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交强险与商业三责险的比较交强险与商业三责险的比较 来源: 作者: 时间:2011/10/25 推荐交通事故律师:李博律师 “商业三责险”的定义在保险条款中一般表述为: 投保人或其允许的合法驾驶员在使用保险车辆过程中,发生意外事故致使第三者遭受人身伤亡和财产的直接损失,依法应由投保人支付的赔偿金额,保险人依照法律和保险合同的规定给予赔偿。交强险在《交强险条例》中的定义是: 由 “商业三责险”的定义在保险条款中一般表述为: 投保人或其允许的合法驾驶员在使用保险车辆过程中,发生意外事故致使第三者遭受人身伤亡和财产的直接损失,依法应由投保人支付的赔偿...
交强险与商业三责险的比较 来源: 作者: 时间:2011/10/25 推荐交通事故律师:李博律师 “商业三责险”的定义在保险条款中一般表述为: 投保人或其允许的合法驾驶员在使用保险车辆过程中,发生意外事故致使第三者遭受人身伤亡和财产的直接损失,依法应由投保人支付的赔偿金额,保险人依照法律和保险的规定给予赔偿。交强险在《交强险条例》中的定义是: 由 “商业三责险”的定义在保险条款中一般表述为: 投保人或其允许的合法驾驶员在使用保险车辆过程中,发生意外事故致使第三者遭受人身伤亡和财产的直接损失,依法应由投保人支付的赔偿金额,保险人依照法律和保险合同的规定给予赔偿。交强险在《交强险条例》中的定义是: 由保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成本车人员、投保人以外的受害人的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内进行赔偿的强制性责任保险。二者间的不同点如下: 一是保险合同成立的依据不同。商业三责险是纯粹的商业保险,由双方当事人自愿协商一致而成立的,合同(条款)不排斥自愿性。对于是否投保、选择哪家保险公司投保,投保人均有自主决定权,保险人是否承保也有自主决定权。而交强险则是具有社会保障功能的法定的责任保险,虽然商业属性没有改变,但基于法定强制性,除投保人可选择法定的保险公司外,投保人和保险公司基本上丧失了自主决定权, 二是赔偿原则不同。根据《道交法》的规定,交强险立足于保障受害人的利益,以便及时、合理地补偿其遭受的损失,采用了严格责任的赔偿原则,即“无过错责任”原则,只要发生交通事故,无论机动车方是否存在事故责任,无论事故责任大小,承保公司均需对受害人的损失承担赔偿责任。而商业三责险是为了保障投保人的责任风险,弥补投保人的损失,采用“过错责任”原则,保险公司是根据投保人或投保人在交通事故中应负的责任来确定赔偿责任。 三是保险责任范围不同。除了《交强险条例》规定的个别事项外,交强险的赔偿范围几乎涵盖了所有道路交通责任风险,且不设免赔率和免赔额,将精神损害抚慰金包括在保险责任范围之内。而商业三责险中,保险公司不同程度地规定有免赔额、免赔率或责任免除事项,其将精神抚慰金排除在保险责任范围之外。 四是索赔方式不同。商业三责险在出险后必须由投保人向保险人提出索赔,保险人履行保险合同约定的赔付义务。而交强险在出险后可以由受害人直接向保险人索赔,保险人须先行在责任限额内向受害人赔付。 五是保险人向投保人的追偿权不同。商业三责险的保险人对投保人基本上无追偿权。而交强险的保险人因为须依法无条件地先行向受害人赔付,在第三人故意制造交通事故的情形中,保险人对投保人行使追偿权于法有据。 商业三者险有关免赔率的计算问研究 (2011-10-19 14:21:39)转载? 标签: 杂谈 商业三责险有关免赔率的计算问题研究——“先限后免”还是“先免后限”, 来源: 作者: 时间:2010/08/25 推荐交通事故律师: carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. ?问题提出 有法院认为:“在投保人未投保‘不计免赔特约险’,而被保险人对第三者实际承担的民事赔偿责任超过三者险保险金额限额时,计算保险公司在三者险限额内向受害方承担保险金时,应按被保险人对第三者实际承担的民事赔偿责任核定保险赔款,并且保险赔偿金额以不 ?问题提出 有法院认为:“在投保人未投保‘不计免赔特约险’,而被保险人对第三者实际承担的民事赔偿责任超过三者险保险金额限额时,计算保险公司在三者险限额内向受害方承担保险金时,应按被保险人对第三者实际承担的民事赔偿责任核定保险赔款,并且保险赔偿金额以不超过保险金额为限。【例如】机动车方应赔偿对方损失12万元,三者险限额为10万元,因未投保‘不计免赔特约险’,其绝对免赔率为10%,则确定保险公司应承担的赔偿金额,应按‘先免后限’顺序,而非‘先限后免’: 12万×(1-10%)=10.8万元(先除去免责部分),因超过限额10万元(再考虑不应超过限额),故应确定为10万元。” [?]而保险公司则认为:在投保人未投保“不计免赔特约险”,而被保险人对第三者依法应负的赔偿金额超过三者险限额时,应按“先限后免”顺序,而非“先免后限”。被保险机动车未投保“不计免赔特约险”的情形下,当被保险人对第三者依法应负赔偿金额超过商业三责险责任限额时,赔款计算方式究竟是“先限后免”还是“先免后限”成为商业三责险的又一理赔争点。 ?基本案情 2008年1月13日13时9分左右,陈某驾驶赣G微型普通客车有瑞昌市开往九江县涌泉乡,当其驾车行驶至瑞昌市双瑞路长河闸口路段,在超越同方向行驶的机动车过程中,陈某驾车驶入公路左侧,与对面行驶过来的陈XX驾驶的属于南昌XX货运公司的赣A重型罐式货车发生碰撞,造成两车受损和陈某等六人受伤的交通事故。该起交通事故经交警部门认定,陈某负主要责任,南昌XX货运公司的司机陈XX负次要责任。事故发生后,陈某被送往医院抢救治疗,经瑞昌市人民医院和171医院抢救治疗,住院133天,共花费医疗费274975.06元,交通费1000元,陈某车辆损失维修费18000元。2008年7月15日陈某的伤情经瑞昌瑞光法医学司法鉴定所鉴定为一级伤残,需完全护理依赖,后续治疗费尚需30000元。经查,赣A在南昌市财保分公司投保了交强险,在南昌县财保支公司投保了商业三责险、未保不计免赔。因协商不成,陈某将南昌XX货运公司及其承保公司诉至江西省瑞昌市人民法院,请求赔偿各项损失费用计币391628.16元。 ?保险抗辩 本案交强险限额60000元已足额赔付;商业三责险部分,由于原告陈某的损失远远超过商业三责险限额200000元,且被保险机动车赣A未投保不计免赔特约险,根据保险合carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 同约定,被保险机动车驾驶人负事故次要责任,应当扣除5%的免赔率,即本案商业三责险赔款至多计算为190000元[赔款,赔偿限额×(1-免赔率)]。 ?一审情况 原审法院认为,虽然南昌县财保支公司根据保险合同规定享有5%的免赔率,但陈某的损失已远远超过保险限额200000元,故南昌县财保支公司应在其最大限额范围内赔付,即赔付200000元。据此,江西省瑞昌市人民法院于2008年12月10日作出(2008)瑞民初字第722号民事判决书,一审判决由南昌市财保分公司赔付陈某各项损失共计60000元;由南昌县财保支公司赔付陈某各项损失共计200000元;由南昌XX货运公司赔偿原告陈某各项经济损失57369.74元。 ?二审情况 一审宣判后,南昌县财保支公司不服,向江西省九江市中级人民法院提起上诉,要求二审法院依法撤销原审判决第二项,依法改判上诉人赔付陈某各项损失共计190000元,二审诉讼费由被上诉人南昌XX货运公司负担。南昌县财保支公司上诉的主要理由是根据中国人民财产保险股份有限公司机动车第三者责任保险条款的约定,保险人在保险单载明的责任限额内,驾驶人负次要责任的,保险人按照5%的免赔率免赔。本次交通事故经交警部门认定,陈某负主要责任,故上诉人应在保险单载明的责任限额200000元内按照5%的免赔率免赔,即应赔偿陈某各项损失共计190000元。 二审法院认为,根据中国人民财产保险股份有限公司机动车第三者责任保险条款的约定,保险人在依据保险合同约定计算赔款的基础上,在保险单载明的责任限额内,驾驶人负次要责任的,保险人按照5%的免赔率免赔。本次交通事故经交警部门认定,原审原告陈某负主要责任,故上诉人南昌县财保支公司应在保险单载明的责任限额200000元内按照5%的免赔率免赔,即应赔偿陈某各项损失共计190000元。故上诉人关于其应在保险单载明的责任限额200000元内按照5%的免赔率免赔的主张,本院予以支持。综上所述,原审判决对免赔率的计算错误,二审应予以改判。据此,江西省九江市中级人民法院于2009年5月19日作出(2009)九中民一终字第151号民事判决书,终审判决撤销原审判决第二项、第三项,改判上诉人南昌县财保支公司赔付原审原告陈某各项损失共计190000元;由被上诉人南昌XX货运公司赔偿原审原告陈某各项损失67369.74元。 ?案件点评 一、关于免赔率条款的法律性质——是否与保险金额条款矛盾, carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 根据2003年5月20日《中国保险监督管理委员会关于〈机动车辆保险条款〉的性质等有关问题的批复》(保监办复[2003]92号)第三条:“在保险经营中,保险公司并不是对保险标的所发生的所有风险都予以赔偿,而往往基于相应的价格,约定予以赔偿的特定风险范围。因此,和一般合同中的责任免除条款不同,保险合同条款中的责任免除条款是从外延上对承保风险范围的具体界定,是保险产品的具体表述方式,不属于《中华人民共和国合同法》规定的免除己方责任,加重对方责任的不公平条款。”第四条:“为了防范道德风险,促使投保人尽到应有的谨慎和注意义务,在保险合同中设定一定比例的绝对免赔额和约定保险金额的条款并无矛盾,两者共同构成对风险保障范围和保险公司赔偿限额的约定。” 据此,可以得出在商业性《机动车第三者责任保险条款》中设置的绝对免赔率与责任限额(保险金额)并不矛盾。免赔率条款的设置目的是“防范道德风险”、“促使投保人尽到应由的谨慎和注意义务”。原审法院认为超过责任限额即无需计算免赔率的观点显然曲解了保险合同的真实意思,二审法院对此予以纠正,依合同条款扣除相关免赔,符合法律规定。 关于免赔率条款的法律性质问题,广东省高级人民法院于2008年5月19日印发的《关于审理保险纠纷案件若干问题的指导意见》(粤高法发[2008]10号)第8条做了如下表述:“保险合同约定的免赔率、免赔额、等待期、保证条款以及约定当投保人或被保险人不履行义务时,保险人全部或部分免除赔付责任的条款不属于《保险法》第18条规定的‘保险人责任免除条款’。” 二、关于商业三责险的赔款计算——“先限后免”还是“先免后限”, 1、对商业三责险中免赔率条款的理解 根据商业性《机动车第三者责任保险条款》(中保协条款[2007]1号)“责任免除”部分第九条约定:“保险人在依据本保险合同约定计算赔款的基础上,在保险单载明的责任限额内,按下列免赔率免赔:(一)负次要事故责任的免赔率为5%,„„”。该条约定的保险赔款计算方式应作如下理解:即同时符合“依据保险合同约定计算赔款基础上”和“在保险单载明的责任限额内”两个条件,再计算相应的免赔率。 即:?.当被保险人依法应负赔偿金额(依据保险合同约定计算赔款)高于赔偿限额(保险单载明的责任限额)时: 赔款,赔偿限额×(1-免赔率) ?.当被保险人依法应负赔偿金额(依据保险合同约定计算赔款)等于或低于赔偿限额(保险单载明的责任限额)时: 赔款,应负赔偿金额×(1-免赔率) carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 显然,作为责任免除的免赔率部分依据保险合同约定必须予以扣除。 2、中国保监会对免赔率条款的解释 中国保险监督管理委员会于2000年6月15日颁布的《机动车辆保险条款解释》(保监发[2000]102号)曾对免赔率条款做了如下解释: “二2根据保险单载明的赔偿限额核定赔偿金额。1、当被保险人按事故责任比例应负的赔偿金额超过赔偿限额时: 赔款,赔偿限额×(1-免赔率) 2、当被保险人按事故责任比例应负的赔偿金额低于赔偿限额时: 赔款,应负赔偿金额×(1-免赔率)。” 3、其他商业保险条款对免赔率条款赔款计算方式的细化 中国保险行业协会基本条款(B款)《机动车商业保险行业基本条款》(中保协条款[2007]2号)第十八条就赔款计算方式进一步明确为: “本保险按以下计算赔偿金额: (一)当被保险人应负赔偿金额高于赔偿限额时: 赔款,赔偿限额×(1-事故责任免赔率)×(1-绝对免赔率) (二)当被保险人应负赔偿金额等于或低于赔偿限额时: 被保险人应负赔偿金额为第三者人身伤亡或财产损失依法应当由被保险人承担的经济赔偿责任超过交强险各分项限额以上的部分,乘以事故责任比例。” 中国保险行业协会基本条款(C款)《机动车第三者责任保险条款》(中保协条款[2007]3号)第二十一条也有类似约定: “赔款计算: 1、当(依合同约定核定的第三者损失金额-机动车交通事故责任强制保险的各分项赔偿限额)×事故责任比例 等于或高于每次事故赔偿限额时: carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 赔款,每次事故赔偿限额×(1-事故责任免赔率)×(1-绝对免赔率) 2、当(依合同约定核定的第三者损失金额-机动车交通事故责任强制保险的各分项赔偿限额)×事故责任比例 低于每次事故赔偿限额时: 赔款,(依合同约定核定的第三者损失金额-机动车交通事故责任强制保险的各分项赔偿限额)×事故责任比例×(1-事故责任免赔率)×(1-绝对免赔率)。” 4、结语 在被保险机动车未投保不计免赔特约险情况下,?.当被保险人对第三者依法应负赔偿金额高于责任限额时,保险赔款计算方式为“先限后免”,即:赔款,赔偿限额×(1-免赔率);?.当被保险人对第三者依法应负赔偿金额低于或等于责任限额时,保险赔款计算方式为“先免后限”,即:赔款,应负赔偿金额×(1-免赔率)。 中国保险行业协会基本条款(A款)虽未列明保险赔款的计算方式,但有关免赔率条款的约定简洁、凝炼,其以“在保险单载明的责任限额内,按下列免赔率免赔”的文字表述已充分概括了涉及免赔率的保险赔款计算方式。该免赔率条款与中国保险行业协会基本条款(B、C款)“赔偿计算”条款约定的内涵是一致的,只是二者在语言上的表述不同而已。 三、类似【判决摘要】 《江西省南昌市中级人民法院(2006)洪民一终字第00226号民事判决书》 “本院认为,„„根据中国人民财产保险股份有限公司机动车辆第三者责任保险条款的约定,保险人在保险单载明的责任限额内,驾驶车辆负主要责任的免赔率为15%。本案中左XX的赣AA号解放牌面包车第三者责任保险责任限额为50000元,经交管部门认定驾驶员陈XX负事故主要责任。据此,上诉人保险公司要求扣除15%的免赔率理由充分,本院予以支持。故保险公司直接向刘XX支付的款项为42500元(50000元×85%),„„” (作者单位:江西阳明阳律师事务所;江西省南昌县人民法院) [?] 参见2008年1月28日《江苏省宜兴市人民法院关于印发〈宜兴市人民法院关于审理交通事故损害赔偿案件若干问题的意见〉的通知》(宜法[2008]第7号)第20条。 保险公司仅以你购买的保额为赔偿上限,当然没不计免赔就得扣除这部分的免赔额。 carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 当然免赔率会根据你的责任来调整。 负全部责任的免赔20,,负主要责任的免赔15,,负同等责任的免赔10,,负 次要责任的免赔5,。单方肇事事故的绝对免赔率为20,。 所以如果你确定你的免赔率是20%,那么赔偿金额=20万保额-免赔额4万=赔付 额16万。 carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe.
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