

2011-03-20 10页 doc 75KB 61阅读




环球雅思写作笔记(1)写作笔记 评分标准: 一、审题 二、描述(主要指小作文,小作文不可以添加任何评论性言语) 三、论点、论证能力(大作文的论点控制在2-3个左右) 四、清晰的表达能力 大作文结构: 开头段落(50个字左右):背景信息(2-3句话) 个人观点(个人观点控制在一句话左右,务必简单明确) 个人观点分为三种:同意 反对 中立(完全中立和偏向性中立) 主体段落(150个字左右):2-3个自然段 每个自然段:开头第一句话为主题句 第二句话至末尾为论述句 结尾段落(50个字左右): suggestion or restatement 建议或者重...
写作笔记 评分标准: 一、审题 二、描述(主要指小作文,小作文不可以添加任何评论性言语) 三、论点、论证能力(大作文的论点控制在2-3个左右) 四、清晰的表达能力 大作文结构: 开头段落(50个字左右):背景信息(2-3句话) 个人观点(个人观点控制在一句话左右,务必简单明确) 个人观点分为三种:同意 反对 中立(完全中立和偏向性中立) 主体段落(150个字左右):2-3个自然段 每个自然段:开头第一句话为主题句 第二句话至末尾为论述句 结尾段落(50个字左右): suggestion or restatement 建议或者重述 (3-4句话) 主流题型: PROBLEM/SOLUTION 1、Beginning: Background Information Your Opinion(概括) Body:问题以及解决方法分别陈列 P1 P2 P3 …S1 S2 S3 Conclusion: Restatement(重申时不要引出新话题) 2、Beginning:同上 Body:每个问题各写一段进行详细陈述 P1 P2 P3 Conclusion:总写解决 S1 S2 S3 例子:课本24页 Nowadays, more and more children are becoming obese. Give possible reasons and suggestions. AGREE OR DISAGREE/ADVANTAGE OR DISADVANTAGE Beginning: Background Information Your Opinion(中立具有偏向性) Body: 三分之一篇幅写与自己相反的观点 三分之二篇幅写与自己相同的观点 先写反,后写正,中间一行过渡段。 Conclusion: Suggestion 例子:课本37页 Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 主流话题: 年轻人(30102,P6) It is right that university graduates should earn higher salary than less well-educated members. But they should pay all the full cost. To what extent you agree or disagree? 女性话题(90 P3) A recent research indicated that the rate of crimes committed by young females has been on the rise all over the world. Please give some possible reasons for this sudden increase in crime rate. Also, make some suggestions on how to deal with this social phenomenon. 公众类话题(08奥运,体育 91 P3) Last year many famous sports professionals earned millions of dollars each. On the other hand, most people in some “ordinary” professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the incomes of these “start”. What do you think about sports stars receiving very high salaries? Is it fair that people with jobs that directly help people are paid much less? 科技类话题(98 P4)传统科技模式与现代科技模式的冲突 Some people say that the age of book is over and all information will be presented by video, computer, television, film, etc. However, others think that books and the written words will still be necessary for spreading information and completing education. What is your opinion about this issue? 环境类话题(79 P3) Waste disposal presents increasing problems, especially in the urban areas of most big cities. Do you think it is true? Give some suggestions for the government and individuals on how to reduce the amount of rubbish. 教育类话题(119 P5) In most universities there are a very small number of male students in certain majors like tourism while females students in many science subjects are hard to be found. Therefore, some people think that universities should enroll equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons. 媒体类话题(30109 P6) The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 国家类话题(100 P4)(110 P5) Many people think that countries in the world have a moral obligation to help each other, while others argue that financial aid to poor countries is often misspent by the governments that receive it. Discuss both viewpoints and give your opinion. (30106 旅游 重点) Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people form different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 当一个考题涉及一个事物的两个侧面,写作原则必须是中立带有偏向性的观点。 开头段写作方法: 1、​ 注意事项: 开头段不宜过长,控制在5句话内。 不要直接提出对于问题的解决方案,而是应该类似这样表达: My arguments for this point are listed as follows: 2、​ 转换技巧: 将题目中文字转换为开头段,不可以照抄题目,而是应该将题目中的用另外表达方式,陈列在开头段,转化有以下三种方法: 主谓宾 ------ 主系表 主动句 ------ 被动句 近义词互换 例如,题目如下: At present it is hard for college students to find jobs. Many people claim that college teachers should give priority to practical courses like computer science and business over such traditional ones as history and geography. To what extent do you agree? 利用转化技巧写的开头段如下: Nowadays college students often have difficulty in finding a satisfactory job when they graduate. A large number of people are of the opinion that more emphasis should be laid on practical courses such as computer science and business than on traditional courses like history and geography. I agree with this opinion for the following reasons. 3、​  4、​ 开头段写法: 1、定义法:A、解释某一单词的意义 B、引用题目部分内容进行改写 C、提出个人观点 定义法注意事项:定义的单词必须与主题相关,所选取进行定义的单词必须方便定义,不可太抽象。 例如,题目如下: Creative artists should be given extra freedom to express their ideas(words, pictures, music and films). However, some people think the government should put some restrictions on them. To what extent do you agree or disagree this opinion. 定义法写作的开头段如下: Art is always regarded as abstract and symbolic works which need people’s imagination and originality. Therefore, many people argue that artists should be given additional freedom to fully express their creativity through characteristic words, pictures, music or films. From my point of view, I think somewhat differently. 2、提问法:A、提出和个人观点相反的问题 B、做出回答 C、提出个人观点 例如,题目如下: Many countries establish a system of single-sex education in which boys and girls go to separate schools. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of it. 提问法写作的开头段如下: Should students be separated into single-sex schools to spend their childhood? Many parents’ answer is “yes” because they see many advantages for a segregated education. However, I can’t endure a single-sex education system. 3、名人名言法,不建议使用。 4、介绍当前形势法:A、细化主题 B、表明个人观点 例如,题目如下: Some people think TV destroys the family life and any sense of community. People do not go to visit each other or talk to the family. They just watch TV. Do you agree or disagree with this? 介绍当前形势法写作的开头段如下: Nowadays almost everyone in the world has access to TV. Television has caused significant changes in the family life and our sense of community. In my opinion, most of these changes are positive because of the following reasons. 5、欲扬先抑法:A、提出与个人观点相反的背景信息(形容词多用贬义) B、过渡句 C、表明个人观点 例如,题目如下: More and more women go out to work. It is the responsibility of government to provide free staff and facilities for children of working mother. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 欲扬先抑法写作的开头段如下: With more and more mothers going out to work, the issue of taking care of children left at home draws much concern. People with a conservative attitude claim that a mother should devote all her time to looking after her children. However, I totally disagree with them. In my opinion, it should be responsibility of government to solve this problem for working mothers. 6、介绍不同观点法,不可用。 7、个人经历法: A、从三个不同的时期依次递进地进行描述 B、提出个人观点 注意:描述时不以第一人称写,因为不具备代表性。而应该以物为主语。而描述时间时不可以跳跃,必须递进。 例如:评价计算机优缺点 二十年前,计算机在中国闻所未闻;十年前,计算机仍旧未被普及;而今,计算机作为大家生活和学习中不可或缺的一项工具。所以我认为,计算机对于我们而言,具有不可替代的作用。 8、连续发问法:A、从三个不同角度依次递进地进行提问 B、提出个人观点 注意:提问的角度必须是不同而且递进的。 例如:女性的社会地位 难道女性不是仍旧在家里负担大部分的家务么?难道女性在工作中与男性是同工同酬么?难道女性在政治领域具有主导型地位么?所以我认为,女性在社会中的地位仍旧不平等。 正文段写法: 一、​ 主题句: 注意事项: 每个段落必须有主题句,而且应该放在句首,主题句要求简单明确。 主题句的签名可以有表示层次关系的连词。 主题句不能太抽象,要有具体内容。 主题句不能用并列句,也不能含有有不同意思的并列成分。 主题句不要表达多层意思,也不要过于概括。 主题句挂念应由小到大,由微观到宏观进行排列。 主题句用语上要递进,尽量避免重复。 写法: 一、​ 分散-总结法:围绕该事物对不同的对象都有利弊来写。 例如,题目为发达国家对发展中国家的援助是否应该,你的是应该,正文段主题句写法如下: 正文第一段主题句:It is important to the developing countries. 正文第二段主题句:It also benefits the developed countries. 正文第三段主题句:It is conducive to the world’s economic development. 二、列举法:围绕事物或观点本身的优点或缺点来写,要写出该事物或观点的两个或者三个优点(缺点)。 例如,题目为男女分校教育的利弊,你的观点是分校教育好,正文段主题句写法如下: 正文第一段主题句:Firstly, unisexual schools can make out appropriate curriculum and courses for students according to their sexual characteristics. 正文第二段主题句:Secondly, boys and girls studying in the same school will probably be distracted from their study. 二、支持句: 论证四要点: 如果正文三个理由段每段支持句三句左右,如果是两个理由段,每段支持句在五句左右。 支持句应该大部分是复杂的句子。 支持句之间应根据相互关系使用适当的连词。 支持句必须围绕主题句来写。 写法: 一、​ 时间顺序法: 时间顺序法不需要时间状语。 例如:某个段落的主题句是:In addition, use of computer in daily life is equally important. 时间顺序法支持句写法如下: (工作前) It is very difficult to find a satisfactory job without proficiency in computer use which most present companies require. (工作中) As difficult as this is it for those incapable of using a computer in work, to further their careers. (工作后) What is more, with widespread computer use in daily life, it indeed is inconvenient to move about if fundamental knowledge of computer is not obtained. 二、对比法: 对比法中的反面是指退一步而言会导致的结果。对比法的总结是一个精炼的简单句。 例如:某个段落的主题句是:Moreover, working right is a basic right for women. 对比法支持句写法如下: (正面) With free staff and facilities looking after children at home, mothers can focus on their work ,which is conducive to the whole society. (反面) Some work is most suitable for women to do. If they are confirmed to home to raise children, the efficiency of doing this work by men will inevitably decline. (总结句) The prevailing trend in developed countries is that an increasing number of women join in a variety of professions. 三、举例法: 一个理由段只能举一个例子,例子不能过长,控制在1-2句话左右。 例如,某个段落的主题句是:Famili does play a significant role in shaping children’s inclination and character. 举例说明法支持句写法如下: (说明) Because the family is children’s most direct source of knowledge and other experience, those who are brought up in good family tend to possess many pleasant characters. (举例) Several centuries ago, there in Europe was a famous family: Bernoullis. This family is distinguished by its scientific contributions to the world. It brought up more than 20great scientists and mathematicians so that there are so many formulas titled with the name: Bernoullis. (总结句) It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of the family. 备注: 1、议论文更倾向以物为主语,尽量避免以人为主语。 支持句大部分应该是复杂句。 支持句句型应该多变。 However 可以放在主语和谓语之间,提高分数。 2、从句大概在6分左右。 As the goats grazed peacefully in the farm, they were unaware of the approaching hunter. 短语+简单句6-7分。 Grazing peacefully, the goats in the farm were unaware of the approaching hunter. There were goats grazing peacefully in the farm, unaware of the approaching hunter. 插入语结构 6-7分。 The young pilot, who was on his first overseas training ,felt very uneasy. 独立主格结构 6-7分。 It being his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy. Being分词结构 6-6.5分。 Being on his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy. 3、肯定句与否定句的转换,老外喜欢双重否定句哦 :) 含有否定意义的词汇和短语: 介词:against, beyond, but, except, without 形容词和动词:absent, deny, different, fail, free, ignore, miss, refuse, used to, reluctant, lack. 短语:keep…from, protect…from, prevent… from, let alone, at a loss, in vain, instead of, out of the question, rather…than, too…to 半否定意义词:barely, hardly, few, little, rarely, scarcely, seldom 含有否定词却表示肯定意义:cannot help(经不住), no sooner…than, not…until, nothing but 有时为了强调而把否定词和词组放在句首,这是句子结构应当倒装。例如: No where has the world ever seen such great enthusiasm for learning as in China. 4、It在英语中是个相当活跃的代词,以下用法应当熟练掌握,并能灵活运用。 作形式主语:It is necessary for us to master a foreign language skillfully. It makes difference whether we could purify the air or not. 作形式主语(7分):We find it rather difficult to prevent people from doing that. Modern science has made ti possible for babies to grow healthily and for people to live longer. 引导强调句:It is only by this way that we can achieve success. It was then that people began to realize the importance of controlling population. 5、在写作中,当相邻的句子逻辑关系密切时,考生应该注意使用长句。 6、人称句与无人称句:在写作中,不要总是以有生命的名词或人称代词开头。I, people, we, you, somepeople等词尽量避免使用在开头。必须把名词具体化,例如,teachers. 7、一篇正常的议论文中,被动句的比例应该占到30~40%。用动词的名词形式来替代动词,可以高1-2分。 8、让步段只用在偏激话题中,不重要。 结尾段写法: 6-6.5分结尾段必须写SUGGESTION, 结尾段中I只能出现一句话。一定要避免结尾空洞。 万能结尾段(5-5.5分),横线处为填入内容: To sum up, the reasons for the rise of the juvenile delinquency rate are many. I have simply pointed out some of the more obvious ones. Nevertheless, it is certain that if the whole of society pays more attention to the sound growth of teenagers and other youngsters, the juvenile crime rate in urban area will undoubtedly be rapidly brought down and controlled. 经典句型归纳,: 1、​ 引子(时间):be associate with(7分), at present, lately, these year, in the past several decade, over the last several years, nowadays, these days, recently, currently, in the past few years, along with the development/improvement/advances of/in… 2、​ 引子(空间):range from…to…, on a large/enormous/extensive/reduced/moderate/limited/nationwide scale, 3、​ 引子(事件):…has been in the limelight/brought into focus, …has aroused/drawn wide/public attention/concern, anyone who…is aware of …, there is a heated/vehement debate/discussion on… 4、​ 主旨:personally/frankly/from my point/of view, I am/think/believe… In my opinion/as I see it/as far as I am concerned… 5、​ 同意 :favor doing , be in favor of, advocate, approve of ideas of, shace the view of, I could not agree more with(7分)… I absolutely agree with… 反对:disapprove of vigorously/bitterly/vehemently oppose, I disagree entirely with… I really cannot accept…, be strongly/vidently/much opposed to, object to doing/do, 6、争论:although it is true that…it is also true that…, at first sight, it seems that…, but… 7、共识:it is commonly/widely/generally said/believed/accepted/assumed that… it is true that…/it goes without saying that…/there is no doubt that…/needless to say,…/…more and more people begin to realize/notice the importance(褒义) /seriousness(贬义) of… 8、分歧:distinguish…from…,make/draw a clear distinction/difference between… and…, differ widely/with sb. In opinion/on issue. 9、提醒:Despite all these advantages/merits, the drawbacks/negative effects of…should not be neglected/ignored. 10、程度:…er and…er, …more/less and more/less…, …so/such…that…, it is becoming increasingly adj for sb to do sth, there is a growing tendency these days for…to… 11、引用:from the standpoint of, from perspective of, on the basic of, in accordance with, statistics/…researches have shown/indicated/proven that…, according to a survey/report, there is plentiful evidence to suggest that… 11、衡量:…outweigh…, …be much greater than…, compared with, as comparison to, no one/nothing can match/equal/approach/be compared with…, …seem pale compared with…, …be tiny/nothing in comparisons with… 12、等同:match…with…, be consistent with, be in prospection to, be proportioned to, …resemble…, be both…and…, either… or…, 13、取舍:rather than…, instead of… 14、限定:in such/certain/some/many cases, 15、条件:regardless of, irrespective of, without regard in, in the event of, provided that…, now/seeing that…, 16、目的:…so that…, in order to…, ...so as to… 17、影响:…affect…, …have/has an effect on…, …can be harmful/helpful to… 18、因果:…cause/lead to/result in/give rise to…, …be the cause of…, …be the reason behind/for…, …be/due/owing/attributable to…,because of…, be caused by…, result from…, resulting from… 19、重要性:…play an important/major role/part in..., …be of great/crucial importance 20、可能性:there is every/a little/no chance/likelihood that, it may well be that, stand/have a good/little/no chance of…,be likely/unlikely to…, be more/less likely to…, it is possible for…to…, 21、引申:…means…, 22、建议:I recommend/suggest/recognize that…
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