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奥运会比赛项目奥运会比赛项目 在奥运会的历史上,共出现了35个大项(sport),53个分项(discipline)和超过400个小项(event)。而其中夏季奥运会包括28个大项和38个分项,冬季奥运会包括7个大项和15个分项。 1896年第1届现代奥运会只有9个比赛项目,如果划船项目没有因为恶劣的天气而被取消的话,那么第一届现代奥运会上的项目就会达到10个。此后,随着奥运会的影响力不断扩大,其规模越来越大,比赛项目也越来越多。到2008年北京奥运会,比赛项目已增至28个。2005年,国际奥委会在新加坡全会上决定,2012年伦敦奥运会...
奥运会比赛项目 在奥运会的历史上,共出现了35个大项(sport),53个分项(discipline)和超过400个小项(event)。而其中夏季奥运会包括28个大项和38个分项,冬季奥运会包括7个大项和15个分项。 1896年第1届现代奥运会只有9个比赛项目,如果划船项目没有因为恶劣的天气而被取消的话,那么第一届现代奥运会上的项目就会达到10个。此后,随着奥运会的影响力不断扩大,其规模越来越大,比赛项目也越来越多。到2008年北京奥运会,比赛项目已增至28个。2005年,国际奥委会在新加坡全会上决定,2012年伦敦奥运会只设26个大项,且今后每届奥运会最多不得超过28个大项。由此传递出一个信号:现代奥林匹克运动延续了几十年的“扩张主义”已经结束。 2007年,国际奥委会又通过1项改革决议:从2020年起,奥运会将确定25个核心项目,之后每届奥运会固定设这25个大项,另外最多可以增设3个临时项目。这意味着,继棒球、垒球被“逐出”后,现有28个奥运项目中还有一个要离开。 夏季奥运会比赛项目 28个大项 302个小项 具体的比赛项目如下: 田径 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, A、 男子:100米跑、200米跑、400米跑、800米跑、1500米跑、5000米跑、10000米跑、马拉松跑、3000米障碍跑、110米跨 栏跑、400米跨栏跑、跳高、撑杆跳高、跳远、三级跳远 、铅球、铁饼、链球、标枪、十项全能、20公里竞走、50公里竞走、4×100米接力、4×400米接力; B、 女子:100米跑、200米跑、400米跑、800米跑、1500米跑、5000米跑、10000米跑、马拉松跑、100米跨栏跑、400米跨栏跑、跳高、跳远、三级跳、撑杆跳高、铅球、铁饼、标枪、链球、七项全能、4×100米接力、4×400米接力、20公里竞走。 赛艇 赛艇按乘坐人数,有无舵手,以及使用单桨还是双桨划分项目。比赛距离男子2000米,女子为1000米,每条航道宽12.5~15米。 A、 男子:单人双桨、双人双桨、双人单桨无舵手、双人单桨有舵手、4人双桨无舵手、4人单桨无舵手、4人单桨有舵手、8人单桨有舵手; B、 女子:单人双桨、双人双桨、双人单桨无舵手、4人双桨有舵手、4人单桨有舵手、8人单桨有舵手。 自行车 A、 男子11项 场地项目:一公里计时赛、个人争先赛(3圈)、4000米个人追逐赛、4000米团队追逐赛、记分赛、奥林匹克争先赛、麦迪逊赛、凯林赛; 公路项目:个人赛、个人计时赛山地车:越野 B、 女子7项 场地项目:500米计时赛、个人争先赛(3圈)、(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 3000米个人追逐赛、记分赛; 公路项目:70公里个人赛、个人计时赛 山地车:越野 棒球 男子一项 游泳 奥运会游泳比赛共设31个项目,是仅次于田径运动的金牌大户。 A、 男子 游泳:50米自由泳、100米自由泳、200米自由泳、400米自由泳、1500米自由泳、100米仰泳、200米仰泳、100米蛙泳、200米蛙泳、100米蝶泳、200米蝶泳、200米混合泳、400米混合泳、4×100米自由泳接力、4×200米自由泳接力、4×100米混合泳接力; 跳水:3米跳板、10米跳台、双人3米跳板、双人10米跳台; 水球:1项; B、 女子 游泳:50米自由泳、100米自由泳、200米自由泳、400米自由泳、800米自由泳、100米仰泳、200米仰泳、100米蛙泳、200米蛙泳、100米蝶泳、200米蝶泳、200米混合泳、400米混合泳、4×100米自由泳接力、4×200米自由泳接力、4×100米混合泳接力; 跳水:3米跳板、10米跳台、双人3米跳板、双人10米跳台。 拳击 奥运会拳击比赛只允许业余运动员参加,按体重分12个级别进行:48、51、54、57、60、63.5、67、71、81、91公斤以上级。 自2012年伦敦奥运会起,增设女子拳击,共3个级别。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 排球 男、女各分排球与沙滩排球两项。 皮划艇 运动员面向前进方向的1项划船运动,包括皮艇和划艇。 A、 男子12项 静水项目:500米单人皮艇、500米双人皮艇、1000米单人皮艇、1000米双人皮艇、1000米四人皮艇;500米单人划艇、500米双人划艇、1000米单人划艇和1000米双人划艇; 急流回旋项目:单人皮艇、单人划艇、双人划艇; B、 女子4项 静水项目:500米单人皮艇、500米双人皮艇、500米四人皮艇; 急流回旋项目:单人皮艇。 马术 马术比赛分盛装舞步、超越障碍和3日赛,每1项又分团体和个人两项。 篮球 男、女两项。 足球 男、女两项。 体操 A、 男子:团体、个人全能、跳马、鞍马、自由体操、吊环、双杠、单杠、蹦床个人赛; B、 女子:团体、个人全能、跳马、高低杠、平衡木、自由体操、艺术体操之个人全能与团体全能、蹦床个人赛。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 曲棍球 男、女两项。 手球 男、女两项。 举重 A、 男子:56KG、62KG、69KG、77KG、85KG、94KG、105KG、+105KG; B、 女子:48KG、53KG、58KG、63KG、69KG、75KG、+75KG。 柔道 A、 男子:-60KG、60-66KG、66-73KG、73-81KG、81-90KG、90-100KG、+100KG; B、 女子:-48KG、48-52KG、52-57KG、57-63KG、63-70KG、70-78KG、+78KG。 摔跤 A、 自由式摔跤:48-54KG、58KG、63KG、69KG、76KG、85KG、97KG、97-130KG; B、 古典式摔跤:48-54KG、58KG、63KG、69KG、76KG、85KG、97KG、97-130KG。 羽毛球 A、 男子:单打、双打 B、 女子:单打、双打 C、 混合:混合双打 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 垒球 女子一项。 现代五项 马术、击剑、游泳、跑射联项,共五项,男、女各一枚奖牌。 网球 男、女各分单打、双打两项。 击剑 A、佩剑团体、重剑个人、重剑团体; B、 女子:花剑个人、花剑团体、重剑个人、重剑团体。 乒乓球 男、女各分单打、双打(双打会变成团体)两项。 射击 A、 男子:气手枪(10米)、手枪速射(25米)、手枪慢射(50米)、气步枪(10米)、小口径自选步枪3×40(50米)、小口径步枪60发卧射(50米)、10米移动靶、飞碟双多向、飞碟多向、飞碟双向; B、 女子:气手枪(10米)、运动手枪(25米)、气步枪(10米)、小口径自选步枪3×20(50米)、飞碟双多向、飞碟多向、飞碟双向。 铁人3项 男子个人赛、女子个人赛。 射箭 A、男子:奥林匹克淘汰赛个人赛(70米)、奥林匹克淘汰赛团体赛(70米); (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, B、女子:奥林匹克淘汰赛个人赛(70米)、奥林匹克淘汰赛团体赛(70米)。 帆船 A、 男子:帆船470级、帆船芬兰人级、帆板米氏级; B、 女子:帆船470级、帆船欧洲级、帆板米氏级; C、 混合:索林级、49人级、激光级、特纳多级等。 跆拳道 A、 男子:-58KG、-68KG、-80KG、+80KG B、 女子:-49KG、-57KG、-67KG、+67KG (2016年第31届巴西里约热内卢奥运会加入高尔夫球和七人制橄榄球) 冬季奥运会比赛项目 速度滑冰、短跑道速度滑冰、高山滑雪、自由式滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、跳台滑雪、现代冬季两项、雪撬、雪车、花样滑冰、冰壶、冰球、滑板滑雪。 基本条件 夏季奥运会:至少在四大洲75个国家和地区的男性以及3大洲40个国家和地区的女性中广泛开展。 冬季奥运会:至少3个洲25个以上国家中开展的体育运动项目才能被列为冬季奥运会比赛项目。 奥运会中运动小项是运动项目或分项中的一项比赛,在奥运会中需要产生名次,并颁发奖章和奖状以作为奖励。运动小项在被列为奥(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 运会的正式比赛项目之前,首要的也是最重要的要求是在世界范围内有足够的开展这个项目的人数和地域,并且已经举行过至少两次洲际锦标赛。主要依赖机械动力推进的项目、分项和小项不能被列为奥运会比赛项目。 除正式比赛项目外,国际奥委会还授权东道国,可将本国开展较为普及的非奥运会正式项目的1-3个列为当届奥运会的表演赛,其他国家亦可派队参加。作为非正式比赛,获胜者不发给奖牌。 古代奥运会比赛项目 5项全能(包含铁饼、标枪、跳远、赛跑;摔跤和拳击)、赛跑、拳击、摔跤、拳击角力(拳击和摔跤的混合运动)、4轮马车赛跑、骑马。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area,
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