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新奥铃货厢过渡生产方案新奥铃货厢过渡生产方案 诸 城 厂 区 新奥铃货厢过渡生产方案 编 制:生产管理部 诸城汽车厂 审 核:王玉荣 批 准:张瑞先 10/9 二00四年九月一日 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other in...
新奥铃货厢过渡生产 诸 城 厂 区 新奥铃货厢过渡生产方案 编 制:生产管理部 诸城汽车厂 审 核:王玉荣 批 准:张瑞先 10/9 二00四年九月一日 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 诸 城 厂 区 新奥铃货厢过渡生产方案 一、编制依据 1.产品资料 2.公司8月14日轻卡专题会纪要 3.现有制造资源 二、货厢技术状态 1、结构尺寸 产 品 货厢尺寸 货厢技术状态 3T 车 货 厢 最大6400×2200×2300 地板总成钢木混合结构,边板五开式 双色,地板与边、后板不同颜色,边板、后板 货厢总成 最大4390×2000×1572 为双层板芯,内敷防震橡胶垫 1.5T 底板总成 最大4390×2000×178 涂装分1片 2T 2.5T边板总成 最大4390×360×100 双层板芯,涂装分4片 货厢 前板总成 2000×1572×100 涂装分1片 后板总成 2000×360×100 双层板芯,涂装分2片 2、涂装技术要求 1)涂层厚度:大于45um 2)防锈性能:耐盐雾试验700H合格。 3)耐侯性:氙灯老化500H 三、现状分析 (一)诸城汽车厂 车 间 资 源 情 况 备 注 具备货厢冲压、装焊、阳极电泳涂装能可以满足新奥铃货厢2.5万套产量需求,货 厢 车 间 力,按整体涂装 只是电泳质量不能满足(现为阳极电泳) (二)诸城兆丰 诸城兆丰现生产时代轻卡、单缸四轮、南北拖系列、工程车、1053系列货厢的生产,具备前处理、阳极电泳涂装线一条,通过工件尺寸为6500mm×2500mm×2500mm。 根据诸城厂区内部及社会资源情况,只有兆丰汽配厂能满足3T货厢的电泳处理,因此3T货厢考虑由兆丰负责生产涂装总成,运至主机厂装厢;为保证物流通顺,同时考虑到新货厢车间建成后的需要,1.5T、2T、2.5T新奥铃货厢全部由诸城汽车厂货厢车间过渡生产。 1level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher-ntion as the main content of a clinical secondpreve vous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment andrm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nerPrete h requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion ,thod (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. higeck meut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device chee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side ctrainoperations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 copy and other indications. g: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endosdiagnostic imaging data. Understandin 四、生产纲领 根据公司《新奥铃轻卡业务计划》,2005年新奥铃轻卡预计销量为4.4万台。 年度 2004年 2005年 2006年 平台 (辆) (辆) (辆) 1T 0 0 2500 高档 0 200 1200 1.5T 中档 550 6500 7300 高档 0 300 1200 2T 中档 1250 11000 12900 高档 0 2000 6000 2.5T 中档 0 8000 12000 高档 0 6000 9800 3T 中档 0 10000 11000 3 T 0 16000 20800 合计 其它 1800 28000 43100 总计 1800 44000 63900 根据制造资源到位情况,诸城厂区新奥铃货厢过渡生产纲领为3万套/年.双班,具体生产纲领如下: 2005年(辆) 备注 2004年(辆) 需求 纲领 只有1.5T、2T、2.5T车身怀柔汽车厂 资源,且04年10月底投1800 6000 10000 产 3T:16000 20000 全系列车身资源,05年2诸城汽车厂 0 38000 其它:22000 月底投产 30000 合计 1800 44000 60000 五、诸城汽车厂货厢生产工艺方案 (一)编制原则 1.低成本、高质量生产的原则。 2.充分利用货厢车间现有设备,只增加部分专用工装、模具。 3.过渡生产的原则。 4.时代与新奥铃能力发生冲突时,优先保证新奥铃产品生产,时代货厢调至恒信基或兆丰汽配厂生产。 2level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher-tion, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical secondesentay is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical prements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurologrequiron (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number ection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operatie collnee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 doubltouch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trairequirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical ogies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol (二)生产组织方式 根据诸城厂区公司内外制造资源情况,并结合新货厢车间筹建计划,新奥铃货厢生产在过渡时期采取如下生产组织方式: 1. 货厢冲压、装焊、涂装、组装:在诸城汽车厂现有货厢车间。 2. 货厢落厢:在北厂区完成货厢总成的落厢。 (三)装焊工艺方案 货厢车间现有的下料、冲压、装焊只具备双班日产230台轻卡货厢的能力,预测新奥铃(1.5T、2 T、2.5T)货厢与轻卡货厢节拍相同。因此货厢车间能够满足新奥铃货厢年产2.2万套的需求,但是初期新奥铃货厢与时代货厢混线生产,以后根据新奥铃货厢的增长量,将时代货厢逐步调至协作配套厂生产。 1.货厢冲压线 边梁采用辊压工艺,其余零件采用正规模具冲压成型和冲孔工艺。 2.货厢焊接线 设底板总成线、边板总成线,采用固定点焊和CO保护焊工艺,底板总成焊接采用专用夹2 具的多品种柔性线。 1)底板总成线工艺流程:地板总成装焊?铺地板?地板补焊?打磨修整后转涂装线; 2)边、后板总成线工艺流程:边板上料?总成点固?补焊?下线转货厢涂装线; 3)前板总成工艺流程:前板上料?CO点固?点焊?打磨修整后转涂装线。 2 (四)新奥铃货厢涂装工艺方案 在新工厂货厢车间未建起之前,暂时利用货厢车间阳极电泳涂装工艺,具体流程如下: 货厢分片前处理磷化?阳极电泳(灰色)?烘干?打磨?喷面漆?面漆烘干?货厢散件转运?货厢散件组装。生产节拍为13分钟/件,相当于涂装普通货箱2.5件。 1、涂装产能现状 序号 生产单元 规划产品 双班产能(件/日) 北厂区新涂装线 汽车驾驶室 1 400 一体化车身 南厂区新涂装线 380 2 平板货厢 一体化车身 南厂区涂装旧线2#线 340 汽三货厢 3 平板货厢 南厂区涂装旧线1#线 4 190 汽三货厢 货厢车间涂装线 平板货厢 5 180 3level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher-ntion as the main content of a clinical secondpreve vous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment andrm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nerPrete h requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion ,thod (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. higeck meut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device chee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side ctrainoperations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 copy and other indications. g: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endosdiagnostic imaging data. Understandin 序号 生产单元 规划产品 双班产能(件/日) 工程车货箱 兆丰涂装新线 6 280 平板货厢 一体化货厢 兆丰涂装旧线 7 240 汽三货厢 恒信基涂装线 一体化货箱 8 240 铸德涂装线 一体化货箱 9 160 华光涂装线 一体化货箱 10 500 合计 2910 2、2005年产能需求 诸城厂区2005年按一体化四轮产品10万台,普通轻卡8.2万台,新奥铃轻卡3.8万台,则旺季四轮产品月需求为27000台。 3、产能分析 2005年旺季四轮产品需求27000×2?28=1930件/日,涂装旺季生产能力为2910件/日,涂装能力富余2910件/日-1930件/日=980件/日,除去汽三产品(180件/日)富余800件/日。因此在保证一体化产品,轻卡产品及汽三大件涂装的前提下,还能涂装奥铃货厢230套/日,若按奥钤产品80%涂珠光漆,则旺季只能涂装奥铃货厢138套/日,按旺季产能则年产4万套左右,满足生产需要。 4、奥铃货厢生产存在问题 1)诸城汽车厂货厢车间阳极电泳设备尺寸不能满足3T车钢木结构货厢涂装需要,只能规划在兆丰阳极电泳线处理。 2)此方案物流尚可,但涂装电泳质量比较差,只能过渡进行,建议公司视市场情况尽快筹建新工厂的货厢车间。 (五)投资预算(不含3T奥铃货厢) 序号 设备工装名称 预算(万元) 备注 一 焊胎、器具部分 大装焊胎 2个 1 15 左右边板组焊胎 2 7 2 后边板组焊胎 3 3 1 前边板组焊胎 4 3 2 边板补焊胎 2个 5 2 后板补焊胎 6 1 1 2个 地板补焊胎 3 7 4level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher-tion, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical secondesentay is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical prements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurologrequiron (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number ection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operatie collnee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 doubltouch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trairequirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical ogies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol 序号 设备工装名称 预算(万元) 备注 其它工装焊胎及转运器具 4 8 涂装线改造新增专用挂具 15 300套 9 1053轻卡汽车 15 4台 10 68 小计 二 模具部分 前货架冲孔模、压沉孔模 折弯后冲、成型后压 1 3 前板冲孔模及压型模 2 6 左边梁冲孔模、冲铰链孔模 4 3 货厢纵梁压型模 4 1 尾灯本体冲孔模 5 1 边板外板冲孔模、压型模 6 2 单排、排半、双排各一套边板内板落料模、压型模 7 40 及后板压型模 边板上梁冲孔模 8 1 边板下梁冲孔模 1 9 边板堵板落料、压型、冲孔 3 10 其它模具及转运架 10 11 小计 72 三 专用设备部分 左边梁辊压线 10 电脑控制,液压切断 1 地板本体随型剪板机 2 15 小计 25 合计 165 六、生产技术准备计划 序号 项 目 完成时间 责任单位 责任人 1 对模具招投标 2004.9.20 诸城汽车厂 张方怀 2 设计制做新奥铃货厢的工装焊胎 2004.10.20 诸城汽车厂 张方怀 3 设计制做分片涂装专用吊具 2004.10.10 诸城汽车厂 张方怀 4 时代货厢协作调整 根据需要 诸城汽车厂 赵建民 5 货厢小批试生产 2004.12.30 诸城汽车厂 张春庆 5level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher-ntion as the main content of a clinical secondpreve vous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment andrm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nerPrete h requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion ,thod (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. higeck meut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device chee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side ctrainoperations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 copy and other indications. g: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endosdiagnostic imaging data. Understandin
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