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TOEFL已发送5.23www.sharewithu.com › 论坛 › ≡ TOEFL / PTE ≡ › 【TOEFL iBT专区】 › IBT120经验分享~我的满分可以复制——浅桥答疑贴~ [复制链接] 刚考完托,能满分真是人品爆了~ 本来想开讲座,但考虑到写经验的时候把能想到的都说了,还是在这里开个答疑帖吧~ 大家备考期间有什么问题都可以发上来,我挑能回答的尽量答哦~~ 下面是我刚考完写的备考经验分享,还有一些看过的分享推荐~ http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4...
www.sharewithu.com › 论坛 › ≡ TOEFL / PTE ≡ › 【TOEFL iBT专区】 › IBT120经验分享~我的满分可以复制——浅桥答疑贴~ [复制链接] 刚考完托,能满分真是人品爆了~ 本来想开讲座,但考虑到写经验的时候把能想到的都说了,还是在这里开个答疑帖吧~ 大家备考期间有什么问题都可以发上来,我挑能回答的尽量答哦~~ 下面是我刚考完写的备考经验分享,还有一些看过的分享推荐~ http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=446294&page=1#pid3974485 zxl130 发表于 2012-5-22 20:21 大神,能简单说说你平时的英语状况么?比如专业是否和英语有关,4、6级成绩,以及这次托福您准备多长时间? ... 我专业是国际新闻的,也算是和英语有关。听力阅读写作确实底子好,口语在学校也就中上水平吧,但是语音语调还不错,在这个基础上狂练口语所以最后才拿了满分~在我们学校这专业是要考专四专八的,专四刚考过成绩还没出,所以没有考过4、6级。。。高考成绩好像129。。。吧?不太记得了,北京的题 很难说这次准备了多长时间,大概从寒假开始准备了俩礼拜,然后考前两周开始集中练口语~作文我平时感觉还行所以没练多少篇,这个制定计划的时候要看各人情况~不过这个安排主要是因为报名报在了学期中~如果你能寒暑假集中准备直接去考我觉得效果会更好~ 如果在校准备的话,我这个时间表可能更适合英语底子不错裸考也能100+的: 考前先花一周仔细研究OG,做每部分后面的练习,练完后面两套practice test,对出题的思路基本有数并且对口语和作文的评分标准很清楚(作文范例1-5分的评价都要看,还有口语音频每道评价都要好好琢磨);接下来两周开始做TPO阅读和听力,每次做完题认真反思;最后两周集中练口语和作文,(中间穿插着再做几篇阅读和听力以免太久没做速度慢下来了。)作文我觉得练到自己觉得掌握了套路的程度就差不多了,因为托福对例子质量要求不高随便编也可以~口语因为影响分数的因素太多所以我本着精益求精的考虑每天俩小时反复说直到考试的前一天~ 菇凉Caroline 发表于 2012-5-22 20:52 求LZ的口语音频~~~ 我练第1、2题机经的时候很多都有反复录音,尤其第1题,但是直接存到那个软件上了不知道怎么导出来。。。如果用YeeaooBox练历年机经看到有tink07分享的就是我说的。。。都是练习时候的录音很多内容蛮扯的,你如果看到的话也就听个思路吧。。。4-6题我觉得不必太要求了,怎么问怎么答就好~论坛上Leon发的TPO答案范例的录音都好好听哦建议找来练习的时候当参考~ 布丁的天空 发表于 2012-5-22 21:19 如果楼主不介意的话 可不可以分享下你备考时写过的作文和录过的口语音频捏~~~~感激不尽呀!!! 关于口语的音频同8楼~写过的作文存着的有4篇。。。我作文练得真的太少了,其实当时去考也挺没底的。。。但是练的时候我觉得几乎每练一篇都有一点点进步,时间上或者organization上或者具体论证方式上。。。我可以把那几篇发上来看看,写的都不完美而且有的结构不是很好,其实我推荐的结构是总共五段,开头引controversy,迅速入题,两段正面论证,一段rebuttal,最后一段简单总结~ HYPERLINK "http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=OTYzMzZ8ZGNhNGQ1ZjB8MTMzNzc2MTg2NHw1ODQyNzV8NDQ3MjYw" \t "_blank" 作文.doc (47 KB, 下载次数: 24) 16 小时前 上传 下载次数: 24 下载积分: 人品币 -2 Independent Writing OG Practice One 21:30 22:23 Words: 581 Young adults – live independently asap vs live with family longer Young adults are usually ashamed of still living with their parents after they “grow up”. They crave for the independence and privacy of living on their own and want to prove they can do it. Nevertheless, I consider it a better choice for young adults to spend more time living with their families because it is a precious experience from which they can really learn a lot. First of all, living with their family can teach them more about love and care. In a society where personal success is the most highlighted point among the media and their education, it is very important that young adults preserve that soft spot in their hearts and care for other people as well as value love and sentimentality. By spending more time with their families, they would be more sensitive about other people’s feelings and more open about speaking out their love, since that is what families do when they spend time together. In a way, spending more time with people who they love and love them back would help them develop mentally and therefore improve their ability in handling emotions. Moreover, young adults learn about cooperation and compromise. That is something highly valued when they leave their homes and work in the society. It is especially evident among young people who grew up with their siblings that the experience gave them more insight in upholding peace and harmony. One example is that when I came to college and started sharing a room with my dorm-mates, I as a single child was quite uncomfortable at first. I was not accustomed to many of my dorm-mates’ habits, such as eating in bed and leaving garbage on the ground, and did not know what to do about it. But one of my room-mates dealt with the problem in a better way. She gathered us up and discussed what rules we should have in the dorm, and later planned a schedule of which day who of us would do the cleaning. She said she had a lot of experience living with other’s personal habits and compromising so everyone would be satisfied, and she learnt this when growing up with a brother. Last but definitely not the least, I think young adults should seize the opportunity to spend more quality time with their parents as they can. In China there is an old saying, “When the children finally want to take care of their parents they do not have the chance anymore.” Lately I have just gone through something that really made me reflect on the way I treat my family. My father was diagnosed of having a tumor (although it later proved to be a false diagnose) and it made me feel terrible. I cannot be more regretful for not spending more time with him. Sometimes only when the young adults grow old enough to realize their parents need more delicate care do they start to value family and put aside the worldly success they try so hard to pursue,, but by then they usually do not have much time to express their love anymore. I believe young adults should know how precious the opportunity to spend time with their parents is because they would not have much energy to care for their parents once they become fully involved in work and other worries. To conclude, I believe the ability to love and care, to cooperate and compromise, and the precious chance to spend time with family is a more valuable experience for young adults than proving they can live independently. 2010-2-13-NA 10:48 11:38 In a team, those who do not accept other’s criticism cannot succeed. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly hard for someone who turns a deaf ear to other’s opinions to win a respectable place in a workforce. In a team, those who do not accept other’s criticism cannot eventually succeed. Personal success is no longer the highest value. A team player should be able to work his way to success through constant criticisms from the team that helps him improve his work and keep a clear mind. First of all, accepting other’s criticism is no doubt an essential part of self-improvement. It is the most efficient way to perfect our decisions and behaviors, and eventually achieve success. No great man in history succeeded without consulting another wise mind. Even the most powerful and decisive leaders needed the constant counterarguments from his peers. As Confucius would say, “Among three people, there must be one who can be my teacher”. This means that any person may be able to give some useful suggestion for the improvement of your work. Thus accepting criticism from the team would be beneficial in paving your road to success. Secondly, listening to other’s criticisms is important for avoiding impulsive or irrational decisions. These kind of decisions are the ones that hinders one’s success on a great deal. In China there is a proverb that says those who are dealing with the situation cannot see as clearly as an outsider. This is why we must keep an open mind and welcome criticisms that helps us remain objective in judgment. In fact, this is in consistence with the essence of the check and balance systems in democratic institutions such as that of the United States. The President cannot successfully lead the country on his own. Nor can the Congress. The system of check and balance holds it necessary to accept criticism from another party or institution, thus a vivid example of how it avoids irrational behaviors and clear the way for success. Moreover, if someone does turn a deaf ear to whatever other people are talking about, it would eventually lead to an inharmonious working atmosphere, interfering with the teams’ unity and cohesiveness. This may very likely come in the way of group success because other people will feel as if their opinion is not respected and that the team no longer values cooperation. In conclusion, those who do not accept other’s criticism really cannot succeed in a team. 2010-10-22 11:12 11:42 The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during past 50 years. In a world changing as fast as ours, generation gaps prevail among parents and children, not to mention grandparents and grandchildren. Many kids are quick to believe the modern day is so different from that of the past as to turn a deaf ear to all their grandparents' advice, in the belief that it is too out of date. Nevertheless, I believe the advice from our grandparents would always have some use for us even as the world has changed a lot during the past decades. Firstly, though the world has experienced dramatic changes, many of the problems and confusions of life are permanent human conditions that remain the same. The wisdom of the elderly has ever been most respected by the Chinese, as the core values of the country believes that they have more life experience and therefore can provide better advice of the common problems we meet in daily life. For example, problems involving how to study and who to love, how to expand social networks and make peace with others are problems we need to cope with however the world changes. Moreover, the elderly may be wiser at providing advice exactly because they are not so overwhelmingly immersed in the contemporary lifestyle. In Chinese there is an old saying, the one who is playing the game does not see as clearly as the one who observes it. The elderly are not so obsessed with the fevers of the age, which can help them stand out of the perplexities of the time and thus provide more objective advice. Admittedly, different times have cultivated varied perspectives and life values. That is why we should understand that some advice from our grandparents may no longer be relevant in contemporary times. But however people's attitude towards things like success, money and sex has varied over time, it is still helpful if we can absorb the useful information from what they say and utilize it properly in our lives. The advice of our grandparents can still be surprisingly useful due to the permanent problems we face as human and the respectable wisdom of those standing beyond the perplexity of the time. 2010-3-12 23:23 23:58 To make children do well at school, parents should limit the hours that a child spends on watching TV. As a good education seems to be the key to a better life, parents now seem increasingly eager to do whatever it takes to help their children do better in school. Many parents are now making television take the blame if their kid does not have a satisfactory report card. But can limiting TV hours effectively truly improve the child’s performance at school? I highly doubt that. First of all, I contend that entertainment and relaxation is an important part of enjoying a healthy life and keeping a good mood. Without that, it would be difficult to study efficiently. Although there are myths about mothers who successfully send their children to prestigious universities by keeping their children away from non-academic activities and forcing them to study all day long, most parents today would agree it is more beneficial if the child balances study and relaxation and achieve success by studying with more efficiency. An adequate amount of TV hours helps the child stay in positive emotional conditions. This would make them more likely to focus once they turn to school work and therefore do better in school. Secondly, watching TV is not in contradiction with learning. I myself have found many television programs very educating, such as the discovery channel and the history channel. These have helped me gain more insight in understanding different cultures and historical backgrounds that we encounter in school work. Even if the child is only watching movies or TV series, they can still learn something about art and pop culture. Therefore it is a hasty decision to limit the child’s TV hours merely in the purpose of improving their grades, because the decision suffers from a very prejudiced idea of television, taking the television simply as a waste of time. Moreover, simply making strict rules for children and expecting them to obey may receive a negative result. Parents cannot tell the kids exactly what to do forever. While many parents now likes to take control over their kid’s life in the name of love, the children may not agree. Children, especially those reaching teenage, may tend to be subject to the forbidden-fruit-appeal once they are told not to watch so much television. In this way they would show even less interest in school work, and be more keen on exploring the wonders of television. What parents really should do is guide the children through their impulses as well as confusions, help them know how to relax while learning efficiently, and eventually respect their choice to watch television for however long they would deem appropriate. In conclusion, parents should not limit TV hours for their children in the purpose of helping them do better in school, because watching TV is not necessarily bad for learning and restricting their choices may well beget an undesirable effect. 米诺米诺_ 发表于 2012-5-22 23:05 拜大神。。。其实我想问一下speaking和writing怎么拿高分啊?看到经验帖说不要模版。。。但是大概是我功底差 ... 拿高分。。。具体指标参考OG~ 用不用模版还要看各人的情况和要求了。。。如果底子差一点,口语还是求23上下就好,把时间放在练其他项目上面去吧,练写作可能性价比更高~口语用模版能够显得逻辑清晰并且流畅,所以还是有用的~只不过后面的题要是想要good,好像要求细节多说一点,这样如果用模版可能最后就说不完了。。。但如果要拿fair,我建议还是语速适中,用好模版,尽量有条理地把最重点的内容说清楚就行了~ 至于写作,也不是说不能要模版,其实托福写作很模式化的就可以不用追求华丽效果~不要模版应该是说最好能通过练习形成自己的模版,有一个比较固定的套路,以及每段开头啊总结啊的时候喜欢用的好词儿~不管怎么用,套模版只能帮你organization的方面,会有一个很好的印象分,有逻辑清晰的感觉,但是具体的内容也是很重要的~首先我看OG觉得考官还挺在意逻辑的,所以观点与例子匹配、例子合理阐述什么的也很重要~另外托福毕竟是语言考试,语言质量必须练出来呀语言非常好的话分数不太可能会低的~~如果你觉得没有模版写不出,可能还是练习得比较少吧。。。平常可以经常拿OG上面的题目练练列提纲,想不出观点的话看看网上的范文brainstorm~如果是具体展开的时候想不到写什么也可以通过看范文来提高,看看观点应该怎么解释、细化、怎么把例子跟观点之间建立联系~ 不知道说这些有木有用。。。练作文的话可以在论坛里的互改帖里发发看,跟别人互相批改哦~ 加油噢~~ proveforever 发表于 2012-5-23 00:33 大神~~~分享一下阅读和听力的诀窍啦,经验啦什么的呗~~~ 我觉得阅读跟听力如果基础还不错的话都属于能通过做TPO把分数提上来的项目。如果还有很多读不懂听不懂那就找些别的先把阅读听力的水平提上去,不用找太多题来练,因为我看到的别的题感觉跟ETS思路还是不完全一致。。。如果已经都能懂只是单纯不会应试那还是要把OG看好了,把TPO错题好好总结,熟悉常见的出题思路~ 阅读的诀窍其实只有paraphrase,千万不要想太多,就顺着原文逻辑选跟原文意思最接近的选项~另外虽然很多人不背单词也能考托福,我觉得陌生的词儿太多做的时候肯定会影响速度,所以建议还是把学科常见词背熟了~最重要的是做完题要总结呀,练完10套之后应该会发现自己错的题目有共性的,然后再仔细想想是读不懂还是想太多还是抓不到重点。。。我就是这样辛苦滴在总结错误中成长的。。。 听力的话。。。听懂是基础,必须的~如果TPO还听不大懂的话可以存在Mp3里多听几遍,并且练习跟读~这方法我也是听来的但感觉会很有效,还可以顺带练语音语调和复述能力。。。一开始跟不上的话可以听几句就暂停一下~听着听着就发现lecture的结构都是千篇一律有矩可循~ 做听力题的技巧。。。如果能自己做上10套TPO的题应该能总结出一些规律,比如太细节的时间名字不重要但你要知道这些例子想说明什么,开头介绍的本lecture重点很重要,教授说的那些与学术无关的话有什么意图想把话题往哪儿引很重要。。。记笔记不必求面面俱到但尽量让自己看着思路特别清晰,记的时候最好非常清楚什么是lecture的中心主要目的,哪里是sub-point或者例子或者只是过渡的话。。。 PS:如果连阅读和听力能力的话,阅读材料我推荐科普杂志的文章,跟托福接近些~听力材料推荐公开课和TED,公开课是课堂真实场景自然非常有价值,TED短小精悍,通常把学术话题趣味化,讲话的人大多机智幽默,听得时候比较有趣~ 谁说南方好过冬 发表于 2012-5-23 08:38 牛牛问一下阅读要怎样提高呢?我读文章第一遍抓不住细节,做题的时候就忘了。是不是要练习长难句? 其实我也是读第一遍通读完全记不住,所以我做题从来都是先看题再读文章,做最后一道归纳题的时候是先排除错项再看一遍全文看看每部分大意是啥~很多人推荐先通读一遍文章,但是可能适合每个人的方法不一样吧,要不你先试试我这样?因为题目都是按顺序排的,所以我觉得先读题(不看选项)再看原文的段落找答案,最后再对照选项看哪个细节对应上了,这样更省时间~ 如果经常读不明白句子的话那就要把长难句单独拿出来练习~网上有流传一些讲义吧,不过我这方面问题不大所以也不知道用什么资料比较好。。。 aqua_silas 发表于 2012-5-23 12:22 ……我就是想知道阅读障碍导致的阅读分数过低有的治么……【你奏凯= = 阅读障碍。。。那是啥?一看英文就走神儿?那也没什么不能治的,可以先多看点儿自己感兴趣的英文文章把障碍给消灭了 浅桥 发表于 2012-5-23 13:28 我觉得阅读跟听力如果基础还不错的话都属于能通过做TPO把分数提上来的项目。如果还有很多读不懂听不懂那就 ... 谢谢浅桥~ 我的听力属于能听懂,但是笔记还是会记好多好多没用的废话 看完你的经验分享,感觉是可以通过TPO练出来的 阅读就是狂错细节题,我也很没辙…… 作为既没有上过N次课又没有花很长时间适应托福的人,能有这个分数实在是有赖于前人的各种经验分享,所以看到成绩之后想到的第一件事就是上来发经验。个人觉得托福真是非常有规律可循的考试,希望这点经验能让大家准备的时候节约时间少走弯路,多一些参考~ 前期准备: 我自己准备的时候没想花太多时间上新东方,所以前期准备就是两部分,看110+还有口语25+的经验分享,还有就是看OG。别人的经验看再多也只是参考,就算报了班儿OG大家一定要自己仔细看一遍,尤其要研究几篇作文的评价还有后面附的口语录音的评价!!说到底准备托福的核心材料也就是OG,TPO,口语写作机经。分项练习之前,最好先结合自己的预期成绩,做OG的情况,别人的建议以及做2套TPO的情况制定出适合的复习计划。 TPO1-17软件版: http://bbs.xiaoma.com/thread-169765-1-1.html TPO1-24软件版: http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=437580&ordertype=1 分项练习: 口语 首先要强荐这个口语软件:http://www.yeeaoo.com/client/ 可以保存录音,看参考答案,听别人的录音,互相评价。。。虽然我有时候用着会出bug,但这真的是非常好的练习口语的软件!!黄金80题,历年机经,机经预测啥的都有。 练习之前建议仔细看OG最后对几个录音的评价,那些high level里出的问题为什么被忽略,mid level里的哪些因素让考官特别反感。 针对1、2题,没别的就看机经吧。没时间就先看近两年的,重点是一边练一边积累素材,同时练习修改素材随机应变,最好练到最后什么话题都能扯而且45秒就能扯完。用yeeaoo可以反复录音,根据OG看自己的哪些地方有问题,比如有没有自然的语调、适当的停顿、具体的细节。。。问原因的我通常都是列两点,把第一个能想到的点先展开说,第二点时间不够或者想不起例子的话就可以短一些。 1、2题准备的时候注意积累素材。忘了是在哪篇经验里看到说答这两题最好能personalize,所以准备托福的两周我是成天想我喜欢或讨厌哪些有趣的place, person, object, events。。。毕竟考官整天听万金油的答案早就麻木了,如果答案有趣至少能让他提提神儿觉得这人用的不是万能答案是自个儿想的材料。我第一题说最喜欢在哪儿学习说的就是食堂,人多的时候特吵练口语不尴尬,人少的时候特安静还可以靠窗坐有阳光有风景的特别惬意。第二点最后也没说完吧,但是考官也没有特别苛责。当然这是说personalize是针对前两题想保good的同学们,不然拿fair的话还是用模版和万金油理由更安全。个人觉得如果考的是新题或者准备时间比较少,花太多时间练1、2题还不如把3-6题练好了,因为前两题通常大家还是能拿fair,至于good可能要靠运气还有语音语调这种不容易速成的东西。 针对3-6题,个人觉得这四题拿good比前两题更容易,而3,5题又最容易,卡在23的大家可以把这两道当突破口狠狠练。第3题说的时候注意审题呀。如果只问听力里面那人的意见就一句话简单介绍情况别花太多时间说阅读材料。第5题说solution的时候最好不说缺点,留到说自己意见的时候好用。我考试的时候就没几道题是说完的,尤其最后一题第二个例子就说了个开头,能满分想来可能语音语调还是占了便宜有印象分。而且我语速快,入题快,总结的时候结构要非常清楚,然后尽量多说细节。有一阵子我非常焦虑,认识的人里很多明明口语很好都只能拿fair,不知道问题在哪儿。后来看到有一篇经验说得非常直白:模版可以保你23,但是要求25+的你就抛弃模版。并不是模版一定就不行,但是通常我们看到的流行模版常常废话过多,能给人流畅的错觉但是耽误细节的展开甚至给人一种没审清题的感觉。平时练习可以多做几套总结出自己的模式,真正考试的时候还是人家问啥你就答啥,我第六题就多了一句废话最后一小半重点都没说完。 具体练习的时候,建议先按3,5,4,6的顺序用十几套TPO一道一道地练,找着自己惯用的模式,毕竟做几套下来就发现规律性特别强。然后等1、2题练得差不多了再用几套按1-6的顺序做,最后留几套跟其他几个section一起模考。这几道考得各有侧重,具体见OG。说的时候最好出声练,要录音,说得不行就反复录音反复修改,遇到特别frustrating不知道怎样总结才好的题上网可以找到很多范例看看人家咋说的。总结的时候如果能paraphrase肯定能给人好印象,但我一般说的时候反应不过来要换词,最多记笔记的时候有时间就把动词形容词换掉。另外,如果语音语调确实有问题,或者铁了心口语要很高分,我看到有人说练习跟读确实会有效果,那用TPO听力练就可以吧,跟读完顺便可以练习summarize的能力对听力口语都有好处。 写作 托福的写作还是非常规整的,保守一点OG要什么就写什么就行了。下面有一篇文章讲到写作还挺清楚的。模版还是不要太大路货了,建议自己练几篇总结出自己的模版。结构一定要非常清楚。我通常是总共五段,开头引controversy,迅速入题,两段正面论证,一段rebuttal,最后一段总结。例子好像不用太复杂,大不了就编亲身经历了。 阅读 阅读用TPO练应该就够了。除了指代和归纳之外所有题几乎都只是在考Paraphrase,亏的我做了快十套题之后才悟出来。不要过度推断,不要有assumption,如果你觉得哪个选项都没法选一定是看文章漏掉了那句话,如果哪道题实在选不出就别纠结太久,最后都做完再回来重读那一段可能就清楚了。 单词要不要单拿出来时间背,还要看个人情况。如果只为了阅读里面的单词题确实是无所谓的,其实单词题碰到生词的几率很小,真碰到就认栽了。但是有时候阅读里面生词太多会影响速度,所以词以类记里面的学科单词还是建议过几遍,对听力也有好处。其他的词还可以用拓词http://www.towords.com/过一遍。 听力 我确实没花多少时间练听力,从小看电影和美剧还是有用的。练听力的时候建议对常见的出题点敏感一些,一边记笔记一边留心教授想讲的主要内容是什么,整个的结构框架是怎样。最好能把学科常见词都混熟了,省的听到生词一时反应不过来影响理解。 如果做TPO感觉不够,对某一学科很感兴趣的同学可以听听公开课,大家根据自己的兴趣上itunesU随便搜啦~BBC的纪录片也挺好,不过只是为了熟悉这个学科的话题和词汇的话听TED会更节约时间~ 先写这么多了,我再想到的话再补充吧。希望大家觉得有用~ 推荐一些别人的分享: 很实在的综合指导: http://page.renren.com/600161032/note/807004161 http://www.taisha.org/bbs/thread-1196395-1-1.html http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-438096-1-1.html http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=437299&fromuid=471014 http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=394018&fromuid=471014 http://toefl.xdf.cn/201203/1153513.html http://news.bangkaow.com/news/20110725/217450.html 这个说口语的特别特别好,强荐!! http://wenku.baidu.com/view/0377d6cb05087632311212c0.html 口语指导~ http://news.bangkaow.com/news/20110726/217845.html http://www.lixiaolai.com/archives/9046.html http://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=972939&highlight= http://toefl.xdf.cn/201204/1178533.html http://www.liuxue86.com/toefl/kouyu/402719.html http://toefl.tiandaoedu.com/experience/10254.html http://toefl.tiandaoedu.com/spoken/10315.html http://www.51ibt.cn/review/oral/3426.html http://wenku.baidu.com/view/de72210d6c85ec3a87c2c541.html http://www.sharewithu.com/viewthread.php?tid=425898&extra=page%3D1 http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=395932&fromuid=471014 http://toefl.xdf.cn/201203/1151085.html http://bbs.xiaoma.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=219893 http://toefl.xdf.cn/201203/1168673.html TPO口语示范,有很好听的录音的~时间不是严格的45'或者60',但是内容挺好的可以做参考~ http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-425929-1-1.html 黄金80题范例~ http://www.sharewithu.com/viewthread.php?tid=423750&extra=page%3D1 如何利用TPO阅读~ http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=418301&fromuid=471014 听力多做几套之后会发现出题点都能总结出来 http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-437818-1-1.html http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=430979&fromuid=471014 关于综合写作: http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=418303 这篇写作说得很细~ http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-439925-1-1.html P.S: 如果有很长时间的话准备就看美剧熟悉语音语调,听公开课积累听力的感觉,看小说积累写作的语感。 顺便推荐一些我自己喜欢的剧和公开课~ 情景喜剧:Friends; Modern Family; New Girl 律政剧:The Good Wife; Criminal Justice 魔幻:Game of Thrones (书也好看,文笔也好,但有时词儿过于复古,可能对作文帮助不大。) 战争:Generation Kill; The Pacific 古装/时代剧:Rome;Downton Abbey;The Hours 其他:Homeland; Six Feet Under; Sherlock; Black Mirror 至于公开课,Harvard著名的那个Justice很好,Yale的大部分我都觉得不错,心理、音乐、欧洲文明史、博弈论、政治哲学,Stanford的Geopolitics。。。另外我听力老是错天文方面的,所以找了个Introductory Astronomy觉得还不错:http://www.
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