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2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷 以及答案 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案篇一:2015-2016年初中生物会考试题及答案[整理] 2015-2016初中生物会考模拟试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1、以下生物体的结构最简单的是( ) A、细菌B、植物 C、动物 D、肝炎病毒 2、能将细胞中的有机物分解并释放出能量的结构是( ) A、细胞膜B、细胞核 C、线粒体 D、叶绿体 3、面对毒品我们不应有的态度是( ) A、坚决拒绝,决...
2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷 以及答案 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案篇一:2015-2016年初中生物会考试题及答案[整理] 2015-2016初中生物会考模拟试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1、以下生物体的结构最简单的是( ) A、细菌B、植物 C、动物 D、肝炎病毒 2、能将细胞中的有机物分解并释放出能量的结构是( ) A、细胞膜B、细胞核 C、线粒体 D、叶绿体 3、面对毒品我们不应有的态度是( ) A、坚决拒绝,决不沾染 B、举报你身边有吸毒行为的人 C、有新鲜感,好奇地试一试 D、积极参加反吸毒的宣传活动 4、有些现存的动物仍与它们在一百万年以前生存的形式几乎相 同,这一现象最好用什么来解释,() A、这些动物一直发生着变异B、这些动物的生活环境变化不大 C、这些动物用有性生殖来繁殖 D、这些动物又演化成简单的生物 5、当你在家中自行用药时,为了安全,必须考虑什么,( ) ?该药生产企业与日期、有效期、批准文号 ?该药是不是广告推荐的药品 ?该药的功能用量、不良反应、禁忌症等 ?该药是处方药还是非处方药 A、???B、???C、??? D、??? 6、染色体和基因的正确关系是( ) A、很多基因排列在染色体上B、很多染色体排列在基因上 C、基因是染色体的另一种叫法 D、染色体在细胞核时叫基因 7、小明假期在农村老家的岩石上发现了许多斑点,这些斑点有大 有小,就象是岩石的花纹一样,他不能确定这些斑点是什么,是 不是生物,你能想办法帮他判断吗,() A、不是生物,因为它们不能动 B、是生物,因为它们能生长和繁殖 C、不是生物,因为刮下来就象是泥土 D、是生物,因为岩石是不会长出东西来的 8、下列哪一项不是提高植物光合作用,增加作物产量的措施, () A.增加光照时间,利用相关照明设施 B.增加农田中二氧化碳的含量,向农田输送二氧化碳 C.合理灌溉,保证植物生长所需的水分 D.尽力密植,让植物充分利用太阳光 9、过去航海的水手容易得坏血病,是因为在长期的航海过程中不 易得到新鲜的蔬菜水果,新鲜的蔬菜水果中富含() A、维生素A B、维生素B C、维生素C D、维生素 D 10、人体吸气时呼吸肌收缩,胸廓向上向外移动,如尽力吸气膈 肌还会收缩,使膈顶下降,结果( ) A、肺内气压减小,外界气体入肺 B、肺内气压增大,外界气体入肺 C、肺内气压减小,外界气体出肺 D、肺内气压增大,外界气体出肺 11、下列有关体循环的叙述中正确的是( ) A、是把心脏的血输送到身体各部分的循环途径 B、通过体循环为全身各处输送氧和养料 C、通过体循环后,血液由静脉血变成动脉血 D、是把血输送回心脏的循环途径 12、下列关于小肠是消化和吸收的主要场所的叙述中不正确的是 ( ) A、小肠长B、小肠内壁有皱襞和小肠绒毛 C、小肠中含有丰富的消化液D、小肠的蠕动速度快 13、眼球的结构中,有感光细胞的是( ) A、角膜B、巩膜 C、视网膜D、虹膜 14、当电鳗捕到猎物时,会以极高的频率放电,同种电鳗闻讯而 来,它交流信息的“语言”是( ) A、动作 B、电流 C、声音 D、气味 15、大多数鱼类依次产卵量可达数万粒至数百万粒以上,但鱼苗 死亡率很高,因此发育成鱼的数量很少,这些鱼的高产卵量的现 象是( ) A、一种适应性B、适应的相对性 C、长期的遗传与变异的结果D、受非生物因素制约的结果 16、科学家推测生命起源经理了四个化学进化过程,其中小分子 有机物(如氨基酸)的形成和原始生命诞生的场所分别是( ) A、原始海洋和原始大气 B、原始大气和原始海洋 C、都在原始海洋中 D、都在原始大气中 17、豌豆的高茎为显性基因(用D表示),矮茎为隐性基因(用d 表示),下列亲本组合中可能出现矮茎的是( ) A、DD和DdB、Dd和Dd C、DD和ddD、DD和DD 18、玲玲旅游时看到一种大雁,经过查阅资料,她找到了这种大 雁在分类学上的位置,请你帮助玲玲确定下列哪一项是正确的, ( ) A、鸭科、雁目、雁鸭亚科、雁属 B、雁目、鸭科、雁鸭亚科、雁属 C、雁鸭亚科、雁目、鸭科、雁属 D、雁属、鸭科、雁鸭亚科、雁目 19、要想使一株结酸味苹果的苹果树结出甜味苹果,下列哪项是 错误的( ) A、将酸味苹果作为砧木 B、将甜味苹果作为接穗 C、接穗和砧木的韧皮部必须想吻合 D、将酸味苹果作为接穗 20、下列关于青春期的说法中,不正确的一项是( ) A、进入青春期,人的神经系统和心脏等的功能明显增强 B、进入青春期后,男孩和女孩的性器官都迅速发育 C、人的青春期是一生中身体发育和智力发展的黄金时期 D、青春期女性出现月经,不应该让异性知道 二、技能题(每空1分,共30分) 21、地球上最大的生态系统是 ,它是地球上所有生 物共同的家园。生态系统中各种生物的数量和所占的比例总是维 持在相对稳定的状态,即生态系统具有一定的自我调节能力,但 这种能力是 。 22、在做模拟动物保护色的形成实验中,所用的彩色布料是用来 模拟,最后发现经过捕食后,剩下的小纸片 的颜色和 的颜色一致。 23、生物的生殖方式有 和 ,在进化上, 比较高等的生殖方式为。 24、通过科学探究已知:蚯蚓生活在阴暗潮湿的环境中。因此, 在科学探究过程中,如果作出的假设是“湿度对蚯蚓生活有影响”, 那么变量就应是。 25、某同学在长时间看书以后,想调节一下眼睛的疲劳,于是他 望向远处,结果却看不清楚了,模糊一片。你认为:这是因为他 长时间近距离看书使睫状体悬韧带疲劳,不能调节的曲度,使成像于视网膜之 所致,因此近视眼的 人需要配戴 校正。 26、进入梅雨季节,许多物品上容易发霉长毛,而冬季却不容易 出现这种情况,你认为主要原因是:霉菌适宜的生存条件与和 有关。 27、达尔文认为生物进化的原因是的结果, 生物在不断的适应环境的过程中不断进化。 28、在研究人类起源时,用的方法是 ;在研究保护色 的形成过程时,用的是 法。 29、某同学在利用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞时,先用低倍镜观察 后改用高倍镜观察时,发现视野变,能看见的细胞数目 也较 。 30、在探究“馒头在口腔中的变化”时,进行了三种处理:?将 馒头碎屑与唾液放入1号试管中充分搅拌;?将馒头碎屑与清水 放入2号试管中充分搅拌;?将馒头块与唾液放入3号试管不搅 拌。并放在37?左右温水中5——10分钟。请问:滴加碘液后不 变蓝的是 号试管。3号试管的作用是31、“观察小鱼尾鳍内的血液流动”实验时要用 倍镜 观察,观察到一些血管最细,并且 的是 毛细血管。 32、对不同问题的探究可以采用不同的方法,如我们在探究“鱼 鳍在游泳中的作用”和“动物在人们生活中的作用”时就分别采 用了 和 的方法。 33、酒精对水蚤心率的影响实验中,所用的酒精浓度越高,而水 蚤的心率越 ,当究竟浓度达到20%时水蚤会死亡,这 说明酒精是一种对心率有 的物质。 34、在观察蚯蚓的实验中,你通过 , 发现蚯蚓的腹部有一些突起,用放大镜观察,发现是刚毛,蚯蚓 腹部的刚毛能。 35、遗传学家把蕃茄的红果与黄果、兔的白毛与黑毛称为, 它们都是由 控制的。 四、简答题(30分) 36、案例分析:小刚17岁,一天去医院就诊,主诉:近期感到: ?体乏无力、无食欲、消瘦?咳嗽、吐痰、有时痰中带血丝,曾 服维生素后无效;?夜间梦多、常出冷汗,有时感到胸部疼痛。 经医生检查后;?血压:16/10.7千帕;?腋窝温度:37.8?; ?血液检查:红细胞500万/mm3,白细胞1万/mm3血小板25 万 /mm3。 (1)根据以上情况判断,小刚可能患 ,依据是。 (用数字表示) (2)医院里常用确认方法是 。 (3)此病属于传染病。病原体是,原始 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案篇二:2016年 泰州市中考英语试卷、答案 2016年泰州市中考英语试卷、答案 (满分:120分考试时间:l20分钟) 第一部分选择题(共60分) 一、 单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中(选择一个最佳答案。 (15分 ( ) 1. When leaders of Chinese mainland( 大陆) and Taiwan met in Singapore for ______ first time since 1949. President Xi said, "Today will be remembered in history. " A. the; the B. the;/ C. /; / D. /; the ()2. --What ______ will you get after winning the competition in the programme Stay to the end ( 一站到底) ? --A free trip to Bali Island. A. award B. attention C. advice D. ability ()3. Simon used to be _______, but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends. A. honest B. lively C. active D. quiet ()4. Lunar Probe( 月球探测器) Chang'e-5________ into space this year. It will land on the moon and return with lunar samples(样品). A. sends B. will be sentC. will send D. is sent ()5.-- -Could I smoke here? --- Sorry. I am afraid you ______. Look at the sign "No smoking"! A. couldn'tB. needn't C. can'tD. won't () 6. Firemen in Jingjiang together with those from other areas, successfully big fire after sixteen hours' hard work. A. put inB. put throughC. put up D. put out ()7. --The service is very wonderful and the weather is quite fine. ---Yes, this holiday is so great, we have never had ______ before. A. the better one B. a good oneC. a better oneD. the best one ()8. --Excuse me. where's the meeting room? --. I will show you there. A. This way. pleaseB. That's right C. I can manageD. In your dreams ()9. --Is there else in the classroom? - -It is empty, is listening to a speech in the school hall. A. anyone; AnyoneB. anyone; Everyone C. everyone; Anyone D. everyone; Everyone ( ) 10. - -As a nurse, her work goestaking care of her patients. --Yes, she always thinks of others. A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. between ( )11. - -Mom, I want to watch The Legerut of Miyue (芈月传) on Channel 8 tonight.--Oh, dear, it for a few minutes. Come on! A. has begun B. will begin C. has been on D. will be on ( ) 12. --Weehat (微信) really influences people's life. -- _________ . It is easier for us to keep in touch with others. A. Mainly I3. ExactlyC. SimplyD. Mostly ( ) 13. --The novel seems a little boring. --You won't enjoy it ~ you put your heart into it. A. when B. ifC. afterD. unless ( )14. --Mr Ling, I have some difficulty the article. -- Remember it three or four times at least. A. to understand~ reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read ( )15. --- Could you tell me _____________? ---Every four years. The 24th will take place in China in 2022. A. how long the Winter Olympic Games last B. how long do the Winter Olympic Games last C. how often are the Winter Olympic Games held D. how often the Winter Olympic Games are held 二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中宣传可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。(15分) On Thursday, I dropped my kid off at school and was on my way to San Francisco. When turning a corner, I noticed an eagle which seemed to be 后视镜). So I slowed down and was beautiful. His eyes were golden orange. He 扭曲). Then I drove to a vet(兽医). t there and looked into each other's eyes. I wanted toleg. trusted me. He didn't move wildly any more. Suddenly a feeling came over me that felt like sweet bitterness(难 过 eyes for the rest of my life. ( )16. prettyB. alive C. dead D. nervous ( )17. A. moveB. fly C. run D. fall ( )18. A. pushed B. droveC. pulled D. stopped ( )19. A. loudly B. gently C. quickly D. coldly ( )20. A. but B. soC. asD. or ( )21. A. foot B. leg C. hand D. arm ( )22. A. cameB. left C. went D. arrived ( )23. A. the bird B. my kid C. the vetD.my car ( )24. A. through B. in C. byD. with ( )25. A.in use B. in place C. in danger D. in order ( )26. A. stood B. relaxed C. sang D. danced ( )27. A. book B. bag C boxD. basket ( )28. A. looked afterB. looked into C. looked through D. looked up ( )29. A. lucky B. happy C. scaredD. sad ( )30. A. orange B. red C. blueD. black 二、 阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30 分) A Interesting festivals in the world ()31. How many festivals are mentioned in the passage? A. Ono. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four ()32. Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May7 A. Spain. B. England. C. The United States. D. Thailand. ()33. Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert? A. Throwing tomatoes.B. Rolling cheese. C. Burning man, D. Pouring water. ()34.. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd Io eat. B. Not all the festivals alive fall on the single day. C. Burning a large real man is the best part of the festival. D. Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists, ()35. The passage is most probably taken from ____________. A. a tour guideB. a science report C. a story book D. a fashion magazine B Emojis(表情符号) (本文来自:Www.JIaoShIlm.com 教 师 联 盟网:2016年泰州市 苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案)Have you found that more and more people are using emojis to communicate online? For example. "Happy Birthdayhas become a cake with lit candles. And "I’m happyhas become a smiling face. Emojis have been warmly welcomed since they were invented in the 1990s in Japan. According to a survey of a mobile technology company, 6 billion emojis are used in text messages around the world every day. Last year,20 percent of all emojis used in the UK and 17 percent of those used in the US was the icon.It became the most widely-used icon in 2015. Emojis are now used as % new fo~ of expression", and one which can cross language barriers(障碍). "'Emojis are popular among who were born between late 1980s and early 2000s, because they welcome new technology and new things and they think emojis are ' flexible(灵活的 ) and show meanings beautifully'", president of Oxford Dictionaries told The Wall Street Joural. Since millennials became the biggest part in the American workforce(劳动 ), emojis have been more accepted in the workplace. For many people, the tiny pictures also show that the users are part of mainstream(主流) society. In the digital age, emojis are "how most people communicate and show their personality many times every day. " But not everyone thinks the use of emojis is a good thing. Jonathan Jones of The Guardian said that the success of emojis is "a step back for humans", hurting people's ability to use languages. "There are strict limits on what you can say with pictures--the written word is necessary to express your ideas and feelings to their highest level,he said. Do you feel or about emojis? ( )36. What emoji is "Happy Birthdayaccording to the passage? A.B.C.D. ( )37.Where were emojis invented? A. In Japan B. In China. C In the UK.D. In the US. ( )38. What does the underlined word "A. 80后 B. 00后 C. 独生子女D. 千禧一代 ( )39. Why are emojis popular among millennials? A. Because emojis limit what they say with pictures. B. Because they think emojis are a step back for humans. C. Because 6 billion emojis are used in text messages eve~ day. D. Because young people are easily attracted by new technology and new things. ( )40. The writer makes us learn about the emojis in Paragraph 2 by______. A. telling storiesB. explaining the word "emojis" C. listing numbers D. making comparisons(比较) C C The first time I ever really noticed a disabled person, I was studying in the third grade. I saw some disabled people before, but I never really knew or cared about what those persons go through(经 历 ). When a new student arrived in my third grade class, I thought it would just be a common student, but this student was different. His name was Derek and he had autism(孤独症). He sometimes had random outbursts(随意发作) during class and we would stand there, doing nothing because we didn't know why he was doing that. When he sat down at desk, we would try to get away from him. After class, we would play jokes on each other, imitating(模仿) Derek, and laughing about it. Then one day, Derek's mom came to our class and talked with us. She told us that Derek wasn't just having random outbursts--he was trying to communicate. Then she chose a volunteer and filled that person's mouth with soft sweets. When we found the volunteer had great trouble in trying to speak, the mother explained that was what Derek was going through every day. We all understood her meaning. After this talk, no one tried to make fun of Derek or run away from him. We accepted his outbursts in class and he became one of our friends. Having a class with Derek has taught me to have an open mind to those who are different from us. My experience in having an autistic classmate has provided me with a good lesson. Now whenever I meet a family with a child who's behaving differently, I always remember what I have learned in my third grade clams and go up to him or her. ( )41. What did the author think of the boy before the mother's talk? A. Friendly. B. Humorous.C. Generous. D. Strange. ( )42. Which order is RIGHT according to the passage? 1.We got away from him.?2We got on well with Derek. ? 3. Derek arrived in my class. ?4Derek's morn talked to us. ? 3?1?2?4 B. ?3?1?4?2 C. ?1?3?2?4D.?1?4?3? 2 A.? ( )43. According to Derek's mother, Derek________________. A. was too shy to be with others B. had problems in expressing himself C. was good at communicating with others D. didn't like the way others treated him ( )44. After Derek's mom's talk, we did the following EXCEPT that ____________. A. we became friends B. we played together C. we played jokes on him I). we communicated with him ( )45. which is the best title for the passage? A. Living with an open mind B. Believing in yourself C. Behaving in different ways D. Making friends with the disabled 第二部分非选择题(共60分) 四、阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10分) Few deaths in Chile An 8. 3-magnitude(里8.3 级) earthquake can often cause fallen buildings and hundreds or even thousands of victims. But only 13 people were killed in the powerful earthquake in Chile on Sept 16, 2015. That is the most surprising thing. According to New York Times, Chile had spent quite a lot of money on the project of making its buildings stronger. Also, it had changed its tsunami(海啸) warning system. Both of these helped prevent a disaster in the country. Besides, strict laws and rules have made people more ready for earthquakes. Schools have increasingly started doing drills (演练), all society is filled with creative ways to keep safe in earthquakes. Chile, a South American country, is one of the places where earthquakes are most likely. Its 17 million people have been taught more than enough information about earthquakes. The 2016年泰州市苏教版初二生物会考试卷以及答案篇三:2016泰州市中考数学试卷含答案解析(Word版) 2016年江苏省泰州市中考数学试卷 一、选择题:(3分×6=18分) 1(4的平方根是( ) A(?2 B(,2 C(2 D( 2(人体中红细胞的直径约为0.0000077m,将数0.0000077用科学记数法表示为( ) A(77×10,5 B(0.77×10,7 C(7.7×10,6 D(7.7×10,7 3(下列图案中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A( B( C( D( 4(如图所示的几何体,它的左视图与俯视图都正确的是( ) A( B( C( D( 5(对于一组数据,1,,1,4,2,下列结论不正确的是( ) A(平均数是1 B(众数是,1 C(中位数是0.5 D(方差是3.5 6(实数a、b满足+4a2+4ab+b2=0,则ba的值为( ) A(2 B( C(,2 D(, 二、填空题:(3分×10=30分) 7((,)0等于( 8(函数中,自变量x的取值范围是( 9(抛掷一枚质地均匀的正方体骰子1枚,朝上一面的点数为偶 数的概率是 10(五边形的内角和是?( 11(如图,?ABC中,D、E分别在AB、AC上,DE?BC,AD:AB=1:3,则?ADE与?ABC的面积之比为 ( 12( 如图,已知直线l1?l2,将等边三角形如图放置,若?α=40?,则?β等于( 13(如图,?ABC中,BC=5cm,将?ABC沿BC方向平移至?A′B′C′的对应位置时,A′B′恰好经过AC的中点O,则?ABC平移的距离为cm( 14( 方程2x,4=0的解也是关于x的方程x2+mx+2=0的一个解,则m的值为15(C在?O上,?O的半径为2,?ABD=?CDB=90?,如图,点A、线段BD经过圆心O, AB=1,CD=,则图中阴影部分的面积为( 16(二次函数y=x2,2x,3的图象如图所示,若线段AB在x轴上,且AB为2个单位长度,以AB为边作等边?ABC,使点C落在该函数y轴右侧的图象上,则点C的坐标为( 三、解答题 17(计算或化简:(6+6=12分) (1),(3+); (2)(,)?( 18((8分)某校为更好地开展“传统文化进校园”活动,随机抽查了部分学生,了解他们最喜爱的传统文化项目类型(分为书法、围棋、戏剧、国画共4类),并将统计结果绘制成如图不完整的频数分布表及频数分布直方图( (1)直接写出频数分布表中a的值; (2)补全频数分布直方图; (3)若全校共有学生1500名,估计该校最喜爱围棋的学生大约有多少人, 19((8分)一只不透明的袋子中装有3个球,球上分别标有数字0,1,2,这些球除了数字外其余都相同,甲、以两人玩摸球游戏,规则如下:先由甲随机摸出一个球(不放回),再由乙随机摸出一个球,两人摸出的球所标的数字之和为偶数时则甲胜,和为奇数时则乙胜( (1)用画树状图或列表的方法列出所有可能的结果; (2)这样的游戏规则是否公平,请说明理由( 20((8分)随着互联网的迅速发展,某购物网站的年销售额从2013年的200万元增长到2015年的392万元(求该购物网站平均每年销售额增长的百分率( 21((10分)如图,?ABC中,AB=AC,E在BA的延长线上,AD平分?CAE( (1)求证:AD?BC; (2)过点C作CG?AD于点F,交AE于点G,若AF=4,求BC的长( 22((10分)如图,地面上两个村庄C、D处于同一水平线上,一飞行器在空中以6千米/小时的速度沿MN方向水平飞行,航线MN与C、D在同一铅直平面内(当该飞行器飞行至村庄C的正上方A处时,测得?NAD=60?;该飞行器从A处飞行40分钟至B 处时,测得?ABD=75?(求村庄C、D间的距离(取1.73,结果精确到0.1千米) 23((10分)如图,?ABC中,?ACB=90?,D为AB上一点,以CD为直径的?O交BC于点E,连接AE交CD于点P,交?O于点F,连接DF,?CAE=?ADF( (1)判断AB与?O的位置关系,并说明理由; (2)若PF:PC=1:2,AF=5,求CP的长(
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