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冰河世纪1台词冰河世纪1台词 冰河世纪Ice Age Ice Age? 看电影学英语 Ice Age 1 《冰河世纪》 A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?chill: 寒冷 nippy: 刺骨的~凛冽的 era: 时代为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代”呢, I'm just saying, how do we know it's an ice age?我是说我们怎么知道这是“冰河世纪”, B: Because of all the ice.因为四周全是冰: ...
冰河世纪1台词 冰河世纪Ice Age Ice Age? 看电影学英语 Ice Age 1 《冰河世纪》 A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?chill: 寒冷 nippy: 刺骨的~凛冽的 era: 时代为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代”呢, I'm just saying, how do we know it's an ice age?我是说我们怎么知道这是“冰河世纪”, B: Because of all the ice.因为四周全是冰: A: Well, things just got a little chillier.chilly:寒冷的天气的确是变冷了 C: Help. Help.救命 D: Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving.traffic: 运输来吧~孩子~我们走~大伙儿都在走呢: C: But, but, but, Dad.可是~可是~可是~爸爸 D: No buts. You can play extinction later.extinction: 灭绝别说“可是”还轮不到你绝种呢 C: OK. Come on, guys.guy: 伙伴噢~OK~走吧~伙计们 E: So, where's Eddie?我说……艾迪在哪儿, F: He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.verge: 濒临 evolutionary: 进化的 breakthrough: 突破啊~他说他在研究什么突破性进化之类的 E: Really?是吗, -Eddie: I'm flying.噢~我飞了: E: Some breakthrough.的确挺突破性的 G: Look out.- You're going the wrong way.小心:你走错方向了:Crazy mammoth.crazy: 疯狂的 mammoth: 长毛象你这毛象疯子: D: Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road.favor: 帮助 do sb. a favor 帮某人一把 issue: 问 嘿:你就帮个忙吧:别挡着道妨碍交通:-Manfred: If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal.trunk: 象鼻 draw attention to: 使引起注意 pal: 朋友~伙伴如果我也是短鼻子我就不会那么抢眼了~老弟: D: Give me a break. We’ve been waddling all day.break :休息 waddling: 摇摆蹒跚,waddle的ing形式, 让我休息下……我们都挪了一整天了Go ahead. Follow the crowd.ahead: 向前 crowd: 群众向前走~跟着大伙儿 -Manfred: It'll be quieter when you're gone.你们走了就清静了Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him.freeze: 冰冻 freeze to death 冻的死掉. 走吧~他要冻死就随他去-Sid: I'm up. I'm up.嘿~嘿~我醒了~醒了Rise and shine everybody.Huh? Zak? Marshall? rise: 使…飞起 shine: 显露把大家都叫起来吧:呃,Zak,Marshall, 1 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第1页 共17页 Bertie? Uncle Fungus?fungus: 真菌Bertie,"真菌"叔叔, Where is everybody? Come on, guys, we’re gonna miss the migration.gonna: <美俚> =going to将要 miss: 是错过 migration: 移民大家都去哪儿了,来吧~伙计们~我们快要错过迁徙的队伍了They left without me. They do this every year.扔下我就走了。他们每年都这么干:Why? Doesn't anyone love me?为什么,谁都不爱我了吗, Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth?sloth: [动]树懒. 难道谁都不关心我这可怜的树懒Sid了吗, All right, I'll just go by myself.好吧~那我就自己走Sick.sick: 恶心的噢~恶心:Wide body, curb it next time.wide: 宽的 curb: 控制嘿~肥仔:别随地大小便:Oh, jeez. Yuck.jeez: 呀 yuck:[美俚] 啐,示反感等~等于yuk, 噢~天~呸-Carl: I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens.Frank, where did you ever...?fresh: 新鲜的 greens: 绿色物. 真不敢相信~新鲜绿叶~Frank~你在哪儿找到的, -Frank: Go ahead. Dig in. A dandelion.dig: 挖~掘 dig in: 掘土以掺进 dandelion蒲公英. 好了~快吃吧~是蒲公英, -Carl: I thought the frost wiped 'em all out. frost: 结霜于 wipe: 消除 wipe out : 彻底摧毁还以为都被冻死了-Frank: All but one就剩下这一棵-Sid: It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck.wanna: <美俚> =want to 唷~唷~这实在让我太…我要…呸This has definitely not been my day. You know what I'm saying, buddy? definitely: 肯定地 【有一句谚语Every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意之时。This has definitely not been my day 这里的 “my day” 就是指得意之时~前面加了 “not” 就是不得意~不如意的意思~电影里Sid说今天是他倒霉的日子】 buddy: 伙伴 我呸:今天我算是倒霉透了。 What a mess. You rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that?mess: 一团糟 rhinos: 犀牛 tiny: 微小的简直一团糟~你们犀牛的脑袋实在是小~你们知道吗, It's just a fact. No offense. You probably didn't even know what I'm talking about.offense: 冒犯 这是事实~我没有恶意。也许我的话你们根本不懂Yummo.呵呵呵呵~噢~美味呀:A dandelion. Must be the last one of the season.dandelion: 蒲公英是蒲公英呀:一定是最后一棵了 -Frank: Carl.Carl. -Carl: Easy, Frank. easy: 从容地 take easy 放轻松冷静~Frank-Frank: He ruined our salad.ruin: 糟蹋 salad: 色拉他糟蹋了我们的色拉-Sid: My mistake. That was my mistake. Let me...呃~呃~噢~噢~是我错了No, no, seriously, let me take care of this. What is this?伙计们~说真的~我赔我赔呃。这是什么, Pine cones. Oh, my goodness. They’re my favorite.pine: 松树 cone: 球果 goodness: 天哪 favorite: 最爱是松果啊:噢~老天~我最爱吃了:Delicious. That's good eating.唔~味道好极了嗷~这真…呃~真好吃But don't let me hog them all up. Here, you have some. hog: 贪婪者 hog up 吃光 你们可不能让我独享了。你们也吃点Tasty, isn't it? "BON APPITITE(法语)."tasty: 味道不错 味道不错吧,祝你们胃口好-Frank: Now?上吗, -Carl: Now上-Sid: Just pretend that I'm not here.pretend: 假装 假装我不在。 -Carl: I wanted to hit him at full speed.hit: 袭击 at full speed: 以全速,前进, 我是想全速把他撞倒-Frank: That's OK. We'll have some fun with him.have fun with sb.: 和某人玩耍别急~我们玩玩他.-Sid: Don't let them impale me. I wanna live.impale: 刺穿 wanna: <美俚> =want to 想要别让他们刺穿我。拜托了~我想活命-Manfred: Get off me.你走开:-Carl: Come on, you're making a scene.scene: 事件 making a scene: 当众大吵大闹 行了~你就别撒泼了We'll just take our furry pinata and go.furry: 毛皮的 pinata: 玩偶 我们只要把那毛小子戳爆然后就走-Manfred: If 2 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第2页 共17页 it's not them today, it’s someone else tomorrow.嘿~小子~逃得了今天也逃不过明天-Sid: Well, I'd rather it not be today. OK?反正我今天不想死~OK, -Carl: We'll break your neck so you don't feel a thing.neck: 脖子我们戳断你的脖子你不会痛苦的~怎么样, -Manfred: Wait a minute. I thought rhinos were vegetarians.rhinos: 犀牛 vegetarian: 食草动物等一下~你们犀牛应该是食草动物吧, -Sid: An excellent point.真精辟:-Carl: Shut up.闭嘴:Who says we're gonna eat him after we kill him?gonna: <美俚> = going to 打算. 谁说我们把他杀了之后要吃他, -Frank: Come on, move it好了~请让开 -Manfred: I don't like animals that kill for pleasure.pleasure: 娱乐 我不喜欢以杀为乐的动物 -Carl: Save it for a mammal that cares. save it: 省省吧 mammal: 哺乳动物 谁爱听…就跟谁说吧 -Sid: I'm the matter that cares.我正好是忠实信徒 -Manfred: OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of you, you get the sloth. sinkhole: 污水坑 sloth: 树懒. 好吧~如果你们俩有谁过得了前面那滩流沙~树懒就归你们 -Sid: That's right, you losers. You take one step and you're dead.好的~孬种。你往前跨一步就死定了:You were bluffing, huh? bluff: 吓唬你在吓唬他们, -Manfred: Yeah, that was a bluff.对~那只是吓吓他们 -Carl: Get him.收拾他: -Frank: A dandelion?是蒲公英, -Sid: We did it.哇:我们胜利了:You have beautiful eyes.你的眼睛真美: -Manfred: Get off my face.快滚下我的脸: -Sid: Whoa, we make a great team. What do you say we head south together? whoa: 惊叹声 head: 前进噢~我俩配合默契。不如结伴一起去南方吧 -Manfred: Great. Jump on my back and relax the whole way.Relax: 放轻松好啊~耶:嘿~跳到我背上来一路放轻松 -Sid: Wow, Really?哇噢~当真, -Manfred: No.不。 -Sid: Wait, aren't you going south? The change of seasons, migration instincts. migration: 迁徙 instinct: 本能. 等等~你不去南方,季节的变换~迁徙的本能 Any of this A-ringing A bell?这些挺耳熟吧, -Manfred: I guess not. Bye.不~再见了 -Sid: OK, then. Thanks for the help. I can take it from here.好吧~多谢帮忙我自己走吧-Carl: You overgrown weasel. Wait till we get down there.overgrown: 生长过度 weasel: 鼬鼠嘿~你象只大号的鼬鼠有种等我们下来 -Sid: That south thing is way overrated. The heat, the crowds - who needs it? overrate: 对…估计过高 何必一窝蜂地去南方又热又挤的~没意思Isn't this great? You and me, two bachelors knocking about in the wild. bachelor: 单身汉 knock about: 闲逛 这样不好吗,你和我两个单身汉在荒野中闲逛-Manfred: No, you just want a bodyguard so you don't become somebody's side dish.bodyguard: 保镖 dish: 菜肴 不~你是想要保镖生怕自己被活吞了 -Sid: You're a very shrewd mammal.shrewd : 精明的 mammal: 哺乳动物你这家伙还 3 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第3页 共17页 真够精明的OK, lead the way, Mr Big...Didn't get the name.那你带路吧~大块头~你叫…叫啥来着, -Manfred: Manfred. -Sid: Manfred? Yuck.yuck: [美俚]啐,表示反感等~等于yuk, Manfred?难听How about Manny the Moody Mammoth? Or Manny the Melancholy... Manny the...moody: 喜怒无常的 mammoth: 长毛象 melancholy: 忧郁的 不如叫“Manny -忧郁的毛象”“曼尼-深沉的愁思者”“…曼尼…” -Manfred: Stop following me.别再跟着我 -Sid: OK, so you've got issues. You won’t even know I'm here. I'll just zip the lip. zip: 拉开或拉上 lip: 嘴唇好吧~好吧~你愤世嫉俗。你就当我不在~我这就闭嘴 -Soto: Look at the cute little baby, Diego. cute: 可爱的噢~你快瞧啊那可爱的小宝宝~Diego-Diego: lsn't it nice he'll be joining us for breakfast? join: 参加 把他拿来当早餐一定很美妙。 -Soto: It wouldn't be breakfast without him.没有他怎么能算早餐, Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. wiped out : 消灭 pack: 一群. 尤其因为他爸爸杀了我们一半的同胞~穿上我们的毛皮取暖 An eye for an eye, don't you think?以牙还牙~你看怎么样, -Diego: Let's show him what happens when he messes with sabers. messes: 毁坏 saber军刀 让那人知道招惹剑牙虎什么下场 -Soto: Alert the troops. We attack at dawn. alert: 警告 troop: 群 dawn: 黎明 通知大伙儿~我们黎明进攻And, Diego, bring me that baby alive. Diego~把那孩子带来~要活的If I'm gonna enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh. revenge: 报仇 fresh: 活的~新鲜的如果要好好享受报仇的滋味~那最好是活吞 -Sid: Phew. I'm wiped out. phew: 唷,表示不快、惊讶的声音, wiped out: 精疲力竭的噢~累死我了 -Manfred: That's your shelter? shelter: 避难所 你要用那个建房子, -Sid: You're a big guy. I'm a little guy.嘿~你块头大~我是小不点儿 -Manfred: You got a lot of wood.可你只拿了半根木头 -Sid: But with my little stick and my highly evolved brain, I shall create fire.evolved: 高度进化的可…有我的小木棍和我高度进化的脑子…我能生出…火: -Manfred: Fascinating.吹牛 -Sid: We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now, won't we? trium ph: 胜利 brawn发达的肌肉 看看智慧是不是能战胜蛮力。你瞧着吧 -Manfred: Think I saw its spark. spark: 火花嘿~我看见火花了 -Sid: Any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny, old pal? squeeze: 挤 pal: 伙伴呃~我能不能进来跟你一块挤一挤~Manny~老伙计, -Manfred: Isn't there someone else you can annoy? Annoy 打扰 呃~你能不能不要去麻烦别人Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles? poisonous: 有毒的 reptile: 爬行动物 朋友、亲戚或者毒蛇什么的 -Sid: My family abandoned me. They just kind a migrated without me.abandon: 抛弃 migrate: 随季节而移居 我全家丢下了我他们不管我…自己迁徙了You should see what they did last year.他们去年还要过分They woke up early and tied my hands and feet and they gagged me with a field mouse… tie: 绑住 gag: 塞住…的口 field mouse: 田鼠 他们很早醒来然后绑住我的手脚~用田鼠塞住我的嘴…covered their tracks, went through water so I'd lose their scent, and... who needs 'em, anyway?track: 足迹 scent: 气味 并且把洞门 4 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第4页 共17页 堵上他们走水路这样我就闻不出它们的气味~反…反正…我也不需要他们So what about you? You have family?你怎么样,有家庭吗, OK, you're tired. I see. We’ll talk more in the morning.好吧~看来你累了我们天亮再谈 -Sid: Manfred? Manfred? Could you scorch over a drop? scorch: 使枯萎 drop: 滴Manfred,你挪过去点好吗, Come on. Nobody falls asleep that fast.噢~得了。哪会这么快就睡着的: -Soto: There's Diego. Fall back.这儿有Diego~我们撤Where's the baby?小孩在哪儿, -Diego: I lost it over the falls.falls: 瀑布在瀑布那儿追丢了 -Soto: You lost it?你追丢了, I want that baby, Diego.我要那小孩~Diego -Diego: I'll get it.我能找到 -Soto: You'd better, unless you want to serve as a replacement. replacement: 代替品 但愿如此不然的话被活吞的就是你We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there.我们去“半峰”山去那儿会合It had better be alive.alive: 活着的 最好把他活着带来 -Tiger C: Can we trust you with that, Diego?能完成这任务吗,Diego, -Soto: Let's go.我们走: -Sid: She picked a hair off my shoulder and says,"lf you have an extra mating dance,pick off: 摘掉 extra: 另外 mate: vt,动物等的,交配 n 伙伴 伴侣 她摘掉我肩上的那根毛就说如果你找别的女伴风流at least pick a female with the same color pelt."female: 女性 pelt: 生毛皮 至少找一个毛的颜色相同的I thought "Whoa. She's gonna go praying mantis on me."whoa : 惊叹声~咳:gonna=go to 打算 pray祈祷 mantis: 螳螂 我想~唉~我要成她的盘中餐了 -Manfred: If you find a mate, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful. mate: 配偶 loyal: 忠诚 grateful: 感激的 如果你有了配偶就该对她忠诚~你很幸运了Now Get away from me.你给我走开。 -Sid: I think mating for life is stupid.一辈子守着一个太蠢了There's plenty of Sid to go around.plenty: 足够的 那也太亏了我这"能干"的SidManny?Manny?Look at that. He's OK.快瞧啊~他没事She's gone.他妈妈不见了Manny, are You forgetting something?你是不是忘了什么, -Manfred: No.不。 -Sid: but You Just saved him.可…可你刚救了他-Manfred: I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.rid: 使摆脱 get rid of: 摆脱可上次救的那个我还没甩掉呢 -Sid: But you can't leave him here.你不能把他留在这儿Look, there's smoke. That’s his herd right up the hill.herd: 放牧人瞧~有烟。他的族人在山上We should return him.我们把他送回去 -Manfred: Let's get this straight. There is no "we."straight: 直接 我跟你说白了吧~根本没有“我们”There never was a "we." In fact, without me, there wouldn't even be a "you."从来就没有“我们”~其实没有我~这会连"你"都没了 -Sid: Just up the hill.只是去山上 -Manfred: Listen very carefully: I'm not going.你给我仔细听好~我就是不去: -Sid: Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him.jerk: 性情古怪的人 行啊~做你的混球~我会照顾他的 -Manfred: Yeah, that's good.噢~好~太好了You can't even take care of yourself. This, I gotta see.gotta: <美俚> =have got to你连自己都照顾不了。我倒要瞧瞧 -Sid: I'll return you. We don't need that meany-weeny mammoth, do we?meany: 5 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第5页 共17页 卑鄙家伙 weeny: 微小的 我送你回去我们不需要那坏蛋毛象~对吗,No, we don't.不需要他-Manfred: You're an embarrassment to nature. Do you know that?embarrassment: 使人为难的人或事物你真给大自然丢脸这你知道吗, -Sid: This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine.小菜一碟~我行~我行I'm gonna die.gonna: <美俚> =go to我会送命的Manny.Manny .-Diego: That pink thing is mine.唔…那小东西是我的 -Sid: No. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us.不对~这小东西是我们的 -Diego: Us? You two are a bit of an odd couple.a bit of: 一点 odd: 古怪的 我们,你们“小俩口”真是“绝配”啊 -Manfred: There is no "us."没有“我们”: -Diego: I see. Can't have one of your own, so you want to adopt.adopt: 领养 懂了~自己生不出~所以领养一个 -Sid: Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go.interrupt: 打扰 snack: 小吃 对不起~搅了你吃“点心”可我们得走了 -Diego: The baby? Please. I was returning him to his herd.吃小孩,得了~我是要把他送回去 -Sid: Oh, yeah. Nice try, bucktooth.bucktooth: 龅牙噢~行呀~真有你的~“龅牙” -Diego: Calling me A liar?liar: 撒谎的人 你说我在撒谎, -Sid: I didn't say that.我没这么说 -Diego: You were thinking it.你就是这么想的 -Sid: I don't like this cat. He reads minds.我不喜欢这家伙他猜透我心思 -Diego: Name's Diego, friend.我叫Diego~朋友 -Manfred: Manfred, and I'm not your friend.Manfred~我不是你朋友 -Diego: Fine, Manfred. If you're looking for the humans, you're wasting your time. They left this morning .好吧~别白费劲找人类了。他们今天早上走了 -Manfred: Thanks for the advice. Now beat this.beat:打败 谢谢你的建议~现在滚吧 - Manfred: I'll help you bring it to its herd, but leave me alone after that.好吧~我帮你把他送回去~但你得保证完事后不缠着我-Sid: OK. OK, deal. What's your problem? Deal 交易 好吧~说定了~你哪儿不对劲, -Manfred: You are my problem.你就是我的麻烦 -Sid: I think you're stressed, so you eat too much. It’s hard to get fat on a vegan diet.stress: 紧张 vegan: 严守素食主义的 你是因为太紧张~所以你吃那么多注意吃素就不会胖了 -Manfred: I'm not fat. It's all this fur. It makes me look poofy.fur: 毛皮 poofy: 臃肿的我不胖~是因为这毛皮让我显得…臃肿 -Sid: All right, you have fat hair. But when you're ready to talk, I'm here.好吧~那你有“肥毛”如果有烦心事想说~我听着 -Manfred: What are you doing? Just drop it on the ledge.ledge: 壁架 你干嘛,把他放在岩脊上 -Sid: We should make sure they found him.应该保证他们能看见。 -Manfred: Good idea.好主意 -Sid: No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait.等等~等等Don't spear me.spear: 用矛刺啊:别…刺我:this is a problem.呃…这下麻烦了。 -Manfred: Now what?怎么了, That's perfect.噢~这下可好 -Diego: I told you they were gone.我说过他们都走了。 -Manfred: Look who it is.瞧谁来了Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?disembowel: 取出…的内脏 找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了, 6 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第6页 共17页 -Sid: They couldn't be far. I mean, they went this way, or this way?噢~他们走不远的~往这边走了或~或或~或…这边- Diego: You don't know much about tracking, do you? track: 跟踪 你不太懂追踪~对吗, -Sid: I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf. That's my tracking.嘿~我是树懒~看见树就吃叶子~我管这叫“追踪” -Diego: You didn't miss them by much.他们没走多久It's still green. They headed north two hours ago.head north: 朝着北去 这还青着。两小时前~往北去了 -Sid: It's still green. They headed north two hours ago.这还青着两小时前~往北去了-Diego: You don't need this aggravation.aggravation: 更恶化 你们不用这么折腾Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you.把孩子给我我能比你们更快找到人类 -Manfred: And you're just a good citizen helping out?citizen: 公民 help out帮助…摆脱困难 你真是个热情相助的好公民 -Diego: I just know where the humans are going.我知道人类去哪儿了 -Manfred: Glacier Pass. glacier : 冰川 pass: 通道“冰川道”Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side.settlement: 居住地 谁都知道他们在另一边有个居住地-Diego: Unless you know how to track, you'll never reach them before snow closes the pass.如果你们不懂追踪~在大雪封住通道前就找不到他们Which should be, like, tomorrow.大雪封路可能…是明天So, you can give that baby to me, or go get lost in a blizzard. It's your choice.get lost: 迷路 blizzard: 暴风雪所以~要么把孩子给我~要么在暴风雪中迷路~你们选择吧 Manfred: Here's your little bundle of joy. We’re returning it to the human- s.bundle: 捆 抱着你的心肝宝贝。我们把他还给人类 -Sid: The big, bad tigey-wigey get left behind. Poor tigey-wigey. 大坏蛋"老虎叔叔"~可怜的"老虎叔叔" -Manfred: Sid, tigey-wigey is gonna lead the way.Sid~"老虎叔叔"负责带路 -Sid: Manny, can I talk to you for a second?呃~呃~Manny我能不能跟你谈谈, -Manfred: No. The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of Mr. Stink y Drool-Face, and the baby, too.stinky: 臭的 drool: 流口水 不~我们早点找到人类~我就能早点摆脱这流口水的臭家伙~还有这孩子 -Diego: You won't always have Jumbo around to protect you.jumbo: 庞然大物【这里指长毛象他自己】金刚巨象不会时刻保护你的And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back, cos I'll be chewing on it.chew: 嚼碎 哪天你没了保护~我劝你最好小心点~因为我会把你啃了 -Manfred: human-tracker. Up front, so I can see you嘿~“追踪大师”~到前面来~好让我看见: -Sid: Help me.救救我 -Manfred: You gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore.噢~你别让他再哭了。我再也受不了了: -Diego: I've eaten things that complained less. He won't stop squirming.complained: 发牢骚我的食物也没这么难伺候~他不停扭动Watch its head. Put it down.小心他的头:你把他放下:Jeez, "pick him up, put him down..."唏~“抱起来~放下他”lts nose is dry.他的鼻子是干的。 -Sid: That means something's wrong with it.那他一定是生病了 -Diego: Someone should lick it. Just in case.lick: 舔 谁来给他舔舔~以防万一 -Sid: I'll do it.我来吧 -Manfred: He's wearing one of those baby thingies. So?baby thingies: 尿布嘿~他包着尿布呢:怎么, 7 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第7页 共17页 So if he poops, where does it go?poop 拉屎~大便如果他拉屎~就拉尿布里 -Sid: humans are disgusting.disgusting: 恶心 人类真是恶心。 -Manfred: OK, you. Check for poop.好吧~你检查大便 -Sid: Why am I the poop-checker?嘿~凭什么让我检查, -Manfred: Returning him was your idea, you're small and insignificant, and I'll pummel you if you don't.insignificant: 无足轻重 pummel: 用拳头连续揍 因为是你要送他回去~因为你无足轻重~因为你不检查我就揍你 -Sid: Why else?还有吗, -Manfred: Now, Sid.快:Sid: -Sid: I mean, my goodness. Look out. Coming through.唷:哎哟我的妈呀好了~小心~小心~过来了 -Manfred: Watch out.嘿~小心: -Diego: Stop waving that thing around. wave: 摇晃 别拿它晃来晃去的: -Sid: I'm gonna slip.slip: 滑倒呜~我要滑倒了~啊It's clean. Got ya!是干净的~你上当了-Manfred: Will you cut it out?cut out: 闭嘴 别胡闹行吗, -Diego: Do that again. He likes it.嘿~再来~他喜欢 -Manfred: It's making me feel better too.我也觉得爽多了 -Sid: Here, you hold it.给~你来抱 -Diego: Turn him towards me.行了~让他脸朝我Where is the baby?宝宝在哪儿, There he is.他在这儿:Where is the baby?宝宝在哪儿, There he is.他在这儿: -Manfred: Stop it. You're scaring him.scar: 伤害行了:你吓坏他了: -Sid: I bet he's hungry.他一定是饿了。 -Manfred: How about some milk?该吃奶了 -Sid: I'd love some.噢~我爱吃奶: -Diego: Not you, the baby.不是你吃:是孩子吃: -Sid: I aingt exactly lactating right now, pal.pal: 伙计我可没有奶水给他喝~伙计 -Diego: You're a little low on the food chain to...low: 底层 chain: 链 你这食物链底层的没资格顶嘴 -Manfred: Enough, enough, enough.够了:够了:够了: -Sid: Food.有吃的: I don't know, but I've been told, I don't know, but I've been told . 我不知道~可我听说。我不知道~可我听说。 End of the world be mighty cold.End of the world be mighty cold. mighty: 非常 世界末日会很冷。世界末日会很冷。 Prepare for the ice age! 为冰川时代作准备:Protect the dodo way of life! Prote ct the dodo way of life! dodo: 古代巨鸟。保护豆豆鸟的生活方式:Survival separates the dodos from the beasts! Protect the dodo way of life!survival: 幸存者 separate: 使分离 beast: 野兽 幸存者把豆豆鸟和其他野兽分开来了。保护豆豆鸟的生活方式:为冰川时代做准备: -Sid: lce age?冰川时代, -Diego: I've heard of these crackpots.crackpot: 疯子我听说过这些疯子 -dodo A: Intruders.lntruder: 入侵者有闯入者:闯入者: -dodo B: Now, don't fall in.别掉进去If You do, You will definitely...lntruders. Intruder...definitely: 一定掉进去~就一定会…有闯…闯入者~闯入…哇:..burn and die.被烫死了 -Manfred: Can we have our melon back? Junior’s hungry and...melon: 甜瓜 junior: 年少者 能把西瓜给我们吗,小家伙饿坏了~他… 8 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第8页 共17页 -dodo A: No way. This is our private stockpile for the ice age.private : 私人的 stockpile: 库存 不行:这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备:Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion years.subarctic: 亚北极的 temperature: 温度 force : 迫使 billion: 十亿 到那个时候我们就要在地下住好几十亿年呢: -Manfred: So you got three melons?只存三只西瓜, -dodo A: If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you.smart: 聪明的 doom: 厄运 如果你们事先不好好作准备那就死定了: -All dodos: Doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on you.死定了~死定了~死定了 -Manfred: Get away from me. Doom on you.别过来 -Sid: Oh, no. No.哦~不~不 -dodo A: Retrieve the melon.Tae kwon dodos, attack. retrieve: 重新得到 tae kwon: 跆拳道 夺回那西瓜:跆…跆拳道准备:进攻: -All dodos: the melon. the melon, the melon, the melon...西瓜: -dodo C: There goes our last female.最后一个女同胞也完了got it, got it, got it.- Don't got it.抢到了~抢到了~抢到了又没了:The last melon.最后的西瓜 -Diego: Sid. Now we gotta find more food.gotta: <美俚> =go to啊~Sid:还得再找吃的了: -All dodos: Right, more to the right. Right, right, right.再往右一点: -Manfred: Look at that. Dinner and A show.嘿~晚餐还有表演看 -All dodos: Left, Left, left.不~左~左~左~不 -Sid: Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero.conquering: 战胜 现在该找份象样的大餐犒劳胜利英雄了What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me?ho: 呵~表示惊讶 foe: 敌人是什么,敌人,来吧~想跟我干一架吗, Spoils worthy of such a noble...spoil: 战利品 这战利品值得我为它好好… -Manfred: Bedtime, squirt.squirt: 喷射 该睡了~小鬼The triumphant return.triumphant: 成功 噢~凯旋归来了 -Sid: Huh? Oh, that.呃,噢~那是I'm so full. How about a good-night kiss for your big buddy, Sid? buddy: 伙伴呃…我吃饱了该亲亲这个小朋友说晚安了 -Manfred: He's asleep.嘘~他睡着了 -Sid: I was talking to you.我是在跟你说Fine, I'll tuck myself in.tuck: 用某物舒适地裹住 算了~我自己睡吧All right, good night.好了~晚安 -Manfred: Will you stop it?别吵了行吗, -Sid: All right, all right. I was trying to relax.好吧~好吧~我是想放松 -Manfred: Oy.哎唷 -Diego: What the…搞什么 -Tiger D: Slice me. it’ll be the last thing you ever do朝我上呀~看我不把你撕碎 -Diego: I'm working here, you waste of fur.- Frustrated, Diego?waste of fur: 废物我在办事~你这饭桶很郁闷吧~Diego, -Tiger C: Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you?helpless: 无助的 infant: 婴儿 找个小不点婴儿对你来说太难了, What are You two doing here?- Soto's getting tired of waiting.get tired of doing sth. 做某事不耐烦了你们俩来这干嘛,Soto已经等得不耐烦了 -Tiger D: Yeah, he said "Come back with the baby, or don't come back at all."他说要么带着小孩回来要么就别回来了: -Diego: I have a message for Soto.have a message for sb. 给某人捎口信 替我捎个信给索托Tell him I'm bringing the baby.告诉他…我会带孩子来And tell him I'm bringing...再告诉他~我还带… 9 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第9页 共17页 a mammoth.一头毛象 -Tiger D: A mammoth?毛象, -Tiger C: Mammoths never travel alone.毛象从不单独行动 -Diego: This one does, and I'm leading him to Half Peak.可这头是例外我要带他去“半峰”山 -Tiger D: Look at all that meat. Let's get him.呜~瞧他那身肉~杀了他: -Diego: Not yet. We'll need the whole pack to bring this mammoth down.pack: 群体还不行:得叫大伙儿一起上才能摆平他Get everyone ready.让大家快准备Now.快去:-Manfred: Where's the baby?孩子在哪儿, -Diego: You lost it?你把他丢了, -Manfred, Diego: Sid.Sid. H: It's so ugly. Positively adorable.ugly: 难看 positively: 明确地 adorable: 可爱的呜~他可真丑。太可爱了 I: Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean.pumpkin: 南瓜 baldy: 无毛的 bean: 豆 你好~小心肝你好~没毛的小家伙 H: Where'd you find it?哪儿找到的, -Sid: The poor kid, all alone in the wild.这可怜的孩子一个人在荒野里Sabers were closing in on him.saber: 骑兵 closing in: 包围几只剑齿虎包围了他So I Just snatched him.snatch: 及时救助 我把他…抢了过来噢~ H: So brave.好勇敢 -Sid: Yeah, well, he needed me, and I only wish I had one of my own, too.啊~是啊~他需要我我好想也能有一个自己的孩子 I: Really? I find that attractive in a male.attractive: 有魅力的 是吗,我… 我就迷这样的男子 -Sid: Alas. Who wouldn't wanta family, I always say. wanta: <美俚> =want to唉~谁不想要个家庭呢 H: Where've you been hiding?噢~真是相见恨晚是啊~ -Sid: Yeah, well, You know...这……可不是嘛Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies...cute: 可爱的 小淘气~嗯,所以~正如我说的~小姐们Hey. Hi, Manny.嘿,嗨, Manny. -Manfred: What's the matter with you?你怎么回事 -Sid: Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back.marinate: 把…浸泡在卤汁 中失陪一下~小姐们~你们在这儿继续泡着~我就回来Sexy.性感 I: He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy.他长得不怎么样可要找个顾家的太难了 H: Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten.sensitive: 灵敏的 可不是嘛,那些细腻的都被吃光了 -Sid: No, no, no. Manny, please, I’m begging you. I need him.beg: 乞求不~Manny~我求你了~我需要他 -Manfred: A Good-looking guy like you?怎么~小帅哥还用泡妞, -Sid: You say that, but you don't mean it.mean: 卑鄙的 得了~你别寒碜我了 -Manfred: No, seriously. Look at you. Those ladies, they don't stand a chance.stand a chance: 有希望 不~我当真~瞧瞧你那两个小姐都被你迷晕了 -Sid: You have A cruel sense of humor.cruel: 残忍的 你这幽默感还真刻毒 -Manfred: Don't let me cramp your style.cramp: 束缚 我不想搅你的好事 -Sid: Thanks, Manny. You're a pal. pal: 朋友 谢谢~Manny~真够朋友~够哥们 -Manfred:Without Pinky. pinky: 带淡红色的 别带孩子去 -Sid:Manny, I need him.我需要他So, ladies, where were we?小姐们~说到哪儿了, 10 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第10页 共17页 -Frank: Carl.Carl~-Carl: Easy, Frank.镇静~Frank -Manfred: Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. And that tiger...cheetah: 猎豹 看见漂亮妞~他就象头猎豹。还有那老虎… Yeah, Mr. Great Tracker. Can’t even find a sloth.那“跟踪大师”连树懒都找不到What am l? The wet nurse? What are you looking at, bone bag?bone: 骨 我成什么了,奶妈,你在看什么~小捣蛋, Look at you. You're gonna grow into a great predator.predator: 食肉动物 瞧瞧你~你会长成一个大猛兽I don't think so. What have you got? You got a littl e patch of fur.哼~我看不会~你有什么~只有一撮毛No fangs, no claws.fang: 尖牙 claw: 利爪没有尖牙~没有利爪You're folds of skin wrapped in mush.fold: 折叠 wrap: 包 mush: 软块你的皮和肉是那么…软绵绵What's so threatening about you?你有什么可怕的, Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh?嘿~这不是“动物园”里摸小动物OK. All right, wise guy. You just earned a time-out.earn: 获得好吧~耍小聪明,该罚你坐一会儿了You think that's funny? How about this?噢~你觉得好玩,那这个呢, You'll be a little snack for the owls.snack: 小吃 owl: 猫头鹰 会吃了你You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that.你这小鬼还挺勇敢 -Sid: Thank goodness. Thank goodness. No.谢天谢地:谢天谢地:A tiger.有…老虎:Help. Help.救命:救命: -Diego: Where's the baby?孩子在哪儿, -Sid: Manfred has him.噢~他没事~Manfred带着Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. He got me.快咬住我快~他咬住我了:Help.噢~救命 -Diego: Get away from me.你别来烦我 -Frank: it went this way.他往这边跑了 -Carl: Over here.这儿: -Frank: Carl. The tiger beat us to him.噢~Carl:老虎抢先得手 -Carl: Wait a minute.检查一下He's dead all right.没错~他的确死了 -Frank: Carnivores have all the fun.carnivore: 食肉动物 动物就是开心 -Sid: Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is.我也不想那么伤他们的心我是迫不得已All right, thanks. You can put me down now. 好吧~谢谢~可以把我放下了Manny.Manny. -Manfred: Guys, I thought we were in a hurry. And Diego, spit that out. in a hurry: 匆忙 spit: 吐 我们不是急着赶路吗,Diego~把他吐出来You don't know where it's been.别弄脏了嘴 -Sid: Boy. For a second there, I thought you were gonna eat me.妈呀~刚才有一会儿我还以为你真要吃了我 -Diego: I don't eat junk food. junk: 垃圾我不吃烂杂碎. -Sid:thought You were gonna...我还以为I thought you were gonna... Were you?我真以为你…你想吗, Come on, wait up. Wait up. Come on, come on. Can you wait a second, please?等等我~慢点~慢点你们能等我一下吗, Thanks for waiting.谢谢等我 -Manfred: Three, two, one...3、2、1Sure is faithful. faithful: 忠实的 确实挺“忠诚”Don't make me reach back.再闹~我就要火了噢~ -Sid: He started it.是他引起的 -Manfred: I don't care who started it. I'll finish it.我不管谁引起的~再闹就罚:Modern architecture. It'll never last.architecture: 建筑 现代建筑~撑不了多久的 -Sid: Hi a, Manny.嗨哟~MannyHi, Diego.嗨~Diego( 11 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第11页 共17页 -Manfred: Hey, Sid.嘿~Sid(You're lost. No.你迷路了~对吗, -Diego: I know exactly where we are.没有~我很清楚我们在哪儿 -Manfred: Ask him directions.direction: 方向 让他指指方向 -Diego: I don't need directions.我不要他指方向。 -Manfred: Fine, I'll ask him.算了~我来问他Buddy. You see any humans go by here?嘿~伙计你看见有人类经过吗, -Sid: I love this game. I love this game. OK, OK.呜~我喜欢猜字,OKThree words. First word. Stomp. No, no. Stamp, stamp.stomp: 跺脚 三个字~第一个字呃…“跺“~不~“踩”-Manfred: Let me try. Pack.我猜猜~呃…“群”! -Sid: Good one, Manny.Pack of long teeth and claws.猜得好~Manny~一群长牙…和爪子Pack of wolves? Pack of...pack of : 一群 wolves:狼,wolf的复数, 一群狼?一群… Pack of bears? Pack of fleas?flea: 跳蚤呃~一群熊!一群跳蚤?Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses?whisker: 胡须一把胡须?一群…鼻子?Pachyderm? Pack of lies.pachyderm: 厚皮类动物呃…厚皮动物?一连串谎言!Pack of troubles. Pack a wallop. Pack of birds.wallop: 痛打 一堆麻烦!一群打手!呃~一群鸟!Pack of flying fish.一群飞鱼 -Diego: Great news. I found a shortcut.shortcut: 捷径 嘿!好消息!我找到一条近路! -Manfred: What do You mean, shortcut?什么近路? -Diego: I mean faster than the long way around.就是走着要比走长路快 -Sid: I know what a shortcut is.噢!我知道什么叫“近路”! -Diego: Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em.我们穿过去就能比人类先到“冰川道”不然就会错过他们 -Manfred: Through there? What do you take me for?穿过那儿?你把我当什么了? -Diego: This time tomorrow, you could be a free mammoth.明天这个时候你…就可以自由了Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.nanny: 保姆 或继续做保姆。玩“躲躲猫”我是不会腻的 -Sid: Guys. Guys. Check this out.伙计们,瞧这个 -Manfred: Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.老虎找到一条近路 -Sid: No, thanks. I choose life.不~谢谢~我想活命 -Diego: Then I suggest you take the shortcut.那我建议你最好还是走近路 -Sid: are You threatening me?你在威胁我吗? -Diego: Move, sloth!走,树懒! -Sid: Way to go, tiger.好样的~老虎 -Diego: Quick. Get inside.快!快进去! -Manfred: OK, I vote shortcut.vote: 选择 好吧~那就走近路吧 -Diego: Guys, stick together. It’s easy to get lost in here.好了~伙计们~都跟紧些~这儿很容易走丢 -Sid: Guys?呃…伙计们?A fish.啊!小鱼儿 -Manfred: Will you keep up, please? Hard enough to keep track of one baby.keep track of: 盯住 你跟上~行不行?看住一个宝宝已经够难的了 -Sid: I gotcha.我…抓住你了Captain, iceberg ahead.iceberg: 冰山船长~前方有冰山!-Manfred: Oh, no.哦~不-Diego: Yeah. Who's up for round two?谁想玩第二回合?Tell the kid to be more careful.叫…叫…叫孩子小心点-Sid: Look, look. Tigers.瞧~瞧~老虎~瞧啊No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.tag: 尾随 play tag with: 玩躲猫猫的游戏 antelope: 羚羊没事~没事~瞧~老虎和羚羊在做游戏With their teeth.捉到摸一下~用牙摸~-Diego: Come on, Sid, let's play tag来吧~Sid~我们也来玩You're it.你捉我-Sid: Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?行啊…好吧~好吧~哪儿画着树懒?You never see any 12 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第12页 共17页 sloths. Have you ever noticed?这上面怎么没画树懒?你们注意到吗?Look, Manny, a mammoth.瞧~Manny~一头毛象-Manfred: Somebody pinch me.pinch: 捏噢~我可真兴奋-Sid: Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.嘿~嘿~这头胖的看上去可真象你And he's got a family.噢~他有家庭And he's happy. Look, he's playing with his kid.他很幸福瞧,他在陪孩子玩See? That's your problem. That’s what mammoths are supposed to do.瞧~这就是你的问题。毛象应该象他们那样Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...找头母象…生一头毛象宝宝-Diego: Sid.Sid.-Sid: what?干嘛?-Diego: Shut up.闭嘴-Sid: But...可…噢-Manfred: Would you look at that.噢~快瞧啊The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak.老虎没带错路这是“半峰山”Next stop, Glacier Pass.下一站~冰川道How could I ever have doubted you?我真不该怀疑你~-Sid: Did you hear that, little fella?你听见吗~小家伙?You're almost home.你快到家了my feet are sweating.sweat: 冒汗 flash: 闪现 news flash: 简讯我的脚在冒汗~-Diego: Do We need A news flash ? Every time your body does something?你身体每出现一个反应~我们都得发布新闻? -Manfred: Ignore him.别管他-Sid: Seriously. My feet are really hot.是真的我的脚真的很烫!噢,噢-Manfred: Tell me that was your stomach.stomach: 胃是你的肚子在叫吧?-Sid: I'm sure it was just thunder.thunder: 雷声嘘~我肯定是那是雷声From underground?声音…来自…地下?Come on, keep up with me.快~跟我一起跑-Manfred: I would if you were moving.可你原地不动!-Sid: I wish I could jump like that.哇~但愿我也能像你那样跳。 -Manfred: Wish granted.成全你了!-Diego: Come on, Move faster.快!跑快点!-Manfred: have you noticed the river of lava?lava: 火山岩浆难道你没看到熔岩流?Hold Pinky.抱紧他!-Sid: Manny.Manny, Manny, you OK? Come on, come on, say 吗 something. Anything.Manny~你没事吧?求你说点什么~什么都行What? What? I can't hear you.什么?什么?我听不清-Manfred: You're standing on my trunk.trunk: 象鼻你站在我的鼻子上了-Sid: You're OK. You're OK.?啊~你没事!你没事-Diego: Why Did You do that你为什么那么干?You could have died, trying to save me.你冒死…救了我的命-Manfred: That's what you do in a herd.herd: 兽群大家是一个集体You look out for each other.得互相照顾-Diego: Well, thanks.噢!谢谢-Sid: I don't know about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen.不知你们怎么想~可我觉得我们这“集体”是最怪的-Tiger D: I can't wait to get my claws in that mammoth.我的爪子都快等不及要撕烂那毛象了!-Tiger C: No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby.谁都不能碰那毛象除非我先得到…孩子!-Tiger D: First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.slice: 切下 hindquarter: 后腿及臀部 section: 部分首先~我要把那毛象撕开扯烂I'll put the white meat in one pile and...pile: 堆 starve: 饥饿把白色肉放一堆~深色… -Tiger E: Knock it off. I'm starving.嘿~别再说了!我饿坏了!-Tiger D: Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.occasionally: 偶尔 extremely: 非常 juicy: 多汁肩膀的肉…可能比较老但绝对多汁-Tiger E: I told you to knock it off.警告过你了~别再说了!-Tiger C: Save your energy.省点力气吧!Mammoths don't go down easy.要杀毛象谈何容易There's only one way to do it.只有一个办法First, you have to force it into a corner.首先~得把他逼上死角Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped,retreat: 撤退 trap: 困住切断他的退路等你们三个把他困住I'll go for the throat.throat: 喉咙我就咬断他的喉咙-Manfred: Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.伙计们~别让孩子吹着风!How much further?还有多远? -Diego: Three miles.三英里-Manfred: I'm beat.我累坏了~-Diego: We'll get there in the morning.我们早上能到What are You doing?你在干嘛? -Sid: I'm putting sloths on the map.我让树懒…名垂千古-Manfred: Why don't you make it realisticrealistic: 现实那得画得现实点-Diego: And draw 13 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第13页 共17页 him lying down?画他在睡觉-Manfred: And make him rounder.画得圆一些-Diego: Perfect.好极了哈!-Sid: I forgot How to laugh.我真笑不出来I'm a genius.genius: 天才我是个天才From now on you'll have to refer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame .lord: 上帝 flame: 火焰从现在起~你们得称呼我Sid ~“火焰之王”-Manfred: Lord of the Flame,嘿~火焰之王~-Diego: your tail's on fire.tail: 尾巴 on fire: 着火你尾巴着火了-Sid: Thank you. From now on, I’m gonna call you Diego.噢~谢谢~从现在起我就管你叫…Diego -Diego: Lord of "Touch Me and You're Dead".摸我你是死定之王I'm just kidding, you little knucklehead.我是说着玩的你这没头脑的-Manfred: Lovebirds.嘿~小俩口Look at this.快瞧-Sid: I don't believe it.这简直……太神了Come here, you little biped. Come here, you little wormy-worm.biped: 两足动物过来~小家伙过来~你这小虫虫Come to Uncle Sid.到Sid叔叔这儿来No, no... This way. This way.这边~这边-Diego: No, no, no. No, go to him.不~去他那儿Go to him.去他那儿OK.好吧Good job. Keep practicing.干得好~接着…练习吧-Sid: Look at that. Our little guy is growing up.快瞧啊~我们的小家伙在长大-Manfred: All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.lumpy: 肉块好了~过来该睡了~肉团儿-Sid: Look at that big pushover.pushover: [俚语]易于征服或控制的人他对孩子就是亲You know, Diego, I've never had a friend who would risk his life for me.risk: 冒险要知道~Diego~我还没有能冒死救我的朋友呢-Diego: Yeah, Manny's... he's a good guy.Manny他…他真好-Sid: Yeah, he is.是啊~的确Well, good night.好了~晚安Let's get you all cleaned up. What's your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky?stinky: 发恶臭的让我给你弄干净~你这么又脏又臭的回去~你老爸会怎么说?Let me just clean that up. That looks good. A little bit here.我来擦干净~嗯~好多了这儿还有点儿-Manfred: You clean up nice, little fella.擦干净真漂亮~ I think he's starting to look like me.小家伙他长得越来越象我了Diego, what do you think?嘿~Diego~你说呢?-Diego: Maybe we shouldn't do this. Why not?也许不该送回去为什么?If we save him, he'll be a hunter. And who do you think he'll hunt?hunter: 猎人因为他长大后会成为猎人你说他会猎杀谁?Maybe because we save him, he won't hunt us.也许救了他他就不会成猎人-Diego: Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you Mama.skinny: 皮的是啊~也许他会长出毛和长脖然叫你“妈妈”-Manfred: What's your problem?你怎么回事?-Diego: Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off.没什么~我们走~冻死我了-Diego: Diego. You frozen back there?嘿~Diego~你被冻住了吗?-Diego: Get down.低下身子! -Manfred: What?什么?-Diego: Get down and follow me.嘘~低下身跟我走-Sid: What's going on?嘿~怎么回事?-Diego: At the bottom of Half Peak, there’s an ambush waiting for you.ambush: 埋伏在半峰山脚下有个埋伏…等着你们-Sid: what?什么? -Manfred: What do you mean, "ambush"?你说什么“埋伏”?You set us up.你设了圈套!-Diego: - it was my job.那是我的任务!I was to Get the baby, but then...我得把孩子抢到手~可是… -Manfred: You brought us home for dinner.你把我们带回家当晚餐-Sid: That's it. You're out of the herd.行了!你被开除了!-Diego: - I'm sorry.真对不起-Manfred: No, you're not. Not yet.我宰了你…你再后悔吧-Diego: Listen, I can help you.听着~我能帮你们跟紧了~-Manfred: Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out.Sid~我们能杀出去!-Diego: You can't. The pack's too strong. You have to trust me.不行!他们太强大了你们得信任我-Manfred: Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you?信任你?我们干嘛要信任你?-Diego: Because I'm your only chance.因为你们只有靠我Hello, ladies.哈罗~小姐们-Tiger C: Look who decided to show up. Diego, I was beginning to worry about you.嘿~瞧谁终于肯露脸了Diego~我正为你担心呢-Diego: No need to worry. In about two minutes you’ll be satisfying your taste for revenge.revenge: 复仇用不着担心,再过两分钟你将从… 14 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第14页 共17页 复仇中…得到满足-Tiger C: Very nice.这非常好-Tiger D: I see the sloth. And he's got the baby.我看见树懒了!孩子在他手里!-Diego: Don't give away your positions until you see the mammoth. He's the one to surprise.没见到毛象就别暴露你们自己我们得出其不意-Tiger C: You want to maul something, don't you?你想重拳出击对吗?-Tiger D: I wanna maul.maul: 殴打呵呵~我想出击-Tiger C: Then what are you waiting for?那你还等什么?-Diego: No, I said wait for the mammoth.不~我说了等那毛象出现!-Sid: Backscratcher. Eat my powder!backscratcher: 长柄扒雪板挠背你们吃白雪吧!嘿嘿Loop-de-loop.loop: 环唷!喔!“环滑车”呃~啊!Slalom! Slalom, baby!slalom: 障碍滑雪障碍滑雪,障碍滑雪~宝贝Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite.frostbite: 使冻伤对不起~伙计们他被冻成小雪人了-Tiger C: Get him.呜!宰了他!-Sid: Surprise!大惊喜!-Diego: OK, follow me. We'll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can.好吧~跟我来!我们去找Sid~然后离开这儿-Tiger C: Come on, Diego, let’s bring this mammoth down.来吧~Diego我们把这毛象摆平-Sid: There he is.他在这儿That's right. Where's the baby?没错~宝宝在哪儿啊?Survival of the fittest.fit: 胜任的~适当的这就叫…适者…生存!I don't think so. Yeah.这老虎不行-Tiger C: What are You doing?你这是干嘛?-Diego: Leave the mammoth alone.不许…碰这…毛象-Tiger C: Fine. I'll take you down first .好~我先把你摆平-Sid: We did it.我们赢了-Diego: We were some team, huh?我们曾经是多棒的集体-Manfred: Were? Come on, we're still a team.曾经是?胡说,我们还是一个集体-Diego: I'm sorry I set you up.我设下圈套~真对不起-Sid: You know me-I'm too lazy to hold a grudge.grudge: 怨恨我就算恨你~也懒得记仇了-Diego: Knock it off, squirt.嘿~别闹~小鬼You gotta be strong.你得强壮些You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.你得照顾Manfred和SidEspecially Sid.尤其是Sid-Sid: Come on, you can lick this. You're a tiger.lick: 舔行了~你能挺过来~你是老虎Look, I'll carry you. Come on, what do you say?我能背你~你说怎么样?Come on, Diego, come on.振作点~Diego~振作!Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny.告诉他他会好的~Manny-Diego: Listen, you have to leave me here.听着~你们别管我了If those humans get through the pass, you’ll never catch them.如果人类过了“冰川道”你们就找不到他们了-Manfred: You didn't have to do that.你不用救我的-Diego: That's what you do in a herd.我们是一个集体-Sid: Don't forget about us.别忘了我们OK?好吗?-Manfred: We won't forget about you.我们不会忘了你-Sid: Goodbye.再见-Manfred: Sid...Sid-Sid: Bye.再见That's right. Where's the baby?对~对~没错宝宝在哪儿-Manfred: Come on, Sid, let's head south.走吧~ Sid~我们去南方-Sid: Bye.再见-Diego: Save your breath, Sid. You know humans can't talk.省口气吧~Sid~类不会说话-Sid: Diego? You're OK.Diego? 你没事!-Diego: Nine lives, baby.- You're OK.我有九条命呢-Sid: You're OK.你没事!I could kiss ya.我亲亲你!呀!呜-Manfred: Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?Wanna: <美俚> =want a lift: 便车欢迎回来~搭挡~要我背吗?-Diego: No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I've got left.dignity: 尊严不~谢谢我得保住仅存的那点尊严-Sid: You're hanging out with us. Dignity’s got nothing to do with it. I'll take that lift.你跟我们混在一块了就别管什么尊严了吧~就背我吧-Manfred: Yeah, climb aboard.好~爬上来吧-Sid: Pick me up, buddy.托我一把~伙计Mush. Or not mush. Either way.或者不说“驾”~随你喜欢This is gonna be the best migration ever.这将是我最棒的一次迁徙I'll show you my favorite watering holes. I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.我带你们去我的宝地,我毛里的真菌干死后我会变成棕色-Manfred: Attractive.这真有意思-Sid: This whole ice age thing is getting old.我说~这“冰川时代”可真没劲You know what I could go for? Global warming.知道我喜欢什么?“全球变暖”-Manfred: Keep dreaming.做梦去吧-Sid: No, really...我可是说真的20,000 Years Later两万年以后 End 15 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第15页 共17页 16 冰河世纪全集中英对照 第16页 共17页
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