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[精彩]1-ABC评论辩论英文歌曲[精彩]1-ABC评论辩论英文歌曲 1-ABC讨论英文歌曲 Molly: Long time no see. Gordon: Long time no see. Molly: What are we going to learn today? Gordon: Let's learn about what NOT to do, useful everyday English, and more. In addition, we will learn a song from the movie Ghost!? 莫利:...
[精彩]1-ABC评论辩论英文歌曲 1-ABC讨论英文歌曲 Molly: Long time no see. Gordon: Long time no see. Molly: What are we going to learn today? Gordon: Let's learn about what NOT to do, useful everyday English, and more. In addition, we will learn a song from the movie Ghost!? 莫利:好久不见。 戈登:好久不见。 莫利:今天我们学什么, 戈登:我们将学习什么事情不要做、有用的每日英语和更多,另外我们还要学一首来自《人鬼情未了》的歌。 New s 生词 1) Alibi (不在现场的证词): (n) excuse, witness to your innocence I didn't kiss another girl last night; ask my friend Tom--he is my alibi. 我昨晚没有吻那个女孩,问我的朋友,他可以为我做不在现场的证明。 2) Candle (烛光): (n) wax light Eating by candlelight is very romantic. 烛光晚餐非常浪漫。 3) Chamber (房间,小室): (n) room, hall The chamber at the museum is very elegant and long. 博物馆里的展厅非常优雅狭长。 4) Champagne (香槟): wine with bubbles People drink a lot of champagne on New Year's eve. 新年除夕之夜人们喝很多的香槟酒。 5) Hobbies (爱好): (n) Sports and art you like My favorite hobby is ice fishing. 我的爱好是冰上钓鱼。 Clinton's favorite hobby is chasing girls! 克林顿的爱好是追求女孩子~ LESSONS 课文 ACTIVITY: Why Do You Like Your Career? 你为什么喜欢你的 职业, PROCEDURE: 1) List at least TEN reasons why you chose your present career. Why is it a good job? What are the future possibilities? What possibilities for advancement do you expect? 列出至少10个你选择现在的工作的理由。 为什么你认为它是一个好工作, 将来的发展机会如何, 晋升的可能性有多大, 2) Of those ten, which ones still HOLD TRUE (are true)? Put them in order of importance, with the most important coming first. EXAMPLE: I chose my sales job because: if I work hard, I get more money; I can travel; and I like to work with people... 在这10个理由中,哪些是真的。 把它们按重要性的先后顺序列出来,最重要的列在最前面。 例如:我选择做销售工作是因为:如果我努力工作,我就能赚很 多钱,有了钱我可以旅行,而且我喜欢与人相处...... 3) What are the advantages of your occupation? EXAMPLE: I am a writer, the advantages are. a) no boss b) I make my own hours c) freedom d) don't have to drive to work e) pay is based on work f) I make my own schedule g) interact with editors h) can travel i) do my own research j) good office environment 你的职业的有利之处是什么, 例如;我是个作家,有利之处在于: a) 没有老板 b) 我自己决定工作时间 c) 自由 d) 不用开车去上班 e) 薪金多少取决于自己的工作 f) 自己决定工作时间 g) 与编辑保持联络 h) 可以旅行 i) 做自己的研究 j) 良好的办公环境 Dialogue 对话 Talking about the Interesting Song "Hotel California." 谈论歌曲“加州旅店” (编者注:美国加州终年阳光充足,物产丰饶,几乎是无忧无虑的生活的代名词。加州还以产生了老鹰乐队和沙滩小子(Beach Boys)而自豪。70年代由老鹰乐队演奏的"加州旅店"是一首至今依然脍炙人口的歌曲。它那玄妙的吉它伴奏,传神而颇带哲学意味的歌词以及歌中传达出的神秘意境,都赋于这首歌独特的意味。它歌唱了一种寻欢作乐、游戏人生的生活方式。"You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave !" 老鹰乐队在76年这样唱道:“在深夜的沙漠高速公路上,凉风吹拂着我的头发,温暖的棕榈气息弥漫在夜空中。远方出现了微弱的光亮,我的头变得昏昏沉沉,视线模糊,我得在这里夜宿了。站在门廊,听到门铃响,我对自己说,‘这里可能 是天堂,也可能是地狱’......”) Molly: Gordon, how's life? Gordon: Molly, don't ask. I wish I could live in a magic place far away from my troubles, like the Hotel California from the cool Eagles song. Molly: I agree the song rocks, it is marvelous, but I wouldn't want to live there. Gordon: Why not? I thought your hobby was travelling? Molly: But at the Hotel California they have long chambers with girls holding candles. I want handsome boys holding romantic candles. Gordon: Don't forget, she has many, pretty, pretty boys that she calls friends. You can call them friends too - kiss, kiss friends. Molly: I don't know, they only drink champagne there. I would be drunk all the time. Gordon: Of course, we can play and drink and dance in the courtyard with sweet summer sweat. I will dance to remember. Molly: I will dance to forget. Gordon: So, will you check in with me at the Hotel California. Molly: Checking in is easy, but checking out is impossible. I heard, you can check out anytime, but can never leave. Gordon: So you're not coming? I have to leave now, bye. Molly: I hope I see you next week! 莫莉:戈登,生活怎么样, 戈登:莫莉,别问。但愿我能住在一个有魔法的地方,远离我的 烦恼,如很酷的老鹰乐队歌曲《加州旅馆》里的那样。 莫莉:我同意那首摇滚歌曲里所唱的,很美好,不过我不会去那 里住的。 戈登:为什么不呢,我还以为你的业余爱好是旅游, 莫莉:但是在《加州旅馆》女孩在长长的大厅里拿着蜡烛。我想 要男孩拿着浪漫的蜡烛。 戈登:别忘了,她们有很多很漂亮很漂亮的男孩,她们管他们叫 做朋友。你也可以叫他们朋友。 莫莉:我不知道。在那里他们只喝香槟。我会什么时候都喝得醉 醺醺的。 戈登:当然,我们可以在庭园里流着夏天的热汗玩耍、喝酒和跳 舞。我以跳舞来记住东西。 莫莉:我以跳舞来忘记东西。 戈登:这么说,你什么时候和我入住加州旅馆, 莫莉:入住容易,退房就不可能。我听说,你什么时候都可以退 房,不过永远都不能离开。 戈登:那你不来,我现在得走了,再见。 莫莉:我希望我下周见到你~ New Words 生词 1) Chopsticks (筷子): an eating utensil It is often hard for foreign guest to learn chopsticks, so you should compliment them when they do it right. 使用筷子对于外国人一般来说比较困难,因此当他们能够正确使 用筷子的时候,你应该夸奖他们。 2) Cut in line(插队,加塞): step in front of someone in line It is rude to cut in line. Everyone should wait their turn. 插队是很不礼貌的行为。每个人都应该排队等候。 3) Hail from(来自): come from I hail from India I am Indian. 我来自印度,是个印度人。 4) Motherland(祖国): home country Most people call their home countries their motherland. Except Germans, who call Germany the Fatherland. 大多数人都把他们的国家称为 "motherland"。除了德国以外, 德国人把德国称为 "Fatherland"。 5) Obvious (明显的): clear, easily seen It is obvious that China has a long and interesting history. 无庸讳言,中国拥有悠久有趣的历史。 Lesson: 课文 Don't be a Rude Dude! (an impolite person) 别作鲁莽人, 这是第一次有人告诉你不应作什么~ What is rude, and what is polite is different in every culture. Each lesson we will discuss some things that many Chinese do that can be considered rude, or not polite in the Western business and social world. We will give you advice on you what NOT to say or do. Remember, don't be a Rude Dude! 在每一种文化里,礼貌和粗鲁的定义是不同的。在每一单元中, 我们 会讲一些中国人很有可能作但实际上是显得粗鲁的事情,或在 西方社 会中被认为是没有礼貌的事情。我们会给你一些建议,告诉 你什么不 能说或不应做。,,别作鲁莽人。 This time we will learn some important things NOT to do. 这次我们将学习不应该问哪些问。 1) Don't assume (think) every foreigner is from America. Try asking them first, "Pardon me, may I ask, where do you come from?" 别把所有的外国人都当成(想成)是美国人。试着先问一下:“对 不起,我可以知道你是哪国人吗,” 2) Don't ask obvious questions. If you are eating with someone and you see them using chopsticks, don't ask, "can you use chopsticks?" It is best to ask before you go to dinner together, "would you like to use chopsticks, or a fork?" or "Which would you prefer, western utensils or Chinese chopsticks?" 别问一些明白不过的问题。如果你和别人一起吃饭,看见他们在 使用筷子,那就别明知故问地问对方“你会用筷子吗,”这样的问 题。最好在你们一起去吃饭之前问一声,“你想用筷子还是叉子,” 3) Stand in line. Never cut in a line. That is very rude. Please wait your turn. If you cut in line, like at a Chinese post office, foreigners will get mad and will call you a Rude Dude. (remember, many Americans have guns!) 按顺序排队。永远也别插队,那是非常没有礼貌的行为。一定要 排队。如果你插队的话,比如说如果在邮局你插队的话,外国人会非 常生气,他们会叫你没礼貌的家伙。 QUIZ 文化小测验 1) If you ask someone, "how's life," and they respond, "Don't ask," what does that mean? a) I don't want to tell you b) Fine c) Terrible d) Can't say 2) Dutch people are from a) Dutchland b) A place where you share the bill c) Holidayland d) Holland 3) In the greeting, " How's life," life can mean? a) Life b) Work c) Social atmosphere d) All of the above 4) What does Fatherland mean? a) Germany b) Home country c) Dutch Holland d) Country that controls your country 5) Obvious is to Clear as, a) Chopstick is to China b) Crazy is to Mad c) Silent is to West d) Exciting is to Math ++++++++++++++++++++ Answers: 1.c 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.b ++++++++++++++++++++
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