首页 > 摆脱工作累的三大绝招


2017-04-19 3页 doc 21KB 9阅读




摆脱工作累的三大绝招摆脱工作累的三大绝招   工作中是不是经常觉得很累?忙不过来?身心俱疲?给你三个绝招,让你摆脱工作不如意的状态!   1. Spend time with your family and loved ones   It’s important to put your family first, not your job. Yes, you may have to deal with long hours at the office every once in a while, but you need to also spe...
摆脱工作累的三大绝招   工作中是不是经常觉得很累?忙不过来?身心俱疲?给你三个绝招,让你摆脱工作不如意的状态!   1. Spend time with your family and loved ones   It’s important to put your family first, not your job. Yes, you may have to deal with long hours at the office every once in a while, but you need to also spend quality time with the people who are most important in your world. These individuals are often willing to help you manage the many obligations of life when you can’t. But you should return the favor. Think of it as a savings account. You get more out than what you put in, and if you’re constantly focusing on yourself, you might fail to get the support you need to maintain a working equilibrium.   1. 花时间陪家人和爱人   把家庭放在第一位而不是工作为先,这点很重要。也许你经常得在办公室里工作很久,但也要注意抽出时间陪伴生命中最重要的人。家人往往会在你繁忙时帮忙料理杂务,你也应适时回报善意。不妨想象成储蓄账户收支。倘若你一味关心自己,索取多于付出,在你需要维持工作与生活平衡的时候,可能就得不到支持。   2. Prioritize your health and stay fit   I’ve been doing CrossFit daily for nearly three years, and I’m in far better shape than I was in my early 20s. I firmly believe the way I physically feel dictates how I operate the rest of my day. Setting aside time to exercise can boost your productivity at work and at home, as you’re awarding yourself more energy to give it your all and increase your output. It also helps you handle the stress of dealing with a hectic schedule, and provides a completely different environment to escape from the business grind. It’s also a great way to be a positive role model for the people who look up to you, including your children.   2. 身体优先,保持健康   我每天都做混合健身,坚持了将近三年,现在体形比20出头的时候好得多。我坚信,对健康状况的感觉决定了每天的状态。腾出时间锻炼,工作和生活中效率都会提高,因为身体健康才能更有精力全力以赴,收获更多成果。锻炼身体也有助于在日程满满时掌控节奏,因为健身会进入与工作截然不同的环境,暂时避开职场的压力。此外,锻炼身体还可以在尊敬你的人、包括孩子面前树立正面的榜样。   3.Stick with a schedule   There’s a stigma in business that the bigger the promotion, the more dedication to the office is needed. That mentality is hurting executives both physically and emotionally, and it shouldn’t be that way. Regardless of how many rungs up the ladder you’ve completed or how many promotions you’ve earned, you shouldn’t alter the number of hours you dedicate to your job. Yes, your responsibilities will change, but if you refocus your priorities and outsource when necessary, you can still maintain a healthy balance in everything else you do.   It’s important to decide what level of commitment you can give to your job and then stick with it. But if your current commitment doesn’t include time for yourself and the things you love to do, make a change. And watch both your personal and professional lives reap the rewards.   3. 严格遵守日程   企业内部有一种恶习,总以为职位升得越高,工作时间应该越长。这种心理危害管理者的身心健康,不应该听之任之。无论你为晋升做了多少努力,或者升到多高的位子,工作的时间都应该固定。的确,升职后职责会有不同。可只要你调整工作的优先顺序,必要时将任务交给别人,仍然能保持健康的平衡。   重要的是,明确可以为工作投入到什么程度,然后坚持不变。如果你因为工作而失去私人时间,没有空做喜欢的事,就该调整了。个人生活和职业生涯应该兼顾,才能走得长远。
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