

2018-09-05 43页 doc 110KB 12阅读




特色饭馆的经营策略特色饭馆的经营策略 租店选址 1~选择小酒店的店址主要考虑三个方面~一是街面房~至少也应是巷弄口~靠近大街的位臵,二是公司写字楼较集中的地方,三是居民住宅较集中的地方。当然~三者都集中的地方更好。因为做餐饮生意~特别是小酒店最讲究店家附近有足够的人流~有人流才有客流~有客流才会有“财流”。 2~在繁华商圈的次商圈选择店面 3~背靠大树~借市扬名 面北朝南~成功一半,把握右手~成功在手 杜绝二手房东 不要贪图便宜的房租 慎租过堂店 不要在经常打折店面周边做生意 首要防范的是**拆迁。 避免在产权争议地点建店...
特色饭馆的经营策略 租店选址 1~选择小酒店的店址主要考虑三个方面~一是街面房~至少也应是巷弄口~靠近大街的位臵,二是公司写字楼较集中的地方,三是居民住宅较集中的地方。当然~三者都集中的地方更好。因为做餐饮生意~特别是小酒店最讲究店家附近有足够的人流~有人流才有客流~有客流才会有“财流”。 2~在繁华商圈的次商圈选择店面 3~背靠大树~借市扬名 面北朝南~成功一半,把握右手~成功在手 杜绝二手房东 不要贪图便宜的房租 慎租过堂店 不要在经常打折店面周边做生意 首要防范的是**拆迁。 避免在产权争议地点建店。 建店位臵应水~电~气三通。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 要注意在交通~泊车~显眼~等各项方便消费者~吸引消费者的地方选址 转租店面要注意一些陷阱:一是因为转租方遇到道路拆迁~本身已经开不下去了~只想借转租收回一些初期投入的。所以找店面时必须先向附近店家仔细打听~最好是到规划、房管或工商等部门询问一下。如果一个地方即将拆迁~当地工商所一般会接到通知。第二~原先的餐馆在排污、消防等问上受到限制~已经被有关部门要求不能再开下去的~但是承租方并不知道内情~等到转租费全都交了以后~却发现这里根本不能开店。这种情况最多见于居民住宅楼下。第三~租下来后~对方却提供不了房产证的~这种情况工商所也不会给营业执照。第四种情况是~对方把门店生意炒旺后就转租~目的只在于赚取转租的费用。 店内装修,初步预算10000元左右, 装修是一个很复杂的过程~餐馆的装修和一般的家庭装修不一样~还会涉及到环保、消防等专业问题~装修的过程中请到专业人士~最好在装修开始前就能找到厨师长或有餐馆管理经验的人一起来负责~他们能提供很多建议。 店面装修 1~招牌鲜红醒目有特色~店名响亮上口便于记。 2,玻璃门~印字“名师主厨 丰俭由君 欢迎惠顾 推门请进” of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 3,灯箱一个。 经营项目 ,早餐项目, 1,白案,包子、馒头、烤饼、锅饺、水饺、花卷、炸干子、鸡蛋、豆 沙、牛奶、擂茶、现磨豆浆、, 2,面条类、米粉类,牛肉、排骨、肉丝, 3~粥类: 普通粥。 锅巴粥。 炒米粥。 四季粥。 特色粥。 ,中餐项目, 4,米饭: ,1,临时餐。,三菜一汤【蔬菜类见荤】~每份10元, ,点菜加工~依据菜谱收费。, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. ,甑蒸饭、炒饭~点菜加工~依菜谱收费, ,特制饭~点菜加工。依菜谱收费+饭费5元, ,3,包月餐。,经济型:【每人每天15元】早餐3元~中晚餐各6元。大盆蒸饭~分菜制~两菜一汤。菜谱本店安排。, ,实惠型:【每人每天20元】早餐4元~中晚餐各8元。点菜制~三菜一汤。【组成小团体更实惠。】 ,家庭型:面议, ,晚上项目, 5,小吃: ,1,麻辣烫。 ,2,药粥 ,3,特味小吃。 五、厨房操作 1,面条、米粉除了使用猪骨熬制的高汤外~熬制馊子,肉馊子、牛肉馊子、排骨馊子,另专门熬制野蛇汤、墨鱼汤~每份一汤匙~以其鲜味吸引顾客。 ,2,普通粥的制法:好厨娘的熬粥秘笈6招 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 1、浸泡:煮粥前先将米用冷水浸泡半小时~让米粒膨胀开。这样做的好处:熬起粥来节省时间,搅动时会顺着一个方向转,熬出的粥酥、口感好。 2、开水下锅:大家的普遍共识都是冷水煮粥~而真正的行家里手却是用开水煮粥~为什么,你肯定有过冷水煮粥糊底的经验吧,开水下锅就不会有此现象~而且它比冷水熬粥更省时间。 3、火候:先用大火煮开~再转文火即小火熬煮约30分钟。别小看火的大小转换~粥的香味由此而出: 4、搅拌:原来我们煮粥之所以搅拌~是为了怕粥糊底~现在没了冷水煮粥糊底的担忧~为什么还要搅呢,为了“出稠”~也就是让米粒颗颗饱满、粒粒酥稠。搅拌的技巧是:开水下锅时搅几下~盖上锅盖至文火熬20分钟时~开始不停地搅动~一直持续约10分钟~到呈酥稠状出锅为止。 5、点油:煮粥还要放油,是的~粥改文火后约10分钟时点入少许色拉油~你会发现不光成品粥色泽鲜亮~而且入口别样鲜滑。 ,3,锅巴粥的制法: A,批量生产方法。它是精选优质大米洗泡~蒸煮至七成熟后将米、汤分离~然后将夹生饭烘烤成锅巴~再将锅巴和米汤按比例混煮即成锅巴粥~粥中还可以加入各种微量元素、鱼酱、肉末、果蔬菜汁等~使之更具营养和风味。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. B家用自制方法。家庭常法将饭煮熟~烧至锅巴蜡黄带黑。取出锅巴再将饭又烧至锅巴蜡黄~取出。如此循环。然后~将饭与锅巴放进热锅内捣碎~加入米汤~,米汤不够可加入开水,生火烧开搅拌到一定的粘稠程度~即可。 C大砂锅或大陶罐熬粥。,适用熬制药粥, 炒米粥的制法: A农家炒米粥 原料:大米100克~干豌豆50克~芝麻10克。 调料:盐。 做法: 1.大火将炒锅烧至冒烟~倒进大米~转小火不断翻炒~至米粒金黄喷香盛出。 2.再倒进干豌豆炒至金黄。同样方法将芝麻炒香。 3.炒好的大米和豌豆放进锅中~加水煮成粥~吃时撒上芝麻。 炒米粥的记忆: ? 炒米粥煮稀熬烂~顺口喝下的感觉最好吃~仿佛喝下了满口香。 ? 豌豆一定要用干的~鲜豌豆就全不是那味了。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. B【原料】 生姜30-50克~炒米50克~红糖适量。 【制作】 将生姜洗净~切成薄片~与炒米同煮成粥~加入红糖搅匀即可服食。 【用法】 趁热服食~感冒愈后停服。 【疗效】 解发汗~疏散风寒~止呕化痰。适用于外感风寒~鼻塞流涕~咳嗽痰稀~食欲不振。也可用于胃寒呕逆。 【】 风热感冒及胃热呕逆者忌用。 (5) 四季粥。 春:芹菜粥 将芹菜连根洗净~每次用150克芹菜~加水熬煮~取汁与粳米100克~同煮作粥~早、晚随量食用。《本草纲目》记载~芹菜与粳米煮粥~有"有伏热、利小便"的作用。春季肝阳易动~常使人肝火头疼、眩晕目赤~有此病患者或中老年人~常吃些芹菜粥~对调节身体、降低血压、减少烦躁有一定好处。春季也是小儿麻疹多发季节~若及早发现~也可煮芹菜粥给小儿食用~以达到解表透疹的目的~此外~芹菜粥也颇适宜于生长发育旺盛的孩童食用。 夏:百合绿豆糯米粥 主料:百合10克绿豆适量圆糯米半杯清水6杯 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 辅料:冰糖 做法:百合洗净~用水浸泡~绿豆~圆糯米分别洗净后用水浸泡1小时。锅臵火上~放入清水~绿豆~大火煮开后转小火熬煮40分钟。将圆糯米放入锅中~煮至烂熟时再放入百合冰糖~煮熟百合后即可。 白合其性甘~微寒~可润肺止咳~清心安神。其中含有多种营养物质~这些物质能促进机体营养代谢~使机体抗疲劳~耐缺氧能力增强。同时能清除体内有害物质~延缓衰老。绿豆不易熟~煮开后加入凉水~以激开豆花~尽量开盖煮绿豆~可保持翠绿。百合煮至透明时口感最好。 秋:秋季最适宜的粥是玉米面红薯粥。玉米面富含不饱和脂肪酸等营养物质~红薯有祛病延年的功效。 具体做法是:将玉米面100克~先用凉水调成糊状~待水烧开后放入~然后将切成碎块的红薯一并放入~轻轻搅动以防治玉米面沾在锅底。熬粥时要用文火~中间可点几次冷水~玉米面红薯粥以不稀不稠为好。 冬:【腊八粥】大米200g~红小豆100g~花生仁、砂糖300g~加水煮成粥。从现代营养学的角度来看~豆子中含有很多优质植物蛋白~干果则浓缩了鮮果中的营养物质~坚果不仅含有丰富的蛋白质~而且富含维生素E和多种微量元素~对于提高人体免疫力、延缓衰老都能起到很大作用。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. ,6,特色粥 A 养身抗衰老粥 黑米粥的制作材料: 主料:黑米150克 调料:赤砂糖15克 黑米粥的做法: ,1,. 黑米淘洗干净~在冷水里浸泡3小时~捞起~沥干水分。 ,2,. 锅中加入约1500毫升冷水~将黑米放入~先用旺火烧沸~再改用小火熬煮1小时。 ,3,. 待粥浓稠时~放入红糖调味~再稍煮片刻~即可盛起食用。 B 祛病健身粥 山药粥:补肾精~固肠胃~能补肺、脾、肾三脏。对老年人脾胃虚弱~不思饮食~大便溏薄~夜尿频多~以及老年性皮肤瘙痒症、老年性阴道炎均有疗效。制法是把干山药片100 g~或鲜山药200g~洗净切片~粳米100g~同煮为粥。四季皆宜~温热服食。 C 健美减肥粥 ,1,消食养颜粥的做法 消食养颜粥 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 原料: 水发银耳100克、大米60克、果丹皮60克 辅料: 冰糖15克(或不加) 做法: 1. 银耳提前水发, 洗净, 摘成小朵. 2. 锅中放入清水和银耳,大火烧开转小火炖煮1小时. 3. 大米淘洗干净, 用适量水浸泡30分钟后, 加入锅里, 再加入冰糖, 一起继续煮15分钟. 4. 果丹皮切小块, 加入锅里, 再煮5分钟即可. ,2,补血-美颜补血粥 制作材料 菜系:食疗 做法:煮菜 口味:咸鲜 主料: 粳米 100克 辅料:当归 10克 川芎 3克 黄芪 5克 红花 5克 调料: 高汤鸡1000 补血-美颜补血粥的做法 将前3味用米酒洗后~切成薄片~ of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 与红花共入布袋~加入鸡汤和清水~煎出药汁~去布袋后 入粳米~用旺火烧开~文火熬煮成粥。 补血、理气、祛瘀、和色、祛斑功效。适用于血虚所致的面色苍白者~并可消除皮肤黑斑与黑眼圈。 ,3,银耳粥的做法 配料: 银耳10克~红枣5 枚~大米100克~冰糖20克。 特色: 滋阴润肤~止咳护肤。适用于肺燥咳嗽、肤裂、肌肤不润、面色萎黄等症。 操作: 1、将银耳放温水中泡发2小时~除去蒂头、杂质~撕成瓣状,红枣洗净~去核,大米淘洗干净,冰糖打碎成屑。 2、将银耳、红枣、冰糖与米同放锅内~加水适量~臵武火上烧沸~再用文火煮银耳至熟透即成。 ,4,红饭豆粥 配料:红饭豆250克~大米100克~食盐、味精少许。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 制法与食法:红饭豆、大米淘净入锅~加水适量~用武火烧沸~再用文火熬煮即成。每日1次。 效用:利水、渗湿、健脾。用于体型肥胖~面色虚浮不实者。 ,7,如何把米饭煮得又香又好看又好吃。 一.放绿茶泡的水~蒸出来后除了米香还有淡淡的清爽的茶香味: 二.不管是新米还是陈米~都能蒸出香气益人~粒粒晶莹的米饭~这里有四大秘籍:只要您记住这四大秘籍~一定也会蒸出香甜可口的米饭 第一大秘籍——洗米:洗米一定不要超过3次~如 果超过3次后~米里的营养就会大量流失~这样蒸出来的米饭香味也会减少。记住洗米不要超过3次。 第二大秘籍——泡米:先把米在冷水里浸泡1个小时。这样可以让米粒充分的吸收水分。这样蒸出来米饭会粒粒饱满。 第三大秘籍——米和水的比例:蒸米饭时~米和水的比例应该是1:1.2。有一个特别简单的方法来测量水的量~用食指放入米水里~只要水超出米有食指的第一个关节就可以。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 第四大秘籍——增香:如果您家里的米已经是陈米~没关系~陈米也可以蒸出新米的味道。就是在经过前三道工序后~我们在锅里加入少量的精盐或花生油~记住花生油必须烧熟的~而且是晾凉的。只要在锅里加入少许就可以。现在~可以插上电~开始蒸。蒸好了~粒粒晶莹剔透饱满~米香四益。 三.1.加醋蒸饭法。蒸米饭时如果担心吃不下剩下~可按1000克大米35克食醋的比列向锅内加一点儿食醋。这样蒸出的米饭并无酸味~相反饭香更侬,而且即使剩些米饭~不放入冰箱内一两天也不会便馊~甚至再次蒸后~剩饭也象新蒸的一样好吃。 2.加酒蒸法。此法适用于蒸出半生不熟的夹生饭使用。当发现蒸出的米饭夹生后~尽快向蒸锅内滴加几滴白酒~然后在用文火略蒸一会儿~便可食用。 3.加盐蒸饭法。此法适用于陈米作原料蒸饭使用~在蒸饭前加入少量食盐~然后用筷子将其搅匀~这样蒸出的米饭色泽光亮~似新米蒸的。 4.加油蒸饭法。在盖上锅盖之前~向米水中加入少量食油或着西餐用的沙拉油~可使做熟的米饭金光灿亮且更加柔软香甜。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 5.“斜度”蒸饭法。三代同堂~阖家欢乐。可就是蒸饭时不方便~长者想吃软饭~少者爱吃硬饭。有些孝顺的孩子在盛饭时往往给长辈装饭锅中央的饭~以为中央的米饭松软可口~其实不然。如果在蒸饭前有意将入锅的米粒堆出斜度~使厚端浸水少~薄端浸水多~那么蒸出来的米饭便软硬兼的~既浸水少的部分米饭略硬~浸水多的部分米饭松软~众口不在难调。平凡普通的大米饭~经过不同的做法后~就变得不平凡普通~从而异彩纷呈~吃法多多了。 6~在大米饭中加入小米、薏仁等五谷杂粮~不仅使大米饭营养更多~而且口味也更多。 用竹筒和荷叶煮大米饭~会使大米饭有竹子和荷叶这些植物的清香气息。 在大米饭中或加入紫菜~或加入啤酒~或加入绿茶水~茉莉、菊花茶水~煮着吃~做出的大米饭很好吃。 ,8,米饭的花样做法,适用于家庭包餐, 1~米饭小丸子 大米煮熟后稍微捣烂搓成丸子,也可用模子做成小动物状,~大小比乒乓球小。将饭团丸在小炒瘦肉末内反复滚动~沾上肉末和味料~再放入油锅稍炸即可。 2~荷叶饭 大米煮熟取出备用。鸡蛋煎成蛋皮切丝备用。瘦肉、鸡肉、香菇洗净切成丁后与虾仁炒熟备用。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 将米饭和所有的食材及加入的适量广东米酒、盐、鸡粉拌匀~再用荷叶包好~蒸约七分钟熟透便可。 3~蛋花腊肠蘑菇饭的做法 大米冲洗干净~浸泡约30分钟。 白蘑菇、胡萝卜、黄瓜洗净切丁,腊肠切丁,葱切葱花,鸡蛋打成蛋液备用。 蚝油1勺、酒1勺、生抽酱1勺、白糖1茶匙、胡椒粉1茶匙、香油1勺调成调味汁备用。 将大米放入电饭煲中~把白蘑菇、腊肠、胡萝卜也一起放入~按煲饭程序开始即可。 米饭蒸好后打开锅盖~把步骤2中事先调好的调味汁~以及蛋液倒入并搅拌均匀~撒上葱花、黄瓜丁后~再盖上锅盖继续焖5~10分钟后即可。 4~迷你海苔小饭团的做法 1~寿司帘上铺张保鲜袋~放点米饭上去并压成一个大概的圆形, 2~往米饭上涂点番茄酱~并洒点芝麻, 3再依次放上萝卜干、黄瓜丝和肉丝, 4~将保鲜袋拉起~把米饭顺势握成小圆饼, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 5~把保险袋摊开, 6,~往中间贴一片剪好的海苔即可, ,这种饭团做法更简单~直接将各种材料搅拌均匀~握成饭团样就行了。, 5~排骨米饭 主料:剁成块的大排、小排、肋排等。 配料:姜、葱、白糖、酱油、盐、白酒、鸡精,或味精,、八角,茴香,。 步骤: 一、先淘米~第一遍淘米水浇花~第二遍第三遍淘米水单独放一个小盆里盛好~把米蒸好。 二、排骨洗好~放开水里冒一冒。 三、捞出排骨~用清水冲干净~放进高压锅或沙锅里,我一般用高压锅,。 四、把淘米水倒进排骨里~水的多少以正好没过排骨为佳。 五、把切成块的大葱和姜放进锅里~放适量八角~酱油以个人口味加~我的原则是多放酱油少放盐~放一汤匙白糖~加5克左右的白酒~料酒亦可~我个人认为白酒味道更好些。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 六、盖好锅盖~放炉上大火炖一刻钟左右~然后小火炖10分钟左右即可,高压锅的时间,。 七、关火~将锅里的气体自然排空之后~就可以开锅了。 八、打开锅之后~加一匙鸡精或味精。 九、装汤碗里端上餐桌。 特点:排骨味美肉嫩~不柴不腻~汤汁咸淡适中~拌米饭吃口感甚佳。 竹筒饭1 原料:两头带结的竹筒~纵剖开、糯米半斤、豌豆三两、鸡腿肉二两、广味香肠二两、银耳两大朵~用温水泡发开、竹荪四棵~用水泡发开、笋尖三两~在沸水中煮几分钟、白糖一大匙、干红葡萄酒三大匙、蚝油两大匙、生抽三大匙、甜面酱一大匙、盐适量。 做法: 1、糯米用清水泡四小时以上~加入所有调料和鸡肉~腌半小时以上,笋尖、香肠均切粗粒,银耳切碎,竹荪横向切圈。 2、半小时后将所有用料全部放碗里拦匀。 3、把糯米们装入没敲节结那一半的竹筒里~稍压紧实。 4、盖上另一半竹片~再用绵线缠绑住。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 5、放蒸锅中小火蒸两小时~取出后剪掉绵线~开盖即可食用。 竹筒饭2 一、材料选择 1、选竹节,竹子为一年的新竹~超过两年的就不要考虑了~新竹水分多耐烧~烧出来的糯米饭也香些,长度不要超过25厘米、直径6厘米左右的竹子~两头留长5厘米锯成单节~再在一头钻一小孔。,长度不要超过25厘米是考虑受热面积~两头留长5厘米是便于装米~便于烧竹筒时中间有足够的受热面积,小孔的大小~根据你装米的耐性而定~可大可小~一节长25厘米、直径6厘米、小孔1厘椎闹裢残枰?分钟左右的时间装米~装好米后最好能用苹果什么的把孔塞住~孔大就是密封性差些~一元硬币那么大也可, 2、浸泡12小时以上的糯米。,建议浸泡前就将糯米洗一下~待浸泡一段时间~糯米膨胀后搅拌一下~使糯米吸水均匀些, 3、配料:可根据个人喜好~添加一些香肠啊、咸肉啊、咸菜啊、什么的。可以事前把咸肉切成碎末~拌在糯米里~如肉粽子,也可以切成小块~适时适量放入。 二、烧竹筒饭竹筒饭能否烧的香喷喷~加水多少和火候掌握是关键。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 1、加水。以一节长25厘米、直径6厘米的竹筒为例~加水为100毫升为佳。,相当于一瓶娃哈哈纯净水的六分之一~一瓶娃哈哈纯净水是596毫升~因为烧竹筒饭时水分散失比较快~水加少了烧出来的竹筒饭就硬了, 2、火候。大火15分钟~中火5分钟~小火3分钟。,大火的十五分钟一定要烧够~烧的时间越长~旋转竹筒的就要勤快些~虽然烟熏火燎的但还是坚持一下吧~也就二十来分钟的事~如果烧出来的竹衣颜色微微发黄~柔软~没有烧焦的感觉~就说明你的水平到家了~快赶上我了^_^, 三 注意事项: 1、糯米不要装的太满~留个二三厘米空余的空间~烧前摇晃一下~使米与米的间隙大一下。 2、烧竹筒饭的时候~千万不能让竹筒着火~要适当的旋转竹筒~因为竹筒很烫手~所以准备一双手套是必要的~还不会脏手。糯米粘在竹衣上~烧出的竹筒饭被竹衣包裹着~可以整个拿起。 如果你喜欢吃锅巴~索性就再多烧5分钟的中火~一定香酥的很。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 3、破开竹筒的时候千万要注意~不能像劈柴一样~一刀两半。这样容易使竹筒饭掉在地上~以前就遇到过好几位~好不容易烧成的劳动成果就这样浪费了~真是可惜了。一定要轻轻的劈~等一个节头裂开以后~把竹筒横放在地上~用刀涨开,要么劈开一个节头以后再去劈同部位的另一个节头~劈的时候要轻~把节头劈开就好~然后横放在地上~用手拉开。 ,8,堡仔饭,有堡仔饭加工机械, ,注意:煲仔饭要好味~有一样东西切不可少~那便是酱油。酱油在最后淋在饭面~渗透下去~足以带动一煲鲜味。不过~随随便便的酱油不放也罢~主要是太咸了。可事先煮些椒圈酱油~酱油加些水、放点糖和一丁点油,自己可以创造其他调味料,~一起煮滚。炮制好的酱油倒入油壶中放进冰箱~随时可用。, 腊味煲仔饭的做法 食谱配料: 大米适量~广式腊肠100克~小油菜适量~香葱汁、蒜汁各50克~色拉油2大匙~蚝油1大匙~糖1小匙~特级酱油1大匙~胡椒粉1小匙。 制作方法: of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 1.泡好的米放进煲仔锅~加热水~水量控制在比平时焖米饭的水量稍少些~让米饭稍硬, 2.煲仔锅加盖放火上直接加热~不时观察锅内变化~待米饭差不多把水吸收进去时~用小勺盛色拉油沿锅内檐、米饭的边际淋油, 3.把火开到最小~不断倾斜和旋转锅~均匀加热锅的每一个侧面~此时锅内劈啪作响~在锅内壁形成一层焦香的锅巴, 4.炒锅烧热油少许~将蒜汁和腊肠爆香后加糖和蚝油~烧一会熄火待用, 5.锅内水气基本全无时~往米饭上放上腊肠和小油菜~浇少许酱油(随个人口味)~把火开大~加香葱汁~待水气快消失时盖盖儿同时关火~腊味煲仔饭即可~食用时撤胡椒粉调味。 温馨提示: 选对正宗的广式香肠和正宗的蚝油是成败的关键。 豉汁排骨煲仔饭的做法 食谱配料: 肋排~豆豉~米~咸鸭蛋1个~料酒~酱油~糖~盐~鸡精~淀粉~葱姜蒜~干红辣椒。 制作方法: of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 1.排骨洗净用1勺料酒、1勺淀粉腌半小时~红辣椒切小段~豆豉切碎~葱姜蒜切末, 2.炒锅放油~煸香蒜末关火~放入豆豉、红辣椒拌匀~然后将姜末、糖、酱油、盐、大半匙料酒、排骨放入炒锅混匀~放入深碟中上蒸锅隔水蒸~大火蒸10分钟,七八分熟,, 3.煲里放少量的油烧热~放入洗净的米和适量的水,水中加少许盐,大火烧开后小火煮至水快干时将排骨及卤放在一半米饭的上面~另一边打个盐咸蛋~继续小火焖至排骨熟~饭起锅巴~豉汁排骨煲仔饭即可。 海鲜煲仔饭的做法,电饭煲煲仔饭, 食谱配料: 大虾仁50g~带子5枚~蟹肉棒3根~大米100g~生抽2汤匙(30ml)~香葱1茶匙(5g)~香油1茶匙(5ml)~白砂糖1茶匙(5g)~菜心50g。 制作方法: 1.大虾仁洗净~挑去虾线~同带子、蟹肉棒一起待用, 2.锅中放入适量清水大火烧沸后放入菜心氽煮~再取出沥干水分~待用, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 3.将大米淘洗干净~根据电饭煲米和水的比例提示~将适量米和水放入电饭煲内~按下煲仔饭按钮, 4.听到加料提示音后~打开电饭煲上盖~放入大虾仁、带子、蟹肉棒~再盖上盖继续加热, 5.在小碗中调入生抽和白砂糖~混合均匀后加热半分钟~再调入香葱和香油制成调味汁, 6.听到烹饪完成提示音后~将煲仔饭盛出~淋上调味汁~海鲜煲仔饭即可。 鸡翅煲仔饭的做法 食谱配料: 蜡肉~鸡中翅~西兰花~凤梨~米~酱汁~调味品。 制作方法: 1.大米洗净后~泡水1小时后沥干备用, 2.鸡翅在中间叉2个小洞~倒入蚝油、盐少许,或不用,、黑胡椒、自制辣椒酱半勺(没有的话可以买李锦记的辣酱)~腌15分钟~蜡肉切片~西兰花用油盐水焯半分钟~凤梨切好备用, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 3.锅里油加热~七成热时先倒进蜡肉略翻炒后加鸡翅翻炒至发白~加入自制酱汁~闷烧2分钟~不用全部烧熟~用碗盛起鸡翅和蜡肉~锅里留下汤汁都备用, 4.将泡好的米放入砂锅中加水~加盖大火煮开~然后转中火收干水分~再铺上鸡翅和蜡肉~淋上锅里的酱汁~沿锅的边缘淋油~加盖小火煮5分钟~熄火后再铺上西兰花、凤梨焖15分钟~鸡翅煲仔饭即可。[吃地带] 北菇滑鸡煲仔饭的做法 食谱配料: 去骨鸡腿肉~香菇~青菜(任何一种青菜都行)~姜片~蒜~辣椒~白米~芝麻油~酱油~酒~五香粉~胡椒粉~香油~少许的糖~蒜。 制作方法: 1.鸡腿肉切块并用酱油、酒、五香粉、胡椒粉、香油、少许的糖、蒜腌一个小时, 2.水烧开后才把青菜放入锅里~烫一下就好(别烫得太久)~也就是青菜开始变的较翠绿时(约几秒钟时间)~即可马上捞起~捞起的青菜马上降温(可多换几次水~直到水温变冷,, 3.把调味酱汁调好:酒、酱油、糖比例是1:1:0.5, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 4.把整朵香菇泡软后切成两片或三片~再用刚刚调好的酱汁约2-3汤匙拌匀调味备用, 5.锅热倒入芝麻油~中小火慢煸姜片~千万不可用大火爆香~因为会把姜片爆出苦味,切记,~如果没有芝麻油则用炒菜油也行~只是芝麻油比较香一些~等姜片微干时就把拍扁的蒜头放入锅中爆香~这时的火就可以开大一点了~喜欢吃辣的可以加进辣椒一起爆香, 6.姜、蒜都爆香后接着把鸡肉放入锅中煎~鸡肉变色时就把先前调好酱汁~倒入锅中~大火烧开~烧开后约1-2分钟即可起锅待用,别煮得太熟了~因为待会儿还要放入砂锅中焖,, 7.把白米洗净放入砂锅~并加入一点点炒菜油搅拌均匀~加入等量的水开始烧煮~边煮边用筷子搅动米饭~直到水烧剩一半时停止~并转小火盖上锅盖~过几分钟后水约烧成八分干再打开锅盖放入鸡肉和香菇~再盖上锅盖小火闷煮十分钟,鸡肉的汤汁待会儿才会用到,, 8.打开锅盖放入青菜和蛋~再盖上锅盖小火闷煮五分钟~当鸡蛋煮成“糖心蛋”的状态就可以把鸡肉汁淋入砂锅中~此时再把火转成大火~约几十秒钟关火~北菇滑鸡煲仔饭就好了~赶快趁热吃吧。 ,9,米饭的花样吃法。 1~中式披萨 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 米饭的主要成分是碳水化合物~米饭中的蛋白质主要是米精蛋白~氨基酸的组成比较完全~人体容易消化吸收。糙米饭中的矿物质、膳食纤维、B族维生素(特别是维生素B1)含量都较精米米饭中的要高~但米饭中的赖氨酸含量较低。 原料:米饭~各式香肠~青椒~红椒~洋葱~玉米粒~奶酪丝、番茄酱。 做法: 1、先准备一份米饭吧~新蒸的也好~隔天的也好,香肠可以多选几种自己喜欢的~然后切片,青红椒洗净后切细丝,洋葱同样切细丝,奶酪用工具擦成丝。 2、将米饭放在保鲜膜上~用保鲜膜将米饭包起~压实、整形~然后取来一个圆形的模具~将刚刚压好的米饭放到圆形模具中继续压实~从而使其成为规则的圆形~然后取出~去掉保鲜膜~就得到一个类似圆饼的饭团了~依次做好两个这样的饭团~将饭团放入刷好油的烤盘~可以先放入预热200度的烤箱烤制5分钟~当然也可以省去这步。 3、将烤好的饭团取出~接下来跟制作披萨的步骤相同…… 2~米饭煎饼 材料: of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 白米饭200克、胡萝卜100克、圆白菜80克、鸡蛋1个、葱花适量、盐、香油、油适量。 做法: 1、胡萝卜洗净~擦丝。 2、圆白菜洗净~切成细丝。 3、白米饭、胡萝卜丝、圆白菜丝、葱花放在一起~加一个鸡蛋搅拌匀。 4、加入盐、香油调味拌匀。 5、又手蘸些凉水~取一些拌好的饭团成团~再轻轻压成小饼状。 6、锅中油热后~将米饭煎饼放入~煎至两面金黄即可。 备注: 1、要用白米饭~不能用加了粗粮的米饭~否则不易成团。 2、其实是将米饭和菜变了一个形式~嫌麻烦的话~把这些材料一起炒熟~也是很美味的。 3~小米饭南瓜盅 1、挖个盖~去掉南瓜瓤 2、盖好~用保鲜膜包一下~微波炉高火10~15分钟~ of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 3、准备小米饭、土司丁、火腿、胡萝卜、青豆做个炒饭~ 4、南瓜熟了~饭也炒好了~装进去吃吧~一口咸一口甜~味道真不错~ 4红豆薏米饭 喜欢糯米、喜欢薏米~更喜欢红豆~这三样材料~可以煮粥~可以煮饭~可以甜点~可以主食~可以养身~可以瘦身~可以花样繁多。无论做成什么~都是心中所爱~做粥做得多了~换个方法做成饭来吃~喜欢薏米筋道有劲的口感~越嚼越美味。 极简单~就是有些花时间的红豆薏米饭。 原料:糯米、红豆、薏米。 做法: 1、红豆洗净浸泡12小时。 2、红豆泡好后~换水煮至8成熟~水要多加些。煮好后倒出红豆水~煮好的红豆放入冰箱冷藏。 3、糯米、薏米淘净后~用煮红豆的水~浸泡6,8个小时。 4、泡好的糯米、薏米和红豆一起入锅蒸熟即可。 注:胃不好的话~就把这三样煮成粥。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 附:薏米性味甘淡微寒~有利水消肿、健脾去湿、舒筋除痹、清热排脓等功效~为常用的利水渗湿药。薏仁又是一种美容食品~常食可以保持人体皮肤光泽细腻~消除粉刺、斑雀、老年斑、妊娠斑、蝴蝶斑~对脱屑、痤疮、皲裂、皮肤粗糙等都有良好疗效。 5,排骨糯米饭的做法 材料: 肋小排、糯米、辣椒粉 做法: 1、把肋小排洗净加生抽~料酒~盐~鸡精~姜丝~葱~辣椒粉腌渍一小时。 2、糯米洗净~加水浸泡一小时。 3、把糯米沥干~和排骨连同腌渍排骨的酱汁拌匀蒸熟即可。 6,香菇饭 将水发香菇切成丝~猪瘦肉切成末~与洗净的大米入锅煮熟。此饭对辅助治疗小儿荨麻疹、慢性胃炎有较好的效果。 7,茶叶饭: 将适量茶叶用开水冲泡10分钟~取汁加米煮熟即可。此饭色香味俱佳~具有防治心血管病、胃肠道疾病及减肥美肤之功效。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 8, 素食寿司 寿司饭的做法: 1将米放入电锅中~水量与米量的比例为1:1 2煮好的饭先不要开锅~用饭铲铲松~把底部的饭翻上来。让其再焖10~15分钟 3做好的饭乘热倒入大盆中~调制寿司醋,白醋150ml,砂糖90g,盐30g混合而成,按照1杯米配25ml寿司醋的比例倒入寿司醋~将饭勺以平行角底切入饭中翻搅~让饭充分吸收醋味。 制作方法: 1素肉松,蜜豆枣 2鸡蛋,胡萝卜,小黄瓜 3小黄瓜切成长条.(切成长条状容易帮助寿司定型) 4鸡蛋加盐,入油锅内煎成蛋皮,再切成细丝.胡萝卜切成细丝. 5煮熟米饭,乘热加入白醋,白糖,拌均匀. 6寿司海苔铺在寿司帘上. 7将拌好的寿司饭平铺在海苔上. 8放上所有馅料. of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 9可以两边都放上胡萝卜丝. 10一边卷一边压紧. 11卷好的寿司卷(如果是带出去做早餐就不需要切了) 12切成一小段 ,小技巧, 1、搅拌寿司饭时~饭勺千万不可以垂直搅拌~否则会造成米饭过度松散。 2、未用完的寿司醋放臵阴凉处保存~留待下次使用。 3、使用中的饭团或寿司醋饭记得要用干净的湿布,纱布或毛巾,覆盖~这样可以保持饭的温度与湿度~避免饭粒变干而无法捏制饭团或寿司。 4、包好的寿司也不要让其长时间暴露在空气中~米粒的水份会被吸干,吸响口感.也不要放入冰箱冷藏,现包现吃. ,10,家庭包餐的食谱安排,1, ,实惠型,,每人20元, 1,早餐: 周一 面条一碗 佐以辣椒蔬菜丁~凉拌黄瓜丁等 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 周二 米粉一碗 佐以辣椒蔬菜丁~凉拌黄瓜丁等 周三 面包二个~普通粥一碗 周四 馒头三个~汤一碗 佐以凉拌 周五 煎饼三个~豆浆一杯 周六 炒米糊一碗~鸡蛋一枚 果汁一杯 。 周日 油条三根~锅巴粥一碗 佐以辣椒 2,中、晚餐: 周一 二素一荤~一汤,鱼,,佐以辣椒, 周二 二素一荤~一汤,肉,,佐以凉拌, 周三 二素一火锅~一汤,豆腐,,佐以榨菜, 周四 二素一荤~一汤,蛋,,佐以腐鱼, 周五 二素一火锅~ 一汤,蘑菇,,佐以凉拌, 周六 二素一荤~一汤,紫菜,,佐以凉拌, 周日 二菜一火锅~一汤,酸菜,,佐以凉拌, ,11,家庭包餐的食谱安排,2, ,特色型,,每人每天30元, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 1,早餐: 周一 面条一碗 佐以辣椒蔬菜丁等~ 配,果汁一杯, 周二 米粉一碗 佐以凉拌黄瓜丁等~ 配,果汁一杯, 周三 面包二个~普通粥一碗 配,果汁一杯, 周四 馒头三个~汤一碗 佐以凉拌 配,果汁一杯, 周五 煎饼三个~鸡蛋一枚 配,果汁一杯, 周六 鸡蛋二枚~炒米粥一碗 。 配,果汁一杯, 周日 油条三根~锅巴粥一碗 佐以辣椒 配,果汁一杯, 2,中、晚餐:,米饭的花样和菜肴的口味儿童不厌食, 周一 二素~一汤,鱼,,佐以辣椒, 排骨米饭 辅以水果餐 周二 二素~一汤,肉,,佐以凉拌, 鸡翅煲仔 辅以水果餐 周三 二素火锅一汤,蛋,,佐以榨菜, 竹筒饭 辅以水果餐 周四 二素~一汤,蛋,,佐以腐鱼, of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 堡仔饭 辅以水果餐 周五 二素一火锅~一汤,蘑菇,,佐以凉拌, 素食寿司 辅以水果餐 周六 二素一火锅~一汤,紫菜, ,佐以老干妈, 中式披萨 辅以水果餐 周日 二菜一火锅~一汤,酸菜,,佐以豆酱, 米饭煎饼 辅以水果餐 六、成本核算 七、经营管理 1,卫生管理 2,员工管理 3,财经管理 4,管理 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.
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