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教你学《21世纪大学英语~读写教程》~(可编辑)教你学《21世纪大学英语~读写教程》~(可编辑) 教你学《21世纪大学英语?读写教程》 3 Unit One How I Got Smart Part One Text A How I Got Smart 我是怎么变聪明的 I 导读 本文以生动有趣的笔调讲述了作者中学时代的故事不爱上学读书成绩糟糕的"我"爱上了优等生Debbie为了赢得她的芳心自卑的"我"买来了百科全书武装自己并不失时机地向她表现自己的学识就在"我"自以为即将大功告成时却发现Debbie早就心有所属而令"我"大跌眼睛的是她喜欢的竟是成绩与"我"同样...
教你学《21世纪大学英语~读写教程》~(可编辑) 教你学《21世纪大学英语?读写教程》 3 Unit One How I Got Smart Part One Text A How I Got Smart 我是怎么变聪明的 I 导读 本文以生动有趣的笔调讲述了作者中学时代的故事不爱上学读成绩糟糕的"我"爱上了优等生Debbie为了赢得她的芳心自卑的"我"买来了百科全书武装自己并不失时机地向她表现自己的学识就在"我"自以为即将大功告成时却发现Debbie早就心有所属而令"我"大跌眼睛的是她喜欢的竟是成绩与"我"同样糟糕的篮球手大受打击的"我"几欲弃书学球却已不知不觉被书的磁力吸引从此博览群书最后成为一名教师通过这个故事作者纠正了他学生的偏见--即所有的老师年少时要么是天才要么是书虫同时也从侧面说明了一个道理只要有了求知的动力知识就是一杯饮之欲醉的美酒学习就会变为一件乐事 II 词汇与短语 1 anyway adv anyhow 非正式 不管怎么说无论如何至少不论用何种无论从什么角度 - He told me not to buy it but I bought it anyway 他告诉我不要买那个但尽管这样我还是买了 - The experiment is a success anyway you look at it 无论怎么看实验都是成功的 2 out of focus not clearly seen not sharply defined 模糊不清楚 - This photo of John is out of focus I cant see his face clearly 约翰的这张照片不清晰我看不清他的脸 - Your personality is all out of focus 你的性格简直叫人琢磨不透 3( 辨析 compulsive compulsory compulsive adj"强制的""强迫的"指某人的行为由不得自己控制 compulsory adj "义务的""强制的"指因法律规定或因权威的人士的命令而 必须做某事 ? ___drinking is bad for ones health 勉强饮酒对人体有害 ? In many countries attendance at school is ___ for children over seven years of age 在许多国家里7岁以上的孩子都必须上学 ?compulsive ?compulsory 4 beyond ones wildest dreams 出乎某人预料的地 - The high salary was beyond my wildest dreams 这份高薪是我做梦也想不到的 - They promised her she would soon be rich beyond her wildest dreams 他们向她保证很快她就会变得超乎想像的富有 5 radiate v emit give out shed 发出光或热 - The sun radiates light and heat 太阳发出光和热 fig give forth a feeling of 流露显示 - He radiated confidence 他脸上露出自信的神色 6 gulf n gap 巨大的分歧鸿沟裂口 - The gulf between the two cultures was too great to be easily bridged 这两种文化的差异太大不易沟通 其他搭配fillnarrowwiden the gulfgap 7 scheme v plan plot密谋策划 - They were scheming to rob the bank 他们在密谋抢劫银行 8 venture n 〔C〕 投机活动风险投资 - A lucky venture in oil stock made his fortune 他在石油股票方面幸运的投机活动使他大发其财 9 sweep sb off hisher feet 使某人倾心 - She was swept off her feet by him 她被他迷住了 - The people were swept off their feet by the force of the speakers arguments 讲演者的论点很有说服力给听众留下了深刻的印象 10 get sth in chip in设法说完 - I couldnt get a word in because she was talking so much 她讲个没完我一句话也插不上 - Ill try to get my suggestion in at the start of the meeting 我会尽量在会议一开始就提出我的建议 11 play right into sbs hands 干对某人有利的事 - In the baseball game Jerrys foul played into the opponents hands 棒球比赛中杰瑞的犯规让对手占了便宜 - By leading his man into a valley without another way out the general played right into the enemys hands 将军把他的部下带入了没有其他出口的山谷给了敌人可乘之机 12 file v go 排成纵队行进 - The men filed onto the parade ground and passed the general 士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场从将军面前走过 - The jury filed out of the courtroom 陪审员们从法庭里鱼贯而出 13 step up intensify 增加促进 -The pace of reforms is being stepped up 改革的步子正在加快 - Were trying to step up production to meet the increased demand 我们正努力加紧生产以满足增长的需求 14 relish vt enjoy从中获得乐趣 - He relished going to the beach at dawn 他喜欢黎明时分去海滩 15 hang on listen attentively to 倾听注意地听 - The girl admires her teacher she hangs on his every word 这女孩钦佩她的老师对他的每句话都用心聆听 16 辨析 note notice observe perceive note vt"注意""留意"指密切关注或注意到细节并在脑海中将所看到的 东 西有条不紊地下来语气比 notice强 notice vt"注意到""察觉到"指无意中注意到某个重要却容易被忽略的细节 强调结果和偶然性 observe vt"注意到""察觉到""观察"指在方便有利的位置上仔细地有条理 地科学地观察某事物表示"注意到"时强调直接注意 perceive vt"察觉""感知"指不但通过视觉而且通过任何感觉器官敏锐清晰 地认识到察觉到一些细小的本已存在的异常现象 ? The doctor kept a strict watch over the patient to___the slightest change in his condition 医生仔细观察病人留意病情最细微的变化 ? We___them enter entering the building 我们看到他们进入了正在进入大楼 ? I can___a slight change in color 我能观察到颜色的微妙变化 ? I___ that he was looking very nervous 我注意到他显得很紧张 ?note ?observed ?perceive ?noticed 17 go steady with sb date 和某人约会谈恋爱 - Sheilas been going steady with Mike for six months 希拉和麦克恋爱6个月了 18 invest in 投入时间精力等投资 - I invested much time in the computer course 我在计算机这门课上花了许多时间 - He has heavily invested in the stock market 他将大量资金投入了股市 19 no more than 文语 仅仅只不过 - They thought slaves were no more than commodities 他们认为奴隶只不过是商品 - He ate no more than a slice of toast for breakfast 他早餐仅吃了一片吐司 20 taste of 有某种味道表示食品的词作主语尝到人作主语较少用 - The soup tastes of too much salt 这汤太咸 - She didnt want to lose the freedom she had tasted of 他不想失去已尝到的自由的甜头 21 辨析 alter change convert transform vary alter vt "改变""变更"一般指对某些方面作改动并不改变事物本来面目或 性质 change v "改变""更改""变更"普通用语强调人或事物在本质上的变化甚至 是前后完全不同的变化 convert vt "使转变""使转化"通常指从某种状态或情况转变为另一种状态 或情况以适用于新的目的或用途 transform vt "使变形""使改观""变换"指使人或物在性质或形态上发生根 本性的变化 vary v "变化""呈差异""改变""使不同"指不规则地断断续续地变化或使某 物在不同的时间地点条件下呈差异 ? Energy is___from one form to another 能量从一种形式转变为另一种形式 ? If your new coat is too large a tailor can___it to fit you 如果你的新上衣太大裁缝可以把它改得合身些 ? She used to be shy but has___since she went to college 她过去很害羞但自从上大学后她就变了样 ? The weather___from time to time in some mountain districts 在有些山区天气时时有变化 ? A steam engine___heat into power 蒸汽机使热能转换成动力 ?converted ?alter ?changed ?varies ?transforms 22 incentive n〔C〕〔U〕 刺激鼓励 - Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to invest more of their income 税收优惠政策有效地刺激了人们将其收入所得更多地用于投资 - With prices so low there is little incentive for the farmers 价格这么低农民们几乎没有积极性 III 构词法 1 派生 n -ess ?n 表示阴性 例如 host 主人 ?hostess女主人 actor演员?actress女演员 waiter侍者? waitress女侍者 lion狮子? lioness雌狮 2 派生 v -ee?n指承受动作的人 例如 employ 雇佣 ? employee雇员 train训练? trainee受训者 refer委托?referee裁判员 trust信赖? trustee受托人 IV 句子结构 1 if only to do sth 或if only because 即使只是为了即使仅仅因为 - I think you should get a job if only to stop yourself getting so bored at home 我想你该找份工作哪怕只是为了不再让自己在家里感到如此无聊 - There will be more famines if only because the worlds population is growing faster than food production 世界人口增长速度正在超过粮食增长速度仅仅是出于这个原因到时候也会 出现更多的饥荒 2 make 使成为obj v-ed - She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music 她不得不高声喊叫盖过音乐声才使别人听见她 - I can make myself understood in French 我能用法语表达我的意思 V 难句意译 1 Who else but a bookworm with none of the normal kids tendency to play rather than study would grow up to be a teacher anyway L2 - Who else but a bookworm unlike the average children who would rather play than study would grow up to become a teacher in any case 2 All at once I enjoyed going to school if only to gaze at the lovely face in English II L15 - All of a sudden I liked going to school even if only reason is that I could look at the lovely face in English Class Two 3 My princess sat near the pencil sharpener and that year I ground up enough pencils to fuel a campfire L17 - There was a pencil sharpener where my princess sat and that year I intentionally went there for sharpening pencils that were enough to fuel a campfire 4 and she would flash a smile that radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat L25 - and she would give me an intelligent smile and made my heart beat fast 5 I would become Chief Brain in English II and sweep my princess off her feet with a surge of erudition L37 - I would become the top student in English II and my princess would admire me greatly for my erudition 6 "Know where anchovies come from" L43 - "Do you know where anchovies come from" 7 Debbie seemed to relish our little conversations and hung on my every word L79 - Debbie seemed to enjoy our little conversations and listen to me attentively 8 In the classroom too I was gradually making my presence felt L82 - I gradually made everyone realize my presence in the classroom too 9 My hand shot up L87 -I raised my hand swiftly 10 In time I recovered from my wounds L107 - Finally I recovered from my emotional difficulties VI 译文 课文A 我是怎么变聪明的 斯蒂夫?普罗迪 上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法即认为他们的老师当年都是 些神童不管怎么说除了不像一般孩子那样生性好玩不愿学习的书呆子之外还有 谁愿意长大后当老师呢 我竭力向我的学生们解释我在他们心目中的形象 -- 一个在青春期热衷于书本和作业的人 -- 有一点被扭曲了相反我极为憎恨义务教育我永远都无法接受在鱼儿上钩时不得不去上学的想法 但是在我中学二年级的时候发生了一件美妙而又激动人心的事爱神丘比特瞄准他的箭正好射中了我的心突然间我喜欢上学了而这只是为了能够凝视英语二班里那张可爱的脸 我的公主坐在卷笔器旁边那一年我削的铅笔足以点燃一堆篝火可黛比却远远超出了我的期望将我们隔开的不仅有五排课桌还有约50分的智商她是英语二班的尖子拉里维太太的掌上明珠 偶尔黛比会发现我盯着她看这时她便会露出一个闪烁着智慧光芒令我心跳加快的微笑这是一个标志着希望使我暂时忘记将我们分开智力上的鸿沟的微笑 我想尽办法去跨越那条鸿沟有一天我经过超市突然想到了一个主意橱窗里的一块招牌称商店里正以29美分的特价供应一套百科全书的第一卷其余各卷则为每卷249美元 我买下了第一卷 -- 从Aardvark土豚到Asteroid海星 -- 然后开始了在知识世界里的探险打那以后我将成为一个事实探寻者我将成为英语二班的首席智者以渊博的知识使我的公主倾心于我我全都计划好了 一天 在自助餐厅排队时我的第一个机会来了我往身后一看她正好在那儿 "嘿"她说 我犹豫了一下然后润了润嘴唇说"知道凤尾鱼是从哪儿来的吗" 她显得有点惊讶"不我不知道" 我松了口气"凤尾鱼生活在咸水里淡水里很少见"我不得不讲得很快以便在我们到达收银台之前道出所有的细节"渔民们在地中海和邻近西班牙葡萄牙的大西洋海岸捕捉凤尾鱼" "真有意思"黛比一边说一边疑惑地摇着头显然我已经给她留下了一个挺深的印象几天之后在一次消防演习时我装作不经意地走到她身边问"去过阿留申群岛吗" "从来没去过"她答道 "也许是一个旅游的好去处但我肯定不愿意住在那儿"我说 "为什么不愿意呢"黛比说这正中了我的计 "呃那儿的气候太险恶在群岛的100多座岛屿中没有一座有树木地上遍布岩石几乎没有植物能在上面生长" "我想我连去旅游也不愿意"她说 消防演习结束了我们开始排队进入大楼所以我不得不赶紧再谈谈土著居民"阿留申人身材矮小体格健壮有着深色的皮肤和黑色的头发他们以鱼为主食他们设陷阱捕捉北极狐和海豹以获得它们珍贵的毛皮" 黛比惊讶地睁大了眼睛 一天我正在图书馆里浏览书刊我发现黛比坐在一张桌子旁正专心致志地做着一个纵横填字谜她皱着眉头显然被一个词难住了我弯下身去问我是否能帮上忙 "一个意为东方女佣的四字母词"黛比说 "试一试amah"我以闪电般的速度说 黛比填入空格然后转过头惊讶地盯着我"我真不敢相信"她说"简直不敢相信" 那个光辉灿烂的充满欢乐的富有浪漫色彩的二年级就这样继续着黛比似乎很喜欢我们的简短交谈全神贯注地听着我的每一句话自然我读得越多信心也越强 在教室里我也渐渐让别人感到了我的存在一天在一次关于柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》的讨论中我们碰到了albatross信天翁这个词 "有谁能告诉我们信天翁是什么吗"拉里维太太问 我立刻举起了手"信天翁是一种大鸟主要栖息在赤道以南的海域不过也有可能在北太平洋发现它们信天翁身长四英尺翼幅是鸟类中最大的它以鱼类和带壳的水生动物为食信天翁胃口很大吃饱后便很难再飞上天" 许久教室里鸦雀无声拉里维太太无法相信她刚刚所听到的我偷偷地瞥了瞥黛比一眼对她使劲眨了眨眼她显得很自豪也对我眨了眨眼 我未能察觉到的是那一阵子黛比正同一个邻近学校的三年级学生约会 -- 一个平均分为C的篮球运动员这一发现对我打击很大有一度我真想忘掉所有学过的东西当时我攒够了钱买第二卷 -- 从Asthma哮喘病到Bullfinch红腹部灰雀-- 但我真想去买一只篮球 我觉得自己不仅受到了伤害而且还遭到了背叛就像阿伽门侬一样不过感谢上帝后果并没有那么严重 最终我从伤痛中恢复了过来第二年黛比搬离了这个街区转到了另一所学校很快她变成了记忆中的人物而已 虽然最初的动力没有了但我却继续钻研百科全书以及越来越多的其他 书籍已经品尝过知识的美酒此时我已无法改变我的前进方向了因为 "一知半解为害匪浅 开怀畅饮吧否则就不要品尝埃里亚圣泉" 亚历山大?蒲柏如此写道见第十四卷 -- 从Paprika红灯笼辣椒到Pterodactyl翼手龙 Part Two Text B Coming of Age 长大成人 I 导读 《长大成人》是作者对自己无拘无束难忘的青春年代的回忆回忆围绕着"我"拥有的第一辆汽车展开作者采用倒叙的手法一开始就描写自己将与心爱的汽车告别时的痛苦然后从如何得到这辆车开始说起选取了几件生动有趣的轶事讲述这辆旧车给"我"及我的伙伴带来的巨大欢乐以及人与车人与人结下的深厚情谊可以说这辆旧车是作者整个年轻时代的见证成长期间的欢笑泪水迷惘恶作剧吵闹沉默都曾在车上发生难怪"我"和朋友如此依恋它"我们"依恋的是那段美好的时光那份纯真的友情作者的叙述充满了感情在描写人物场景时善于抓住主要特征和细节使之栩栩如生地出现在读者眼前很有感染力 II 词汇与结构 1 so much sth 这那么多完全纯粹 - Youve got so much free time 你有这么多空闲时间 - This idea strikes me as so much nonsense 在我看来这个纯粹是一派胡言 2 keeplose ones cool 保持冷静失去镇定 - He really lost his cool when he heard about what happened 当听到所发生的一切时他确实失去了镇静 3 opt to do sthopt for sth 选择做某事选择 - When he left school he opted to go to college and study for a degree rather than getting a job straight away 他中学毕业时选择了上大学读学位而不是马上找工作 - Some guys opt for boxer shorts 一些人选择了拳击短裤 4 collision betweenwith sbsth 与某人某事物相撞 - Two people were killed in a head-on collision between a bus and a car 有2人在公共汽车与小汽车的正面相撞中丧生 5 settle on decide on决选定同意安排妥 - Have you settled on a place for your vacation 你们决定去哪里度假了吗 - The committee has settled on him as secretary-general 委员会已选定他担任秘书长 6 wind up bringcome to an end 使结束 - The speaker will soon wind up his speech 演说者就要结束他的讲话了 7 辨析 sensible sensitive sensible adj "明智的""合情理的""实用而不时髦的"指人时表示某人对现 实的事情有正确的推理判断能力指物时表示某事物符合实际切实可行 sensitive adj "敏感的""灵敏的"指善于理解别人的情感或问题容易受到别 人话语的刺激或人的皮肤等容易感受外界的气温变化等也可指话题等可能引起 别人的情感反应还可指仪器等能反映微小的变化 ? Surely it would be___to get a second opinion 听取第二种意见当然是明智的 ? We need to be more___to the needs of the young students 我们对青年学生的需求应更敏感 ? I would like to wear___shoes though Im a girl in love 虽然我是个正在恋爱中的女孩我还是喜欢穿实用的鞋子 ? A barometer is___to changes in atmospheric pressure 气压计对气压的变化反应很敏感 ?sensible?sensitive?sensible?sensitive 8 stick with remain loyal to continue to support 继续忠于继续支持 - We stuck with her as our candidate 我们继续支持她为候选人 - Ill stick with the Scotch 我还是按老规矩喝苏格兰威士忌酒 III 译文 课文B 长大成人 塞姆?沃克 好吧我承认在我的第一辆汽车被拖到废品旧货栈之前我坐在驾驶座上哭了你可以对我说一辆车只是一堆玻璃和钢而已但我永远不会为那天的失态而抱歉一个年轻人的第一辆车与其说是一种交通工具还不如说是他发现年轻人之自由的一种纪念物至少我的车是这样 一切都是从那时的两年前开始的我的16岁生日过后不久我的父母报废了家里那辆红颜色的旧车把它传给了我很快我和那辆车变成了最好的朋友我们几乎在任何时候任何地方让任何提出要求的人搭车经历了各种各样的奇遇 其中有些奇遇真有点让人毛骨悚然众所周知的一次是在一天下午放学后我把10个朋友塞进汽车里包括宁愿坐在行李箱里也不愿被丢下的埃里克我们只是驾着车得意洋洋地兜风海阔天空东拉西扯虽然我仅仅以20英里的时速开着车但跟一辆载满7岁孩子的校车相撞仍把我的车头给撞瘪了我首先想到的就是行李箱里的埃里克我冲过去打开箱盖发现他躺在那儿一动不动我到吸了一口冷气他却睁开眼睛大笑着说"你是这个星球上最差劲的驾驶员" 当10个神情恍惚的高二学生一个一个从我的车里爬出来时站在一旁观看的人都看呆了校车上没有人受伤只有一个小女孩因为急着要上厕所而在哭在那些小男孩的眼里我是个英雄他们钦佩不已地围在我身边连警察们也勉强露出了笑容 我的父母当然非常生气他们决定了对我的惩罚我得用我那年夏天打工赚来的工资支付修理费为了减轻这一经济上的打击我坚持要汽车机修工用旧零件修车所以在车子修好时那辆旧的红车便有了一个绿色的发动机罩一块黄色的挡泥板和一扇蓝色的车门这我倒不介意这辆车绝非美轮美奂但她却是我的 那年夏天学校一放假我便发现我的自由空间大大扩展了以前我和我的 朋友们得骑着自行车去公共游泳池现在我们却可以驾着我的车沿着河边的路去踏勘一座废弃的老火车站我们现在可以像谙于世故的成人一般驾着我的车去参加棒球比赛而不再像小孩子一样坐教练的面包车去了我们戴着太阳眼镜把葵花子壳吐到车窗外感觉好得就像已经打赢了比赛一样 一天晚上我正在打工的餐馆里洗碟子我的几个朋友趁机将我的汽车轮胎卸了下来让车子无能为力地难堪地躺在停车场的水泥地上我认为对于他们的恶作剧最好的反应就是置之不理于是我走回了家第二天早上我家门口发现了我的车上面涂满了两英寸厚的剃须膏 我的朋友一个接一个地拿到了驾驶执照我们这帮人便有了不同的车辆选择但是不论谁的车最新试过几天之后最终我们总是又回到我的旧车里即使在那个时候我也不懂这是为什么它毫不花哨--除了那些多种颜色的部件它看上去就像过去一样是一辆实用的家庭汽车它跑得不快--55英里的时速是极限它当然也不舒适--没有空调大热天我们光着的腿就粘在座位上 直到它的发动机寿终正寝时我才意识到是什么使这辆车如此特别当我大多数的朋友买了能将几条街区以外的玻璃窗震得格格作响的汽车立体声音响时我一直在继续用原来那台即使在晴好的夜晚也只能勉强收到两个电台的旧收音机通常我们只是让它关着不过车里从来没有百无聊赖默不作声的时候也没有人要求我去买一台更好的收音机我们谈论女孩子相互乱编一些无聊的歌曲或者讲故事以此来填补没有音乐的空白 但是真正令人难忘的还是更为严肃的时刻我永远不会忘记我们的球队在季后赛中被淘汰后我们开车回家一路上的沉默无语也永远不会忘记在那些夜晚查理谈论他父母的经济困难汤姆忧伤地谈起他父亲的离家出走以及埃里克告 诉我们他要打职业曲棍球赛的梦想 自从我们高中毕业后我和我的朋友们已经分散到全国各地并已长大成人然而我一直不曾忘记那一天当汽车机修工作出令人悲哀的裁决时我那种年轻人的激动情绪在我的那辆旧车里我们已经堆积了如同火种般的记忆并且知道在某一天某一个地方白发苍苍的我们会聚在一起重新点燃我们的友谊之火 Part Three Text C Romance and Reality 浪漫与现实 I 导读 浪漫与婚姻是矛盾的浪漫是短暂的奔放的婚姻是长久的是理智的无论是恋人还是夫妻渴望每天都有情意绵绵的浪漫是不切实际的《浪漫与现实》一文探讨了浪漫在现实的爱情生活中扮演的真正角色及两者的关系作者认为浪漫既是一种氛围但更重要的是一种心态要得到真爱就要双方作出努力将浪漫编织在整个爱情生活之中为此作者提出了八个建筑和维持真爱的因素作为一篇论说文作者行文力求客观有说服力为了形象地说明抽象的概念文中多用比喻等修辞手法还借用图表来达到直观的效果 II 译文 课文C 浪漫和现实 斯坦利?J?卡兹博士 艾米?E?刘 浪漫可以是一种危险的诱惑一轮满月柔和的烛光--氛围完美无缺加上一位迷人的伴侣和一些轻柔的背景音乐又有谁能抵挡住"情意绵绵"的感觉呢但这毕竟是杂志广告上描述的爱如果你找到一位能提供这样一种环境并邀请你进入的伴侣很自然就会想到爱 浪漫既是一种氛围也是一种心态享受一段时间的浪漫固然美妙但作为家常便饭浪漫便会有导致营养不良的危险理想的做法是将浪漫编织在充满爱的关系之中而不时地唤醒它则是一种表达爱意和承诺的极佳方式但如果你坚持要让你们的关系处于一种永恒不变的浪漫的状态那你就是在乞求不可能的事不仅如此而且你的要求所带来的压力可能最终会破坏你们成为一对真正相亲相爱的夫妇的可能性 这并不意味着我们应该不经思索就对浪漫的行为表示怀疑或者把我们的浪漫情怀锁藏起来人们自然会在一种新的关系中期待并表达某种程度的浪漫这正是使一种关系情趣盎然激动人心的部分原因--但双方一定都要懂得浪漫所扮演的角色才行在真正的爱中浪漫的目的不是欺骗而是要表达真正的感情并充实一种不断发展的关系它是真诚的它使双方都感到愉快使彼此间的承诺得到加强它使他们得已暂时忘却单调的日常琐事有机会以一种积极的态度关注对方和这份关系 你一旦认定你和你的伴侣都准备接受真正的爱你就需要确保有那种将你们作为情侣联接在一起的纽带这些力量将构成你们爱的基础在未来的挑战中支撑着你们的关系它们分为以下八大类 1(身体的魅力这种魅力不必让人有触电般的感觉对许多相爱的情侣来说它是逐渐缓慢地建立起来的有时需要几年才能成熟最初所真正需要的只是某种吸引力相互间的坦诚柔情和对亲昵言行的渴望 2(共同的目标兴趣和信仰体系有相同的宗教文化和政治信仰的情侣往往比那些背景不同的情侣更和睦但如果有共同的目标和兴趣作为坚实的基础差异是可以克服的 3(相互间的尊重认可和取悦对方的欲望在以虚假的爱为基础的关系中这些情感通常只从一方流露出来在真正的爱中必须有平衡双方都必须承担不辜负对方期望的责任 4(相互间的真诚与信赖真爱容不得虚假谎言只能导致不信任和分歧从一开始你和你的伴侣就必须对你们自己和对方诚实 5(对对方和这份关系的切合实际的期望你们的期望既应该以真爱的要求为基础也应以各自的性格和需求为基础坦率地讨论你们的期望要承认有些期望是没有协商余地的而其他期望则需要变通 6(依赖与独立的平衡真爱需要一种沟通但并不是两个个体的淹没成熟的爱人不会像沉溺于爱中的恋人那样全部融入对方他们也不会毫无交流相反他们结合在一起从而共享他们生活的几部分以图表形式表示这三种可能性看上去是这样的 ? ? ? ? ? 沉溺于爱中的情侣 疏远的情侣 相爱的情侣 要在爱情上成功你和你的伴侣必须学会相互依靠以寻求舒适和支持而又不指望在这种关系中满足你所有的需求你生活的一部分必须保持独立你需要一些和你的伴侣并不共有的朋友活动和兴趣这些外部来源不仅使你个人受益还能提供使这种关系保持开放和发展的思想能量和信息 7(解决问题的合作态度生活需要冲突和斗争因此爱也是如此你和你的情侣必须从一开始就接受这一事实并想好出现问题时处理的办法渡过难关的过程应有助于你们相互了解使你们关系更加密切 8(共同的生活真爱需要经过努力才能获得并不是在一夜之间就能产生 的对我们大多数人来说需要几年实现真爱的时间你和你的伴侣通过日常生活的 常规可以逐步了解对方内心最深处的希望恐惧和感情发现对方的内心节奏并成 为它的一部分 Part Four 练习答案 III 1 compulsory 2 relish 3 confidence 4 consequences 5 incentive 6henceforth 7 invest 8 perceive 9 passion 10 scheming IV 1 going steady with Richard 2 in time 3 played into his enemys hands 4 beyond her wildest dreams 5 hung on Michaels every word or hung on Michaels words 6 out of focus 7 feed on 8 the apple of Chriss eye 9 filed into the courtroom 10 poring over their collection V 1 gaze beam widen 2 betray sigh frown 3 glorious revelation stump VI A 1actress 2empress 3goddess 4mistress 5waitress 6lioness 7priestess 8heiress B 1Goddess 2 waitresses actresses 3 Lionesses 4 mistresses VII A 1应试者 2 裁判 3 被任命者 4 避难者难民 5 收件人 6 受训者 7逃犯 8 缺席者 9 收款人 B 1examinee 2trainee 3absentee 4refugees 5addressee 6escapee VIII 1 albatross crane鹤鹭 eagle鹰 pigeon鸽子 owl猫头鹰 penguin企鹅 - all birds 2 pterodactyl mosquito蚊子 cricket蟋蟀 - all have wings but they arent birds 3 seal seal 海豹 donkey驴 dolphin海豚 - all mammals or seal海豹 penguin 企鹅 - live both on land and in the water or seal 印记图记 crane起重机 cricket板球 sponge海绵状物 - all have other meanings unrelated to animals 4 shark dolphin海豚 sponge 海绵 - all live underwater IX 1 Having too many people on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up 2 He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman 3 In most modern societies women are treated as professional equals rather that 〔as〕 servants 4 "Body language" refers to communication through the way you move rather than to speech 5 He preferred to sit quietly in class rather than risking giving an answer that might be wrong 6 Andrew is convinced that love rather than money is the key to happiness 7 Many people nowadays communicate by e-mail rather than 〔by〕 phones and faxes 8 Mrs Kester made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think X 1 Many writers believe that at least one murder is necessary in a detective story if only to attract more readers 2 Tom would like to take advantage of the medical facilities at the university clinic if only to get his two teeth filled 3 George knows he has to perform very well on the final exam if only to make a good impression on his girlfriend 4 The person who started the fire by carelessly throwing away a lit cigarette must be punished if only to teach him a lesson on how dangerous it is to be so careless 5 I think you should get a job if only to stop yourself getting so bored at home XI 1 Racial prejudice can make itself felt even if no one ever speaks of it 2 Since you feel so strongly about this matter you should make your views known to other committee members 3 I tried to warn him but I couldnt make myself heard above the noise of the traffic 4 You should try to learn enough of the local language to make yourself understood in everyday situations 5 Louisa tried everything she could think of to make Anthony interested in her but he never even noticed XII 上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法即认为他们的老师当年都是 些神童不管怎么说除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩不愿学习的书呆子之外还有 谁愿意长大后当老师呢 我竭力向我的学生们解释我在他们心目中的形象 -- 一个在青春期热 衷于书本和作业的人--有一点被扭曲了相反我极为憎恨义务教育我永远都无法 接受在鱼儿上钩时不得不去上学的想法 XIII 1 Tom was transferred to our school last year He hung on Miss Youngs every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye 2 Seeing his daughter graduate from high school he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldnt express in words 3 Last year when Mr Li began his first venture into the stock market becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams 4 On my holiday I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish I took several photos of them but unfortunately they were all out of focus 5 The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week 6 It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on But without education how can people ever overcome their poverty 7 All of Davids classmates are completely stumped - no one can work out how he became a top student overnight 8 It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him hard but in time he recovered from his wounds XIV 1C 2D 3D 4C 5A 6B 7B 8A 9C 10C 11B 12C 13B 14B 15D 16B 17C 18C XV 2 Episode 2 I told her some basic facts about Aleutian Islands what the Aleuts looked like and how they lived Effects Debbies eyes widened in amazement 3 Episode 3 I helped Debbie to find a difficult word for a crossword puzzle Effects She stared at me in amazement uttering "I dont believe it" Structured Writing A full text may involve different writing techniques For example the text at least involves making an introduction the first three paragraphs telling a story according to time sequence etc However we will only choose one technique for our practice For this text we have chosen the writing technique of making an introduction The author starts by presenting a misconception He continues to show this idea is wrong by giving an example With one incident he makes a starting point in his story telling XVI Key for reference A misconception among our teachers is that students never have anything else to do except homework from class They are expecting us to turn in completed work in time and attend classes fully prepared We have been trying to convince our teachers that we have more than just homework to deal with after class Students lives are filled with the rigors of studying the need to cultivate friendship and family relationship and the necessity of preparing to move out into the "real world" of work Sometimes these activities do not all fit within a day Besides we are just normal kids who cannot work 24 hours a day One day our English teacher came to our dormitory and to his great surprise he found we were busy preparing job presentations job interviews and some of us were much worried about the results of job hunting The teacher came to a better understanding that we really have more commitment than homework from class Text B XVII The exact form of the answers is open but the general idea is 1 something fairly permanent admirable noble significant etc 2 emotionally linked inseparable enjoying one another and willing to do a lot for each other 3 in a disorderly careless or thoughtless way - perhaps as if they were objects 4 a delicate sensitive emotional being for whom he felt affection 5 a feeling of inescapable doom - a life-changing statement gathered with care ready to use someday when they would be needed to give warmth and light and comfort XVIII 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 T 7T 8 T 9F 10F XIX A Odd Man Out Band 4 avenue 林阴道大街 isnt found in a car and is the only word that ends in a vowel sound brake is a verb 刹住车 as well as a noun 制动器 engine is in Text A petrol 〔英〕汽油 has a different name gas 汽油 in American English horn 喇叭 is a noun often used in "blow or sound ones horn" Band 6 curb 街道或人行道的路缘 has a different spelling kerb路 缘 in British English curb can be used as a noun or a verb with the meaning of "控 制约束" horsepower 马力 is the only compound noun and the only abstraction pedestrian 行人步行者 is the only human clutch 离合 器 is a noun related to driving but it is a commonly used word and can be used as a noun or a verb with the meaning of "紧握抓紧" cylinder 汽缸 is found in a car B Right or Wrong 1 wrong We can say Dont blowsound your horn at me that way 2 right 3 wrong We may say I turned to leave but he suddenly clutched my arm 4 right Text C XX The following are possible answers 1 Romance is wonderful but cant last long If you take romance as a steady diet eg to be in a constant state of romance you are asking the impossible 2 nurtured with great and constant care and love 3 restrain or hide our own romantic feelings 4 your relation is close enough to unite the two of you as one 5 very powerful and shocking 6 become fully developed and ready to be gathered 7 a firm base XXI 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 7C 8 A Part Five I 四六级经典考题 名词性从句1 名词性从句多由连词that wh-疑问词或由what或wh-ever关系代词引 导根据表示法分类名词性从句有三种即that从句wh-疑问从句和名词性关系从 句 1 The little girl would have fallen into the river but ___ John caught her A which B that C as D for 2 One of the main reasons men have gone into female-dominated fields is ___ jobs are available in these fields A because B why C that D for 3 I dont doubt ___ they will be here A that B whether C if D when 4 ___ is the richest man in this town A Whom do you think B Who do you think C Do you think who D Who you think 5 Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ___ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered A in that B which C whereas D because 6 "Mary hasnt written us for such a long time" "What do you suppose ___ to her" A that happens B happened C having happened D to happen 7 Ill give my books to ___ needs them A whomever B who C whoever D whom 8 The time for the general offensive was approaching The commanders order soon came ___ all civilians evacuate 撤离 the village A that B when C before D as 9 ___ made you so angry at the meeting A Why was it that B What did it that C What was it that D Why did it that 10 Our factory is much more productive now This years production is five times ___ it was ten years ago A what B that C than D as 11 ___ he had not locked the door before he left A That occurred him B He occurred that C It occurred to him that D It was occurred him that 12 Do you know ___ the population of the
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