

2010-11-16 15页 ppt 288KB 174阅读




高语境低语境nullWhat have I done wrong?What have I done wrong?黄芳芳(200703214110)林丹丹(071) 顾静娜 吕圆ContentsContentsnullHigh contextnullLow contextconceptconcept All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. A high context...
nullWhat have I done wrong?What have I done wrong?黄芳芳(200703214110)林丹丹(071) 顾静娜 吕圆ContentsContentsnullHigh contextnullLow contextconceptconcept All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. A high context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message. A low context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code .null 高语境的交流或讯息是指大多数信息都已经体现出来了,只有极少的信息清楚地以编码的方式进行传达。 低语境的交流正好相反,即大多数信息都是通过外在的语言方式进行传达。霍尔定义nullHigh context cultureTaiwanAustralia and New Zealandlow context cultureAustralia and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand Rule oriented, people play by external rules More knowledge is codified, public, external, and accessible Sequencing, separation--of time, of space, of activities, of relationships More interpersonal connections of shorter duration Knowledge is more often transferable Task-centered. Decisions and activities focus around what needs to be done, division of responsibilities. TaiwanTaiwanLess verbally explicit communication, less written/formal information More internalized understandings of what is communicated Multiple cross-cutting ties and intersections with others Long term relationships Strong boundaries- who is accepted as belonging vs who is considered an "outsider" Knowledge is situational, relational. Decisions and activities focus around personal face-to-face relationships, often around a central person who has authority.AnalysisAnalysis David’s strategy is suitable for Australia and New Zealand, but failed in Taiwan. Because Taiwan as a high-context region adapt to their good friends, families and also to close colleagues (in-group members). They communicate with them intensively (quantity difference) and exchange specific/detailed information about many different topics. The result is that everyone in-group is constantly up-to-date with the facts around the business. In contrast low-context communication they exchange information just to the necessary extent so that work can be done and they don’t discuss or exchange information constantly in their work environment and colleagues (quality difference). Linguistic situation& Cross communicationLinguistic situation& Cross communicationThe linguistic situation plays an important role in the cross communication. The definition for the linguistic environment went through from ”concrete context” to the “cognitive environment”. During the cross communication, the communicators try to possess the information of the linguistic environment ,then judge, analyze, and process them. 语境对跨文化交际来说是至关重要的,对语境的定义我们经历了从具体语境学到认知语境学。从认知的观点来看,跨文化交际的过程就是交际者对言语环境信息的知觉,判断,分析,加工的过程。高低语境与文化交际高低语境与文化交际 在低语境文化中,缺少共同的经历意味着“每次他们和别人交流的时候都需要详细的背景信息”。在低语境文化中,语言传达了大多数信息,语境和参与者方面只包含极少的信息。这一特点反映在多个方面。西方人的交流方式常常比较直接和坦率,也就是说,所有事情都需要说明白,而且是越明白越好。 高语境文化的结果是在日常生活的大多数正常交流中,他们并不需要也不期望详细深入的背景信息。“高语境文化更加依赖和熟悉非语言交流。”在高语境文化中,通过环境就可以获得许多信息,没有必要把所有事情说出来。亚洲人的交流方式常常比较隐晦、间接和含蓄。 生意第一还是关系第一 生意第一还是关系第一 在生意导向型市场,你通常在几分钟的短暂交流后就能够开始谈生意。并且你能在几天内了解你的生意导向型伙伴的大部分情况,而不像在关系导向型文化中,如中国、沙特阿拉伯那样,需要几个星期或者数月。与一些关系导向型市场,诸如日本、韩国和中国台湾,建立稳固的关系需要时间、耐心,有时候还要有顽强的毅力。   当今的无线通讯革命实现了全球商业伙伴间的快捷通信。电报、传真、电子邮件、电话和电视会议能够使我们和国际伙伴保持联系。但是,这些技术奇迹并没有消除与关系导向型的客户或伙伴进行面对面接触的需求。关系导向型的商人不太适应通过文件或者电话来讨论重要事情。他们希望亲眼看到供方和生意伙伴的愿望比生意导向型市场的人们更强烈。   开拓台湾市场:关系的作用 开拓台湾市场:关系的作用 分析参考 文化沟通在与不同国家的商品贸易中凸现的比较明显,本例就是一个反映。在一些西方国家,买卖双方比较平等,交流沟通比较随意。但是在儒文化传统主导的东亚地区,出口商有责任去积极寻找海外客户,采用本例的销售方式是行不通的。这会让买家觉得很没有“面子”,他们可能喜欢面对面地谈生意,建立一种特殊的关系。而不是通过“邮件”这样的方式就决定购买商品。 互相了解 有必要建立个人关系 面对面接触的重要性 nullwww.themegallery.com
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