

2012-05-04 20页 doc 212KB 23阅读




2011年中国建设银行总行综合类招聘真题(含答案)1)阅读理解 1、有不少人在三五少年时,见到中老年人的世故和冷漠,对明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状深为不满,暗暗立下誓约乃至公开宣称:我将来绝不愿这样,要把青春的锐气保持到暮年。 句中“对”这个介词所管的对象是()。 A.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷 B.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态 C.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状深为不满 D.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状 答案:C 2、皮肤美是人体美的一个...
1)阅读理解 1、有不少人在三五少年时,见到中老年人的世故和冷漠,对明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状深为不满,暗暗立下誓约乃至公开宣称:我将来绝不愿这样,要把青春的锐气保持到暮年。 句中“对”这个介词所管的对象是()。 A.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷 B.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态 C.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态无动于衷,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状深为不满 D.明知应加斥责、诛伐的世态,实质上是怯懦或倦怠却故作有修养的高明状 答案:C 2、皮肤美是人体美的一个重要特征。面部皮肤是最引人注目的地方,健美的面部皮肤可增添人的资色,反映人体的健康状况与精神面貌。中国大多数人属于黄肤色人种,光洁柔润、白里透红的颜面,是历来人们所称道、羡慕和追求的。关于这段话,下列说法不正确的是; A.中国还有其他的肤色的人种 B.中国人的肤色是最美丽的。 C.皮肤美也是衡量人体美的一个。 D.从面部肤色可判断一个人的健康状况。 答案:B 3、传统认为,哺乳动物冬眠的奥秘在于心脏。无论冬眠动物,还是非冬眠动物,甚至人类,其心脏工作原理是相同的。当钙离子流进心脏的细胞时,就引起心脏收缩;当钙离子随即排出细胞时,心脏又开始舒张。但是随着温度的降低,非冬眠动物的心细胞排除钙离子的能力明显降低,从而使心脏的舒张越来越困难,最后导致死亡;而此时冬眠动物的心脏细胞则完全与此相反。因此心脏细胞调节钙离子浓度的机制,是冬眠时心脏正常活动的关键所在。对冬眠动物心脏工作原理的解说,符合文意的是: A.当心脏收缩时,钙离子流进心脏细胞;当心脏舒张时,钙离子从心脏细胞中排出。 B.随着温度的降低,心脏细胞排除钙离子的能力也相应提高 C.即使在低温条件下,心脏仍能保持与非低温条件下收缩和舒张的原状不变 D.心脏细胞排除钙离子的能力明显增强,从而使心脏的收缩也随之增强。 答案:B 4、一篇议有了正确而鲜明的观点,还必须有确切而充分的材料来证明。证明论点的理由和材料就是论据。论据分为两类:一类是用有代表性的例,可靠的实和确凿的统计数字来充当,叫实论据。另一类是人们公认的道理、格言、谚语等,叫道理论据。一篇文章,运用实论据来证明观点,这种论证我们称它为“摆实”。运用道理论据来证明观点则称为“讲道理”。以上文字所讲述的主要内容是: A.议论文既要有论点,也要有证明论点的论据 B.议论文要有充分的证明材料 C.议论文中两类不同的论据 D.议论文中“摆实”和“讲道理”都必不可少 答案:C 5、听莫扎特的音乐能够提高智商,这被称为“莫扎特效应”。无论“莫扎特效应”有无这样的神奇效果,音乐在陶冶情操、抚慰心灵上的作用正在逐步显现出来。人类离不开音乐也是显而易见的事实。通过这段话,可以知道的是: A.作者认同“莫扎特效应”。 B.作者认为音乐能提高智商 C.看不出作者是否认同“莫扎特效应” D.音乐在大脑的开发方面起关键作用。 答案:C 6、人不仅要生存下去,而且更要出众,人类之不朽并非只因他在万物之中有着无穷尽的声音,主要的是因为他有心灵,有同情、牺牲以及忍耐的精神,而诗人、作家的责任就在于写这些事情,他们有权利帮助人类升华精神世界,提醒人们过去有的光荣,如勇气、荣誉、希望、自尊、同情及牺牲精神,诗人的作品不只是人类的记录,也可以说是帮助人类生存及超越一切的支柱。 下列对画线处理解正确的是()。 A.诗人所创作的作品是帮助人类生存及超越一切的支柱 B.文学作品不仅是人类生存的客观记述,而且还要在升华精神世界上发挥作用 C.诗人要帮助人类升华精神世界 D.作家的责任是要把人类在万物之中的无穷尽的声音都记录下来 答案:B 7、在结构主义盛行的文化背景下,在功利取向为主导的市场经济中,人们缺乏理性向道德妥协的意识,迷信于理性计算,从而使得信仰与道德日渐荒漠化,信仰的缺乏必然造成人无法对生活及生命的意义进行完整解读,缺乏对的敬畏,从而信仰被理性“杀死”。 作者通过这段文字表达的主要意思是() A.理性和信仰的相互对立是现代社会的一个标志 B.在现代社会,理性需要向道德妥协,人需要有信仰 C.迷信理性,会导致信仰缺失、道德沦丧 D.在现代社会,道德和信仰的形成非常困难 答案:C 8、事实上从九十年代开始,绿色经济的研究者就语言,按照著名的康德拉吉耶夫经济长波理论或熊彼特创新周期理论,在以信息技术革命为内容的第五次创新长波之后,即将来临的是以资源生产被革命特征的第六次创新长波,而这个长波的意义就是开创以低碳能源为特征的生态经济新时代,哥本哈根国际气候会议将会实质地启动这个绿色经济的新长波,并到2020年进入高潮,不管哥本哈根会议的具体结果如何,世界肯定将走低碳经济的绿色发展道路。 这段文字主要在说明哥本哈根国际气候会议的() A.理论基础 B.时代背景 C.重要意义 D.前景展望 答案:C 9、作为一种力量,文化力不是一种直接作用的力,其显现发挥必然是通过一定的体裁或媒介,要么是耐着于人们的思想观念或是精神理念上,要么是物化在一定的物质产品或精神产品上,只有通过精神的或者物质的载体,文化力才有了真实的存在,也就是说,文化力并不是那种立竿见影式的显在力量,不可能由人们随心所欲地控制和主事,这也是千百年来人们对文化力认识一直甚为模糊的根源原因之一。 作者通过这段文字意在() A.说明文化力是一种软实力 B.表明文化力的表现形式是多样的 C.阐释文化力本质上具有依赖性质 D.解释人们对文化力认识不清的原因 答案:C 10、吕叔湘老先生说,人长着嘴巴“不光能吃饭,还能说话”。但长久以来,人们说话的权利却被束缚着。在古代的时候,人分尊卑贵贱,地位常使卑者噤若寒蝉。伏尔泰说:“我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利”。在康德那里,就是“启蒙”。不是要将自己的观点强行灌输给他人,而仅仅是帮助别人抹去蒙在他心上的那一层灰尘,帮助他们认识自己。 对这段话理解最准确的是 A.法律赋予的民众的表达权,不分三、六、九等 B.在法律面前人人平等 C.人天生是会说话的 D.说话既是民众的能力,也是法律赋予民众的权利 答案:C 11、我们今天的劳动可以分为两部分,一部分是为得到今天生存所必需的生活资料而付出的劳动;一部分是为未来的发展而预先支付的劳动。当这两部分的比例前者大于后者时,说明我们的劳动尚处在较低级阶段;而后者远大于前者时,则说明我们的劳动层次得到了很大提高。因此,只有通过社会发展、进步,提高人们的效率和层次,才能真正实现人类自身的彻底解放。对上段话理解正确的是: A.今天我们的劳动目的主要是为了获得生存所必需的生活资料 B.在现代社会,任何人从事的劳动都可以分为两个层次 C.劳动层次的提高是人类社会发展的一个重要标志 D.如果我们多选择一些为未来的发展而预先支付的劳动去从事,那么我们的社会就会取得更快的发展 答案:C 12、从众心理,是社会心理的普遍现象之一。所谓从众,是个体在群体的压力下,放弃自己的意见或违背自己的意见,使自己的言语、行为保持与群体一致的现象。这种现象就是从众,即群体能产生压力,使人们的思想在压力下趋于一致。这段话支持了这样一种论点: A.从众心理在实际工作中产生的是消极的效应 B.在实际工作中,工作群体应当更为强调人的个性 C.个体从众达到一致或是被迫服从,或是自愿接受 D.个体对群体越信任,个体的行为就越容易趋向群体行为 答案:B 13、股票在中国的历史,可以追溯到19世纪洋务运动时期。当时中国出现了一批官办与官商合办的股份制企业。1873年成立的轮船招商局,发行了中国最早的股票。1914年,中国北洋政府颁布证券交易所法,1917年成立了北京证券交易所。到抗日战争前,上市股票已达百余种。但后来几经挫折,股市始终没有发展起来。 这段文字概括最恰当的是()。 A.股票发源于19世纪洋务运动时期 B.股票的发源地是中国 C.股票在中国历史的各个时期都存在 D.股票在近代中国有一段辉煌的历史。 答案:B 14、历史的人要办历史的事,既不要超越历史,去干那些办不到的事情;也不要推卸历史的责任,该干的事情也不去办。 对这句话理解正确的是 A.办历史的事要量力而为 B.办事要对历史负责 C.办历史的事反对冒进 D.要经得起历史的考验 答案:D 15、好几次听见电台主持人问节目参与者“你叫什么”,我很反感。如果对方是一个小孩,回答说“我叫毛毛”,或者“我是珍珍”,那倒也显得有些亲切。但对方是一位有名有姓的成年人,这种问法就显得太粗鲁。我国的语汇是很丰富的,传统的“请问尊姓大名?…“台甫是?”或白话一些,“请问您的姓名?”,这不是迂腐而是应有的文明礼貌。我们应把警察审问罪犯时的第一句话“你叫什么?”和日常交往的语句区别开来。 根据本文,问人姓名时应该考虑对方的()。 A.性别B.职业C.年龄D.态度 答案:C 16、这些生产厂家说,这种产品的包装是可以生物降解的,它们一旦与其它物质混合,便会自然消失或者可以支持生物的成长。研究人员认为,真正的生物降解物质在需氧条件下可以分解成二氧化碳和水,在厌氧条件下它们则可以分解成甲烷和二氧化碳。然而,经他们试验的每个产品都不能降解,也不能达到上述标准。这段话主要支持这样一种观点: A.此厂家的说法夸夸其谈。 B.厂家“生物降解’”表达不清。 C.“生物降解”在现实中可以有不一样的理解。 D.该产品无法分解成甲烷和二氧化碳。 答案:A 17、一个人面对壁垒,应该想尽一切办法绕过他们,一个人的能力会在绕过这些壁垒时体现出来;而且对你而言是壁垒的,对他人而言同样也是,若你能绕过,相当于把一大部分竞争对手挡在了身后,那么最终跑在前面的始终是寥寥几个人。 通过这段文字我们可以知道: A.每一个人都一定会发现有很多的壁垒在面前 B.面对壁垒,对自己要有信心,跟壁垒去对撞 C.你绕过了壁垒,你就战胜了大部分竞争对手 D.设法绕过壁垒会发现自身潜能,在竞争中成为领跑强者 答案:C 18、理学重道德的修养固然不错,其对于中国社会日后发展贡献,也不容忽视,但不能都认,理学所倡导的偏重道轻视事功的倾向,还有他那过分的内省自律,正好为专制帝王起到了为渊驱鱼的效果。读书人的大丈夫气概日渐消亡,英雄豪杰只有在草莽中孕育,从梁山伯里诞生。宋、明两次亡于外族,无疑与宋代以来主流思想的自宫与内敛不无干系。 对这段文字的主旨理解最准确的是() A.理学特有的价值取向遵循了古代统治者的统治需求 B.理学所倡导的精神导致古代读书人中很少出现英雄豪杰 C.读书人大丈夫气概的缺失和理学自身的特点有关 D.宋明两次亡于外族,理学理论起到了推波助澜的作用 答案:A 19、外语或第二语言教学,正在走出“就语言教学语言”的局限境地,而把构成人们语言交际能力所不可或缺的社会文化因素也导入语言教学。这就必然对作为语言教学重要环节的语言测试提出相应的要求:语言测试中应该包含对相关文化内容的测试,不妨可以说,这是语言测试中的“文化测试”。最能准确地复述这段文字意思的是: A.语言测试中应该包含对相关文化内容的测试,即语言测试中的“文化测试” B.社会文化因素教学的导入要求语言测试中应该包含对相关文化内容的测试 C.外语或第二语言教学,正在走出“就语言教学语言”的局限境地,这要求把社会文化因素也导入语言教学 D.社会文化因素教学的导人,要求外语或第二语言教学走出“就语言教学语言”的局限境地。” 答案:B 20、美貌的人并不都有其他方面的才能。因为造物主是吝啬的,他给了此就不再予彼。所以许多容颜俊秀的人却无所作为,他们过于追求外形美而放弃了内在美。但这话也不全对,因为奥古斯都、菲斯帕斯、腓力普王、阿尔西巴底斯等,都既是大丈夫,又是美男子。仔细考究起来,形体之美要胜于颜色之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于形体之美。最高的美是画家所无法表现的,因为它是难于直观的。这是一种奇妙的美。 “他给了此就不再予彼”中“此”是指: A.美貌B.美貌的人C.其他才能D.内在的美 答案:B 2)数学运算 1、已知:如图△ABC是等腰三角形,AB=AC,P是BC上的任意—点,PE⊥AC,PD⊥AB,BF⊥AC,则PE十PD的长度之和与BF的长度关系为: PE+PD=BF PE+PD>BF PE+PD英语
能力考核 资料1: Why does cram go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure of the food, not its chemical composition—a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives. Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery. Both are emulsions—tiny globules (小球体) of one liquid evenly distributed throughout another. The difference lies in what’s in the globules and what’s in the surrounding liquid, says Brocklehurst, who led the investigation. In cream, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. In butter, globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat. The bacteria which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery regions of the mixture. “This means that in cream, the bacteria are free to grow throughout the mixture,” he says. When the situation is reversed, the bacteria are locked away in compartments (隔仓室) buried deep in the sea of fat. Trapped in this way, individual colonies cannot spread and rapidly run out of nutrients (养料). They also slowly poison themselves with their waste products. “In butter, you get a self-limiting system which stops the bacteria growing,” says Brocklehurst. The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistant to bacterial attack through alterations to the food’s structure. Brocklehurst believes it will be possible to make the emulsions used in salad cream, for instance, more like that in butter. The key will be to do this while keeping the salad cream liquid and not turning it into a solid lump. 1. The significance of Brocklehurst’s research is that ____________. A) it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh without preservatives B) it discovered tiny globules in both cream and butter C) it revealed the secret of how bacteria multiply in cream and butter D) it found that cream and butter share the same chemical composition 答案:A 2. According to the researchers, cream sours fast than butter because bacteria _________. A) are more evenly distributed in cream B) multiply more easily in cream than in butter C) live on less fat in cream than in butter D) produce less waste in cream than in butter 答案:B 3. According to Brocklehurst, we can keep cream fresh by ___________. A) removing its fat B) killing the bacteria C) reducing its water content D) altering its structure 答案:D 4. The word “colonies” (Line 2, Para. 4) refers to __________. A) tiny globules B) watery regions C) bacteria communities D) little compartments 答案:C 5. Commercial application of the research finding will be possible if salad cream can be made resistant to bacterial attack _____________. A) by varying its chemical composition B) by turning it into a solid lump C) while keeping its structure unchanged D) while retaining its liquid form 答案:D 资料2: Humanity uses a little less than half the water available worldwide. Yet occurrences of shortages and droughts(干旱)are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies. Since the world’ population is expected to double in the next 50 years, many experts think we are on the edge of a widespread water crisis. But that doesn’t have to be the outcome. Water shortages do not have to trouble the world — if we start valuing water more than we have in the past. Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises, today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective. We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we can use as much as we like in any way we want. Instead, for all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value. This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs. Governments should also protect this resource by providing water in more economically and environmentally sound ways. For example. often the cheapest way to provide irrigation(灌溉)water in the dry tropics is through small-scale projects, such as gathering rainfall in depressions(凹地)and pumping it to nearby cropland. No matter what steps governments take to provide water more efficiently, they must change their institutional and legal approaches to water sue. Rather than spread control among hundreds or even thousands of local, regional, and national agencies that watch various aspects of water use, countries should set up central authorities to coordinate water policy. 6. What is the real cause of the potential water crisis? A) The world population is increasing faster and faster. B) Half of the world’s water resources have been seriously polluted. C) Humanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources. D) Only half of the world’s water can be used. 答案:C 7. As indicated in the passage, the water problem __________. A) has been exaggerated by some experts in the field B) is underestimated by government organizations at different levels C) poses a challenge to the technology of building reservoirs D) is already serious in certain parts of the world 答案:D 8. According to the author, the water price should ___________. A) correspond to its real value B) be reduced to the minimum C) stimulate domestic demand D) take into account the occurrences of droughts 答案:A 9. The author says that in some hot and dry areas it is advisable to __________. A) build big lakes to store water B) construct big pumping stations C) channel water from nearby rivers to cropland D) build small and cheap irrigation systems 答案:D 10. In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to _______. A) centralize the management of water resources B) increase the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levels C) guarantee full protection of the environment D) encourage local and regional control of water resources 答案:A 资料3: Most episodes of absent-mindedness — forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room — are caused by a simple lack of attention, says Schacter. “You’re supposed to remember something, but you haven’t encoded it deeply.” Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and don’t pay attention to what you did because you’re involved in a conversation, you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in you wardrobe (衣柜). “Your memory itself isn’t failing you,” says Schacter. “Rather, you didn’t give your memory system the information it needed.” Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. “A man who can recite sports statistics from 30 years ago,” says Zelinski, “may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox.” Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on just that. Visual cues can help prevent absent-mindedness, says Schacter. “But be sure the cue is clear and available,” he cautions. If you want to remember to take a medication (药物) with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table — don’t leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket. Another common episode of absent-mindedness: walking into a room and wondering why you’re there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. “Everyone does this from time to time,” says Zelinski. The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you’ll likely remember. 11. Why does the author think that encoding properly is very important? A) It helps us understand our memory system better. B) It enables us to recall something form our memory. C) It expands our memory capacity considerably. D) it slows down the process of losing our memory. 答案:B 12. One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that ________. A) they have a wider range of interests B) they are more reliant on the environment C) they have an unusual power of focusing their attention D) they are more interested in what’s happening around them 答案:D 13. A note in the pocket can hardly serve as a reminder because _________. A) it will easily get lost B) it’s not clear enough for you to read C) it’s out of your sight D) it might get mixed up with other things 答案:C 14. What do we learn from the last paragraph? A) If we focus our attention on one thing, we might forget another. B) Memory depends to a certain extent on the environment. C) Repetition helps improve our memory. D) If we keep forgetting things, we’d better return to where we were. 答案:A 15. What is the passage mainly about? A) The process of gradual memory loss. B) The causes of absent-mindedness. C) The impact of the environment on memory. D) A way if encoding and recalling. 答案:B 资料4: Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, ‘The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the b
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