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银行仍然会对你的贷款与价值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估银行仍然会对你的贷款与价值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估 Financing is the key to most real estate transactions , so if you are buying real estate for your personal use , consumer credit considerations are of paramount importance . Unlike the standard stock leveraging scheme , where the debt i...
银行仍然会对你的贷款与价值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估 Financing is the key to most real estate transactions , so if you are buying real estate for your personal use , consumer credit considerations are of paramount importance . Unlike the standard stock leveraging scheme , where the debt is capped at 50 percent of the principal value of the transaction , the standard debt-to-asset ratio in real estate or what the banks call the loan-to-value ratio , is 80 percent ,with a 20 percent down payment . In such an instance , the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property , to be sure of repayment . Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you fz.sosomoney.com get credit for a home purchase . Other factors that come into play are your overall financial picture . If you have large amounts of other assets such as stocks , that will help . Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , but even they may indirectly count in a borrower’s favor as evidence of astuteness . If you are buying property for rental as a business , then more businesslike considerations apply . The bank will still want to evaluate loan-to-value and income-to-debt service ratios , but may give lesser weight to your personal financial situation . Your past business experience , either in real estate or in other areas , will be taken into account , as will your business credit record . In unusual cases , the lender may require you to sign for loans personally , in which case your personal financial situation will matter . There are several types of lenders . The most common one is a financial institution such as a bank or a savings and loan . A second is government agencies such as Veteran’s Administration or the Federal Housing Authority . The third source of financing is owner financing . 对于大多数房地产交易来说,关键在于资金问题的解决。一旦你决定买房,重中之重便 是考虑消费品信用贷款。与标准存量中要求债务上限为交易本金的50%的平衡不同,在 房市中,标准负债与资产比率(银行称之为贷款与价值比率)可达80%,只需20%的预付定金。 在这种情况下,贷方把借方的信誉和资产看得同样考试&大重要,以确保借方有能力偿还债务。 所以,你的其它债务的还款记录(或者记录缺失)将会成为致命因素,直接影响你能否获得 购房信贷。当然,还有一些因素在起着作用,它们也会影响你的整个筹资计划。你如果有大 量的诸如股票之类的另类资产的话,这会对你的信贷非常有利。个人退休金帐户之类的退休 资产虽然不能用来做贷款担保,可即便如此,它们却会证明你很精明,并因此而博得贷方的 好感。 如果你购房是为了商业经营,那你就需要一步步深思熟虑。银行仍然会对你的贷款与价 值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估,但可能会低估你的个人财务状况。你的商业信贷记录 也会被纳入评估的考虑范围,以往的经营经验(房地产或是其它领域)也会被予以考虑。特 殊情况下,贷方可能要求本人亲自签收贷款,此时,你的个人财务状况就会与此挂钩。贷方 分为好多种。最常见的就是银行和信用合作社等金融机构。第二种就是退伍军人管理局和联 邦房屋管理局的政府机构。第三种资金来源就是业主融资。
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