

2010-11-07 35页 ppt 5MB 31阅读




清华MBA讲座null拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 —清华大学MBA 讲座拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 —清华大学MBA 讲座About HiAllAbout HiAllNEW HOUSE International Education Consulting Group 依托 “Tri-Pod”的新经济商业模式,美国创始的国际化教育咨询集团,业务涉及求职培训、出国辅导、书籍出版、电子商务等,2003 年已成为中国最大的求职培训中心和最为权威的职业规划机构。 公司股东: 均为来自Oxford, Cambridge, Univ. ...
null拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 —清华大学MBA 讲座拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 —清华大学MBA 讲座About HiAllAbout HiAllNEW HOUSE International Education Consulting Group 依托 “Tri-Pod”的新经济商业模式,美国创始的国际化教育咨询集团,业务涉及求职、出国辅导、书籍出版、电子商务等,2003 年已成为中国最大的求职培训中心和最为权威的职业规划机构。 公司股东: 均为来自Oxford, Cambridge, Univ. of Chicago和 Univ. of Stanford 的MBA 分支遍布欧美名校、国内外50多家顶级公司 国内工作分支 国内读研分支 美国分支 英国分支 About HiAllAbout HiAllHiAll 团队: 作为NEW HOUSE International Education Consulting Group旗下的专业职业培训机构,其职业咨询师拥有顶级公司工作经历和常年专业培训经验。 和GE, BCG, Goldman Saches, Morgan Stanley, Mckinsey等超过50家的世界 500强公司以及中国移动、中国石油、商务部等上百家国内大型企业机构建立了良好和长期的合作关系。 独特的HiAll Talent Pool Club成为新一代职业精英交流信息,共享资源的高效平台。 专业的职业培训以及信息发布网站:www.hiall.com.cn 社会对我们的认可社会对我们的认可 期待许轶能够继续努力,把这个重大命题继续做深做透,让自己成为这个人才紧缺的领域里,一个新锐的专家。 徐小平 新东方教育科技集团董事,留学专家,职业设计、人生咨询专家 人生的设计,需要理性思考和“经验主义”相结合,这本书巧妙地将科学方法和案例分析作为两条主线贯穿起来,科学性、趣味性和实用性并重,填补了这个领域内的一个空白。 赵民 新华信管理顾问有限公司创始人、董事长、总裁, 哈佛EMBA 大学阶段是人成长的一个重要阶段,如何理性地设计人生、最大化自己的竞争优势,是每一个大学生必须认真思考的一个问题。这本书是大学生的灯塔。 郑云端 宝洁北京市技术有限公司人力资源高级经理 主讲人介绍主讲人介绍许轶 纽哈斯国际教育咨询创始人,执行董事,芝加哥大学国际关系硕士,《求职 胜经》、《剪裁人生》、《留美申请白皮书》、《挑战托福作文满分》作者。 宋昊 新东方集团创始股东,北京万国学校创始股东,纽哈斯国际教育咨询董事 长,牛津大学(Oxford University) MBA。 王卫东博士 现任北京大学国际MBA访问教授,美国芝加哥大学法学博士,美国纽 约州律 师,美国律师协会成员。在美国从事法律研究工作十多年,曾在全球最大 的律师事务所之一 Sidley Austin Brown &Wood 芝加哥总部服务多年,在企业合并 兼并、公司上市、公司股票和债券发行及公司分营等领域都具有丰富的经验。 吴新艺博士 波士顿咨询公司(BCG)项目经理,UCLA M.D.,美国芝加哥大学 MBA 金山 中体倍力美方首席代表,曾获得北京体育大学运动保健康复专业学士学位, 美国俄亥俄州立大学运动生理硕士学位和美国芝加哥大学MBA学位。在美国从事 治疗康复,私人教练,健身公司管理等工作六年有余。现任美国倍力完全健身有 限公司驻中国首席代表。 唐肖明 Redgate Media, 财务总监清华MBA的竞争策略清华MBA的竞争策略如何与国外MBA竞争? 如何与国内其他MBA竞争,如BIMBA,中欧和长江? 如何与国内外非MBA专业的竞争者竞争,比如Financial Engineering, Financial Mathematics的硕士? 如何与清华MBA竞争?清华MBA本身是竞争关系吗? 不完全是,相反,这是一个DARWINIAN的自然选择,自然界只选择最强的种群和族群生存! 清华MBA必须变成“狼群”才能生存!HiAll Riddle 1: How can a gorilla learn to fly?HiAll Riddle 1: How can a gorilla learn to fly?Only becoming an eagle!Only becoming an eagle!请金山先生谈谈外企职业经理人的必备素质和应聘准备职业经理人发展路线职业经理人发展路线T型人才和专才 最优秀vs.最有潜力vs.最合适 转型人才充电 无论应聘任何公司,都要知道: 目标公司的在华发展情况 企业文化 目标公司的竞争对手以及竞争对手的发展情况 招聘岗位所需要的QUALIFICATIONS 针对这个公司自己的USP 举例,如果中体倍力招聘职业经理人,金山总经理期待应聘者可以自己先归纳一下公司的情况。逆向思维与成功映射法逆向思维与成功映射法成功者所拥有的经历 素质 能力 品质 逆向思维与成功映射法逆向思维与成功映射法Local MBA所拥有的经历 素质 能力 品质 Local MBA的SWOT 分析Local MBA的SWOT 分析逆向思考:你的SWOT 分析???用人单位逆向思考:你的SWOT 分析??? ? ?Opportunity机遇Threat挑战Why Me?Why Not Me? ? ?如何实现你的梦想?如何实现你的梦想?长线准备求职技巧相关实习个人定位入职准备 职业发展路径PPT EXCEL 统计分析软件 PUBLIC SPEAKING COMMUNICATION积累经验 积累人脉 网申 面试 求职 经管知识 深度了解 人脉关系行业了解 基本素质梦想公司商务技能竞争策略: 如何提高你的求职竞争力?We Help You Fly Higher!We Help You Fly Higher!Copy Rights by New House International Education Consulting Group.敬请期待: 《HiAll求职之咨询公司指南》 《HiAll求职快车之IT公司指南》 《HiAll求职快车之面试宝典》 《HiAll求职快车之求职文书宝典》 ………………………HiAll Riddle 2 How Can A Blacksmith Make A Perfect Horseshoe?HiAll Riddle 2 How Can A Blacksmith Make A Perfect Horseshoe?Straight From the Horse’s Mouth!Straight From the Horse’s Mouth!But can you get touch with and understand the horse?请BCG吴新艺博士谈谈针对咨询公司的准备本土MBA长线规划 如何进入咨询行业本土MBA长线规划 如何进入咨询行业What skills and qualifications do consulting firms look for? Outstanding analytical skills: firms are hired by clients for ideas and analysis that clients can’t come up with themselves. Consulting firms therefore look for people who are intellectual powerhouses. Average GPAs are much higher that in investment banking. Interpersonal skills: consulting has the reputation of being kinder and gentler than banking. In addition, you need the poise and confidence to work with older clients from major companies. Willingness to travel Intellectual curiosity: consultants need to be satisfied with intellectual challenges.本土MBA长线规划 如何进入咨询行业本土MBA长线规划 如何进入咨询行业Differences in major firms and different strategies McKinsey BCG Bain Monitor Types of consulting Strategy consulting Operation consulting IT consulting Industry or functional specializationHiAll Riddle 3: How can you put a mountain in a cup?HiAll Riddle 3: How can you put a mountain in a cup?Hints: Why put a mountain in a teacup? How can you do it?Extract the Diamond and Leave the Rest Extract the Diamond and Leave the Rest Nobody Wants the Rocks and Dirt!How To Extract The Diamond?How To Extract The Diamond?80/20 Rule : Focus on benefit to your employers Find the real need of them 成功曲线:Less is More简历技巧和面试技巧简历技巧和面试技巧 从成功简历到TOP级IT咨询公司筛选简历的 原则: LESS IS MORE & KEY WORDS + ACTION WORDS 请许轶老师谈谈如何根据公司要求定制自己的简历 逆向思考:HR要什么?逆向思考:HR要什么? Rigorous, relevant analytical experience Attacking the most advanced and difficult problems the clients face Communication Skills Business Fundamentals Teamwork Fluent English Like Travel 咨询公司关注的你 所 拥 有 的 如何映射在简历中?KEY WORDS & ACTION WORDS工作经历 教育背景 专业知识 管理经验 商务技能 爱好兴趣 正向思维正向思维你的简历是否体现了你所想要表现的素质? 这些素质是否是公司所需要的? Know the game, play the game. 水面的高度和水深的高度: Entry level:Office的高级使用技能 Public speaking Skills Excellent Business English逆向思考:是什么让他们成功???逆向思考:是什么让他们成功???International MBALocal MBA优秀是可以学习的; 成功是可以准备的;We Help You Fly Higher! -- HiAll 团队的信仰Successful Job-hunter????????? 简历面试的critical skills简历面试的critical skills“Team Player” Signs you have: Work in teams, either in academics, extracurricular, or on the job; participate in team sports; hobbies are team-oriented. Where you can display it: resume. “Communication skills” Signs you have: Uses tactful phrasing and articulate complex thoughts in cover letter; organizes information well and writes concisely in resume; participate in activities that involves written or verbal communications, such as teaching or journalism; fluent in a foreign language; good verbal SAT or GMAT score. Where you can display it: cover letter, resume. “Interpersonal skills” Signs you have: Participate activities that involve interaction with others; demonstrates an ability to get along with people from a ranger of backgrounds (such as volunteer work and international experiences); positive tone in cover letter; uses tactful phrasing in cover letter. Where you can display it: cover letter, resume.简历面试的critical skills简历面试的critical skills“Leadership skills” Signs you have: Elected leadership positions; entrepreneurial or extracurricular initiative; has taken risks; successful self-direction in ambiguous situations; has persuade others to take action. Where you can display it: resume. “Analytical skills” Signs you have: high grade point average (GPA); rising trend in grades; has performed well in analytical jobs and class work; has had analytical work experience; uses logical thinking in presenting credentials and writing cover letter; has had business or financial working experience; good SAT or GMAT scores; Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, resume. “Quantitative skills” Signs you have: strong grades in quantitative subjects such as math, business, or economics; work experience involving quantitative analysis; good SAT or GMAT scores; Where you can display it: academic transcript, resume. 简历面试的critical skills简历面试的critical skills“Business Sense” Signs you have: demonstrate a long-term interest in business, both through classes and through extracurricular activities; knowledge about industry and firm in cover letter; enthusiastic about job in cover letter; work experience has provided exposure to major business or financial concepts. Where you can display it: cover letter, resume. “The capacity for continuous development” Signs you have: Upward trends in grades; challenging classes; built new knowledge on existing knowledge, such as in a study of a foreign language; Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, resume. “Motivation and energy” Signs you have: enthusiasm and a bias for action in cover letter; heavy academic load; has juggled many activities; participation in extracurricular; worked your way through college. Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, resume.简历面试的critical skills简历面试的critical skills“Integrity” Signs you have: Details on resume seem consistent; has not exaggerated accomplishments; has not said anything unprofessional or rude in cover letter. Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, resume. We Are The Bridge To Your Dream!We Are The Bridge To Your Dream!ENTRY LEVEL STAFFHR From Different IndustriesSuccessful HiAllers SENIOR MANAGERS EXPERTS IN CAREER GUIDEHiAllYOUWE OFFER WHAT YOU DREAM OF!HiAll 宣言:We Help You Fly HigherHiAll 宣言:We Help You Fly HigherHiAll 团队: 和GE, BCG, Goldman Saches, Morgan Stanley, Mckinsey等超过50家的世界 500强的公司以及中国移动、中国石油、商务部等上百家国内大型企业机构建立了良好和长期的合作关系。 专业的职业培训以及信息发布网站: www.hiall.com.cn HiAll求职案例库HiAll求职案例库 覆盖20个行业(IT,金融,咨询,消费品,媒体等) 60多家各类公司(外企、国企、私企等) 来自全国各地70所大学(北京、上海、武汉、广州、成都等) 背景各异的200多个案例(本科研究生、转专业、肄业、外地求职等) 上帝没有给我翅膀,但是HiAll 帮我飞翔! ——来自成功HiAll 学员的心声HiAll Talent Pool Club: HiAllers’ Home & HiAllers’ Dream Land HiAll Talent Pool Club: HiAllers’ Home & HiAllers’ Dream Land 魏冬 高盛 清华经管硕士林青泽 宝洁 南大本科刘鑫 惠普 湘潭广播大学黄晓军 厦门海关 厦大硕 拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 www.hiall.com.cn 拥抱HiAll,拥抱成功 www.hiall.com.cn
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