

2011-11-18 50页 ppt 2MB 16阅读




飞信大赛nullnullnullnull 一.填空: 一组回答10个题, 每组随机抽2个人,1个题10分。 规则: 选手自己答对时,个人满分 ; 组员帮助下,得半数分 null⑴⑶⑷⑵ 1.[dumped] (?) [meteorological] (?)  [infrastructure] (?) [suspend] (?) [assess] (?) 1.[dumped] (?) [meteorological] (?)  [infrastructure] (?) [suspend] (?) ...
nullnullnullnull 一.填空: 一组回答10个, 每组随机抽2个人,1个题10分。 规则: 选手自己答对时,个人满分 ; 组员帮助下,得半数分 null⑴⑶⑷⑵ 1.[dumped] (?) [meteorological] (?)  [infrastructure] (?) [suspend] (?) [assess] (?) 1.[dumped] (?) [meteorological] (?)  [infrastructure] (?) [suspend] (?) [assess] (?) 回页首1. [dumped] (倾倒) [meteorological]  (气象学) [infrastructure]  (基础设施) [suspend] (暂缓) [assess] (评估)1. [dumped] (倾倒) [meteorological]  (气象学) [infrastructure]  (基础设施) [suspend] (暂缓) [assess] (评估)回页首[?] (板球外交)  [?] (被称为) [?] (冰球)  [?] (赶超)  [?] (重申)[?] (板球外交)  [?] (被称为) [?] (冰球)  [?] (赶超)  [?] (重申)回页首[cricket diplomacy]  (板球外交)  [dubbed] (被称为) curling] (冰球)  [outpace] (赶超)  [reiterated] (重申) [cricket diplomacy]  (板球外交)  [dubbed] (被称为) curling] (冰球)  [outpace] (赶超)  [reiterated] (重申) 回页首 2. [arable land] (?)  [injunctions] (?)  [detected] (?) [verification] (?) [subsidies] (?)  2. [arable land] (?)  [injunctions] (?)  [detected] (?) [verification] (?) [subsidies] (?) 回页首 [arable land] (可耕地)  [injunctions] (禁令)  [detected] (发现) [verification] (证实) [subsidies] (补贴)  [arable land] (可耕地)  [injunctions] (禁令)  [detected] (发现) [verification] (证实) [subsidies] (补贴) 回页首[?] (错误的)  [?] (失职的,无能的)   [?] (妩媚的) [?] (兼并,收购)  [?] (严厉打击) [?] (错误的)  [?] (失职的,无能的)   [?] (妩媚的) [?] (兼并,收购)  [?] (严厉打击) 回页首[erroneous] (错误的)  [inept] (失职的,无能的)   [alluring] (妩媚的) [acquisitions]  (兼并,收购)  [crackdown] (严厉打击) [erroneous] (错误的)  [inept] (失职的,无能的)   [alluring] (妩媚的) [acquisitions]  (兼并,收购)  [crackdown] (严厉打击) 回页首 3. [?] (核泄漏) [?] (毁灭性的  [?] (救援工作) [?] (势头) [?] (集会) 3. [?] (核泄漏) [?] (毁灭性的  [?] (救援工作) [?] (势头) [?] (集会) 回页首 [nuclear leakages]  (核泄漏) [devastating]  (毁灭性的)  [relief work] (救援工作) momentum] (势头) [rally] (集会) [nuclear leakages]  (核泄漏) [devastating]  (毁灭性的)  [relief work] (救援工作) momentum] (势头) [rally] (集会) 回页首[sufficient] (?) [adhered] (?) [imperial jade seal] (?) [bombardment] (?) [emergency law] (?) [sufficient] (?) [adhered] (?) [imperial jade seal] (?) [bombardment] (?) [emergency law] (?) 回页首[sufficient] (足够的) [adhered] (坚持) [imperial jade seal]  (御用玉玺) [bombardment] (炮击) [emergency law]  (紧急状态法) [sufficient] (足够的) [adhered] (坚持) [imperial jade seal]  (御用玉玺) [bombardment] (炮击) [emergency law]  (紧急状态法) 回页首  4. [?] (提高,加紧)  [?] (挪用)  [?] (引诱) [?] (强迫) [?] (吸纳,招募)   4. [?] (提高,加紧)  [?] (挪用)  [?] (引诱) [?] (强迫) [?] (吸纳,招募)  回页首  [stepped up]  (提高,加紧)  [misappropriated]  (挪用)  [lured into] (引诱) [coerced into] (强迫 [recruiting] (吸纳,招募)   [stepped up]  (提高,加紧)  [misappropriated]  (挪用)  [lured into] (引诱) [coerced into] (强迫 [recruiting] (吸纳,招募)  回页首[toxic] (?) [initial] (?)  [rein] (?) [the National Development  and Reform Commission]  (NDRC) (?) [ensuing] (?) [toxic] (?) [initial] (?)  [rein] (?) [the National Development  and Reform Commission]  (NDRC) (?) [ensuing] (?) 回页首[toxic]  (有毒的,引起中毒的) [initial] (最初)  [rein] (控制) [the National Development and Reform Commission]  (NDRC) (发改委) [ensuing] (接下来) [toxic]  (有毒的,引起中毒的) [initial] (最初)  [rein] (控制) [the National Development and Reform Commission]  (NDRC) (发改委) [ensuing] (接下来) 回页首null二.抢答!!! 英译汉或汉译英 规则:抢答,当选手自 己答对时,满分 ; 组员帮助下答对,得半数分 nullRadiation exceeding government safety limits has [seeped into] groundwater under a tsunami-crippled Japanese nuclear plant, according to the operator, but has not affected drinking supplies. A 影响到 B 渗入 C 流入 nullThe operator of Japan's leaking nuclear plant said last night two of the six [reactor units] are now safely under control after their fuel storage pools cooled down. A 单位 B 个体 C 堆 nullChina has been distancing itself from products imported from the nation since Japan announced on Saturday that radiation levels found in spinach and milk produced near the [crippled] nuclear plant exceeded safe levels. A 残疾的 B 受损的 C 跛子的 nullLibyan rebels' push westwards toward Tripoli gathered [momentum] on Sunday as their pursuit of Muammar Gadhafi's forces saw them wrest back control of key oil town Ras Lanuf. A 势头 B 动力 C 力量 nullUp to 250,000 people from every corner of Britain took part in a huge march and [rally] in London on Saturday against UK government [cuts] (开支). A 团结 B集会 C回升 nullAuthorities across Asia [stepped up] (提高,加紧) checks this week on Japanese imports after radioactive [contaminant] (污染物) showed up in food and water in quake-stricken Japan following [blasts] at a nuclear plant last week. A冲击波 B爆炸 C一阵 nullAt least 187 million yuan ($28 million) has been [misappropriated] (挪用) by individuals or companies involved in building the [Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway] (京沪高铁), China's top [auditor] said. A旁听生 B审计师 C核数师 nullBeijing officials will be [held accountable for] (负责任) [erroneous] (错误的) decision making and [inept] leadership by a new regulation meant to improve the supervision of the Communist Party of China and the government. A笨拙的 B失职的 C不适当的 nullChina's Ministry of Transport said on Wednesday that [non-toll] roads would account for more than 96 percent of the country's [road mileage] (里程数) in the future. A通行费 B钟声 C代价 nullGuangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd, China's No 6 domestic automaker, said it plans to seek a [listing] on the Shanghai Stock Exchange through a 5.23 billion yuan ($797 million) merger with GAC Changfeng Motor Co Ltd. A上市 B列 C挂牌 null11 . China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)[农业部] said on Monday that the government would launch a one-year [crackdown] on illegal [additives] (食品添加剂) in pig feed which have proven to be [toxic] (有毒的,引起中毒的) to humans. A 取缔 B压迫 C 惩罚 null. A meeting of the [State Council] (国务院), or cabinet, Wednesday approved a plan for [ecological preservation] and environmental protection of western China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the next two decades. A保存 B维护 C防腐 null. Muammar Gadhafi's forces attacked two west Libyan towns, killing dozens, while [rebels] (反叛分子) were [pinned down] (被压制) in the east and NATO tried to resolve a [dispute over] who should lead the Western air campaign.A 辩论 B 怀疑 C 阻止 D 抗拒 null. China will [suspend] approval of new nuclear power stations and [assess] (评估) all nuclear projects, including those under construction, in the wake of the Japan crisis, the State Council said on Wednesday. A挂起 B 暂缓 C 吊销 null15. Japanese military helicopters [dumped] loads of seawater onto a stricken [nuclear reactor] (核反应堆) Thursday, trying to avoid full [meltdowns] (熔化物) as plant operators said they were close to finishing a new power line that could restore cooling systems and ease the crisis. A 倾倒 B 被甩了 C 丢弃null16. The top US [diplomat] (外交家) firmly said Hillary Rodham Clinton neither has plans to [mount] another White House bid nor interest in other posts, such as vice president or defense secretary in March 16,2010. A 固定在…上 B 上升 C 底座null三.心有灵犀 活动形式:1个5分 用动作表演成语,共2min 2人合作,一组5个 说出结果 规则:小组积分 三.心有灵犀三.心有灵犀三.心有灵犀null1) 一身是胆马到成功井底之蛙一箭双雕无懈可击 回选择页面 大摇大摆   大摇大摆  回选择页面  前仰后合    前仰后合  回选择页面 对牛弹琴   对牛弹琴  回选择页面  画蛇添足    画蛇添足  回选择页面  捶胸顿足  捶胸顿足 回选择页面 2)挤眉弄眼 2)挤眉弄眼 回选择页面  盲人摸象  盲人摸象 回选择页面  七上八下    七上八下  回选择页面手忙脚乱  手忙脚乱  回选择页面  抓耳挠腮  抓耳挠腮 回选择页面  五十步笑百步    五十步笑百步  回选择页面    凤毛麟角      凤毛麟角  回选择页面  手舞足蹈  手舞足蹈 回选择页面  张牙舞爪    张牙舞爪   回选择页面  眉开眼笑  眉开眼笑 回选择页面 3) 上下其手   3) 上下其手  回选择页面  一网打尽    一网打尽  回选择页面  一石二鸟    一石二鸟  回选择页面  一触即发  一触即发 回选择页面  一掷千金  一掷千金 回选择页面闻鸡起舞 闻鸡起舞 回选择页面 顺手牵羊 顺手牵羊 回选择页面 咬牙切齿 咬牙切齿 回选择页面手忙脚乱 手忙脚乱 回选择页面东张西望东张西望回选择页面4 七嘴八舌 4 七嘴八舌 回选择页面 窃窃私语 窃窃私语 回选择页面眉飞色舞 眉飞色舞 回选择页面 怒目而视 怒目而视 回选择页面眉来眼去眉来眼去回选择页面隔墙有耳 隔墙有耳 回选择页面 掩耳盗铃 掩耳盗铃 回选择页面眼明手快 眼明手快 回选择页面穿针引线 穿针引线 回选择页面 浑水摸鱼 浑水摸鱼回选择页面null四.翻译 1个10分 每组三个 小组分工合作 null1. The operator of Japan's leaking nuclear plant said last night two of the six reactor [units] (反应堆) are now safely under control after their fuel storage pools cooled down.1. The operator of Japan's leaking nuclear plant said last night two of the six reactor [units] (反应堆) are now safely under control after their fuel storage pools cooled down.2. China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) told Xinhua that the third [batch] (批量)of [humanitarian aid](人道主义救援)to Japan was sent on Thursday to support the country's disaster [relief work](安抚工作).2. China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) told Xinhua that the third [batch] (批量)of [humanitarian aid](人道主义救援)to Japan was sent on Thursday to support the country's disaster [relief work](安抚工作).3. China's Ministry of Transport said on Wednesday that [non-toll] (不收公路费的) roads would account for more than 96 percent of the country's [road mileage] (里程数) in the future.3. China's Ministry of Transport said on Wednesday that [non-toll] (不收公路费的) roads would account for more than 96 percent of the country's [road mileage] (里程数) in the future.4. Chinese President Hu Jintao urged an immediate [ceasefire] (停火) in the Libya battleground, and resort to peaceful means in order to avoid more civilian [casualties] (伤亡人员).4. Chinese President Hu Jintao urged an immediate [ceasefire] (停火) in the Libya battleground, and resort to peaceful means in order to avoid more civilian [casualties] (伤亡人员).5. China plans to raise the price of power generated from renewable sources over the next two years in order to [stimulate] (激励) clean energy investment.5. China plans to raise the price of power generated from renewable sources over the next two years in order to [stimulate] (激励) clean energy investment.7. Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani will travel to India this week to watch a cricket match between the two South Asian countries in what is [dubbed] (被称为) as ["cricket diplomacy"] (板球外交).7. Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani will travel to India this week to watch a cricket match between the two South Asian countries in what is [dubbed] (被称为) as ["cricket diplomacy"] (板球外交).8. China defeated Denmark 10-9 Sunday to capture the bronze medal on the last day of the world women's [curling] (冰球) championship in Esbjerg, Denmark.8. China defeated Denmark 10-9 Sunday to capture the bronze medal on the last day of the world women's [curling] (冰球) championship in Esbjerg, Denmark.9. Premier Wen Jiabao [reiterated] (重申) on Monday that China will strengthen its policy of attracting foreign investment, saying the country's development requires closer interaction (互动) with the rest of the world。9. Premier Wen Jiabao [reiterated] (重申) on Monday that China will strengthen its policy of attracting foreign investment, saying the country's development requires closer interaction (互动) with the rest of the world。10. The Chinese government announced Thursday that it will [initiate] (开始) a cotton purchasing and reserve program starting this fall to boost [domestic cotton production] (国内棉价).10. The Chinese government announced Thursday that it will [initiate] (开始) a cotton purchasing and reserve program starting this fall to boost [domestic cotton production] (国内棉价).11. [The East African Community] (中非共同体) has concluded a series of meeting with the World Bank and US to discuss areas of cooperation and support to [the regional integration] (区域经济一体化).11. [The East African Community] (中非共同体) has concluded a series of meeting with the World Bank and US to discuss areas of cooperation and support to [the regional integration] (区域经济一体化).12. The radioactivity in water in one of unit of hobbled nuclear power plants in north Japan has [tasted] (监测出) 10 million times higher than normal.12. The radioactivity in water in one of unit of hobbled nuclear power plants in north Japan has [tasted] (监测出) 10 million times higher than normal.13. A Chinese [imperial jade seal] (御用玉玺) used by Emperor Qianlong sold for 12.4 million euros on Sat at an auction in south west France , setting the highest price for seal.13. A Chinese [imperial jade seal] (御用玉玺) used by Emperor Qianlong sold for 12.4 million euros on Sat at an auction in south west France , setting the highest price for seal.14. The government forces had largely stopped their [bombardment] (炮击) of the city after western countries launched a new round of [air raid] (空袭) against government forces.14. The government forces had largely stopped their [bombardment] (炮击) of the city after western countries launched a new round of [air raid] (空袭) against government forces.15. China will [suspend] (暂缓) approval of new nuclear power stations and [assess] (评估) all nuclear projects, including those under construction, in the wake of the Japan crisis, the State Council said on Wednesday.15. China will [suspend] (暂缓) approval of new nuclear power stations and [assess] (评估) all nuclear projects, including those under construction, in the wake of the Japan crisis, the State Council said on Wednesday.nullnullnull
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