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2010高考英语作文预测100篇012010高考英语作文预测100篇01 1、 提示: 张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰•史密斯即将华。约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题。张楠回信,内容如下: 得知约翰要非常高兴。告诉他可能遇到一些不同于美国的情况。 气候:冬天冷,有时下雪。夏天几乎不下雨,但一下起就很大。提醒约翰带雨衣、棉衣。 饮食:饮食与美国很不同,他应尽力适应中国饮食,并要学会如何使用筷子。 最后,请他带一张美国地图,希望早日能见面。 字数:100-120个词。 2、 日记 1(今天,在学校礼堂举行了开学典礼。...
2010高考英语作文预测100篇01 1、 提示: 张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰•史密斯即将华。约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题。张楠回信,内容如下: 得知约翰要非常高兴。告诉他可能遇到一些不同于美国的情况。 气候:冬天冷,有时下雪。夏天几乎不下雨,但一下起就很大。提醒约翰带雨衣、棉衣。 饮食:饮食与美国很不同,他应尽力适应中国饮食,并要学会如何使用筷子。 最后,请他带一张美国地图,希望早日能见面。 字数:100-120个词。 2、 日记 1(今天,在学校礼堂举行了开学典礼。 2(全体教师、学生出席,部分科学家和官员也参加。 3(校长在讲话中希望全体师生在新的学期中再接再厉取得更大进步并宣布部分同学因 在各种竞赛中获奖而获周培奖学金。 4(三好学生受到奖励。 (著名科学家讲话,他讲述了自己的学习经验及科研成功的经验他的讲话使我深受感 动。 参考词汇: 礼堂:auditriu 奖学金:shlarship 3、 提示: 根据以下内容写一篇日记。 1(昨天与同学外出野餐,按要爬西。 2(早上在校门口集合7点出发。 3(不久下小雨,继续骑车,一小时后到达脚。 4(雨停,爬上顶,领略美景。 (照像,唱歌,跳跃,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 6(午餐后下,4点回家。筋疲力尽。 7(时间月20日,星期三。 参考词汇: 野餐:pini 4、 Read this telephne nversatin: Luia: I? s glad u alled e tda I have a big prble I hpe u an help e ith lara: hat?s the prble? I?ll help if I an Luia: usin is ing he tnight fr his trip t Eurpe and I? suppsed t pi hi up at the airprt at seven lara: h? Is ur ar giving u truble again? Luia: N I ust fund ut I have t r late tnight an u pssibl pi hi up fr e? lara: Sure hat airline is he ing in n? Luia: Pan A Flight 607 lara: But h ill I regnize hi? Luia: ell, he?s ediu height And average eigh He ears glasses, and he dresses ver ell lara: That uld be alst everne an u be re speifi? Luia: ell, his hair is blnd and url I alst frget! He has a beard lara: hat?s his nae? Luia: Erni Nrtn lara: a, nt prble I?ll find hi Luia: Than u s uh! At the last inute, lara as unable t get t the airprt She rte her brther, T, a nte desribing Erni s that he uld be able t find hi hat did lara?s nte sa? 、 提示: 外籍教师Lnne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场。她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师: 1(请检查(he n)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(reind sb f sth提醒某人做某事)。 2(她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车。 3(感谢费心,并感谢一年的关心。 4(在学校一年,生活愉快、难忘,很可能再。 (留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100-120个词。 6、 提示: 李明的父亲在美国威斯康星大学进修。李明写信给父亲汇报自己的高考情况。 1(考上自己渴望已久的北京大学。 2(学校校园很美,设备良好,有一座很大的图书馆。 3(教师很出色,对学生和蔼耐心。 4(自己对这里的一切非常满意,决心更加刻苦学习。 (请爸爸不要为自己担心,自己已经长大了,会处理各种事情, 并祝父亲身体好。 字数:约100个词。 7、 根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知稿。 提示: 1(事由:欢迎日本学生校参观。 2(参观日期:9月1日。 3(参观时间:上午9:00至12:00。 4(参观人数:约20人。 具体安排: 1(9月1日上午8:4在校门口集合,欢迎校参观的日本学生。 2(带客人到接待室(reeptin r)开联欢会(get-tgether)。 3(带客人参观图书馆、实验室和校办厂。 4(11:30和日本学生在食堂共进午餐,并互赠小礼物。 (客人在12:00左右离开学校 注意: 1(通知稿须包括所给要点,但不要逐条翻译。 2(字数:80-100个词。 8、 提示: 李明在光明路一家中外合资公司买了一台电冰箱,使用半年后出现了问题。即向公司写信要求人修理。内容如下: 1(去年我在你们商店买了一台电冰箱,外形和颜色我都很满意。 2(但是,最近发现电冰箱时常发出噪音,从低到高,有时甚至停止工作。 3(我们对此深感失望。希望能尽快派人修理。时请打电话联系。电话:660631 我们将在家恭候。 9、 提示: 几位外国旅游者到公园的”英语角”参观。假定你是”英语角”的负责人,请用英语准备一段介绍,内容如下: 1(简况:”英语角”三年前成立,许多中学参加,至今已有几百人许多大学生和外国友 人也常光顾。 2(活动内容:练习英语会话,谈论有兴趣的话题,交流学习英语的经验。 3(活动时间:每周日上午。 4(效果:通过参加活动学习了许多东西,对英语堂学习是一个补充。学生、家长、老 师都非常欢迎,认为对学英语很有帮助。如果还想了解更多,可问在场的学生。 参考词汇: 对……补充:a suppleent t… 10、 提示: 假设由你接待一组加拿大中学生代表团。该团经广州、成都等地在北京只逗留两天。团长向你征求意见在北京先参观何处,请按以下提示提出你的口头建议: 1(首先建议去长城。长城是世界是最长的墙,是世界八大奇观之一,有20个世纪的悠 久历史,全部由手工建成,令人惊叹不已。 2(其次是故宫,它建于1406年,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过。皇帝在那儿发号施令。 参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。 3(对其逗留时间短暂深感遗憾,否则,可以参观许多具有历史意义的地方和景区,如 颐和园、北海公园等。 参考词汇: 发号施令:issue rders 令人惊奇:aazing 11、 假设你是你校京剧爱好者协会的成员,在一次同英国中学生代表团的联欢活动中,你协会将出一个京剧节目。在演出前,由你向外国朋友介绍京剧的由,按以下提示介绍: 1(京剧在中国很受欢迎,历史悠久,有200年历史,在清朝乾隆年间,乾隆对地方剧 有兴趣。 2(1790年,为庆祝乾隆80岁生日,他召集各地方剧团京为他演出,4个自安徽 的剧团在庆典后留在北京。 3(1828年,一个湖北剧团京,在京常与安徽剧团一起演出,两种唱派合在一起,逐 渐形成了一种新剧种,被称为京剧。 4(下面演出开始,希望朋友们喜欢。 参考词汇: 地方剧:lal pera 乾隆年间:the reign f Qianlng 表演:perfr 剧团:trupe 12、 你昨天去游泳患了感冒,今天早上头痛,医生让你休息两天。你用英语给老师写一个请假条。 13、 假设你是学生会的负责人,你们要组织一次英语讲座,请用英语写一个通知,把讲座的安排:时间,地点,主讲人,内容,以及注意事项通知大家。 14、 李华父亲的朋友陈伟是在美国居住多年的华裔。因陈伟的儿子陈小明明年要大陆李华学校学汉语,陈小明信询问学校情况,以下是小华回信的内容。 1(听说你明年我校学习,我们很高兴。 2(我校是一所具有80年历史的老学校。 3(学校很美,有许多花草树木,两座教学大楼,一座宿舍楼。 4(学校设备优良,有体育馆、计算机室和大图书馆等。学生除正式程外,还有许多 选修,如:油画、打字、烹调等。 (最重要的是,学校有许多优秀教师,程有趣,老师既有知识又和蔼,非常愿意帮 助我们,我爱我们的学校,我真希望你也能喜欢我们的学校。 参考词汇: 选修:eletive 体育馆:g 宿舍楼:dritr building 1、 写信向友人介绍作家鲁迅。 魏明的美国朋友杰克开始学习中国学,信询问鲁迅其人及作品。魏明回信介绍鲁迅: 1(鲁迅是著名的中国作家。他不仅是作家,思想家,而且还 是中国现代学的开创者。 2(他的小说被译成多种字,并被制成电影,如《阿Q正传》、《祝福》这两部影片 深刻地揭露了旧社会。毛主席对他有高度评价。他的一些作品还被选入了中学和大 学本。 3(认为读鲁迅作品对他很有益处。 参考词汇: 创始人:Funder 中国学:hinese Literature 阿Q正传:The True Str f AH Q 祝福:The Ne ear?s Sarifie 16、 提示:为引进外资,进一步加快你家乡A城改革开放。你向一位外商介绍你家乡A城。 1(A城是一新开发的经济特区。它是一座具有三十万人口的临海小城。 2(解放前是一个小渔村,以渔业为主,没有工业,只有几所。 3(改革开放以,许多外商到这里投资,经济增长很快,建立了许多大工厂、一个大 港口。港口与国内外许多城市连接。 4(教育有很大的发展,建立了该城第一所大学。已有三千人从该校毕业。我相信,A 城在不久的将将更加现代化。 参考词汇: 投资:invest 经济开发区:an eni-zne 港口:prt 17、 11月11日,你将在家里为你的妹妹1周岁开一个生日晚会,写信给你的外国朋友Peter,邀请他参加。晚会开始时间是晚上6点,将持续到很晚。告诉Peter每天晚上你都在家,请他给你打个电话告诉你他是否参加生日晚会,并表达你盼望见到他的心情。 在信的开头告诉Peter你已收到他10月2日的信,但由于最近一直忙于期中考试未能及时回信。 假设你现在的住址是北京西城区云梯胡同1号楼4门2号。 18、 给笔友保罗(Paul)的一封信 提示: 1(过了一个很好的寒假,在寒假中与父亲一起回老家河北农村。 2(吃惊于家乡的巨大变化。几乎村里每家都有彩电,许多家盖了新房。有的家还有了 摩托车和小汽车。 3(一位村民自豪地告诉我,他和一部分村民打算参加一个旅游团到国外旅游。 4(我表示羡慕他们,我对父亲说,将大学毕业要回老家,父亲也表示说他一退休 就。 (你的名字小海。 19、 张红从广告上得知某公司需要一名秘书。写信应聘。以下是张红的简历。 年龄20岁,即将从职业学校毕业。专业:经济管理(business anageent)。学英语8年,会计算机。在过去三年中一直是本校学生报编辑之一,学习成绩在班上优秀。主要是本人喜欢办公室工作,相信能胜任秘书工作。如果能得到这个机会将十分感谢。 请以张红的名义向公司写信写聘。 参考词汇: 职业学校:vatinal shl 专业:ar 20、 给朋友小林的一封信,谈谈寒假生活。 1(寒假很忙,因为今年七月要参加高考。 2(每天埋头读书,复习每门必修,做许多练习。 3(学习刻苦,每天学习10小时以上,累时看会儿电视,听音乐,但总不去影剧院。不 得不回绝亲戚朋友的邀请,只在除夕时打电话问候。 4(多希望没有考试,但又不可能,要尽力取得好成绩。考上渴望已久的清华大学。 参考词汇: 必修:required subet 埋头于某事:bur neself in sth 21、 在世妇会期间,部分代表参观了红星乡的乡办幼儿园。请按以下情况写一篇介绍红星乡幼儿园的字材料。 1(红星乡幼儿园创办于198年,80%的孩子自农民家庭。 2(刚成立时,只有3个教师,20个孩子,几乎没有什么设备。条很差,家庭不愿把 自己的孩子送到这儿。 3(在过去的几年中,幼儿园发生了巨大的变化,新楼代替了土坯房。乡里还为幼儿园 提供了许多先进设备,例如计算机、钢琴及电视机等。 4(孩子人数增长到200,教师增长到20多人。现在,家长们也愿意把自己的孩子送到 幼儿园了。 参考词汇: 乡:tnship 幼儿园:indergarten 22、 书面表达。 许多人现在都在努力学习英语。请你写一篇浅显易懂的短,说明英语的重要性。(字数60~100字)提示如下: 1(英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信都是用英语写的。 2(学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。(advaned experiene)。 3(学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。 4(学习英语有时也是一大趣事。 23、 书面表达。 说明:请根据提示记述夏天的晚上。 提示: 1(夏天很热,晚上没有人愿意待在家里,人们在街上遛达,或是坐在露天地。 2(有一座特别的夏是电影院,我和朋友们常到那里去。 3(电影院周围有高高的树木,很凉爽。 4(天空中闪烁着星星,常有一轮明月。 (有时电影不好,但我们不在乎,可以享受凉爽的夜晚。 24、 请根据以下提示,用英语给”中国日报”写一篇100个词左右的简讯,要求内容连贯,语句准确,并包含如下要点: (1) 姓名:刘进,年龄39岁,上海一家工厂的工程师。 (2) 1978年毕业于南京大学,后留学日本东京大学,攻读化学工程。 (3) 1982年科研成果显著,获博士学位。 (4) 日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。 () 为了报效祖国,他于1983年毅然回国。 2、 某中学图书馆的借阅十分混乱,无可循,假若你是该校学生会主席,请就有关开放时间、借书手续、借书数量、保持时间、重要图书不能借出以及损坏图书的赔偿问题,拟一份借书,准备在校会上口头通知(80,120字左右)。 26、 请根据以下内容拟一份通知。 主讲人:访美归国的李明国教授。 内容:美国中学教育。时间:九月二十五日下午二点至四点半。 地点:10会议室对象:全体高二学生,欢迎其它年级学生参加。 要求:不迟到,带钢笔和笔记本 词数:60,80词。 27、 根据下面所给的提示,以”我的选择”为题,写一篇短。(字数80,120) 提示:在我读高中的时候,我对物理,化学,数学很感兴趣。其实,我对许多学科都感兴趣,诸如:生物,历史,地理和英语。但是不知怎么搞的,我就是没法记住历史上发生的事及地理的现象,我也老是记不住英语的一些习惯用语。另一方面,物理,化学和数学对我说很容易。考虑过我的兴趣和能力之后,我觉得选择自然科学可能最适合,所以我决定进大学后工攻读自然科学,等大学毕业后,我就回学校教书。 参考词语:event 事 talent 能力 28、 根据提示写一篇报道,字数80-100,不必逐字逐句地翻译。 九月十日是教师节,下午中华学校召开庆祝大会,会上表彰了二十位从教三十年以上老教师,并授予他们荣誉奖。校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,师生代表也发了言,然后观看了师生表演的艺节目。一片喜气洋洋的气氛。教师是人类灵魂的工程师,全社会都应该尊敬教师。 29、 以《读书的方法》为题用英语写一篇短。(120字左右)主要内容是: 读书的成功与否与读书方法的正确与否关系甚大。向读者提几点建议: (1) 所读书籍难度要适中,偏难、偏易均不宜。如果发现一本书太难读,不妨先放在一 边一段时间,换一本容易些的读。 (2) 读书固然要读自己感兴趣的书,但更要读对自己有益的书。 (3) 有的书匆匆浏览便可,有的则需细读、精读。要随时记笔记。 (4) 不要羞于问问题,任何内行的人都是你的老师。 () 勤查词典。词典是你最好的老师。 30、 请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇说理。 提示: (1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。讲英语的人近三亿。 (2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言。世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七 十的邮(ail)用英语。数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的。 (3) 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。学好英语,我们可以更好地为祖 国服务。 要求: (1) 题目:我们为什么学习英语, (2) 字数:120左右。 31、 提示: (1) 不少学生可能抽烟,学生中抽烟的人数还在增多。 (2) 一份调查报告透露,某校有五分之二以上的学生抽烟,有些学生甚至偷了钱买烟。 (3) 对中学生说,抽烟的危害比成年人更大。抽烟不仅有害于身体,还有害于思想。 (4) 中学生是国家未的建设者。抽烟的学生该下决心戒烟了。 请根据上面的提示,写一篇题为”Give Up Sing”的短,字数约120个。 32、 假定有一批外宾要在中国过春节(Spring Festival),他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况,请你根据下列要点写一篇短,以作介绍。字数100-130。 要点: (1) 春节就是中国的新年,一般在二月份。 (2) 中国的年份是按,,生肖命名的,如狗年、猴年等。今年是鸡年。 (3) 春节前人们要大扫除,给孩子买新衣。大年夜家人在一起吃年夜饭。 (4) 年初一走防亲友。孩子们会得到压岁钱。 () 人们在春节常常过得很愉快。 33、 说明: 请以”城市怎样开始”为题用英语写一篇短。内容要点如下: (1) 从前,人很少,以游牧打猎为生。 (2) 懂得种植后,定居在一起,建立村庄。 (3) 人口增加,涌向一些村庄,遂发展为城市。 (4) 机器出现后,建立工厂,更多的人聚居在一起,于是城市变得很大。 注意: (1) 短包括所有内容要点,但不可逐字翻译。 (2) 可适当增加细节,使短连贯。 (3) 字数100左右。 34、 说明: 请用英语写一篇论述”早起”(earl rising)重要性的短。 (1) 论点:早起有益。 (2) 论据:早起可呼吸到新鲜空气,做早操,对身体健康有好处:早起对学习有好处; 早起可从容制定,对工作有好处。 (3) 结论:晚起的人都应早起。 注意: (1) 短应包括论点、论据和结论,但不需逐条翻译。 (2) 可适当增加细节,运用转承词语,使短连贯。 (3) 字数:100-120。 3、 说明: 《hina Dail》准备在化动态专栏里刊登一条短消息,介绍上海市少年儿童业余艺术教育情况。假如你是撰稿人,请用英语完成这篇简单介绍。内容要点如下: (1) 办校概况:全市现有业余艺校40多所。成千上万的少年儿童参加学习。拥有16 所分校(branh)和6,000多位学生的上海少年艺术学校(Shanghai hildren?s Art Shl)规模最大。 (2) 学习收获:家长依据孩子的不同兴趣将他们送入不同的业余艺校,学习音乐、舞蹈、 绘画和书法(alligraph)。孩子们学到了不少书本上学不到的新知识。 (3) 发展前景:这种新型学校得到许多家长的支持,必将越办 越好。 注意: (1) 要有标题。 (2) 介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 (3) 介绍的长度为80-120个词。 36、 请根据下列提示,写一篇题为”我们的英语教师”的和短,字数在120个左右。 提示: (1) 你们老师是位中年妇女。她教书二十多年,工作一贯认真,多次被评为模范教师。 (2) 她对你们既严又亲,经常鼓励你们多说多读。 (3) 她上生动有趣,常给你们放幻灯,教你们唱英语歌,还辅 导你们排演英语短剧。 (4) 她热爱你们,总是乐于帮助你们。她真是值得你们敬爱的好老师。 37、 某日上午,Greee先生去图书馆借有关计算机的书籍。他将一份书单交给了图书管理员。图书管理员按书单逐一将书找到,借给了他,并告诉他借期为一个月,如要延长借期,需要办理续借手续。 请根据上面内容编写一段题为”在图书馆”的对话,字数在80,,100之间。 38、 提示: ar是个学生,因患感冒第二天不能到校上,于是打电话给她的 老师Green先生请假。恰巧Green先生外出,hn接了电话。hn答应 等Green先生回后将情况转告他。 要求: 请根据上面提示,编写一段80至100字的电话对话。 39、 假定你的名字是陈华,住在上海江湾路70号。下面是你好友 的一封信,请用英语给他一封回信(字数约120个) P Bx III hengdu ul 8, 1990 Dear hen Hua: H are u these das? I? riting t u beause I need ur help I? thining f ing t Shanghai I ill sta fr a ee During the tie, I hpe I ill be able t visit Suzhu I? ve gt a piture f the Tiger Hill(虎丘), a beautiful garden in Suzhu The sener is strngl ipressed n er In the last letter u tld e that u had been t Suzhu tie uld u lie t tell e sething abut it? Expeting t hear fr u as sn as pssible urs sinerel, Li Ping 40、 假设你是Fster,在某中学读书。1990年1月10日你得知父亲 病危,想请假一个星期(从11日至17日),回家探望。请给校长r Sith 写一张事假条。(字数不得少于4个) 41、 请根据下列提示,以”Rad Safet”为题,写一篇短。(字数:120-10) 提示: 每年有不少人在交通事故中伤亡。为使交通安全,要牢记如下 交通规则: (1) 骑车要靠右行; (2) 遇见红灯时不能向左拐或横穿马路; (3) 转弯或停车时要打手势; (4) 穿过马路,要做到一停二看三通过; () 要帮助老人或孩子安全穿过马路; (6) 要教育小孩不要在马路上玩耍或骑车。 42、 请你写一篇题为”我们的班长”的短,字数在100-120个之间。简况如下: (1) 她叫李敏,个子高,身体好,很活泼。她各科成绩都好,喜欢体育活动,又能歌善 舞。 (2) 她刚进校时,在英语学习上遇到不少困难。但她不怕苦,不怕难,努力把英语学好。 (3) 她严于律己,乐于助人,是大家学习的好榜样。 43、 请你根据下面的提示,写一篇题为”The Seasns”的短,字数在120,140之间。 提示: (1) 春季,天气转暖,万物苏醒。农民忙于播种。 (2) 夏季,天气炎热,雨量充足,对农民说是个繁忙的季节。 (3) 秋季,气候适宜,白天碧空万里,夜间繁星点点,是一个收获的季节。 (4) 冬季,昼短夜长,天气寒冷,但农民却忙于准备年的春耕。 44、 请你根据下面的提纲,以”我的家乡”为题,写一篇100-120字的短。 提纲: (1) 家乡的地理位置; (2) 解放前的情况; (3) 解放后的变化; (4) 对家乡的感情。 4、 假设上星期天上午,你与你朋友骑自行车去参观北京动物园,路上花了半个小时。到达那里时,看见游客已经很多。北京动物园很大,里面有几百种动物,可以看上一天。因此,你们只看了几种最有趣的动物。先看大象,然后看猴,最后看熊猫。你们在动物园玩得很 高兴。 请根据上面提示,以”参观北京动物园”为题,写一篇120字左右的和短。 46、 昨天上午,你惊悉你的朋友阿里(Allee)被一辆汽车撞伤住了院,事情经过是:那天阿里正要穿过大街。他很小心,直到看到绿灯亮时才开始过街。可他刚要走到街心时,右侧(right-hand side)突然出现了一辆轿车,径直朝他开。他躲闪(ddge)不及被撞出了几米远。他立即被进医院,并动了手术。昨晚你去看他时,他虽已脱险,但仍脸色苍白。 请以”A Traffi Aident”为题,写一篇110-130字的短概述这事。 47、 说明: 李平(Li Ping)的哥哥是个解放军战士。请根据下面的提示为他写一篇简单介绍。内容要点如下: (1) 个子高、英俊、眼睛大、肩膀宽。 (2) 1971年出生。在中学是个好学生。十七岁中学毕业,然后参军。 (3) 在部队里,学习认真,积极参加军事训练(ilitar training)。 (4) 1991年到安徽参加抗洪斗争(洪水灾害:the fld disaster),做了许多好事。 () 昨天下午校作报告。 注意: (1) 介绍须包括所给内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 (2) 字数:80-120。 48、 说明: 假定你们昨天到附近一个村庄帮助农民收割庄稼,请用英语写一篇短,叙述这次支农劳动。内容要点如下: (1) 虽遭水灾(fld disaster),丰收仍然在望(in sight)。 (2) 村庄离校有半小时路程。一早出发,到达便参加劳动。 (3) 农民教你们割稻、捆稻。 (4) 午餐在田间,饭后稍作休息。 () 农村景色(sener)优美,令人陶醉(be fasinated b)。 (6) 天黑归,人累了,但心情愉快。 注意: (1) 要有标题。 (2) 记叙须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 (3) 字数:80-120。 49、 根据下面的提示,用英语写一则80-100字的日记。 提示: 九月十日(星期日)是教师节。这天天气晴朗。上午你参加了学校举行的庆祝会。庆祝会上有几位三十年以上教龄的老师得到了奖。你的英语教师李老师也是其中之一。晚饭后,你和几位同学一起去看望李老师。李老师表示要将自己的有生之年献给教育事业,并鼓励你们努力学习。你深受鼓舞,决心将也当一名象李老师那样的教师。 0、 根据提示,写一篇介绍颐和园的短。 The Suer Palae: ne f the st faus pars in Beiing here it is lated: in the estern suburbs f Beiing H t get there: b bus r b taxi r b bie hat it is lie: ne f the st beautiful pars in Beiing/big hat u an see r d there/hat it is faus fr: uning Lae----an---ade lae/Lngevit Hill/700---eter Lng rridr/agnifient halls/beautiful gardens Suggestins: g bating n the lae r g fr a al alng the rridr r lib the hill and have a beautiful vie fr the tp r l at the big halls r visit sall gardens 1、 外国留学生T是你的同学,他住在友谊宾馆。你到宾馆请他参 加明天下午李明的生日晚会,碰巧他不在。你给他留个条子,邀请他 参加晚会,同时告诉他去李明家的路线。图中标有*号的地方就是李 明家。 2、 写一短论述书本的价值。 3、 假设你最近去旅游一次,请把活动情况记述下。 4、 写一则失物招领启事。 在操场拾到绿色书包一个,内有两本新教科书、练习本、袖珍英汉词典一本及铅笔盒一个,请失主到高三年级办公室认领。 高三年级办公室 199年9月1日 、 假定你的名字叫李童,上个月学校派你去美国。在美国期间,你住在ane家里。她带你参观和浏览了许多地方。ane的妈妈为你做了许多可口的饭菜,这一切使你在美国度过了十分美好的日子。写一封感谢款待的信,表示对ane及其家人的感谢。希望今后有机会在中国以同样的方式招待她。 6、 假定你现在在英国进行短期参观访问,你的英国朋友Gerge和Angle给你寄一张邀请卡。读后写一封拒绝接受邀请的回信。说明你星期五上午要离xfrd去Lndn。在信中表示你希望这次聚会成功、大家玩得高兴。假使你在英国的住址是29East Avenue,xfrd 。 7、 假定你叫田兵,你的妈妈身体不太好,家中有许多家具。前些日子你家刚刚搬入一个新单元中。在搬家时,你的外国朋友a主动帮忙。给他写一封感谢信。表达谢意。信中谈到你将举行一个乔迁之喜的聚会,盼望早日在聚会上再见到他。 8、 写一封抱怨信,诉说你日前购买某厂生产的一双皮鞋穿了三次就坏了这一状况,要求厂方退回货款。 9、 用英语给朋友写一个便条,告诉她今天早晨开会你去晚了,因为自行车出故障了。请她别生气。 60、 写一则遗失启事。 李燕,高二(4)班学生,本月4日下午在本校大教室遗忘红色长大衣一,大衣的一个口袋中装有一个小笔记本,另一口袋中装有自行车的钥匙。拾到者请交高二(4)班的班长或本人,我将不胜感谢。高二(4)班教室在1号楼204室。 61、 你的一位美国朋友ie在你生日时给你寄一本英语词典作为生日礼物,为此你写一封信给他表示谢意。信中要表达出你平时英语拼写比较差,这本词典正是你所需要的,它将帮助你提高拼写能力。信中对ie寄给你的生日卡表示感谢,并祝ie身体好,盼望下个月在中国能见到他。 62、 假如你叫李华,请给班主任老师写一假条。 事由:母亲突然生病,发高烧,住院,需人照料。父亲出差去 武汉。 事假:三天日期:九月十五日 其它:表示尽快返校,补上所缺程。 注意:不要使用自己的真实姓名。 词数:60,80词。 63、 守株待兔 请用英语简要地写《守株待兔》的故事,以刊登在我国对外发 行的某英刊物上,词数:80,100词。 故事大意:宋人有耕者,田 中有株(stup),兔走触株,折颈而死。捡之甚喜,随后弃农而守株。 一年后,田地荒芜,终不再获,而身为宋国笑。 64、 请您根据下面提示和要求,用英语给父母写一封: Befre u ent t the United States, u prised ur parents that u uld rite ne a ee, et sine then, u have failed t eep ur prise rite a letter t the explaining h it has been ipssible fr u t rite re ften D nt rite re than 100 rds Hints: u have been t bus sine u arrived there The pst ffie is rather far aa fr ur shlard u have nt gt an ahieveents that u an rite t tell the u Prise that fr n n u an rite t the re ften ur nae: hu Feng(周锋) ur address: 316 Evergreen St Freed it, hi, U S A The date f ur letter: ul 2, 1989 6、 假如你叫李明,去广州舅舅家度假。到达广州后,你给母亲写 封短信,简述旅途情况、舅舅家对你的接待以及你对广州的感受。信 中至少包括如下几点: (1) 你已于上周五平安抵达广州。一路上火车拥挤,车内肮脏, 到达广州时疲惫不堪。 (2) 舅舅全家都好,待你很热情。魏平表兄是个热心人,这几天正带你游览广州。今晚 你们将去听一个音乐会。 (3) 广州是个美丽的城市,也是个繁荣(bustling)的城市。广州的生活节奏、丰富多 彩。你希望长大后有机会在这儿工。 (4) 发信日期:1990年2月1日。发信地址:广州市中路8号。 注意:字数在120-140之间。 66、 请根据下面的提示,写一段题为”谈论足球比赛”的对话(字数 100,,120): 星期天Helen邀请Henr出去吃午饭,顺便看几个朋友。Henr不愿错过当天华盛顿和纽约两队之间的精彩的足球比赛。他已有好几年没有看这两个队的比赛了。他请Helen 和他一起看。Helen却想做些更有意思的事情。她认为Henr每个星期天下午都呆在电视机前观看精野的足球赛没有意思。 67、 请根据下面的提示,编写一段题为”谈论考试”的对话(字数在100,,120): 提示: (1) ate觉得英语、数学题目不容易,但愿能通过考试。 (2) Di认为英语、数学考得还可以,但担心物理,因为一部分题目太难。 (3) ate安慰Di说,坐在她旁边的一位同学说,他花了两个小时,在物理试卷上只 写了个名字,其他一字未写。 68、 ane和Bill在谈论某一部电影。Bill刚在电视上看了一部令人发笑的电影,显得很愉快。这部电影讲的是一个马大哈到处闯祸的故事。Bill喜欢这部片子,ane却喜欢看那些不仅有趣,而且有教育意义的(instrutive)节目。Bill认为有时人们需要轻松轻松(relaxatin),ane不否认这一点,但坚持认为看电影不只是为了娱乐(entertainent )。 请根据上面的内容,编写一段80至100字的对话。 69、 根据下面的提示,以”Taling abut Having Sprts”为题编写一段对话(字数:80,,120)。 提示: Susan每天下午参加体育活动。她喜欢游泳,每星期游泳一次。David在中学时代也常游泳,但现在没有时间,人也开始发胖了。Susan邀请David当天下午一起去游泳,并约定下午三点在游泳池见面。 70、 Helen和Henr两人在谈论书籍。Helen问Henr在看什么书。Henr说在看《马可•波罗游记》,该书图并茂,很吸引人。书的主要内容是:马可•波罗生于意大利的古城威尼斯(Venie),1271年离别威尼斯,先由水路,后由陆路经”丝绸之路”于四年后到达中国。他在中国生活了十七年,于1292年回国。该书作者是Rustihell, 书已被译成100种左右的不同字。Helen听后对此书产生了兴趣,Henr答应看完后借给Helen看。 请根据上述内容,编写一段题为”谈论一本书”的对话,字数:120左右。 71、 根据下面的提示,以”Start up a nversatin”为题,编写一段70字左右的对话: 搞研究工作的Sn先生在某大学校园散步时遇到了中国学生李平。他与李平进行了交谈。他先从天气说起,然后问李平是不是日本人。李平回答说他是中国人,是学习化学的。他曾学过三年英语,英语讲得一般。 Sn先生对此却很赞赏。 72、 根据下列提示,编写一段题为”Giving a Gift”的对话(0个字左右): 提示: (1) 圣诞节, Xia hen拜访了 Elizabeth,并送给她一礼物。礼物是一只漂亮的竹 篮。 (2) Elizabeth当场打开了礼物。她非常高兴,说这正是她所喜欢的,并再次感谢小陈。 73、 黄先生夫妇请琼(an)到家里吃晚饭。黄太太做了冷鸡、蘑菇(ushrs)、鱼、 虾(shrip)、蛋卷(egg rll)和豆腐(Dufu)等菜招 待客人。席间主人频频劝客人吃菜,客人称赞黄太太烧的菜非常可口。最后,客人向主人致谢告别。 请根据上述内容,编写一段题为”At the Dinner Table”的对话,字数在120字左右。 提示: 对话可从晚餐结束前不久开始。 74、 根据下列提示,编写一段题为”看病”的对话(字数100,,120): Alfred因喉痛( a sre thrat)和咳嗽去看病。医生检查后说他得了流行性感冒(the flu),给他开了药方(presriptin),要他每四小时服一次药。医生还问他是否抽烟。他说抽烟。医生劝他将烟戒掉。 7、 根据下列提示,编写一段题为”问路”的对话(60,,80个字): Green太太想去博物馆,但不知如何走,于是就向一位警察询问。警察告诉她沿街走到第二个十字路口向左拐,拐角过去第三幢楼就是博物馆。 76、 请根据下面提示,编写一段题为”道歉”的对话(字数在100,,120之间): ar Brn上迟到了二十分钟。她向Green小姐表示歉意,并对迟到原因作了说明。 原,她上学的路上在公共汽车站等车时,站在不远处的一位老人忽然昏倒在地。她起先不知道怎么办才好,后猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病(heart atta),于是就给附近的警察局打了电话,让他们把老人送往医院。 Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了ar Brn。 77、 假如你叫陈明,在杭州外国语学校学习。原你校每星期五下午放映英语电影,同学们都感兴趣。但从本学期起,你校每天下午加。这不但影响了你们看电影,还影响了你们的体育活动和休息。你认为这对同学们的学习和健康是不利的。为此,你特地给《中国日报》(hina Dail)的主编写信,反映情况,请求支持。该报地址:北京金台西路2号。 要求: (1) 字数在120个左右; (2) 发信地址是杭州人民路234号; (3) 写信日期为1990年2月27日。 78、 请根据下列提示和要求写一篇短。 提示: (1) 出通知的目的:把即将做的某事告诉大家。 (2) 通知的形式:口头通知和书面通知。 (3) 写通知的要求:简单明了。 (4) 通知的内容:谁做、做什么、何地、何时、怎样做。 要求: (1) 题目:H t ae an Annuneent。 (2) 体:说明。 (3) 字数:60-80。 79、 请根据下面的提纲写一篇说理。 提纲: (1) 时间比金钱更宝贵。 (2) 要珍惜时间,因为时间一去不复返。 (3) 要充分利用时间。 (4) 浪费时间就是浪费生命。 () 养成珍惜时间的良好习惯。 要求: (1) 题目:Tie Is re Valuable Than ne (2) 字数:120-140。 80、 假如你是hen Hua,住在北京长安街780号。一九九?年六月二十一日你给王老师(r ang)写信,想说下面几事: (1) 你收到王老师六月十七日的信,得知他今夏计划北京。你盼望能早日见到他。 (2) 你所在学院准备出一本杂志,你是该杂志的助理编辑(assistant editr)之一。杂志为双月刊,你打算第一期出版后送一本给王老师。 (3) 询问王老师是否仍在教毕业班。你对王老师生动有趣的英语印象很深。 请将字数控制在120个左右。 81、 提示: (1) 书是我们的朋友。(从书与知识的关系、知识与人生的关系说明。) (2) 历史上的伟人都爱书。(从读书与伟人所以能取得事业成功的关系阐述) (3) 结论:书能使我们了解过去、瞻望未,是世上最宝贵的东西。 要求: (1) 根据上面的提示,写一篇题为”Let Bs Be ur Gd Friends”的说理。 (2) 字数:120个左右。 82、 根据下面的提示,以”Air Arund Us”为题,写一篇短。(字数:100,120) 提示: (1) 空气无色、无味、无嗅,但我们可以感觉到它的存在,因为风就是流动的空气。 (2) 没有空气人和生物不能生存,声音不能传播,飞机不能飞行。 (3) 空气中除水蒸气外主要含有氮气(nitrgen)和氧气。其中氮气约占78%,氧气约占 21%。几乎所有生物都需要氧气,没有氧气就不能燃烧。 83、 用英写一篇题为《电视机和收音机》的短。(120字左右) 短大意是:电视机既能看又能听,比收音机更有用。但收音机并未消失,听众反而越越多。原因何在, 原因之一是晶体管(transistr)的发明。晶体管收音机体积小,携带方便。另外,收音机更适合老人、盲人使用。更重要的是,收音机价格便宜。 84、 根据下列提示写一则日记。(字数:100-120) 提示: (1) 日期:1990年月26日,星期六。 (2) 天气:有风 (3) 下午上时你思想老是开小差,因为你总想着晚上7点要去看影片”音乐之声”。在放学回家的路上,你遇到了一个迷了路的孩子,设法把他送回了家。你虽然没有看上电影但心里却很高兴。 8、 假如你是Edard Sift,出生于伦敦,现年36岁,土木工程学硕士( aster f ivil Engineering),曾当过五年桥梁工程师。今天你在《每日镜报》(Dail irrr)上看到Rihard Thas ≈ Baldin Ltd(要招聘一名建桥工程师的广告,于是就写了一封申请求职信,信中还附了你的简历。 要求: (1) 字数:80-120。 (2) Rihard Thas ≈ Baldin Ltd(的地址:11 Ger Street,Lndn,SI, England (3) 你的地址:P((Bx N(164,Lndn, England (4) 你的写信日期:1990年6月18日 86、 你校将举行一次以” Future”为主题的英语演讲会,假如你被推选去参加演讲,请你按你与英语老师一起拟定的提纲写一篇演讲稿。(字数120个左右) 提纲: (1) 我决定当一名中学教师。当教师是我孩提时代的梦想。 (2) 我认为,和孩子们打交道,并不是浪费时间,而是很幸福的。 (3) 我国教师奇缺。想当教师的人不多,主要原因是当教师工作艰苦,收入不高。可我决心献身于教育事业。 87、 你班将举行一次英语学习经验交流会。你打算在会上谈谈”如何提高听力(listening abilit)”的学习体会。你的学习体会主要是:大多数初学英语者是很难听懂英美人的讲话的。要提高听力,必须注意以下三条:首先,循序渐近,不听超出自己实际水平的材料;其次,固定学习一套教程,不宜多变;第三,经常收听电台的英语新闻节目。 请你根据自己的体会,用英语拟个发言稿,字数在80-100之间。 88、 请根据下面的提示,写一张有关举行英语演讲比赛的海报,字数约80。 提示: (1) 比赛目的:提高学生讲英语的能力。 (2) 报名手续:凡愿意参加者可到各班班长处报名。 (3) 比赛时间:1990年月4日下午2点。 (4) 比赛地点:第一会议室。 () 评比办法:有五位教师作评判员,前十名将获鼓励奖。 (6) 举办单位:五中学生会。 (7) 海报发布时间:1990年4月24日。 89、 请你为你校阅览室用英语写一份”阅览守则”。为使启事简洁明了,你可根据下面的提示,列出几条该做的事和几条不该做的事。(字数:60-80) 提示: 阅览室内要保持安静和清洁,借阅时要出示学生证,每次限借 一本。 阅览室不准大声喧哗,不准移动桌移,不准撕坏书本,不准将书带出室外。 90、 某海滨游泳场从今年夏天起将对外宾开放,请你根据下列内容为海滨派出所用英语写一份”游泳者须知”。(字数80-100),内容如下: (1) 游泳者不得越过红线; (2) 本场借出的游泳衣,救生圈(life bu)、太阳伞(sunshade)、椅子不得损坏或 带走; (3) 不准乱扔脏物(litter); (4) 下午6点之前必须上岸; () 不准在游泳区内钓鱼。 游泳者必须遵守(bserve)以上,违者处罚金(fine)-200元。 91、 假定你是某校学生会(student unin)主席,你校准备于4月30日举行一次英语晚会。为把这次晚会开好,决定于本星期五(3月18日)下午4:00在学校会议室召开各班班长会议,商讨有关英语晚会的几个问题。请你以学生会名义用英语写一份40字左右的书面通知。通知发出日期是1990年3月16日。 92、 假定你的名字叫玛丽,这几天正在翻译一篇重要,想向海伦借本词典查阅(nsult)几天,并表示一定爱护词典,并不损坏(daage)。请你给海伦写一张0字左右的便条。(写便条日期是1990年4月13日) 93、 英籍教师某某夫人到你校任教。现在工作结束,即将回国。她的学生举行欢送会,请你写一篇欢送稿代表同学们在会上发言。 94、 请你根据下面提示和要求,用英语写一封感谢信。 u brred fr ar a travel guide-b hih u are n returning rite her a letter f abut 100 rds thaning her fr having lent it t u and telling her h useful u fund it Hints: u have ept this b fr re than six nths u uld have been lst fr an ties if it had nt been fr the guide-b ur nae is Sall The date f ur letter is ul 6, 1990 9、 假如你叫王平,你校外籍教师需要了解你的简单经历,请你用 英语写一份约0字的简历。 你的情况是:家住常州市人民路167号,中国国籍,于1971 年7月18日在上海出生,健康状况良好。1978-1984年在常州市人民 路小学学习,1984-1987年在常州市第五中学学习,1987-1990年在 常州市第一中学学习。 96、 假如你是北京外国语学院第二英语系的教师王森,想将你的学生沈明推荐去澳大利亚悉尼(Sidne)Len语言学院进修。请根据下列简况和要求用英语给对方校长写一封推荐信。 简况: (1) 沈明,北京外国语学院第二英语系应届毕业生,现年21岁,198年进校,四年 在班上一直名列前茅,1987年曾获得全国大学生英语演讲比赛冠军。 (2) 沈明出身于教师家庭,父母均是英语教师。她本人对英语教学很感兴趣。希望能有 机会进修英语、语言学(linguistis)和教学法(ethdlg)。 要求: (1) 字数:100-10。 (2) 写信日期:1990年7月17日。 97、 假如你叫李平,是校学生会主席。你们的老师ilsn太太即将离华返美。为此你们准备于1990年7月26日(星期二)下午6:00至7:30在校俱乐部举行告别会。你们打算邀请另一教师Blae 先生也参加,请你以个人名义用英语给他写一封邀请信。写信时顺便告诉他参加告别会的还有hnsn先生Green小姐,这两老师他都认识。 你写信的日期是1990年7月14日,信的字数为70个左右。 98、 假设你叫陈英,在高三(3)班。1989年12月13日你患了重感冒,医生嘱咐你卧床休息。请写一张请假条给你班主任王老师,要求请病假几天。(字数不得少于0) 99、 根据下面的提示,写一篇题为”我们伟大的社会主义(sialis)祖国”的短,字数:80-100。 提示: (1) 我国有十一亿多人口,是世界上最大的国家之一。首都是北京。 (2) 我国人民勤劳勇敢,具有光荣的革命传统(traditin)。 (3) 一九四九年解放后,我国发生了巨大的变化。 (4) 我国人民为了把自己的国家建设成为一个强大的社会主义国家,正在辛勤劳动。 zne 100、 假设你的名字叫魏芳,收到了你笔友ar alter的第一次信。请给 此信写一封100至120字的回信。你的地址是:东省泰安市解放路 36号,发信日期为一九八九年十一月十二日。 Dear ei Fang, I ant a penfriend teaher has given e ur nae and address She said u ant a penfriend t I a 17 ears ld I g t the Hillside High Shl This ter e have English, siene, aths, phsis, bilg, histr, phsial and health eduatin I live ith parents in a sall tn in U S A It?s alled Brester, nt far fr Ne r I lie lleting staps, plaing ftball and athing TV I? learning t pla the pian but I hate pratising an u send e a piture f urs? Please rite t e telling abut urself and ur shl urs sinerel, ar alter 写作-1 〈范〉 一、写作 1、 Dear hn, I as exited t hear that u uld e t hina next nth N let e tell u sething different u a eet here T begin ith, the eather here is ttall different fr that in ur plae It hardl ever rains but henever it des, it rains heavil S u?d better bring a rainat and verat Anther big differene is fd The hinese fd is quite different fr urs u have t tr t get used t it, and learn h t use hpstis I? sure u an d it Finall please bring e a big Aerian ap if pssible Than u ver uh I a ling frard t eeting u urs Zhang Nan 2、 SepSe 199 ednesda Fine Tda ur shl had an pening eren in the shl auditriu All the teahers and students as ell as se faus sientists and gvernent ffiials attended ur prinipal ade a speeh He hped everbd in ur shl uld r harder and ae even re prgress in the ne ter, “three-gd-deed” students ere rearded ith prizes Prinipal als annuned that se hnur students reeived Zhu Peiuan shlarships beause the had n edals in varius petitins A faus sientist then ade a speeh He tld the students abut his learning experiene and h he ahieve suess in his researh r I as s ved b hat he said 3、 a 20th ednesda lud and drizzle esterda lassates and I ent t n a pini Arding t ur plan e uld lib the est untain Earl in the rning all f us gathered at the gate f ur shl, e started f at seven, sn it began t have a little rain e ept n riding fr an hur till e reahed the ft f the untain The little rain stpped then e began t lib Sn e reahed the tp f the untain H beautiful it as hen e led at the vie fr the tp e ran sang, up, plaed hess, and had the pitures taen n the tp f the untain and had lunh n the rs H happ e ere! After the lunh e ent dn the untain e gt he at fur, all f us alst gave ut 4、 Dear T, friend Luia?s usin is ing he tnight fr his trip t Eurpe n Flight 607 I have prised Lusia t pi hi up at the airprt But I have ust gt sething iprtant t d uld u please g t the airprt t pi hi up instead f e? His usin is ediu height and average eight; he ears glasses, and dresses ver ell, his hairs is blnd and url He has a beard, and his nae is Erni Nrtn Thans a lt urs lara 、 Hi, r Li, uld u please he n the ar t tae e t the airprt? Please reind the ar driver f this I ant t be sure f this ar, beause it ill be t earl in the rning t all a taxi if the shl ar desn?t sh up I a srr t truble u again Here I than u again fr all u have dne fr e during sta in ur shl I reall en teahing here, and ill never frget the da I spent ith students Prbabl I ill e ba se da I leave se English bs t ur librar I hpe the ill be useful t ur students urs Lnne 6、 Dear Dad, I a ver exited t tell u that I have passed the entrane exainatin and been aditted int Peing Universit-the faus universit hih I have been lnging fr The universit is beautiful and has exellent equipent There is a large librar in it The teahers here are ver gd The are ver ind and patient t the students I a satisfied ith all these and deterined t stud harder Dn?t rr abut e I have grn up and an deal ith all inds f atters ish u a gd health Respetfull Li ing 7、 Attentin please, everne: Abut tent apanese students ill e t ur shl fr a visit n Septeber 1th e?ll eet at the shl gate at 8:4 a, and give the a ar ele hen the arrive at 9:00 Then e?ll tae the t the reeptin r After a get-tgether there, e?ll sh arund the shl, the librar, the labs and the shl fatr, At 11:30 e?ll have lunh ith the apanese students in the dining-hall, and then give the presents eah ther The apanese students ill leave at abut 12:00 That?s all Than u 8、 Dear sir, Last ear I bught a refrigeratr in ur stre n hang An rad e all lie the shape and lur f the refrigeratr But reentl I find sething is rng ith it It begins t ae nise hen it is turned n At first it is l but graduall it bees luder and luder T ae the atter rse, it even stps ring seties e all feel disappinted ith I a riting t u t as fr help uld u please send sebd t repair it I ill be at he this eeend Please all e befre u e telephne nuber is 660631 Than u ver uh uster Li ing 9、 Ladies and gentleen, ele t ur English rner This rner as set up three ears ag Ever Sunda rning, students fr different shls gathered arund here an llege students and se freigners ften in us, e pratie spen English b taling abut everthing e are interested in e als exhange ur experiene in English stud e all have a gd tie here Thusands f peple have been here sine it as set up e thin that e have learned a lt b taing part in ativities here It is a real suppleent t ur English lass and it is eled b students Their parents and teahers The all thin it is helpful If u ant t n re abut the rner, u a tal t the students here 10、 ell, the first plae I suggest that u visit is the Great all, the lngest all in the rld, hih is said t be ne f the nders in the rld It has a histr f re than tent enturies It is aazing t see suh a huge all as ade entirel b hand The ther plae rth visiting is the Palae useu, hih as built in 1406 Tent-fur eperrs ne lived there fr there the ruling eperrs issued rders u an learn a lt abut hinese histr b visiting this Palae hat a pit that u an?t sta lnger, therise, u uld visit an ther histri plaes and beautiful senes suh as Suer Palae, Bei Hai par and s n 11、 N let e sa sething abut Beiing pera Beiing pera is ver ppular in hina It has a histr f re than 200 ears During the reign f the Qianlng eperr in the Qing dnast, Qianlng had a interest in the lal pera In 1790, t elebrate his eightieth birthda, he suned pera trupes fr different plaes t perfr fr hi in Beiing Fur faus trupes fr Anhui prvine reained in Beiing after the elebratin In 1828, A Hubei trupe ae t Beiing and ften perfred tgether ith the Anhui trupes The t tpes f singing ixed tgether and graduall a ne tpe ae int being nn as Beiing pera N is the perfrane I hpe u ill lie it 12、 Dear r Du, I? srr t tell u that I an?t g t shl tda I?ve aught a ld beause I ent siing esterda This rning I had a headahe and had a fever The dtr advised e t sta in bed fr t das N I? riting t u t as fr t das? si leave urs respetfull, Li Qing 13、 There ill be an English leture n high shl eduatin in the US b r asn It ill be given in the Leture Hall n Saturda afternn fr 2:00 t 4:00, a 1th, 1992 Thse h are interested in it are arl ele Be sure nt t be late After the leture, please rite a diar abut it in English THE STUDENTS? UNIN 14、 Dear Xia ing, I as exited t hear that u ill e t learn hinese in ur shl N let e tell u sething abut ur shl ur shl apus is beautiful It has an trees, flers and a lt f grass e have t ver nie teahing buildings and a dritr building In additin, the shl has exellent equipent, suh as a ne g, a puter r and a large librar There are als a lt f eletives t hse fr, suh as painting, tping and ing Abve all, there are an exellent teahers in ur shl lasses are interesting, the teahers are ind and nledgeable and illing t help the students I lie ur shl I hpe u ill lie ur shl t urs Li Hua 1、 Dear a, I as ver glad t reeive ur letter n the tenth f Februar u as e sething abut Lu Xun and his rs sine u began t stud hinese literature N let e tell u sething abut hi Lu Xun as a ell-nn hinese riter, he as nt nl a riter, a thiner, and translatr, but als a funder f dern hinese literature His nvels have been put int an languages and se f nvels have been ade int fils, suh as The True Str f AH Q and The Ne ear?s Sarifie hih expse sharpl the ld siet The late hairan a spe highl f hi Se f his nvels have been lleted in high shl and llege textbs Sine u are learning hinese literature, I thin reading Lu Xun?s nvels ill benefit a lt urs ei ing 16、 hetn is an eni-pen-zne It is a tn n the sea ith a ppulatin f three hundred thusand Befre the liberatin it used t be a fishing village st peple lived n fishing There as n industr And there ere nl fe priar shls here Sine the pen-dr pli, a lt f freign businessen invested here A lt f fatries have been built Enis have develped rapidl and big prt has als been built, hih is nneted ith an prts f ther prts bth in and ut f ur untr A ne universit n has been funded Three thusand students have alread graduated fr it I a sure in the near future ur hetn ill bee re dern 17、 2 Dra 4, building 1 unti Hu Tng Xiheng Distrit Beiing 100037 hina Nveber 4th,199 Dear peter, Than u fr ur letter f tber 2 I haven?t ritten sner as I ere bus preparing fr id--ter exas e are having a part n 11th Nveber at ur huse fr sister?s 1th birthda and e hpe u an e It nl happens ne a ear! The part ill start at 6 p and ill g n until late! I? at he in the evenings Please give e a all e?re ling frard t seeing u lves, Zha Ning 18、 Dear Paul, H are u! I thin u have e ba t shl n I have had a nderful inter hlida During the hlida, father and I ent t hetn, In the untrside in HeBei Prvine I as astnished t find that great hanges had taen plae in the village in reent ears Alst ever fail in the village had lur TV set, an failies had their huses nel built, r rebuilt, se f the had trles r ars ne f the villagers prudl tld e that he and se ther villagers ere ging t in a tur and travel abrad H I adire the! I said t father that I uld g ba t hetn after I graduated fr llege Father als expressed he uld g ba as sn as he retired Bth f us ere disappinted hen the hlida ended s sn, and e had t leave hat did u d in ur hlida? Are u bus n? Here are best regards t u and ur fail urs Xia Hai 19、 Dear Sir: H d u d? Thrugh the ad I n u need a seretar I uld lie t have this b N let e intrdue self t u nae is Zhang Hng I a tent and ill sn graduate fr a vatinal shl ar is business anageent I have been learning English fr 8 ears and I have puter experiene I have been ne f the editrs fr the student nespaper in ur shl fr the past three ears grades reain upper level in lass The st iprtant thing is that I lie ffie r ver uh I a sure I an d it ell I ill appreiate it ver uh if u uld give e the pprtunit Than u fr ur nsideratin I a ling frard t hearing fr u Sinerel urs, Zhang Hng 20、 Dear Xia Lin, I have had a bus hlida these inter beause I ill tae part in the entrane exainatin this Septeber I alst buried self in the bs ever da I had t g ver ever required subet and did a lt f exerises I red ver hard, re than 10 hurs a da hen I as tired I athed TV fr a hile and listened t usi, but I never ent t the inea r theater I had t refuse several invitatins fr relatives and lassates I nl alled the t greet the n the eve f the Spring Festival H I ish there ere n exainatins at all, but f urse it is ipssible I ill tr best t get better results and g t ere n exainatins at all, but f urse it is ipssible I ill tr best t get better results and g t Qing Hua Universit, hih I have been lnging fr H is ur vaatin? Best ishes t u and ur fail! urs u Qi 21、 This is tnship-run indergarten It as set up in 198 b Red Star Tnship Eight perent f the hildren are fr peasants? fail At first, there ere nl three teahers and tent hildren, there as ver little equipent and it as prl furnished s parents didn?t lie t send their hildren there During the past fe ears, great hanges have taen plae A ne building has taen the plae f the huse ade f the earth The tnship prvided the indergarten ith a lt f advaned equipent suh as puters, pians and TV sets The nuber f hildren has inreased t 200, the nuber f teahers t re than 20 N parents are illing t send their hildren t the indergarten 22、 N an peple are ring hard at English In fat, English is ver iprtant t us First, English is idel used in the rld and st business letters are ritten in English Again if e grasp English, e an learn a lt f advaned experiene fr ther untries If e learn English ell, e an serve ur therland better And, seties, learning English is als a great fun 23、 It is ver ht in the suer and in the evenings, nbd lies staing at he Peple al in the street r sit in the pen e have a speial suer inea and friends and I ften g there There are tall trees all arund, it is ver l, seties the fils are nt ver gd, but e d nt ind The stars shine in the s, and there is ften a large bright n e an en a l evening there 24、 r Liu in, aged 39, is ring in a fatr in Shanghai as a heial engineer After he graduated fr Naning Universit in 1978, he as sent t T Universit t stud the heial engineering Thrugh his hard r fr 4 ears, he ahieved rearable result in sientifi researh and reeived a dtr?s degree in 1982 A apanese pan anager tried hard t invite hi t r and prised t give hi a gd salar but he didn?t aept it In 1983 he returned t hina ithut an hesitatin He has ade up his ind t devte all his life t ur untr 2、 Attentin please: In rder t eep ur librar in gd rder, e ae se rules f brring bs Everne in ur shl ust be the (1) The librar pens fr 3:00~:00 p (2) Everne ust use his n ard t brr bs (3) Everne an nl brr ne b fr the librar ne (4) Ever b a be ept fr a nth If u ant t eep it lnger, u ust rene it () If sene lses the bs, he ust pa fr the (6) Se iprtant bs are nt alled t be taen ut f the librar e hpe all f the lassates eep the rules stritl and e als hpe that ur librar ill tae n a ne l ver sn 26、 Attentin please There ill be a tal n the eduatin f high shl in Aeria fr 2:00 t 4:30 p n Septeber 2th in R 10 The tal ill be given b Prfessr Li ing Gu, h has ust been ba fr a visit t Aeria All students in Senir T are t attend it Please be n tie and bring ur pens and ntebs Students fr ther grades are ele Than u 27、 During high shl ears, I fund phsis, heistr and aths speiall interesting Atuall, I as interested in an subets, suh as bilg, histr, gegraph and English But seh I sipl uldn?t reeber the events f histr r the fats abut gegraph I uldn?t reeber the se f the English idis ell either n the ther hand, phsis, heistr and aths ere eas fr e t learn After nsidering arefull interests and talents, I felt that siene ight be the best hie fr e S I as deterined t stud natural siene at llege After graduating fr llege, I uld lie t return t shl t teah 28、 Septeber 10 is ur Teahers? Da In the afternn, Zhnghua shl held a elebratin eeting, at hih re than tent ld teahers eah ere praised ith a edal fr their ver thirt ears f teahing ur prinipal ade an enthusiasti speeh at the eeting, and then the representative f the teahers and students gave a tal t us After the eeting e started perfranes plaed b se teahers and students, hih ere ver interesting and instrutive e all had a nderful tie I thin e all shuld respet the teahers, engineers f huan sul 29、 The as fr Reading T read suessfull requires rret as f reading Here are se suggestins: (1) hse bs hih are neither t diffiult nr t eas fr u If u find it t hard t g n ith the b, ust put it aside fr the ent and hange fr an easier ne; (2) hse bs that nt nl interest u but als benefit u, fr reading is nt alas fr fun nl; (3) Se bs are t be read rughl, but se ust be read sll and arefull Dn?t frget t tae se ntes henever u feel it neessar; (4) Dn?t be sh t as questins Anne h ns re than u d an be ur teaher; () ae gd use f ditinaries, fr ditinaries are ur best teahers 30、 h D e Stud English? English is ne f the st idel used languages in the rld It is spen b nearl three hundred illin peple: in England, the United States, Australia, anada and an ther untries It is ne f the ring languages at internatinal eetings and is re used than the thers It is said that 60 perent f the rld?s radi bradasts and 70 perent f the rld?s ail are in English illins f bs and agazines are ritten in English, t English is reall a bridge t nledge ith the help f English e an learn dern siene and tehnlg faster and better fr the develped untries In this a e an serve ur untr better 31、 Give Up Sing Sing is a idespread habit even ang shl hildren The nuber f ung sers is inreasing It is reprted that ver t-fifths f the students in a ertain shl se, and se f the even steal ne t bu igarettes, This is terrible As e all n, sing is harful t ur health But it?s even re harful t iddle shl students fr it des great har nt nl t their health but als t their ind iddle shl students are future builders f the untr The shuld spend their tie learning hat is useful S it?s reall tie that these ung sers ade up their inds t give up sing 32、 Spring Festival The hinese Ne ear is alled Spring Festival, it usuall es in Februar There is a nae fr eah ear It a be alled the ear f the dg r the ear f the ne And this ear is the ear f the Befre the N ear?s Da, the hinese peple usuall give their huses a general leaning n the last da f the ld ear, there is a big fail dinner All ebers f the fail tr t be present at the eal n the first da f the ne ear, peple g t visit their relatives and friends As a rule, hildren are given se ne t bu things the lie Peple ften have a gd tie during the Festival 33、 H ities Began D u n h ities began? Lng ag, the rld had nl a fe thusand peple These peple ved fr plae t plae, hunting anials fr fd N ne ns h r hen these peple learned abut gring fd But hen the did, their lives hanged The began t live near ne anther And s the first villages gre an peple ae t r in the villages The villages gre ver big Fr there the ities began zne hen ahines ae alng, life in the villages hanged again Fatries ere built re and re peple lived near the fatries The ities gre ver big 34、 Earl Rising Earl rising benefits us in an as First, it helps t eep us fit e all need fresh air But air is never s fresh as earl in the rning Besides, b taing rning exerises e an iprve ur health Send, it an help us in ur studies In the rning e an learn re quil Third, it an enable us t plan ur r fr the da e annt r ell ithut a prper plan Earl rising an als give us enugh tie t get read fr ur r S e sa that thse h alas get up late shuld ae great effrt t get up earl 3、 Spare-tie Art Eduatin in Shanghai Tens f thusands f hildren is Shanghai are reeiving art training in their spare tie re than 40 spare-tie shls are helping the hildren in usi, daning, painting and alligraph Shanghai hildren?s Art Shl, hih has 16 branhes and ver 6,000 pupils, is the biggest f all Parents send their hildren t different shls t their different interests The hildren have learned a lt f ne nledge hih annt be learned fr bs Spare-tie art shls are supprted b an parents This ne ind f shl ill surel be run better and better 36、 ur English Teaher ur English teaher is a iddle-aged an She has taught English fr re than tent ears She rs ver hard and has been a del teaher fr an ears She is ind t us but she is rather strit ith us She alas enurages us t spea and read re English She ften tells us that “pratie aes perfet” She is ver gd at teahing and tries hard t ae ever lessn livel and interesting She ften gives us slide shs, teahes us English sngs and helps us t put n shrt English plas She lves us and is alas read t help us In fat, she is nt nl ur gd teaher but als ur gd friend e all respet and lve her 37、 At the Librar r Greee: Gd rning Librarian: Gd rning hat an I d fr u? r Greee: I?d lie t brr se bs n puters Here?s the list Librarian: All right Let e g and have a he fr u (He ges in and es ba in a little hile ) N, here are the bs u ant r Greee: Than u H lng an I eep the? Librarian: A nth r Greee: an I eep the a bit lnger? Librarian: es, u an, if u need the But u ust e and rene the at the end f the nth r Greee: I see Than u Librarian: u are ele r Greee: Be Librarian: Be 38、 A Telephne all hn: Hell ar: Hell a I spea t r Green, please? hn: Srr, but he?s nt in right n h?s alling, please? ar: This is ar, his student hn: Hi, ar an I tae a essage? ar: h, es Please tell hi I?ve gt a bad ld and the dtr tld e t sta in bed fr ne r t das S I n?t be able t attend the lass trr hn: I?ll give hi the essage hen he es ba ar: Than u Gd-be hn: gd-be 39、 A Letter t a Friend 70 iangan Rad Shanghai ul 14, 1990 Dear Li Ping, Glad t have gt ur letter It aes e happ that u are ing t sta in Shanghai fr a ee I thin e an eet eah ther and have a gd tie then N let e tell u sething abut Suzhu Suzhu is faus fr its beautiful gardens There are re than 100 in all, the sa Ang the the Tiger Hill as favurite Thusands f ears ag, a ing as said t be buried there ith his treasure Unfrtunatel, I didn?t find the treasure, but e did have a gd tie there I?ve taen se pitures there If the se ut ell, I?ll send u se Suzhu is rth visiting I hpe u?ll pa a visit t it I? ling frard t ur arrival urs sinerel, hen Hua 40、 A Nte Asing fr Business Leave an 10, 1990 r Sith Headaster Dear Sir, I? appling fr ne ee?s leave f absene fr the 11th t the 17th, in rder t return he t see father, h is n dangerusl ill I shuld be ver uh bliged if u grant e appliatin urs respetfull, Fster 41、 Rad Safet Ever ear a lt f peple are illed r inured in rad aidents H an e ae the rads safer? Reeber the flling traffi rules hen u ride a bie, eep t the right side f the rad Dn?t rss the rad r turn left at a red traffi light Give a hand signal if u ant t turn r stp Befre rssing the rad, stp and l bth as, right and left If the rad is lear, it is safe t rss The rret a t rss is t al quil, but nt t run If u run arss the rad, u a fall dn If u see sall hildren r ld peple aiting t rss the rad, it is a ind deed t help the t rss in safet e shuld teah sall hildren nt t pla r ride n the rads Alas be these rules, u?ll find it uh safer t al r ride n the rad 42、 ur nitr Li ing is ur nitr She is tall, health and livel She des ell in all subets She is fnd f sprts and is gd at singing and daning Li ing rs hard at English hen she ae t the shl, she had quite a lt f diffiulties ith the language But she as nt afraid f the and alas tried hard t vere the She as ative in lass and did a lt f pratie after lass N pains, n gains ith great effrts she ade uh prgress in English stud Li ing is dest and alas read t help thers She is ver strit ith herself in her r and dail life She sets us all a fine exaple 43、 The Seasns There are fur seasns in a ear: spring, suer, autun and inter In spring the eather graduall gets arer and everthing es ba t life The peasants are bus ith sing hen suer es, the eather gets ver ht It rains quite ften It is a bus seasn fr the peasants Autun is the best seasn f the ear The eather is neither t ht nr t ld The s is blue and ludless At night illins f stars shine in the s It is the tie fr harvest inter is the last seasn f the ear The das bee shrter and the nights lnger The eather is ld and ind But the peasants are still bus preparing fr the next spring plughing 44、 He Tn he tn is a beautiful plae It stands beside a ide river and is rih in fish and rie But in the ld das it as a pr and baard little tn an peple had n r The lived a hard life In 1949 hetn as liberated Sine then great hanges have taen plae there The streets have been idened Fatries, shls, hspitals, ineas and theatres have sprung up ne after anther The life f the peple is greatl iprved I lve hetn All the re I lve its peple The are ring hard s as t ae it still riher and re beautiful 4、 A Visit t Beiing Z Last Sunda rning, friend and I ent t visit the Beiing Z e ent b bie It t us abut half an hur t get there hen e gt there, it as alread rded ith peple There ere a lt f freign visitrs, t It is said that the Beiing Z is the largest in Asia and ne f the largest in the rld There are hundreds f different inds f anials It rld tae a hle da t see all the anials there S e deided t see se f the st interesting nes e sa the elephants first and then the nes Finall e ent t see ur favurite “friends”--the giant pandas e ere delighted t see the aving t us e reall had a nderful tie in the z 46、 A Traffi Aident esterda rning, I as surprised t hear that friend Allee had been hit b a ar and as in hspital n The ther da he as ging t rss a street He as ver areful and didn?t g until he sa traffi light turn green But hardl had he gt t the iddle f the street hen he sa a ar suddenl appear n his right-hand side and e diretl tards hi It as t late fr Allee t ddge He as hit b the ar and thrn a fe eters aa He as sent t hspital iediatel and had an peratin hen I ent t see hi last night, he as ut f danger but still led pale 47、 Brther Li Ping?s brther is a PLA an He is a handse, tall ung an ith big ees and brad shulders He as brn in 1971 He as a gd student in shl hen he as seventeen, he finished iddle shl Then he ined the Peple?s Liberatin Ar In the ar, he studied hard and t an ative part in the ilitar training In 1991, he ent t Anhui Prvine t help in fighting against the fld disaster He did a lt f gd deeds there esterda afternn Li Pings brther ae t ur shl and gave us a tal e?ve learned a lt fr hi 48、 A Gd Harvest In spite f the fld disaster, a gd harvest is still in sight esterda e ent t a nearb village t help the peasants get in the rps e left ur shl earl in the rning It t us half an hur t reah the village As sn as e gt there, e ined the peasants in their harvesting r The taught us h t ut rie, and h t tie it It as in the fields that e had ur lunh After lunh, e had a shrt rest e ere fasinated b the beautiful sener f the untrside It gt dar hen e returned he e ere ver tired, but e felt ver happ 49、 A Page fr Diar Sunda, Sept 10 Fine Tda is Teahers? Da In the rning, I attended the shl elebratin, at hih several teahers ere given edals fr having pleted 30 ears f teahing r Li, English teaher, as ne f the After supper lassates and I ent t see r Li He said that he uld devte the rest f his life t the ause f eduatin He als enuraged us t r hard at ur lessns I as inspired b hat he said and ade up ind t be a teaher lie r Li hen I gr up 0、 ne f the st faus pars t g t in Beiing is the Suer Palae It is lated in the estern suburbs f Beiing It is eas t g there b bus, b taxi f b bie It is ne f the st and biggest pars in Beiing There is beautiful uing Lae in the par It is a an-ade lae In frnt f the lae, there is the 700-eter Lng rridr Behind it is the Lngevit Hill There are se agnifient halls and beautiful gardens in the par It taes at least half f the da t visit the par u an g bating n the lae r g fr a al alng the rridr r lib the hill and have a beautiful vie fr the tp r l at the big halls r visit sall gardens The best tie t visit the par is spring r autun 1、 une 6th Dear T, I ae t see u but u ere ut Trr is Li ing?s birthda e ill have a birthda part at Li ing?s trr afternn e uld be ver happ if u ill e Li ing?s he is nt ver far fr ur htel hen u e u a g straight alng Blue Rad Turn right at hite Rad Then g arss Stne Rad u ill find a inea n ur left Li ing?s? huse is ust beside it Hpe t see u at the part urs, Tng Hua 2、 Bs are alled “ing?s Treasures/ealth” beause the have sething as valuable as gld and silver The have the rihes f nledge ings eep their valuable bets arefull led up and eep the es theselves Nbd an tuh their valuable things et the rihes f nledge are entirel different Anne an have the e t the rihes f nledge The e is sipl “READING” Anne h an read an pen the dr f the treasure huse and g in and tae hat he lies h dn?t e therefre learn t read and fill urselves ith the rihes f nledge hih everbd adires? 3、 I ent fr a pleasant uting n Saturda ith se friends fr shl e ent t a lvel lae abut a hundred iletres nrth f here e left b bus at seven „l in the rning and arrived at the lae at eight thirt e spent the rning siing and ring sall bats Then e had lunh in a sall restaurant b the lae After lunh e libed a large hill behind the lae and ened the beautiful vie fr the tp e gt ba t the bus at arund fur „l and then e ae ba t tn e had a nderful tie 4、 Fund Septeber 1, 199 A green shl bag as fund n the plagrund esterda afternn Inside f hih there are t ne textbs, exerise bs, a pet English-hinese ditinar and a penil-bx Lser is expeted t e t the ffie f Senir Grade 3 t identif it 、 N 1 iddle Shl Xuanu Distrit Beiing hina August 10,199 Dear ane, Than u s uh fr ur hspitalit and indness last nth It as ver ind f u t put e up at ur huse hile I as in Aeria I reall appreiate ur taing e arund deliius Surel I had a nderful tie in Aeria I hpe I an repa u in the sae a in hina se tie in the future Best ishes, Li Tng 6、 29 East Avenue xfrd Deeber 6th Dear Gerge and Angie Than u ver uh fr the invitatin t ur husearing part this Frida I?d lve t e, but I an?t beause I ill leave xfrd fr Lndn n Frida rning I hpe u all have a gd tie and that ur part is a big suess urs sinerel, ang ei 7、 2 Dra 1 Building Xi Lu uan Feng T Distrit une 3 1994 Dear a, I a riting t than u fr all the help u gave us in ving int ur ne flat As u n, ther is in pr health and there is a lt f furniture I n e uld never have been able t ve all the things int the ne flat ithut ur help I a arranging a husearing part sn and I l frard t seeing u then Than u again fr everthing u have dne fr us Lve Tian Bing 8、 Dear Sir, I a riting t u t plain abut the shes I bught a ee ag fr ur shp Althugh I have nl rn the shes fr three ties, the sles are rn ut, and the shes are ut f shape At ur prie, I expet high qualit I a returning the shes t u b pst I expet t reeive anther pair f better qualit r the full refund f the shes Sinerel, 9、 atherine, I? srr I as late fr the eeting this rning There as sething rng ith bile I hpe u?re nt angr ith e Sall 60、 I as areless and lst red lng verat in the leture r n the afternn f 4th f this nth In ne f the pets there is a sall nteb and in the ther pet there is e t bie ill the finder please send it either t the nitr f lass 4, Senir Grade 2 r t self? an thans t the finder ur lassr is in R 204, Building 1 Li an (Lser) 61、 N 1 iddle Shl Dngheng Distrit Beiing hina tber 4th,199 Dear ie, Than u ver uh fr the English ditinar u sent e fr seventeenth birthda It?s ust hat I need! English spelling is ver pr and I ften ae istaes henever I rite, but n, thans t ur present, I an l up the rds in the ditinar hen I a nt ver sure abut the spelling I hpe u are ell and I l frard t seeing u in hina next nth Best ishes, Fu ung 62、 Dear r ang Sept 1 th I? ver srr I have t as fr a three-da leave ther has fallen ill and is having a high fever She is in hspital n and needs ling after father happens t be aa in uhan n business, s I have t g ba t tend si ther, I?ll be ba t shl as sn as pssible and ae up fr issing lessns Than u Li Hua 63、 答案 略 64、 A Letter t Parents 316 Evergreen St Freed it, hi U S A ul 2, 1989 Dear Parents, It has been s lng sine I left he and ae t the United States Everthing is getting n ell ith e H abut u? I prised t rite t u ne a ee hen I left he But bus stud prevented e fr ding s Please frgive e fr nt being able t eep prise In fat, I have been ver bus sine I ae t the U S , and I even have n iprtant nes t tell u,fr I have n rearable ahieveents up t n hat?s re, the pst ffie is rather far aa fr here I hpe u ill frgive e I ill rite t u again sn urs lving sn, hu Feng 6、 A Letter t ther 8 Zhngshan Rad Guangzhu Feb 1, 1990 Dear aa, H are u and Papa? I arrived here last Frida safel, nl the urne as t ver pleasant, the train as rded and dirt, and I as terribl tired hen I gt here But n I? quite again Unle?s fail are all ver ell The ere ver happ t see e and are all ind t e usin ei Ping is reall ar-hearted, and he has been shing e arund the it these das Tnight ei Ping and I are ging t a nert, I? sure e?ll have a gd tie Guangzhu is a beautiful it, and a bustling ne as ell Life here is bus, exiting and lurful I lve the a peple r and live here and I hpe t have a hane t r and live in this it hen I gr up Unle and Aunt send u their lve Lve, ing 66、 Taling abut the Ftball Gae Helen: Henr, h dn?t e g ut fr lunh tda and visit se friends? Henr: And iss tda?s ftball gae? ashingtn is plaing Ne r tda I an?t iss that Helen: Hnestl, Henr Dn?t u ever get tired f ftball gae? Henr: This ill be ne f the best gaes f the ear and I haven?t seen ashingtn pla fr ears Helen: h, e n, Henr Dn?t u thin it sill t spend ever Sunda afternn in frnt f the TV set, athing ftball? Henr: N, nt at all h dn?t u ath it ith e? u ight lie it Helen: N, thans I have better things t d ith Sunda afternns Besides, it?s t rugh fr e 67、 Taling abut the Exainatin ate: H as the exainatin, Di? Di: Nt t bad I thin I passed in English and atheatis The questins ere nt ver diffiult H abut u? ate: The English and aths papers eren?t eas enugh fr e I hpe I haven?t failed Di: hat I? rring abut is phsis Se f the questins ere t diffiult fr e ate: h, heer up, Di Perhaps e didn?t d that badl The fell next t e rte his nae at the tp f the paper Di: es? ate: Then he sat there, led at it fr t hurs, and didn?t rite a single rd! 68、 Taling abut a Fil ane: Hi, Bill u l happ Bill: es, I?ve ust seen a ver funn fil n TV ane: hat as it abut? Bill: It?s abut a areless an h gt int truble herever he ent He uldn?t d anthing right ane: S u lie it? Bill: es, I d It aes e laugh a lt ane: But I?d rather see sething hih are nt nl interesting, but als instrutive Bill: h, ane, dn?t be s serius Peple seties need relaxatin ane: That?s true, but I thin athing TV is nt ust fr entertainent 69、 Taling abut Having Sprts David: Susan, u lie sprts, dn?t u? Susan: es I have sprts ever afternn David: D u ften g siing? Susan: es, I g siing ne a ee David: I used t si at iddle shl, but I dn?t have tie an re Susan: That?s t bad! Exerise is ver iprtant David: I n I a getting fat, u see Ana, I dn?t ant t be heav Susan: ell, I? ging t si this afternn D u ant t g ith e? David: ! I reall need re exerises hen and here shall e eet? Susan: H abut three „l, at the siing-pl? David: All right Gd-be! Susan: Gd-be! 70、 Taling abut a B Helen: Henr! Henr: U(((ust a ent Helen: hat are u reading? Henr: The Travel f ar Pl It?s fasinating! Helen: Let e have a l at it h! hat lvel pitures! Henr: es L, this is Venie It?s a beautiful ld tn in Ital Helen: h, es That?s here ar Pl as brn, isn?t it? Henr: That?s right He left Ital in 1271 and arrived in hina in 127 Helen: hat a lng urne! Henr: S it as He travelled first b sea, and then b land alng the faus” Sil Rad “ The unne t hi fur ears Helen: H lng did he sta in hina? Henr: Seventeen ears Helen: That?s t sa, he left hina in(((1292? And h rte the b? Henr: Rustihell The b?s in abut ne hundred different languages n Helen: h, reall? an I brr it hen u finish it? Henr: All right Helen: Thans! 71、 Start up a nversatin r Sn: Lvel da, isn?t it? Li Ping: es, it is r Sn: Are u fr apan? Li Ping: N, I? fr hina r Sn: Are u here t stud? Li Ping: es, I? studing heistr D u teah here? r Sn: N, I dn?t teah, but I d researh here B the a, h lng have u been learning English? Li Ping: Fr three ears n r Sn: Three ears? h, ur English is ver gd Li Ping: h, it?s ver ind f u t sa s, but there?s still a lt fr e t learn et 72、 Giving a Gift Elizabeth: Hell, Xia hen! err hristas! Xia hen: err hristas, Elizabeth This is a sall gift fr u Elizabeth: h, than u s uh a I pen it n? Xia hen: Sure I hpe u lie it (after pening the gift) Elizabeth: ! hat a beautiful bab baset! This is exatl hat I lie! It?s s nie f u, Xia hen Than u again 73、 At the Dinner Table rs Huang: Help urself t se re ushrs, an an: N, than u But uld u pass e the plate f ld hien? ,Than u r Huang: uld u are fr a piee f fish? an: es please ,h, it?s nie! rs Huang: Have anther piee? an: N, thans I haven?t finished this ne et ,a I have se re Dufu? I lve it ,Thans r Huang: an I get u se re shrips r egg rlls? an: N, thans I ust uldn?t tae an re ,ell, r and rs Huang, I? afraid I ust be ging n Than u ver uh fr suh a nderful eal, hih is ne f the best I?ve ever had rs Huang: I? glad u lie the fd, an It?s s nie t have u ith us tnight Please e henever u have tie an: es, I ill Gd-be r ≈ rs Huang: Gd-be 本全部由英语作网 —zne 整理 74、 Visiting the Dtr Alfred: Gd rning, dtr Dtr: Gd rning hat?s ur truble? Alfred: I? nt feeling ell I?ve gt a sre thrat and a terrible ugh Dtr: I see ell let e he ur thrat pen ur uth and sa “Ah,” Alfred: Aaaah Dtr: U I shuld sa u?ve gt the flu N, here?s ur presriptin Tae the ediine ever fur hurs and drin re ht ater B the a, d u se? Alfred: es, I d Dtr: h, that?s bad fr ur health, u n, espeiall hen u have a ugh h nt tae this gd hane t give it up? Alfred: Than u fr ur advie, dtr I?ll tr Gd-be! Dtr: Gd-be! 7、 Asing the a rs Green: Exuse e, but uld u tell e the a t the useu? Pliean: ertainl ust g up this street and turn left at the send rssing The third building fr the rner is the useu u an?t iss it rs Green: h, let e see G dn this street, turn left at the send rssing and the useu is the third building fr the rner A I right? Pliean: es, that?s right rs Green: Than u ver uh Be-be Pliean: u are ele Be-be 76、 Aplgizing and Giving Explanatins iss Green: ar, hat happened t u? u are tent inutes late tda e all rr abut u, u n ar Brn: Srr, iss Green But an I explain hat happened? iss Green: es, please ar Brn: I as aiting fr the bus at the bus stp hen an ld an standing nearb fell t the grund suddenl and lst his senses I as s surprised that I didn?t n hat t d at first Then I guessed that he ust have had a heart atta S I alled the nearb plie statin iss Green: Did the e? ar Brn: es, the sn ae ver and sent the ld an t hspital iss Green: Gd N I see hat happened u are a gd girl, ar 77、 A Letter t a Nespaper 234 Renin Rad Hangzhu Feb 27, 1990 The anaging Editr, hina Dail 2 intai Xilu, Beiing Dear Sir, I a a student f the Freign Language Shl Ever Frida afternn, after the send lass, e used t have tie t see an English fil, hih e all t interest in But fr this ter , it sees that e are having re and re lasses in the afternn, hih aes it ipssible fr us t see the English fils regularl hat is re, e have less tie fr rest r sprts I a sure it ill d har t ur health as ell as ur stud uld u please give us se supprt t stp this? urs sinerel, hen ing 78、 H t ae an Annuneent At ties e have t annune se event e are ging t have ur annuneent, hih a be an ral ne r a ritten ne, has t be eas t understand In general it ust ntain fur „s and ne H, hih are h, hat, here, hen and H These are iprtant ites t hih attentin is t be paid H e arrange these things is entirel up t us 79、 Tie Is re Valuable Than ne Peple ften sa, “Tie is ne,” But in fat tie is re valuable than ne h? Beause hen ne is spent, e an earn it ba Hever, hen tie is lst, it ill never return This is the reasn h e ust value tie The tie e have is liited Ever send is preius e shuld ae full use f ur tie But there are a lt f peple h d nt n the iprtane f tie The ill aa their tie hatting, sing, drining r gabling, The d nt realize that asting tie is sipl asting their valuable life In a rd, e shuld get int the gd habit f saving tie D nt leave hat an be dne tda until trr Laziness ill nt nl bring us failure but als lead us t the rad f pvert 80、 A Letter t ne?s Teaher 780 hangan Street, Beiing une 21, 1990 Dear r ang, ur letter f une 17 reahed e this rning as a pleasant surprise I had been issing u all the tie, dear teaher Glad t n that u are planning t e t Beiing fr a visit this suer I eagerl l frard t seeing u as sn as pssible llege ill sn start a agazine, f hih I have been ade ne f the assistant editrs It is a binthl I?ll send u a p as sn as the first issue is ut Are u still teahing the graduate lass n? I ill never frget ur English lasses, hih ere s livel and interesting Lve t ur fail! urs gratefull, hen Hua 81、 Let Bs Be ur Gd Friends Bs are ur friends beause the are bridges t nledge nledge is valuable beause it enrihes ur life and brings us happiness Alst all great en in the histr f anind lved bs e have ever reasn t believe it is the nledge in bs that led the t suess There is n genius ithut bs Beause bs give the nledge and nledge gives the per A an is half blind if he is unable t read Bs ae us able t learn abut the past and l frard t the future The are the st valuable things in the rld Let bs be ur gd friends all the tie 82、 Air Arund Us Air is arund us e an nt see it, sell it, r taste it But e an feel the ind bl e an see the ind ve aves n the ater, luds in the s, and tree branhes ind is ving air ithut air e uld nt breathe There uld be n living plants r anials Beause sund travels thrugh air, ithut air there uld be silene The veent f air an supprt a large, heav plane Air is a ixture f gases and ater vapr The st iprtant gases in the air are nitrgen and xgen 78 perent f the air is ade up f nitrgen, and abut 21 perent f xgen Alst all living things use the xgen in air Fire annt burn ithut xgen 83、 TVs and Radis TVs are re useful than radis Fr TV u an see and hear hat is happening in the rld Hever, radis are nt disappearing The are still ith us And the nuber f listeners is being larger D u n h? ne reasn fr this is the inventin f the transistr A transistr radi an be ver sall It is ver eas t be arried Besides, radi bradasts are better fr blind peple an ld peple dn?t have gd eesight The an?t ath TV, but an listen t usi r nes ver the radi hat?s re, a radi is heaper than a TV set 84、 A Page fr Diar Saturda, a 26 ind Saturda again H tie flies! Anther ee has gne This afternn, I as ften absent-inded in lass, fr I as thining f the fil “The Sund f usi”, hih uld be shn at 7 p n the shl plagrund As sn as lass as ver, I hurried ut f the lassr n the a he I sa a little hild standing b the radside ring bviusl, he had lst his a Frgetting all abut the fil, I ent up t hi and ased hi t tell e hatever he ne abut his fail It t e nearl an hur t send hi he His parents ere ver glad t find their lst hild ba and thaned e again and again I issed the fil But I felt happ 8、 A Letter f Appliatin fr a Psitin P Bx N 164 Lndn, England une 18, 1990 Rihard Thas ≈ Baldin Ltd 11 Ger Street Lndn , SI, England Gentleen, In anser t ur advertiseent in tda?s Dail irrr fr an engineer f bridge building, I beg t ffer self as a andidate fr the pst qualifiatins are as flls: Age: Thirt-six Plae f Birth: Lndn Eduatin: aster f ivil Engineering Experiene: Five ears, engineer in bridge-building Salar anted: ? 800 a nth If these eet ur requireents, please grant e an intervie Than u in advane fr ur earl repl urs bedientl, Edard Sift 86、 Future fell lassates, Everne f us is thining abut the future hat is ine? I have deided bee a iddle shl teaher Des it sund surprising? I had his drea hen I as nl a hild I lve hildren I dn?t thin t deal ith the all ears rund is ust asting tie n the ntrar , t e it uld ean happiness As e all an see, teahers are badl needed in ur untr, but nt an f us ant t bee teahers ne f the ain reasns fr this is that teahers r t hard but get t little In spite f that, I? deterined t devte all life t the ause f eduatin 87、 H t Iprve Listening Abilit Learners f English, espeiall beginners have trubles in understanding speehes b native speaers Bur h t iprve listening abilit? Here I?d lie t intrdue u se as hih ight help u t iprve u listening abilit First f all, d things step b step It is n gd t listen t anthing bend ur level Dn?t hse t diffiult aterials Sendl, sti t ne urse f stud r hard at it until u aster it ell Thirdl, listen t the English nes prgra ver the radi ever da If u have re tie, listen t se interesting stries, t There are an as t iprve ur listening abilit It is up t u t find ut best nes fr u 88、 A Pster fr an English-Speaing ntest In rder t iprve the students? abilit t spea English, a shl-ide English-speaing ntest ill be held in N 1 eeting r at 2 p n a 4, 1990 Anne h is illing t tae part please g t ur nitr and enter u nae fr it Five teahers have been invited t r as udges The first ten inners ill be given aards as an enurageent All are ele t be present at the ntest The Students? Unin, N, iddle Shl April 24, 1990 89、 A Ntie f Reading R Rules Read this ntie befre u start reading here D (1) eep the r quiet and lean (2) Sh ur student ard hen brring bs (3) Brr nl ne b at a tie Dn?t (1) Dn?t tal r laugh ludl (2) Dn?t ve the dess r hairs (3) Dn?t tear ff the bs (4) Dn?t tae ut the bs 90、 A Ntie f Siers? Rules Siers are required t bserve the flling rules Anne breaing the rules ill be punished b a fine f -200 uan (1) Nbd is alled t si ut f the red line (2) Siing suits, life bus, sunshades, hairs brred fr here are nt t be spiled r taen aa (3) N littering (4) Siers ust get ut f ater befre 6 p () Fishing is nt alled here The Seaside Plie Statin 91、 A eeting Ntie All the nitrs are ased t eet in the shl eeting-r at 4: 00 p n Frida(ar18)t disuss questins nerning the English evening t be held n April 30 D be present at the eeting n tie The Student Unin ar 16, 1990 92、 A Nte Asing fr Business Leave an 10, 1990 r Sith Headaster Dear Sir, I? appling fr ne ee?s leave f absene fr the 11th t the 17th, in rder t return he t see father, h is n dangerusl ill I shuld be ver uh bliged if u grant e appliatin urs respetfull, Fster 93、 Dear friends, H tie flies! T ears have passed sine rs Brn ae t ur shl t teah us English N she has pleted her r suessfull and ill leave fr he trr rs Brn is ver strit ith us She is ver ind and never tired f helping us in ur studies Her teahing is livel and interesting e all lie t attend her letures N I ill, n behalf f all the students, express ur gratitude t rs Brn fr her rearable r e ish her a pleasant urne and gd health 94、 A Letter Expressing Gratitude ul 6, 1990 Dear ar, I a returning u the guide-b hih u lent e six nths ag I a ver thanful t u, fr it as a great help t e It as ith the help f this b that I as able t visit an plaes I a sure that I uld have been lst an ties if it had nt been fr this b Besides, I learned a lt abut the histr f thse plaes Than u again ith best ishes urs, Sall 9、 Resue Nae: ang Ping Address: 167 Renin Rad, hangzhu Natinalit: hinese Date f birth: ul 18, 1971 Plae f birth: Shanghai, hina Health: exellent Eduatin: 1978-1984: Renin Rad Priar Shl, hangzhu 1984-1987: N iddle Shl, hangzhu 1987-1990: N 1 iddle Shl, hangzhu 96、 A Letter f Reendatin The Send Departent f English Beiing Freign Language Institute Beiing, hina ul 17, 1989 Len Language Institute Sidne, Australia Dear President, It is a great hnur fr e t intrdue t u ne f ver best student, iss Shen ing, a 21-ear-ld graduate f ur institute this ear iss Shen entered ur institute in 198 and she has ever sine been hard-ring at her lessns and ade rapid prgress During the fur ears f stud, she has alas raned high in her lass In 1987, she ae ut first at the Natinal llege Students English Speeh ntest ing fr a fail f English teahers, iss Shen has a partiular interest in the teahing f English It is her ish t further her studies n linguistis, ethdlg as ell as n the English language It ill ertainl be f great help t her if she uld have suh a hane in ur Institute ith best regards, urs sinerel, ang Shen 97、 A Letter f Invitatin 14 ul, 1990 Dear Blae, rs ilsn ill leave fr the United States shrtl e have the pleasure in inviting u t in us in a fareell part hih is t tae plae at 6:00-7:30 p n Tuesda, ul 26,1990, at the shl lub Als invited t the part are t ther teahers fr the shl, r hnsn and iss Green, bth f h u n Ling frard t the pleasure f seeing u urs, Li Ping 98、 A Nte Asing fr Si Leave r ang Teaher in harge f lass 3, Senir 3 De 13, 1989 Dear sir, I a s srr that I an?t attend shl tda I?ve aught a bad ld The dtr Said I ust sta in bed It a pssibl be a fe das befre I a able t attend lass again Hping u ill exuse absene fr shl urs faithfull, hen ing 99、 ur Great Sialist therland ur great therland is ne f the largest untries in the rld It has a ppulatin f ver eleven hundred illin Peing is its apital e hinese peple are brave and hardring e have a glrius revlutinar traditin e drve ut apanese invaders and verthre uingtang gvernent In 1949 the Peple?s Republi f hina as funded Sine then great hanges have taen plae in ur therland N ur untr is getting strnger and strnger e hinese peple are ring hard t ae ur therland int a perful sialist untr 100、 A Letter t a Penfriend 36 iefang Rad Taian, Shandng Prvine P R hina f hina Nveber 12, 1989 Dear ar alter, I? ver glad t reeive ur letter and I? sending u a pht f e Luil, I? as ld as u I stud at the N 24 iddle Shl It stands in the est f ur it Fr the inds f ur lassr e an see the beautiful untain Taishan This ter e have eleven subets altgether Ang the, I lie English best I ish I uld spea it better interests, besides studies, are usi, art and sprts I espeiall en siing D u ften g siing in suer? Ling frard t reeiving ur repl urs trul, ei Fang
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