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最好的高效人士7个习惯-_7_Habits中英文 Management Development Series “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” 高效能人士的七个习惯 Management Development Series 2 Workshop Outline 课程大纲 • Introduction 简介 • Why the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? 为什么要进行“高效能人士的7个习惯”的培训? • Team Presentation o...
Management Development Series “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” 高效能人士的七个习惯 Management Development Series 2 Workshop Outline 课程大纲 • Introduction 简介 • Why the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? 为什么要进行“高效能人士的7个习惯”的培训? • Team Presentation of 7 Habits 团队展示7个习惯 • Applying the Habits to Business 在工作中应用习惯 • Key Learnings 主要学习点 Management Development Series 3 Why 7 Habits? 为什么是7个习惯 • “7 Habits of Highly Effective People!” is a principle-centered, character based, ―Inside out‖ approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness: “高效能人士的7个习惯”是一个以原则为重心,以品格为基础和由内而外的 对个人或人际间的效能习惯 1. Principle-Centered 以原则为重心 2. Character Based 以品格为基础 3. Inside-Out approach 由内而外 “Inside out means to start first with self, even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside apart of self with your paradigms, your character and your motives.” 由内而外意思是先由本性开始,即使是最基础的,也是随自己最内心深处的意识 形态,品质和动机开始 “ Paradigm is the way we see the world in terms of perceiving, understanding, interpreting” 意识形态是指我的过感知、理解和认知世界的方法 • What does it mean to you as employees of the Company? 你作为一名公司员工这意味着什么? Management Development Series 4 The 7 Habits – An overview 7个习惯概括 • Habits Defined:习惯的定义 – A habit is the intersection of Knowledge, Skill and Desire. 习惯是知识、技能和渴求的集合 – Happiness is the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually. 快乐是愿望和才能的结果,这种才能是指为了最终结果而牺牲短期需求 Knowledge (what to, why to) 知识(什么、为什么) Skills (how to) 技能(如何) Desire (want to) 渴求(想去) Habits 习惯 Management Development Series 5 The 7 Habits – An overview 7个习惯概括 The Maturity Continuum: 完整连续的统一: 7 Habits move us progressively on a continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence. 7个习惯使我们逐渐形成从依赖到独立 到互赖的延续 Habits 1, 2 and 3 deal with self mastery. Private victories precede public victories. 习惯1、2和3与自我掌控有关,个人成 功先于公众成功 Habits 4, 5 and 6 deal with teamwork, cooperation and communication. 习惯4、5和6与团队工作、合作和沟通 有关 Habit 7 is the habit of continuous improvement. 习惯7是持续改善的习惯 Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯一:主动积极 Habit 2: Begin with End in Mind 习惯二:以终为始 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯4:双赢思维 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 习惯5:知彼解己 Habit 6: Synergize 习惯6: 统合综效 Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw 习惯7: 不断更新 Private Victory 个人成功 Public Victory 公共成就 Management Development Series 6 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People 高效能 人士的 7个习惯 Maximum Human Effectiveness = Effective Leaders 最大化的人力效能=有效的领导者 Winning Organizations 成功的组织 “End in Mind‖ of our Workshop 培训的期望结果 Management Development Series Team Presentation of the 7 Habits 7个习惯的团队展示 Management Development Series Habits: 1 – 3 习惯:1 - 3 Private Victory 个人成功 Management Development Series 9 Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯一:主动积极 • Self-awareness enables us to stand apart and examine the way we see ourselves. It is our map of the basic nature of mankind 自我意识是我们能够自我区分和检查的途径。同时,是人类自我描绘的基本天性。 • Highly effective people take the initiative. They are proactive. They do not impose limits on themselves that prevent them from acting. They recognize that they have the freedom to determine the kind of character they will have because they can decide how they will act. 高效能的人士使这种自我描绘更主动。他们是具有前瞻性的。他们不会为了产生效果 而对自己强加限制。他们意识到他们有自由决定的将从事的事物的特性因为他们可以 决定他们的行为方式。 • They may not be able to control their circumstances, but they can decide whether to use those circumstances or be abused by them. They live by the ―principles of personal vision.‖ 他们可能不能够控制他们所在的客观环境,但是他们可以决定如何利用这样的环境。 他们以个人想象原则为主。 • The story of Viktor Frankl Management Development Series 10 Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯一:主动积极 • Stimulus and Response/刺激与回应: – ―Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose.― 在刺激与回应之间,人们有选择的自主权利 – Imagination - the ability to create in our minds beyond our present reality. 想象力,在我们的头脑中超越现实的创造能力 – Conscience - an inner awareness of right and wrong. 良知,正确与错误的内在意识 – Independent will - the ability to act based on self-awareness. 独立意志,以自我意识为基础的行动能力 • Pro-activity/主动积极: – As employees, we are responsible for the success in our roles 作为雇员,我们为我们的角色/任务的成功负责 – Reactive employees are driven by feelings, circumstances, conditions, the environment – 消极的员工受到知觉,环境,条件等因素影响 – Proactive employees are driven by carefully considered, selected and internalized values. – 积极的员工受到谨慎的考虑,经由挑选和内在价值观驱动 • Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence 关注圈和影响圈 – Where do you focus your time and energy? 您的时间和精力将集中在什么地方? – Proactive employees focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. – 积极的雇员专注于他们的影响圈中 – Reactive employees focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern. – 消极的员工则专注于他们的关注圈 Business Application ! Management Development Series 11 Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯一:主动积极 • Direct, Indirect, and No Control • 直接,间接和不受控制 – Problems fall in one of three areas: 问题集中在三个范畴的其中一个: – Direct control: problems involving our own behavior. 直接控制:问题取决于我们的行为 – Indirect control: problems involving the behavior of others. 间接控制:问题取决于他人的行为 – No control: problems we can do nothing about, e.g., our past. 不受控制:我们不可能改变的事情,例如,我们的过去 • Changing our habits, changing our methods of influence and changing the way we see our no control problems are all within our Circle of Influence. 转变我们的习惯,转变我们对影响的反应方式和转变我们对不受控制问题的看法并把 它纳入我们的影响圈中 • Odds and Ends – Distinguish between have„s and be‟s. 区别有的和是的 – Understand consequences and mistakes. 了解结果和错误 – The ability to make and keep commitments and promises is at the heart of our Circle of Influence. 制造和保持,和承担义务的能力是我们影响圈的中心 Business Application ! Management Development Series 12 Habit 2: Begin with End in Mind 习惯二:以终为始 • To begin with the end in mind is to begin with the image of the end of your day as the frame of reference by which everything else is measured. 以终为始是心智创造为开始的,设计自己的未来然后再采取行动 • We may be busy, we may be efficient, but we will only be effective if we begin with the end in mind. 我们也许忙碌,我们也许有效率,但是我们只有以终为始才将是有效能的。 • All Things are Created Twice 所有的事物都会经历再次创造 – Habit 2 is based on the principle that all things are created twice: – 习惯二是基于所有的事物被创造两次这一原理的 • a mental or first creation 首先是心智创造 • a physical or second creation 再次是实际创造或二次创造 • Most endeavors that fail, fail with the first creation. 很多努力都会失败,失败于首次创造 • By Design or Default 规划预期结果 – There is a first creation to every part of our jobs. We are either the second creation of our own proactive creation, or we are the second creation of other people's agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits. 首次创造存在我们工作中的各个方面。我们将对其积极创造,或者会对他人的议 程/项目进行创造,对环境的创造,或是过去习惯的创造。 Management Development Series 13 Habit 2: Begin with End in Mind 习惯二:以终为始 • Leadership and Management 领导力和管理 – Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that leadership is the first creation. Management is the second creation. 习惯二是基于个人的领导能力原理的,也就是说领导力是首次创造,而管理则是再次创造 – Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things. 管理是正确地做事,领导力是做正确的事 – Often people get into managing with efficiency, setting and achieving goals before they have even clarified values. 通常人们在澄清/分辨事件的价值/评估前就陷入了效率,设定和达成目标的管理 • Re-scripting: Becoming Your Own First Creator 做您自己的首次创造者 • Proactivity is based on the endowment of self-awareness. Two additional endowments enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our jobs: 积极主动是基于自我意识的赋予。两个额外的赋予使我们能够向积极主动的方向发展及在工作的过 程中锻炼个人的领导力 – imagination allows to visualize our potential 想象力允许我们充分发挥/显现潜力 – conscience allows us to develop our talents within the context of principles and personal guidelines. 良知允许我们在客观规律和个人原则方面发挥个人的才能 • Begin with the ―End in Mind‖ 以终为始 Business Application ! Management Development Series 14 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 As a refresh: 回顾前文 • Habit 1 is based on imagination, conscience, independent will, and self awareness. 习惯一是基于想象力,良知,不受约束的意志和自我意识 • Habit 2 is based on imagination and conscience. 习惯二是基于想象力和良 知 Habit 3 Defined 习惯三的定义 • Habit 3 is the second or physical creation. 习惯三是再次或实际创造 • Habit 3 is the exercise of independent will toward becoming principle centered. 习惯三是不受约束的意志的锻炼并将向成为原则中心转移 The Power of Independent Will 独立意志的力量 • The degree to which we have developed our independent will is measured by our personal integrity. 我们发展我们的这一意愿的程度是被我们个人正直 所衡量的 • Integrity is the value we place on ourselves. 正直是自我任命的价值 • Effective management is putting first things first. 有效管理就是要事第一 Management Development Series 15 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 Quadrant II • Urgent matters are usually visible, they insist on action, they are easy and fun to do. • 紧急事务通常是看得见的/明显的,它们坚决要求行动,它们容易并完成过程有趣味性 • Important matters contribute to our mission. 重要事件是我们要作出贡献的使命 • Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV. 高效能人士置身于Ⅲ和Ⅳ之外 • Quadrant II is the heart of effective personal management. 图Ⅱ是高效能人士的管理核心 Urgent 紧急 Not Urgent 非紧急 Important 重要 I Activities: 行为 • Crises 危急/危机 • Pressing problems 紧迫的问题 • Deadline-driven projects 逼近最 后限期的项目/ II Activities:行为 • Prevention, PC activities 预见性的,产能行为 • Relationship building 关系的构建 • Recognizing new opportunities 认知新的机 会 • Planning, recreation 计划编制,再创造 Not Important 非重要 III Activities: 行为 • Interruptions, some calls 中断, 调用 • Some email, some reports 电子邮 件,报告 • Some meetings 会议 • Popular activities 受欢迎的活动 IV Activities: 行为 • Trivia, busy work 琐碎烦杂事务 • Some email 某些电子邮件 • Some phone calls 某些电话 • Time wasters 浪费时间者 • Pleasant activities 令人愉快的活动 Business Application ! Management Development Series 16 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 • What It Takes to Say ―No― 适时说“不”是成功的必要条件 – The only place to get time for Quadrant II in the beginning is Quadrants III and IV. If you were to fault yourself in one of three areas, which would it be? 1. Inability to prioritize 不能区分优先次序 2. Inability or desire to organize around those priorities 不能根据事件的优先次序组织 3. Lack of discipline to execute around them 缺乏执行力的锻炼 • A Quadrant II Manager will meet six criteria: 重要非紧急类型管理者需要符合六大 1. Coherence: Harmony, unity, and integrity between vision and mission, priorities and plans, and desires and discipline 一致性:对想象和使命,优先考虑的事件和计划,请求和纪律要体现协调,团结和信守承诺 2. Balance: Success in the various roles of our life 平衡:我们的生活中各类型角色的成功 3. Quadrant II Focus: Organize your life on a weekly basis. Schedule your priorities don't prioritize what's on your schedule 象限Ⅱ聚焦于:使您的生活以周为基本单位组织起来。确定您的工作优先次序而不是以您计 划中的内容区别优先次序 4. A "People" Dimension: Focus on people not just the schedule 以“人”为单位:专注于人而不仅仅是进度表 5. Flexibility: The planning tool should be tailored to you 弹性:计划的编制应当符合个人的能力 6. Portability: You should be able to carry your tool with you 移动性:您可以随时携带的工具 Business Application ! Management Development Series 17 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 • Becoming a Quadrant II Manager 成为重要非紧急类型管理者 – Identify roles 识别任务/角色 – Select goals 明确目标 – Schedule 有时间进度表/有计划 – Adapt 能适应转变/根据实际情况调节 • Delegation: Increasing P and PC 授权:增加产能和产出 • Stewardship delegation involves expectations in five areas: 1. Desired results – focus on ―What‖ 想达成的结果-集中在“是什么” 2. Guidelines – Identify the parameters 指导方针-识别各种因素 3. Resources – human, financial, technical, organizational resources 资源-人力资源,财务资 源,技术资源,组织的资源 4. Accountability – Standards and evaluation 职责/义务-标准和评价 5. Consequences – good and bad outcomes 结果-好或者坏的结果 Mission Statement 陈述使命 Roles 角色/任务 Goals 目标 Long Term Organizing 长期组织 Roles 角色/任务 Goals 目标 Plans 计划 Short Term Organizing 短期组织 Schedule进度表 Delegate承担任务者 Business Application ! Management Development Series Habits: 4 – 6 Public Victory 公共成就 Management Development Series 19 The 7 Habits – An overview 7个习惯概括 The Maturity Continuum: 完整连续的统一: 7 Habits move us progressively on a continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence. 7个习惯使我们逐渐形成从依赖到独立 到互赖的延续 Habits 1, 2 and 3 deal with self mastery. Private victories precede public victories. 习惯1、2和3与自我掌控有关,个人成 功先于公众成功 Habits 4, 5 and 6 deal with teamwork, cooperation and communication. 习惯4、5和6与团队工作、合作和沟通 有关 Habit 7 is the habit of continuous improvement. 习惯7是持续改善的习惯 Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯一:主动积极 Habit 2: Begin with End in Mind 习惯二:以终为始 Habit 3: First things First 习惯三:要事第一 Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯4:双赢思维 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 习惯5:知彼解己 Habit 6: Synergize 习惯6: 统合综效 Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw 习惯7: 不断更新 Private Victory 个人成功 Public Victory 公共成就 Management Development Series There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity… 没有信任便没有友谊,没有诚信便没有信任… Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔.约翰逊 Management Development Series 21 Paradigms of Interdependence互赖的例子 The Emotional Bank Account? 情感帐户? The Deposits: 存款 1. Understanding the Individual对个人的理解 2. Attending to the Little Things对弱势群体的照顾 3. Keeping Commitments遵守承诺 4. Clarifying Expectations满足期望 5. Showing Personal Integrity展现个人的诚信 6. Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal认错道歉 Business Application ! Management Development Series 22 Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯4:双赢思维 Six Paradigms of Human Interaction • 人际交往的六种思维模式 1. Win/Win 双赢 2. Lose/Lose 输/输 3. Win/Lose 赢/输 4. Win 赢 5. Lose/Win 输/赢 6. Win/Win or No Deal 双赢或不成交 Management Development Series 23 Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯4:双赢思维 Six Paradigms of Human Interaction:人际交往的6种思维模式 1. Win/Win 双赢 – Agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial 或方案互助互利 – A belief in the Third Alternative -- a better way 一种更好的途径——在第三种选择中的一种信仰 2. Win/Lose赢/输 – Use of position, power, credentials, possessions or personality to get one‗s way利用职位、权利、 证书、财产或人身攻击去达到目的 – The win/lose mentality is dysfunctional to interdependence 赢/输心态是对互赖存在不利的影响 3. Lose/Win输/赢 – Lose/Win people are quick to please or appease 输/赢 – Capitulation -- giving in or giving up 投降——让步或放弃 4. Lose/Lose输/输 – Result of encounters between two Win/Lose individuals 赢/输双方之间对抗的结果 – Also the philosophy of highly dependent people 也是高度依赖人群的人生观 5. Win赢 – Win at all costs. Other people don‗t matter 在成本方面取得胜利。其他人并不介意。 – The most common approach in everyday negotiation 一种在每日的商议当中最普通的方法 6. Win/Win or No Deal 双赢或不成交 – If we can‗t find a solution that would benefit both parties, we agree to disagree如果我们不能找到一 种对于双方有利的解决方法,则我们协商并消除分歧。 – Most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or enterprise Most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or enterprise 在一种关系或事业的开始最现实 Management Development Series 24 Habit 4: Think Win-Win习惯4:双赢思维 Five Dimensions of Win/Win 双赢的5种尺度 1. Character. The foundation of Win/Win 品格。双赢的基础 – Integrity. The value we place on ourselves正直。一种我们自身的价值 – Maturity. The balance between courage and consideration成熟。勇气及考虑的平衡点 – Abundance Mentality. There is plenty out there for everybody 富足心态。 2. Relationships. Courtesy, respect and appreciation for the other person and his point of view关系。对其他人和他们的观点给予礼貌、尊重和感谢。 3. Agreements. Cover a wide scope of interdependent action. 协议。给互赖的行动给予 广阔的余地 – Desired results 渴望结果 – Guidelines 指导方针 – Resources 资源 – Accountability 可说明 – Consequences 推论 4. Supportive Systems. Reward systems must reflect the values of the mission statement 可支持系统。奖励系统必须反映使命的价值 5. Processes. The route to Win/Win: 步骤。达到双赢的通道 – See the problem from another point of view 从另一个观点中发现问题 – Identify the key issues and concerns involved 识别关键问题并关注解决 – Determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution决定一些结果能构成一个 可完全接受的解决方法 – Identify possible new options to achieve those results确定可能达到那些效果的新观点 Business Application ! Management Development Series 25 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood习惯5:知彼解己 • Communication is the most important skill in life 沟通是生活中最重要的技能 • If you want to interact effectively with me, to influence me, you first need to understand me 如果你想与我有效地合作并影响我,那么你首先要了解自己 • You have to build the skills of empathic listening on a base of character that inspires openness and trust 你必须以激发坦率及信任这些性格特征为基础,建立同理心倾听的技 巧 • This is where Covey introduced the concept of ―Empathic Listening‖ 这就是柯维介绍的“同理心倾听”观点 Business Application ! Management Development Series 26 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood习惯5:知彼解己 • Empathic Listening同理心倾听 – Most people listen with the intent to reply绝大部分人们都带着答复的目的去倾听 – When another person speaks, we are usually ‗listening‘ at one of four levels: 当 另外一个人说话时,我们的倾听往往是以下4个水平的其中一个: • ignoring 忽视地听 • pretending 假装地听 • selective listening 有选择地听 • attentive listening 专注地听 – Very few of us ever practice the highest form of listening -- empathic listening 我们绝少部分人曾经试过以最高水平去倾听——同理心倾听 – Only 10 percent of our communication is represented by the words we say, another 30 percent by our sounds, and 60 percent by body language 我们的沟通只有10%是用我们的语言来表达的,另外的30%是用我们的声音,还 有60%用肢体语言的。 Business Application ! Management Development Series 27 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood习惯5:知彼解己 • Diagnose Before You Prescribe 先诊断后开方 • Diagnose before you prescribe is a correct principle in many areas of life. 先诊断后开方是生活许多领域中的一个正确原则 • It is the mark of all true professionals 这是所有真正专业人员的标志 “The amateur salesman sells products, the professional salesman sells solutions to needs and problems” “业余的销售人员售卖产品,专业的销售人员推销解决需求的方法及问题” Management Development Series 28 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood习惯5:知彼解己 Four Autobiographical Responses 四种自传达式回应 • Because we listen autobiographically (from the perspective of our own paradigms), we tend to respond in one of four ways: 因为我们是自传达式的倾听(来自我们特有 范例的观点)我们倾向以以下四种的其中一种方式回应。 – We evaluate 我们评价 – We probe 我们探究 – We advise 我们建议 – We interpret 我们诠释 • The language of logic is different from the language of sentiment and emotion. 逻辑语言与情感语言是有所区别的 • As long as responses are logical, we are at liberty to ask questions and give counsel. The moment responses become emotional, empathic listening is necessary. 只要回应是理性的,我们就可以自由地发问问题并提出建议。当回应变成感性的,同 理心倾听是有必要的。 Management Development Series 29 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解己 • Empathic listening involves four developmental stages 同理心的倾听包含以下四个发展阶段 – mimic content 复述内容 – rephrase the content 重整内容 – reflect feeling 表达感情 – rephrase the content and reflect the feeling 重整内容并表达感受 • Empathic listening enables us to turn transactional opportunities into transformational opportunities 同理心的倾听能够使我们把交易的机会转换成机遇 • The key to empathic listening is to genuinely seek the welfare of the individual to whom you are listening 同理心的倾听关键在于设身处地为他人着想,并真诚地给予回应 Management Development Series 30 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解已 • Understanding and Perception 理解和感觉 – As you learn to listen deeply to other people, you will discover tremendous differences in perception 只要你能用心地去倾听别人的话,在感觉上你会发现极大的不同 – Habit 5 is the first step in the process of Win/Win 第5个习惯是双赢过程中的第一步 • Then Seek to Be Understood – Knowing how to be understood is the other half of Habit 5 and is crucial in reaching Win/Win solutions 知道如何被别人理解是第5个习惯的另一部分,它是达到双赢局面最重要的方法 – The essence of making effective presentations: 有效表达的基本方面 • Ethos -- your personal credibility 品格--你的诚信度 • Pathos -- the empathic side 情感--同理心的侧面 • Logos -- the logic 理性--逻辑性 – When you can present your own ideas clearly, specifically, visually and in the context of the paradigms of your audience, you significantly increase the credibility of your ideas 当你能把你的想法表达得清晰、明确、真实,相关的举例得到认同,这就意味着你的想法得到 了不错的可信度。 • One on One 一对一 – Habit 5 is right in the middle of your circle of influence. You can always seek first to understand 第5个习惯正是影响我们行动的中心。以理解别人作为首位。 Business Application ! Management Development Series 31 Habit 6: Synergize 统合综效 The exercise of all the other habits prepares us for the habit of synergy
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