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河流的水文特征河流的水文特征 一、选择题: 读我国东北地区某河流流量补给示意图~回答 1.图中数码表示的河流补给类型对应正确的是( ) A(?——地下水补给 B(?——湖泊水补给 C(?——雨水补给 D(?——积雪融水补给 读图10~三条河流图~回答2一3题。 2(冬季水量丰富,并且水力资源丰富的河流是( ) A(A河 B(B河 C(C河 D(A河B河C河 3(三条河流中,在我国境内的是( ) development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, ...
河流的水文特征 一、选择: 读我国东北地区某河流流量补给示意图~回答 1.图中数码示的河流补给类型对应正确的是( ) A(?——地下水补给 B(?——湖泊水补给 C(?——雨水补给 D(?——积雪融水补给 读图10~三条河流图~回答2一3题。 2(冬季水量丰富,并且水力资源丰富的河流是( ) A(A河 B(B河 C(C河 D(A河B河C河 3(三条河流中,在我国境内的是( ) development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road A(A河 B(B河 C(C河 D(A河B河C河 右图是“某大洲水系示意图”~ 读图回答4, 5题。 4(图中平均地势最高的点是 A(A点 B(B点 C(C点 D(D点 5(如果地理老师要求你收集甲、乙河流的相关资料,列表比较这两条河的水文特征和水系特点。可以通过查找以下哪些地图来了解: ?《中国地形图》?《中国水系图》?《中国气候图》?《中国土地利用类型图》 ?《中国政区图》?《中国内河航线分布图》 A. ???? B. ???? C. ???? D. ???? 读右图~完成6—7题 6(图中河流的汛期是在 ( ) A(春季 B(夏季 C(秋季 D(冬季 7(图中A区域是世界著名的新兴 工业区。与传统工业相比,该 新兴工业区的特点是( ) A(资本集中程度高,主要行业往往包括数百个中小企业 B(工业大多分散在小城镇,甚至农村 C(生产过程较为集中,自动化程度高 D(工业以机械制造、石油加工和微电子工业为主 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 读我国部分地区图,如图2,~回 答8,9题. 8(图中M河段历史上经常泛滥,主要 成因是 A(河道曲折,水流不畅 B(河道年久失修,防洪能力差 C(森林植被稀少 D(位于干流的上游河段,水量大 9(N地区在全国占有重要地位的工业 部门及 其导致的环境问题分别是 A(煤炭工业 酸雨严重 B(甘蔗制糖工业 水污染严重 C(有色冶金工业 酸雨严重 D(汽车工业 光化学烟雾严重 据《中国气象报》2009年2月11日报道 自今年1月25日以来~宁夏回族自治区气温持续偏高~全区大部分地区气温较常年同期偏高2?以上。2月5日、2月9,10日最高气温在10?以上~ 致使该区境内黄河开河迅速。到2月11日~该区境内黄河封河段(( 全部开河。据此及下图~回答10,13题。 10(黄河开河易出现水患,主要是 (( A(上游解冻,漂流的冰凌拥塞而造成 的 B(上游水库大量泄水而造成的 C(河堤防洪标准过低所导致的 D(上游突降大暴雨而引起的 11(同样类型的水患,还容易发生在 省境内 A(青海 B(甘肃 C(山西 D(山东 12(图中所示河段的水文特征是 A(水量明显增加 B(夏汛明显 C(含沙量大增 D(无结冰期 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 13(在今年宁夏境内黄河封河段全部开河的季节,下列现象不可((信的是 ( A(美国北部正值森林内地面光照最强的季节 B(墨累一达令盆地的农民在收割后的麦田上放牧 C(长江口一年中同一等盐度线离海岸线最远 D(温带气旋频繁影响南欧地中海沿岸地区 读图10~回答14~15题: 图10 河流流量与距河口距离的关系示意图 14.图中能反映一般河流规律的是 A(? B(? C(? D(? 15.下列河流中,曾出现过图中?现象的是 A(黄河 B(长江 C(密西西比河 D(亚马孙河 河流下切使河谷底部出现一些不再为特大洪水所淹没的阶梯状地形~称为河流阶地~又称河成阶地。其地形组成见下图。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 下图为我国某地区河阶地形的等 高线图。 该地区河阶阶面之间的 相对高度超过40 米,是研究该地 区地壳隆起速率相当重要的观察 区。读图回答16-18题。 16.该地区地势最高的河阶面,介于海拔几米之间,() A、120-140米 B、200-220米 C、340-360米 D、480-500米 17.造成该地区河阶地形的主要河流,其河水的流向是() A、北往南流 B、西往东流 C、东北往西南流 D、西北往东南 18.图中甲、乙、丙、丁四地,何处最可能出现涌泉, A、甲 B、乙 C、丙 D、丁 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 下图为我国东部某河流的一段~ 19、若上图中的河流为长江的一段~此时以下叙述可信的是 , , A(我国华北地区风沙肆虐 B(亚洲高压此时最为强盛 C(墨累一达令盆地处在剪羊毛忙季 D(长江口附近海水的盐度达一年内的最大值 表1是南亚地区两条大河流的资料。回答20题 河流 流域面积,万平长度,千米, 流量,亿立 方千米, 方米, 甲 90.5 2580 7916 乙 117 2900 2070 20(关于两条河流的叙述正确的是 A(甲河流的汛期在夏季而乙河在冬季 B(乙河流域主要经济作物是黄麻 C(两条河流都以雨水和高山冰雪融水为主 D(乙河入海口处development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 有该国首都 右图表示重庆附近长江某水文站的气温水状况及该江段补给 类型。读图回答21,22题。 21(?图例所示的补给类型为 A(地下水补给 B(降雨补给 C(冰雪融水补给 D(湖 水补给 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 22(导致?类型补给春多夏少的主要因素是 A(春季增温快,冬季积雪多 B(夏季气温高,蒸发旺盛 C(春季多风,流域内多地形雨 D(夏季单一暖气流控制,少锋面雨 右图是某地区水井多年水位变化示意图~据图回答23,25题。 23(该地区井水水源补给主要发生季节在 A(冬、春 B(春、夏 C(夏、秋 D(秋、冬 24(该地区井水水源补给的最主要类型是 A(雨水 B(冰雪融水 C(季节性积雪融水 D(湖泊水 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 25(该地区最可能分布在 A(热带雨林气候区 B(极地气候区 C(热带沙漠气候区 D(地中海气候区 右图是某大河水系构成示意图~读图回答26,28题。 26(图中所示水系形态多分布在 A(平原 B(高原 C(盆地 D(山地 27(图中所示水系分布地区的水循环类型多属于 A(海陆间循环 B(内陆循环 C(海上内循环 D(以上都不是 28(下列关于该水系干流的水量特征叙述正确的是 A(上游流量最小 B(中游流量最小 C(下游流量最小 D(下游流量最大 二、综合题: 1.根据下列图表资料,回答问题。 A、B两河水文基本概况 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road (1)图中A河名称为____ _ _,注人______;B河名称为_____, 注入_______。 (2)A河流经的沙漠名称为___________。由于该河下游河水流 速________,泥沙沉积,在河口发育了_______________________。 B河流经 ____________盆地底部的河段,具有__________价值; 穿过峡谷的下游河段,水流湍急,具有丰富的________资源。 (3)B河长度不及A河而流量超过A河的主要原因是: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ (4)从降水类型来看,B河所在流域的降水大多属于__________雨。历史上,A河下游河段的定期泛滥给两岸农业生产提供了 ___________与______________。A河上游?与支流?中,与该河 泛滥有密切关系的是__________(填写数码),其理由是: development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road _______________。 2( 阅读分析资料,结合所学知识,完成下列各题。 黄河源出巴颜喀拉山,于山东垦利县境入海。其干流全长5464千米,流域面积75平方千米。黄河养育着中华民族,黄河流域是中华文明的发源地之一。 材料一 黄河是中国历史上决口、改道最多的河流。春秋以前,黄河下游流经河北平原入海,河道无所约束,漫流改徙无定,时常多股河道并存。战国时期,黄河下游两岸筑堤,河道逐渐固定。由于中游植被破坏,水土流失严重,“河水浊重,号为一石水而六斗泥”。汉文帝时黄河下游出现大规模决口。东汉初年,王景治河,随地势高低,截弯取直,修筑堤防,开辟了一条新的河道。其后,北方游牧民族人居黄河中游,大片土地由耕转牧,水土流失相对减缓。至唐末,800年间黄河下游河道相对稳定。 北宋初年,随着黄河下游河道逐渐淤高,出现悬河,“高民屋殆逾丈”。1128年,宋东京留守杜充为阻止金兵南下,于李固渡扒开河堤。黄河决口,东经豫东北、鲁西南地区,汇为入淮。此后七百多年间,黄河不再进入河北平原,夺淮入海,多次决口、改道, development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 改变了黄淮平原的原有水系。水患遍及黄淮平原,洪水吞没大片土地,夺去千百万人的生命和财产。洪水过后形成的许多沙丘和沙坡,吞噬大量农田、房屋,淤没城市,淤塞运河,阻塞交通。明清时期,黄淮平原“农业生产日趋衰落,成为全国贫困地区之一”。 ——摘编自邹逸磷《中国历史地理概论》 (1)据《河防一览》记载,黄河平时“沙居其六”,伏汛时“水居其二”,试说明原因。 (2)自开封以下的黄河河段向东北流入渤海,与南下夺淮入海相比会新增一种水患。指出该水患的名称并说明其发生的季节与原因。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 3( 读下图,完成下列要求。 (1)判断G河自N点至M点流经地区的地形类型,并说明判断 的理由。 (2)说明G 河水量丰富的原因。 (3)指出G河没有形成明显三角洲的原因,并加以分析。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 4( 湄公河是亚洲最大的国际性河流。结合地图,回答下列问题。 (1)湄公河源于我国的________ 山,共流经________个国家。 (2)目前,湄公河的开发主要在水力资源方面。这里将陆续建设 梯级电站,形成总装机容量达1555万千瓦的水电群体。简述湄公 河水力资源丰富的原因。 (3)湄公河梯级电站主要集中于中下游河段。简要说明上游水电 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 站稀少的自然原因。 (4)湄公河下游地区主要的农业地域类型________。简述其发展的优势区位条件。 5.读甲、乙两河流水系图及相关资料,回答下列问题。 材料 从18世纪开始,沿乙河各国都十分重视以防治洪涝灾害为目的的河道整治,纷纷采取了建造堤防、修筑堰坝和船闸、开挖人工运河、疏浚河床淤泥等众多的工程治理河道、改造河道。乙河流域各国十分重视水电的梯级开发。它们采取自主建造或者联合修建的方式,在干流上兴建了几十座各级梯级水电站,并已基本实现成龙配套。乙河是一条国际性河流,其水能资源的开发利用涉及到沿岸各国的利益,各国按照在建投入的比例来合理地分配电能。六七十年代是乙河流域各国经济发展最为迅速的时期。产业的高速发展使得废弃物排放量急剧增加。严重的环境 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 污染及群众逐渐增强的环保意识迫使政府制订了严格的排污标准及环保法案,并加强了监督和治理的执法力度,废水、废气和废物未经处理达标,不得排入河流和大气。 (1)简述A工程对甲河流域生态环境的影响。 (2)乙河航运发达,是所在大洲的“黄金水道”,该河航运发达的原因是( ) ?该河水流流速快,行船速度快 ?无冰期,通航时间长 ?随着众多人工运河的开挖和河道的渠化,极大地改善了该河的航运条件 ?该河夏季水量大,利于航运 ?沿岸各国经济发达,货运量大 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road (3)乙河有哪些综合开发与整治的成功经验值得我国借鉴? (4)试分析甲、乙两河流下游平原地区农业生产的不同之处。(提示:从气候气候条件、农业地域类型、农业生产特征等角度分析) 6.下图甲、乙两区域都是重要的种植业分布区。读图回答问题。 (1)依据对应关系,填表说明甲区域发展种植业的主要限制性自然条件及其治理措施。 (2)填表说明黄河、恒河部分水文特征与气候的关系。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 7(读下图回答下列各题: (1)图示的???三大河流中,流经国家最多的国际性河流是________ (填序号),其发源地在我国的________(填省区)。上世纪80年代末期,我国有关研究机构和学者专家率先提出了该河流域经济开发的设想,你认为该河流域经济有哪些项目可供开发, (2)图示的???河流中,河流________ (填序号)穿越了我国经济实力最强的经济核心圈,该经济核心圈的经济结构逐渐向轻型化转变,主要原因是________。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road (3))印度河一年有两次汛期,一次发生在3—5月,一次发生在7—8月,试分别说明导致该河两次汛期最主要的河水补给方式________ 。 8(读下面材料以及图片,完成下列问题。 材料一 下图是某区域同一条河流上游、下游河床剖面示意图,图中数值分别是河堤高度、河床宽度、河床的经度和纬度。 材料二 下图是该河流某水文站测得的各月降水量柱状图、月均气温和月均径流量曲线图。 材料三 下表是该河流中下游洪水灾害历史统计资料。 年份 前206年-1950年 1951年-2000年 河流决口 1561次 13次 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 灾情等级特大水灾:21.6% 特大水灾:18.3% 比 大水灾:44.7% 大水灾:471.1% 一般水灾:33.7% 一般水灾:34.6% (1)河流截面甲段的两岸河坦相距约 米(取整数),河流截面乙段河水流向为 ;在甲、乙两河段中,位于上游河段的是 。 (2)上图中能正确反映甲河段河水流向以及与地下水补给关系的是________,并析这种补给关系对地理环境的影响。 (3)从自然、人为两方面分析该河流中下游多洪水灾害的原因,其根本的治理措施是什么, 9(加尔各答市某地理爱好者欲前往湄公河流域作地理考察活动。development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 结合下图,完成下列问题。 (1)下图是该地理爱好者考察湄公河全流域时绘的河流横截面 图,请将字母代号按由上游到下游的顺序排列起来,并概述该河 流上游和下游的主要水文特征。 (2)21世纪以来,众多专家学者曾对湄公河流域的经济开发提出 许多设想。你认为从哪些方面对该河流域进行开发较为可行。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 参考 一、选择题: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C A B C A D B A C A 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. D B C C A C B C B C 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. B A A A D C B C 二、综合题: 1.〖解析〗本题主要考察非洲的两条大河,一个是尼罗河,另一条是刚果河。这两条河对于非洲来说是十分重要的。前者是世界上流程最长的河流,后者则是世界上流量居前列的大河。本题不仅考察了两河流名称,还考察了考生对这两条河流附近地形的认知、径流量大小分析、各自的补给类型以及对农业生产的影响。这些大部分在初中教材中都有涉及。基本功扎实的考生应该失分较少。 〖答案〗(1)尼罗河;地中海;刚果河;大西洋 (2)撒哈拉沙漠;减缓;尼罗河三角洲(三角洲);刚果;航运; development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 水力 (3)B河地处热带雨林地区,A河位于热带草原和热带沙漠地区(B河所在地区的降水量比A河丰富);B河位于世界最大盆地刚果盆地(A河流域面积相对较小(B河流域面积大于A河) (4)对流;灌溉水源(水源);肥沃的淤泥(淤泥);?;支流?所处地区降水具有季节变化大的特点。 2.〖解析〗黄河是我们中华民族的母亲河,近几年各省市的高考有多次考及。其重要性可见一斑。(1)伏汛时“水居其二”,是指黄河在汛期,泥沙较多,这与黄河中游的水土流失有直接原因;平时“沙居其六”,是指黄河在枯水期,随着水量减少,河流中的泥沙含量也大大减少。(2)黄河的纬度位置决定了其有结冰期,如果向东北流则是有低纬度流向高纬度,以上两个条件恰好是凌汛形成的必要条件。所以黄河向东北流入渤海,可能会有凌汛。凌汛一般发生在河流刚结冰的时期(冬初)和河冰刚要融化的时期(初春),这个时候上游的河水与碎冰易堵塞河道,可导致溃堤,造成凌汛。 〖答案〗(1)汛期:黄河补给以降雨为主,(此时)降雨的强度大(降雨集中),冲刷(水土流失)强烈,泥沙含量大。 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 平时(伏汛以外):降雨较少,地下水补给河流比重加大,泥沙量较少。 (2)凌汛(冰凌洪灾)。 季节:冬初(入冬)与初春(开春); 原因:河流自南向北流,就是较温暖地区向较冷地区流,冬初下游已冻结,上游未冻:初春上游己解冻但下游尚冻结。(此两种情况下)上游的河水(与冰块)望塞河道可导致溃堤(形成危害)。 3.〖解析〗本题以区域为背景,考查学生读图能力,分析判断能力,以及对刚果河及其周围地区基本知识的掌握情况。刚果河是非洲的一条重要的河流。它对周围国家的经济发展起到了重要的作用。 (1)考查学生对五种基本地形的理解,以及从图中提取有用信息和语言表述能力。该地为刚果盆地,故为盆地地形,可以从等高线分布、河流水系特征等方面判读。 (2)根据经纬度确定赤道低压带的影响;支流多,汇水量大的水系特征也是重要原因。 (3)河口三角洲时泥沙沉积的产物,故思考时应该从河流含沙量、沿途沉积状况和河口沉积状况入手思考。河流流经热带雨林地区,含沙量小;沿途流经地势较低的盆地,沉积较多;入海口处地形 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 起伏,河流落差大,流速快,泥沙不易沉积。 〖答案〗(1)盆地 从(向心状)水系或河流分布状况判断,该地形区北、东、南三面高;再从(500米)等高线判断,该地形区为盆地。 (2)领域位于赤道地区,终年(受赤道低气压带控制,盛行上升气流,)降水丰富;流域大部分为盆地,支流多,集水面积广。 (3)?入海口附近,泥沙不易沉积,因为地形高差大,河流落差大,流速大。?入海泥沙量较少,因为G河在M点以上多流于盆地中,流速较小,易于泥沙沉积;且从纬度位置和地形看,流域内热带雨林广布(植被覆盖率高),水土流失较轻。 4.〖解析〗湄公河是东南亚地区的最为重要的一条河流,其流经六个国家,带动了东南亚地区的经济发展和社会进步。(1)发源于我国唐古拉山脉,途径:中、缅、老、泰、柬、越6个国家。(2)水力资源丰富应该从两大方面考虑:一是较大落差;二是丰富水源。(3)上有在崇山峻岭之中地质条件较差,施工困难、不便。(4)东南亚地区主要的粮食是稻米,这里的气候、土壤、地势、人口、历史等方面都适合发展水稻种植业。 〖答案〗(1)唐古拉 6(2)流经地区降水多,径流量大;流经development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 横断山区,地势落差大。(3)上游地区地形陡峻,工程难度大;地质灾害多,不利电站安全。(4)水稻种植业 热带和亚热带季风气候,水热充足,雨热同期;下游地区地势平坦;人口稠密,劳动力丰富;稻米作为主食,人口多,市场需求量大。 5.〖解析〗本题主要考察长江、莱茵河的相关知识点,以及河流综合治理的一般措施。 (1)A工程是三峡工程,它的主要功能是:防洪、发电。对生态环境调整作用很大,既有优点,当然也有一定的缺点。三峡既能防洪、减於、调节径流、改善局部小气候,还能控制疾病的蔓延(如:吸血虫病)。缺点是:建坝蓄水势必会淹没其上游沿岸地区的土地,致使水土流失,甚至还会诱发河流沿岸的山体滑坡,建坝后喝水流速减缓,导致泥沙淤积加重,另外水体面积扩大,水生生物受到一定影响(如:洄游受阻),蚊蝇活跃,传染病会有所增加。 (2)莱茵河是欧洲一条重要的河流,航运价值很高。根据莱茵河所处的位置,以及该地区的气候、经济发展情况可知,莱茵河的航运价值高与它没有结冰期、水位季节变化小、河流流速较缓、沿岸地区经济发达以及欧洲河网稠密等条件有关, development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road (3)莱茵河的开发具有以下特点:各国家总体规划梯级开发,欧洲的交通运输网完善,沿岸经济体系完善,并且十分注意沿岸地区的环境和生态的保护。 (4)两地经纬度、海陆位置、气候不同,农业发展方向截然不同。知道两地的主要农业地域类型,然后从题干所提示三方面不难回答。 〖答案〗(1)有利:提高中、下游地区防洪能力;减轻中、下游湖河的泥沙淤积;防治中、下游的吸血虫病;增加中、下游枯水期的径流量,改善水质;调节小气候;减轻环境污染和酸雨危害 不利:淹没库区土地、耕地;产生新的水土流失和环境污染;诱发地质灾害;库区泥沙淤积加;影响三峡自然景观;影响某些水生生物的生存环境;水库蓄水增加蚊虫的孳生影响人群健康等。 (2)??? (3)?在共同利益的驱动下,沿江各国能够始终从全流域的整体高度出发,十分认真地搞好不同历史阶段全流域发展的综合规划,并切实贯彻执行;?流域各国能够密切结合各河段的实际,以梯级开发为中心,实行干支流并举的综合开发方针,优先开发永能资源和水运资源; ?重视基础设施建设,大力发展能源工业,大development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 力完善综合交通运输网;?注重沿江产业的配套选择与重点培育,充分发挥各方面的综合优势,促进产业优化组合;?高度重视对环境的保护,切实处理好经济发展与环境保护的关系;?特别重视制定和完善相应的法律法规并建立行之有效的管理监督机构,来实现莱茵河的综合整治与开发。 (4)气候条件:甲流域纬度较低,热量条件好;乙流域纬度较高,热量条件不好。 农业地域类型:甲流域为水稻种植业,乙流域为乳畜业(园艺业) 生产特征:甲流域经营规模小,机械化程度和商品率低;乙流域经营规模大,机械化程度和商品率高。 6.〖解析〗黄河和恒河分别是我国和印度的母亲河。因为两河的纬度不同,所以两河的水文特征以及各流域内发展农业的条件也大不相同。 (1)黄河流域降水较少,导致当地土地盐碱化严重以及多风沙的气候特点。针对这些应该跨流域调水,大力植树造林,积极推广各种节水的农业灌溉方式。 (2)河流的水文特征包括:河流的流量、水位、补给类型、有无结冰期、含沙量、汛期等等。冬季寒冷使黄河存在结冰期,而水 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 位变化大则是因为两河流域内均是季风气候所致(年内降雨量变化大),恒河流域降水比黄河流域大,所以恒河的流量比黄河要大。 〖答案〗(1) (2) 7.〖解析〗长江、恒河、印度河都是世界上主要的大江大河,是高考出题的热门区域。(1)?是湄公河,他是东南亚流经国家最多的河流,所以开发利用价值较大,本题考察河流的综合开发问题。(2)?是金沙江,流经我国的长三角地区。本题考察河流的基本development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 概况。(3)考察印度河的水文特征。 〖答案〗(1)? 青海省 湄公河水力资源的开发利用; 水上通航 旅游观光 边境贸易(2)?; 能源和矿产资源缺乏,科技水平提高(3)3-5月 是高山冰雪融水补给 7-8月,是西南季风带来的大量雨水补给 8.〖解析〗根据材料一图片中的经纬网定位可知,该河流为黄河。黄河是我国一条十分重要的河流,在2008年四川卷(灾区)中考察了黄河的水文特征。(1)本小题以地图、等值线为切入点,考察黄河的基本概况。(2)根据定位可知甲河段是黄河的下游,属于地上河,所以河水一直补给地下水。由于河水比地下潜水位高,势必导致河流附近地下潜水水位升高,形成土地盐碱化。在汛期也很容易决堤形成洪涝灾害。(3)属于区域地理基本知识。 〖答案〗(1)247 自南向北 乙(2)B河水渗漏,洪水季节易引起河堤崩塌;河水被给地下水,使地下水位上升、旱季易引起土地盐碱化(3)自然原因:降水集中且强度大(多暴雨);人为原因:植被破坏严重,一方面,涵养水源能力下降(滞留作用弱);另一方面,使河水含水量增大,下游淤积严重,河床抬高, development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Ya用心 爱心 专心 ngtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road 行洪能力不足。措施:退耕还林还草。 9.〖解析〗湄公河是东南亚地区的一条国际性河流,开发利用的价值较大,所以近几年的高考题、模拟题屡次涉及。从不同的角度来考察,方式也是多种多样。(1)河流上游多“V”型谷,中下游多“U”型谷。概括河流水文特征应从河流的水量、水位、结冰期、含沙量、补给方式等方面回答。(2)湄公河流域内的国家都是发展中国家,经济亟待振兴。开发湄公河可以使多国受益。根据湄公河流域具体情况,开发的方式可以是:水能的开发、国际航运、旅游观光、边境贸易等等。 〖答案〗(1)B、A 上游落差大,水流急,水力资源丰富;下游流量大、水流平稳;含沙量小(2)水力资源的开发 水上通航 旅游观光 边境贸易等 development is limited by the handling capacity of the airport, not in-situ expansion. Jinsha River and minjiang rivers, the Yangtze River traverses northern border in Yibin city, with good conditions for development of water transport, but water with speed ... Rate of 10.9% per cent. In recent years, Yibin city, stepping up construction of transport infrastructure at the same time, increase the intensity of high-grade highway construction, and the overall technical levels improved significantly, which succeeds in improving road
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