

2010-10-06 50页 ppt 1MB 67阅读




雅思强化大作文6.5分null 雅思课程 (写作部分)苏粤Julian.shue juliangemini@sina.com 雅思不同项目的中国学生平均分数雅思不同项目的中国学生平均分数阅读:5.9 听力:5.6 口语:5.2 写作:5.0雅思作文总体分类及要求雅思作文总体分类及要求大作文 形式: 议论文 内容: 对议题发表看法 分数权重: 2/3 时间要求: 40分钟 字数要求:至少250词最好280词小作文 形式: 说明文 内容: 描述图表 分数权重: 1/3 时间要求: 20分钟 字数要求: 至少150词不同写作考试对字数的要求不同写作...
null 雅思课程 (写作部分)苏粤Julian.shue juliangemini@sina.com 雅思不同项目的中国学生平均分数雅思不同项目的中国学生平均分数阅读:5.9 听力:5.6 口语:5.2 写作:5.0雅思作文总体分类及要求雅思作文总体分类及要求大作文 形式: 议 内容: 对议题发表看法 分数权重: 2/3 时间要求: 40分钟 字数要求:至少250词最好280词小作文 形式: 说明文 内容: 描述图表 分数权重: 1/3 时间要求: 20分钟 字数要求: 至少150词不同写作考试对字数的要求不同写作考试对字数的要求高考:三十分钟 100个字左右 Cet 4:三十分钟 至少120 Cet 6:三十分钟 至少150 考研:议论文四十分钟160—200 应用文十五分钟100字左右 IELTS:议论文四十分钟至少250 图表作文二十分钟至少150 Toefl:独立作文30分钟350字 综合作文20分钟150—225字 Sat:25分钟 400字移民类与留学类的区别移民类与留学类的区别大作文基本相同 移民类小作文:信件 留学类小作文:图表写作格式 缩进式样与齐头式写作格式 缩进式样与齐头式传统缩进式:空四个字符,段落之间不空行 齐头式:顶格写,段落之间空行课程安排 课程安排 大作文:考试分数原则介绍+基础句子语法+文章结构+理由联想+测试 小作文:词汇,句型+分图讲解大作文总体给分原则大作文总体给分原则三项平均给分 Contents:内容 Constitution :结构 Vocabulary+Grammar:词汇语法给分原则一:内容给分原则一:内容内容: 1.切题 2.不发表过火政治,宗教言论 常见跑题题目 常见跑题题目 1.Which one do you prefer to live, a big city or a small town? 第一段:介绍题目+选择生活在小镇 理由段一:小镇自然环境好,适合生活 举例:1.夜晚可以听到青蛙叫声 2.夏天可以去池塘洗澡+稻田里捕蝴蝶 2.Should abortion be legal ? 给分原则二:结构给分原则二:结构A:分段结构(一边倒&两边倒) B:理由段的论证方式: 1.立论式:正面论证你的观点的合理性,要求使用多种论证方式,如举例,数字,引用格言,正反对比,解释说明等 2.驳论式:攻击对方观点的不合理性 C:关联词的运用:包含转折,递进,并列,因果,承启。 给分原则三:语法给分原则三:语法A.Accuracy:基本语法失误扣分严格(单复数,时态等) B.Complex: 1.Of 的名词结构 2.复杂句式:形式主语,非限制性定语从句,半倒装,强调句型,非谓语动词,There be 句型,等。 3.副词的普及化使用:搭配动词,搭配形容词 4.打破句子结构的技巧如插入语,并列结构等。 5.被动语态 词性混乱—测试词性混乱—测试If you work hard, you are sure to success. Comparative, China is a developed country. This factory has produced many productions. If you work hard, you are sure to succeed. Comparatively, China is a developed country. This factory has produced many products.谓语失误—双谓语甚至多谓语谓语失误—双谓语甚至多谓语What girls need is not wealth, they need security. He is a cute photographer, he has talent in running for girls. In addition,some youth who have not quiet grow up, they tend to be easily influenced by social temptation, they may not go back to school again. In addition,some youth who have not quiet grow up, tend to be easily influenced by social temptation, and may not go back to school again.中式表达中式表达Now 6000 yuan can buy a computer. A room can live six persons. How are you? How old are you? You are so kind. Do people want thick road. No sex chicken 中式表达中式表达Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放 Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎 We two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁? people moumtain people sea 人山人海给分原则三:词汇给分原则三:词汇1.Diversity—多样性 2.Accuracy—准确性(7分)DiversityDiversityImportant: Significant, essential, critical, crucial, vital indispensable More and more: 越来越多的人正在变得越来越富裕 People in increasing number are getting increasingly richer. An increasing number of people who are getting richer is on the rise.Accuracy Accuracy 1.A pig is kind of foolish animal, while Confucius is a famous and clever ancient philosopher. A.smart B.intelligent C.ingenious D. wise E. sophisticated 雅思需要的词汇量雅思需要的词汇量5.5=2000 6.0=3000 6.5=4000 7分及以上=5000 词汇测试 词汇测试 1.Legal accident advertise genius regulate demand principle program compete effective 2.Conserve predict depress pregnant sole complex exclusive alternative constant ambitious 3.abhor catastrophe emancipate compliment stubborn vulnerable deviate fanaticism eternal obsolete 不同句子的不同分值不同句子的不同分值越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。 Band:6 More and more college graduates who have just graduated from university find that finding a good job is more and more difficult.null越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。 Band :7 A growing number of fresh graduates find that obtaining a decent job is increasingly difficultnull越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。 Band :8 The difficulty of being employed by a decent employer is on the rise, as the number of fresh graduates grows.不同句子的不同分值二不同句子的不同分值二如果对环境问题不加以关注,迟早都会遭受损失。 Band:6 If you do not pay attention to environmental problems, you must suffer huge loss sooner or later. nullBand:7 If environmental problems are not given enough attention, huge loss can be expected sooner or later. Band:8 Huge loss is inevitable with a blind eye on environmental problems.练习改写句子—测试练习改写句子—测试不同的人有不同的观点 Different people have different views. Different people hold different opinions. People’s ideas vary from one to another.写好雅思大作文的三个步骤写好雅思大作文的三个步骤1.写的完 2.写的对 3.写的好议论文题目按内容分类议论文题目按内容分类议论文题目按形式分类议论文题目按形式分类议论文分类之讨论型议论文分类之讨论型2007-2-10 With the development of computer and Internet, some people think that public libraries are a waste of money. 1.To what extent do you agree? 2.What is your opinion? 3.Discuss the both sides and give your opinion. 4.advantages and disadvantages议论文讨论型之优缺点型议论文讨论型之优缺点型Advertisement plays a major role on TV in developed market economies.Despite the benefits of such information , many are critical of the role of TV advertising. Write an essay analyzing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisement. 优缺点类型的关键词优缺点类型的关键词Advantages and disadvantages Benefits and dangers Strengths and weakness Merits and drawbacks Positive and negative Pros and cons blessing and curse 议论文之原因对策型议论文之原因对策型Young drug abuse. What are the causes? What are the solutions? We are now living in a throwaway society. there are plastic bags and rubbish everywhere. Analyze the possible causes that give raise to this phenomenon and offer some feasible suggestions. 审题tips 审题tips 1.你支持什么观点都可以,关键看所运用的语言和逻辑来论证你的观点,题目一定是可辩驳的(debatable)。如果发现只有一方观点合理,那么即为审题错误。 2.限制词:题目中出现的限制词经常会被考生所忽略,而写出跑题的文章。限制词审题展示限制词审题展示Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. 1.introduction:介绍题目 2.理由段一:单一文化好处多,可以消除种族间隔膜 3.理由段二:单一文化好处多,可以使落后地区学习先进地区的思维以得以发展。 4.结论:单一文化好处多null1.同意单一文化正在形成,民族间的交流和移民国家的出现使单一文化形成。 2.同意单一文化正在形成,经济的发展使不同民族的彼此需要变得增强就此促成了思维的同化性. 结论:同意单一文化已经形成 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. 正确答案正确答案1.同意单一文化正在形成,互联网的出现使人们分享同一思维,因此单一文化形成。 2.同意单一文化正在形成,现代化的交通方式的出现缩短了不同地区间的沟通成本,从而有助于思维同花型的形成和出现. 结论:同意单一文化已经形成 大作文总体结构大作文总体结构Introduction(开篇):第一段 Body(论证):第二到第四段(或第二,第三段) Conclusion(总结):第五段(或第四段)一边论型的总体结构一边论型的总体结构一边定义:论证段完全倒向一边 Introduction 总起段 Body 主体理由段只列举最后所支持方的正面理由(立论段)或者对方观点的缺点(驳论段) Conclusion 总结段 Tips: 立论的定义(提出本方观点并写出为什么支持) 驳论的定义(提出对方观点并写出为什么反对)两边讨论型总体结构两边讨论型总体结构两边定义:body段落涉及双方优点 Introduction 总起段 Body 主体理由段列举双方优点(都是立论段) Conclusion 总结段 两种方式的写作区别两种方式的写作区别两边讨论型跟一边讨论型的写作区别: 1.两边讨论型第一段一般无个人观点 2.两边讨论型的理由段谈到双方优点 3.两边讨论型的结尾有一定的委婉性一边讨论型详解一边讨论型详解Which one do you prefer to live, a big city or a small town? 第一段:介绍题目+给出观点 理由段一: 大城市有更多的工作机会(立论) 理由段二: 大城市医疗设施更发达(立论) 理由段三: 有人认为小镇比较空旷不会导致堵车,但其实小镇的道路比较狭窄,反倒是大城市有更多的地铁和高架,交通更良好(驳论)或者大城市交通更好(立论) 最后观点: 支持生活在大城市一边讨论型详解一边讨论型详解Should abortion be legal? 第一段:介绍题目+给出观点 理由段一:流产不合法,因为侵犯了人权(立论) 理由段二:流产不合法,因为对妇女有伤害(立论) 理由段三:某些人认为流产合法,因为某些意外怀孕的少女不具备当母亲的条件和资格,但其实很多慈善组织,教会和想要寻求领养孩子的父母更愿意去抚养这些孩子(驳论)或者很多慈善机构的出现使得即便是不具备养育孩子能力的少女母亲都可以把孩子生下来并得以妥善安置(立论) 结论段:支持流产不合法一边讨论型详解一边讨论型详解Boys and girls should attend separate schools? 第一段:介绍题目+给出观点 理由段一:男女生一起学习可以学习对方的长处 理由段二:男女生一起学习可以避免同性恋的发生 理由段三:某些人认为男女生在一起容易谈恋爱,但其实男女分开更容易使某些学生因为不了解异性而刻意去别的学校去寻找异性而导致成绩下降乃至更多的问题(驳论)或者男女同校反倒有助于了解异性而降低了不必要的异性吸引,因此更有助于专心于学习本身(立论) 结论段:支持男女同校两边讨论型详解两边讨论型详解Which one do you prefer to live, big cities or small town? 第一段:介绍题目,不提观点 理由段一: 大城市有更多的工作机会 理由段二: 大城市医疗设施更发达 理由段三小镇优点: 小镇空气质量良好 最后观点: 支持生活在大城市 两边讨论型之结尾折中两边讨论型之结尾折中If you you have a chance to learn a foreign language , which one would you choose, English or Japanese ? 第一段:introduction 理由段一:有些人选择英文,更国际化好找工作 理由段二:然而有些人选择日文,喜欢看日本动漫,日本动漫中有更多的汉族历史和文化 结论:综上考虑,我觉得日文和英文都是适合学习的语言,某些场合下(为了工作)…;同时某些场合下(为了娱乐,为了结婚)…难题+限制词题目审题练习难题+限制词题目审题练习2008.9.27 Poor students or students who come from rural areas often find it is difficult to access to the university education, people think universities should make it more easily for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2008.11.29 Some people think modern children’s games can help them to develop wide range of skills, but other people argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?null2008.12.13 Some people believe the society benefits from people who receive university education; others think the large number of these people will lead to high rate of unemployment. 2009.1.17 Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 2009.3.7 Many people think music is an important role in society, others, however, believe music is just simply a form of entertainment for individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.乡下孩子进大学:一边倒 乡下孩子进大学:一边倒 开篇:大学应该提供更多机会给乡下的孩子 理由段一(立论):大学提供更多的机会给乡下孩子,可以使更多的人接受教育,因为中国是个农业人口为主的社会。 理由段二(立论):大学提供更多的机会给乡下孩子可以改变大学内部的不良学习氛围,因为乡下孩子更懂得珍惜。 理由段三(驳论):某些人认为大学提供更多的机会给乡下孩子会助长社会不公平气氛的形成,但我认为乡下孩子本来就处于一种不公平的状态下去学习,给认真学习的乡下孩子更容易的机会本身就是一种公平的嘉奖。 结论:支持大学应该对乡下孩子降低门槛传统游戏与现代游戏:两边倒传统游戏与现代游戏:两边倒开篇:题目介绍,没有观点 理由段一:传统游戏比较好,因为有更多的民俗历史, 比如华容道,打陀螺… 理由段二:传统游戏比较好,因为可以锻炼身体. 比方说:过家家,跳房子,跳皮筋… 理由段三:现代游戏好,因为游戏本身设计科学,有助于脑部发展. 比方说:电子游戏,魂斗罗,赤色要塞… 结论:传统游戏更好null开篇:题目介绍,没有观点 理由段一:传统游戏容易掌握更多的知识,因为有更多的民俗历史, 比如华容道了解三国历史,民间剪纸了解中华传统 理由段二:传统游戏比较容易锻炼身体,比如荡秋千,踢毽子,丢沙包… 理由段三:现代游戏更有助于掌握知识和能力,比如很多电脑游戏的出现可以训练打字能力,反应能力;跳舞机的出现训练反应能力很平衡能力… 结论:传统游戏更有助于综合能力的培养难题审题练习二难题审题练习二Should new immigrants give up his local customs totally? Which one should be more focused in marriage, material or spirit ? Compare the advantages of each opinion. Progress is always good?高等教育对社会的意义高等教育对社会的意义Some people believe the society benefits from people who receive university education; others think the large number of these people will lead to high rate of unemployment. 一边倒 理由段一:大学教育可以使更多精英出现,这些精英会推动社会进步。 理由段二:大学教育会使文盲减少,因此愚昧的举动也会相应减少。 理由段三:有些人认为更多的大学学历的人的出现而使相应的社会工作岗位不够而导致失业,但其实接受过高等教育的人完全可以做普通的技术岗位,他们所受的教育也可以使普通的体力工作产生更大的效益 结论:社会可以从大学教育中受益可以任意选择工作和生活地点可以任意选择工作和生活地点Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. 一边倒:应该任意选择 理由段一:时代进步了,社会观念和不再限制人们自由移动. 理由段二:生活水平的提高使人们可以负担得起迁徙的成本. 理由段三:某些人认为太大范围的人口流动会导致社会不稳定并提出了暂住证制度,但这只会违背人性并导致更大的社会混乱. 结论:支持随意选择居住地可以任意选择工作和生活地点可以任意选择工作和生活地点Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. 一边倒:可以自由选择居住和生活地方 理由段一:电信和互联网的普及使人们即便离家再远也可以很方便的和家人沟通. 理由段二:出行方式的现代化和多样化使人们的移动更方便更便宜. 理由段三:某些人认为有些比较偏僻的地方目前还不具备较好的网络设备和交通方式,但这些地方会随着人口的有目的流动而带动相应的通讯及交通方式的普及,比如某些偏远旅游城市的兴起. 结论:自由选择居住和生活地方是合适的音乐重要么音乐重要么Many people think music is an important role in society, and others believe music is just simply a form of entertainment for individuals. 一边倒 理由段一:音乐很重要因为可以使人们思考,并从思考中获得力量. 理由段二:音乐可以美化人们的心灵,好的音乐具有使人向善的功能. 理由段三:某些人认为音乐只是一种娱乐手段,但这种说法低估了音乐的更大的社会作用,况且能使人开心本来就是一种美好的品质. 结论:音乐非常重要移民移民Should new immigrants give up his local customs totally? 两边倒 理由段一:移民应该保持传统,更有利于跟外国人分享本民族精粹 理由段二:移民应该利用传统来跟当地同乡交流,比如华人联谊会,同乡会,狮子,龙舟 理由段三:完全放弃传统有利于融入新社会 结论:移民应该有所保留本民族传统 婚姻中哪个更重要婚姻中哪个更重要Which one should be more focused in marriage, material or spirit ? Compare the advantages of each opinion. 两边倒 理由一:物质更重要,物质为精神的基础,门当户对有利于交流 理由二:物质更重要,扎实的物质更容易带来稳固的婚姻,结婚的成本… 理由段三:精神更重要,人是高级动物,要关注精神 结论:婚姻中物质更重要 进步永远是好的?进步永远是好的?一边倒: 1.介绍段 2.理由段一:进步导致污染 3.理由段二:进步导致生活节奏加快促使压力变大,心理变态,过劳死,情色旅馆,人妖演出… 4理由段三(驳论):某些人认为,进步可以产生更多的高科技从而发展民生,但其实这些所谓的高科技绝大部分都应用在军事生产和被少数人所垄断,民生并没有得到改善. 结论:进步有时是有负面作用的一边讨论型第一段写法一边讨论型第一段写法完整版:背景句(介绍题目)+A观点+转折词+B观点+个人观点+过渡 简化版:背景句(介绍题目)+个人观点 两边讨论型第一段写法两边讨论型第一段写法完整版:背景句(介绍题目)+A观点+转折词+B观点+过渡 简化版:背景句(介绍题目)+A观点+B观点 一边讨论型第一段写法一边讨论型第一段写法Explanation解释论题:写为复杂句 具体翻译为:…是个热点问题;…引起了人们的很大关注,…处于争议中心… 解释背景句(根据论题句子的详实程度可省略) Statement观点(最好可以引出后面的理由,给考官以快速索引功能,如果考生的词汇功底强大还可以跟后面的理由段理由表达进行刻意区分) Transition 过渡(依据第一段的厚度可省略)第一段写作tips第一段写作tips1.主题词的重复与替换:在主题句不断重复 采用简单重复,同义替换,同根替换 2.少用模板乃至杜绝模板 3.绝对不能抄题:同顺序连续五单词及以上观点句观点句观点句由观点词+观点来完成 As for me, I side with the former / latter. From my view, I approve … As far as I am concerned, In my opinion, In view of these points,特殊的观点表示方式特殊的观点表示方式动词: 1.agree, believe 2. consider, regard, treat 3. hold, argue, claim, insist, persist, maintain, approve, advocate, assert, 其他词性用法: I am a believer in…, I am so convinced that…, As a truthful advocate in… 观点引出理由示范一观点引出理由示范一A burglar was shot dead by the owner of the house being broken into. Do you think the owner’s action was justified?观点引出理由写法观点引出理由写法Ever since this incident was reported in the newspaper there has been much controversy about it.(背景) After weighing all the pros and cons, I find that I agree that the owner’s action was legalized.(观点) I support my point of view with three arguments: self-defense, the sanctity of property and the need to deter criminals.(理由) 中心理由的归纳中心理由的归纳First ,everyone has the right of protecting themselves. Second ,it is a principle of law that private property is inviolable. Third,there is far too much crime nowadays, and many people think that the courts are too merciful with burglars when they are caught.观点引出理由示范二观点引出理由示范二Topic: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Do you agree or disagree? nullThe view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history.(背景) This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes.(解释背景) But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and their generally better communication skills.(理由) null理由一:From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. 理由二:Girls also appear to be less offensive than boys. 理由三:Finally, women tend to be better communicators then men.一边讨论型过渡句一边讨论型过渡句In the following paragraphs, I would present some reasons. A few explanations would be presented as follows. Thus essential and persuasive evidences would be provided in the subsequent paragraphs to verify my perspective. 两边讨论型过渡句两边讨论型过渡句People could rarely reach a consensus without a fierce debate on this issue. All the blessings and curses will be fully exposed in the following paragraphs. Consequently, I will discuss this issue from both two sides respectively.模板句型的使用技巧模板句型的使用技巧不可不用,也最好不要全用。 某些用烂的模板: Every coin has two sides:背景句一背景句一As one of the most significant invention/phenomenon in the 20th century,_ has a great application/influence in many aspects of our lives.科技发明类 Along with the increasing development of science and economy, a great number of issues are brought to our attentions, one of which is that_. 社会类背景句二背景句二No one could have failed to notice the fact that _ is a noticeable/grave/severe issue with which _ are confronted. 社会类 Recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the arguments and has aroused wide concern in the public.社会类 背景句三背景句三The past decades have witnessed the great popularity of …科技/社会 Being a controversial issue, … has aroused a great deal of attention in society during the past decades. 社会类 No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate concerning…科技/社会 背景句四背景句四一切主题都适用 There has long been puzzled/ confused /accepted that... It is universally puzzled/ confused/ accepted /established/ acknowledged that… It is obviously true/controversial that… There is no denying/ agreement/ consensus that… It is an undeniable fact that…背景句五背景句五When concerning/arguing/talking/coming to the issue of_ , people’s ideas vary from one to another. Some people consider that…( is significant), while others deny it totally, claiming that…(is more reasonable).I side with the former/latter one. No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate concerning…. Some people advocate that…, while others claim that…关于一些人的其他说法关于一些人的其他说法Traditional/ conventional /conservative ideas, some authorized media, a famous institution, some experts/ scholars 考官第一段范文考官第一段范文Nowadays, pressure on school and university students is increasing greatly and students are pushed to hard work from a young age. Do you think it is positive or negative ? Food can be produced cheaper if use improved fertilizers and better machinery. However some of methods may be dangerous for human health, and have negative effects for local communities. What is your opinion ?nullAlthough many believe that pushing pressure on students to achieve good results is necessary in the competitive society we live in today, I feel it is in many ways counter-productive(对方观点+本方观点). For some students it discourages a love of learning, can lead to illness and only small percentage of the total acutually thrive under pressure(并列理由).nullAlthough in an ideal world food should be presented as naturally as possible, I believe that this ignores the fact that many countries, especially in the third world, struggle to provide adequate sustenance to their and modern farming methods are absolutely essential to combat this poverty.(对方观点+我方观点+理由)不同分数的第一段不同分数的第一段1.Nowadays what people should pursue in love has been in argument. Do you agree with this opinion that stable and happy love should be completely supported by wealth? 2.Should immigrants abandon their original value to accustom the local lifestyle or should they keep their traditions?练习一写法:使用模板练习一写法:使用模板When concerning the topic of love, people’s views differ strongly(背景). Some one think that they should be more financially rich to maintain love eternal (A观点). Others consider that the spirit and feeling in love should be more focused(B观点). Band: 5.5 练习一写法:不使用模板练习一写法:不使用模板Unbearable longing for love is the basic passion of human beings conducted by philosopher Russell(背景). But How should love be permanent (解释背景)?Concerning love, which one should be more vital , being substantially rich or being spiritually agreeable? (A/B观点) I would discuss this issue in the following arguments(过渡). Band: 7 罗索的人生欲望罗索的人生欲望Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. 练习二写法练习二写法When people immigrate to other countries, the flooding of alienated and unfamiliar coultures inevitably impact on the traditonal ones.(背景) Basing on the perseverance to traditional cultures, I believe they should be better preserved to quickly contribute immigrants to being involved. (作者观点+观点). 一边讨论型首段练习一一边讨论型首段练习一Some people think, during some national holidays like Christmas, the terrible traffic jam is mainly caused by underdevelopment of transportation rather than by overpopulated condition. What is your opinion?一边讨论型首段练习二一边讨论型首段练习二Nowadays children are no longer intimate with their parents as they used to be when they gradually grow up. Who should be responsible for this situation, parents or children? Discuss 练习题写法一练习题写法一It is widely acknowledged that many people tend to migrate during some major vacations by various intentions, going home, relaxing themselves and visiting some friends(背景句). Objectively, their behaviors evidently lead to the phenomenon discussed above. So , I strongly approve that populous people is the main factor instead of less developed traffic condition. (A观点+作者观点)练习题写法二练习题写法二The current time are witnessing the great prevalence of increasingly controversial gap between parents and their children(背景). Children are less acquainted with their parents owing to different values,inappropriate prematurity and extravagant life styles(解释背景+作者理由). So I am a believer that children should take this responsibility.(作者观点) 首段练习三首段练习三Some people believe that newly college graduates should have about one year’s time to travel to enlarge their vision instead of being involved in jobs immediately. Do you agree or disagree? 练习题写法三练习题写法三To work instantly or to enjoy a journey around is a confusing question which obviously torture the fresh graduates(背景+A/B观点). As for me, I comparatively choose to take a temporary break from intensely competitive society to experience something exotic and challenging in traveling. (作者观点+理由) American mapAmerican mapnullnullnullBody部分的写法一立论段Body部分的写法一立论段定义:提出本方具体观点并写出为什么支持 方法:每段需要一个中心分论点,其他的句子采取四种论证方式的至少两种,围绕着中心理有句进行论证即可。 位置
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