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欧莱雅面试英文自我介绍(2 min) 大学里最自豪的事情/到目前为止在大学里最大的收获是什么/列举你印象最深刻的一桩校园事件/大学里最关注的事/做过的最有意义的事情 The proudest thing I've ever done in my college life is to pursue what I really want. Before I went to college, I'm always an obedient student and child who follows rules and meets everyo...
英文自我介绍(2 min) 大学里最自豪的事情/到目前为止在大学里最大的收获是什么/列举你印象最深刻的一桩校园事件/大学里最关注的事/做过的最有意义的事情 The proudest thing I've ever done in my college life is to pursue what I really want. Before I went to college, I'm always an obedient student and child who follows rules and meets everyone's expectation. I always tried to be good to make others feel proud of me. But after I enter university, I come to realize that such things don't matter to me anymore. Because I live my life for myself, I don't live for satisfying others. So I pursue what I really want. I've attended many student clubs which I'm really interested in, such as the school chorus, the host club, the taekwondo club. I learned street dance and Jazz drum and I hope I can have my own band someday. I've taken part in the school singing contest and win an award of excellence. I'm really proud of myself that my college is colorful and exciting. 大学里最委屈的一件事/最遗憾的事/最大失败,怎么克服的/你面临的最具有挫败感的一件事情,你是怎么面对,怎么解决的; I don't think there is really something that has upset me, if there has to be one, I'll name it when I ended my last relationship with a boy. I have devoted a lot in this relationship, and when it ended, it feel like my world has collapsed. But I recovered through a long period of time, in which I learned independence, I learn to cherish friendship and I learn to regain the passion for life. And the most important thing I've learned through this is that I have developed a more mature attitude toward life. I come to know that in one's life, there's something one can control and you'll gain and win if you have payed enough, like your study, your work. And there's something out of your control, such as other people's affection. And in the futher I'll focus more on the previous one to have a successful career rather than a house wife. Because the achievement in a career is very solid but the achievement in a relationship is very flexible. 让你感到压力最大的一件事情 the most pressure I feel recently comes from my parents. They insist that I should further my study and attain the diploma of postgraduate. But I don't want to have my postgraduate education now. Because I find myself interested in business-related courses and I want to work in related business for several years before I have my undergraduate education, this will be more meaning for both my career and my study. At last, although my parents haven't agree with me, they don't try to persuade me every time they call me. I'm insisting on my choice and looking for a job now. I believe in my decision and I will show them I'm right. 专业有啥意义/从你主修专业中学到的最有趣的事情/大学期间你觉得你从你所学习的专业收获最大的是什么 I've majored in diplomacy and English. I like my majors because they have opened a whole new world for me. Through diplomacy, I learned world history, political systems for China and the West, international relations and many other interesting courses related to politics, economy and culture. I've read classic books written by great thinkers, such as John Mill. I think the most important thing my major gives me is a wide scope of knowledge and a deep understanding of relations. Because the international relations is the relation between countries, it's very much like the relation between people. And my second major is English,through which I have obtained not only excellent English skills, but also better understanding of western cultures. 你印象最深的电影 the movie that I like most is Scent of a Woman, the leading actor is Al Pacino. It's a story mainly about a retired colonel of American army who was blind by an accident and was leading a miserable life. He tried to commit suicide but regained confidence for life. This movie is like a mirror and it shines me up. I know that life has ups and downs. You can be very successful, but life has many unexpected accidents which can lead you into misery. And the really important thing is how to handle it, complaining is of no use, avoiding is of no use either, we have to face it, overcome it and conquer it. 个人的interest能充分体现你个性的一件事 The proudest thing I've ever done in my college life is to pursue what I really want. Because I live my life for myself, I don't live for satisfying others. So I pursue what I really want. I've attended many student clubs which I'm really interested in, such the school chorus, the host club, the taekwondo club. I learned street dance and Jazz drum and I hope I can have my own band someday. I've taken part in the school singing contest and win an award of excellence. I'm really proud of myself that my college is colorful and exciting. 如果时间可以倒流,你觉得你会怎么样重新度过? (不要后悔,以前的都过去了无法改变,我们从中学到的经验教训让我们成了现在更加成熟的自己。与其想这样的问题,不如想想以后怎么样应对,怎么样Move on.如果真的让时间倒流,我只希望我能提醒当时的自己,阳光总在风雨后,一切都会好的。) 谈一谈你最喜欢的一个品牌 老师、同学、家长如何评价你 (在老师眼里我是一个好学生,总是达到要求,努力做好。在同学眼中,我是一个值得信赖的好朋友,活泼体贴。在父母眼中,我有些不听话,总是坚持自己的想法,走自己的路。只有在我最好的朋友面前,我才能展示出最真实的自己,这时候的我是个复杂的集合体。) 最喜欢或最不喜欢的一门课 (西方国家政治概论和中国国家政治概论,教授中西方政治的差别,包括政治结构,选举制度等。我发现中西方政治制度各有利弊,也引发了我对中国政治制度的一些思考。中国现在有许多社会问题,而制度是其根本,好的制度才能催生出善的社会。因为我是一个有社会责任感的人,我对处境不好的人有很大的同情心,所以我很喜欢这门课。) 你最喜欢的一句话 (I come I see I conquer。凯撒大帝,征服。霸气,淡定。遇到困难,要霸气,要淡定,没有任何困难是客服不了的。只要有信心,有摆平一切的架势,就能搞定一切。就像遇到困难。。。。。) 我最喜欢的一本 你最喜欢的作家 米兰昆德拉 Milan Kundera Czech(the unbearable lightness of being,immortality) 生活在苏联入侵捷克,经历了很多,对人性的理解很深入,哲学化philosophical。Challenging Nietzsche’s concept of eternal recurrence (the idea that the universe and its events have already occurred and will recur ad infinitum), that each person has only one life to live, and that which occurs in life occurs only once and never again — thus the “lightness” of being. In contrast, the concept of eternal recurrence imposes a “heaviness” on our lives and on the decisions we make he believed this heaviness could be either a tremendous burden or great benefit depending on the individual's "perspective."真的英雄,其实不问出处。从现在起,我开始谨慎地选择我的生活,我不再轻易让自己迷失在各种诱惑里。我心中已经听到来自远方的呼唤,再不需要回过头去关心身后的种种是非与议论。我已无暇顾及过去,我要向前走。 现今校园正发生的热点事件 十大,到处都在唱歌,各个院系都在举办唱歌比赛。校园边的很活跃。我去年也参加过十大,参加的过程很享受。今年要去当观众,虽然没有去参加有点小遗憾,但去做观众,纯放松也挺好的。 tips:切记要先把题目重复一遍,不然hr不知你抽得什么题目; 陈述用总分总的结构神马的最好,逻辑性强很清晰; 面带微笑的说,让别人感受到你的积极主动,即使有卡壳也很正常,亲们~ case 就是选择一个随身物品,向面试官推销,要包含产品的卖点和如何与客户保持长久的关系。我们的是要和超市的采购部门去谈判,对方要求5000块钱的货架费,更多的返点,但是我们只给1000的货架费,并且返点不变。问要如何说服对方答应我们的要求。 策划利用微博对lancome产品进行品牌效应的宣传;提出你的构思与预算。 关于碧欧泉的校园推广活动;(小样) 卡尼尔的一款新的面霜投放市场,主打三合一效果。但是品牌知名度不够,价格适中。消费者对其功效的insights不够。要求team设计广告(需要表演),产品诉求以及媒介投放。 introduction - advertising performance - brand/product appeal - advertising media platform - conduction 我们小组讨论的题目是Vichy薇姿应不应该进入大卖场,这是一个开放性问题。另外一组讨论的问题,貌似是欧莱雅集团旗下某个品牌的促销方式之类…… 为碧欧泉找男士代言人,还一个是为某时尚产品重新定价 选择一款欧莱雅产品赞助一项运动项目的运动赛事,并理由 为某一位同学量身定制一款化妆品,确定其功能、品牌和广告词。 薇姿是否可以退出彩妆系列? 其他组:请为兰蔻选择新的代言人。 小护士要不要上彩妆,为什么。 为羽西定制进军年轻人市场的营销策划 tips: 时间的把握非常重要,这个大家一定要注意,题目也没啥难的,就靠发挥了。 对欧家旗下产品现有一定的了解,包括产品的品牌故事、所传达的理念、适用的客户群体、经典产品等,这样才能有针对性的进行; 不要太过于展现自己的aggressive,以team的cooperation为宗旨,只要一个team能表现好的话,那么你们都有希望,但是如果有谁太aggressive,结果是。。。呵呵,你懂得~ 最后汇报的时候,需要有个人将活动策划一张大白纸上;汇报的人数不限,因此可以考虑两个人一起,每个人汇报自己擅长的部分。 1.用英语准备之前所有的问题,需要讲故事的部分都用star model 来讲; 2.讲已经知道的一些case自己先试着想想能给出一些什么样的idea; 3.将欧莱雅所有品牌的定位进行了解和对比,列出了所有的代言人。 关键就是看你在面试过程中对目标的达成付出了多少吧 面试无论如何不能慌,时时刻刻保持冷静,不要在乎自己说了多大的信息量,一定要考虑到想突出什么,要逻辑清晰; 团队合作中一定要积极参与,要给予大家肯定,团队利益最大化呀~~ 其一,准备好各种例子;其二,准备好各线产品的理解;其三,关注网上社区及微博动向。 英文原文 Please describe yourself about your characters, hobbies, etc. Pleasant, have many hobbies,such as music,taekwondodrum. Enjoy life enjoy friend. Responsibility, can always count on me. Always interested in news things.(翻译 西班牙语。。。)Enjoy life, cherish family,friend and love. I know what i want and i'll spare no effort to achieve it. (MKT,sales) Ambitious, determined to have a great career.(事业为重) Please give an example of how you deal with a difficult situation. I don't think there is really something that has upset me, if there has to be one, I'll name it when I ended my last relationship with a boy. I have devoted a lot in this relationship, and when it ended, it feel like my world has collapsed. But I recovered through a long period of time, in which I learned independence, I learn to cherish friendship and I learn to regain the passion for life. And the most important thing I've learned through this is that I have developed a more mature attitude toward life. I come to know that in one's life, there's something one can control and you'll gain and win if you have payed enough, like your study, your work. And there's something out of your control, such as other people's affection. And in the further I'll focus more on the previous one to have a successful career rather than a house wife. Because the achievement in a career is very solid but the achievement in a relationship is very flexible. Please tell us your understanding of Loreal’s image now, and how will you contribute to Loreal’s image if you are part of Loreal? Profound--high middle low; diversified--主打健康自然的药妆,彩妆,染发。。。;innovative--研发推出新产品。加入后,帮助欧莱雅的推广活动,让它更为消费者了解,把产品中的理念。。。。 Please design a slogan for hair coloration product in China and describe your idea in details. Light your hair, light your life.对待头发的态度就像对待生活的态度,头发是最显眼的地方,有点色彩感显得很有活力,染发可以体验到一种新的感觉,新的生活。 Please use one sentence to give a definition of 'Beauty', and describe the most beautiful thing in your life. 美是一种生活态度,虽然生出来不美,但要让自己有心灵美,要让自己变美。就像欧莱雅的品牌体现出来的理念----把美传播给每个人。。。。。。就像生活遇到困难,美就是突破困境,超越自己。 Would you please describe yourself in 3-4 lines? Enjoy life, cherish family,friend and love. I know what i want and i'll spare no effort to achieve it. (MKT,sales) Ambitious, determined to have a great career.(事业为重) 2. Could you tell us why we should choose you as a Loreal Person, and what makes you unique? Loreal is a prominent,国际化大公司,化妆品行业最好的公司,只有接触到最好的公司,才有机会和最好的人共事,学习长处,交流,成长。很好多喜欢的品牌----- 因为我有潜质,学习快,愿意付出。 What is your short-term and long-term career plan? 进入一家大行公司,从事市场或销售方面的工作。工作五年左右达到中层管理。留学深造,学习此类专业。继续发展,能有多远走多远。 What kind of group activities are you interested in and what type of role do you often play? 有共同的兴趣爱好,在一起交流,分享。没有功利(don't pay many attention to gain)性质,纯属娱乐。大家庭中的一份子。 When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why? 大公司------同事好,交流成长,进步快。 兴趣与特长的结合点----激励,又能干得好。 有前景-----越干越好,学到新的东西。 Reflecting on your campus life, share with us your most unforgettable experience and why it is so. The proudest thing I've ever done in my college life is to pursue what I really want. Before I went to college, I'm always an obedient student and child who follows rules and meets everyone's expectation. I always tried to be good to make others feel proud of me. But after I enter university, I come to realize that such things don't matter to me anymore. Because I live my life for myself, I don't live for satisfying others. So I pursue what I really want. I've attended many student clubs which I'm really interested in, such the school chorus, the host club, the taekwondo club. I learned street dance and Jazz drum and I hope I can have my own band someday. I've taken part in the school singing contest and win an award of excellence. I'm really proud of myself that my college is colorful and exciting. 6.Please describe a situation that your idea was not immediately accepted by others? How did you try to convince them? What was the outcome? 和朋友有分歧。不说服。交流聆听。双方获益。 宝洁八大问
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