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凤凰卫视主持人大全凤凰卫视主持人大全 窦文涛,祖籍山东章丘,1967年8月21日生于河北省石家庄市。小学五年、初中三年、高中三年于石家庄毕业。1985年,考入武汉大学,就读于新闻系。 1989年大学本科毕业,南下供职于广东人民广播电台,从少儿、家庭类节目开始,主持过新闻、娱乐、服务等当时电台多种类型的节目,亲身经历了中国广播由录音播出到直播时代的转变,后来主要担任热线电话言论节目的直播主持人。另外,工作范围还包括采编、策划及节目监制等幕后方面。与此同时,还在当地电视台客串主持一些节目,并曾担任一家报纸(周刊)的编辑部主任。在电台期间,曾以新...
凤凰卫视主持人大全 窦文涛,祖籍山东章丘,1967年8月21日生于河北省石家庄市。小学五年、初中三年、三年于石家庄毕业。1985年,考入武汉大学,就读于新闻系。 1989年大学本科毕业,南下供职于广东人民广播电台,从少儿、家庭类节目开始,主持过新闻、娱乐、服务等当时电台多种类型的节目,亲身经历了中国广播由录音播出到直播时代的转变,后来主要担任热线电话言论节目的直播主持人。另外,工作范围还包括采编、策划及节目监制等幕后方面。与此同时,还在当地电视台客串主持一些节目,并曾担任一家报纸(周刊)的编辑部主任。在电台期间,曾以新闻专题《你好,南极人》获首届“中国新闻奖”一等奖,还被选为全国广播电视“双十佳”节目主持人,获“金话筒奖”。 在广东电台供职七年,九六年初,离开广州赴香港工作,加入筹划中的凤凰卫视。刚开始主持的常态节目是娱乐资讯节目《相聚凤凰台》,后担任过新闻节目《时事直通车》的主播。从98年开始推出“聊天”节目《锵锵三人行》,周一——周五每天一集,主持人与两位嘉宾来自两岸三地,宛如三友小聚,个人本色,性情相见,所谓“民间话语,热点话题”,其实又岂止热点焦点,话题百无禁忌,海阔天空无所不谈,嬉笑怒骂,引人入胜。在谈话节目之林中独树一格,可谓笑傲江湖,在众多海内外观众心目中留下长期印象,而文涛也由此开始为大家所熟知。 2005年中国电视艺术家协会主持人专业委员会推选2004年度最佳电视主持人,窦文涛获“年度最佳电视谈话主持人”荣誉称号。 同年,《新周刊》评选“15年来中国最有价值的电视节目主持人”,窦文涛排名第三,并在“2004年度中国电视排行榜”中,获选为“最佳谈话节目主持人”;获选理由为:“窦式脱口秀”开启了中国电视的“三人谈”模式,到今天依然是中国知道分子客厅中的功夫茶。他独创的这种电视话语(江湖话语),有效地令电视与生活中的知道分子们互换着谈资与学识,并使各种官方消息和民间话语找到了一个相得益彰的表达出口。在众声喧哗的中国电视界,他以清醒的入世精神和默契的谈话格调示范了主流之外的观点价值。” 2003年始又打造每周五播出的《文涛拍案》节目,再启电视节目新风,演说当代社会传奇。在这个“另类法制节目”中,文涛以迥然不同的形象出现,号称“大案、要案、奇案、公案--我拍案~”,性情毕现,有理有节,仗义直言,击浊扬清。节目中运用各种影视手段起承转合,丰富情境,强化感染力,被称为“新派电视评书体”。 文涛至今在凤凰已经九年,以往参与过的节目还有访谈节目《明星三人行》、栏目剧《老窦一家亲》《老窦酒吧》、综艺节目《两极大碰撞》等。期间重大的特别节目有《悼念邓小平特别报道》、《香港回归60小时直播》、《莫斯科中国申奥直播》、《中华小姐环球大赛》、伊拉克战争特别节目〈海湾风云录〉、2004奥运特别节目〈奥运连环阵〉等。 主持人语录 对我来说,凤凰是一所主持人的大学,课程是自学加实习。给你一个舞台,让你自由地扑腾。其实也残酷,因为只有舞台和你,要不就飞翔,要不就还是扑腾。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 每当我以为差不多能毕业了,老师就会用新题目告诉我:小学生,从头再来吧~ 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 窦文涛小档案 姓名:窦文涛 性别:男 出生地:石家庄 生日:8月21日 英文名:Window(中文名谐音) 星座:狮子座,又近处女座 身高:170厘米 血型:B 最喜欢的运动:不运动 最喜欢的休闲方式:跟妹妹在一起 最崇拜的一个人:不是一个人 最喜爱的书:读书 心目中最理想的女性:在梦里 最难忘的事:房事(能这么开玩笑吗) 最喜爱的一句格言:悲观者认为:现在糟透了,而乐观者认为:还会更糟 座右铭:永不放弃,不,永远放弃 —————————————————————————————— 陈晓楠:《冷暖人生》独挑大梁 来自北京的陈晓楠是中国知名电视节目主持人之一,主修国际新闻,曾获“第一届华鹤杯全国经济节目主持人大赛十佳主持人”第二名。拥有丰富现场主持经验,尤令观众印象深刻的should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 是:她曾以轻松活泼及出众的辞令与全球五百强企业总裁电视对话,被访者包括世界著名未来学家美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室主任兼教授尼葛洛庞帝及日本小松集团总经理安崎晓等。 2001年,她加盟凤凰卫视,主持的节目包括《凤凰早班车》、《凤凰午间特快》及《周末皇牌大放送》等。2003年由她独挑大梁的《冷暖人生》更令观众动容。她曾参与直播多宗国际大事,包括911事件、伊拉克战争、北京申奥、莫斯科人质事件等,同时多次亲赴新闻现场主持专题节目:《水木清华》、《淮河大水》、《北京一日》、《热火巴格达》、《钓鱼岛保卫战》等。 姓名:陈晓楠 身高:162CM 体重:48公斤 出生日期:11月13日 星座:天蝎 血型:还不知道 最喜欢的颜色:有层次的过渡色 嗜好:睡觉,睡觉前阅读 最喜欢的词:随心所欲,水到渠成 家庭成员:排行第二 性格:任性、执着 喜欢说的一句话:“那又怎么样。” ———————————————————————————— 姓名:陈鲁豫 籍贯:北京 学历:北京广播学院外语系毕业 星座:双子座 工作经历: 凤凰卫视中文台《音乐无限》 《香港回归世纪报道--60小时播不停》 《凤凰早班车》 《戴安娜王妃葬礼直播》即时旁述 《一点两岸三地谈》 《VIP会客室》 《鲁豫有约:说出你的故事》 来自北京,主修国际新闻的陈鲁豫经常以流利的英语采访政界、企业及社会焦点人物。她从主持音乐节目《音乐无限》开始,到《凤凰早班车》、《一点两岸三地谈》、《VIP会客室》以及为她量身订做的访谈节目《鲁豫有约:说出你的故事》等一连串节目,鲁豫以人情味成功开创亲切形象,使她主持的《凤凰早班车》深受观众欢迎。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 在《鲁豫有约:说出你的故事》中,她曾访问过的名人包括现任北京徐悲鸿纪念馆馆长廖静文、奥运长跑金牌得主王军霞、著名诗人汪国真、国际巨星成龙,香港特区前保安局局长叶刘淑仪,以及青年偶像谢霆锋等知名人物。此节目在凤凰网的「2002年凤凰卫视十大观众最喜爱节目评选」中,获选第二名。 另外在重大的新闻直播节目中,例如《香港回归》、《千禧之旅》、《戴安娜王妃葬礼》、《美国总统大选》以及911事件、伊拉克战争等,也充分发挥了她在国际新闻方面的才华。2000年,她更当选为《2000中国电视榜》年度最佳女主持人。2001年当选为“最佳新闻节目女主持人”。 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:李辉 简介: 紧贴时尚潮流的节目主持人李辉,毕业于北京舞蹈学院,凤凰卫视开台主持人之一。她曾主持中文台首个娱乐信息节目《相聚凤凰台》和多项大型节目,例如《香港回归》、《美宝莲精英模特儿大赛》、《千禧之旅》、《新丝路模特儿总决赛》等,还为《马来西亚华裔小姐选举》担任评判。 97年中文台推出了《完全时尚手册》,李辉以亮丽的姿态出现在节目中,为观众"搜罗世界各地时尚信息,带观众把握潮流脉动,把最新的生活信息第一时间呈现在观众眼前。李辉不但成为潮流杂志的采访焦点,更成为海内外崇尚潮流品味生活的代言人,她主持的《完全时尚手册》也成为泛亚洲地区最早、也是最长寿、最受欢迎的带状生活信息节目。毕业于北京舞蹈学院,1996年开始做主持人。 星座:巨蟹座 星座特色:活泼、善良、充满爱心 喜欢的颜色:银、白 喜欢的食物:吃遍大江南北,只有小时候迷恋的那些好吃的吃到现在都没厌——山楂片、午餐肉、方便面…… 嗜好:逛街发现有新意的东西;远足 喜欢的书:类型很杂……那些有人生哲理的凄美故事最能感动我 座右铭:不好意思说出来 最难忘的事:妈妈送我去住校 最尴尬的场面:第一次录影,不知道应该看哪个镜头。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and ———————————————————————————— 姓名:许戈辉 学历:北京外国语大学英语系 籍贯:北京 星座:人马座 血型:0 身高:1.65米 喜爱的颜色:小时候喜欢蓝色,后来喜欢紫色,近期喜欢咖啡色 喜欢的事:旅游 尴尬的事:做节目隐形眼镜突然掉出来粘在睫毛上,一只眼看清,一只眼看不清 座右铭:永不绝望 她是全国最受欢迎的十佳主持人,以及华语电视节目十大金奖主持人。在中央电视台《东西南北中》的主持生涯,为她《相聚凤凰台》打开通向成功的大门。在《联想计算机新纪元》,她又握时代脉搏,成为信息科技领域的代言人。《97香港回归世纪报导》、《长江三峡大江截流》、《戴安娜王妃葬礼》等大型直播报导,突显了她的机敏与驾驭;《北大百年》、《千禧之旅》等主题纪录片,又折射出她的文化底蕴与人文关怀。2000年她推出重量级访谈节目《名人面对面》,迄今已采访过来自中、英、美、韩等不同国家的嘉宾。她以流利的中、英文、独特的视角以及亲和的风格,向观众展现被访者的精彩人生。 主持经历: 1991年5月参加中央电视台青年业余主持人大赛获第一名,从此涉足电视领域。 1991年-1995年,在中央电视台主持多种类型的固定栏目以及大型专题节目和晚会。 固定栏目包括: 反映青少年生活、思想及心态的《十二演播室》; 儿童英语教学节目《玛泽的故事》; 风光旅游节目《正大综艺》外景部分; 反映国内不同地域风土民情的综艺节目《东西南北中》。 大型专题晚会包括: 中央电视台春节晚会; 中央电视台台庆三十五周年晚会; should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 中国音乐电视颁奖晚会; 中华人民共和国国庆四十五周年联欢晚会; 新年音乐会; 中国国际民间艺术节开幕式晚会; 中国国际合唱节开幕式晚会; 联合国环境保护日主题活动; 京港台赈灾大义演; 教师节晚会; 中秋节晚会。 接受奖项: 1994年被评为全国最受欢迎十佳主持人之一。 1995年被评为华语电视界金奖十佳电视节目主持人。 1996年3月加盟香港凤凰卫视中文台,主持备受观众欢迎的娱乐资讯节目《相聚凤凰台》。 现有节目:《名人面对面》 除此之外还参与与主持凤凰台的其他重要专题节目,包括: 中国人民解放军驻港部队大纪实; 走进西藏系列; 1996年香港各界庆祝国庆直播晚会; 1997年7月《香港回归世纪报道--60小时播不停》; 柯受良飞跃黄河现场直播; 内蒙古自治区成立五十周年大庆; 长江三峡截流记实; should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 戴安娜王妃葬礼现场直播; 香港电影金像颁奖典礼现场直播。 与赵忠祥、倪萍共同主持1995年中央电视台春节联欢晚会。 主播语录: 人生最重要的是体验,最大的乐事是分享--而电视使之成为可能。 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:吴小莉 学历:台湾辅仁大学大众传播学系 籍贯:浙江省新昌县 星座:处女座 血型:O型 身高:170公分 喜欢的颜色:粉绿、粉蓝、粉紫色 喜欢的事:旅行、看电影、看书、听音乐 最喜爱的国家:中国 最喜欢的运动:开车 难忘的事情:九七香港回归凤凰卫视六十小时播不停 2004年,香港潮流女性杂志之一【JESSICA】评选香港2004十位最成功女性,吴小莉榜上有名,在2004年8月的【我的心目中的中华青春偶像】评选中,吴小莉与航天英雄杨利伟,NBA小巨人姚明,内地年轻首富丁磊一同占据前四名,位列第四。吴小莉因勇于参与国际竞争,向世界展示了当代中国人的风采而高票当选。 吴小莉主持的时事节目有【小莉看世界】和【时事直通车】、香港回归直播、911事件直播等。除采访及主持新闻节目外,吴小莉更晋升管理阶层,现任凤凰卫视资讯台副台长。 吴小莉,凤凰卫视首席新闻主播,从台湾、香港、到内地,从而走上国际舞台的资深新闻人,是第一位纵横在两岸三地的电视传媒人。其专业的报导水平,不但为她赢得观众的赞赏,更获得国家领导人的高度。 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:董嘉耀 家庭成员:一家四口,上有父母兄长,但我长得比哥哥还显老 星座:水瓶座 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色、黑色 最喜欢的食物:鸡腿 最喜欢的运动:游泳、乒乓球、桌球 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 最喜欢的书:传记、报告文学、幽默集 最难忘的事情:大学毕业时,哥几个抱成一团,哭成一堆 最尴尬的场面:有时表演一着急,把“恢复”说成“飞复” ———————————————————————————— 姓名:曾子墨 星座:天秤座 出生地:北京 祖籍:湖北武汉 工作城市:香港 语言:普通话、英语 喜欢的食物:四川料理 家常葱油饼、腊肉、鸭和鱼 喜欢的歌手:王菲、齐秦 喜欢的音乐:《爱情宣言》 喜欢的影星: Brad Pitt 2000年加入凤凰卫视 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:胡一虎 绰号:TIGER 生日:8月19日 星座:狮子座 血型:“O”pen 外型:玉树临风 178cm 常保健康 70kg 「心」型:热诚、开朗 「脸」型:「方」正不阿 「咀」型:常保上扬、笑口常开 座右铭: 成功每在穷苦日、失败多因得意时 1989年毕业于台湾辅仁大学大众传播学系 他曾经连续五年成为「台湾最受欢迎的十大主播」之一,更被国际著名时尚杂志《COSMOPOLITAN》的女读者评选为「全台湾最性感男主播」;也是凤凰卫视最受欢迎的主持人之一。在台湾完成大众传播学位后,胡一虎再远赴美国著名学府哥伦比亚大学新闻研究所进修。 特别热衷国际新闻的他,曾独家专访南非总统曼德拉。加入凤凰卫视后让他实现了主持两岸三地新闻时事节目、沟通全世界华人桥梁的梦想。他主持的节目包括《纵横中国》及《凤凰全球联机》。介绍中国文化地理的益智节目《纵横中国》获「2002中国电视节目榜」选为「最佳文化、生活及专题类节目」。 他的机智和潇洒令他在「2002中国电视节目榜」赢得「最佳文化、生活及专题类节目主持should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 人」之美誉。 学历 1989年毕业于台湾辅仁大学大众传播学系新闻组 1996年结业于美国哥伦比亚大学新闻研究所暑期班 2000年报读台湾科技大学EMBA(在职生) 工作经历 1989年上半年大学尚未毕业,已在六百名竞争者中脱颖而出被“中视”破格录用任节目主持人 1991年以第一名的成绩考入“华视”任新闻记者 1992年通过“华视”主播评核,首次坐上新闻主播台 1991-2000年除主持各类新闻节目外,还主持现场Call-in节目《华视新闻广场》,与名主持高怡平联手主持社会温情节目《真情面对面》,也曾经访问过南非前总统曼德拉、英国前首相撤切尔夫人、美国前总统布什、好莱坞影星李察基尔、微软总裁比尔盖兹 1997-2000年曾因主持《华视新闻广场》而连续四年当选华视“最佳新闻节目主持人” 1996-2000年连续五年荣登由台湾广告商、观众票选的《台湾十大主播》 1998年被国际著名时尚杂志《COSMOPOLITAN》的女性读者票选“全台湾最性感男主播第一名” 1999-2000年连续两届荣获由台湾广电基金会主办“台湾五大男主播” 2000年被台湾acer.com网友票选“最受欢迎中生代主播”及由97所大专院校学生收视调查而成为“台湾最受欢迎男主播第二名” 2001年新世纪、新希望、新选择离开台湾飞入凤凰主持资讯台《媒体大拼盘》《凤凰正点播报》《凤凰环球播报》中文台、资讯台的联播节目《凤凰午间特快》 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:姜声扬 英文名:Sheng 籍贯:湖北汉阳 出生地:台北 生日:11月25日 血型:Ohhh… 星座:坐不住,不听管,神经大条的射手座 专长:精通多国语言,能在任何截然不同的社交场合中穿梭自如 业余爱好:运动,弹吉他,看书,郊游 最喜爱的城市:旧金山 喜欢颜色:黄昏近傍晚的深蓝色 姜扬声在台湾出生,却在美国待了很长时间,与其说他是台湾人还不如说是个国际人来得更为贴切些。家中除了父母之外,还有一个小他14岁的弟弟,典型的核心家庭。进凤凰之前,当全球都笼罩在Internet的狂热之中,姜扬声在硅谷的一家计算机公司做了3年的科技翻译手册撰写员(Technical Writer)的工作,充分利用了语言方面的长才。大学在密西根大学(Ann Arbor)就读大众传播系,每年暑假回台湾都会找不同的实习工作,先后在台湾should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 华视做过节目助理,超视做过编译等工作,在美国求学期间,从餐厅侍应生到电视台的后制以及记者,他通通涉及过。 凤凰卫视的触角延伸之广,只是中国大陆就涵盖了近13亿人口的目光,除此之外亚洲、欧洲、美洲、中东各国都有大批的观众锁定了凤凰所提供的各类信息,一个如此全球化而非地区化的电视媒体,他岂能不加入,而在加入凤凰之后,惊讶的发现这个新的工作领域竟如此自由开放,给了自己一个非常宽广的天空容我充分发挥。姜扬声觉得现在在凤凰工作有如刚上大学一样,主修科系还是Undecided(尚未决定),但是运气很好,可以同时身任新闻主播和节目主持两个角色,他都非常有兴趣也会全力以赴去做好。姜扬声主持的《凤凰太空站》全新改版,新的凤凰太空站,他期望能从原先的介绍主持人为主转向介绍节目,因为这也是当初管理层开播这个节目的宗旨,还是会时常与主持人聊天访谈。由于太空站对姜扬声来说是一个大的挑战,起初观众朋友可能会有些不习惯,但他相信自己的能力和主编导演的功力,必定能越做越好。 姜扬声认为作为一个主持人最重要的就是必须时刻问自己“观众能从我的节目中学到什么,”还有就是胆子够大,脸皮够厚,对节目有热情,节目内容要有充分的准备。在美国曾有一个叫做PoliticallyIncorrect,是一个非常开放,言论自由的政治节目,主持人叫BillMahr,是一位既风趣又掌握时事的全方位主持人,他是姜扬声一个努力的方向。他希望观众看自己的节目,除了开怀大笑之外,也能从中汲取到有用的信息。 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:谢亚芳 英文:Avon 生日:12月12日 星座:射手座 血型:AB 籍贯:湖南平江 来自:台湾台北 2000.12-今:凤凰卫视记者、主播、主持人 2000.7-2000.12:台湾中国电视公司记者、主播 1999.9-2000.7:台湾电视公司记者 1998.5-1999.9:台湾超级电视台记者主播 这位亲和力强的阳光青年,先后在台湾、新加坡,以及美国各地读书,除了中、英文流畅之外,后又进修法文,可谓的新新国际通。在美国密西根大学攻读大众传播系期间,曾有机会先后在台湾华视、超视以及美国当地的有线电视台实习,累积了宝贵的采访及后期制作的经验。 1999年大学毕业后,在计算机科技发达的硅谷工作。2003年7月加盟凤凰卫视大家庭,成为传媒新兵。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 能来到香港这个大都会,并能加入声名雀起的凤凰卫视,他认为:是缘份圆了他一个一生的 梦想。希望能借凤凰这个独特的平台,在新闻战线上一展所长。 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:简福疆 英文名:Jason Chien 生日:1972.5.19 身高:180CM 体重:75公斤 血型:O型 缺血找我 性格:跟牛差不多 出生地:台湾 喜欢的书:《山居岁月》 最爱做的事:工作 最喜欢的一句名言:如果不曾忍受过痛苦折磨,就不会欣赏快乐的果实…… —————————————————————————————— 姓名:萨文 学历:美国三藩市州立大学广播艺术系 经历:游走在大陆、工作在香港 性格:既外向又内向 最敬佩的人:我的母亲 座右铭:世界之大无奇不有,宇宙之小日月如豆;了解人类的渺小才会珍惜生命的伟大 人生理想和目标:我都把它们设得蛮高的,希望可以实现吧。到时一定会跟你们分享 爱好:电影、 音乐、摄影、旅游、运动、品尝大江南北佳肴 自我评价:完美主义者 —————————————————————————————— 姓名:陈玉佳 昵称:佳佳 身高:1.64m 体重:47公斤 血型:O型 出生日期:3月25日(牧羊座) 喜欢的颜色:白色、蓝色、红色 喜欢的食物:米饭、珍珠奶茶 座右铭:快乐就像香水,洒在别人身上,自己总会沾上一点。 教育程度:台湾中心大学企管系系毕业 工作经验: 高级职业学校行销学教师 台湾环河千禧主播 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 陈玉佳是凤凰卫视《新闻FUN轻松》、《凤凰天气预报》等节目的主持人。陈玉佳陈玉佳从台湾高职商科教师到娱乐记者,再转战凤凰。五年主持生涯,从另类青春亲和天气预报方式广受好评,打响知名度,被评为为内地天气播报史打开新页、新篇章,成为第一位接受《亚洲周刊》专访的天气预报明星主持。 接下来的娱乐节目、凤凰太空站、大话世界杯不断传递快乐活力。2004年全新转换跑道主持另类新闻节目新闻下午茶;2005年加入新闻团队成为新闻主播;2006年再定位为fun主播;大胆尝试带观众继续挖掘电视节目可能的空间,开发自己可能的潜力。 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:曾瀞漪 主持节目:《金石财经》 《财经点对点》,是有深度有影响力,又能说得清的 财经节目 生日: 4月3日 爱好: 看书、听音乐、游泳,现在还喜欢种花草,布置家里 特长: 看的到的大家知道了,看不到的有开发潜力 血型: A 星座:牡羊 身高: 还没符合作空姐的标准 学历: 辅仁大学大众传播系 酒量: 有「曾半斤」之称,曾经喝过,已经不喝了 家庭成员:爸爸 妈妈 弟弟 性格: 静如处子 动如脱兔 特别的习惯: 自我检讨 自我发现 生活的目标:平安喜乐 众生平等 宗教:佛教 身体满意部位:感谢爸妈,不敢挑剔 儿时的梦想: 一天一个 理想的异性: 包容我、互相依靠 喜欢的打扮: 自然、典雅 喜欢的食物: 涮羊肉 崇拜的人:还在找 拿手的菜: 西红柿炒蛋 非常烦恼的时候: 不明白自己想要什么 解除压力的方式:看电影 哭一哭 喜欢的颜色:众多,搭配的好都行 喜欢的花: 还在想 喜欢的音乐:依心情而定 职业履历:踏入社会以来,都从事与传播有关的工作。从公关到记者、主持人,一步一个脚印 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:刘芳 出生地:北京 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 星座:射手座 血型:AB 学历:曾就读于北京八中,高一时随母亲赴美国读书,毕业于美国长春藤盟校康奈尔大学运筹工程系。 职业经历:曾于华尔街著名投资银行高盛集团研究部和美林集团投资银行部从事企业融资工作。 目前职业:凤凰卫视主持人,主持的节目包括《财经今日谈》《财富一周》及《凤凰正点播报》。 喜欢的书:财经类、名人传记,以及时下畅销书。 喜欢的电影:《美丽人生》 特殊癖好:喝可口可乐(每天至少四五罐)、洗澡(每天两次)。 喜欢的衣服:PRADA、BCBG和一切风格简约大方的,比如白衬衣。 口头禅:同意就说“对对对”,不同意的话立刻就说“没有没有”。 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:李慧 毕业院校:甘肃省广播电视大学 籍贯:河南省开封市 身高:168 喜欢的颜色:深蓝、黄、紫 喜欢的事:在安静的地方做自己喜欢做的事 最喜欢的国家:中国 最喜欢的运动:瑜珈 难忘的事情:当知道自己可以加入凤凰 工作经历:在香港推广普通话、全球中天新闻 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:刘珊玲 生日:10月4日 星座:天秤座 籍贯:台湾 大学:舞蹈学系 研究所:媒体管理系 性格:动静皆宜 现在的心愿:做不同类型的节目 最大的心愿:嫁人 工作经历:TVBS娱乐、时尚、旅游主持人,足迹遍及全球五大洲,提早完成环游世界的梦想。后来进入纽约华语电视、华视、中天电视台任新闻主播兼记者 来自台湾的刘珊玲,自小就对表演艺术有着浓厚兴趣,在兴趣和学习合一的理念下,大学念的是舞蹈学系,研究所则选读了媒体管理系。 还在念大学时,她即在台湾华视担任节目助理主持,为接触电子媒体之始。随后于TVBS主持周末娱乐新闻及时尚节目,开始了她的正式主持生涯,其后更接下旅游节目主持棒,足should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 迹遍及全球五大洲,提早完成环游世界的梦想。2000年初,在一个电视台的的千禧主播的 选拔中,以首名的成绩被录取,并于纽约华语电视台、华视和中天电视台,担任新闻主播兼 记者的工作。 2004年3月加入香港凤凰卫视,她希望未来能藉这个具国际视野的华人媒体,一步步 实现自己的理想。 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:沈星 封号:中国第一美女主持 出生:1978年9月25日 身高:175cm 星座:天秤座 血型:B型 性格:宜静宜动 籍贯:江苏南通 生长:珠海 现居:北京、香港 家庭:父母,姐姐 毕业院校:华中师范大学中文系 座右铭:工作着是美丽的 最喜爱的小动物:小狗 最喜爱的颜色:纯色,如纯黑、纯白等 最喜爱的运动:跑步 最喜爱的水果:干果类、板栗 最喜欢的口味:咸杏麻辣 最喜欢的花:白色有香味的花 最爱做的事:睡觉 最开心的事:和家人一起度假 最尴尬的事:和朋友一起唱歌,唱到一半,朋友说:“这首歌怎么这么长啊~” 最渴望的生活状态:没有压力 另一半的类型:成熟、稳重、正直、是非分明 以后会长期居住的城市:上海 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:尉迟琳嘉 籍贯:河北石家庄 爱好:改造自己 血型:O 属相:狗 最喜欢的作家:老子 最爱吃的食物:香蕉 最不爱吃的食物:香蕉皮 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 最害怕的事:不能说话 最想做的事:去深山清修一段日子 最尴尬的事:莫过于脸皮太厚,找不到尴尬的事 ———————————————————————————————— 原中央电视台国际频道中国新闻主播,2007年进入凤凰卫视主持《凤凰正点播报》,现在凤凰 卫视主持《华闻大直播》《凤凰午间特快》 姓 名:卢 琛 生 日:11月8日 出生地:成都 星 座:天蝎座 座右铭:读万卷书行万里路 民 族:汉 毕业学校:硕士学位 英国莱斯特大学 全球化与传媒专业 学士学位 北京广播学院 播音专业 业余爱好:自助旅行 游泳 骑马 开车 喜欢的水果:芒果 喜欢的食物:鱼 喜欢的地方:有水的地方 喜欢的事:很享受到一个陌生的城市或国家,独自品出其味 喜欢的颜色:海蓝色 喜欢的书:南怀瑾《论语别裁》 目前的遗憾:大洋洲是目前唯一没到过的洲 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:周瑛琦 星座:狮子座 血型:A 籍贯:根在安徽、生于台湾 毕业学校:U.B.C(加拿大哥伦比亚大学) 熟悉的语言:英,法,奥,中 专长:讲话,拖时间,画眉毛(超快) 崇拜的人:爸,妈 最喜爱的城市:NYC,台北 座佑铭:先了解自己想要什幺,再订下目标,勇往直前。 2003年五月加入了凤凰卫视主持新闻节目 ———————————————————————————————— 王若麟 英文名:Rolling 籍贯:沈阳 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 出生日期:1980年06月26日 星座:巨蟹座 属相:猴 学历:硕士 身高:185 最喜欢的主持人:李咏、窦文涛、汪涵 最喜欢的栏目:《今日说法》 最爱吃的食物:果盘、BBQ 最不爱吃的食物:胡萝卜 最值得骄傲的事:目前还没有 血型:B型 最喜欢的动物:狗 最喜欢的作家:鲁迅 最喜欢的颜色:红色、白色、紫色 最害怕的事:让别人失望 最想做的事:拍一部有深度的的青春剧 最尴尬的事:跳水后,泳裤掉了 最大的毛病:情绪化 爱好:读报、收藏、运动 最想去的地方:欧罗巴 最失败的事:百米冲刺后,跌成骨折,成为最后一名 最享受的事:窗外刮风下雨,我在被窝里睡觉 最好的习惯:有报天天读,节省,精打细算 最不好的习惯:躺着看书 最爱说的一句话:为啥呀 经历: 1999年以优异的高考成绩从沈阳考到了北京 中国政法大学; 四年在校期间获得:SOHO手机代言之一、首都时代广场热潮杯模特大赛亚军、北京雪亮眼镜形象大使、中国政法大学50年校庆形象大使; 2003年保送至香港城市大学攻读法学硕士学位;这期间获得第三届金鹰节第二届新秀大赛最受欢迎男新秀奖; 2004年拿到硕士学位回到北京,随即进入中央戏剧学院表演系进修,期间为诺基亚NK6020做平面广告; 2005年3月参加央视挑战主持人,9次走上擂台,一举拿下8期擂主,成为挑战主持人辉煌的一员; 2005年 和尉迟主持教育三套的互动节目<青春嘉年华>. 2006年 加盟浙江卫视,与当家花旦朱丹联袂主持大型综艺节目《娱乐财富》。相信王若麟的风趣幽默将为喜爱他的观众带来更多精彩的王氏语录;也相信其凭借良好的语言组织和现场控制能力能够为节目增添更多新鲜、活力、多元化的娱乐和强势的冲击。 2007年度任凤凰卫视《纵横中国》主持人。 《纵横中国》2007年穿越时空,纵横神州,讲述城市的故事。将通过凤凰卫视中文台、美洲台、欧洲台向全球播出,世界各地的华人以及热爱中华文化的人们,都将在这里领略一座座城市的精髓,并唤起他们身历其境的冲动。节目将成为纵横于传统与现代,理想与现实,民族和世界之间的电视盛宴。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:杨舒 出生日期:1983年10月26日 英文名:Susie 星座:天蝎 血型:B 出生地:昆明 就读院校:北京广播学院 国际传播学院 01级英语播音主持 身高:168CM 喜欢的颜色:桃红色(可爱的颜色也都喜欢) 喜欢的食物:甜品(生活如蜜,甜甜蜜蜜) 喜欢做的事:旅游、听音乐(音乐是治疗的最佳良药)、弹钢琴(特别是弹流行歌曲,自弹自唱)、模仿(特长哦)、 运动、跳拉丁舞 曾任CCTV-10 OUT-LOOK希望英语主持人,现任凤凰卫视凤凰早班车等节目的主持人 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:杨娟 湖南郴州人,1999年毕业于北京广播学院新闻系,2006年获得英国萨里大学MBA学位。加盟凤凰卫视之后,主持过风格各异的节目,包括有2000年探索科技新知的《明日科技帝国》,2001年讲述人间爱心故事的《爱心大使》,2002年的财经节目《商旅冲动》和《聚财天下》,2003年的旅游节目《九州深呼吸》,2005年的体育节目《奥运强中强》等等。其中《九州深呼吸》以背包客形象玩转地球的形象深入人心;而《奥运强中强》更早在05年就深入奥运前线,第一时间报道奥运筹备进展,揭密奥运背后的故事,采访过国际奥委会协调委员会主席威尔布鲁根,国际奥运转播公司总裁罗梅罗,北京奥组委执行副主席蒋校愚等奥运操盘手,拥有大批忠实观众。 除此之外,杨娟还担任过多个特别节目中的主持,包括国庆50年阅兵大典,千禧之旅最后一站之龙年凤还巢,探秘驻澳部队,追踪山西古庙被盗案件,国家大剧院解密,凤凰卫视十周年特别节目等等。 ———————————————————————————————— 姓名:杨爽 身高:167cm 体重:47kg 学历:大学本科 毕业学校:广州大学 籍贯:重庆市万盛区 目前所在地:广州 获奖情况(部分): 2000.10中国西部形象小姐大赛最佳才艺奖 2003.1广州大中学生形象大赛亚军和最佳表演奖 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 2004.2广东电视台大中学生健康新形象大赛亚军 2005.10凤凰卫视“中华小姐环球大赛”亚军 现任凤凰卫视主持人 —————————————————————————————————— 姓名:竹幼婷IvyChu 出生地:台湾台北 生日:1980.4.29 身高:160cm 血型:A 星座:金牛座 性格:活泼 学历:北一女中 台湾辅仁大学新闻传播学系 爱好:旅行看电影做点心 工作经历: 台湾飞碟电台DJ 偶像剧演员(拍摄过广告MV等) 台湾无线电视台华视记者 台湾有线电视台中天记者 台湾无线电视台华视晨间主播 台湾无线电视台华视午间主播 台湾无线电视台华视气象主播 台湾有线电视台中天专任主播 最想做的事情:环游世界 —————————————————————————————————— 姓名:程鹤麟 资深电视人,北京广播学院电视系毕业,历任记者、编辑、主持人,曾经创办和主持开风气之先的新闻评论节目。 2000年人,任凤凰卫视资讯台副台长。 著作有:《电视企划论纲》,《我爱女主播》 电视作品有:《北大缤纷一百年》、《世纪贼王落网记》、《千里追狂枭》《军国主义之真相》 等。 2003年3月起,主持《时事辩论会》 程鹤麟,凤凰卫视中文台副台长,时事辩论会主持人。福建人。1982年毕业于北京广播学院,后供职于福建电视台。 —————————————————————————————————— 姓名:任韧 身高:180cm 学历:硕士 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 普通话水平:一级甲等 毕业院校: 中国传媒大学 英语水平: 专业八级 专 业:英语播音与主持艺术(本科)、国际新闻(研究生) —————————————————————————————————— 姓名:吕宁思 出生日期: ,,,,年 出生地:北京 参军经历:海军、陆军 曾就读学校:上海复旦大学、华东师范大学和澳洲悉尼大学 主修专业:历史、俄罗斯文学和亚洲研究 现任:凤凰卫视采编部总监 工作时间:近二十年, 初中时开始学习俄语和英语,,,岁当兵,并继续学习俄语。复旦大学历史系本科,接下来又读了俄罗斯文学研究生。毕业后在解放军文艺社工作,至,,,,年,上海召开第五届全国运动会,从原单位被借调到《解放军报》做临时记者。,,年代初,前往澳大利亚,担任第一份由中国留学生筹办的报纸的总编,于,,,,年香港回归前,回到香港,进入中天,2000年凤凰咨询台成立时,进入凤凰卫视资讯台。 —————————————————————————————————— 姓名:莫慧兰 原国家体操队队员。生于1979年7月11日。身高150cm。广西桂林人,壮族。1985年7月,进入广西桂林体操学校。1990年12月进入国家体操队。1997年退役。1998年9月被中国人民大学新闻系免试录取。 2001年10月年至今担任凤凰卫视《中国奥运行节目》主持人。顺利进入凤凰卫视就是对她能力最好的肯定。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and
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