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综合英语4期末复习第一单元 P-17-1-(1) 1)a bath towel浴巾 2)a grammar school(美)小学 3)The eternal truth永恒的真理 4)A filing cabinet文件柜 5)utter nonsense一派胡言 6)delinquent behavior 失职或违规行为 7)a frequent visitor 常客 8)fresh air新鲜空气 9)high-minded monologue 长篇大论唱高调 10)a settled view固定的观点 1...
第一单元 P-17-1-(1) 1)a bath towel浴巾 2)a grammar school(美)小学 3)The eternal truth永恒的真理 4)A filing cabinet文件柜 5)utter nonsense一派胡言 6)delinquent behavior 失职或违规行为 7)a frequent visitor 常客 8)fresh air新鲜空气 9)high-minded monologue 长篇大论唱高调 10)a settled view固定的观点 11)current affairs时事 12)a physical impediment身体障碍 13)a hideous wind可恶的风 14)a hideous sight让人生厌的景象15)a speech impediment言语障碍 16)heady patriotism热血沸腾 17)the remorseless invaders 无情的侵略者 18)the Prime Minister首相 19)the League of Nations国际联盟 20)a mental process思维过程 21)a coherent article条理清楚的文章 22)a coherent system完整的体系 23)a proficient interpreter 有水平的口译 24)an irresistible trend 不可抗拒的趋势 25)rotten apples烂苹果 26)literally inspired根据事实写就的 27)a nodding acquaintance点头之交 P-17-1-(2) 1)低头to sink one’s hand 2)使船沉没to sink the ship 3)思考生命的意义 to contemplate the meaning of life 4)让阳光一下照着to catch the light 5)毁了一个人的身体to ruin one’s health 6)毁了国家to ruin the country 7)猛敲桌子to bang the desk 8)扮演一个重要的角色 to play a prominent role 9)占有重要的位置 to hold a prominent position 10)一个虔诚的佛教徒 a pious Buddhist 11)获得一种名声 to gain a reputation 12)满足一个人的虚荣心 to satisfy one’s ego 13)疲劳讯问;严讯逼供 to give sb the third degree 14)发明一种教学法 to devise a teaching method 15)在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪 to slide a gun into sb’s hand P-18-3翻译 1)我知道,不管发生什么,我都可以指望我的兄弟会支持我。 I know that my brother will stand by me no matter what happens. 2)一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更感兴趣。 Young people, as a rule ,tend to show more interest in the present and the future. 3)如果他们双方都不妥协,就都会遭损。 Both parties will stand to lose if they do not compromise. 4)我们希望使我们的全科课程和教材成为一个统一的整体。 1 / 19 We hope to integrate all the courses and the teaching materials. 5.中国的面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 6.在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直,刚正不阿。 In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness. 7.绝大多数人都赞成深化改革。 The great majority of the people stand for further reform. 8.伊丽莎白一世女王统治英国45年。在她统治期间,国家十分繁荣昌盛。Queen Elizabeth First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. 9.真理一开始总是掌握在极少数人手里。这是一般的规律。 The truth is always i n the hands of small minority at first. That’s the rule. 10.民主意味着由多数人来治理,但少数人反对的权利仍然得到尊重。这两条基本同等重要。 Democracy meads that the majority rules, but the minority’s right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance. 11.一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但地理上是一个整体,而且经济上,政治上和文化上都是一个很好的整体。 A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically. 12.那次晚会很乏味,所以她悄悄溜出房间回家了。 The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home. 13.路很泥泞,他一滑就掉进了河里。 The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river. 14.有一天,我因为破产正在一家饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我手里。 One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broken when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand. 15.福罗里达州的法院裁决,票数需要重新统计。 The court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes. 16.认为太阳绕着地球转的观点统治了古代学术界达一千多年。 The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years. 17)这些胡同是构成老北京的完整的一部分。 These hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing. 18)日子一天天的过去,可是我仍然没有多少进步。 Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress. 19)他怕犯错,每个字都仔细推敲。 He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake. 20)她的身体糟糕到了冬天都不敢见太阳,免得中暑。 Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sun-stroke. P-22-7 Some qualities of a critical thinker Truth-seeking. Critical thinkers want to know truth. In (1) their (a, the, his, their) quest, they are willing to consider and (2) even (also, even, still, yet) accept ideas that undermine their assumption or self-interest. These thinkers follow (3) reason (argument, emotion, logic, reason) and evidence. Open-minded. A skilled critical thinker not only recognizes that people (4) disagree (argue, debate, disagree, quarrel) –He values this fact. He respects the right of others (5) to express (expresses, expressing, expressed, to express) different views. He listens with an open mind and does the hard and useful work of (6) thinking (thinker, thinking, thought, thoughts). Beyond seeking out a variety of viewpoints, critical thinkers check their speaking and thinking (7) for (at, in, on, for) signs of bias. This skill is crucial for (8) dealing with (creating, setting, dealing with, wiping out) the diversity of people at school and on the job. Systematic. (9) Staying (Seeking, Sitting, Standing, Staying) organized and focused are two more qualities of a critical thinker. He’s willing to patiently gather evidence, test ideas and stay with a tough or complex question. Inquisitive. The critical thinker wants to know. He/She is (10) hungry (anxious, eager, hungry, starving) for facts and concepts. He/She is willing to explore the universe of ideas even before he/she knows how to apply the insights he/she (11) gains (gains, gives, learns, shows). Mature. As a mature person, the critical thinker possesses a wisdom (12) born of (born of, grown out of, lain in, resulted from) experience. he understands that a problem (13) can (can, must, should, ought to, ) have several solutions---even solutions that seem to contradict each other. He resists the desire to reach quick, (14) superficial (face, facial, surface, superficial) answers, and he is willing to suspend judgment (15) when (after, lest, though, when) evidence is incomplete. At the same time, he recognizes that human beings are often called to act before all the facts are in. 第三单元 P-80-1-(1)英译汉 (1)专业历史工作者professional historians (2)基于常识的反应 a common-sense reaction (3)事物的这种状况 this state of affairs (4)意见不一的历史学家contending historians (5)已经准备好的现成的东西 a cut-and-dried matter (6)一个个人喜好不同的东西 a matter of personal preference (7)截然不同的观点 diametrically opposed points (8)民间故事folk tales (9)书面文件written documents (10)过去的遗留物 the remains of the past (11)人的动机和行为 human motivations and behavior (12)复杂和精细 sophistication and subtlety (13)商船merchant ships (14)一旦发生潜艇战 in the event of a submarine warfare (15)一个粗糙的理论a crude theory (16)战争行为belligerent acts (17)宣传机器a propaganda machine (18)德国外交部长 the German foreign secretary (19)实力平衡the balance of power (20)因果the cause and effect (21)岸防炮兵the shore batteries (22)最终原因the ultimate concern (23)近因the proximate cause (24)人们常说的一句话 a well-used phrase (25)不出错的解释 a foolproof explanation (26)绝对有效的模式 a model of unquestioned validity (27)永不停息的探索 a never-ending quest (28) 难以达到又十分诱人的目标 an elusive yet intriguing goal P-80-1-(2) 汉译英 (1)获得新的深刻认识 (to)gain new insights (2)修改一个人的观点 revise one’s idea (3)追查起因trace the cause (4)从这个前提出发 begin from this premise (5)朝目标开火open fire at the target (6)给以同等重视give equal weight to (7)支持某一观点support a certain view (8)对政府施加影响influence the govt. (9)破坏实力平衡 destroy the balance of power (10)组成同盟form an alliance (11)偿还贷款repay the loans (12)考虑战争的问题 contemplate (没the) war (13)填补空缺fill in the gaps (14)结束探索conclude the quest (15)从某一角度看问题 view something from a certain perspective (16)从比较中获益benefit from the comparison (17)消灭差别eliminate difference (18)深入研究问题dig into the problem (19)淹没在大海之中 be immersed in a vast sea (20)从不同的观点出发 stem from a different point of view (21)命中注定要做某事 be destined to do (22)无视这个事实ignore the fact (23)做出假设make an assumption (24)打败敌人defeat the enemy (25)夺回失土 win back one’s lost territory (26)沉船(把船弄沉) to sink a boat (27)截获机密intercept the secret message (28)将证据凑在一起 piece together (无the)evidence (29)接近真理approximate the truth (30)掌握新技术master new techniques 这少了一部分句子翻译 P-88-4 (1)英雄是具有非凡品质的人们。 Heroes and heroines are people with unusual qualities. (2)名流是因媒体炒作而出名的人们。 Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media. (3)在中国大陆“爱人”指的是一个人的丈夫或妻子。 In China’s mainland, “sweetheart” often refers to a person’s husband or wife. (4)一个不能共患难的朋友是你在困境时立即抛弃你的人、 A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble. (5)从广义上说,货币是指一般可以接受用来交换其他商品的或者服务的任何 一种物品。 Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services. (6)一个坐在扶手椅里面的革命者是一个只高汤革命而不付诸实践的人。 An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesn’t put what he says into practice. (7)鲁教授说一个好教师应努力是自己成为学生不需要的人。 Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students. (8)经济学定义为研究商品和服务的生产、分配和消费的社会科学。 Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. (9)DVD是上面能储藏大量在计算机上使用的信息特别是图片和录像的圆盘 DVD is a disk on which large amount of information, especially photographs and video can be stored for use on a computer (10)《牛津高级学生词典》能把“工作狂”定义为一个大部分时间工作并难以 停下来做别的事情的人。 The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines “workaholic” as “a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things” 第八单元 Translate P-246-1-(1) Into Chinese (1) a powerful vehicle 有力的工具(2) a trendy word 时髦字眼 (3) capital flows 资金流 (4) bond financing 债务融资 (5) equity investment 股票投资/股本投资 (6) cross-border mergers and acquisitions 跨境兼并与收购(7) current-account deficit 经常项目赤字 (8) (favorable) balance of payments 国际收支(盈余) (9) crony capitalism 一切靠关系的资本主义 (10) economies of scales 规模经济 (11) component manufacturing 零部件的制造(12) a scary prospect 可怕的前景 (13) a plausible presumption 一个言之成理的假设 (14) a powerful popular backlash 民众的强烈反应 (15) genetically modified food 转基因食品 (16) to lack a common agenda 缺少共同的议事日程/纲领(17) to erode the local culture 腐蚀本地(本国)文化 (18) to seek membership 申请加入 (19) to maximize their presence 极力扩大势力 (20) to spread technology 推广技术 P-246-1-(2) Into English (1)双刃剑 a double-edged sword (2)国家主权national sovereignty (3)可怕的难题 a daunting question (4)贸易协商trade negotiations (5)经济上的统一(一体化) economic unification (6)日益下降的成本 ever-declining costs (7)消费者信心consumer confidence (8)经济预测economic forecasts (9)海底电缆undersea cables (10)在一个重要方面 in one critical respect (11)一个经济实体 an economic entity (12)金融市场financial markets (13)多边机构multilateral institutions (14)随之而来的金融危机 an ensuing financial crisis (15)银行贷款bank loans (16)扣除涨价因素 after adjusting for inflation (17)全球资金突然大量流入(出) abrupt surges of global capital (18)国际金融研究所 the Institute of International Finance (19)全面经济下滑 a full-scale economic downturn (20)写字楼office buildings (21)不恰当的政策inept policies (22)不平衡的贸易 lopsided trade flows (23)繁荣—衰退周期 boom-bust cycles (24)管理技能management skills (25)产品设计product design (26)无法预计的后果 unpredictable consequences (27)高成本工业high-cost industries (28)经济合作与发展组织the OECD P-247:翻译句子 1我们公司预计明年的增长速度为8% Our company projects an 8% growth rate next year. 2中国预计10年后将成为世界工厂,但是这不应该使我们自满。 China is projected to be the world’s workshop in 10 years. But that should not make us smug. 3你可以将你的幻灯片打到墙上。 You can project your slides on the wall. 4在那次竞选中,他极力把自己塑造成为一个强人的形象。 He tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign. 5我有时设想将来我自己成为一个母亲的形象。 I sometimes try to project myself into the future when I shall become a mother myself. 6这个大坝的建造是一个价值几十亿美元的项目。 The building of the dam is a multibillion-dollar project. 7我们有一个6个人的强有力的班子在搞这个项目。 We have a strong team of six people working on this project. 8我听到这个消息心里如释重负。 I’m greatly relieved to hear the news. 9你想减轻痛苦,有一个办法就是使自己不断地忙于工作。 One way to relieve your distress is to keep yourself busy. 10第欧根尼斯常常像狗一样就在路边方便。 Diogenes would relieve himself by the roadside just like a dog. 11我6点到12点值班,然后由小王来接替我。\ I am on duty from six to twelve, and then Xiao Wang will come to relieve me. 12这位将军因为违抗命令被解除指挥权。 The general was relieved of his command for disobedience. 13这只是一种止痛药。它能缓解你的痛苦,但是不能治你的病。 This is just a pain-reliever. It gives you relief, but it does not cure the disease. 14她后来终于安全地回来了,这下大家都松了口气。 Finally she came back save and sound. We all sighed with relief. 15使我十分庆幸的是,那肿瘤证明是良性的。 To my great relief, the tumor turned out to be benign. 16被水淹没的地方的老百姓都得到了很好的照顾。政府的救济及时到达了。The people in the flooded area are well taken care of. Government relief arrived just in time. 17我们必训把他们争取过来,或者至少使他们中立,以便彻底孤立我们的主要敌人。 We must try to win them over or at least neutralize them so that we can completely isolate the main enemy. 18通货膨胀很大程度上把这次提薪抵消掉了。 The inflation largely neutralized the pay raise. 19最为一个法官,你应该严守中立。 As a judge, you should be strictly neutral. 20改革开始的时候,有一种普遍的乐观情绪。 A general feeling of optimism prevailed when the reform started. 21我们还要看看全球化是否能压倒民族主义。\ It remains to be seen whether globalization will prevail over nationalism, 22在以后几天里,预计不会下雨。 There is little prospect of rain in the next few years. 23我相信我们的旅游业有着光明的前景。 I am quite sure that out tourist industry has bright prospects. P-255-4 1在整个漫长的回家路途中,受伤的女孩子受到朋友和不少陌生人的照顾。Throughout the long journey home, the injured girl was taken good care of by her friends and quite a number of strangers. 2我爷爷说30年以前他第一次踏上那个海滨小镇就爱上它了。 My grandpa said that the first time he set foot on the coastal town 30 years before, he fell in love with it. 31642年元月8日伽利略去世,同年年末一个男孩在圣诞节诞生于英格兰,他就是牛顿。 On January 8, 1642, Galileo died; at the end of the year, a boy, Isaac Newton, was born in England on the Christmas Day. 4晚年当人们赞扬他的巨大的贡献是,牛顿说他的天赋并不高,他只不过是有耐心的思维能力。 In his old age, when praised for his great contributions, Newton said that he was not particularly talented, and that he had only “the power of patient thought”. 51998年夏天,成千上万的抗洪战士日夜奋战在大堤上,发誓不惜一切代价保护这个城市。 Thousands of flood fighters worked on the dam day and night in the summer of 1998, and vowed to defend their city at any cost. 6把水龙头打开,让水流一会到热为止。 Turn on the tap and let the water run until it gets warm. 7世纪之交出生的婴儿长大成人的时候会看到整个中华民族都过着小康的日子。When they grow up, babies born at the turn of the century will see the whole Chinese nation enjoying a respectable standard of living. 8昨天他们呆到凌晨,急切地等待选举的结果。\ Yesterday they stayed up until the small hours of the morning, waiting anxiously for the results of the election. 9早在20世纪70年代就有人建议中国引进市场经济。 Back in the 1970s,there were people who suggested that china introduce the market economy. 10每10分钟护士就回来看看母亲和婴儿是否安好。 Every ten minutes, the nurse would come to see if the mother and the baby were all right. 第九单元 P-278-1 Into Chinese 1. A big game hunter 以大动物为目标的猎人 2.His dead black eyes 冷冷的毫无表情的黑眼睛 3.As you wish 悉听尊便 4.May I venture to …我能不能斗胆提个看法… 5.His hogshead of a chest 他那像啤酒桶一样的胸脯 6.Her rapier of a tongue 她那像刀一样的舌头 7.Strength and stamina 体力和耐力 8.In a businesslike air 一副公事公办的样子 9. A deep courtly bow 一个深深地、礼貌而尊严的鞠躬 10. A sharp feeling of panic 一阵强烈的恐惧感 11.Rude paths 崎岖不平的羊肠小道 12. A series of intricate loops 一系列复杂的圈圈 13.The lore of the fox hunt 猎狐的全部学问 14.The dodges of the fox 狐狸躲避猎人的全部伎俩 15. A thickly wooded ridge 布满密密树林的山脊 16.Outspread branches of a tree 向四周铺开的树枝 17.After a fashion 勉强凑合地 18. A zealous hunter 一个狩猎狂 19.The silence of a dead world 世界死一般的寂静 20. A dingy gray in the sky 天上出现的灰暗 21. A screen of leaves 树叶组成的屏障 22.Tense muscles 紧张的肌肉 23.The pent-up air 憋着一口气 24.Uncanny power 异乎寻常的本领 25. A shudder of cold horror 因恐惧而哆嗦 26.Through his whole being 传遍他的全身 27.Searching eyes 锐利的眼睛 28.Protruding boughs 伸出的枝干 29.Dense vegetation 浓密的植被 30. A violent effort 竭尽全力 31. A savage attack 猛烈的攻击 32. A placid pastime 一种平静的消遣活动 33. A lighting-charred tree 被雷电烧焦的一棵树 34. A padding sound of feet 轻轻的脚步声 35.An electric torch 一个手电筒 36.The pointed stakes 削尖了的桩子 37. A wild chance 难以想象的一线机会 38.The lean figure of a man 一个男人精瘦的身影 39.The recoil of the springy 小树的反弹 sapling 40.The shore of the sea 海岸 41.The gloomy gray stone of the 房子阴沉灰色的石头 house 42. A green expanse of water 一片绿色水域 43. A slight annoyance 稍微的不快 44.Deliciously tired 虽然累但心情十分舒畅 45. A beast at bay 困兽 Into English 1.扬起眉毛To raise one’s eyebrows 2.承认失败To acknowledge one’s defeat 3.小口喝酒To sip one’s wine 4.保持冷静To keep one’s nerve 5.深深鞠躬To make a deep bow 6.留下印记To leave a mark 7.留下痕迹To leave a trace 8.估计形势To take stock of the situation 9.误入沼泽To blunder into the swamp 10.恢复信心To recover one’s confidence 11.染遍天空To varnish the sky 12.跪倒在地To get down on one’s knees 13.屏住呼吸To hold one’s breath 14.击溃敌人To smash the enemy 15.包扎伤口To dress the wound 16.陷入淤泥To sink into the ooze 17.勒紧裤带To tighten one’s belt 18.极目远眺To strain one’s eyes 19.口哼小曲To hum a tune 20.耸耸肩膀To shrug one’s shoulders 21.提供膳食To furnish the repast 22.点燃香烟To light a cigarette 23.砰然关门To snap the gate shut 24.暗中瞎走To blunder on through the dark 25.改走小道To strike off from the main road 26.控制情绪To get a grip on oneself 27.集中注意To concentrate one’s attention on 28.延期访问To postpone the visit 29.度日如年To live a year In a minute 30.挖壕驻守To dig oneself in P-279—3 1)一个农妇发现他失去知觉躺在草丛中。就把他背回家,给他包扎好伤口,把 他藏在阁楼里。 A peasant woman found hem lying unconscious in the grass. She carried him home, dressed his wound, and hid him in the attic. 2)我们应该把更多的注意力集中到中西部的发展中去。 We should focus more of our attention on the development of the central and western regions. 3)这张相片焦距有问题。我们看不清这是谁的脸。 We can’t make out whose face it is. The photo is completely out of focus. 4)这架照相机很好使。它有自动对焦装置。 This camera is easy to handle. It has an auto-focus. 5)那天能见度很差。我们不管怎么使劲也看不清。 Visibility was poor that day and no matter how you strained your eyes, you still couldn’t see very far. 6)他受不了这种精神上的紧张,已经开始失眠了。 The mental strain was too much for him and he began to lose sleep. 7)要不是他妻子,他是读不完大学的。But for his wife, he would never have been able to finish college. 8)要不是那些野菜,很多战士在过草地的时候就饿死了。 But for the wild plants, many of the soldiers would have starved to death while crossing the marshlands. 9)这场比赛旗鼓相当,比分很接近。最后结果是98比96,我们赢了。 It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor. 10)她丈夫在一次事故中失去了双腿,但她不打算因此离开他。 Her husband lost both his legs in an accident, but she was not going to leave him on that score. 11)我们必须承认,在这场竞赛中他们赢得了一分,现在球在我们这边。 We must admit that they have scored a point in this competition. Now the ball is in our court, so to speak. 12)你去给孩子穿衣服,我来准备早饭。 You go and dress the baby and I’ll get breakfast ready. 13)那时候人们大多穿深蓝色的衣服。 In those days people were usually dressed in deep blue. 14)现在中国人比以前吃的好了,穿的好了,也住的好了。 Today Chinese people are better fed, better dressed and better housed. 15)你把鸡里外弄干净以后就放进烤箱,鸡考好得花不少时间。 As soon as you finish dressing the chicken, put it in the oven. It takes quite a while to roast. 16)你这沙拉上放不放调料? You want the salad dressed or undressed? P-284-4 1)这就是你的错误之所在。 This is where you are wrong. 2)重庆位于嘉陵江和长江汇合之处。 Chongqing is located where the jailing River joins the Changjiang River. 3)那对老夫妇愿意住原处,而不愿住进儿子的大房子。 The old couple prefer(s) to stay where they are to moving into their son’s big house. 4)20世纪50年代,我们学院是个谁都认识谁的小地方。 In the 1950s, our college was a small place where everyone knew everyone else. 5)许多年轻人愿意到能发挥他们潜力的地方去工作。 Many young people would like to work where they can fully develop their potentiality. 6)去年夏天小陈的父母回到了他们相识并当了5年农民的村子。 Last summer, Xiao Chen’s parents returned to the village where they had worked for five years as farmers and where they had met. 7)那年不少国有企业发现他们面临着只有改革才有出路的处境。 That year, quite a few state-owned enterprises found themselves in a situation where reform was the/their only way out. 8)你来自何方并不重要,重要的是从你的起点出发你能走多远。 Where you come from is not important. What matters is how far you can go from where you start. 9)去年5月份他去了一趟巴黎,在巴黎他曾为联合国教科文组织当了5年的会议翻译。 Last may he revisited/went back to Paris, where he had worked for Unesco as a conference interpreter for five years. 10)这所大学已经发展到了研究生多于本科生的阶段。 This university has reached the stage where they have more graduate students than undergraduates. P-282-2 1.Stay where you are(在原地不动) while I’m away. 2.This is exactly where I don’t agree with you(我不同意你的地方). 3.Many medicinal herbs flourish where there is enough light(有足够光线的地方). 4.The boy was too young to know where he came from(他来自何方) but said that his home was where two big rivers joined(两条大河汇合之处). 5.When he returned to his hometown almost years later, he found a public library where his house had been/used to be(在他家的房子的原来的地方). 6.Education in the country has reached a point where survival of many its institutions of higher learning depends much on overseas students(许多高等学府的生存在很大程度上依赖海外学生). 7.I wonder where we could find the type of person our boss wants(哪里能找到老 板想要的那种人) young, competent and capable of teamwork. 8.While the mother is working in the kitchen she constantly looks toward where her children are playing(向孩子们玩的地方). 9.The mayor’s staff had no idea where he had gone(他上哪儿去了) and when he would return to his office. 10.He couldn’t remember the name of the shop where he bought the medicine(他买 药的那家商店) but said he could lead the police there. 第十三单元 P-409—1-(1)英译汉 1.deaf to the music 对牛弹琴 2. a driving need 驱使人去奋斗的需要 3.at a good pace 以相当快的速度 4.ammunition boxes 弹药箱 5.stunning physical specimens 长得特别出色的人物 6. a permanent human condition 人类永远必须面对的处境 7.an airborne division 空降师 8.hell on earth 人间地狱 9.strewn with dead bodies 尸体遍布 10.an import-export firm 进出口公司 11.taken up with music 忙于音乐12.enemy position 敌人阵地 13.a railroad embankment 铁路路堤 14.irremediable harm 无可补救的伤害 15.a bullet head 子弹形状的头 16.a sly smile 狡黠的一笑 17.the trigger finger 食指 18.speaking only for myself 就我而言 19.combat fatigue 战斗疲劳症 20.post-traumatic stress 精神创伤后遗症 21.upper division students 高年级学生 22.rubber boats 橡皮船 23.infantry soldier 步兵 24.parallel lines 平行线 P-410-1-(2)汉译英 1.面朝下躺着lie face down 2.刮桶底 scrape the bottom of the barrel 3.掩埋死者bury the dead 4.从眼前消失vanish from sight 5.有点模糊的记忆 have a vague recollection 6.和敌人接火engage the enemy 7.允许离开军队 discharge sb from the army 8.向人摇摇手指waggle a finger at sb 9.接受电击(休克)疗法 receive shock treatment 10.管理世界各种机构 administer the world’s institutions 11.忍受被限制在一个地方 stand being confined 12.留心注意某事/某物 keep an eye peeled for sth 13.澄清对他的怀疑clear sb 14.推荐某人做某事 recommend sb doing sth 15.想象做某事imagine doing sth 16.走后门进去slip in by a side door 17.近距离射击shoot at close range P-411-3 1、我们决定下次讨论会上讨论中日关系这个题目。 We have decided to take up this subject about Sino-Japanese relations in our next discussion. 2、什么是令人讨厌的人?令人讨厌的人就是那种说个没完,又永远不换话题的 人。 What is a bore? A bore is a person who never stops talking and never changes the subject 3、今天英语成为学校最重要的一门课程之一很自然。 It is quite natural that English should have become one od the most important subjects in school today. 4、这个时间安排有可能会变化。 The schedule is subject to change. 5、她属于甚至冬天也常常会中暑的那种人。 She is the kind of person who is subject to sun stroke even in winter. 6、这个需要经上级批准。 The plan is subject to approval from higher authorities. 7、所有外国全资企业在中国的业务经营都需要遵守中国法律。 The business operations of all foreign-owned enterprises in China are subject to Chinese laws. 8、他遭到了残酷的拷打。 He has subjected to cruel torture. 9、我们明天一早把雪扫掉吧。 Let’s sweep the snow away first thing tomorrow morning. 10、洪水把我们村里的一切都卷走了。 The flood swept away everything we had in the village 11、学生们晚饭后都冲到礼堂去看那部新电影。 The students all swept into the auditorium after supper to watch that new movie. 12、昨天一场可怕的台风横扫了我省的沿海地区 A terrible typhoon swept across the coastal area of our province yesterday 13、改革的思想像野火一样传遍了全国。 The idea of reform swept the country like a wild fire 14、书包里塞满了书,起码有三十磅中。 The backpack if stuffed with books and weighs at least thirty pounds 15、请别给我海参或鞋子。我不喜欢这类古怪的东西。 Please, no sea slugs or scorpions, I don’t care for that kind of weird stuff. 16、两个月学一种外语?胡说八道。 Learning a foreign language in two months? Stuff and nonsense. 17、瞧你桌上乱七八糟的样子!你为什么不把你无关的东西清理掉? Look at the mess on your desk! Why don’t you clear away all these useless things? 18、遇到紧急情况的时候,所有街道都必须让出来。 During an emergency, the streets will have to be cleared. 19、由于提出了更多的有力证据,对那个男孩的怀疑排除了。 The boy was cleared of suspicion as more evidence was presented in his favor. 20、天突然好起来了,我们大家都高兴得跳了起来。 The sky suddenly cleared and we all jumped for joy 21、每年年底以前还清全部所欠账款是我的习惯。 It is my habit to clear all my debts by the end of the year. 22、20年以前,“中国造”还是劣质产品的标记,但是现在我们的出口品在 质量上可以和世界最好的相比了。 20 years ago, “Made in China” was still a catchword for shoddy goods. Today our exports are comparable in quality to the world’s best. 23、去年我们的出口达到了5000亿美元,增长了15个百分点 Last year the total value of our exports amounted to $ 500 billion, up by 15% 24、一种货币的编制通常对出口有力,而对进口不利。 The devaluation of currency is usually good for exports, but bad for imports 25、中国已开始出口越来越多高附加值的技术密集型产品。 China is beginning to export more and more technology-intensive products with high added value P-416—4 1.Swimming in rivers is so much more exciting than in pools.(比在游泳池里更令 人兴奋) 2.Responsible national leaders contemplating state matters are more likely to be influenced by the interests of their country than by their personal emotions.(而不太会受个人情绪左右) 3.The student are rather confused than excited(不是兴奋而是感到糊涂)when they are told that the controversy over historical interpretations is what lends excitement to the study of history. 4.I’d rather stay where I am than move to a seat in the front row.(而不想挪到前排 的位置) 5.The young woman found her room was more richly furnished than suited her present financial position.(而与她目前的经济地位不相称) 6.Alice played the piano with more style than could be expected of ten-year-olds.(对 于10岁孩子所期望的) 7. A man should be judged by what he does rather than by what he says.(而不是他 所说的那些话) 8.The situation in the area is much better than expected.(比预料的好得多) 9.I think there is more sense in what these young people have said than there appears to be.(比表面上看起来) 10.William Golding thinks that grade-three thinking is feeling rather than thought.(而 不是思维) 11.Douglas lunged at Vic when he was threatening the woman that Douglas cared for more than his own life.(超过他对自己的生命的关怀) 12.Today,high school students know much more about the universe than scientists in Newton’s day did.(比牛顿时代的科学家) P-416-5( 这一部分我看师哥的书上做了记号) 1、医生们很有信心并使家属相信那孩子有救。 The doctors were confident of themselves and assured the family that child could be saved. 2、她全神贯注地看书,没有意识到她被盯上了。 She was totally absorbed in her book and wasn’t aware that she was being watched. 3、在爆炸中有24名观光者死亡,更多的人被送进了医院。 24 tourists were killed in the explosion, and many more were sent to hospital 4、电影散后发现一个人在座位上沉睡。 A man was found sleeping soundly in his seat when the film was over. 5、人类喜欢学习,这是我们与地球上其他物种相比为数不多的一个长处。 Human beings enjoy learning. That’s one of the few things that we do better than the other species on our planet 6、他相信有一个铁饭碗比长的漂亮要好。 He believes it is better to have an assured income than to be good-looking. 7、他认为艰难困苦几乎比别的任何东西能更快的让一个少年成为一个男子汉。 He thinks hardships make a man out of a boy sooner than almost anything else. 8、那座图书馆耗资好过了所提供的款项。 The library cost more than had been provided for it. 第十四单元 P-440-1(1)、英翻中 (1)drug taker/user 吸毒者 (2)drug addict瘾君子 (3)drug addiction吸毒上瘾问题 (4)drug abuse 滥用毒品 (5) drug traffic毒品交易 (6) drug pusher贩毒者 (7) drug-related deaths 与毒品有关的死亡 (8) a whiff of opium 一点鸦片的味道 (9) for the record必须指出的是 (10) pursuit of happiness 对幸福的追求 (11) a race of Zombies 人人都麻木呆板的民族 (12) a diving mission 神圣的使命 (13) a crime wave 犯罪浪潮 (14) Demon Rum酒这个妖魔 (15) the bureaucratic官僚机器 (16) vested interest从中可以得到好处 (17) the Bureau of Narcotics 麻醉品管理局 (18) the criminal underworld黑社会 (19) forbidden fruit 禁果 (20) criminal stigma 犯罪的污点(21) treatment centers治疗中心 (22) an ugly gaping hole 讨厌的大漏洞 (23)the drug czar 抗毒的先锋 (24) a form of recreation 一种娱乐形式 (25) law enforcement 执法 (26) the impoverished segments of society 社会中贫困的部分 (27)boot camps 新兵营 (28)legalization proponent 这张毒品合法化的社会 (29)traffic deaths 因交通事故而死亡的人 (30)a relentless anti-smoking campaign 毫不手软的反抽烟运动 (31) a glamorous image 神气潇洒的形象 (32) a violation of free speech 对言论自由的违反 (33) the surgeon general (美)卫生部长 (34) mild repression 轻微的压制手段 (35) a stiff sanction 严厉的制裁 (36) a civilized approach 文明的做法 P-441-(2)英翻中 (1)戒毒to kick a drug habit (2)证明某种理论错误 to disprove a theory (3)使脑子失去控制 to enslave the mind (4)清除恐怖主义 to stamp out terrorism (5)开始一个犯罪的浪潮 to launch a crime wave (6)犯上了酒瘾 to get hooked on alcohol (7)贩卖毒品to push drugs (8)玩警察捉强盗的游戏 to play cops and robbers (9)使赌博合法化 to legalize gambling (10)在教育上注入经费 to pump money into education (11)提倡种树 to advocate planting trees (12)解除禁令to lift the prohibition (13)要求进行辩论 to call for a debate (14)杯水车薪,力不从心 to bail out the ocean with teaspoon (15)消灭毒瘾to eliminate addiction (16)废除法律to repeal a law (17)没有抓住问题要害 to miss the boat (18)动用所有的军队 to call in all the troops (19)实施法律to enforce the law (20)低估后果的严重性 to minimize the effect (21)没收财产to confiscate property (22)超过省下来的钱 to outweigh the savings (23)使以前的成就相形见绌 to dwarf previous achievements (24)比得上他们的质量 to match their quality (25)以比这个低的价格出售 to undercut the price (26)违背规则to violate the rule (27)嘴上叼着香烟 to dangle from one’s lips (28)使香烟不再成为能出风头的东 西 to deglamorize cigarettes (29)让人看到一种形象 to project an image (30)把抽烟的人隔离出来 to segregate smokers (31)禁止电视上等广告 to ban TV ads (32)招来嘲笑to draw ridicule (33)把文化上的一种固定看法颠倒 过来 to reverse a cultural impression (34)对吸毒者采取更为严厉的措施 to crack down on users (35)分不过来,不够用 not to have enough to go around (36)发动一场宣传运动 to mount a propaganda campaign (37)对某人实行制裁 to impose sanctions against P-442—Translation: 1、他不知道他的女儿应经成为瘾君子了。 He didn’t know that his daughter has become a drug addict. 2、孩子们玩电子游戏容易玩上瘾。 Kids can become addicted to video game. 3、他抽烟上瘾了,简直像活烟囱。 He is addicted to smoking. He is really a living chimney. 4、可卡因是容易上瘾的。海洛因也一样。 Cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. 5、很多经济学家现在提倡把重心转到服务行业中去。 Many economists now advocate shifting our emphasis to the service industry. 6、科学家们一直在主张退耕还林,把新开垦的地还给江河湖泊,沼泽草地。Scientists have been advocating returning the reclaimed land to the rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows. 7、会上主张和反对这么做的人都摆出了有力的观点。 At the meeting both the advocates and opponents presented very strong arguments. 8、他们的政府已决定禁止珍稀鸟类和动物的出口 Their government has decided to ban the export of rare species of birds and animals. 9、现在很难让年轻人相信,曾经有这么一段时期,妇女被禁止穿裙子 It’s hard nowadays to make young people believe that there was a time when women were banned from wearing skirts. 10、越来越多的人现在要求禁止黄色的东西。 More and more people now demand a ban of pornography. 11、当时用了四个人才抬起这块石头。在石头下面他们发现了这个箱子。 T took four people to lift the stone, and under the stone they found the box. 12、当我最需要帮助的时候,他都不肯动一个手指头 When I was desperately in need of help, he did not so much as lift a finger. 13、天气预报说明天下午雾就散了。 The weather forecast says that the fog will lift tomorrow in the afternoon. 14、她在店里顺手牵羊拿一瓶香水的时候给抓住了。 She was caught lifting a bottle of perfume. 15、整个段落是从一本美国出版的书里原封不动地抄袭来的。 The whole paragraph was bodily lifted from a book published in the United States. 16、示威者要求立即取消经济制裁。 The demonstrators demanded that the economic sanctions be lifted immediately. 17、他们像在一条船上,而船又在漏。他们必须抱成一团,设法把水从船里弄 出去。 They were like the people in the same boat and the boat was leaking. They had to stick together and try to bail out the water. 18、那时候我正处于破产的边缘,是他救了我一把 At that time I was on the verge of bankruptcy; it was he who bailed me out. 19、政府挽救那些资不抵债的公司不是一个好主意。 It is not a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies.
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