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非谓语动词练习题非谓语动词练习题 非谓语动词练习 01.To mean ______ something and ______ something actually are two different things. A. to do, to do B. doing, doing C. to do, doing D. doing, to do 02. It remains ______ whether the cancer will respond to treatment. A. seen B. to be seen C. see...
非谓语动词 非谓语动词练习 01.To mean ______ something and ______ something actually are two different things. A. to do, to do B. doing, doing C. to do, doing D. doing, to do 02. It remains ______ whether the cancer will respond to treatment. A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see 03. After describing the planned improvements, she went on ______ how much they would cost. A. to explain B. explaining C. to be explaining D. having explained 04. Please remember ______ the plants while I’m away. A. watering B. to be watering C. to water D. bei ng watering 05. ______ out more about university courses, write to this address. A. Finding B. To find C. To be finding D. Find 06. After driving all night we got to Amy’s place, _______ that she was away. A. only to discover B. only discovering C. only discovered D. only having discovered 07. _____ this report ______ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise. A. Getting, done B. Get, done C. To get, to do D. Getting, to do 08. They must be at home—there’s a light _______ in the bedroom. A. to shine B. to be shining C. shining D. having shined 09. A few days after the interview, I received a letter ______ me the job. A. offered B. offering C. to be offering D. having offered 10. ______ that he wouldn’t be able to buy food on his journey he to ok large supplies with him. A. Knowing B. To know C. To be knowing D. Known 11. My wife had a long talk with Sally, ______ why she didn’t want the children to play together. A. explained B. explaining C. to explain D. having explained 12. —Do you have your windows ______ every month? —Not always. Sometimes I clean them myself. A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. having cleaned 13. When he got up to speak, the minister had eggs ______ at him. A. to throw B. throwing C. thrown D. threw 14. A railway station is no place for a child ______ alone at night. A. leave B. leaving C. to be leaving D. to be left 15. I’ll write down his telephone number ______ forget it. A. so as not to B. so as to not C. not so as to D. so not as to 16. When you’re ill, ______ to get well again is often half the battle. A. wanting B. want C. to be wanting D. having wanted 17. Should people do what they think is right even when it means ______ the law? A. breaking B. to break C. having broken D. to have broken 18. After being ill I didn’t feel like ______ but I managed ______ something down. A. eating, to force B. to eat, to force C. eating, forcing D. to eat, forcing 19.—They’ll get their money back. —I should hope so too, after ______ like that. A. being treated B. to be treated C. treating D. treated 20. This kind of beauty cream is said ______ able to smooth away wrinkles. A. to be B. being C. having been D. to have been 21. When you’re waiting for an operation, you feel like there’s a cloud ______ over you. A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung 22. If she catches someone ______ her diary, she’ll be angry. A. read B. reading C. reads D. to read 23. Don’t leave her ______ outside in the rain—ask her in. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. to be waiting 24. I fell, ______ my head against the door and ______ it. A. stroke, cut B. striking, cutting C. stroke, cutting D. striking, cut 25. ______ twice, he didn’t want to try again. A. Having failed B. To fail C. To be failing D. Failed 26. ______ his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another. A. Being B. To be C. Having been D. Have been 27. She read the letter through before sending it, ______ for spelling mistakes. A. checked B. to be checking C. checking D. having checked 28. ______ the rope with one hand, he stretched out the other to the boy in the water. A. Holding B. Held C. To hold D. To be holding 01. A。第一空填to do,mean to do sth意为“打算做某事”;第二空填to do,因为and连接两个非谓语动词作主语,前后应保持一致。句意为:打算做 某事与实际上去做某事是完全不同的两回事。 02. B。remain后习惯上接不定式,故可将答案锁定在B和D;又因为wh ether the cancer will respond to treatment与see之间为被动关系,故用被动 式。注:句首的it为形式主语,真正的主语是其后的whether the cancer will respond to treatment。 03. A。go on to do sth与go on doing sth之间有区别:前者表示做完某 事后接着或继续做另一事,后者表示继续做同样的事。如:He went on to sho w us how to do it. 他接着又教我们如何做。Mother went on cooking; I went on with my homework. 妈妈继续做饭,我继续做功课。 04. C。remember doing sth意为“记得做过某事”,remember to do sth意为“记住要做某事”。如:I remember seeing her somewhere. 我记得在哪里见过她。Remember to come on time. 记住准时来。 05. B。不定式在此表示条件,相当于If you want to find out more abo ut university courses…。句意为:你若想了解更多的有关大学课程的情况,请写信寄至这个地址。 06. A。only doing sth与only to do sth均可表示结果,其区别是:后接现在分词往往表示一种自然的合乎逻辑的结果,而后接不定式往往表示一种出乎意料的或令人失望的结果。又如:I arrived at the shop only to find I’d le ft all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全落在家里了。 07. A。第一空填动名词,动名词短语getting this report…在此用作主语;第二空填过去分词,因为this report与动词do之间为被动关系,故do要用过去分词。 08. C。现在分词shining在此用作后置定语,意指“亮着的灯”。 09. B。现在分词短语offering me the job在此用作后置定语,a letter offering me the job的意思是“一封给我提供工作的信”。 10. A。现在分词短语knowing that…在此表示原因,相当于原因状语从句,即as he knew that he…句意为:他知道路上买不到食物,就带了很多食物。 11. B。explaining why she…在此为伴随状语。句意为:我妻子同萨莉谈了很长时间,解释她为什么不让孩子们在一块儿玩。 12. C。因“窗户”与“擦”之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词。句意为:“你每月都要叫人擦窗户吗? ”“我不叫别人擦,我自己擦。” 13. C。根据句意可知,句中的eggs与throw之间为被动关系,所以throw要用过去分词。句意为:部长站起来讲话时,有人向他扔鸡蛋。 14. D。根据句意,a child与leave之间为被动关系,所以要选一个具有被动关系的选项,故只能选D。句意为:火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方。 15. A。so as to do sth的否定式是应将否定词not置于不定式to do sth之前,而不置于整个结构之前或之后,即使用so as not to do sth这样的形式。 16. A。动名词短语wanting to get well again在此用作主语,表示一般情况,故不用完成式。句意为:生病时,有决心把病治好往往是最为重要的。 17. A。mean表示“打算”时,其后可接不定式,但不接动名词。如:He did not mean to hurt you. 他不是有意要伤害你。mean表示“意味着”“需要”等时,其后可接动名词,但不接不定式。如:This illness will mean going to hospital. 得了这种病就意味着要住院。 18. A。feel like中的like为介词,所以后接动词要用动名词,不用不定式,故可排除B和D;而动词manage后接另一动词作宾语时,该动词要用不定式,不用动名词,故可排除C。 19. A。after在此为介词,后接动词时要用动名词,故可排除B和D;另外根据句意可知,“我”与“对待”之间为被动关系,故要用动名词的被动式。 20. A。be said to do sth是英语中一个常用的结构,其意为“据说”,其中的不定式不能换成动名词,故可排除B和C。再根据句意,此处的不定应用一般式,而不用完成式,因为它表示的是一般情况,而非先于主句谓语的动作,所以答案选A。 21. B。现在分词短语hanging over you在此用作后置定语,句意为:当你在等待一个手术的时候,你会感觉好像头上有朵阴云。 22. B。此题考查catch sb doing sth,其意为“发现或撞见某人正在做某事”。又如:We caught him stealing. 他正在行窃被我们逮个正着。 23. B。此题考查leave sb doing sth,其意为“让某人做某事(处于做某事的状态中)”。如:They walked off and left me sitting there all by myself. 他们走开了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那儿。 24. B。根据句意可知,两处均要用现在分词,表示结果(用并列连词and连接两个平行结构)。句意为:我摔了个跟头,头撞在了门上,划了个口子。 25. A。由于“失败”在先,“不想再试”在后,故先发生的动作要用完成式。句意为:已经失败了两次,他不想再试了。 26. C。根据句中的for such a long time可知,空格处应填一个完成式的现在分词短语。句意为:自己当老板已经这么久了,他觉得难以听从别人的差遣。 27. C。checking for spelling mistakes为伴随状语,指一边通读信件,一边检查拼写错误。 28. A。holding the rope…在此为伴随状语。句意为:他一只手拉着绳子,把另一只手伸给水中的男孩。 1. He walked in, _________ a book in his hand, went to a table near the window and sat down in silence. A. carrying B. carried C. to carry D. having carried 【解析】答案选A。此题考查分词作状语的用法。首先不定式表示目的和将 来可以排除;having done强调动作的完成,不符合题意,只剩下A和B,这是 一个并列句,句中有三个谓语动词walked in, went to 和sat down。句中的c arrying a book in his hand是现在分词,用作状语,修饰walked in,表伴随。 提醒:此题易错选B。 2. __________for many years, the novelist suddenly became famous. A. having ignored B. Having been ignored C. to have been ignored D. to be ignored 【解析】正确答案为B。此题考查分词作状语。因ignored和the novelist 是动宾关系,而不是主谓关系,即“被忽视”,故可排除表主动意义的A。至于 C和D,首先可排除D,因为它是不定式的一般式,表示将来意义,与句意不符; 而C是不定式的完成式,一般不作时间状语。 3. __________ to the consumers, more and more advertisers are using images of pop stars in their ads. A. Appealed B. to appealed C. appealing D. to be appealed 【解析】正确答案为B,考查不定式的用法。首先可以排除A和D,因为a ppeal是不及物动词,不能用过去分词表被动,从句意来看,题目想表达的是为 了吸引消费者,不定式作目的状语,而现在分词一般情况下不能表目的,所以 选B。 4. — What’s the matter with you? —_______ the heavy suitcase, my waist was hurt unexpectedly. A. Having carried B. Carried C. While carrying D. While I was carrying 【解析】正确答案为D,考查非谓语动词的逻辑主语。一般说来,非谓语动 词的逻辑主语需要和主句主语一致,此题中,主句的主语是my waist,而非谓 语动词的逻辑主语是I,所以不能用非谓语动词,只能用状语从句,所以选D。 5. ________with enough instruments necessary for the experiment, these scientists are expecting to finish it ahead of time. A. To be supplied B. to supplied C. supplying D. supplied 【解析】正确答案为D,考查非谓语动词作状语。这句话的主语是scientist s,与非谓语动词supply是动宾关系,也就是被提供,因此排除了B和C,不定 式作状语表示将来和目的,与题意不符,所以选D。
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