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2012年度山东鲁亚制药有限公司企业社会责任报告2012年度山东鲁亚制药有限公司企业社会责任报告 山东鲁亚制药有限公司 2012年度社会责任报告 一、总经理致辞 尊敬的社会各界朋友: 首先~我代表公司全体员工诚挚的感谢社会各界朋友在2012年度对山东鲁亚制药有限公司的厚爱和支持: 2012年是我们鲁亚公司从此面临良好发展机遇的起点年~中国医药集团总公司整体控股收购了香港盈天医药集团有限公司~并组建为国药集团中国中药控股有限公司~鲁亚公司作为香港盈天医药集团有限公司的子公司~同时进入了中国医药集团总公司这个大家庭中~对我们鲁亚今后的快速发展提供了各种优势资源利用平...
2012年度山东鲁亚制药有限公司企业社会责任报告 山东鲁亚制药有限公司 2012年度社会责任报告 一、总经理致辞 尊敬的社会各界朋友: 首先~我代表公司全体员工诚挚的感谢社会各界朋友在2012年度对山东鲁亚制药有限公司的厚爱和支持: 2012年是我们鲁亚公司从此面临良好发展机遇的起点年~中国医药集团总公司整体控股收购了香港盈天医药集团有限公司~并组建为国药集团中国中药控股有限公司~鲁亚公司作为香港盈天医药集团有限公司的子公司~同时进入了中国医药集团总公司这个大家庭中~对我们鲁亚今后的快速发展提供了各种优势资源利用平台。 2012年随着中国新医疗改革持续推进~行业新政策不断推出~行业竞争日趋激烈。面对大经济环境带来的机遇和挑战~鲁亚制药秉承国药集团“关爱生命~呵护健康”的企业理念~始终肩负 “承中药之文化~扬国药之精髓~铸人类之健康”的企业使命~积极发展医药健康事业~力求以优质的产品和一流的服务~使更多民众享有获得健康的平等权利。我们坚持以“诚信做人~用心做事~锲而不舍~追求卓越”为企业核心价值取向~以“诚实守信~互利共赢”为经营理念~以“用心服务~满意至上~合作共赢”为服务宗旨~以“取之社会~回报社会”为发展原则~不断强化内部管理和履行社会各项责任~为社会和病患者提供了“优质、安全、高效”的药品~赢得了社会各方面良好的赞誉。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 追溯我们的发展历程和经历的每个发展的重要环节~公司在做好生产经营的同时~不断推进企业社会责任长效机制的建设~把履行社会责任推进到公司每一个业务环节。在人才建设、产品质量管理、环境保护、节能减排、生产安全、科技创新、客户、员工福利薪酬、社会公益事业等各方面都时刻不忘企业所应承担的社会责任~始终积极履行我们的责任~致力于营造一个更和谐的社会和行业的优秀企业~促进企业与社会的协调、和谐与可持续发展。 展望未来~鲁亚制药将凭借国药这个优势平台~利用好各种技术、产品、市场、科员研发、服务、物流、人力资源等资源~继续把尊重人才和培养人才放在企业发展的首位~为各类人才搭建起充分施展才华的舞台~并与员工共同分享企业发展的成果~真正形成人才与企业共发展的良性机制~以优秀的人才确保公司产品和技术的生命活力。积极倡导“和谐~奋进~快乐”的企业精神~在企业快速发展过程中~大力提倡幸福、快乐的心态~充分营造环境良好、健康和谐的氛围~不断创造企业和谐~更为社会和谐贡献一份力量。同时~我们将加快企业文化建设和科技创新工作~加快企业产品结构转型和升级工作~完善公司各项管理~加强节能减排工作~不断通过实践~积极进取~坚持“取之社会~回报社会”的发展原则~为实现企业与社会、环境的全面协调和共创节约型社会、和谐社会而努力~积极履行我们作为企业公民的责任~把公司发展成为中国医药健康领域最具社会责任和可持续发展的企业之一。 在此~我们发布2012年度企业的社会责任报告~盼请社会各界给予监督支持: 山东鲁亚制药有限公司总经理: organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 二、企业概况 山东鲁亚制药有限公司最早为济宁市第一制药厂~历经企业兼并重组和多次改制~于1997年由山东鲁抗医药集团有限公司与香港安溢国际有限公司组建山东鲁抗医药集团鲁亚有限公司。2005年山东鲁抗医药集团有限公司转让退股~由香港盈天医药集团全资控股~成为香港盈天医药集团下属全资子公司~2009年香港盈天医药集团整体在香港联交所主板上市~上市编号为HK00570。2010年3月份企业名称变更为山东鲁亚制药有限公司。2012年中国医药集团总公司整体控股收购了香港盈天医药集团有限公司~并组建为国药集团中国中药控股有限公司~鲁亚公司作为香港盈天医药集团有限公司的子公司~同时进入了中国医药集团总公司这个大家庭中。 山东鲁亚制药有限公司~位于济宁市红星西路3号。公司性质为外资有限责任公司。公司是以粉针制剂和冻干粉针制剂、生物制品为主的现代化制药企业。主要产品有注射用头孢哌酮钠、注射用头孢噻肟钠、注射用头孢他啶、注射用头孢地嗪钠、注射用头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠、注射用头孢尼西钠、注射用A群链球菌、注射用羟喜树碱、注射用异环磷酰胺等。 2公司整个厂区占地26亩~建筑面积12000M。公司注册资本为2452.93万元~资产总额为12563万元~其中固定资产为5657万元。年可事项销售收入近亿元~2012年由于受国家限抗政策影响~2012年实现销售收入6435.85万元~利税合计2631万元~净利润1364万元~上缴税金合计1419万元。连续多年为济宁市中区和任城区人均或亩产创税收第一的单位。 公司现有员工117人~其中执业药师6人~技术人员24人~占20%~具有中级以上职称人员17人~职业技术技能技师2人~高级技能人员42人。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 山东鲁亚制药有限公司先后荣获济宁市高新技术企业、山东省高新技术企业、国家高新技术企业、山东省著名商标~国家企业标准化良好行为AAAA企业~全国产品质量检验稳定合格产品和全国质量诚信承诺优秀企业、山东省抗感染类药物知名品牌、济宁市市中区多年税收贡献功勋单位、十强工业企业~济宁市任城区多年发展经济先进企业、济宁市任城区科技创新示范企业~金城街道办事处多年税收贡献先进单位等荣誉。 三、企业战略目标与愿景 鲁亚制药作为国药集团中国中药控股有限公司的子公司~以国药集团中国中药控股有限公司“十二五实现收入100亿元”的总体战略目标为依据~科学规划公司战略目标为“用三到五年的时间~建设成为国药集团中国中药有限公司特色抗生素和生物制品注射剂生产基地~成为国内同行业的领军人物~十二五末~实现销售收入20亿元”~围绕这一战略目标~公司将加大研发投入~充分利用国药研发资源~在十二五期间完成三个四代抗生素制剂和两个抗肿瘤生物制剂新产品的研发转化~实现产品结构的转型升级~壮大发展规模,我们的愿景是“让员工过上富裕、健康、有尊严的幸福生活”~鲁亚制药具有一个甘于奉献的和谐团队~员工队伍具有二十多年注射剂生产经验~具备不断创新挖潜的技术团队和研发团队~公司产品在市场享有很高的信誉~我们有信心实现既定战略目标和愿景。 四、公司治理 2012年~鲁亚制药作为国药集团中国中药控股有限公司上市公司的一子公organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 司~在上市公司的框架下和董事会的监督管理下~不断加强了公司内部控制和监督管理。企业认真贯彻落实现代企业要求~健全法人治理结构~建立了依法决策、科学决策和民主决策的决策机制~企业进一步健全各项规章制度~完善决策机制~规范工作流程~严格审批程序。完善了公司治理结构~按上市公司章程~加强了公司经营活动的审计监督和信息的及时披露~提高利益相关方满意度~更为注重与利益相关方的对话~能够充分尊重股东、银行及其它债权人、员工、消费者、合作伙伴、社区等利益相关者的合法权利~并与他们积极对话、合作。健全了工会组织和公司员工代表会议制度~加强与员工利益方的有效沟通和员工参与企业管理和监督~提高企业运作的透明度~共同推进公司持续、健康地发展。 五、社会责任管理 1、社会责任的推进和长效机制建设。为了更好的推动公司社会责任评价体系建设~把企业社会责任评价体系建设工作纳入企业日常经营管理中~融合、渗透到企业经营管理的各个环节。为确保该项工作深入开展~2012年公司对内实施“一把手”工程~进一步强化和完善企业社会责任评价体系机构建设~在领导小组的领导下~下设办公室~全面负责公司社会责任体系建设工作~主要包括体系的构建、相关制度的完善以及体系的建设等。 2、与利益相关者的沟通方式。利益相关者的信任与支持是企业赖以生存和发展的基础~我们积极营造与各利益相关者相互支持、互利友好、合作共赢的关系~致力于提高发展的质量和效率~努力用发展的成果回报利益相关者~追求企业与社会的可持续发展。 利益相关方 要求与期望 沟通方式 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 依法诚信经营 遵守国家各项法律法规 日常沟通 政府 促进就业 工作会议 促进地方经济繁荣 工作汇报 维持社会稳定 提高薪酬福利待遇 面对面交流 保障生命健康安全 公司经理信箱 员工 改善工作生活环境 员工恳谈会 加强专业技能培训 员工代表大会 帮助职业发展规划 诚实守信 客户满意度调查 客户 提供优质的产品和服务 客户回访 开发性能更为优越的产品 服务热线 诚实守信 廉政从业 日常沟通 供应商 长期、良好合作关系 座谈会 公开、公正、透明的采购 原则 履约守信 日常沟通 合作方 共享双赢 座谈会 及时还贷~不恶意骗贷 日常沟通 金融系统 不逃废债务 座谈会 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 做最佳诚信信贷客户 遵守行业标准和规范 日常沟通 社会团体 履行会员义务 工作会议 推动社会团体发展 保护生态环境 社区公益活动 社区 支持社会公益事业发展 社区走访交流 帮扶社区进行项目建设 六、社会责任履行情况 ,一,人力资源建设。鲁亚公司在重视企业发展的同时~深深认识到人才是企业发展的源动力~公司决策层十分重视人才储备、招聘、引进和培养工作。从人才的可持续发展出发~鲁亚制药建立了一套以人为本的人力资源体系~注重现有员工的职业技能素质的发展~同时积极培养后备人才。优秀的管理人员~不仅使企业有了可持续发展的团队基础~同时也是我们对社会的贡献。 继续重视人才的引进和多渠道引进人才。根据企业发展的需求~近年来通过市人才市场及山东省大学毕业生就业信息网招聘形式~共招聘大中专学生近30名到公司来工作~充实到公司各个重要岗位,同时~通过引进的方式~先后从鲁抗、辰欣等同行业引进科研、管理等高技术人才5名~所引进人才都具有高级专业技术职称。 继续加大人才培养投入力度~取得了很好效果。在人才引进方面~公司投入了较大的经费。对新招聘的大中专学生~在上岗前~公司组织进行了公司制organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 度、文化、专业技能等方面的内外各类培训,对引进人才~公司为其缴纳原企业的违约金及各项欠缴社保费用。通过统计~近几年公司在人才引进方面投入经费近150多万元。 招聘的大中专学生经过各类技能及专业的培训~经过几年的锻炼培养~这部分学生在公司各类岗位上已成为公司今后健康和持续发展的主力军~提升了公司员工队伍的素质~对公司建立知识型高素质员工队伍工作起到了良好的推动作用,引进的人才~目前已是公司研发、质量、生产等领导管理层人才~对公司研发质量和生产管理工作起到了快速提升的作用。 公司更注重人才培养及激励措施的建设。公司在做好人才招聘引进工作的同时~更注重公司现有人才的培养激励工作。始终视员工为最宝贵的财富~从企业文化建设、促进劳动关系和谐入手~坚守“以人为本、人才至上”的理念~将人才培养和使用作为一项重要的战略任务来抓~积极搭建员工成长平台。 公司制定了人才培养激励管理制度~实施了中层后备管理干部的选拔培养机制~为青年技术人才的成才和发挥施展才华提供了竞争的平台,公司开展了五四优秀青年员工评选建立制度~开展了技术革新和创新评选奖励活动,加大了企业技术中心的设施投入~为技术人才提供良好的发挥才干的环境,每年度多次选派各专业或岗位骨干员工外出学习培训~实施重点培养,对在工作中做出突出贡献和优异成绩的员工~给予树先评先荣誉奖励和经济奖励,对专项工作完成优异~为公司创造较大经济效益的~给予专项重金奖励,在绩效待遇上~对重要骨干及突出贡献员工给予按贡献大小提升绩效待遇工资等激励措施。 重视用工政策和员工薪酬福利。企业严格遵守《劳动法》、《劳动法》和《工会法》等相关法律、法规和制度~公司为员工建立基本养老、医疗、工organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 伤、失业和生育保险等社会保险~按时足额缴纳各项保险费用~维护员工的切身利益。奉行平等、非歧视的用工政策~实行男女同工同酬~与员工的劳动合同签订率达到了1OO,。严禁和抵制任何形式的雇佣童工~杜绝强制劳动和歧视现象。企业公平、公正地对待全体员工~积极稳妥地推进各项薪酬、福利和保险制度的改革与完善~推行岗位技能工资的薪酬制度。在发展生产、提高效益的同时~建立员工收入与企业发展成果联动的调整机制。每年为员工提供健康检查、教育培训、困难帮扶、重大疾病救助~定期为员工发放两次节日福利~不定期发放五次以上的季节福利~包括消暑福利、劳保福利、保暖福利等等~消除了员工后顾之忧~为社会稳定和谐做出了贡献~曾获得市、区劳动关系和谐企业荣誉,。 ,二,、依法经营~规范发展。公司积极贯彻实施国家的各项政策和法律法规~依法实施企业的各项经营管理工作。公司所有生产车间均按照国家新版GMP的规范进行建设并通过了新版GMP的认证~获得了新版GMP证书,公司把“文明经营~依法纳税~回报社会”作为基本责任~积极依法缴纳税款~无偷税漏税和违反税法规定事件发生~获得税务部门A级纳税信用单位~连续多年来每年缴纳税金近两千万元~成为人均缴税最高的企业~为当地经济发展做出了贡献~曾连续多年获得了市区发展经济先进企业、税收贡献功勋单位荣誉, 作为医药健康产品生产企业~产品质量和环境保护是保证企业乃至整个社会可持续发展的关键。公司十分重视产品质量的管理~把产品质量放在企业运营发展的一切至上的高度。公司健全了完善的质量保证体系~对产品的检验放行~制定了高于国家标准的企业内控标准~具备先进一流的质量检验检测设施。organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 加强产品整个过程的质量监督监控管理~从原辅料采购进厂、检验入库、生产过程的每个环节到产品的包装检验入库、放行和市场使用均有连续严格的质量管理标准和管理记录资料~为产品的质量追溯和确保每批投放市场的产品均达到合格安全提供了保证。2012年~公司产品在市场抽检合格率达到了100%~未发生一起质量事故和质量投诉。公司主导产品高德和沙培林市场占有率超过80%以上~在市场和客户中赢得了极好的赞誉~得到了社会和广大病患者的认同满意。建立了公司环境保护组织机构和各项环境保护管理制度~加强生产环节各类废弃物的达标排放管理~公司生产排放的废气、废水均符合国家环保排放标准~积极缴纳环境治理基金和河道治理基金~履行企业公民的责任~强调企业与社会和自然环境的和谐相处, 节能降耗~共创节约型社会。积极响应国家建设节约型社会的政策决定~重视加强公司的能源管理工作~2012年在实施新版GMP改造过程中积极淘汰了高耗能的设备~实施了多项节能技改项目~取得了较好的社会效益和企业经济效益~公司实施的二次水综合回收利用项目~年节水近三十万吨~获得山东省优秀技术创新成果二等奖, 几年前按照标准化管理要求~公司成立了标准化委员会~制定完善了企业各类标准体系和标准文件~为公司规范标准化管理提供了依据~使各项管理工作得到了很大提升~企业得到快速发展。经过几年的标准化体系运作和持续改进提高~2012年公司标准化体系被确认为国家AAAA级标准化良好行为企业。 安全生产~对社会负责。公司十分重视生产安全工作~把安全管理工作放在首要地位~坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的安全生产方针~加强organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 安全管理和监督~实现了安全生产“零”事故。成立了安全生产管理委员会~健全了各类生产安全、消防治安安全管理体系和制度。2012年公司完成了安全生产事故应急救援预案的编制和备案~启动了安全生产标准化三级达标工作。对一些技术改造项目~严格按照“三同时”要求~将安全设施同时、同时施工、同时验收使用~实行安全生产周例会制度~24小时进行安全监督和检查~及时排查安全隐患~确保安全生产无事故。每年六月举行安全生产月活动~开展各种形式的安全知识培训、演讲和竞赛活动~举办安全消防演练~提高员工的安全防范意识和自我保护能力。多年来公司未发生一起安全事故~获得市区综合治理平安建设先进单位荣誉。 ,三,、科技创新~持续发展。在产品和技术的生命周期上~鲁亚制药坚持科技创新促进公司可持续发展~不断加大医药研发力度~同时注重延长产品的生命周期~确保企业的产品和技术永远保持青春和活力。同时~对公司现有成熟产品坚持精益求精~充分挖掘生产技术和工艺的潜力~低成本、高质量地生产。按照“生产一代~研发一代~转化一代”的发展思路~通过产学研不断完善提升自主创新能力~加强科技创新~不断升级企业产品~提高产品的市场竞争力和抢占市场先机。近十几年来~公司共投入近四千万元研发投产了高德、沙培林、羟喜树碱、异环磷酰胺等国家级新药~为国内抗生素消炎、抗肿瘤、免疫赋活用药提供了疗效确切高效的药品和新的治疗手段。特别是公司的免疫赋活制剂沙培林填补了国内免疫赋活制剂治疗癌症的空白~获得了国家经贸委医药科学技术进步二等奖,高德获得了国家重点新产品证书。公司企业技术中心也通过了济宁市企业技术中心的认定~连续三年被任城区评为科技创新示范企业。连续三年来~公司研发的沙培林规模化生产、羟喜树碱冻干制剂、异环organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 磷酰胺冻干制剂项目获得任城区科技进步一二等奖。2011年公司通过了国家高新技术企业的认定。通过科技创新工作~推动公司得到了快速发展~也为当地经济发展做出了更大的贡献。 ,四,、品牌建设~提升形象。公司在做好生产经营发展的同时~2012年继续重视企业的品牌形象建设推进工作。首先~加强了企业的诚信建设工作~公司在信用管理委员会的领导下~对公司经营活动中的诚信建设纳入企业正常的管理中来~进一步完善了合同管理机构和相应的管理制度并实施考核~从客户的资信调研、建档、资信定期评价到合同的签订、履约跟踪考核、财务账务的跟踪管理制度的健全实施等~形成了一套科学有效地诚信管理机制~促进了公司的诚信建设工作的提升~十几年来~未发生一起经营纠纷和信誉不良记录~树立了公司良好的诚实守信的形象~2011年获得了济宁市工商局颁发的“守合同重信用企业”荣誉~获得了山东省十年信誉良好中小企业荣誉,其次~重视企业商标的品牌建设和宣传工作~“鲁亚”商标在市场上已拥有较高的声誉~2011年通过了山东省著名商标的认定。2012年公司注射用头孢地嗪钠,高德,产品获得了山东省抗感染类药物知名品牌~全国质量检验稳定合格产品和全国质量诚信承诺优秀企业等荣誉。良好的企业形象和品牌~获得了客户和消费者的认同、满意和信赖~ ,五,、售后服务~用户第一。公司在做好产品销售的同时~更加重视售后的服务和消费者满意度的管理工作。公司健全了售后服务网络~设立了内部消费者质量投诉管理部门~制定了完善的售后服务和质量投诉处理管理程序及考核评价。健全了客户信息资料档案和销售资料档案~不论消费者投诉的事情大小~公司都将在规定的最快时间内进行登记、到位处理~始终把用户或消organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 费者放在第一位~按照“诚实守信~用户满意”的原则~做到每一件投诉有时间、有地点、有内容、有措施、有结果、有记录、有档案、有回访、有分析改进方案~并最终做到用户或消费者满意。十几年来~公司优质的售后服务得到了消费者的好评~客户投诉率连年保持零记录。 ,六,、企业文化建设。企业文化是企业的灵魂~是企业健康持续发展的精神支柱~是把公司一切资源凝聚到实现企业战略目标的中心轴。我们的企业文化是: 第一部分 核心价值观 项目 内容 1、企业理念 关爱生命~呵护健康 2、企业使命 承中药之文化~扬国药之精髓~铸人类之健康 3、企业愿景 打造百亿中药平台~成为中药行业的领导者 让员工过上富裕、健康、有尊严的幸福生活 4、企业精神 和谐、奋进、快乐: 5、核心价值 诚信做人~用心做事~锲而不舍~追求卓越: 6、管理理念 实事求是~数据说话,优化流程~效率为准。 第二部分 核心管理观 项目 内容 1、人才观 任人唯贤~德才兼备。 2、薪酬观 作用决定地位~贡献决定薪酬。 3、学习观 学习要勤~与时代同行,学习要专~领行业之先。 4、创新观 立足实际~突破固有思维~持续创新~满足发展需求。 5、服务观 用心服务~满意至上~合作共赢。 6、团队观 尊重关爱~信任支持~团队第一。 第三部分 管理者基本要求 条目 项目 内容 第一条 最基本的态度 忠诚上~善待下 第二条 最根本的职责 全力实现组织目标~没有任何借口 第三条 最基础的工作 及时、妥善处理员工提出的问题和建议 第四条 最重要的角色 是教练~通过激励和培养~让员工不断成长、 成才、成功 第五条 最核心的素质 宽广的胸怀、系统的思维、全局的观念以及人 格魅力 第六条 最关键的技能 是沟通~要在沟通中解决问题~不协调、不合 作就是极大的渎职行为 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 第四部分 每日行为规范 条目 每天我们都要做到 结果 第一条 高质、高效完成任务 完成任务心情好 第二条 主动、及时、有效沟通 善于沟通问题少 第三条 积极主动并推动领导开展工作 自动自发动力好 第四条 满怀热情工作~不找借口~只找方法 全力以赴到最好 第五条 敢于迎接挑战~不畏惧~不逃避 敢于担当人人赞 第六条 有成本意识~敢花不乱花~高质高效工控制成本效益好 作 第七条 勤于思考~善于总结~在学习中不断进持续学习能力强 步 第五部分 公司基本喜好线 条目 欣赏 厌恶 第一条 遵章守纪~敬业爱岗的人 违规触线~投机取巧的人 第二条 脚踏实地、勤勤恳恳的人 眼高手低~好高骛远的人 第三条 头脑聪明、冷静理智的人 工于心计~盲目冲动的人 第四条 谦虚谨慎、不耻下问的人 狂妄自大、自以为是的人 第五条 心胸豁达、坚持不懈的人 斤斤计较、遇事逃避的人 第六条 积极进取、力争上游的人 倚老卖老、不思进取的人 第七条 顾全大局、协作互助的人 本位主义、拉帮结派的人 第八条 不怕失败、勇于尝试的人 惧怕失败、不敢做事的人 第九条 客观全面汇报工作的人 向领导邀功~报喜不报忧的人 第十条 发现问题并能提出解决方案的掩饰问题、敷衍了事的人 人 第11条 敢于面对短板并取长补短的人 不能正视短板、自欺欺人的人 第12条 不亢不卑、以礼相待的人 阿谀奉承、不顾及他人感受的人 公司重视企业文化的建设工作~每年定期组织一次员工旅游~开展各种形式的员工娱乐文体活动和知识竞赛活动。通过开展文体活动~提高了员工的凝聚力、向心力和战斗力。推进企业劳动关系和谐~增强了员工对企业的归属感~员工自觉地把企业当成了自己的家~把自己的职业当成事业~真正融入到企业发展中~建成职工活动中心~为员工提供了良好的餐饮、娱乐活动场所。 ,七,、积极投身社会公益事业~共创和谐社会。公司积极组织参与社区活动~organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 与业界及社会不同团体保持良好的联系沟通~发挥公司市政协委员的作用~广泛听取和交换意见。公司积极组织参加植树、质量宣传、健康宣传、科技宣传等活动~在慈善、地震救灾、抗洪救灾等援助活动中~公司积极捐款捐物~为贫困地区献爱心捐款捐物~为残疾人捐款~每年按时缴纳残疾人基金~积极组织参加进社区送温暖活动~对困难大学生实施救助活动。公司成立了员工关爱基金会~每个员工都是基金会会员~每个月会从员工工资中缴纳一定数额的基金~届时对需要帮助的困难员工可以给予大额的困难救助等~通过这些公益活动~让整个社会享受到企业的回报。这些年来~公司在公益事业方面的投入近200多万元。 总之~山东鲁亚制药有限公司自成立以来~作为社会的一份子~勇于担当~立足发展~积极履行企业公民的各项责任~对社会和经济发展做出了贡献。今后~公司将一如继往~加快公司的发展~实现产品的升级转型~加强节能、环保管理~增加社会公益投入~积极参加当地文化教育、社区建设、扶贫济困等社会公益活动~促进公司与社会的和谐~为共创和谐社会和节约型社会做出更大的贡献。 山东鲁亚制药有限公司 二0一三年一月三日 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and
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