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奥迪tt奥迪TT - 动力性能奥迪TT提供了两款横置汽油机的选择,一款为四气缸涡轮增压型,还有一款自然进气式V6发动机。2.0升TFSI发动机,提供最大200马力和280牛米的动力输出,3.2升V6发动机,提供最大250马力、320牛米的动力输出。值得一提的是2.0TSFI,首款发动机的6MT前驱车型,其峰值扭矩的输出转速范围相当宽,覆盖了1800-500rpm,在中低速阶段,其动力输出相当迅猛,百公里加速时间仅为6.4秒,最高车速为240km/h。对比我们后来试驾的3.2quattro车型(百公里加速时间5.7秒,最高车速250km...
奥迪TT - 动力性能奥迪TT提供了两款横置汽油机的选择,一款为四气缸涡轮增压型,还有一款自然进气式V6发动机。2.0升TFSI发动机,提供最大200马力和280牛米的动力输出,3.2升V6发动机,提供最大250马力、320牛米的动力输出。值得一提的是2.0TSFI,首款发动机的6MT前驱车型,其峰值扭矩的输出转速范围相当宽,覆盖了1800-500rpm,在中低速阶段,其动力输出相当迅猛,百公里加速时间仅为6.4秒,最高车速为240km/h。对比我们后来试驾的3.2quattro车型(百公里加速时间5.7秒,最高车速250km/h),除了理论上高速区间,前者的功率储备稍稍欠缺之外,奥地利限速严格的高速公路并没有让我们感觉出两者之间太大的差异。 Audi TT - dynamic performance audi TT provides two section horizontal buy gasoline engine choice, one paragraph for four cylinder turbocharged type, still one natural V6 engine intake type. 2.0 litre TFSI engine, provides maximum 200 BHP and 280 cow meters power output, V6 engine, provide 3.2 liters maximum 250 horsepower, 320 cow meters power output. Remarkably, the net TSFI 2.0 engine 6MT precursor models, its peak torque output speed range fairly wide, covered 1,800-500rpm, in low-speed stage and its dynamic output fairly rapidly, hundred kilometers acceleration time only 6.4 seconds, maximum speed for 240km/h. Contrast later we harness 3.2 quattro models (100 kilometers acceleration time 5.7 seconds, top speed of 250km/h), besides theoretically high-speed interval, the former power reserve a little outside, Austria lack speed strict highways and did not let us feel the differences between too big. 奥迪TT发动机 Audi TT engine 2.0TFSI融合了涡轮增压器和FSI汽油直喷技术,燃油直喷的(FSI)发动机比传统的间接式进气歧管喷射发动机的燃油利用效率更高,因而在经常处于部分负载工况中,它的燃油消耗率较低。令人比较遗憾的是,2.0车型上并没有装配奥迪每每引以为豪的quattro技术。奥迪TT在动力性上的亮点在于一款结合了自动变速器和手动变速器所有优点的新型变速器——Stronic。得益于双离合器技术,这款变速器能在0.2秒内完成六个档位间的任意切换,且不会切断动力输出,对于250马力的动力传递,Stronic做的让你丝毫感觉不到停顿和迟滞感,令人对此肃然起敬。 2.0 TFSI shirt-sleeve turbocharger and FSI gasoline direct injection technology, fuel injection (FSI) engine than traditional JianJieShi intake manifold injection engine fuel use efficiency is higher, and so are often in part, it loads of fuel consumption, lower. A comparative unfortunately, 2.0 models and no assembly audi often proud of quattro technology. Audi TT in power lies in the window of a combined automatic transmission and manual transmission all the advantages of the new transmission - Stronic. Thanks to double clutch technology, this kind of transmission in 0.2 seconds can be arbitrary switching between six gear, and not cut off power output for 250 horsepower power transfer, Stronic do let you felt anything pause and hysteresis feeling, this is ennobled. Stronic变速器本质上是两个3速变速器,举例来说,当奥迪TT正在3档上行驶时,第二个离合器是脱离的。当变速器的控制电脑判断出驾驶员正在加速并将切换至四档时,它将 提前挂档。一旦驾驶员推动变速杆产生了换档的命令,第一组离合器就会脱离,第二组离合器迅速接合。这一过程仅需要百分之几秒,根本感觉不到任何功率输出被切断的迹象,换档过程非常平滑。 Stronic transmission is essentially two 3 speed gearbox, for example, when audi TT is 3 gear driving on, a second clutch is from. When transmission control computer is accelerating and judge the driver switched to four files, it will GuaDang ahead. Once the driver push stick shift produced shift command, the first group clutch will depart from, the second group clutch rapid joint. This process needs only a few seconds per cent, the basic sense any power output was cut off, signs of shift process is very smooth. 奥迪TT - 特点全新奥迪TT的长度为4178毫米,比上一代产品增长了137毫米,宽度增加了78毫米,达到1,842毫米。但是在高度上,新奥迪TT与上一代相差无几。奥迪TT尽管体型“庞大”,但是在重量上显然经过了“瘦身”,铝钢合成的全新ASF空间框架结构,这对于提高轿车的动运性能也起到了积极的作用:新TT由于增加了铝质零件,与它的上一代车型相比,减轻了50公斤。我们认为TT不论什么颜色都十分抢眼,但笔者特别钟情今天试驾的这一款,蔚蓝色的情调,突出非凡的质感。 Audi TT - features new audi TT length for 4178 millimeter, than previous generation products increased 137 mm, width increased 78 mm, achieve 1,842 mm. But in height, the new audi TT and generation on yielding around. Audi TT although shape "large", but in weight obviously after the "thin body", aluminum steel material synthesis of new ASF space framework structure, which to improve dynamic performance also car transport playing a positive role in: new TT by increasing the aluminum parts, with its generation on the models, compared to reduced 50 kg. We think TT no matter what color is very grab an eye, but the author special love today to harness this one, the blue emotional appeal, highlight special texture. 关于奥迪TT的座椅,依然采用2+2式设计,与宝马Z4、保时捷等纯粹双座车型不同。虽然为2+2式的设计,但是从实际感官中得出,后排称为放手提袋的或者宠物的真皮更合适,即便是身材再娇小的人士,脚与头部都得不到很好的舒展,更别提舒适性了,况且相对而言,进出奥迪TT的后排尤其不方便,从某种观点看来2+2座椅对人来说并没有多大意义。当然2+2也有一个其它跑车无法达到的优势,将后排放平,行李空间可以从290升扩大到700升。如果两人世界,奥迪TT带更多的装备跑的更远一些。 The seat, about audi TT still adopt 2 + 2 type design, and BMW Z4, porsche models such as pure two-seater is different. Although for 2 + 2 style design, but admitted interstate senses, we find that the rear called put handbag or pet dermal more appropriate, even figure again petite figure, feet and head are not very good stretch, not to mention comfort, besides relatively, access to the rear audi TT especially inconvenient, the view from a 2 + 2 seats for man does not make much sense. Of course there is also a 2 + 2 other sports car cannot reach the advantage, will after discharge ping, luggage space can from 290 liters expanded to 700 liters. If two people world, audi TT take more equipment can run farther and some. 在强调运动感的同时,奥迪TT更强调了科技上的领先,在奥迪技术师滔滔不绝的 介绍中,两项技术令我印象深刻。其一是磁性减震器,在避免其他任何折衷的前提下,磁性减震器成功解决了长期以来在舒适性和驾驶动感间的矛盾。作为一种连续的自适应系统,它能在几毫秒内调整阻尼特性使之适应路面情况和驾驶员的换档习惯。 In the meanwhile, emphasize athletic audi TT puts more emphasis on the leading technology, technical engineer in audi voluble in the introduction, two technologies impressed me. One is magnetic shock absorber, in avoiding any other compromise, under the precondition of magnetic shock absorber successfully solved long in comfort and driving dynamic contradiction of. As a continuous adaptive system, which can adjust in milliseconds damping characteristics adapting road conditions and pilot shift habit. 这种减震器内采用的不是普通油,而是一种称作电磁液的特殊液体,一旦控制单元发出脉冲信号,线圈内便会产生电压,从而形成一个磁场,改变电磁液中粒子的排列方式。这些粒子会按垂直于油流的方向排列,从而起到阻碍油在活塞通道内流动的效果,如此便能改变减震特性。相比传统的减震器,奥迪磁性减震器阻尼特性改变可以在几毫秒内完成。 The shock absorber in using is not ordinary oil, but a called electromagnetic fluid special liquid, once the control unit, issued the pulse signal in a coil will produce voltage, thus forming a magnetic field, change the electromagnetic liquid particles in the arrangement. These particles will press perpendicular to the direction of the duct arrangement, thus plays hinder the oil in the piston channels in flow effect, so it can change damping characteristics. Compared with the traditional shock absorber, audi magnetic shock absorber's damping characteristics change can be completed in milliseconds. 奥迪TT是钢铝混制的ASF框架式车身,ASF相信大家不会陌生,目前国内市场上的奥迪A8就普遍采用了全铝制的ASF框架式车身。与奥迪TT不同的是,奥迪TT采用了铝合金与高强度钢材混和制造的ASF技术。铝合金的质量占到了全车重量的69%。钢制部件主要安装在地板后部。车门和行李箱盖也是钢制的。这些保证了地面负载能均匀分布于车身上,从而大大提高车辆的操控性能。同时,由于此项技术的使用,奥迪TT 2.0 TFSI的空栽重量仅为1260千克,而得益于车身重量的降低,奥迪TT的最低油耗可以低至6.0L(郊区100km)。 Audi TT is made of steel aluminum mixed ASF frame type body, ASF believes everyone not strange, the current domestic market of audi A8 is universally adopted a whole aluminum ASF frame type body. With audi TT different is, audi TT adopts aluminium alloy with high strength steel mixed manufacturing ASF technology. Aluminum alloy quality of whole vehicle weight accounted for 69%. Steel parts mainly installed in floor rear. The doors and trunk lid is made of steel. These measures to ensure that the surface load can evenly among vehicle body, which greatly improve vehicle handling performance. At the same time, because of the use of this technology, audi TT 2.0 TFSI empty planted weight only for 1,260 kilograms, and benefit from the lower body weight the minimum fuel consumption, audi TT can low to 6.0 L (suburban 100km). 奥迪TT - 内饰 Audi TT - interior 奥迪工艺算是有着良好口碑,但是今天我们将国产A4与奥迪TT放在一起,还是感觉到明显的区别,主要现在边线接缝与用料上,毫不夸张的认为:几乎找不到瑕疵。奥迪TT内饰采用了银色金属与深色皮革搭配,营造出典型的跑车味道,还未扭动钥匙,就已经知道内涵并不简单。奥迪TT的座椅如同奥迪其它车型一样比较硬实,和日系高档车型有着不同的质感,也许有人会固执的认为奥迪TT为什么没有注意这个细节,但是从我们了解的角度来认为,较硬实的真皮在长时间的驾驶过程中能提高良好的支撑性,相对其它车型,开奥迪车腰背部产生的疲劳会来的迟一些。 Audi technology has good public praise, but even today we will homebred A4 and audi TT put together, or feel clear distinction, mainly displays in line with makings, seam is by no means an exaggeration to think: barely find defects. Audi TT interior adopted argent metal and brunet leather collocation, build a typical sports car taste, it has not turned the key, they already know connotation is not easy. Audi TT seat as audi vehicles for breaking dormancy, like other compared with day fastens high-grade models have different textures, maybe someone would stubborn think why didn't pay attention to this audi TT details, but we know from the perspective of the dermis is hard that in the long time of driving process can improve good supportive, relative to other vehicles, open an audi back generate fatigue would come late. 在这里我们特别要提一提:MRC电磁减振系统。“MRC电磁减振系统”是一种利用磁性流体控制阻尼器衰减力的悬挂系统,配件供应商Delphi曾经对此系统进行过改进,并运用在了奥迪的新型运动车型中。奥迪的电磁减振系统中,微小的磁颗粒在减震器的油路中循环运动。施加一定的电压之后,它们就能够在几毫秒内改变阻尼特性。根据特定的驾驶工况和驾驶员的偏好,这一自适应系统能够在满足驾驶舒适性的同时提供全面的运动体验。 Here we particularly want to mention: MRC system electromagnetic vibration absorber system. "MRC system electromagnetic vibration absorber system" is a use of the magnetic fluid control damper attenuation force of suspension system, component suppliers of this system once Delphi have improved, and used in the audi's new sports car. Audi electromagnetic vibration absorber system, tiny magnetic particles in the shock oil-way in circular motion. Put some voltage later, they can in milliseconds change damping characteristics. According to specific driving condition and the driver's preferences and the adaptive system can satisfy simultaneously driving comfort in providing comprehensive sports experience. 战斗机风格的白红两色仪表盘和国内的新A6L相似,直径仅36.5厘米的三轮辐运动方向盘手感不错,底部被压平的方向盘边缘,以高级的Nappa皮革进行包裹;就像奥迪RS4和Le Mans quattro的配置一样,这样设计一方面体现了车辆的运动性,同时也方便了驾驶员进出。 Fighter style BaiGong dichromatic dashboard and domestic new A6L similar, only 36.5 centimeters in diameter three spokes movement steering wheel shoots pretty good, bottom flatten the steering wheel rim, with advanced Nappa leather package, Like quattro Le Mans audi RS4 and configuration of the same, such designs on the one hand manifests the movement of the vehicles, and also facilitate the driver in. 空调出气口的边框被电镀成铝合金外观。其它的部件如变速杆、门把手以及空调和音响系统的控制面板采用了类似的抛光铝合金样式;踏板和脚凳的面板材料可以选为不锈钢,中控台和手套箱的嵌条可以选为铝合金材质。高品质的圈绒地毯代替了该级别车型惯用的天鹅绒地毯,门内侧的门框嵌条也可选为铝合金材料。变速杆的护套由皮革制成。3.2 quattro版的手刹杆、中央通道上的扶手,以及车门把手也均嵌以皮革材质。 Air-conditioning outlet of border was electroplating into aluminum alloy appearance. Other components such as shift lever, doorknobs and air conditioning and acoustic system control panel used similar polishing aluminum alloy style, Pedal and footrest panels can be chosen for stainless steel materials, in-process stage and glove box of panels can be chosen for aluminum alloy material. High quality circle cloth with soft nap carpet instead of this level models idiomatic velvet carpet, the doorcase of door inside panels can also be elected alloy material. The shift lever sheathed by leather. 3.2 quattro version of hand brake lever, central aisle armrest, and the door handle also are embedded in leather qualitative material. 赛车化的座椅包裹性很好,腰部支撑比较到位,比较有意思的是,在2.0的低配版上竟然出现了手调座椅的型号。看来,德国人对于跑车的定位比国内平民化的多。作为为数不多的2+2型跑车,奥迪TT保留了两个后排座椅,虽然狭小但聊胜于无。如果您觉得后排小坐利用度不高,那么把它折叠起来,行李箱容积就可以从290升扩展至700升。 Racing mineralization seat parcel sex is very good, the waist support comparison in place, is more interesting is, in 2.0 low matchs edition unexpectedly appear hand adjustable seat models. Opinion, the germans for sports car positioning than domestic civilian. As the handful of 2 + 2 type sports car, audi TT retained two rear seat, although narrow but little is better than none. If you feel rear small sit exploitation degree is not high, so the fold it, boot volume can extend from 290 liters 700 liters. 奥迪TT - 外观 Audi TT - appearance 在始终不渝地保留其传统风格的同时,奥迪TT加进了更多的时尚元素。上下贯通的散热器格栅保留了奥迪新的家族特征,那便是大嘴风格,再加上锐利的大灯和极富动感的保险杠,整个前脸显得极富进攻性。与上一代车型相比,重新设计的车顶离尾部更远,车尾也更向后延伸。车顶之下,占据2/3高度的车身显的紧凑平衡且强劲有力,凹凸有致的线条使得车身充满了动感与张力,就像一个正准备起跑的运动员。弧装把手和安装了发光二极管转向指示灯的大号外后视镜使得车身的设计更加完整。 In unswervingly retain their traditional style at the same time, audi TT added more fashionable elements. Fluctuation transfixion radiator grille retained audi new family characteristics, it is big style, plus sharp headlamps and extremely rich move feeling the bumper of, the whole face appears highly offensive before. Compared with cars, generation on the roof of a redesign farther from the tail, rear also more backward outspread. Under the roof, occupy 2/3 high body reveals compact balance and powerful, nice hour-glass line makes body full of feeling and tension, like a is preparing to start athlete. Arc pack his hands and installed leds turn indicators of big dare make body design rearview mirror more complete. 奥迪TT车长4178mm、车宽1842mm、车高1352mm,较上一代增长137mm、增宽78mm、增高6mm,轴距更是达到了2468mm,尺寸增大的好处大多被转嫁到了内部空间的增加,一米八的大个子坐进去,其头部和肩部空间还相当宽裕。尽管由于车身尺寸的增加,奥迪TT的迎风面积由1.99平方米增加到了2.08平方米,但风阻系数却由原来的0.34减小至0.30。 Audi car wide 4178mm, commander TT 1842mm, car 1352mm, relatively high generation on the growth 137mm, widened 78mm, heighten 6mm, wheelbase topped 2468mm, size increase benefits were mostly passed on by the internal space increases, meter of eight big man sit, its head and shoulder room still quite bounteous. Although because body size increases, audi TT the windward acreage increased to 56.60 by 1.99 square meters square metre, but the wind resistance coefficient but by original 0.34 reduced to 0.30. 从外形上新TT同样延续了奥迪家族的大嘴风格,相对于老款的比较面善的前灯设计,新一代TT通过一双鹰眼式的前灯透出它凌厉的风格,而车身方面,新款奥迪TT依然延续了它圆润的风格,同时更显质感。围绕着奥迪TT的四周,笔者突然想起前段时间在珠海赛车场试驾保时捷全系列车型,奥迪TT在整体风格上,尤其是侧身与尾部设计与保时捷911系列有些相似,流线型的跑味。其实有这样的观点也不为奇怪,大众、奥迪、保时捷,原本就是同根同源,保时捷现有的卡宴车型就从大众汽车途锐身上得到不少灵感,这是优势互补 Form new TT also lasted audi family big mouth style, relative to the old style more jovial appearance design, a new generation of headlights TT through a pair of geordi type headlight passes it relentless style, and body, new audi TT still lasted it fruity style, also more show the texture. Around the audi TT all round, the author suddenly remind of paragraph time at the zhuhai circuit test-drive porsche whole series of vehicles, audi TT in integral style, especially sideways and tail porsche 911 series design and some resemblance, streamlined run flavour. Actually there is such views or for strange, Volkswagen, audi, porsche, originally is the same roots, porsche models from existing card banquet V olkswagen new standards body get a lot of inspiration, this is complementary advantages
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