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一些有趣又简单的化学实验一些有趣又简单的化学实验 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qu...
一些有趣又简单的化学实验 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 一些有趣又简单的化学实验 1、小木炭跳舞 亲爱的同学们,你们一定很喜欢化学吧,那么你就自行动手做一个有趣的小实验,这个实验的目叫小木炭跳舞。取一只试管,里面装入3一4克固体硝酸钾,然后用铁夹直立地固定在铁架上,并用酒精灯加热试管。当固体的硝酸钾逐渐熔化后,取小豆粒大小木炭一块,投入试管中,并继续加热。过一会儿就会看到小木炭块在试管中的液面上突然地跳跃起来,一会儿上下跳动,一会儿自身翻转,好似跳舞一样,并且发出灼热的红光,有趣极了。请你们欣赏一下小木炭优美的舞姿吧。你能回答小木炭为什么会跳舞吗, 原来在小木炭刚放入试管时,试管中硝酸钾的温度较低,还没能使木炭燃烧起来,所以小木炭还在那静止地躺着。对试管继续加热后温度上升,使小木炭达到燃点,f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 这时与硝酸钾发生激烈的化学反应,并放出大量的热,使小木炭立刻燃烧发光。因为硝酸钾在高温下分解后放出氧来,这个氧立刻与小木炭反应生成二氧化碳气体,这个气体一下子就将小木炭顶了起来。木炭跳起之后,和下面的硝酸钾液体脱离接触,反应中断了,二氧化炭气体就不再发生,当小木炭由于受到重力的作用落回到硝酸钾上面时,又发生反应,小木炭第二次跳起来。这样的循环往复,小木炭就不停地上下跳跃起来。 2、白糖变“黑雪” 白糖,是大家经常食用的一种物质,它是白色的小颗粒或粉未状,象冬天的白雪。然而,我却能将它立刻变成“黑雪”。如果你不信,那就请看下面的实验吧。在一个200毫升的烧杯中投入5克左右的白糖,再滴入几滴经过加热的浓硫酸,顿时白糖就变成一堆蓬松的“黑雪”,在嗤嗤地发热冒气声中,“黑雪”的体积逐渐增大,甚至满出烧杯。白糖顿时变成了 2 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring ‘黑雪”,真有意思,谁知道这里的奥妙在什么地方, 答案 原来白糖和浓硫酸发生了一种叫做“脱水”的化学反应。浓硫酸有个特别古怪的爱好,就是它与水结合的欲望特别强烈,它充分利用空气中的水分,就是其他物质中的水分它也不放过,只要一相遇,它就非得把水夺过来不可。白糖是一种碳水化合物(C12H22O11),当它遇到浓硫酸时,白糖分子中的水,立刻被其夺走,可怜的白糖就剩下炭了,变成了黑色。浓硫酸夺过水为己有之后,并不满足,它又施展另外一个本领一氧化,它又把白糖中剩下来的炭的一部分氧化了,生成了二氧化碳气体跑出来。 C+2H2SO4=2H2O+2SO2+CO2 由于反应后所生成的二氧化碳和二氧化硫气体的跑出,所以体积越来越大,最后变成蓬松的“黑雪”。在浓硫酸夺水的“战斗”中,是个放热过程,所以发出嗤嗤的响声,并为浓硫酸继续氧化碳的过程提供热er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 3 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 量。 3、不用电的电灯泡 某中学的趣味化学演大会正在热烈地进行着,其中一个节目格外引人注目,只见一根木杆上挂着一只200瓦左右的电灯泡,这个灯泡发出耀眼的白光,就亮度来说,一般的电灯比起它来是望尘莫及的。然而这个电灯泡并没有任何电线引入,因为它是一个不用电的电灯泡。请你们想一想,这个不用电的电灯泡的秘密在那里, 答案 原来,这个电灯泡中装有镁条和浓硫酸,它们在灯泡内发生激烈的化学反应,引起了放热发光。大家知道,浓硫酸具有强烈的氧化性,尤其是和一些金属相遇时更能显示出它的氧化本领。金属镁又是特别容易被氧化的物质,所以它俩是天生的“门当户对”了,只要一相遇,便立刻发生脱的化学反应: Mg,2H2SO4(浓),MgSO4, SO2,2H20 4 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 在反应过程中放出大量的热量,使电灯泡内的温度急剧上升,很快地使镁条达到燃点,在浓硫酸充分供给氧的情况下,镁条燃烧得更旺,好象照明弹一样。 4、净水能手——明矾 说起明矾,人们对它是很熟悉的,也有人管它叫白矾,化学名称叫硫酸钾铝。然而明矾不只用作化工原料,它还是一个净水能手呢~有一次,我们下乡搞调查研究,在做午饭的时候,发现缸里的水太浑,不能用,正在为此而着急的时候,农技站的张技术员来了,他看见我们没有办法,立刻取出几块明矾,把它研成细未,然后撒在水缸里。不一会儿,缸里的水变得清澈透底了。这件事虽然时隔几年,但是到现在还记忆犹新,然而,我始终不明白是什么道理,请读者给我解释一下。 答案 原来,水中的泥尘被明矾“捉”住以后,一起下沉到缸底了。那么,明矾为什么能“捉”住水中的泥尘呢,这得先从水的混浊的本身谈起。水中那些特别小的泥土和er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 5 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 灰尘,由于重量很轻,所以它们不容易沉淀下去,在水中“游荡”,使水变得混浊。另外,这些微小的粒子还有个特点,就是它很喜欢从水中把某种离子拉到自己身边来,或者自己电离出一些离子,从而使自己变成一个带有电荷的粒子,这些带电荷的粒子往往都带有负电荷。因为同性电荷排斥,异性电荷吸引,所以这些都带负电荷的粒子互相排斥而靠不到一起,它们没有机会结成较大的粒子而沉淀下来。明矾却有使这些彼此不能靠近的粒子跑到一起来的奇特本领。,明矾一遇到水,就发生水解反应,在这种反应中,硫酸钾是个配角,硫酸铝是个主角。硫酸铝和水作用后生成白色絮状的沉淀物——氢氧化铝。所生成带有正电荷的氢氧化铝,一碰到带有负电荷的泥尘颗粒,就彼此“抱”在一起。这样,很多粒子聚集在一起,粒子越来越大,终于双双沉于水底,水就变得情澈透明了。 简单的说是铝离子水解 5、石灰煮鸡蛋 6 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 南京的校舍需要重新维修,工人师傅往一堆的响声,好象开锅似的。慧清和艳丽两位同学站在一旁好奇地看着,一边议论。慧清说:“看这个热乎劲,准能将鸡蛋烧熟。”艳丽说:“根本不可能。”她俩为了弄个明白,就从家里拿来一个鸡蛋,埋到正在冒气的石灰堆里,不大一会儿,只听“啪”的一声,鸡蛋爆炸了。她们看到这种情形,更加纳闷了,她们想来想去也没弄清楚是怎么回事,谁能给她俩解释一下, 答案 道理很简单。生石灰化学名称叫氧化钙,加水后变成熟石灰,化学名称叫氢氧化钙,也就是平常所说的白灰。把生石灰变成熟石灰的过程叫做“消化”这是一个放热反应: 6、不安定的卫生球 说起卫生球,大家一定很熟悉,经常用它来杀死衣箱中的蛀虫。然而,当你把它放到一个含有醋酸和小苏打的水溶液里一它会er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 7 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 怎样呢,开始时,它一直沉睡在杯底,可是,过一会儿,它就不安静了,却在水里上下跳动,好象得了癫狂症一样。谁知道这是为什么, 答案 经过这种化学反应易生成的二氧化碳气体,变成了一个个很小很小的小气泡粘附在杯底或杯壁上,卫生球的全身也都粘满这种小气泡。二氧化碳比水轻,要往水面上升,一旦卫生球粘住的这种气泡达到了一定程度,就象溺水者拉到了救生圈一样,直往上升。当卫生球升到水面时,由于所受压力的减小,附在卫生球上面的小气泡破裂了,卫生球又恢复原来的比重,失去了“救生圈”,于是又沉回杯底,到再粘足够的小气泡时,又浮了上来。这样循环往复,卫生球便奔走不停。 7、“六六六”粉名字的来历 城郊一片小麦田发生了虫灾,为了抗灾灭虫,农民喷洒一种叫作“六六六”粉的化学农药。这时,爱动脑筋的甲同学一本正经地 8 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 问乙同学:“你说,这种农药为啥叫‘六六六’粉呢,”“这还不知道,因为在发明这种农药的时候,科学家们实验了六百六十六次。”乙同学胸有成竹地回答。甲同学反驳说:“你说的不对,我听别人说,这种农药是用六百六十六种药配成的,所以叫‘六六六’粉。这两位同学你一言我一语争论不休„„ 请读者评一评,他俩谁讲的对,为什么, 答案 这两位同学说得都不对。这种农药是用一种叫作苯的化学物质在紫外线照射下和氯气作用生成的。 C6H6十3C12,C6H6Cl6 从生成的“六六六”粉的分子式中可以看出:、它的分子是由六个碳原子、六个氢原子、六个氯原子组成的,所以叫作“六六六多,粉。 8、氯化铵的妙用——防火布 亲爱的同学,我将一块普通的棉布浸在氯化铵的饱和溶液中,片刻之后,取出晾千就成防火布了。将这块经过化学处理的布用火er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 9 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 柴点,不但点不着,而且还冒出白色的烟雾。请你们说说,这是什么道理, 答案 原来,经过这种化学处理的棉布(防火布)的表面附满了氯化铵的晶体颗粒,氯化铵这种化学物质,它有个怪脾气,就是特别怕热,一遇热就会发生化学变化,分解出两种不能燃烧的气体,一种是氨气,另一种是氯化氢气体。 NH4Cl—>NH3(气),HC1(气) 这两种气体把棉布与空气隔绝起来,棉布在没有氧气的条件下当然就不能燃烧了。当这两种气体保护棉布不被火烧的同时,它们又在空气中相遇,重新化合而成氯化铵小晶体,这些小晶体分布在空气中,就象白烟一样。实际上,氯化铵这种化学物质是很好的防火能手,戏院里的舞台布景、舰艇上的木料等,都经常用氯化铵处理,以求达到防火的目的。 9、一个鸡蛋的沉浮 10 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 在一个大烧杯中装入稀盐酸溶液,然后往烧杯中放一个新鲜鸡蛋,它会马上底。不一会儿,鸡蛋又上升到液面,接着又沉入杯底,过一会儿鸡蛋又重新浮到液面,这样可反复多次。请大家一下,这是什么道理, 答案 由于鸡蛋外壳的主要成分是碳酸钙,遇到稀盐酸时会发生化学反应而生成氯化钙和二氧化碳气体。 CaC03十2HC1,CaC12十C02(气)十H20 二氧化碳气体所形成的气泡紧紧地附在蛋壳上,产生的浮力使鸡蛋上升,当鸡蛋升到液面时气泡所受的压力小,一部分气泡破裂,二氧化碳气体向空气中扩散,从而使浮力减小,鸡蛋又开始下沉。当沉入杯底时,稀酸继续不断地和蛋壳发生化学反应,又不断地产生二氧化碳气泡,从而再次使鸡蛋上浮。这样循环往复上下运动,最后当鸡蛋外壳被盐酸作用光了之后,反应停止,鸡蛋的上下运动也就停止了。但是此时由于杯中的液体里含有大量的氯化钙和剩余的盐酸,所以最后液体的比重大于鸡蛋的比重,因而,鸡蛋最终浮在液体上部。 er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 11 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 10、不是玻璃刀的“玻璃刀” 亲爱的同学,你想在一块玻璃上雕刻出一幅美丽的图案吗,你可以使用不是玻璃刀的“玻璃刀’多来雕刻这幅图案。方法很简单,在这块玻璃上涂一薄层熔化的石蜡,待冷凝后,用针尖在石蜡上刻出你所需要的图案。另外,拿一个铅制蒸发皿,在蒸发皿内放入氟化钙和硫酸,在蒸发皿的边缘上垫一圈橡皮,然后把涂蜡的画朝下放在蒸发皿上,微微加热,用汽油揩去表面上的石蜡,此刻,玻璃上的美丽图案就雕刻出来了。你一定会感到有意思吧,那就请你想一想,这种不是玻璃刀的“玻璃刀”是什么东西,它为什么能在玻璃上雕刻出花纹来, 答案 这种不是玻璃刀的“玻璃刀”是氢氟酸。因为氟化钙和硫酸反应生成氟化氢和硫酸钙,氟化氢气体从溶液中挥发到玻璃上,又溶解于玻璃上面的水而形成的氢氟酸,氢氟酸是不和石蜡发生反应的,可是它有个非常奇特的化学脾气,就是专门和形成玻璃的主 12 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuring 要原料——二氧化硅反应,反应后生成水和氟化畦气体,这种能“吃”玻璃的酸,人们称之不是玻璃刀的“玻璃刀”。这样,凡是没有被石蜡遮盖保护的玻璃表面即图案部分)都被这种酸“吃”掉了一层,清除石蜡后,玻璃上的图案就显示出来了。其反应如下: 4HF十Si02,2H20十SiF4(气) er the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringtatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to ordtor, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party represenf submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspec 13
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