

2017-09-21 13页 doc 41KB 33阅读




DJ公主的岗位职责:DJ公主的岗位职责: 公关的岗位职责 1、严格遵守公司的各项规章制度及工作要求, 2、协助楼面严格要求完成房间各项服务工作 3、绝对接受及服从上司指派的各项任务要求,做好工作中的安全工作,及自我保护意识。 4、严格遵循服务操作规程做到标准化程度化为客人提供优质贴心的服务。 5、当班时必须有良好的礼仪,礼貌及最佳的精神状态去迎接每们客人,在服务过程中必须做以耐心、周到、主动、细心的服务;急客人之所需,对客人的一切询问耐心解答。 6、工作时从本着公司利益出发,不得利己谋私或向客人索取小费等,严重违反公司规章制度事情,...
DJ公主的岗位职责: 公关的岗位职责 1、严格遵守公司的各项规章制度及工作, 2、协助楼面严格要求完成房间各项服务工作 3、绝对接受及服从上司指派的各项任务要求,做好工作中的安全工作,及自我保护意识。 4、严格遵循服务操作规程做到化程度化为客人提供优质贴心的服务。 5、当班时必须有良好的礼仪,礼貌及最佳的精神状态去迎接每们客人,在服务过程中必须做以耐心、周到、主动、细心的服务;急客人之所需,对客人的一切询问耐心解答。 6、工作时从本着公司利益出发,不得利己谋私或向客人索取小费等,严重违反公司规章制度事情,不得带情绪上班,服从上级管理、安排、做事主动积极。 7、每天准时参加班点班后会议,做好营业前房间卫生及备品工作和营业 房间卫生,及用具清洁工作。 8、协助好楼面为客人提供优质服务,必须真正做到顾客就是上帝是我们生存之根本,不得以貌取人。一视同仁服务好每一位顾客。 9、进房时必须向客人清楚地介绍DJ服务费的标准及服务范围,掌握房间气氛,了解客人及房间,消费情况和客人的消费能力时做好推销工作。 10、协助楼面,注意房间客人动态,并保持一切用具及safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 设施,设备的清洁完整,如有损坏应及时反映当区主管。 11、严格按照标准服务,掌握服务技巧,以诚实、热情、有礼、耐心、周到的服务态度为客人提成最好,满意的服务,尊重客人的意见,尽可能满足客人的一切需求。 12、在服务过程中,必须保持房间及洗手间卫生清洁做好房间卫生服务工作及工作范围的卫生工作,工作中必须注意,事项,个人仪容,仪表,仪态及言谈举止,个人形象各个人卫生。 13、服务工作中,善于征询客人,对公司各项服务和看法及公司设施、设备和出品的质量投诉,并及时反映当区主管,及时改进调整,更正。 14、及时的掌握当晚最新推出和公司各项优惠活动及酒水,小食清洁并及时向客人做好推销各向客人做好解释工作。 15、掌握业务知识、严于律己,虚心接受上司及同事提出的批评和建议,不断提高自身素质修养,定期接受好培训工作。 16、每日参加搞卫生及员工会议。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 服务员岗位职责 1、按时上下班,服从管理。 2、保持合格的仪容、仪表。 3、熟悉服务规程礼貌,为客人提供优质服务。 4、对工作有责任感,为客人提供主动热情的服务。 5、掌握经营品种价格,做好推销工作。 6、保持环境卫生、餐具卫生及个人卫生。 7、互帮互助,配合其他工作者。 8、遵守公司的一切规章制度。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 酒吧部长的职责 1、直接向主管负责,保证出品质量。 2、管理调酒作业及出售 3、作好日常用品及酒水的领用。 4、作风好日常用品()安排考勤,考核评估工作。 5、检查督促营业前后的工作。 6、配合其它部门的工作,不断根据容源要求创新。 8、遵守公司的一切规章制度。 出品部员工职责 1、直接向部长负责完成上级指标的工作任务。 2、按规定上下班,服从管理。 3、做好营业前的准备工作。 4、负责一切饮料的调配工作,保证饮品质量。 5、核对请点帐月存量。 6、检查酒水储藏的温变及安全。 7、加强业务学习,提高自己的业务水平。 8、配合其他同事遵守一切规章制度。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 迎宾员(咨客)的职责 1、衣着华丽,仪姿、仪表大方优雅的迎送客人。 2、主要负责贵宾客娱乐活动的安排、接待、预计。 3、负责解答宾客的疑难问题,如:活动项目、开放时间、服务性质、费用标准等。 4、礼貌迎客,引客到适当的位置,通知服务员服务。 5、处理好宾客的投诉,安排好宾客。 6、礼貌送客,欢迎宾客下次光临。 7、掌握好接听电话在的业务技能,为每位顾客着想。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 礼仪部部长职责 1、协助主管的工作,执行主管工作的工作命令。 2、对每咨客进行定期培训、、考勤、考核工作表现。 3、主持每月的班前例会,检查员工的仪容、仪表、传达主管的工作指标。 4、负责本部的工作,确保服务质量。 5、处理客人的投诉意见,认真改进工作。 6、作好每日订房记录,认真执行订房复制度。 7、配合好其它小部门的工作。 8、遵守公司一切规章制度。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 楼面部长的职责 1、执行主管的工作命令,服从批示,协助主管的工作,做到上管下达的作用,并且及时汇报各项工作。 2、检查名员工的仪容、仪表、考核其工作表现,奖罚分明,以事论事,掌握好全班员工的考勤情况。 3、督促全班区域员工,优劣员工作好记录,确护投务工作规程质量,要求标准、准确,优质高效。 4、了解预订工作,会议化布置服务点的工作及发现跟踪,改进记录为主体,人证工作正常运展及微笑服务,同时保证区域卫生清洁无异味。 5、处好员工之间的关系,发扬团体精神,配好各小部门工作,带领员工熟悉各部分的工作运展; 6、处理好客人投诉意见,作好及时反应上司记录处理,并认真改进工作。 7、保管好日用物料,控制成本及损耗,作到物尽共用,杜绝浪费,并及时巡查工程维修以及各家电的保养。 8、遵守公司及部门的一切规章制度,用制度管理化。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education KTV洗手间卫生标准 1、地面干净,无水渍、无杂物。 2、洗手盆光亮,无水渍。 3、洗手液瓶整洁,合理地摆放在洗手盆右手边。 4、马桶光亮,无水渍、无异物、无异味,马桶垫要干 净整洁,客人没到之前必须使用“清毒标封封住” 5、洗手间艺术玻璃镜光亮,无水渍、无破损、无物渍。 6、洗手间门框要天天擦洗,保持干净,不黏杂物。 7、垃圾桶要加少许水,干净无异味,摆放美观。 8、要使用香薰灯香薰,保持洗手间空气清新,无异味。 9、洗手间内的鲜花,每周更换一次。 10、艺术装饰摆放整理,突出洗手间文化。 11、空气喷香机要保持正常喷香,净化空气。 12、纸巾架客用卷纸,折成三角形,保持美观大方。 13、洗手章内的艺术灯光合适,干净无灰尘。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education
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