
艺苑画室-画室百科 文档

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艺苑画室-画室百科 文档艺苑画室-画室百科 文档 艺苑画室 画室简介: 沈阳艺苑美术文化培训学校成立于1994年,是集美术高考、中考、考研和艺术类文化课考前培训为一体的大型美术文化教育机构,是经沈阳市教育局、物价局、民政局、地税局批准注册成立的正规社会力量办学单位。艺苑画室立足沈阳,面向全国,以为各大美院输送人才为宗旨,以诚实办学、追求卓越、争创一流为办学理念,现已成为国内师资力量最雄厚、美术培训投资最多、画室面积最大、配套设施最齐全的领衔画室。 艺苑画室多年来形成的严谨、高效的教学体系,获得了广大学生、家长及业内人士的广泛好评并取得了丰硕...
艺苑画室-画室百科 文档
艺苑画室-画室百科 文档 艺苑画室 画室简介: 沈阳艺苑美术文化培训学校成立于1994年,是集美术高考、中考、考研和艺术类文化课考前培训为一体的大型美术文化教育机构,是经沈阳市教育局、物价局、民政局、地税局批准注册成立的正规社会力量办学单位。艺苑画室立足沈阳,面向全国,以为各大美院输送人才为宗旨,以诚实办学、追求卓越、争创一流为办学理念,现已成为国内师资力量最雄厚、美术培训投资最多、画室面积最大、配套设施最齐全的领衔画室。 艺苑画室多年来形成的严谨、高效的教学体系,获得了广大学生、家长及业内人士的广泛好评并取得了丰硕成果。随着办学软硬件设施的不断完善,学校的招生规模迅速攀升,慕名而来的学生遍及东北及南方一些省份。近年来艺苑画室的高考美术加试成绩都位于沈城各画室之首,2008年,2009年专业课辽宁省内联考和鲁迅美术学院、各大美院的专业课加试成绩更是居于沈城众画室之首,多名学生在加试中创造了多个第一名的骄人战绩~ 艺苑画室面向全国常年招生,以专业高考培训为主,设有高三考前专业课、文化课集训强化班,和高、初中日常班,考研班等,每年从6月中旬到7月初起过渡到全日制集训阶段。如今,全体教职员工正以最佳的工作状态和全部热情,时刻准备为您开启艺术殿堂的大门,欢迎广大考生来艺苑学习,与我们共圆您的艺术之梦~ 主讲教师简介: syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 艺苑画室师资力量强大。专业课教师由30余名美院硕士研究生导师、在职教授、副教授,具有研究生学历的讲师以及10多名经过严格选拔的本科高年级绘画专业精英担任,并在集训阶段聘请省级重点高中各科高考把关资深教师联合任教文化课。画室教师与辽美、福建等出版社联合推出的多种高考系列教材,范画教学、设计课、文化课、权威专家讲座等教学内容丰富实用,考前各大重点美术院校教师信息咨询、报考指导快捷权威,并定期聘请中央美术学院、清华大学美术学院教师及高材生指导教学,合理、高效地安排教学内容和考试指导,对学生进行专业课和文化课家教式的贴身辅导,极力使每一位具有不同专业和文化课水平的学生都能轻松备考各大美院。 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs. 教学区环境: 艺苑画室办学资金雄厚,配套设施齐全。致力于打造中国美术高考教育第一航母,开创美术文化培训第一品牌,学校还斥巨资配备了国内一流的美术文化培训硬件设施,选址优越,学习、生活环境无与伦比。2007年在保留原有画室基础上新装修并投入使用的中润大厦A座四楼2500余平画室内设有以中国九大美院命名和风格设计装修的九间标准正规画室、天光画室、休闲活动大厅、文化课教室、阅览室、美术生活用品超市等。学生严格模拟专业课考场情景排列,小班授课,有专门教师负责学生签到和课程安排等。真正实现了封闭式教学,专业化管理。画室内备有多台SONY投影仪、摄像机等进口电教设备和各大美院教学资料光盘,画箱、画凳、静物台、模特台等一律跟据人体生理特点和规律专门设计、加工,专业和正规无与伦比。 四楼画室门外即是面积8000余平米的空中花园,绿草鲜花、小桥流水,还有古朴的凉亭、长廊,环境清幽,是学生们课间休息和放松身心的好去处。 下图为实景拍摄四楼教学区内外环境照片,画室外是空中花园,画室内部中间为500余平方米的休闲活动大厅,其两侧为2000余平九大画室,图书室,超市,办公室等全封闭配套设施。 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs. 艺苑画室2011加试部分优秀学员成绩: syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs. 教学理念: 艺苑画室办学10多年积累了系统,高效的考前教育体系和一套独特而卓有成效的高考美术教学方法。能够针对不同水平的学生采取相应的教学方法,使学生在短期内成绩飞速提高。 ?独家设立水彩班,短期内迅速提高色彩成绩 画室独家设立水彩班,由著名专家,研究生导师亲自授课。教学多年来积累的用水彩代替水粉的色彩表现方法经省联考和鲁美等院校加试的实践证明可在短期内迅速提高学生色彩成绩。对于色彩基础较弱或水粉画时间较长但能力停滞不前的学生尤为有利。 ? 分层次教学,大量范画教学相结合,因材施教 为了集中精力提高培训效力,画室实行全日制教学,分层次,小班额外强化薄弱环节,针对学生个体差异因材施教,充分发挥学生潜力。同时增加大量范画教学课时,逐个分解,攻破学习难点,打破了美术教学只画不讲,或讲解较少的模式,大幅度提高学生进步速度。画室专门为起点较低和零基础的学生设立强化班,有专门教师全天候辅导,采取速成法,专业课实施全方位强化。使这部分学生得到更多的关爱,树立起信心,在最短的时间内迅速提高专业课成绩,完全满足高考的需求。 ? 户外写生与参观相结合 ,激发学生的创作热情 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 写生是锻炼学生观察能力,造型能力和色彩感悟力的最好办法。因此,艺苑画室定期组织学生到大连,本溪山区等地写生,是学生在大自然的光色变换中迅速提高艺术创作能力,强化绘画技巧,提升审美思维能力。画室还定期组织学生参观考生作品展以扩大学生的艺术审美修养。 应试指导: 权威命题专家,评卷人及招考办负责人亲自解答报考政策 ? 启动快速教学反馈系统,突出实效 艺苑画室专业教学上实行教师责任制,依据每年考纲合理布置课程,从学生所学专业知识的系统化和整体性。从学生入学开始就建立个人专业档案,为其量体裁衣,制定学习计划,实行月考,严格模拟考场安排。记录每次进步,并由权威专家点评,对学生进行全方位评估,检测,重视发展每个学生在某一方面的特长并帮助确立这一特点,增强学生自信,在此基础上又明确其弱点,不断调整训练内容。 ? 专家全程考前辅导,提供考前辅助调色及命题预测 艺苑画室为每位学生从入学,选择加试院校,到填报志愿,录取,调剂等。全程进行指导服务。聘请央美,清华,鲁美等权威命题专家,及招考办负责人亲自解答报考政策,第一时间通知相关消息。配备专syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs. 职教师为考生及家长答疑。画室提供电脑宽带上网及时下载各大美院 招生信息,查询最新考试动态。让每位学生轻松应试。 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi艺苑画室-画室百科-中国最大的画室百科网站www.5baike.com/hs cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system
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