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教育类基础知识考试综合练习题二教育类基础知识考试综合练习题二 一、单项选择题 1.《学记》中说:“学不躐等。”下列哪一条教学原则与其在思想上是一致的?( ) A.因材施教原则 B.循序渐进原则 C.巩固性原则 D.启发性原则 2.“导生制”的管理模式最早出现在19世纪初的( )。 A.美国 B.英国 C.日本 D.法国 3.班主任工作的中心环节是( )。 A.了解和研究学生 B.组织和培养班集体 C.做好个别教育工作 D.统一多方面的教育力量 4.根据我国《未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》的规定,对未成年人犯罪一律不...
教育类基础知识考试综合练习题二 一、单项选择题 1.《学记》中说:“学不躐等。”下列哪一条教学原则与其在思想上是一致的?( ) A.因材施教原则 B.循序渐进原则 C.巩固性原则 D.启发性原则 2.“导生制”的管理模式最早出现在19世纪初的( )。 A.美国 B.英国 C.日本 D.法国 3.班主任工作的中心环节是( )。 A.了解和研究学生 B.组织和培养班集体 C.做好个别教育工作 D.统一多方面的教育力量 4.根据我国《未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》的规定,对未成年人犯罪一律不公开审理的年龄是( )。 A.14周岁以下 B.14周岁以上不满16周岁 C.16周岁以上不满17周岁 D.18周岁以下 5.《中华人民共和国教育法》规定,明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接 负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追 究( )。 A.民事责任 B.刑事责任 C.一般责任 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is D.行政责任 6.《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》规定,基础教育权属于( )。 A.中央 B.地方 C.学校 D.家庭 7. 我国当代教师的根本任务是( )。 A.班集体建设 B.搞好教学工作 C.进行思想品德教育 D.教书育人 8.在教学工作的基本程序中,( )是上好课的重要保证。 A.备课 B.上课 C.课外作业和课外辅导 D.学业成绩的考核与评定 9. 在教育对象问题上,提出“有教无类”主张的是( )。 A.孔子 B.孟子 C.荀子 D.墨子 10.知识直观的类型中,( )可以不受时间、地点和设备条件的限制,广泛使用。 A.实物直观 B.模象直观 C.言语直观 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 D.符号直观 [page] 11.在近代西方教育史上,提出过著名的“白板说”的教育思想家是( )。 A.夸美纽斯 B.卢梭 C.洛克 D.裴斯泰洛齐 12.战国后期,我国出现的具有世界影响的教育文献是( )。 A.《学记》 B.《中庸》 C.《孟子》 D.《大学》 13. 著名的实用主义教育家及其代表作是( )。 A.布鲁纳、《教育过程》 B.杜威、《民主主义与教育》 C.赞科夫、《教学与发展》 D.凯洛夫、《教育学》 14.教育目的可以发挥下列哪几种作用?( ) A.导向、规范和权威作用 B.激励、评价和统一作用 C.导向、激励和评价作用 D.宣传、引导和激励作用 15.马克思主义认为实现人的全面发展的唯一方法是( )。 A.脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is B.教育与生产劳动相结合 C.知识分子与工人农民相结合 D.城市与农村相结合 16.将那些不被社会和自己所接纳的欲望和冲动,采取一种被社会所赞许的方式表现出来,这种心理防卫机制是( )。 A.转移 B.补偿 C.升华 D.合理化 17.关于知识应用与学习迁移的关系,下列说法正确的是( )。 A.在知识的应用中都存在着迁移 B.在知识的应用中可能存在着迁移 C.知识的应用与迁移没有关系 D.迁移就是知识的应用 18.按照加涅的学习层次分类的观点,学生将“猫”“狗”“鼠”等概括为“动物”的学习属于( )。 A.信号学习 B.言语联结学习 C.辨别学习 D.概念学习 19.一个人想起岳飞、文天祥等英雄人物时,多半会唤起一种对高风亮节、坚贞不屈行为的钦慕之情,这种情绪体验属于( )。 A.直觉的道德感 B.想象性的道德感 C.伦理性的道德感 D.感性的道德感 20.个体在群体压力下表现出与群体中大多数人一致的意见和行为的现象叫( )。 A.服从 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 B.从众 C.去个性化 D.认同 [page] 21.学生在写记叙文之前在头脑中构思所要描述的场景,属于( )。 A.无意想象 B.有意想象 C.再造想象 D.幻想 22.测得一名儿童的智商为60,他属于( )。 A.正常儿童 B.智力超常儿童 C.弱智儿童 D.聋、哑、盲儿童 23.作、发通知、演讲大都属于( )。 A.正式交往 B.非正式交往 C.单向交往 D.双向交往 24.属于外部的不稳定的归因的是( )。 A.能力 B.努力 C.任务难度 D.机遇 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 25.态度的核心成分是( )。 A.认知成分 B.情感成分 C.行为成分 D.能力成分 26.首先提出教育要心理学化的西方教育家是( )。 A.夸美纽斯 B.裴斯泰洛齐 C.杜威 D.赫尔巴特 27.按照事物的本来面目予以揭示而不是凭臆测加以歪曲,教育心理学研究中应遵循的这一原则是( )。 A.客观性原则 B.系统性原则 C.教育性原则 D.发展性原则 28.专家型教师相对于新手型教师在解决问题过程中的优势关键在于( )。 A.记忆容量大 B.动机强烈 C.智力水平高 D.专业知识的储备在数量上和质量上的优势 29.在加工信息的过程中倾向于依赖外界的环境和参照物,根据外界的情况做出自己的行为,这属于哪种认知方式?( ) A.高智能型 B.高创造型 C.场依存型 D.场独立型 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 30.下列学习策略属于组织策略的是( )。 A.画线 B.记笔记 C.列图表 D.记忆术 [page] 二、多项选择题 1.墨家认为对于知识的理解,主要有哪几种途径?( ) A.亲知 B.闻知 C.说知 D.行知 2.组织之间人员的往来、会议等,都属于( )。A.正式交往 B.非正式交往 C.直接交往 D.间接交往 3. 依据皮亚杰的发生认识论,处于前运算阶段的儿童的思维特点是( ) A.具体性 B.不可逆性 C.自我中心主义 D.守恒性 4.桑代克根据其实验提出的主要学习定律有( )。 A.准备律 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is B.因果律 C.练习律 D.效果律 5.影响个体身心发展的主要因素包括( )。 A.遗传 B.环境 C.教育 D.人的主观能动性 6.下列( )属于影响社会知觉的主观因素。 A.认知者本身的特点 B.认知对象本身的特点 C.知觉的情境 D.逻辑推理的定势作用 7. 衡量创造性高低的标准主要有发散思维的( )。 A.流畅性 B.变通性 C.稳定性 D.独特性 8. 如果一位教师对全班学生说:“假如这次期中考试全班平均成绩在90分以上,那么这个周末我们就一起去郊游。”这位教师使用的 管理方法是( )。 A.团体行为矫正技术 B.个体行为矫正技术 C.团体相倚管理 D.代币制经济 9. 被称为教育学上三大里程碑的著作为( )。 A.《理想国》 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 B.《爱弥儿》 C.《教育漫话》 D.《民主主义与教育》 10.与动作技能相比,心智技能具有的特点包括( )。 A.展开性 B.物质性 C.内隐性 D.观念性 [page] 三、判断题 1.受教育者在德育过程中是德育的客体。 ( ) 2. 目标管理模式最早是由教育家马卡连柯提出的。 ( ) 3. 学习动机是决定学习效果的唯一条件。 ( ) 4. 德育起于道德知识教育,终于道德行为。 ( ) 5. 短时记忆保持的时间大约是2秒到5秒。 ( ) 6. 新教师与专家型教师的区别主要在于二者的知识量不同。 ( ) 7. 学生是影响师生关系的最主要因素。 ( ) 8. 德育过程的主要矛盾是教育者提出的德育要求与受教育者已有品德水平之间的矛盾。( ) 9.苛勒的完形一顿悟说与桑代克的尝试一错误说是互相排斥对立的。 ( ) 10.实物直观的优势在于容易突出事物的本质要素和关键特征。 ( ) 11.中国古代的庄子是内发论的代表。 ( ) 12.教育历史上的“儿童中心论”是学生观的一种典型代表。 ( ) 13.学习是指学习者因经验而引起的行为、能力和心理倾向的比较持久的变化。 ( ) and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 14.布鲁纳提出了著名的掌握学习理论,即向不同能力水平的学生提供最佳的教学和给予足够的学习时间而使绝大多数学生达到掌握的程度。 ( ) 15.客体内容丰富、新颖又富于变化有助于注意的稳定。 ( ) 16.痕迹衰退说是一种对遗忘原因的最古老解释。它起源于亚里士多德,由桑代克进一步发展。 ( ) 17.人格中的性格是后天的,是社会文化模式的刻印,有可能改变,无好坏之分。 ( ) 18.教书是手段,育人是目的。 ( ) 19.我国现代学制的建立比欧美现代学制的建立早。 ( ) 20.个体发展具有阶段性,所以教育者要因材施教。 ( ) 四、简答题 1.举例说明个体身心发展的不均衡性表现在哪些方面? 2.简述人格的基本特性。 五、综合分析题 1.一:在教学求平行四边形面积时,教师讲授如下:连接AC,因为三角形ABC与三角形CDA的三边分别相等,所以,这两个三角形全等,三角形ABC的面积等于1/2底乘高,所以,平行四边形ABCD的面积等于底乘高,命题得到证明。然后,教师列举很多不同大小的平行四边形,要求学生求出它们的面积,结果每个问题都正确解决了。下课前,教师又布置了十几个类似的问题作为家庭作业。 教学设计二:教师引导学生分析问题,即如何把一个平行四边形转变成一个长方形,然后组织学生自主探究,并获得计算平行四边形面积的公式。 问题:两种教学设计中教师的教学方法有何不同?两种教学方法对学生的学习将产生怎样的影响? 2.课堂上学生们兴趣盎然、兴致勃勃、七嘴八舌、踊跃发言,叙述了许多被列入中外世界文化遗产的聚落,提出了有关聚落的种种疑问。师生互动、共同解决学生的质疑。最后,谢老师展示辩论赛题:正方——聚落应该发展;反方——聚落应该保护。要求学生自行组成两组进行辩论。在这一过程中,正反方唇枪舌剑展开辩论,谢老师担任主持并适时进行点评和表扬。 问题:请你阐述该案例中所体现的新课程思想?结合你的教学实践,谈谈你是怎样实施这一课程理念的? 3.小杨在数学课上的表现一直不佳。当老师在课上布置练习的时候发现小杨对应用题的理解毫无进展。“加油,小杨。我知道你能做出这道题的。”老师在小杨耳边低语,“好好花上几分钟仔细阅读题目,然后把题目分解成几部分,等一下我会过来看看你做得怎么样。” 几分钟后,老师回来问道:“怎么样?” 小杨还是不太清楚,但是显然他已经开始摸到了问题的关键,并开始动手解答,他说: “他们想知道这单价降低的百分比。”“很好,你还知道了些什么?”老师笑着说。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 当小杨开始解释他对问题的理解时,老师不断地问相关的问题让他回到合适的思路上来。当他终于解决了问题后,老师笑着说:“太棒了,我知道你很努力,你现在再重新看看我们是怎么一步步地解决这个问题的,过几分钟,我会再来看看你最终的解答,好吗?” 最后,小杨自己解答了这道题。 问题:请分析该位教师对学生学习动机的影响。 [page] 参考答案及解析 一、单项选择题 1.B【中公专家解析】我国古代教学注重按照一定顺序进行,《学记》要求“学不躐等”、“不陵节而施”,提出“杂食而不孙,则坏乱而不修”的主张,这些要求和主张反映了实际教学中循序渐进的原则。因此,本题的正确答案为B。 2.B【中公专家解析】导生制的管理模式属于典型的个别教学制度,最早出现于19世纪初的英国,是由贝尔和兰卡斯特分别创立的一种个别教学形式,也被称为“贝尔一兰卡斯特制”。因此,正确答案选B。 3.B【中公专家解析】班主任班级管理的内容主要有了解和研究学生,组织和培养班集体,协调校内外各种教育力量。其中,组织和培养班集体是班主任工作的中心环节。因此,正确答案选B。 4.B。 5.B【中公专家解析】教育设施重大安全事故罪,是指明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施或者不及时报告,致使发生重大伤亡事故的行为。根据我国《教育法》的规定,犯教育。设施重大安全事故罪者依法追究刑事责任。 6.B。 7.D 【中公专家解析】教师的根本任务是教书育人,全面实现教育目的。我国学校教师现阶段为实现这一根本任务,就要全面贯彻教育方针,培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,为提高民族素质奠定良好基础。 8.A 【中公专家解析】教学工作的基本环节中,上课是整个教学工程的中心环节;备课是上好课的重要保证;课外作业和课外辅导是课堂教学的补充环节;学业成绩的考核和评定是课堂教学效果的最终反馈。 9.A 【中公专家解析】孔子提倡“有教无类”,意思是不分贵族与平民、不分国界与华夷,只要有心向学,都可以入学受教。 10.C 【中公专家解析】言语直观是在形象化的言语作用下,通过学生对语言的物质形式的感知及对语义的想象而进行的一种直观的能动的反映形式,与实物直观和模象直观相比,它的优点是不受时间、地点和设备条件的限制,可以广泛使用。 11. C【中公专家解析】英国哲学家洛克提出了著名的“白板说”,认为人的心灵如同白板,观念和知识都来自后天,并且得出结论:天赋的智力人人平等,“人类之所以千差万别,便是由于教育之故”。因此,正确答案选C。 12. A【中公专家解析】战国后期,《礼记》中的《学记》从正反两方面总结了儒家的教育理论和经验,以言简意赅的语言、生动的比喻,系统地阐述了教育的作用和任务,教育、教学的制度、原则和方法,教师的地位和作用,师生关系和同学关系等,是罕见的世界教育思想遗产。因此,正确答案选A。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 13. B【中公专家解析】作为现代教育的代言人,杜威的教育思想与赫尔巴特的教育思想针锋相对,其代表作《民主主义与教育》在体系上与《普通教育学》也大不相同。杜威主张实用主义的思想,对20世纪的教育和教育学有深远的影响。因此,正确答案选B。 14. C【中公专家解析】教育目的对整个教育工作的指导意义是通过教育目盼的作用来实现的,其中包括教育目的的导向作用、激励作用和评价作用,从而支配教育工作的各个方面和全过程。因此,本题的正确答案为C。 15. B【中公专家解析】马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说是建立在历史唯物主义和剩余价值学说的理论基础之上的,全面发展即人的精神和身体、个体性和社会性得到普遍、充分而自由的发展,而实现人的全面发展的唯一方法便是教育与生产劳动相结合。因此,正确答案选B。 16.C【中公专家解析】升华是指被压抑的不符合社会规范的原始冲动或欲望另辟蹊径用符合社会认同的建设性方式表达出来,并得到本能性满足。 17.A【中公专家解析】在知识的应用过程中都存在着迁移,因为已经掌握的知识技能在新的情境中的运用就是迁移。但是迁移并不都是知识的应用,知识的应用主要是一种顺向的、正迁移过程,负迁移就不是知识的应用。 18.D【中公专家解析】学生将“猫”“狗”“鼠”等概括为“动物”的学习属于对事物的共同特征进行概括的学习,按照加涅的学习层次分类,应属于概念学习。 19.B【中公专家解析】道德感的表现形式可以分为三种:直觉的道德感、想象性的道德感、伦理性的道德感。(1)直觉的道德感:如,人常会由于莫名其妙的不安感或突如其来的荣辱感,迅速地制止自己不当的需要与行为。(2)想象性的道德感:如,想起岳飞、文天祥、刘胡兰等英雄人物,多半会唤起钦慕之情。(3)伦理性的道德感:指把道德的感性经验与理性认识结合在一起,对道德要求及其意义有较深刻认识的概括的情感体验。 20.B【中公专家解析】题干所述是从众的定义。服从是指个体在社会要求、群体规范或他人意志的压力下,被迫实施的符合他人或规范要求的行为。去个性化是指个人在群体压力或群体意识的影响下,会导致自我导向功能的削弱或责任感的丧失,产生一些个人单独活动时不会出现的行为。认同表示赞同,彼此观点一致。 21.B【中公专家解析】有意想象又叫随意想象,是根据一定的目的、自觉努力地进行想象。这种想象具有一定的预见性、方向性,人在想象过程中根据一定的目的一直控制着想象的方向和内容。 22.C【中公专家解析】常态智商为80一120,智商低于常态者是弱智儿童。 [page] 23.C【中公专家解析】单向交往是指交往的一方只发出信息,另一方只接受信息,无反馈系统。 24.D 【中公专家解析】能力是内部的稳定的;努力是内部的不稳定的;任务难度是外部的稳定的;机遇是外部的不稳定的。 25.B【中公专家解析】态度的情感成分是指伴随态度的认知成分而产生的情绪或情感体验,是态度的核心成分。研究表明,态度发生变化时,情感也会发生相应的改变。 26.B 【中公专家解析】裴斯泰洛齐是西方教育史上第一个提出教育心理学化口号的教育家。他曾说:“我正在试图将人类教学过程心理学化,试图把教学与我的心智的本性、我的周围环境以及我与别人的交往都协调一致起来。” 27.A 【中公专家解析】客观性原则就是按照客观事物的本来面目予以揭示而不凭臆测加以歪曲。只有坚持客观性原则,才能对教育过程中心理现象的研究做出科学的解释,才能保证在相同的条件下获得一致的研究成果。 28.D【中公专家解析】专家型教师由于从教时间长,在长期的教学活动中,他们已经归纳出一套属于自已的,无论在专业知识储备的数量上,还是质量上,他们较新手型教师都有很大的优势。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 29.C 【中公专家解析】所谓场,就是环境,心理学家把外界环境描述为一个场。美国心理学家赫尔曼•威特金认为,有些人知觉时较多地受他所看到的环境信息的影响,有些人则较多地受身体内部线索的影响。这种倾向于利用外在参照作为信息加工的依据的认知方式,即场依存型;倾向于更多地利用内在参照作为信息加工的依据的认知方式,即场独立型。 30.C【中公专家解析】画线是复述策略,记笔记、记忆术是精细加工策略。 二、多项选择题 1. ABC【中公专家解析】对于知识的理解,墨家认为,主要有亲知、闻知和说知三种途径。 2. AC【中公专家解析】直接交往是以言语(口头的)和非言语手段进行的面对面的交往;正式交往是通过组织结构明文规定的渠道而进行的交往。 3. BC 【中公专家解析】前运算阶段的儿童思维的主要特点表现在:知觉集中倾向、不可逆性和自我中心主义。具体性和守恒性是具体运算阶段儿童的主要思维特点。 4. ACD【中公专家解析】桑代克根据自己的实验研究得出了三条主要的学习定律:准备律、练习律和效果律。 5. ABCD【中公专家解析】影响个体身心发展的因素非常多,主要因素有遗传、环境、教育和人的主观能动性,这几个因素共同作用于个体的身心发展。 6. AD【中公专家解析】影响社会知觉的因素包括认识者因素,认识对象,知觉效应。认知者本身的特点包括认知者的经验、认知者的性格和认知者的需要,这些都是主观因素;逻辑推理也属于人的主观活动。因此本题选AD。 7. ABD【中公专家解析】吉尔福特把思维分为辐合思维和发散思维,并认为发散思维是创造性的主要成分。高质量的发散思维应当具有流畅性、变通性和独特性。 8. AC【中公专家解析】团体相倚管理是课堂管理的一种特殊技术。它是指在课堂管理中,把强化物与学生团体的行为表现联系起来,针对学生团体的行为表现来决定是否实施强化物。团体行为矫正技术主要用于预防和矫正课堂上学生的问题行为。 9. ABD。 10.CD【中公专家解析】就心智技能的对象而言,它是一种观念活动,如法则、规则运用自如,因此心智技能具有观念性;就心智技能的形式而言,它是借助内部言语在头脑里默默地进行,因此心智技能具有内隐性;就心智技能的结构而言,它是从完整到压缩、简化,因此心智技能具有简缩性。 三、判断题 1. × 【中公专家解析】受教育者在德育过程中既是德育的客体,又是德育的主体。 2. × 【中公专家解析】目标管理模式最早是由管理学家德鲁克提出来的。 3. × 【中公专家解析】学习动机与学习效果之间往往以学习行为为中介,学习动机是影响学习行为、提高学习效果的一个重要因素,但不是决定学习效果的唯一条件。 4. × 【中公专家解析】道德教育可以从知、情、意、行的任何一个环节开始,故题干的表述错误。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 5. × 【中公专家解析】短时记忆是感觉记忆和长时记忆的中间阶段,保持时间大约为2.5秒到20秒,最长不超过1分钟。 6. × 【中公专家解析】专家型教师与新教师的主要区别不在于其知识量的多少,而在于知识表征方式的根本不同。 7. × 【中公专家解析】教师本身是影响师生关系的最主要因素,学生是影响师生关系的重要因素。 8. ? 。 9. × 【中公专家解析】这两种学说并不是互相排斥的。尝试-错误说往往是顿悟的前奏,顿悟则是练习到某种程度时出现的结果。 10.× 【中公专家解析】实物直观的缺点在于往往难以突出事物的本质要素,故题干的说法错误。 11.× 【中公专家解析】孟子是内发论的代表。 [page] 12.? 。 13.? 【中公专家解析】学习是因经验引起的,而不是因成熟、疾病或药物引起的,并且是比较持久的变化,但不一定表现出外显行为。 14.× 【中公专家解析】掌握学习理论是布卢姆提出的。 15.×。 16.? 。 17.× 【中公专家解析】人格中的性格是后天的,是社会文化模式的刻印,有可能改变,有好坏之分。 18.? 【中公专家解析】教育就是通过教师的劳动培养德、智、体、美诸方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。 19.× 【中公专家解析】我国现代学制的建立比欧美现代学制的建立晚,到清朝末年才出现。 20.× 【中公专家解析】个体发展具有差异性,所以教育者要因材施教。 四、简答题 1. [参考答案] (1)同一方面的发展速度,在不同的年龄阶段变化是不平衡的。例如,青少年的身高体重有两个生长的高峰。第一个高峰在出生后的第一年,第二个高峰在青春发育期。 (2)不同方面发展的不平衡性。有的方面在较早的年龄阶段就已达到较高的发展水平,有的方面则要到较晚的年龄阶段才能达到成熟的水平。如在生理方面,神经系统、淋巴系统成熟在先,生殖系统成熟在后。 2. [参考答案](1)人格的整体性;(2)人格的稳定性;(3)人格的独特性;(4)人格的社会性。 五、综合分析题 1. [参考答案]第一种是传授灌输式的教学方法,教师把学生置于知识的接受者的位置上,教师把知识传授作为自己的主要任务和目的,把主要精力放在检查学生对知识的掌握上,这样做,学生将处于被动应付、机械训练、死记硬背、简单重复的学习之中,学生学习的and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 中公教育 ? 给人改变未来的力量 主动性、能动性、独立性被销蚀,思维和想象力被扼杀,学习的兴趣和热情被摧残,严重阻碍学生的发 展,导致学生主体性的缺失。第二种是探究发现式的教学方法,教师把学生置于知识的发现者、探究者的位置上,教师 将学习内容以问题形式间接呈现出来,引导学生主动、独立地探究学习。这样做,学生的主体 性、能动性和独立性不断生成,学习过程成为学生发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程,培养了学生的批判意识和怀疑精神,鼓励学生对书本知识的质疑和对教师的超越,学生 的创新精神和实践能力得到提升,促进了素质的提高。 2. [参考答案]该案例体现了新课程所倡导的设计好的教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与教学过程的基本教学理念之一。在教学过程中,谢老师注重学生的思维活动,激发学生的兴趣,鼓励学生进行质疑和对教 师的超越,赞赏学生独特性和富有个性化的理解和表达。在学生自学的基础上,通过相互合作、交流、辩论,最终形成学生自己对知识的理解。所有的情境设计,都体现了“以学生为主体的教学”和“主体性学习”的理念,体现了新课程的预设性和生成性的理念。 3. [参考答案]在这个例子中,老师首先鼓励小杨自己解决这个问题,然后,她使用引导的方式让小杨自己努力解决问题,更重要的是,提供明确的证据证明小杨在自己的努力下,同样可以取得不菲的进步,并最终把问题解决。由此可以看到,老师对学生的自我效能感具有很强的影响力。具体表现在: (1)表扬和批评。适当的表扬和批评对学生的学习活动予以肯定或否定的强化,从而巩固发展正确的学习动机。一般来说,表扬、鼓励比批评、指责能更有效地激励学生积极的学习动机,因为前者能使学生产生成就感,后者则会挫伤学生的自尊心和自信心。例子中的老师鼓励、引导学生自己解决问题,达到了激发学生学习动机的效果。 (2)归因表述。归因表述是老师对学生成绩原因的一个评述,它将影响学生对自己能力的信念。当一个学习者刚刚取得某种进步时,把进步归因于努力是必需的,这能增强学习者的学习信心。例子中的老师把学生的进步归因于努力,对学生的自我效能感有很大影响,极大地激发了学生的学习动机。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is
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