

2011-09-24 4页 doc 25KB 14阅读




987人生的意义人生的意义 Ready or not,some day it will all come to an end .There will be no more sunrises,no days,no hours or minutes.All the things you collected,whether treasureed or forgotten,will pass to someone else. 不管你是否准备好,有一天一切都会结束。不再有旭日东升,不再有灿烂白昼,不再有一分一时的光阴。你敛藏的一切,不论是弥足珍贵的还是...
人生的意义 Ready or not,some day it will all come to an end .There will be no more sunrises,no days,no hours or minutes.All the things you collected,whether treasureed or forgotten,will pass to someone else. 不管你是否准备好,有一天一切都会结束。不再有旭日东升,不再有灿烂白昼,不再有一分一时的光阴。你敛藏的一切,不论是弥足珍贵的还是已经忘记的,都将留给别人。 Your wealth,fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. 你的财富、名望和世俗的权力都将变成细枝末节的事情,不管是你拥有的还是亏欠的,都不再重要。 Your grudges,resentments,frustrations,and jealousies will finally disapear. 你的忌恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。 So,too,your hopes,ambitions,plans,and to-do lists will all expire.The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away. 同样,你的希望、雄心。和未竟之事都将终止。曾经无比重要的成败得失也将慢慢褪色。 It won’t matter where you came from,or on what side of the tracks you lived. 你来自哪里,用什么方式生活都不重要了。 It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.Your gender,skin color,ethnicity will be irrelevant. 你是美貌如花还是才华横溢也不重要了。你的性别、肤色、种族都无关紧要了。 So what will matter?How will the value of your days be measured? 那么什么变得重要了呢?你有生之日的价值怎么来衡量呢? What will matter is not what you bought,but what you built;not what you got,but what you gave. 重要的不是你所买到的,而是你所建造的。不是你所得到的,而是你所付出的。 What will matter is not your success,but your significance. 重要的不是你的成功,而是你的价值。 What will matter is not what you learned,but what you taught. 重要的不是你学到的,而是你传授的。 What will matter is every act of integrity,compassion,courage and sacrifice that enriched,empowerd or encouraged others to emulate your example. 重要的是你的每一次正直、怜悯、勇敢和牺牲之行为能够使人充实,让人强大或是能够激励他人,让他们以你为榜样。 What will matter is not your competence,but your character. 重要的不是你的能力,而是你的性格。 What will matter is not how many people you knew,but how many will feel a lasting loss when you’re gone. 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开时,有多少人感到这是永久的损失。 What will matter are not your memories,but the memories of those who loved you. 重要的不是你的记忆,而是爱你的人的记忆。 What will matter is how long you will be remembered,by whom and for what . 重要的是你为人所怀念的时间有多长,重要的是谁在怀念你,重要的是他们为什么要怀念你。 Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice. Choose to live a life that matters. 让我们的一生不是因为偶然而变得重要,不是因为环境而变得重要,而是我们自己的选择,选择让自己的生命有意义。
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