 3 million “Never put……..” ; Vacation; Nepal If I have $10 million, I will spend it on several things. First, I’d like to spend $2 million buying a huge house or even villa to house my mom, dad, and some sisters. Because, I am livin’ in Beijing while they are in Nanjing. I miss them and they miss me. So I want to live with them. Second, I will invest $3 million in stocks, bonds etc to make me have more money. Just as the saying goes “Never put all your eggs in one basket”. So I will try to diversify my investment vehicles. Finally, I will spend the rest on vacationing. I am crazy about traveling all around the world. I will go to Nepal in the first place. That’s my favorite country in the whole world. It is a fantastic place to visit. Why are preparing to take TOEFL test. Use reasons and examples to support your response. T: several reasons S: need; international student Harvard Stanford(细节); prove English level; GRE GMAT LSAT next ones I take the TOEFL test for several reasons. First, because I want to go abroad to study . You know , I am an international student. So I have to take the TOEFL test to enable me to study in America. My favorite school is Harvard or Stanford. Second, I want to prove my English level. I am an English major . I have been studying English for ten years. I want to prove my English proficiency by taking tests of various kinds. I have taken the tests like GRE, GMAT and LSAT. TOEFL is the next one I want to crack(搞定). Some people like to eat most of their meals with other people. Others prefer eating most of their meals alone. Which do you prefer and include details and examples in your explanations. T: others S: talk with them; food, enjoy better, Great time to talk; Cook myself, Share the food I prefer having meals with my friends. First, because I like to talk with somebody while having meals. Like, I really like to talk with my friends about music. And I also think it is the golden opportunity for us to talk while we are eating, by doing this I can enjoy the food better. Also, I have a chance to share my point of view on the food we are eating. Finally, if I cook myself, it’s so boring to eat what I have cooked. I need to share the food I have made with my friends. This is why I am cooking. T: alone S: alone; not talkative concentrate; bad for health; indigestion, (personal incident or your friends’ ones) I prefer having meals alone. First, because I am really a person who likes to be left alone, especially when I am eating. I am not talkative, especially when I am having meals which means I have to concentrate on the food instead of things we are talking about. Another reason why I prefer having meals alone is that talking while eating is bad for our stomach. It will lead to indigestion if you often talk when you eat. Finally, if I eat alone I am not going to have any problems like other people’s terrible table manners. Let me give you one example, and I can’t stand this really. Somebody makes a lot of noise when they are eating or somebody even takes off their shoes when having meals. This really drives me crazy! ③campus situation Topic: Fit and Explain 千万不要有自己的观点,比如I think 之类的 Reading:使用老托福阅读(300词),或者新托福某一段来训练,做笔记。读得好有利于听懂听力材料。短文必然是一个通知或者一个建议,看完短文后要知道提了什么建议,reasons Listening:口语中的listening跟后四题都有关,听学术性东西,要做笔记,用mw代表男女 Speaking:Orally summarize,两个信息源的整合,combine the information 做笔记的原因: ①做笔记是基本的学习技能(别把字写得很大) ②注意major ideas、major examples等 ③听力中要听出说话者对阅读材料的态度 Format for No.3 question In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a notice (the title of the reading passage) and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on …….. (summarize each passage with one sentence) According to the reading passage, the notice explain (discuss)…… In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice ……… NOTICE OF VOTE ON CAMPUS FOOD SERVICE Students are encouraged to vote on the university’s proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Students Center , including the addition of more food choices and more dining space’ this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.(99 words) Topic: NOTICE OF VOTE ON CAMPUS FOOD SERVICE Mains points: university’s proposal; Students should vote Option 1: expand the main cafeteria in the Students Center , add more food choices dining space’ close the two snack bars on campus.
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