
SolidWorks第13章 装配设计新

2018-01-05 50页 doc 1MB 34阅读




SolidWorks第13章 装配设计新SolidWorks第13章 装配设计新 第13章 装配设计 【教学提示】 在SolidWorks中进行自底向上的装配体设计~可以使用多种不同的方法将零件插入到装配体文件中并利用丰富的装配约束关系对零件进行定位。还可以用鼠标拖动未完全定位的零件~带动结构进行有限的的运动仿真~从而了解整体设计与目标的一致程度~并在运动中进行碰撞和体积干涉检查。SolidWorks也支持自顶向下的装配设计。本章就不同的装配体设计方法进行探讨。 【教学要求】 , 熟悉并理解各种装配约束类型 , 熟练掌握自底向上的装配设计方法。 , 能...
SolidWorks第13章  装配设计新
SolidWorks第13章 装配设计新 第13章 装配设计 【教学提示】 在SolidWorks中进行自底向上的装配体设计~可以使用多种不同的方法将零件插入到装配体文件中并利用丰富的装配约束关系对零件进行定位。还可以用鼠标拖动未完全定位的零件~带动结构进行有限的的运动仿真~从而了解整体设计与目标的一致程度~并在运动中进行碰撞和体积干涉检查。SolidWorks也支持自顶向下的装配设计。本章就不同的装配体设计方法进行探讨。 【教学要求】 , 熟悉并理解各种装配约束类型 , 熟练掌握自底向上的装配设计方法。 , 能进行零部件的干涉检查 , 熟练掌握生成装配体爆炸图的方法。 , 掌握SolidWorks智能装配技术 , 熟练掌握装配体零部件的状态和属性控制~并能够在装配体中设计子装配体。 , 熟练掌握自顶向下的装配设计方法。 13.1 装配体操作 装配体设计是将各种零件模型插入到装配体文件中,利用配合方式来限制各个零件的相对位置,使其构成一部件,如图13-1所示为装配的爆炸视图。 图13-1 装配的爆炸视图 13.1.1 新建装配体文件 新建装配体和建立零件相同,首先需要选择装配体文件。 单击【标准】工具栏上的【新建】按钮,出现【新建SolidWorks文件】对话框,选择【装配体】,单击【确定】按钮,进入装配体窗口,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 单击【取消】按钮,如图13-2所示。 图13-2 装配体窗口 装配体文件的扩展名为.sldasm。 装配体设计的基本操作步骤如下: (1) 设定装配体的第一个零部件,其位置设置为固定,为固定零件。 (2) 将其他零部件调入装配体环境,这些零件未指定装配关系,可以随意移动和转动, 浮动零件。 (3) 为浮动零件添加装配关系。 13.1.2插入零部件 将一个零部件(单个零件或子装配体)放入装配体中时,这个零部件文件会与装配体文件链接。零部件出现在装配体中;零部件的数据还保持在源零部件文件中。对零部件文件所进行的任何改变都会更新装配体。 (1) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【插入零部件】,或选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件】,【现有零件/装配体】命令,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,如图13-3所示。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities resaving performance in front of the construction should be in acurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pre-s qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi2 图13-3 【插入零部件】属性管理器 (2) 从清单中选择一零件或装配体,或单击【浏览】按钮,浏览至文件所在位置,选取所需文件,如图13-4所示。选择轮架中的“底板”,单击【打开】按钮。 图13-4 “打开”对话框 (3) 确定插入零件在装配体中的位置,将鼠标移至绘图区时,此时在图形区中的鼠标指针变成,将鼠标移动到原点附近,指针形状变成为如图13-5所示,在图形区域中单击以放置零部件。基体零件的原点与装配体原点重合,在FeatureManager设计树中的“底板”之前标识“固定”,说明该零件是装配体中的固定零件,如图13-6所示。 图13-5 固定零件的光标 saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriate3 图13-6插入固定零件 (4) 如果所插入的零部件不是第一个零件,此时在图形区中的鼠标指针变成,在装配体窗口图形区域中,单击要放置的零部件。如果插入位置不太恰当,选择零部件,按住鼠标左键,将其拖动到恰当位置。 说明:在FeatureManager设计树中右击零件名,在快捷菜单中选择【浮动】命令,则可移动零件。 13.1.3 移动零部件和旋转零部件 当零部件插入装配体后,如果在零件名前有“(-)”的符号,表示该零件可以被移动、可以被旋转。 1. 移动零部件操作 (1) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【移动零部件】按钮。 (2) 出现【移动零部件】属性管理器,如图13-7所示。光标的形状变为,这时,选中零部件,就可以移动零部件到需要的位置,具体方法有: 图13-7 【移动零部件】属性管理器 , 自由拖动 - 选择零部件并沿任何方向拖动。 , 沿装配体 XYZ - 选择零部件并沿装配体的 X、Y 或 Z 方向拖动。图形区域中 显示坐标系以帮助确定方向。若要选择沿其拖动的轴,拖动前在轴附近单击。 , 沿实体 - 选择实体,然后选择零部件并沿该实体拖动。如果实体是一条直线、边urned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high ansupervision of partyburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d the.2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi4 线或轴,所移动的零部件具有一个自由度。如果实体是一个基准面或平面,所移动的零部件具有两个自由度。 , 由 Delta XYZ - 在 属性管理器中键入 X、Y 或 Z 值,然后单击应用。零部件按照指定的数值移动。 , 到 XYZ 位置 - 选择零部件的一点,在 属性管理器中键入 X、Y 或 Z 坐标,然后单击应用。零部件的点移动到指定的坐标。如果选择的项目不是顶点或点,则零部件的原点会被置于所指定的坐标处。 (3) 再次单击【装配体】工具栏上的【移动零部件】按钮。 2. 旋转零部件操作 (1) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【旋转零部件】按钮。 (2) 出现【旋转零部件】属性管理器,如图13-8所示。光标的形状变为,这时, 选中零部件,就可以旋转零部件到需要的位置,具体方法有: 图13-8 【旋转零部件】属性管理器 , 自由拖动 - 选择零部件可绕零件的体心为旋转中心作自由旋转。 , 对于实体 - 选择一条直线、边线或轴,然后围绕所选实体旋转零部件。 , 由三角形XYZ - 在属性管理器中键入 X、Y 或 Z 值,然后单击应用。零部件按照指定角度值绕装配体的轴旋转。 (3) 再次单击【装配体】工具栏上的【移动零部件】按钮。 12.1.4从装配体中删除零部件 (1) 在图形区域或 FeatureManager 设计树中单击零部件。 (2) 按键、选择下拉菜单【编辑】,【删除】命令,或右击选择快捷菜单【删除】命令。 (3) 单击【是】按钮确认删除。此零部件及其所有相关项目(配合、零部件阵列、爆炸步骤等)都会被删除。 saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriate5 13.2 配合方式 每个零件在自由空间中都具有六个自由度:三个平移自由度和三个旋转自由度,装配过程中通过平面约束、直线约束和点约束等几种方式进行零部件自由度的限制。 13.2.1 添加配合关系 配合是建立零件间关系的方法。 1. 添加配合的步骤如下: (1) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,或选择下拉菜单【插入】,【配合】命令,出现【配合】属性管理器,如图13-9所示。 2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dsupervision of partycross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi6 图13-9 【配合】属性管理器 (2) 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择需配合的实体。 (3) 选择符合设计要求的配合方式。 (4) 单击【确定】按钮,生成添加配合。 SolidWorks中提供的标准配合方式如下: , 【重合】:将所选择的面、边线及基准面(它们之间相互组合或与单一顶点组合)定位以使之共享同一无限长的直线。 , 【平行】:定位所选的项目使之保持相同的方向,并且彼此间保持相同的距离。 , 【垂直】:将所选项目以 90 度相互垂直定位。 , 【相切】:将所选的项目放置到相切配合中(到少有一选择项目必须为圆柱面、圆锥面或球面)。 , 【同轴心】:将所选的项目定位于共享同一中心点。 , 【距离】:将所选的项目以彼此间指定的距离定位。 , 【角度】:将所选项目以彼此间指定的角度定位。 2. 添加配合的应用 (1) 新建文件 单击【标准】工具栏上的【新建】按钮,出现【新建SolidWorks文件】对话? 框,选择【装配体】,单击【确定】按钮,进入装配体窗口,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,选中【生成新装配体时开始指令】、【图形预览】复选框,单击【浏览】按钮,出现【打开】对话框,选择要插入的零件“支架”,单击【打开】按钮,单击原点,则插入“支承”,定位在原点,插入“连杆”,单击【标准】工具栏上的【保存】按钮,保存为“连杆机构”,如图13-10所示。 图13-10连杆机构 rsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of party7 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,出现【配合】属性管理器,激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“底座”孔和“连接杆”孔,单击【同轴心】按钮,如图13-11所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加同轴心配合。 图13-11 同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“底座”前端面和“连接杆”前端面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-12所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-12 重合配合 ? 单击【确定】按钮,完成配合,如图13-13所示。 图13-13完成连杆机构 ? 存盘 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities resaving performance in front of the construction should be in acurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pre-s qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi8 13.2.2 修改配合关系 在FeatureManager设计树中展开“配合”项目,分别单击不同的配合关系,可以在图形区显示配合的参考,右击配合关系,选择【编辑特征】命令,可以在属性管理器中更改配合关系或修改配合关系的参数。 13.3 装配中的零部件操作 装配中的零部件操作包括:利用复制、镜向或阵列等方法生成重复零件。在装配体中修改已有的零部件;通过隐藏/显示零部件的功能简化复杂的装配。 13.3.1 零部件的复制 与其他Windows软件相同,SolidWorks可以复制已经在装配体文件中存在的零部件。按住键,在FeatureManager设计树中,选择需复制零部件的文件名,并拖动零件至绘图区中需要的位置后,释放鼠标,即可实现零部件的复制,此时,可以看到在FeatureManager设计树中添加一个相同的零部件,在零件名后存在一个引用次数的注释,如图13-14所示。 图13-14零部件的复制 13.3.2 零部件的圆周阵列 可以在装配体中生成一零部件的圆周阵列。 1. 生成零部件圆周阵列的操作步骤: (1) 选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【圆周阵列】命令,出现【圆周阵列】属性管理器,如图13-15所示。 ertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction9 图13-15 【圆周阵列】属性管理器 (2) 为阵列轴选择一基准轴或线性边线。阵列绕此轴旋转。 (3) 为角度 键入一数值。此为实例中心之间的圆周数值。 (4) 为实例数 键入一数值。此为包括源零部件的实例总数。 (5) 选中【等间距】将角度 设定为 360?。可将数值更改到一不同角度。实例会沿总角度均等放置。 (6) 在要阵列的零部件 中单击,然后选择源零部件。 (7) 若想跳过实例,在要跳过的实例 中单击,然后在图形区域选择实例的预览。 (8) 当指针位于图形区域中的预览上时形状将变为 。 (9) 欲恢复实例,选择要跳过的实例框中的实例然后按键。 (10) 单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的圆周阵列。 2. 生成零部件圆周阵列应用 打开“零部件圆周阵列应用.sldasm”,选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【圆周阵列】命令,出现【圆周阵列】属性管理器,激活【阵列轴】列表框,在图形区选取临时轴,激活【要阵列的零部件】列表框,在图形区选取“滚子”,选中【等间距】复选框,buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 tsupervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high an.2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi10 在【角度】文本框输入“360?”,在【实例数】文本框输入“16”,如图13-16,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的圆周阵列,同时在FeatureManager设计树中会出现 的标记。 图13-16 零部件圆周阵列 13.3.3 零部件的线性阵列 可以一个或两个方向在装配体中生成零部件线性阵列。 1. 生成零部件线性阵列的操作步骤: (1) 选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【线性阵列】命令,出现【线性阵列】属性管理器,如图13-17所示。 -tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t11 图13-17 【线性阵列】属性管理器 (2) 在【方向1】下面: 为【阵列方向】选择一线性边线或线性尺寸。 为间距 键入一数值。此为实例中心之间的数值。 为实例数 键入一数值。此为包括源零部件的实例总数。 (3) 定义【方向2】为重复双向阵列。 【要阵列的零部件】中单击,然后选择源零部件。 (4) 在 (5) 若想跳过实例,在【要跳过的实例】中单击,然后在图形区域选择实例的预览。 (6) 当指针位于图形区域中的预览上时形状将变为 。 (7) 欲恢复实例,选择【要跳过的实例】框中的实例然后按< Delete >键。 supervision of party on andcordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 tsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi12 (8) 单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的线性阵列。 2. 生成零部件线性阵列应用 打开“零部件线性阵列应用.sldasm”,选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【线性阵列】命令,出现【线性阵列】属性管理器,激活【】列表框,在图形区选取边线1,在【间距】文本框输入“30mm”,在【实例数】文本框输入“2”,激活【阵列方向2】列表框,在【间距】文本框输入“80mm”,在【实例数】文本框输入“2”,在图形区选取“支承钉”,选中【只阵列源】复选框,如图13-18,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的线性阵列,同时在FeatureManager设计树中会出现的标记。 图13-18 零部件线性阵列 13.3.4 零部件的特征驱动阵列 根据一个现有阵列来生成一零部件阵列。 1. 生成零部件特征驱动阵列的操作步骤: (1) 选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【特征驱动】命令,出现【特征驱动】属性管理器,如图13-17所示。 图13-17 【特征驱动】属性管理器 al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa 13 (2) 在【要阵列的零部件】中单击,然后选择源零部件。 (3) 在【驱动阵列】中单击,然后选择驱动阵列。 (4) 若想跳过实例,在【要跳过的实例】中单击,然后在图形区域选择实例的预览。 (5) 当指针位于图形区域中的预览上时形状将变为 。 (6) 欲恢复实例,选择【要跳过的实例】框中的实例然后按< Delete >键。 (7) 单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的特征驱动阵列。 2. 生成零部件特征驱动阵列应用 打开“零部件特征驱动阵列应用.sldasm”,选择下拉菜单【插入】,【零部件阵列】,【特征驱动】命令,出现【特征驱动】属性管理器,激活【要阵列的零部件】列表框,在图形区选取“支承钉”,激活【驱动阵列】列表框,在图形区“阵列(线性)1@底板”,如图13-18,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的特征驱动阵列,同时在FeatureManager设计树中会出现的标记。 图13-18 零部件特征驱动阵列 13.3.5 零部件的镜向 在同一装配文件中,有相同且对称的零部件,可以使用镜向零部件的操作来完成,镜向后的零部件即可作为源零部件的复制,也可作为另外的零部件。 1. 零部件镜向的操作步骤: (1) 选择下拉菜单【插入】,【镜向零部件】命令,出现【镜向零部件】属性管理器,如图13-19所示。 supervision of partyd the on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1urned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi14 图13-19 【镜向零部件】属性管理器(步骤1) (2) 激活【镜向基准面】列表框,选择镜向基准面。 (3) 激活【要镜向的零部件】列表框,选择一个或多个需镜向或复制的零部件。其零件名将出现在该列表框中。 (4) 为每个零部件设定状态(镜向或复制): 在 和 之间切换。在这里: 表示零部件被复制。复制的零部件几何体同原件保持不变,只是零部件的方向不同。 表示零部件被镜向。镜向的零部件的几何体发生变化,生成一个真实的镜向零部件。 (5) 选中【给新的零部件重新生成配合】复选框,保存在镜向一个以上零部件时所选零部件之间的任何配合 (6) 单击【向下】按钮,进入下一步状态,如图13-20所示。 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 15 图13-20 【镜向零部件】属性管理器(步骤2) (7) 预览后,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的镜向。 2. 零部件镜向的应用 打开“单向推力球轴承.sldasm”,选择下拉菜单【插入】,【镜向零部件】命令,出现【镜向零部件】属性管理器,激活【镜向基准面】列表框,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“右视基准面”,激活【要镜向的零部件】列表框,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“底圈”,单击【向下】按钮,进入下一步状态,预览,如图13-21所示,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的镜向,同时在FeatureManager设计树中会出现 的标记。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac- ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyse thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi16 图13-21零部件特征镜向应用 注意:镜向后的新零件必须重新添加装配的限制条件~但与原来被镜向的零部件已经产生了对称共享。 13.3.6 编辑零部件 在装配过程中,可能会发现零件模型间存在数据冲突。SolidWorks提供的零件模型在零件环境、装配环境和工程图环境的数据共享。 (1) 在FeatureManager设计树中右击需要编辑的零部件,在快捷菜单中选择【编辑零部件】命令,此时,其他零部件将呈现透明状。 (2) 单击该零件前的符合,选择该零件需编辑的特征,根据需要编辑即可。 (3) 完成编辑,单击【装配体】工具栏上的【编辑零部件】按钮,结束【编辑零部件】命令。 13.3.7 显示/隐藏零部件 为了方便装配装配和在装配体中编辑零部件,可以将影响视线的零部件隐藏起来。 1. 隐藏零部件 在FeatureManager设计树中右击需要隐藏的零部件,在快捷菜单中选择【隐藏零部件】命令,并且在FeatureManager设计树中零部件将呈现透明状。 2. 显示零部件 在FeatureManager设计树中右击需要显示的零部件,在快捷菜单中选择【显示零部件】命令。 13.3.8 压缩零部件 为了减少工作时装入和计算的数据量,更有效地使用系统资源,可以根据某段时间内的工作范围,指定合适的零部件为压缩状态,装配体的显示和重建会更快。 al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa17 1. 压缩零部件 在FeatureManager设计树中右击需要压缩的零部件,在快捷菜单中选择【压缩】命令,完成压缩。 2. 解除压缩 在FeatureManager设计树中右击需要解除压缩的零部件,在快捷菜单中选择【解除压缩】命令,完成解除压缩。 13.4 装配体的检查 在一个复杂的装配体中,如果想用视觉来检查零部件之间是否有干涉的情况是件困难的事。在SolidWorks中利用检查可以发现装配体中零部件之间的干涉。该命令可以选择一系列零部件并寻找它们之间的干涉,干涉部分将在检查结果的列表中成对显示,并在图形区将有问的区域用一个标定了尺寸的“立方体”来显示。 13.4.1 静态干涉检查 用户可以通过选择下拉菜单【工具】,【干涉检查】命令,对装配体进行静态干涉检查,该命令可以用来对装配体中所有的零件或选择的零件进行检查。 1. 静态干涉检查的操作步骤 (1) 在FeatureManager设计树中选择装配体的名称,或不选择任何零部件。 (2) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【干涉检查】按钮,或选择下拉菜单【工具】, 【干涉检查】命令,出现【干涉检查】属性管理器,如图13-22所示。 supervision of party on andcordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 tsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi18 图13-22【干涉检查】属性管理器 (3) 在【所选零部件】下,单击【计算】按钮。 2.. 静态干涉检查的应用 打开“静态干涉检查.sldasm”,单击【装配体】工具栏上的【干涉检查】按钮,在【选项】选项卡中,选中【使干涉零件透明】复选框,单击【计算】按钮,在【结果】 al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa19 列表框出现检查结果,如图13-23所示。 图13-23 干涉检查 13.4.2 动态干涉 旋转或移动零部件的过程中,可以进行动态的干涉检查或动态计算零件间的间隙。 1. 移动或旋转零部件时检查干涉的方法: (1) 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【移动零部件】按钮。或单击【装配体】工具栏上的【旋转零部件】按钮,出现【移动零部件】属性管理器,如图13-24所示,选中【碰撞检查】单选按钮。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-se theainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rvert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi20 图13-24 【移动零部件】属性管理器 (2) 在【检查范围】下选择: , 【所有零部件】- 如果移动的零部件接触到装配体中任何其他的零部件,会 检查出碰撞。 , 【这些零部件之间】- 选择【供碰撞检查的零部件】框中的零部件,然后单 击【恢复拖动】按钮。如果要移动的零部件接触到所选零部件,会检测出碰 撞。与不在选框中的项目的碰撞被忽略。 (3) 选中【仅对于拖动的零件】复选框,检查只与选择移动的零部件的碰撞。当消除 选择时,选择移动的零部件,加之因为与所选零部件配合而移动的任何其它零部件,将被 检查。 (4) 选中【碰撞时停止】复选框,停止零部件的运动以阻止其接触到任何其他实体。 (5) 在【高级选项】下,选择: , 选中【高亮显示面】复选框- 接触移动的零部件的面被高亮显示。 , 选中【声音】复选框- 发现碰撞时。 , 选中【忽略复杂曲面】复选框- 只在下列曲面类型上发现碰撞:平面、圆柱 面、圆锥面、球面以及环面。 (6) 移动或旋转零部件来检查碰撞。 (7) 单击【确定】按钮。 al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa21 2. 移动或旋转零部件时检查干涉的应用 打开“动态干涉检查.sldasm”,单击【装配体】工具栏上的【旋转零部件】按钮,出现【移动零部件】属性管理器,选中【碰撞检查】单选按钮。转动杆,发生碰撞会发出声音,同时高亮显示碰撞面,如图13-25所示。 图13-25动态干涉检查 13.5自底向上的装配综合实例 自底向上的装配设计,是利用已经建立好的零件设计装配体。下面通过建立一个轮架的装配体,熟悉创建自底向上的装配的一般过程。首选创建两个子装配体,然后通过主装配体将所有子装配体和零件装配起来,进行干涉检查,添加配置,生成爆炸视图。 【例13-1】 建立效果如图13-1所示装配体。 13.5.1 创建第一个子装配体 (1) 新建文件 单击【标准】工具栏上的【新建】按钮,出现【新建SolidWorks文件】对话框,选择【装配体】,单击【确定】按钮,进入装配体窗口,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,选中【生成新装配体时开始指令】、【图形预览】复选框,单击【浏览】按钮,出现【打开】对话框,选择要插入的零件“支架”,单击【打开】按钮,单击原点,则插入“支架”,定位在原点,插入“轴承”,单击【标准】工具栏上的【保存】按钮,保存为“支架部件”,如图13-26所示。 supervision of partys qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2 on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d thecordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmenturned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 presaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi22 图13-26 支架子装配体 (2) 添加配合 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,出现【配合】属性管理器,激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“支架”轴承孔和“轴承”表面,单击【同轴心】按钮,如图13-17所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加同轴心配合。 图13-27 同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“支架”前端面和“轴承”前端面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-28所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-28 重合配合 saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriate23 ? 单击【确定】按钮,完成配合,如图13-29所示。 图13-29完成配合支架子装配体 ? 存盘 13.5.2 创建第二个子装配体 (1) 新建文件 单击【标准】工具栏上的【新建】按钮,出现【新建SolidWorks文件】对话框,选择【装配体】,单击【确定】按钮,进入装配体窗口,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,选中【生成新装配体时开始指令】、【图形预览】复选框,单击【浏览】按钮,出现【打开】对话框,选择要插入的零件“轴”,单击【打开】按钮,单击原点,则插入“轴”,定位在原点,插入“键”,插入“轮子”,单击【标准】工具栏上的【保存】按钮,保存为“轮部件”,如图13-30所示。 图13-30 轮子装配体 (2) 添加配合 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,出现【配合】属性管理器,激活supervision of party on andcordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 tsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi24 【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“轴”键槽底面和“键”底面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-17所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-27 同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“轴”键槽端面和“键”端面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-28所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-28 重合配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“轮”轴孔面和“轴”面,单击【同轴心】按钮,如图13-29所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加同轴心配合。 -tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t25 图13-29同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“轮”键槽端面和“键”端面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-30所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-30 重合配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“轮”的右视基准面和“轴” 的右视基准面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-31所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac- ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyse thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi26 图13-31 重合配合 ? 单击【确定】按钮,完成配合,如图13-32所示。 图13-32完成配合轮部件 ? 存盘 13.5.3 干涉检查 (1) 静态干涉检查 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【干涉检查】按钮,出现【干涉检查】属性管理器,在【非干涉零件】选项卡中,选择【隐藏】单向按钮,单击【计算】按钮,结果如图13-32所示。分析为键槽和键不配发生干涉,需修改键槽或修改键。 tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-27 图13-32干涉检查 (2) 在装配体中修改零件 ? 在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轮子”,在快捷菜单中选择【隐藏】命令,隐藏“轮子”。在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轴”,在快捷菜单选择【编辑零件】命令,此时,“轴”进入编辑状态,如图13-33所示。 图13-33 编辑“轴” ? 在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轴”的“切除-拉伸1”特征,在快捷菜单中选择【编辑草图】命令,在草图绘制环境中,将键槽宽改为“10mm”,如图13-34所示。单击【标准】工具栏上的【重建模型】按钮。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the d-cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysaving performance in front of the construction should be in acsame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi28 图13-34 修改尺寸 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【编辑零部件】按钮,结束零部件编辑。在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轮子”,在快捷菜单中选择【显示】命令,显示“轮子”。再次单击【装配体】工具栏上的【干涉检查】按钮,出现【干涉检查】属性管理器,在【非干涉零件】选项卡中,选择【隐藏】单向按钮,单击【计算】按钮,结果无无干涉,如图13-35所示。 图13-35 检查无干涉 13.5.4 创建主装配体 (1) 新建文件 单击【标准】工具栏上的【新建】按钮,出现【新建SolidWorks文件】对话框,选择【装配体】,单击【确定】按钮,进入装配体窗口,出现【插入零部件】属性管理器,选中【生成新装配体时开始指令】、【图形预览】复选框,单击【浏览】按钮,出现【打开】对话框,选择要插入的零件“底板”,单击【打开】按钮,单击原点,则插入“底板”,定位在原点,插入“支架部件”,插入“轮部件”,单击【标准】工具栏上的【保存】按钮, saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriate29 保存为“轮架”,如图13-36所示。 图13-36 轮子装配体 (2) 装配支架 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,出现【配合】属性管理器,激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“支架部件”底面和“底板”面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-37所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-37 同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“支架部件”前端面和“底板”侧面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-38所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi30 图13-38 重合配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“支架部件”的前视基准面和“底座” 的前视基准面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-39所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-39同轴心配合 ? 单击【确定】按钮,完成配合。 (3) 镜向支架 选择下拉菜单【插入】,【镜向零部件】命令,出现【镜向零部件】属性管理器,? 激活【镜向基准面】列表框,选择右视基准面。激活【要镜向的零部件】列表框,选择“支架部件”。其零件名将出现在该列表框中。勾选表示零部件被镜向。镜向的零部件的几何体发生变化,生成一个真实的镜向零部件。选中【给新的零部件重新生成配合】复选框,保存在镜向一个以上零部件时所选零部件之间的任何配合单击【向下】按钮,进入下一步状态。预览后,单击【确定】按钮,完成零部件的镜向。 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 231 图13-40 零部件的镜向 ? 按左支架与底座配合的方法建立配合。 (4) 装配轮部件 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【配合】按钮,出现【配合】属性管理器,激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在图形区选择“轴”表面和“轴承”内面,单击【同轴心】按钮,如图13-41所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加同轴心配合。 图13-41同轴心配合 ? 激活【要配合的实体】列表框,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“轮部件”的右supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac- ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyse thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi32 视基准面和“底座” 的右视基准面,单击【重合】按钮,如图13-42所示,单击【确定】按钮,添加重合配合。 图13-42 重合配合 ? 单击【确定】按钮,完成配合,如图13-43所示。 图13-42完成配合轮部件 13.5.5 添加智能扣件 如果装配体中包含有特定的孔、孔系列或孔阵列,利用智能扣件可以自动添加紧固件(螺栓和螺钉)。智能扣件使用Solidworks Toolbox标准件库,此库中包含大量ANSI Inch、ANSI Metric和ISO等多种标准件。用户还可以向Toolbox数据库中添加自定义的设计,作为标准件利用智能扣件来使用。 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【智能扣件】按钮,出现【智能扣件】属性管理器,选择“底座”安装底孔,单击【添加所有】按钮,自动完成紧固件安装,如图13-43 authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 v33 所示。 图13-43 “智能扣件”属性管理器 ? 右击“扣件”栏中的“六角凹头”,从快捷菜单中选择【更改扣件类型】命令,出现【智能扣件】对话框,选择标准为“ISO”,【类型】下拉列表框内选择“六角形凹头螺钉”,单击按钮,如图13-44所示。 图13-44 “智能扣件”对话框 ? 展开“扣件”,右击“顶部层叠”,从快捷菜单中选择【顶部层叠】命令,出现“顶部层叠零部件扣件”对话框,单击“零部件”下拉列表,选择“普通螺垫”,单击【确定】按钮,自动添加螺垫,如图13-45所示。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-se theainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rvert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi34 图13-45 “顶部层叠零部件扣件”对话框 ? 右击“扣件”栏中的“Hex Socket …”,从快捷菜单中选择【属性】命令,出现【六角凹头】对话框,在【数值】下拉列表框内选择【30】,单击【确定】按钮,单击【确定】按钮,如图13-46所示。 图13-46 “六角凹头”对话框 13.5.6 装配体剖切显示 在装配体中建立的切除或孔特征仅存在于装配体中,与零件模型本身无关。在应用中,可以利用装配体的孔特征来实现实际装配中的“配合打孔”,或者利用拉伸的切除特征建立 tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-35 装配模型的剖切视图。 (1) 绘制剖切界限 选择侧面为基准,绘制草图,如图13-47所示。 图13-47 绘制剖切界限 (2) 剖切 单击【特征】工具栏上【拉伸切除】按钮,出现【切除-拉伸】属性管理器,在【终止条件】下拉列表框内选择【完全贯穿】,在【特征范围】选项卡中选择【所选零部件】单选按钮,激活【影响到的零部件】,在FeatureManager设计树中选择“支架部件”,“镜向支架部件”,“轮部件”,如图13-48所示,单击【确定】按钮。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-se theainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rvert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi36 图13-48 剖切 (3) 压缩剖切 在FeatureManager设计树中右击“切除-拉伸1”特征,在快捷菜单选择【压缩】命令,压缩剖切特征。 13.5.7 在装配中应用配置 利用不同的配置可以控制零部件的不同状态,如零件的显示/隐藏、压缩/解除压缩和零件尺寸的变化。 (1) 在子装配体中建立配置 ? 在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轮部件”子装配体,从快捷菜单选择【打开装配体】命令,打开“轮部件”装配体。 ? 单击窗口顶部的【configurationManage】标签,激活零件的配置管理。右击“轮部件配置”,在快捷菜单中选择【添加配置】命令,出现【添加配置】属性管理器,在【配置名称】文本框内输入“大轮” ,如图13-49所示,单击【确定】按钮。 authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 v37 图13-49 指定配置名称 ? 单击窗口顶部的【FeatureManager设计树】标签,激活零件的FeatureManager设计树。在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轮子”零件,在快捷菜单中选择【零部件属性】命令,出现【零部件属性】对话框,在【所参考的配置】组合框中,选择【使用命名的配置】单选按钮,选取“大轮”选项 ,如图13-50所示,单击【确定】按钮。 2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dsupervision of partycross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi38 图13-50【零部件属性】对话框 ? 单击窗口顶部的【configurationManage】标签,激活零件的配置管理。分别双击各配置,观察部件变化,如图12-51所示。 a) 小轮 b) 大轮 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia39 图12-51 “轮部件”变化情况 ? 存盘 (2) 在主装配体中建立配置 ? 单击窗口顶部的【configurationManage】标签,激活零件的配置管理。右击“轮 架配置”,在快捷菜单中选择【添加配置】命令,出现【添加配置】属性管理器,在【配 置名称】文本框内输入“大轮” ,如图13-52所示,单击【确定】按钮。 图13-52指定配置名称 ? 单击窗口顶部的【FeatureManager设计树】标签,激活零件的FeatureManager设 计树。在FeatureManager设计树中右击“轮部件”子装配体,在快捷菜单中选择【零 部件属性】命令,出现【零部件属性】对话框,在【所参考的配置】组合框中,选择 【使用命名的配置】单选按钮,选取“大轮”选项 ,如图13-53所示,单击【确定】 按钮。 supervision of party on andcordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 tsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi40 图13-53【零部件属性】对话框 (3) 在主装配体中建立剖切配置 ? 单击窗口顶部的【configurationManage】标签,激活零件的配置管理。右击“轮架配置”,在快捷菜单中选择【添加配置】命令,出现【添加配置】属性管理器,在【配置名称】文本框内输入“剖切” ,如图13-54所示,单击【确定】按钮。 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia41 图13-54 指定配置名称 ? 单击窗口顶部的【FeatureManager设计树】标签,激活零件的FeatureManager ”特征,在快捷菜单中选择【特征设计树。在FeatureManager设计树中右击“切除-拉伸1 属性】命令,出现【特征属性】对话框,取消【压缩】复选框,选择【此配置】选项,如图13-55所示,单击【确定】按钮。 图13-55 【特征属性】对话框 ? 单击窗口顶部的【configurationManage】标签,激活零件的配置管理。分别双击各配置,观察部件变化,如图13-56所示。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi42 a) 小轮 b) 大轮 c)剖切 图13-56 “轮部件”变化情况 (4) 存盘 13.5.8 装配体爆炸视图 出于制造目的,经常需要分离装配体中的零部件,以形象地分析它们之间的相互关系。装配体的爆炸视图可以分离其中的零部件以便查看这个装配体。 (1) 生成装配体爆炸视图 ? 单击【装配体】工具栏上的【爆炸视图】按钮,出现【爆炸】属性管理器,选中【拖动后自动调整零部件间距】复选框,在图形区全选“轮架”,单击【应用】按钮,完成自动爆炸,如图13-57所示。 图13-57 爆炸视图 ? 在图形区域选取“轮子”,将指针移动到操纵杆蓝色箭头的头部,指针形状变为,然后以拖曳方式将零部件定位~如图13-58所示,单击【确定】按钮。 authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 v43 图13-58 调整爆炸视图 ? 生成装配体爆炸视图 (2) 爆炸视图的显示开关 爆炸视图建立后,爆炸步骤列表显示在“配置管理器”中指定的配置下。 (1) 单击【配置管理器】标签,展开指定的配置选项,右击“爆炸视图1”,选择 快捷菜单【编辑特征】命令,可以编辑爆炸设计中的各个参数,以满足需求。 (2) 选择【删除】命令,可以删除爆炸视图。 (3) 选择【解除爆炸】命令,则再图形区域中装配体不显示爆炸视图。 (4) 选择【爆炸】命令,可重新显示装配的爆炸视图。 (1) 13.6小结 装配体就是将各种不同的零部件组合在一起,这些部件可以是独立的零件,也可以是子装配,一般在创建大型的复杂装配体时,应先创建各子装配件,然后再将所有的子装配体与零件按照装配约束关系组合在一起。装配约束是本章的一个重点,只有理解了零件或子装配体之间的约束关系,才能达到装配过程中完全约束的效果。 本章介绍了零件装配的基本知识,并以一个常用工程装配体模型为例介绍了创建装配体的一般过。 本章还介绍了如何进行干涉检查,以及在装配模式下修改零件与特征的方法。 13.7 本章习题 13.7.1 填空题 (1) 当零部件插入装配体后,如果在零件名前有“(-)”的符号,表示该零件可以被 、可以被 。 (2) 在FeatureManager设计树中的特征或零部件前面有->*符号表示 、->x符号表 supervision of partyd the on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1urned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi44 示 、->?符号表示 、->符号表示 。 (3) 在装配体中对两个圆柱面做同轴心配合时,应该选择 。 (4) 在工程图中, 13.7.2 选择题 (1) 在装配时,怎样把多个零件同时插入到一个空的装配体文件中, (A) 把所有零件打开,一起拖到装配体中 (B)在下拉菜单选择【插入】,【零部件】,【已有零部件】命令,选择所有,打开 (C) 直接在资源管理器中找到文件,全部选中后拖到装配体中。 (2) 在Solidworks装配体中,手动拖动一个零部件A,在【移动零部件】属性管理器中,选择【物质动力】单选按钮,当这个零部件与其他零部件B(不是固定的)相接触,会 。 (A) 发生碰撞,零部件A停止移动 (B) 零部件A驱动零部件B在所允许的自由度范围内移动和旋转。 (C) 零部件A继续运动,穿过零部件B,而零部件B保持不动。 (3) 在装配体中对零件进行镜向复制时,有时候要区分左右版本,应 。 (A) 在单独的选择框中选择添加要区分左右的零部件。 (B) 在选择框中给要区分左右的零部打“,”。 (C) 单独将需要区分左右的零件进行镜向。 (4) 在装配体中,压缩某个零部件,与其有关的装配关系 。 (A) 不会被压缩 (B) 压缩 (C) 删除 13.7.3 判断题 (1) 在装入零件到装配体中时,第一个装入的零件会默认为固定,不能再改为浮动。 (2) SolidWorks能够对装配体进行干涉检查。它可以把重复关系也当作干涉而检查出来。 (3) 在零件和装配体里对草图用尺寸链方法标注的尺寸属于参考尺寸。 (4) 如果材料明细表较长,表格允许分割。 (5) 在一个装配体中,子装配体可以以不同的配置来显示该子装配体的不同实例。 (6) 在对装配体做配合时,一定需要对零件拥有读写权利。 (7) 在装配体的FeatureManger设计树中,无法重新排序零部件。 13.7.4 简答题 (1) 装配体的特征管理器设计树与零件的特征管理器设计树的差别是什么, (2) 把第一个零部件插入装配体时应注意哪些要点, (3) 相同的零件如果多次插入装配体中,Solidworks如何这些不同的零部件。 (4) 隐藏与压缩零部件的差别时什么, (5) 可同时在多个零部件之间进行干涉检查吗, al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Ption and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa 45 (6) 如何解除爆炸已爆炸的装配体,如何制作爆炸, 13.7.5 上机题 1. 制作小齿轮油泵装配体的装配图及其爆炸视图、轴测剖视图。 : 小齿轮油泵简图,如图13.81所示。 图13.81 习题1 1. 泵体 2. 泵盖 3. 销3X20 4. 主动轴 5. 齿轮 6. 垫片 7. 螺栓M6X18 8. 从动轴 9. 填料 10. 压盖螺母 小齿轮油泵是润滑油管路中的一个部件。动力传给主动轴4,经过圆锥销3将动力传给齿轮5,并经另一齿轮及圆锥销传给从动轴8,齿轮在旋转中造成两个压力不同的区域:高压区与低压区,润滑油便从低压区吸入,从高压区压出到需要的润滑的部位。此齿轮泵负载较小,只在泵体1与泵盖2端面加垫片6及主动轴处加填料9进行密封。 2. 制作磨床虎钳装配体的装配图及其爆炸视图、轴测剖视图。 磨床虎钳简图,如图13.82所示。 urned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high ansupervision of partyburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 d the.2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac-ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energysame background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure r se thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi46 图13.82 习题2 1. 底座 2. 底盘 3. 螺钉M8X32 4. 钳体 5. 钳口 6. 活动掌 7. 丝杆 8. 圆柱销4X30 9. 手轮 10. 压板 11.螺钉M6X18 12. 螺钉M6X14 13.螺栓M16X35 14. 垫圈 磨床虎钳是在磨床上夹持工件的工具。转动手轮9带动丝杆7旋转,使活动掌6在钳体4上左右移动,以夹紧或松开工件。活动掌下面装有两条压板10,把活动掌压在钳体4上,钳体与底盘2用螺钉12连接。底盘装在底座1上,并可调整任意角度 ,调好角度后用螺栓13固紧。 3. 制作分度头顶尖架装配体的装配图及其爆炸视图、轴测剖视图。 分度头顶尖架简图,如图13.83所示。 图13.83 习题3 tion and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installa al box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correctionertic.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vauthority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2 he file size in the appropriatesaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-tone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyies, sr the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration propertre invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order undety wefollow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the par pact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: shouldmpliance requirements. (4) have an imrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-herefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, t-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semies, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyrsonnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profills, peroject Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materia2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description P47 此分度头顶尖架与160型立、卧式等分度头配套使用,可在铣床、钻床、磨床上用以支承较长零件进行等分的一种辅助装置。其主要零件为底座1、滑座2、丝杆5、螺母6、滑块4和顶尖等。丝杆由于其自身台阶及轴承盖7限制了其轴向移动,故旋转手把11迫使螺母6沿轴向移动,从而带动滑块4及顶尖3随之移动,以将工作顶紧或松开。 滑座2上有开槽,顺时针拧动螺母M16便压紧开槽,使之夹紧顶尖。反时针拧动螺母,由于弹性作用,开槽回位,以便顶尖调位。 supervision of party on andady. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities reurati2 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the dcross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.1 same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rd theurned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high anburied pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 t .2 pres qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2cordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departmentsaving performance in front of the construction should be in ac- ainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energyse thevert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must uime finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) coany t material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress atng is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioni-ust be carried out according to acceptance of concealed workquality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection m finished products. 8.-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi48
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