首页 > 常用英语口语999句MP3和文本:第389句—第411句


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常用英语口语999句MP3和文本:第389句—第411句常用英语口语999句MP3和文本:第389句—第411句 本文由倍可亲网友[ 蓝蓝的天 ] 于 2009-1-12 21:57 上贴 原文网址: http://club.backchina.com/main/viewthread.php?tid=738460 下载地址: http://news.iciba.com/yinpin/kouyu999_L389L411.mp3 [00:00.00]《999句最常用英语口语》 [00:03.90] [00:04.00]I'd like to look at some sweaters....
常用999句MP3和文本:第389句—第411句 本文由倍可亲网友[ 蓝蓝的天 ] 于 2009-1-12 21:57 上贴 原文网址: http://club.backchina.com/main/viewthread.php?tid=738460 下载地址: http://news.iciba.com/yinpin/kouyu999_L389L411.mp3 [00:00.00]《999句最常用英语口语》 [00:03.90] [00:04.00]I'd like to look at some sweaters. 我想看看毛衣。 [00:12.02]Its origin is still a mystery now. 它的起源至今仍是个谜。 [00:19.94]Money is no more than our servant. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。 [00:27.90]Once you begin,you must continue. 一旦开始,你就得继续。 [00:35.89]She is poor but quite respectable. 她虽穷,人品却很端正。 [00:44.89]She spent a lot of money on books. 她花了很多钱来买书。 [00:52.81]The girl in red is his girlfriend. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是他的女朋友。 [01:02.06]There is a chair below the window. 窗户下面有一把椅子。 [01:09.40]They employed him as a consultant. 他们雇用他为顾问。 [01:17.18]To be honest with you,I'm twenty. 老实说,我20岁。 [01:24.78]We often call him by his nickname. 我们经常叫他的绰号。 [01:32.91]Will you be free tomorrow evening? 你明晚有空吗? [01:40.11]Would you like to leave a message? 你要留话吗? [01:46.66]You can never turn the clock back. 时光不能倒流。 [01:54.26]You may as well tell me the truth. 你还是把事实告诉我为好。 [02:02.47]Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母还在么? [02:10.06]Can you recognize that woman,Mary? 你能认出那个女人是谁了吗,玛丽? [02:19.21]Do you have any suggestions for me? 你对我有什么建议么? [02:27.09]He is tough,but I am even tougher. 他是一个硬汉子,不过我要比他更硬。 [02:36.20]He made his way through the forest. 他设法穿过了森林。 [02:43.69]He suggests you leave here at once. 他建议你立刻离开这儿。 [02:51.32]He was married to a friend of mine. 他和我的一个朋友结了婚。 [02:59.17]He will blame you for carelessness. 他会责备你的粗心大意。 [03:07.20]I can give you a number of excuses. 我可以给你说出很多韵理由。
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