
fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger)

2018-03-01 18页 doc 46KB 432阅读




fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger)fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger) fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger) Contra: The 1 generation invincible 1P:00AE-01-05 2P:00AF-01-05 The 2 generation invincible 1P:00C4-01-15 2P:00C5-01-15 The 1 generation of gilded invincible 1P:00B0-01-FF 2P:00B1-01-FF The 2 generation...
fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger)
fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger) fc游戏金手指(FC game gold finger) Contra: The 1 generation invincible 1P:00AE-01-05 2P:00AF-01-05 The 2 generation invincible 1P:00C4-01-15 2P:00C5-01-15 The 1 generation of gilded invincible 1P:00B0-01-FF 2P:00B1-01-FF The 2 generation of gilded invincible 1P:00D4-01-FF 2P:00D5-01-FF 1 substitution gun 1P:00AA-01-00 ordinary 00AA-01-01 M bomb 00AA-01-02 F bomb 00AA-01-03 S bomb 00AA-01-04 L bomb 00AA-01-10 fast common 00AA-01-11 fast M 00AA-01-12 fast F 00AA-01-13 fast S 00AA-01-14 fast L 2P: just change the prefix of 00AA to 00AB 2 substitution rob 1P:00B8-01-00 ordinary 00B8-01-01 M 00B8-01-02 S 00B8-01-03 L 00B8-01-04 F 00B8-01-05 F (eight sides) 00B8-01-130, fast ordinary 00B8-01-131, fast M 00B8-01-132, fast S 00B8-01-133, fast L 00B8-01-134, fast F 2P: just change the prefix of 00B8 to 00B9 Ninja Gaiden 1 #1 0065-01-10 blood does not decrease #1 0076-01-09 life #1 0064-11-63 endure #1 00C9-01-85 the most powerful weapon #1 0084-31-02 invincible Ninja Gaiden 2; #1 0080-01-10 blood does not decrease #1 00A5-01-09 life #1 00AE-02-6464 endure #1 00A6-02-0100 highest level #1 0048-01-3F two shadows #1 0068-01-02 invincible Ninja Gaiden 3; #1 00A7-01-16 HP #1 00C4-01-09 number #1 00AD-01-0A stealth invincible #1 0476-01-05 Hot Wheels duration #1 00CB-04-64640001 endure #1 009F-01-04 00 of the original 01 02 03 on the upside of the 04 Hot Wheels #1 00A9-03-101801 has dragon sword NES version SMB3 0552-01-00 invincible 0553-01-FF protects infinity 05F0-04-09 infinite time 0736-01-63 No. 1 infinite destiny 0737-01-63 No. 2 infinite destiny 056E-01-FF has the highest flight energy 00ED-01-05 change (00 can change: grow 01, fireball 02, fly 03, frog 04, fox 05, turtle 06) 0727-01-00 choose Guan (00 can change: 01~07) 00ED-01-07 turns into a ghost SMB1 079E-01-03 transparent invincible 07FA-01-09 time 0756-01-02 bullet 079F-01-09 invincible 0754-01-02 size 075A-01-09 life 0704-01-01 super ability <00 jump in water, 01 air swimming > 0754-01-FF through wall problem <00-FF, the bigger the value, the easier it is to go through walls 079E-01-01 stealth <00 normal, 01 stealth > 079F-01-01 <00 body, 01 golden > 07FA-01-01 time lock <00 normal, 01 lock > 0039-01-03 special condition 1<00 out of red mushroom, 01 out of flowers, 02 out of star, 03 out of green mushroom, 40 out of mushroom > 0484-01-00 scores <00-10,10 on the villain 1UP> 0706-01-FF jump problem <00-40, the bigger the value, the easier the jump > 0752-01-00 show way, <00 standing on the ground, 01 fall in midair, 02 pipes drilled, 03 high-altitude fall, 07 close to the ground, and so on 0756-01-04 2<00 and a special state does not fire unchanged and top 01 red mushroom, but not fire head and the top transform of a flower, and 02 fire head and the top transform of a flower, and 03 fire head and the top 04 star transformation, and the transformation and the top head fire green mushrooms, fire and EE transform and the top head a turtle shell. 076A-01-01 (00 week number one world, 01 world two) 0781-01-02 <00 normal walking style, 01 Scud, 02 > skating 0786-01-00 spring quality <00 high quality, 01 inferior, 02 scrap > 0791-01-10 constitution <00-09, 10 except invulnerability hedgehog, piranha, fire, hammer and so on 0797-01-FF enemy state <00 dynamic, FF stiff > 079E-01-01 stealth <00 normal, 01 stealth > 07FA-01-01 time lock <00 normal, 01 lock > Go through walls through 0754-01-FF 0723-01-00 A fistful of dollars #1 007A-01-06 infinite life #1 06F2-01-61 unlimited money The strongest state of #1 0078-02-0404 #1 0090-04-D0D2D1D0 has a small gun #1 0094-04-D0D0D4D0 has machine gun #1 0098-04-D0D0D1D0 has spears #1 009C-04-D1D0D0D0 has a grenade #1 007C-01-0F invincible "Power Rangers" really 0087-01-06 destiny 0088-01-01 (the use of the flying swallow.) 00a8-01-50 life at the bottom 00a2-01-20/50 energy (the one used in return) Adventure Island 4 #1 0056-01-02 invincible #1 009A-01-00 Dragon (change 00 from 01 to 05, that's the five dragon) #1 0085-02-2020 blood does not decrease #1 009C-04-E0FCFFF0 all props #1 076F-01-02 five pointed star effect (not recommended) #0 00F5-11-01 water effect, (air swimming, not recommended) agree with 3| comments FC home with gold finger 2010-08-17 23:38 FC Gold Finger The legend of shadow 0022-01-63 integral 0041-01-01 green clothes 0041-01-02 yellow dress 0051-01-01? Flying mark? 0051-01-06 Avatar The new man is true 007d-01-03 destiny 0089-01-03 heart 0057-01-4f invincible "Power Rangers" really 0087-01-06 destiny 0088-01-01 (the use of the flying swallow.) 00a8-01-50 life at the bottom 00a2-01-20/50 energy (the one used in return) "Green Corps" true 050C-01-11 1P invincible 052C-01-11 2P invincible Only the number of input 0022-01-061P, 6 = 7. Only the number of input 0023-01-062P, 6 = 7. The number of bullets for 051C-01-091P POW pike, input 9 = 9 hair. 051D-01-011P special weapons. Please input: 0 = no input, 1 = 2 = input rifles, grenades. The red fortress 0052-02-FF invincible 0031-01-631P number 0032-01-632P number 0050-01-031PB button weapon, enter 3 = missile cross storm 0051-01-032PB button weapon, enter 3 = missile cross storm 0052-01-ff1P invincible 0053-01-ff2P invincible 0054-01-?? 1P number of people saved 0055-01-?? 2P number of people saved The resurrection of Hitler 04e9-01-09 empirical value 004a-01-03 life 0779-01-05 deathless life The Cuban Warrior 0028-01-63 life P1 0029-01-63 life P2 04C2-01-FF tank 0680-01-f0 invincible 0600-01-93 P1 weapon 0601-01-93 P2 weapon "Nu 2" pseudo 00B0-01-091P score, input 1 = 1000000. 00B2-01-091P score, input 1 = 100000. 00B4-01-091P score, input 1 = 10000. 00B6-01-091P score, input 1 = 1000. 00B8-01-091P score, input 1 = 100. 00BA-01-091P score, input 1 = 10. 00BC-01-091P score, input 1 = 1. 00E8-01-011PITEM shoots 00ea - 01 01 1 item 閃 00ec - 01 01 1 item 電 00ee - 01 01 1 item 鳥 00f0 - 01 01 1 item 盾 00f2 - 01 01 1 item 箭 00f4 - 01 01 1 item 鐘 00f6 - 01 01 1 item 彈 00f8 - 01 - 153 1p殺敵數, 輸入153, 99 00fa - 01 - 153 1p殺敵數, 輸入153,9900 06af (1php (1、2滴), 輸入2) 06b1 (1php (3、4滴), 輸入2) 06b3 (1php (5、6滴), 輸入2) 06bf (1p狀態) ※: 括弧註明hp、狀態勿用 06c3 - 01 - 04 p1機關槍4級 06c5 - 01 - 04 p1火箭筒4級 06c7 - 01 - 04 p1回力標4級 06c9 - 01 - 04 P1 劍 4級 06cb - 01 - 04 p1榴彈砲4級 06cd - 01 - 04 P1 劍 4級 06d1 輸入0 P1 即死 《怒3》真 0424 - 01 - 32 1p HP 0425 - 01 - 32 HP. 043a - 01 09 1p命 043b - 01 09 2p命 0400 January 11 无敌 《脱狱》真 0424 - 01 - 25 血 0438 - 01 - A1 刀 0438 - 01 - 9b 子弹 《脱狱2》真 05c2 - 01 - 04 命 05da - 01 - 51 无敌 05c6 - 01 01 枪 05ca - 01 - 04 大枪 (01 - 02 - 03 - 1弹 2弹 3弹 04 - 大弹) 《蝙蝠侠》真 00b7 - 01 08 命 00b8 - 01 - 32 飞刀 《人间兵器》真 06e0 - 01 - 80 枪 06e2 - 01 - 64 mp5 06e4 - 01 - 04 血槽 06f8 - 01 - 04 血 06aa - 01 - 02 命 06e6 - 01 - C8 时间 过关要关闭 《魂斗罗》真 00ae - 01 - 05 无敌 0032 - 01 - 30 命 00aa - 01 00 普通子弹 00aa - 01 01 m弹 00aa - 01 - 02 f弹 00aa - 01 - 03 s弹 00aa - 01 - 04 l弹 《魂斗罗2代》真 00c4 - 01 - 15 无敌 0053 - 01 - 30 命 00b8 - 01 00 普通r子弹 00b8 - 01 01 m子弹 00b8 - 01 - 02 s子弹 00b8 - 01 - 03 l子弹 00b8 - 01 - 04 f子弹 空中魂斗罗 (virtuanes) 真 05dc - 01 2C 无敌 001c - 01 - 30 1p人数 0012 - 01 01 1p武器 (00,白弹 01,旋转月牙 02,激光 03,旋 转椭圆) 0088 - 01 08 1p速度设置 (00,慢 08,快) 《消防隊》伪 0400 - 01 - 100 隻數, 輸入100,99隻 057f - 01 -? ????? 進樓救火時間 《小蜜蜂》真 0042 - 01 - 04 P1 P2 隻數 《1942》真 命 0432 - 01 09 0436 - 01 09 大翻转 r = 9 048e - 01 - 8A 武器 《1944》真 大翻转 0413 - 01 09 四行炮 0402 - 01 08 404 - 01 - 6A & F0 0342 - 01 - 05 offens ive PWR, 輸入5,全滿. 0343 - 01 - 05 defens ive PWR, 輸入5,全滿. 0344 - 01 - 05 energy level, 輸入5,全滿. 0345 - 01 - 05 spec 'weapon, 輸入5,全滿. 0346 - 01 - 05 SW time limit, 輸入5,全滿. 0347 - 01 - 05 pts值 0410 - 01 09 e能源 9. 0411 - 01 09 e能源 90. 0412 - 01 09 e能源900. 04f6 - 01 09 w時限 9秒. 04f7 - 01 09 w時限 99秒. 04f8 - 01 09 w時限999秒. 《飞狼》真 0039 - 01 09 隻數 00b9-01-10 closes The double eagle is true 005b-01-06 life 0065-01-02 first time before the entry into force of the invincible 006E-01-03 01 double gun, 02 three gun, 03 four gun 0045-01-77 bomb Star Wars Star Force true 0050-01-03 life 00af-01- integral Real time fortress 00F4-01-09 life 00EB-01-30 HP 00ec-01-23 time 00ed-01-06 cannon Empire fighter 0068-01-63 1P 0492-01-05 weapons of mass destruction 0069-01-63 2P 0493-01-05 weapons of mass destruction 65aa-01-3c invincible 6570-01-05 morph 049A-01-63 change time to close The true meaning of the Sara snake 0034-01-09 destiny 0084-01-80 invincible 0076-01-01 1P weapon (00 - white missile 01 - aperture 02 - laser) 0078-01-00 1P (0 0 - - no 01 speed skills grid 02 missile 03 04 05 LAN-STAR 06 aperture laser protection layer) Note: if 03 or 04 and 0076 are set at the same time, after the A key is pressed, the weapon is set at 0076, i.e., the priority of 0076 is higher than 0078 of 03 and 04 of the 0078 0082-01-05 1P protective layer (0005) 0086-01-01 (0 0 - - 01 has no missile switch) 0080-01-05 speed setting (0005) The cheat. Invincible: after starting the game, pause the game according to the pause button, and press the button according to the order: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A You'll see a protective cover on the nose when you're successful. "Sara snake 2" true 0056-01-09 destiny 0501-01-ff shield 04FC-01-06 the amount of energy input, 1-6. 0500-01-07 speed, maximum input 7. 04FB third stage shooting. 0502 0503 second stage missiles The cheat. Press the title screen in sequence: Up, up, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select button, start button Instead of choosing the other type of attack, just follow the first form, starting with only 30. "Crocodile man" really 0057-01-02 racing invincible 07c5-01-07 invincible 07db-01-99 racing time 07c1-01-05 whip 07c0-01-90 bullet 1 07c3-01-4f bullet 2 "Wilderness biaoke" really 0078-01-04 speed 0079-01-04 range 0049-01-01 arrest warrant 06f6-01-4e20 money 2 bytes pseudo 007A-01-03 destiny 007B-01- 007C-01-ff invincible (short time) keep constant open 0091-01-01 shotgun 0094-01-01 machine gun 0098-01-01 Pike 009C-01-01 automatic grenade Rocket man really 05bf-01-10 pistol 05c5-01-10 life The true story of Ninja Turtles 063f-01-08 external blood The 0078-01-80 fork of turtle blood No 00a9-01-20 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2" really 0568-01-80 double stick turtle blood "Double dragon 2" true 041e-01-80 blood Cobra troop: true 0727-01-32 pistol bullets 07af-01-32 time 0649-01-0d Duke blood Cobra troop 2 0742-01-63 pistol bullets 078E-01-3c time 065D-01-05 blood "Big tank Great Tank" true 01D1-01-09 9 lives 0039-04-63 bullet 0074-01-5A lifeline 017A-01-5A lifeline 0306-01-5A lifeline "Battle City" pseudo 0051-01-64 P1 life 0052-01-64 P2 life 0089-01-10 P1 bulletproof shield (invincible) 008A-01-10 P2 bulletproof shield (invincible) 00A8-01-60 P1 plus two stars (push iron) 00A9-01-60 P2 plus two stars (push iron) The 0045-01-02 base is a repairable steel wall, and the 02 base is a non repairable steel wall 00 0100-01-02 enemy is timed 007F-01-1C enemy tanks increased randomly 0080-01-00 'input 0 enemy can cross the border 00A8-01-60 P1 Power-Up 00A9-01-60 P2 Power-Up Lateral X of 0086-01-40 Power position 0087-01-D0 Power position longitudinal Y 0088-01-06 Power type 00 cap 01 timer 02 spade 03 star 04 bomb 05 tank 06 (no utility) gun "Saint Seiya legend" 2 gold really 005D-01-99 life glacier 0067-01-99 microcosm 05aa-01-99 seven sense 05ce-01-99 passes through life 05bc-01-99 pass the little universe "Monte Cristo" really 035d-01-99 slave girl 035e-01-99 Pearl 035f-01-99 gem 0360-01-99 steed 0361-01-99 double barreled gun 0362-01-99 armor 0363-01-99. 0364-01-99 sword 0365-01-99 rose 0341-01-09 Egyptian bonds 0343-01-09 Leiden bonds The 0345-02-09 bonds 0347-01-09 boost security bonds 0349-01-09 Spanish government bonds 034c-01-09 Portugal bonds 034b-01-09 Turkey bonds 0353-02-09 Astor bank French bank 0351-01-09 034f-01-09 Bahrain bank 0355-01-09 Railway Bonds 0356-01-63 Ann Derry 0357-01-63 all but 0358-01-63 Ma Wiessee 0359-01-63 Seth 035a-01-63 Brest 035b-01-63 wave is more 035c-01-63 Lyon Super Marie 2 04C2-01-3F unlimited blood 04ED-01-09 unlimited life
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