
原件 T2

2010-09-30 12页 doc 92KB 21阅读




原件 T2理由的寻找 1.​ 健康 a)​ 营养, b)​ 放松 i.​ Animals have been proven to reduce their master’s stress, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. ii.​ He always brings me much needed cheer and happiness iii.​ These subjects give the st...
原件 T2
理由的寻找 1.​ 健康 a)​ 营养, b)​ 放松 i.​ Animals have been proven to reduce their master’s stress, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. ii.​ He always brings me much needed cheer and happiness iii.​ These subjects give the students an outlet for expressing their turbulent emotions/tension/aggression iv.​ Viewing art and listening to music are excellent ways to relax. c)​ 心情, i.​ In order to make new students feel less anxious about their new surroundings, it would be beneficial for the school to start a welcoming committee ii.​ By escaping from the real world for a few hours, we are able to deal with it more efficiently and happily iii.​ The cozy atmosphere of spending time with close friends d)​ 身体素质, i.​ Children will be stronger and healthier because they are getting exercise. ii.​ Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any other concerns. iii.​ Why I would build a park is for environmental reasons. iv.​ By allowing one’s body to adjust to the extremes, one builds their immune system and is healthier overall e)​ Another essential improvement that contributes to people’s longevity is swiftly developing medical technology. f)​ 食品安全, g)​ 生活习惯, i.​ Everyone has a busy life, and it is easy to forget details ii.​ For my day-to-day activities, I enjoy a comparatively stable lifestyle. iii.​ They are immediatel surrounded by all of the comforts they could possibly want. iv.​ Traditional houses are also usually built in quiet areas outside the city. v.​ Choosing a friendly roommate is very important, If one wants to create a healthy living environment vi.​ One has much more freedom to do what they want in these living conditions h)​ 烟酒, i.​ Children without proper guidance and love from a young age might atart to smoke, drink, use drugs, and commit crimes. i)​ 身体伤害, i.​ Most cartoons, soap operas, or violent crime television shows are detrimental to a child’s development. j)​ 安全, i.​ Our parents are very careful to prevent accidents before they happen, and never act spontaneously, the current generation has grown up in a very safe, peaceful environment ii.​ Second, these stars deserve to make a lot of money because they must give up their privacy to serve the public. iii.​ Modern buildings are also stronger and safer than traditional houses. k)​ Traveling companions not only enrich the experience of travel, but also make it safer. l)​ 生命, i.​ Many new diseases have been discovered in the last fifty years, for example, AIDS and SARS, cancer m)​ 财产 2.​ 便利 a)​ 节省时间 i.​ When one buys a business, he is required to spend long, hard hours to ensure that the business is a success. ii.​ The computer also allows us to make complex calculations with the greatest of ease. iii.​ They can complement each other, and therefore asve muchn time and energy iv.​ Playing sports detracts from study time, which is very important. v.​ Time is greatest investment I can make into the relationships with my wife and my children vi.​ Using machines to do work is also much faster and more efficient than using your hands to do it. b)​ They are the fastest method of traveling c)​ 时间灵活, i.​ I always enjoy the freedom of an unplanned afternoon ii.​ Having many breaks throughout the year is also good for one’s social life. iii.​ Another great benefit of being self-employed is the ability to balance personal life and career. iv.​ I could desing my own work schedule and adjust or change it if it interfered with my personal life. d)​ 交通 i.​ Having a car would bring many conveniences that would make the wcperience much more enjoyable. A car can get you around the cith very quickly and derectly. A car offers privacy. ii.​ The last drawback of building a university in the area is the traffic. iii.​ When traveling with a guide the individual traveler normally does not have to worry about hotel reservations and transportation. e)​ The bus is a good choice as the bus system in beijing has been well-developed. f)​ 休闲, i.​ A park would offer a much-needed relaxing place, which is usually few and far between in cities. ii.​ It is a very peaceful activity g)​ 健身, i.​ Exercising is also very important to leading a healthy lifestyle. h)​ 娱乐 i.​ Movies have magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction, ii.​ Its effect on the entertainment industry iii.​ Our methods of entertainment are very different from our parents iv.​ A new city can be a lonely place and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. It can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment. v.​ We need these people’s skills to entertain us. vi.​ Helping members of the community learn to use a computer would allow them to have more fun., eg surf the internet. vii.​ Form net games to online chatting to viewing movies ot websites, internet has the ability to entertain us in a wide variety of ways i)​ The understanding of a performance viewed on television is usually limited j)​ 吃喝, i.​ There are also a number of excellent restaurants in the area, offering good, hearty meals for nominal price. ii.​ Many students are so preoccupied with their studies that they do not have tome to cook a nutritious meal. iii.​ One is not limited to the cafeteria food if he is a particular eater k)​ 购物 l)​ 信息 i.​ Internet allows us to acess any information our hearts desire. 3.​ 交流 a)​ 交流技巧, i.​ We can better control the flow of our ideas, explain complex issures patiently, and convey our feeling of troubles that the poor products have brought explicitly and accurately ii.​ We can draw others into it with our body language, the passion in our voice, even the look in our eyes. iii.​ Sports are excellent social activities. iv.​ People enjoy the process of playing a game because of the social aspects. v.​ One of the most important developments one can make in his personality is the ability to socialize well with others. vi.​ Because of these technologies, we can easily access others when necessary vii.​ If the goal of communication is to maintain or deepen a relationship with someone, business partners, friends, husbands and wives, or parents and children, face-to-face communication offers the option of communication by touch that is unavailable even if we could communicate by video. b)​ 与家人, i.​ The more frequently we communicate with family members, the more harmonies the relationship in the family between us is c)​ 父母, i.​ Learn to respect their parents more based on this ii.​ The bonds between parent and child, while still of primary importance, are characterized less by rules and respect and more by love. d)​ 朋友 i.​ Animals provide companionship for people who are too old to maintain regular friendships, ii.​ If neighbors meet each other during lesson times, it is more than possible that they will become friens. iii.​ Young adults usually spend more time with their friends iv.​ Many people say that they met their best friends while attending high school v.​ We will not be able to share these experiences together vi.​ Chess encourages a child to be social with others vii.​ A friend will try and cheer me up, and attempt to take my mind off whatever negative things happened. e)​ When spending time with only one to two chose friends, it is more likely to get to know these people on a very close level. f)​ 同学, i.​ Young student must be encouraged to socialize with smart, friendly students who have a strong work ethic ii.​ One never has to deal with rude or messy roomates g)​ 同事, i.​ While traveling or living abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with oved ones or business colleagues. h)​ 领导, i)​ 网友交流 i.​ They allows, for the first time ever, all of the people in the world to share their information 4.​ 习惯与心理 a)​ 习俗, i.​ Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion ii.​ Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. b)​ 习惯, i.​ Keeping up old, familiar customs is very comforting. c)​ 兴趣, i.​ Different emotions call for different music. At different ages we develop tastes for different types of music ii.​ It is the only way to enter the program one is interested in iii.​ One will be able to focus on subject areas that are particularly interesting to the individual. iv.​ Learning is largely a voluntary activity, and teachers have to consider the possibility that too much homework will frustrate the students v.​ Students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their educaiton d)​ It seems that danger itself makes the activity so fascinating as too hard to refuse. e)​ 亲情 i.​ The first of these traits is the capacity for love. Children must feel loved by their parents if they are going to grow into well-developed, stable adults., f)​ 友情, g)​ 爱情, i.​ It is in fact quite natural that a little boy admire a beautiful girl or a little girl feels a smart boy appealing. h)​ 乐趣, i.​ One is able to let his imagination run wild. ii.​ Chess is an excellent hobby for a young person i)​ 好恶 i.​ Living life at a slower pace allows me to appreciate the good thing in my life. j)​ 独特 i.​ Being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. ii.​ Studetns who specialize will have a great advantage over students who don’t when it comes to finding a job in their specific field of study k)​ Many endangered animals can only live in one place, or in a specific type of place. l)​ 多样性 i.​ Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity. ii.​ Here they will be able to develop their knowledge in different areasm and they will also have the opportunity to find out what their interests really are as they will be wxposed to a variety of fields of study. iii.​ The competition to get into high school in my town is fierce. m)​ 经历 i.​ I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences 5.​ 成就感 a)​ 成功, i.​ He views himself as very successful because of his achievements in life. ii.​ The leader of a group has the strongest voice of all. iii.​ Most sports teach a person the value of winning and loosing gracefully. iv.​ Living in a clean environment allows one to be much more successful in all endeavors v.​ Careful planning is a requisite part of life, especially when one’s decisions can impact one’s own life and the lives of others in a significant way. b)​ The most important quality that a good boss must possess is flexibility c)​ 荣誉感, i.​ We could honor inventors by opening exhibitions in galleries and museums dedicated to the inventions of current and past inventors. ii.​ Students are make to feel as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform. iii.​ When a project is complete, it is the leader that receives accolades for doing a good job. iv.​ Despite all the negative aspects that come with fame, it is still worth the trouble d)​ 财富, e)​ 自信, i.​ Children would lose self-confidence and self-esteen if they constantly lost at sports ii.​ Students sho can not be fashionable due to limited family finances are make to feel more comfortable among their peers. iii.​ The feeling of success that comes from holding a part-time job can build students’ confidence f)​ 动力 i.​ The lecture often puts students in a passive rather thean an active role ii.​ If a teacher knows that at the end of the term, the students will be evaluating his work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job, iii.​ A boss must be extremely creative. g)​ 压力 i.​ It is the increasing pressure of modern life that took her husband away. 6.​ 环保 a)​ 生态平衡 i.​ Industrial development without careful consideration regarding land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine, ii.​ One of the important reasons to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparabley harmed by their extinction. b)​ 动植物保护, c)​ 环境污染 i.​ Industry development is more and more important for our country, yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitabley caused by industry. Industrial pollution accidents occur far more frequently in our still developing country ii.​ The world is continuing to build new and more wasteful production plants, filling the atmosphere with poisonous gases. We will come up with new, less dangerous methods of producing the goods we have come to depend on. iii.​ Car and truck exhausts pollute the air in metropolitan areas around the world and thus create serious health problems. iv.​ Pollution is another major problem which plagurs all of the industrial nations v.​ One of the main effects of human activity on an area is water pollution. vi.​ Another serious long-term effect of air pollution is global warming. 7.​ 经济 a)​ 资金, b)​ 投资, i.​ A house is also an excellent investment. It is a good idea to become a property owner and sell it at a reasonable profit in the future. ii.​ To become famous, whether in the sports industry or the movie industry, takes a lot of hard work. Not only is this tiring, it also cost a lot of money. iii.​ Not only will many people find work in the process of building these structures, but their existence will attract future investments and thus greatly benefit the economy of an area of country. c)​ Investment in public transportation also makes sense for the customer. d)​ 节约, i.​ Owning a house is a good idea because it saves you from giving someone else money every month for your rent. ii.​ Uniforms may not save parents as much money as many people would like to believe. iii.​ Machine-made products tend to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts iv.​ Saving is not only a bulwark against an unpredictable future, it is also a way to generate future wealth. e)​ 旅游, i.​ Vacation always have to end, and one must return to his everyday life ii.​ In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences iii.​ Canada boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. iv.​ Canada also has a widely varied culture. f)​ 就业, i.​ Be ready for university and the workforce. ii.​ A new place offers interesting possibilities for personal and professional development iii.​ Not merely are there more job positions in big cities and the qualities of the position are much higher as well g)​ Movie theaters are necessarily large-scale affairs, attract a large amount of customers, and accordingly need to employ a fairly large number of people as… h)​ 工资, i)​ 收入, j)​ 支出, i.​ A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. ii.​ The housing situation in this area is more expensive than many other communities in the city iii.​ Of equal importace is learning how to plan a personal budget. iv.​ In addition, these new buildings oftenhave lower manintenance costs in comparison to the aged constructions. k)​ 收益, i.​ I am much more proficient using machines than I am doing the same work by hand. ii.​ Money spend on environmental protection will make it possible for people to continue to enjoy art because they will live healthier lives iii.​ This means that the harder you work, the more potential there is to make a large amount of money. iv.​ They know exactly the rule: the more risks they take, the more they might get v.​ The development of modern transportation has also make goods in local markets much less expensive. l)​ 税收 i.​ Research indicates that companies with less than 50 workers employ more people and generate more revenue as a percentage of a nation’s GDP than large-scale corporations. m)​ 生产 i.​ Bamboo is a very versatile material that can be used to make numerous different items 8.​ 品格 a)​ 经验, i.​ There are positions for which extensive experience is absolutely necessary or at least extremely helpful ii.​ I think it is important to learn about life through personal experience because it is a much more interesting way to learn iii.​ Teenage children often lack the experience and knowledge to make sound decisions, and here their parents’ input is valuable and necessary. b)​ 能干, i.​ It is helpful to cultivate the ability to solve problems ii.​ Another reason why this is important is because it promotes a strong work ethic in childrenat an early age c)​ 聪明, i.​ Playing chess is also an excellent way to increase one’s thinking abilities ii.​ They help us anticipate and prevent future mistakes. iii.​ I value intellectually stimulating conversation on meaningful topics. d)​ 合作 i.​ Learning with a group simultaneously cultivates students’ good sense of cooperation, which is usually considered as an essential virtue, ii.​ Being with others is one of the most natural needs. Being amember of a group is comfortable and interesting. iii.​ Every single individual on this earth has only limited resources. By joining a group, an individual is able to share his limited resource with others and share others’ resources in turn, therefore is virtually able to reach a much larger amount of resources. iv.​ All of these sports teach children how to work together to achieve a common goal. e)​ 坚忍不拔, f)​ 上进 i.​ Students become more and more competitive, which is often deemed as a necessary quality, ii.​ A roommate should have a good work ethic g)​ 独立, i.​ While alone, the focus of study can be easily kept, with little destraction which always accompanies a group of studnets. It is helpful to furthermore enhance one’s independence. ii.​ One has to make a final choice with his own judgment. h)​ 负责, i.​ It is also of utmost importance for a parent to have a well-developed sense of responsibility ii.​ This lesson will not only teach them to keep things tidy, but also instruct them on how to stay organized iii.​ Only the reliable friend, by virtur of his dependability and loyalty, is guaranteed to stand by me in difficult times iv.​ One should consider the opinions and feelings of the people who will be impacted by his decision. i)​ 宽容, j)​ 乐观, i.​ Young people, like their lives to be full of adventure ii.​ A friend with a good sense of humor can entertain and understands how to ease my sorrows by making me laugh in difficult times. k)​ 谦虚, l)​ 勇敢, m)​ 善良 i.​ In spite of his fame and notoriety, in interviews you can see that he has remained a gracious and humble person. ii.​ They are woking for others for moral or religious reasons. n)​ 思想 i.​ Develop a perfect environment to develop critical thinking skills. ii.​ It is important to encourage school-aged children to use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own iii.​ Being able to read and write gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves iv.​ Today’s generation is different from the previous one is seen in how we view change and progress v.​ Without imagination, it would be diffecult to come up with any new ideas, or to progress our thinking. vi.​ Studying art and music makes a person more diverse and thoughtful. vii.​ Thingking critically can enable one to analyze problems insightfully viii.​ Thinking critically can help in concentrate on right targets ix.​ Only by thinking critically can one make decisions wise and prudent o)​ 信任 i.​ Tust is also very important for a child’s development. Also trust leads to independence. 9.​ 科技教育与培训 a)​ 科学技术的发展(电脑,电视,卫星,机器人), i.​ Inventors are members of the most unappreciated profession in society today. ii.​ Modern zoos also have hteir scientific imports and can function as a sanctuary for endangered animals and therefore help maintaining ecosystems. iii.​ With this constantly changing technollogh, it is easy for schools to be left behind because they cannot afford new gear. iv.​ Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using this efficient method, one must learn the basics of reading and writing. v.​ Most decent jobs require at least a basic amount of computer skills. vi.​ Technology has aided us in the fight against the two most serious threats to human life, hunger and disease. b)​ 知识的积累, i.​ Our ability t
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